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1These are the tropes of anything drawn. Whether animated or SequentialArt or any work that is a drawn or rendered graphical representation, these tropes exist only because someone has the ability to control every line of what we see.
3As ever, please place tropes suitable for listed subindices on those indices only.
8[floatboxright: '''Sub-indices:'''
9+ AnimationTropes
10+ ComicBookTropes
11+ CoverTropes
12+ FunnyAnimalTropes
13+ JapaneseVisualArtsTropes
14+ LazyArtist
15+ WebcomicTropes
18* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation: Humans with abnormal skin colors.
19* AmazingTechnicolorWildlife: Animals who are not colored realistically.
20* AnatomyAnomaly
21* AnimalsLackAttributes: Animals are not depicted with genitalia.
22* AnimalsNotToScale
23* AnimatedWorldHypotheses: When animated characters perceive their world as animated, rather than realistic.
24* {{Animesque}}: The art style is like an anime.
25* ArtEvolution: Character designs gradually change over the years.
26* ArtShift: Moments where the art style suddenly changes.
27* ArtShiftedSequel: The sequel's art style is noticeably different from the art style of the original.
28* ArtStyleClash: A work that relies on many different art styles at the same time.
29* ArtStyleDissonance
30* BalloonBelly: Overeating causes a character to have a huge, round belly.
31* BigAnimeEyes
32* BlackBeadEyes: Character's eyes are small and black dots.
33* BlackDotPupils
34* BlackfaceStyleCaricature
35* BriffitsAndSqueans
36* BonsaiForest
37* ByTheLightsOfTheirEyes: In scenes taking place in the dark, characters are made visible by their eyes.
38* CartoonDogBreed: Dogs drawn so that they don't resemble any breed strongly.
39* CartoonThrobbing: A character's body part gets injured, turns red, and starts swelling and expanding.
40* CartoonWhale: A stock cartoon portrayal of a whale with a rectangular head.
41* CartoonyEyes
42* CheatedAngle: A character has part of them always facing the same angle regardless of which direction they're facing.
43* ComicBookFantasyCasting: Character is designed to resemble a real-life actor.
44* ConjoinedEyes: A character's eyes are drawn in a way that they appear to be fused together instead of being two individual eyes.
45* CranialEruption
46* DemonHead
47* DetailHoggingCover: The cover has more detail than the actual animation.
48* DinnerDeformation: When a character swallows an object, their throat or stomach becomes shaped like what they just swallowed.
49* DisembodiedEyebrows: A character's eyebrows aren't attached to their face and float above their eyes.
50* {{Disneyesque}}
51* EarlyInstallmentCharacterDesignDifference: A character's earlier appearances have them sporting a character design that is notably different from how they appear in the rest of the series.
52* ExpressiveAccessory
53* ExpressiveEars
54* ExpressiveMask: Character wears a mask that is somehow still able to register their emotions.
55* ExpressiveShirt
56* ExpressiveUvula
57* EyeGlasses: A character wears glasses that change shape to match their emotions.
58* EyesAlwaysShut
59* FacialProfiling
60* FingerlessHands: A character has hands that lack fingers.
61* FishEyes
62* FourLeggedInsect
63* FourLegsGoodTwoLegsBetter
64* FourthWallPortrait: A cartoon character is given a drawing where they are depicted in a more realistic style.
65* FrustratedOverheadScribble
66* FunnyXRay
67* GeometricMagic
68* GoodEyesEvilEyes
69* GothSpirals
70* GrotesqueGallery
71* HartmanHips: A woman has impossibly wide hips.
72* HeartBeatsOutOfChest
73* HumanHummingbird
74* HumanKnot
75* HitSpark
76* IceCrystals
77* ImpossibleHourglassFigure: A woman has unrealistically wide hips in addition to an unrealistically narrow waist.
78* InflatingBodyGag
79* InstantIceJustAddCold
80* InexplicablyTailless
81* InvisibleAnatomy
82* LanternJawOfJustice: Good guys have huge chins.
83* LightGirlDarkBoy
84* LoomingSilhouetteOfRage
85* MadeOfBologna
86* MasculineLinesFeminineCurves
87* ModelDissonance
88* NonStandardCharacterDesign: A character stands out from the other characters because the way they are designed differs from the usual art style.
89* NoodlePeople: Skinny characters with long, thin limbs.
90* NotDrawnToScale
91* PaintedTunnelRealTrain
92* PaintingTheMedium: Font, interface changes, or camera or editing tricks convey things about the story.
93* PaleFemalesDarkMales
94* PaperPeople
95* PersonalRaincloud
96* PieEyed
97* {{Phlegmings}}
98* PopGoesTheHuman
99* RainbowLite: Rainbows without all of the colors of the visible color spectrum.
100* RealisticSpeciesCartoonySpecies
101* RemovableShell
102* RobotHair
103* ScaryStitches
104* SequentialArt
105* ShapesOfDisappearance
106* ShiftedToCGI
107* SkintoneSclerae
108* SidewaysSmile: Face-splitting smiles with obscured eyes viewed from the side profile of a drawn character.
109* SpeedEchoes
110* SpeedStripes
111* SphereEyes
112* SquashedFlat
113* StickFigureComic
114* StrongFamilyResemblance
115* StylizedForTheViewer
116* SuddenAnatomy
117* SuddenEyeColour
118* SwordLines
119* ThunderingHerd
120* TimmStyle
121* TopHeavyGuy: A character is huge and burly from the waist up, but stringy and spindly from the waist down.
122* TravelingPipeBulge
123* TypesetInTheFuture
124* UnusualEyebrows
125* VolumetricMouth: Character's mouth opens real wide when they are shouting.
126* WaddlingHead
127* WheelOFeet
128* WeightTaller: Gaining extra fat or muscle also increases a character's height.
129* WhiteGloves
130* WhooshInFrontOfTheCamera
131* WingdingEyes: Character's eyes change shape to show what's on their mind.
132* XRaySparks: A character has their skeleton made visible when they are electrocuted.
