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5->''"Good is not nice, polite, well-mannered, self-righteous, or naive, though good characters may be some of these things."''
6-->-- ''TabletopGame/DungeonsAndDragons'', ''The Book of Exalted Deeds''
8AffablyEvil is when a villain is polite, friendly and genuinely kind, even while plotting evil. Good Is Not Nice is the inverse: characters who are rude, unfriendly, and mean, but still firmly on the side of good.
10They [[ThouShaltNotKill won't kill (if they can help it)]], nor would they turn a blind eye to human suffering. They are always willing to go out of their way [[IncorruptiblePurePureness to save the town and complete strangers]]. When the call comes, [[ResignedToTheCall they answer it, usually with little protest]]. They often help people in need who can't pay them back. In almost every way, they act like the IdealHero, except...
12...they are [[IWorkAlone asocial]] and sometimes [[SociopathicHero downright rude]]. They [[FigureItOutYourself may refuse to explain]] ''anything'' or listen to ''anyone''. They actively refuse offers of [[ThinkNothingOfIt gratitude]], [[ThePowerOfFriendship friendship]], [[ThePowerOfLove love]], and/or [[DontYouDarePityMe support for their own emotional problems]]. Yes, they'll always be there for you. But they don't always seem to ''like'' you.
14'''There are a few reasons these people may act like this''':
15# They may [[ItsAllAboutMe want to be selfish and arrogant]] or just [[HeroicNeutral unbiased to either side]], but [[ConscienceMakesYouGoBack their morality keeps on getting in the way]], even if it is to their detriment. [[HiddenHeartOfGold They may put on "jerkass/bitch mask" to try to counter it]].
16# They ''do'' consider themselves as better than everyone else, and their attitudes range from SmugSuper to InsufferableGenius to [[{{Jerkass}} flat-out prick]]. After all, it is difficult for them to be nice to people when they do not even respect them. However, they still feel compelled to help these lower creatures on a regular basis.
17# They are [[IWorkAlone natural loners]]. Their senses of duty force them to perform heroic acts, but they do not consider chitchat or politeness to be parts of their obligations.
18# They may want to be [[NiceGuy affable people]], but they believe that [[GoodIsNotSoft being nice does not always get things done]], and that doing good requires them to be [[CruelToBeKind harsh and cruel]], [[TricksterMentor particularly if they]] [[ToughLove have to teach something]]. (This may be an intermittent effect, applied only when necessary; contrast BewareTheNiceOnes, where such outbursts result from break-down. On the other hand, emotional trauma ''can'' coincide with the realization that nicety won't cut it.)
19# [[ItsNotYouItsMyEnemies They cannot afford to let others get close to them because their enemies will use others against them]].
20# They might wish to be nice but live so far outside normal human experience that they have no idea how to go about it; similarly, the hero might be autistic, or a non-human alien.
21# [[UsedToBeMoreSocial They weren't always like this]]. They had [[MayflyDecemberFriendship friends]] and/or even [[MayflyDecemberRomance romantic relationships]], but time kept taking their friends and family from them. So, at some point, they decided never to have any relationship deeper than acquaintance.
22# [[CrapsackWorld The world the heroes live in]] is operated [[BlackAndGrayMorality through cynical ends]], so Strict Good Guyism does not work - either in the eyes of the author or in a literal in-universe sense.
23# They operate on BlueAndOrangeMorality, their unpleasant actions can be seen as “nice” in their worldview.
24# They [[TerrorHero intimidate enemies through harsh demeanors]].
25# They [[HeelFaceTurn used to be a villain]] before warming up to the heroes. While they may have renounced their evil ways, [[ReformedButNotTamed they retain their bad attitude]].
27Note that when handled well, this can create an interesting, complex character. When done poorly, you can end up with an UnintentionallyUnsympathetic character or even a DesignatedHero.
29Compare NobleDemon, who will likely fall into this if not too morally ambiguous. Often a KnightInSourArmor, MrViceGuy, JerkWithAHeartOfGold, JerkassWoobie, or sometimes just a {{Jerkass}} who does good things. The term AntiHero is sometimes used to cover this trope. Sister trope to CreepyGood. {{Naive newcomer}}s may be surprised to learn they [[WartsAndAll are not the idealized hero everyone thinks they are]]. The hero's meanness will result with him becoming a HeroWithBadPublicity.
31Why Light powers can be the HolyHandGrenade even when LightIsGood.
33LawfulGood versions of this trope may be strict, humorless and serious. In other cases, they will put more emphasis on "Lawful" than "Good". This is fairly often used as a personality flaw for ThePaladin. ChaoticGood versions will often see politeness and good manners as useless rules and are only concerned about doing good.
35See also HiddenDepths. Also see the KnightTemplar, who goes beyond merely not being "nice" into darker territory.
37Contrast GoodIsNotDumb. May overlap with GoodIsNotSoft, but the key difference is that a character can be nice but ruthless, which makes them GoodIsNotSoft, or they can be mean but not necessarily ruthless, making them this trope.
39See also AffablyEvil, a trope that could be called "Evil Is Not Mean." Contrast both with FauxAffablyEvil, for when the villain is a far bigger asshole than any hero under this trope while acting superficially nice.
41This is what the KnightTemplar and the ObliviouslyEvil tend to think they are.
43[[folder:Types of heroes who will often have an edgy streak]]
44* AdaptationalJerkass: Heroic characters can be jerks in another adaptation.
45* AloofLeaderAffableSubordinate: When the leader isn't nice.
46** CaptainSmoothAndSergeantRough: When the subordinate isn't nice.
47* AntiHero: They're heroic, but are willing to do not very nice actions to save the day.
48* BeatTheCurseOutOfHim: The only way to free someone from mind control or possession is through physical violence.
49* BreakHisHeartToSaveHim: A hero acts like a jerk to someone they love (usually their love interest) so they'll leave them and stay out of danger.
50* BrutalHonesty: A good character telling the truth, no matter how painful it may be.
51* ByronicHero: Troubled and brooding, with a passion that inevitably causes trouble.
52* CompassionateCritic: Being critical of others because you want them to excel.
53* CruelMercy: Sparing someone's life [[FateWorseThanDeath to a worse fate]] isn't really nice at all.
54* CruelToBeKind: A hero's hurtful act is kinder than it seems, better than the alternative, or at least is intended to benefit the victim.
55* CynicalMentor: A mentor who doesn't care much about the hero, but tries to teach them anyways.
56* DarkShepherd: Where a character gets moral behavior out of others through threat of punishment.
57* DrillSergeantNasty: If they are heroically aligned or their superiors are not GeneralRipper.
58* DrJerk: A physician who isn't very nice to the patients he treats.
59* ExaltedTorturer: Torture is presented as heroic.
60* ForgivenButNotForgotten: Forgiving others doesn't mean this hero has to be nice about it.
61* ForYourOwnGood: A statement a character makes to explain their "not nice" actions towards another character.
62* GentleTouchVsFirmHand: While the former is about guiding others tenderly, the latter is about guiding others harshly.
63* GetAHoldOfYourselfMan: When a character gets another character out of a [[HeroicBSOD depressed state]] by shaking or slapping them.
64* GodIsDispleased: A benevolent deity withdraws their protection.
65* GoodCopBadCop: While the good cop is respectful, the bad cop deals with suspects harshly.
66* HairTriggerTemper: A hotheaded hero has a bad temper, but is still good to the core.
67* HardBoiledDetective: A stereotypical tough, cynical, hard-drinking detective.
68* HolyIsNotSafe: Holy powers are just as dangerous to bystanders as infernal powers.
69* HonestAdvisor: Good advisors give unpleasant advice.
70* HypocriteHasAPoint: Someone manages to provide valid points on a subject in spite of his/her hypocrisy.
71* JackBauerInterrogationTechnique: Good (or at least lawful) characters using torture on captives for information.
72* JerkassHasAPoint: A {{jerkass}}, if they're heroically aligned, manages to provide valid points.
73* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Outwardly mean, inwardly good.
74* KindRestraints: A character restricts another character's movement to prevent them from harming other persons or themselves.
75* KnightInSourArmor: A cynical and sarcastic (and sometimes openly misanthropic) character in a [[CrapSackWorld cruel and brutal world]], who has no real hope of changing anything but continues to do good because it is right.
76* LovableAlphaBitch: When they're heroically aligned.
77* MentorInSourArmor: A stoic, snarky mentor who cares about their students but is too [[BrokenBird world-weary]] to express it much.
78* TheNapoleon: When a hero is too [[HairTriggerTemper hostile]] to be "nice", due to being short stature with an [[InferioritySuperiorityComplex aggressive façade]].
79* NobleBigot: A good person who holds prejudiced beliefs.
80* NobleBigotWithABadge: Same as above, but they are aligned with the law enforcement.
81* OmniscientMoralityLicense: Someone does whatever they want with the heroes, but is still considered good because they know it will turn out alright.
82* PayEvilUntoEvil: Doing villainous things to villainous characters.
83* PercussivePrevention: Physically attacking someone to keep them out of danger.
84* PerpetualFrowner: A good person who looks angry all the time.
85* PoliteVillainsRudeHeroes: Heroes are mean while villains are nice.
86* PoliticallyIncorrectHero: The good guy who holds racist, sexist, or controversial beliefs.
87* PragmaticHero: Whereas a {{Pragmatic Villain|y}} will do good deeds because it will benefit them in the long run, a Pragmatic Hero will do terrible things for the same exact reason.
88* RedEyesTakeWarning: If they're the good guys.
89* RedIsViolent: If the hero is colored red, it associates with anger, violence, and aggression.
90* ReformedButNotTamed: A character goes from villain to hero, but their bad attitude or behavior remains.
91* RefuseToRescueTheDisliked: These heroes won't be willing to save those who aren't deserving of it.
92* RejectedApology: Don't expect these heroes to be the forgiving types, no matter how apologetic you are.
93* RightlySelfRighteous: Being good doesn't stop the character from expressing how morally superior they are compared to others.
94* RudeHeroNiceSidekick: The hero is horribly rude, but their sidekick isn't.
95* ScareEmStraight: Deterring people from misbehavior by claiming that terrible things will happen to them if they don't keep their noses clean.
96* SergeantRock
97* ShootTheDog: A good character doing an evil deed because it's the only option, or at least the most morally expedient one.
98* SinkOrSwimMentor: When mentors don't go easy on newcomers.
99* SmitingEvilFeelsGood: It isn't ''nice'' to feel satisfied when punishing evil, but...
100* TheSnarkKnight: A world-weary hero who snarks at everyone, even themselves.
101* SparedButNotForgiven: The hero won't seek vengeance for what you did, but he won't forgive you either.
102* SternTeacher: When a teacher is strict and no-nonsense.
103* TerrorHero: The hero who seeks to strike fear in evildoers.
104* ThreateningMediator: Making peace between two characters through threats of punishments.
105* ToBeLawfulOrGood: The hero chooses the former option if they are more concerned about upholding principles than being compassionate.
106* TokenEvilTeammate: If they're not evil, they'll be most likely jerks in a group of kind heroes.
107* ToughLove: Treating other characters harshly as a means to make them better.
108* TricksterMentor: They troll others, sometimes to the point of coming off as antagonizing, to teach a lesson.
109* TheUnfettered: Some heroes are willing to do ''anything'' in order to achieve their goals.
110* WasTooHardOnHim: The character who deals with others harshly may feel bad about doing so.
111* WhatTheHellHero: People call TheHero out and blame them for their actions.
112* WellIntentionedExtremist: When you put more emphasis on the "well-intentioned" part than the "extremist" one.
117* GoodIsNotNice/AnimeAndManga
118* GoodIsNotNice/ComicBooks
119* GoodIsNotNice/FanWorks
120* GoodIsNotNice/{{Film}}
121* GoodIsNotNice/{{Literature}}
122* GoodIsNotNice/LiveActionTV
123* GoodIsNotNice/VideoGames
124* GoodIsNotNice/WesternAnimation
125* GoodIsNotNice/OtherMedia
