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Context Main / FuturisticTechIndex

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1->''"'Out of order?' Fuck! Even in the future nothing works!"''
2-->-- '''Dark Helmet''', ''Film/{{Spaceballs}}''
4An index of all those gadgets and inventions we are supposed to be getting in the future. Almost exclusive to the SpeculativeFiction genre, though [[TechnologyMarchesOn we are starting to creep up]] [[TruthInTelevision on some of this stuff here]]...
6Related to AppliedPhlebotinum and a myriad of SpeculativeFictionTropes.
12+ AutonomousAndArtificialAppendageIndex
13+ FasterThanLightIndex
14+ MagicalComputer
15+ MechaTropes
16+ OurClonesAreIdentical
17+ RadioactiveTropes
18+ RangedEnergyAttackTropes
19+ RobotRollCall
20+ {{Spacecraft}}
21+ TeleportationTropes
22+ TimeTravelTropes
23+ {{Transhuman}}
26* AceCustom
27* ActivationSequence
28* AgonyBeam
29* TheAlternet
30* AmphibiousAutomobile
31* AntiRadiationDrug
32* {{Arcology}}
33* ArtificialAfterlife
34* ArtificialGill
35* ArtificialGravity
36* AugmentedReality
37* AutoKitchen
38* {{Autodoc}}
39* AutomatedAutomobiles
40* BeehiveBarrier
41* BioArmor
42* {{Biodata}}
43* BiotechIsBetter
44* BrainComputerInterface
45* BrainUploading
46* BreathableLiquid
47* {{Chronoscope}}
48* CloningBodyParts
49* CommLinks
50* ComputerizedJudicialSystem
51* ContainmentField
52* CreditChip
53* CryoPrison
54* {{Cyberspace}}
55* DataCrystal
56* DataDriveMacGuffin
57* DataPad
58* DeathRay
59* DecontaminationChamber
60* DeflectorShields
61* DigitalAvatar
62* DilatingDoor
63* DisintegrationChamber
64* DisintegratorRay
65* DomedHometown
66* DowsingDevice
67* DressOMatic
68* DrillTank
69* DysonSphere
70* EarthquakeMachine
71* ElectricInstantGratification
72* EnergyWeapon
73* EnhanceButton
74* EscapePod
75* EverythingIs3DPrintedInTheFuture
76* EveryDeviceIsASwissArmyKnife
77* EverythingIsAnIpodInTheFuture
78* EverythingSensor
79* ExtradimensionalPowerSource
80* FacialRecognitionSoftware
81* FantasticRadiationShielding
82* FictionalSocialNetwork
83* FlawedPrototype
84* FlyingCar
85* FoodPills
86* ForceFieldDoor
87* FreezeRay
88* FTLTestBlunder: Trying a new FTL system comes with complications
89* FutureCopter
90* FutureSpandex
91* FuturisticJetInjector
92* FuturisticSuperhighway
93* GadgetWatches
94* GrandTheftPrototype
95* GreyGoo
96* HardLight
97* HelicopterPack
98* HighTechHexagons
99* HigherTechSpecies
100* HolodeckMalfunction
101* {{Hologram}}
102* HolographicTerminal
103* HomingLasers
104* {{Hoverboard}}
105* HumanPopsicle
106* HypnoRay
107* ImmortalityField
108* InertialDampening
109* InfiniteSupplies
110* InterdimensionalTravelDevice
111* InvisibilityCloak
112* JetPack
113* JumpJetPack
114* KillSat
115* LaserBlade
116* LaserSight
117* LatexPerfection
118* LightningGun
119* LiteralSurveillanceBug
120* LongevityTreatment
121* LotusEaterMachine
122* MagicFromTechnology
123* MagicTool
124* MagneticWeapons
125* MatterReplicator
126* MechanicalEvolution
127* MechanicalHorse
128* MechanicalInsects
129* MechanicalMonster
130* MechanicalMuscles
131* MentalPictureProjector
132* MentalSpaceTravel
133* MercurialBase
134* MergingMachine
135* MicrobotSwarm
136* MilitaryMashupMachine
137* MinovskyPhysics
138* MirrorChemistry
139* MoralityChip
140* {{Nanomachines}}
141* NeuralImplanting
142* NeuroVault
143* NeutronBomb
144* NewTechIsNotCheap
145* NoNewFashionsInTheFuture
146* NoPaperFuture
147* NoSeatBelts
148* NoTechButHighTech
149* NuclearNullifier
150* OmniscientDatabase
151* OrganicTechnology
152* {{Orgasmatron}}
153* OrionDrive
154* OurDoorsAreDifferent
155* OurWormholesAreDifferent
156* PersonalityChip
157* PhotoprotoneutronTorpedo
158* PlasmaCannon
159* PlotTechnology
160* PlugNPlayTechnology
161* PortalNetwork
162* PowerHarness
163* PoweredArmor
164* PoweredByABlackHole
165* PsychoSerum
166* {{Ramscoop}}
167* RapidDNATest
168* RayGun
169* ReactionlessDrive
170* ReflectingLaser
171* ReinforceField
172* RetroUpgrade
173* ScriptReadingDoors
174* SharpenedToASingleAtom
175* ShavingIsScience
176* ShrinkRay
177* SlowLaser
178* SmartGun
179* SmartHouse
180* SolarSail
181* SomeKindOfForceField
182* SonicStunner
183* SpaceBase
184* SpaceClothes
185* SpaceElevator
186* SpacePlane
187* SpaceStation
188* StaticStunGun
189* StatOVision
190* StellarStation
191* SubspaceOrHyperspace
192* SubspaceAnsible
193* SufficientlyAdvancedBambooTechnology
194* SuperMultiPurposeRoom
195* SuperPrototype
196* SuperSoldier
197* {{Superweapon}}
198* SuperWheelchair
199* SuperWristGadget
200* SwissArmyAppendage
201* SyntheticPlague
202* TechnoDystopia
203* {{Teleportation}}
204* TeleportGun
205* {{Terraform}}
206* {{Theotech}}
207* TimeMachine
208* {{Tomorrowland}}
209* TractorBeam
210* TransformationRay
211* TranslatorCollar
212* TranslatorMicrobes
213* TransparentTech
214* {{Twinmaker}}
215* UniversalRemoteControl
216* UnusualUserInterface
217* UterineReplicator
218* UtilityBelt
219* {{Vibroweapon}}
220* VideoPhone
221* VirtualRealityWarper
222* WaveMotionGun
223* WaveMotionTuningFork
224* WeaponizedCar
225* WeaponizedTeleportation
226* WeatherControlMachine
227* WetwareCPU
228* WeWillUseLasersInTheFuture
