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8There are at least two kinds of TV viewers: the group that goes to the refrigerator during the fight scenes, and the group that describes the episode's plot as "[[BlahBlahBlah Blah, blah, blah,]] ''Fight Scene!'', blah, blah, blah."
10If you are going to have fight scenes, the trick is to write them in such a way that both groups are entertained. If you decide to leave out the "Blah, Blah, Blah" part, see ChopSockey.
12Also see FightingSeries, which use these regularly, HarbingerOfAsskicking, which is often used to signal a Fight Scene, and SoYouWantTo/WriteAFightScene for how to write one.
15!!Tropes common in Fight Scenes:
19+ BossBattle
20+ DaintyCombat
21+ DuelingTropes
22+ FightingInAllTheWrongPlacesIndex
23+ HarbingerOfAsskicking
24+ IndexJustForKicks
25+ ThisIndexIsReadyToRumble
26+ ThisIndexKnowsKungFu
27+ ThisIndexSlaps
28+ WeaponsAndWieldingTropes
30* AbsurdlySharpBlade
31* AdvantageBall
32* AerosolFlamethrower: Setting an aerosol can on fire to use as a makeshift flamethrower.
33* AfterActionHealingDrama
34* AfterActionPatchup
35* ArtisticLicenseMartialArts
36* AssKickingPose
37* AssKicksYou: Attacking with your butt.
38* AtArmsLength: Stopping someone from attacking by holding them back with one arm.
39* AttackHello
40* AttackTheInjury
41* BackstabBackfire: Defeated villain tries to strike back at the victor. It doesn't work.
42* BackToBaseForm
43* BackToBackBadasses
44* BadassBack
45* BallroomBlitz: Protagonist or bad guys interrupt the party.
46* BarBrawl
47* BarehandedBladeBlock
48* BathhouseBlitz
49* BathroomBrawl: Someone interrupts a party to start a fight.
50* BattleAgainstTheSunset: A fight that takes place against a sunset.
51* BattleAmongstTheFlames: A fight scene where the area is on fire.
52* BattleChant
53* BattleCry
54* BattleDiscretionShot: Something prevents the fight from being shown.
55* BattleHaltingDuel
56* BattleInterruptingShout
57* BattleInTheCenterOfTheMind: Internal conflict is shown as a physical fight.
58* BattleInTheRain: The rain falls on you during the fight.
59* BattleOfTheStillFrames
60* BattleOfWits: A fight where you have to outsmart your enemy rather than physically overpower them.
61* BattleThemeMusic
62* BeginWithAFinisher
63* BehemothBattle: Giant creatures fighting.
64* BellyFlopCrushing
65* BigBudgetBeefUp
66* BigGuyRodeo
67* BigHeroicRun
68* BlackScreenOfDeath: While two or more characters are fighting, the screen goes black.
69* BladeLock: Two blade users lock their blades against one another.
70* BlastOut
71* BleedEmAndWeep: Breaking down in tears after killing someone.
72* BlockingStopsAllDamage
73* BloodIsTheNewBlack: A dangerous character covered in blood.
74* BloodOnTheDebateFloor: A physical fight during legislative meetings.
75* BloodstainedGlassWindows: A showdown in a church where the stained-glass windows are used as a backdrop.
76* BoomerangComeback
77* BoozeFlamethrower
78* BowledOver
79* BrawlerLock
80* BrutalBrawl
81* BulletHolesAndRevelations: Two characters are fighting over a gun. It goes off, and nobody immediately knows who was hit.
82* CableCarActionSequence
83* CarFu
84* CatchAndReturn: A maneuver where the user catches some sort of projectile or attack and sends it right back.
85* CatFight
86* CeilingSmash
87* ChairmanOfTheBrawl: Beating someone with a chair.
88* ChandelierSwing
89* ChaosWhileTheyreNotLooking
90* ChargeIntoCombatCut
91* ChaseFight
92* ChopSockey: Exaggerated parodies of East Asian martial arts movies.
93* TheClimax
94* CloseCallHaircut
95* TheCoatsAreOff
96* CockFight: Two guys fight openly over a girl.
97* CombatBreakdown
98* CombatParkour
99* CombatStilettos: Wearing high heels in combat.
100* CombatUninterruptus
101* ConservationOfNinjutsu: One ninja is a deadly threat, but an army of them are cannon fodder.
102* CounterpartCombatCoordination
103* CrossCounter
104* CurbStompBattle: You easily defeat someone with no effort whatsoever.
105** SquashMatch
106* CurbStompCushion: The one on the receiving end of a CurbStompBattle gets a good retaliating hit or two in.
107* DanceBattler
108* DangerousBackswing: Taking out someone standing behind you by swinging a melee weapon over your head.
109* DangerousTerrain: A battlefield dangerous for both parties.
110* DangledByAGiant
111* DeadlyDodging
112* DeadlySparring: A training session, friendly spar or pretend fight eventually becomes an actual fight.
113* DelayedCausality
114* DesignatedGirlFight
115* DestinationDefenestration: Someone gets thrown through a window.
116* DestructoNookie: Sex results in property damage.
117* DinerBrawl
118* DodgeTheBullet
119* DogPileOfDoom
120* DoppelgangerAttack: Creating clones to use for combat.
121* DoppelgangerSpin: Creating multiple illusions that are clones of the spellcaster.
122* DontSneakUpOnMeLikeThat: Someone reflexively attacks a person who inadvertently surprised them.
123* DoubleKnockout: Two opposing characters in a fight are both defeated at the same time.
124* DramaticRedSamuraiBackground
125* DuelingPlayerCharacters
126* DynamicEntry
127* ElementalPunch
128* EnhancedPunch
129* ElevatorActionSequence
130* EnemyMine (one result of such a scene)
131* EnemyRisingBehind: The enemy is slowly approaching their victim from behind, but only the spectator knows it yet.
132* EpiphanyComeback: The hero gets a power-up after having an epiphany.
133* EscalatingBrawl
134* EverybodyWasKungFuFighting: Absolutely everyone in this fictional world knows how to fight, and fight well.
135* EveryoneJoinTheParty
136* ExcuseMeWhileIMultitask: Someone starts multitasking while fighting somebody with inferior fighting prowess.
137* ExecutiveSuiteFight
138* ExtremeMeleeRevenge
139* EyePoke
140* FakeAFight
141* FallingChandelierOfDoom
142* FastballSpecial: Throwing a (usually) willing teammate as an attack.
143* FearfulSymmetry: A fight scene where both fighters are using identical movements and attacks, like a mirror's reflection.
144* FightBellHijinks: A bell noise is heard signifying that a fight has begun or ended.
145* FightingAcrossTimeAndSpace
146* FightingDownMemoryLane: Character uses the opponent's memory as a weapon.
147* FightingInThePlayground
148* FightingYourFriend
149* FightClubbing: People meet in secret to beat each other senseless.
150* FightMagnet
151* FightSceneFailure
152* FightUnscene: The animators use tricks to skimp on having to animate all of the costly fight scenes.
153* FinalBattle
154* FingerPokeOfDoom: A seemingly weak attack (such as a finger poke) that does much more damage than you'd think.
155* FinishingStomp
156* FirstBlood: When two characters fight and one bleeds, you know it's serious.
157* FisticuffProvokingComment
158* FixedFloorFighting
159* ForcedFriendlyFire: A character gains control of their opponent's firearm and forces them to shoot it at allies.
160* FreeFallFight
161* FreeFloorFighting
162* FunnyBruceLeeNoises
163* GamblingBrawl: A friendly wager or betting game turns violent.
164* GameBreakingInjury
165* GiantEqualsInvincible: Normal weapons don't hurt giant monsters.
166* TheGlovesComeOff: Deciding not to hold back one bit when defeating the enemy has become priority number one.
167* GoodOldFisticuffs
168* GrievousBottleyHarm
169* GrievousHarmWithABody
170* GroinAttack
171* GroundWave
172* GunFu
173* GunKata
174* GunStruggle
175* HallwayFight
176* HandStomp
177* AHandfulForAnEye: Throwing sand, dirt or other substance in the opponent's eyes to blind them.
178* HardHead: Head injuries don't give any lasting effects.
179* HatDamage
180* HeadlockOfDominance: Showing power over someone by putting them in a headlock.
181* HeroInsurance
182* HeroicSecondWind
183* HeyYouHaymaker
184* HighDiveEscape
185* HighlyVisibleNinja
186* HighPressureBlood
187* HitFlash: A moment of violence is purposely obscured.
188* HitStop: As something hits, the time slows down to show impact.
189* HitSpark (Those lines surrounding the spot where the stick lady kicks the stick guy in the face in the above illustration)
190* HoistHeroOverHead
191* HoldMyGlasses
192* HowMuchMoreCanHeTake
193* HumanHammerThrow: Swinging someone around by their feet and throwing them as far as possible.
194* IgnoredEnemy
195* IKnowKarate
196* IKnowYoureInThereSomewhereFight
197* ISurrenderSuckers: Faking a surrender in order to catch your foes off-guard.
198* ImpendingClashShot
199* ImprobableCover
200* ImprobablePilotingSkills: Good piloting lets vehicles outperform others of the same model, or even break the laws of physics.
201* ImprobableUseOfAWeapon
202* ImprovisedWeapon: Anything can be a weapon with sufficient creativity.
203* InterestingSituationDuel
204* IntimidationDemonstration
205* InvulnerableKnuckles
206* JuggleFu
207* JustEatHim: The predator holds its prey in its mouth or swallows it whole even though it is counterintuitive to do so.
208* JustHitHim
209* {{Kiai}}: A scream signifying a significant release of power in preparation for, or during, a strike or battle.
210* KillerBearHug: Squeezing someone around the midsection to inflict crushing pain or death.
211* KneelPushTrip
212* KnifeFight
213* KnockbackSlide
214* KnuckleCracking: Showing off by cracking your knuckles.
215* KungFuSonicBoom
216* KungShui: Fighting results in property damage.
217* LadderTipping
218* LastSecondVillainRecovery
219* LauncherMove
220* LeapAndFire
221* LetsFightLikeGentlemen: Combatants lay down ground rules before fighting.
222* LetsYouAndHimFight
223* LightheartedRematch: A rematch two or more characters have for fun when all the tension and conflict is off, and no strings are attached.
224* LimitBreak
225* LodgedBladeRecycling: Pulling the weapon that you were stabbed with out of your body and using it to fight back.
226* LudicrousMeleeAccuracy
227* MadeOfIron: A character who can take an absurd amount of punishment with little consequence.
228* MadeOfPlasticine
229* MakeItLookLikeAStruggle: Pretending to have been beaten by intruders or escapees to cover up that you're on their side.
230* ManBitesMan: A pragmatic, savage, or desperate fighter bites their opponent.
231* MechVsBeast
232* MeleeATrois: Three or more factions want to kill everyone else.
233* MeleeDisarming
234* MeteorMove: Hitting an airborne opponent down to the ground.
235* MetronomicManMashing: Repeatedly slamming a hapless foe left and right on the ground.
236* MidBattleTeaBreak: Characters take a break in the middle of a fight. Doing something silly in midst of the break is optional.
237* MidfightWeaponExchange: Two characters are fighting against or with each other in a battle, and occasionally they find themselves swapping their weapons with each other.
238* MirrorMatch: A fight between two of the same character.
239* MirroredConfrontationShot
240* MookChivalry
241* MoreThanInfinite
242* MotorcycleJousting
243* MudWrestling
244* {{Mundangerous}}: The most powerful warrior can be laid low by a papercut.
245* MurderousThighs
246* MutualDisadvantage
247* MyFistForgivesYou: A character claims a right to one punch before forgiving the one who wronged them.
248* MyKungFuIsStrongerThanYours
249* NearMissGroinAttack
250* NearMisses: Peak tension is achieved by a character ''almost'' getting hit by a projectile.
251* NeckLift: Holding someone in the air by their throat.
252* NeckSnap
253* NegatedMomentOfAwesome
254* NeverBringAGunToAKnifeFight
255* NeverBringAKnifeToAFistFight
256* NeverBringAKnifeToAGunFight
257* NighInvulnerability: Near-impossible to hurt.
258* NoEscapeButDown: An escape that ends with a long fall.
259* NoHoldsBarredBeatdown: A very brutal and violent one-sided battle, often to the point of being disturbing.
260* NoIAmBehindYou
261* NoSell
262* NonchalantDodge
263* OffhandBackhand: Punching someone without even looking at them.
264* OminousWalk: Few better ways exist to intimidate the enemy than a slow walk.
265* OneFreeHit
266* OneHitKill
267* OneHitPolykill
268* OpponentSwitch
269* OrchestraHitTechnoBattle
270* PalatePropping - A character tries to use a stick to prop open the mouth of a creature that's attacking them.
271* ParallelConflictSequence
272* ParryingBullets
273* PayingForTheActionScene
274* PedestrianCrushesCar
275* PostVictoryCollapse: Someone collapses after completing an awesome but strenuous task.
276* PowerStrainBlackout: A character using their powers causes them to faint.
277* PummelDuel
278* PunchedAcrossTheRoom
279* PunchCatch
280* PunchPunchPunchUhOh
281* PutTheirHeadsTogether
282* RadialAssKicking
283* RailingKill: If you get shot near a railing, you'll fall to the other side of said railing, to your death.
284* RainOfBlood
285* RapidFireFisticuffs
286* RecoveryAttack
287* RelativeButton: Villain kicks the dog by taunting a victim about a relation.
288* ReverseGrip: Holding a weapon with the blade end towards the pinky.
289* RingOfFire
290* RooftopConfrontation
291* SadBattleMusic: A [[TearJerker saddening]] tune played during a fight scene.
292* SecretStabWound: A character hides the fact that they've received a serious blow.
293* SensingYouAreOutmatched
294* SheFu: Girls fighting with body-displaying acrobatics.
295* ShiftingSituationDuel
296* ShootingGallery
297* ShowdownAtHighNoon
298* SimulatedUrbanCombatArea
299* SlaughterhouseFight
300* TheSlowWalk: Slow down foreshadows beat down.
301* SpamAttack
302* SparingTheFinalMook
303* SpeedBlitz: The ability to fight so fast that the enemy can't even react.
304* SpectatorCasualty: Someone watching a dangerous show gets harmed by things coming from it.
305* SpinToDeflectStuff
306* SpinningPiledriver
307* SpontaneousCrowdFormation
308* StandardFemaleGrabArea
309* StepIntoTheBlindingFight: The tactical use of blinding your enemy to shroud one's attacks.
310* StrollingThroughTheChaos: A character casually strolls through a hectic scene and emerges completely unscathed.
311* SuperDetailedFightNarration
312* SuperRugPull
313* SuplexFinisher
314* SwitchOutMove
315* SwordFight
316** BladeRun
317** CleanCut: A target is sliced through fully with seemingly no effort at all.
318** DiagonalCut
319** {{Flynning}}: Showy Hollywood swordfighting meant to look cool, protect actors, and appease MoralGuardians.
320** ImplausibleFencingPowers
321** SingleStrokeBattle
322** SwordOverHead
323** SwordSparks
324** ThrowingYourSwordAlwaysWorks
325* TakingTheFightOutside: Two characters who are fighting or about to fight in a building are told by a bystander to continue their brawl outside.
326* TalkingIsAFreeAction
327* TalkShowWithFists
328* TearingThroughTheMovieScreen
329* TeethFlying
330* TeleportSpam
331* TheatricsOfPain: When a professional performer exaggerates the impact of an attack for show.
332* ThroneRoomThrowdown
333* ThrowingYourShieldAlwaysWorks
334* ThwartedCoupDeGrace
335* ToWinWithoutFighting
336* TorsoWithAView
337* TraintopBattle
338* TransformationIsAFreeAction
339* TurnTheOtherFist
340* UnconsciousObjector: Someone continues fighting even after being knocked out.
341* UnnecessaryCombatRoll
342* UntouchableUntilTagged: Virtually unbeatable until one small injury leads to total defeat.
343* UpgradeVsPrototypeFight
344* UseTheirOwnWeaponAgainstThem
345* VictoryByFirstBlood: A duel's victor is the first one to make their opponent bleed.
346* ViolenceIsNotAnOption
347* WaifFu: Tiny girl delivers titanic ass-kicking with power that she presumably shouldn't possess.
348* WakeUpFighting
349* WaterloggedWarzone
350* WeaponStomp: A battle ends by one battler's weapon getting stomped on and crushed by the other.
351* WeddingSmashers
352* WhenPropsAttack
353* WimpFight
354* WireFu
355* WithinArmsReach: Character pinned down by a foe turns the tide using a conveniently close object as a weapon.
356* WithMyHandsTied
357* WithOurSwordsScene
358* WokFu: A fight scene taking place in a Chinese restaurant.
359* WorfHadTheFlu: Character loses to someone they would have beaten normally due to an illness or some other handicap.
360* WrestlerInAllOfUs
361* YouAreAlreadyDead: Fatal damage with a time-delayed effect.
362* YouCanBarelyStand
363* YouFightLikeACow: Exchanging witty insults during combat.
364* ZorroMark
