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1->''"The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil."''
2-->-- '''Creator/{{Cicero}}'''
4''Evil is complex''.
6Compare DarknessAndShadowsTropes.
8Contrast GoodnessTropes and NeutralityIndex.
10See also GoodAndEvilForYourConvenience.
16'''Main sub-index:'''
17+ {{Villains}}
19'''Other categories:'''
20+ EvilGloating
21+ EvilIsVisceral
22+ EvilMusicIndex
23+ EvilOnlyByAssociation
24+ GoodAndEvilForYourConvenience
25+ HelpHelpThisIndexIsBeingRepressed
26+ HiddenEvil
27+ InfernalTropes
28+ TheJerkIndex
29+ NoSympathyForThisIndex
30+ ObviouslyEvil
31+ SadismIndex
32+ SexualDevianceIsEvil
33+ TheseTropesAreEvilAndSexy
34+ VillainBall
35+ VillainousFashionSense
37* AboveGoodAndEvil: Someone believes their goals to be more valuable than good and evil.
38* AcademyOfEvil: A school dedicated to training future villains.
39* AdaptationalVillainy: The adaptation makes a good or morally ambiguous character evil.
40* AffablyEvil: The guy may be evil, but he is cordial and well-mannered.
41* AllergicToEvil: The forces of evil make you sick. Literally.
42* AlwaysChaoticEvil: An entire race of evil people.
43* AmbiguousStartOfDarkness: It's uncertain how the villain became who they are.
44* AmbiguouslyEvil: It's hard to tell what moral alignment a character is, but some of their actions and statements hint that they may be evil.
45* AmbitionIsEvil: The path to success requires you to commit morally reprehensible deeds.
46* AnarchoTyranny: A rulership seizes or maintains power through an enforced state of lawless or chaos.
47* AncientEvil: An evil force from the distant past.
48* AndThatsTerrible: The work feels the need to point out to the audience when certain actions are bad.
49* AndThenWhat: The villain hasn't considered what they'll do once their plan is successful.
50* AndYourLittleDogToo: A villain shows just how evil they are by threatening the hero's loved one.
51* AntiVillain: The villain has noble and sympathetic motivations, especially the fact that they lack villainous qualities.
52* ApocalypseHitler: UsefulNotes/AdolfHitler was certainly a pretty bad dude, but he'd be even worse if he came BackFromTheDead.
53* ArsonMurderAndAdmiration: One villain starts listing the flaws of the other villain, then complimenting their merits
54* ArtifactOfAttraction: An artifact that magically causes everybody to lust after it, generating conflict.
55* ArtifactOfDeath: A powerful artifact that leads to its owner's death.
56* ArtifactOfDoom: An artifact which contains powers that are purely evil.
57* AsLongAsThereIsEvil: As long as evil exists, the villain will always come back.
58* AttentionDeficitDisciple: There's a song and everybody's either singing it or dancing to it except the villain or TheStoic, whose sidekick starts to join in to the disapproval of their leader.
59* AuctionOfEvil: An auction attended by villains.
60* AvengingTheVillain: After the hero kills the villain, the hero gets targeted by the villain's vengeful loved ones.
61* BaddieFlattery: A villain who compliments the heroes without irony or sarcasm for their virtues, combat prowess, heroism/etc.
62* BadGuysDoTheDirtyWork: The villains do the things that the heroes aren't willing to do.
63* TheBadGuyWins: The story ends with the villain being victorious and getting what they wanted.
64* BadPeopleAbuseAnimals: It's shown how awful the villain is by having them mistreat animals.
65* BadPowersBadPeople: Evil people have powers that are typically used destructively.
66* BadPowersGoodPeople: The good guys have powers that would be more appropriate for a villain.
67* BadSamaritan: Someone takes in the hero and seems (at first) to be helping, but they have ulterior motives.
68* BaldOfEvil: The villain is bald.
69* BalkingSummonedSpirit: A summoned spirit, typically a demon, balks at the requests made of them.
70* BatheHerAndBringHerToMe: The villain has the damsel cleaned up before... well, you know.
71* BeardOfEvil: The villain has a beard.
72* BeautyIsBad: The villain is pretty.
73* BecameTheirOwnAntithesis, when not on a Villain or an AntiHero.
74* BeingEvilSucks: Being the bad guy has its downsides.
75* BeingTorturedMakesYouEvil: Tortured into evilness.
76* BetterLivingThroughEvil: The villain makes sure that his job offers are tempting.
77* BetterOffWithTheBadGuys: A character is with the villains because it's a clear step up from where they were.
78* BetterTheDevilYouKnow: It's a better idea to stick with a bad situation you know about than a new situation that could be worse.
79* BewareTheSuperman: A superpowered being will chose to become a supervillain by using their abilities for personal gain, rather than help those around them.
80* BeyondRedemption: A hero decides that a villain is irredeemable, and stops trying to reform them.
81* BigBad: The main antagonist of the work.
82* BlackMagic: Evil magic.
83* BloodBath: A character who takes a bath in a bathtub filled with blood.
84* BloodbathVillainOrigin: The villain's StartOfDarkness began with sudden mass murder.
85* BoardToDeath: Villain kills people at a meeting.
86* BondageIsBad: People who like BDSM are evil.
87* BringHimToMe: The BigBad brings the captured heroes to their lair.
88* BroughtToYouByTheLetterS: While standard issue for superheroes to have their logo on their chest, the villains, from time to time, have these on their uniforms!
89* TheBrute: The physically strongest member of the villain's gang.
90* BugsHeraldEvil: The arrival of someone or something evil is foreshadowed by a rise in the number of insects.
91* BurnTheOrphanage: The villain shows how pointlessly evil they are by burning down an orphanage.
92* ButForMeItWasTuesday: The villain is confronted by one of their victims over an atrocity that they don't remember due to it being just one of many bad things they've done in their life.
93* ButtDialingMordor: Accidentally contacting evil beings.
94* CardCarryingVillain: The villain is proud of being evil and revels in it.
95* ChanceMeetingBetweenAntagonists: A coincidental meeting between enemies.
96* ChaosIsEvil: Chaos is a force for villainy
97* ChaoticEvil: No order. No mercy.
98* ChronicVillainy: It's impossible for the villain to be completely reformed because they keep on going back to committing evil deeds.
99* ClothesMakeTheManiac: An evil set of clothes or item that takes over its wearer/user.
100* CoDragons: Two or more underlings who are both second-in-command to the main villain.
101* CompleteMonster: A villain so vile, cruel, and horrible that they have no redeeming qualities or scruples whatsoever.
102* ComplexityAddiction: Complicated plans are more fun than simple ones, even if they're doomed to fail!
103* ConductingTheCarnage: During something awful, someone is moving their hands like a conductor.
104* CorruptChurch: A (nominally) good religious organization that has turned evil, run by crooked priests that are all a bunch of [[TheFundamentalist self-righteous]] [[HidingBehindReligion hypocrites]].
105* ConqueringAlienPrince: An AlienPrince that wants to take over another planet.
106* TheCorrupter: A villain who tries to tempt others into becoming evil themselves.
107* CosmicChessGame: Two or more gods (or similarly powered entities) use the entire world as a game board.
108* CreepyCave: Caves are associated with evil.
109* CreepyJazzMusic: Jazz music used to signify creepiness, often a particular villain.
110* CreepySouvenir: A memento that is either creepy or has a creepy past.
111* CrossMeltingAura: A monster with an immunity to traditional holy weapons.
112* CrueltyByFeet: Acts of violence or humiliation associated with feet are evil, or at least can be.
113* CuteIsEvil: A cute character turns out to be evil.
114* TheDarkArts: A profession or discipline that is deemed evil.
115* DarkIsEvil: Sinister-looking characters are automatically evil.
116* TheDarkSide: The overall faction of evil and villainy in the world.
117* TheDarkSideWillMakeYouForget: A character who uses evil means to accomplish a good goal loses sight of the goal over time.
118* DeadGuyOnDisplay: Displaying a corpse for everyone to see.
119* DeadSerious: Showing how serious a threat the villain is by having them kill someone the audience cares about.
120* DecadentCourt: Deadly, depraved throne room politics.
121* DeckOfWildCards: Every underling plans to overthrow the main villain.
122* DefaceOfTheMoon: The villain's scheme is to vandalize the moon.
123* DeliverUsFromEvil: An evil person [[HeelFaceTurn turns good]] after starting a family.
124* DemandingTheirHead: Antagonists putting out a bounty on a severed head.
125* DespotismJustifiesTheMeans: The villain doesn't care about the state of the world as long as he can rule it in the end.
126* DetectEvil: A special ability to detect the presence of evil.
127* DevourTheDragon: The villain sacrifices their underling to gain power.
128* DickDastardlyStopsToCheat: The villain cheats during a race even though the hero has no chance of winning, which ironically gives the hero time to beat them to the finish line.
129* DigitalPiracyIsEvil: A work makes it clear that they are against digital piracy.
130* DisneyVillainDeath: The villain dies by falling to their doom.
131* DoomsdayDevice: A device/object capable of destroying the world.
132* TheDragon: The villain who is the BigBad's right-hand man.
133* DragonAscendant: The villain's second-in-command becomes top banana after their boss is defeated.
134* DragonInChief: The second-in-command is a more capable and active threat than the main villain.
135* DreadZeppelin: Airships are associated with villains.
136* DressCodedForYourConvenience: Good and evil dress in distinctive ways.
137* DrivenToVillainy: Someone's misfortunes drives them into becoming evil.
138* DrunkOnTheDarkSide: A villain destroys ''and'' [[ChewingTheScenery Chews the Scenery]] to celebrate becoming all-powerful.
139* DystopiaJustifiesTheMeans: The villain ''wants'' to create a {{Dystopia}}.
140* EasyRoadToHell: Doing any bad thing at all is enough to condemn you to Hell.
141* EcocidalAntagonist: Intentionally polluting the environment or grievously harming nature is associated with malice and villainy.
142* EnemyCivilWar: Two evil factions are fighting each other.
143* EnemyWithin: Evil force inside someone struggles for control.
144* EnemyWithout: Evil force inside someone escapes.
145* EnlightenedAntagonist: They have deeply pondered about and finally understood the meaning of life, but it won't stop them from continuing their evil goals.
146* EqualOpportunityEvil: An evil organization invites everyone regardless of what race, gender, etc.
147* EvenEvilCanBeLoved: Just because the villain's evil doesn't mean there are no people who care about him.
148* EvenEvilHasLovedOnes: Even the villains have people they love and care about.
149* EvenEvilHasStandards: There are some misdeeds that even the bad guys refuse to do or are disgusted by.
150* EvenMooksHaveLovedOnes: Evil henchmen aren't evil to their families.
151* EvilAllAlong: A villain's true colors are revealed via plot twist.
152* EvilBrit: A British villain.
153* EvilBrunetteTwin: An evil twin who is dark-haired while the good twin is light-haired.
154* EvilCannotComprehendGood: The villain misinterprets or is unable to understand why the good guys do what they do.
155* EvilCannotStandCuteness: A character's evil is characterized by their disgust of cutesy or adorable things or topics.
156* EvilCostumeSwitch: Upon becoming a villain, the person switches to more sinister apparel.
157* EvilCounterpart: When the villain is an evil version of the hero.
158* EvilDesiresInnocence: A villainous character is drawn to an innocent.
159* EvilDetectingBaby: A baby that can sense evil.
160* EvilDetectingDog: A dog (or other animals) can sense when an evil being is present.
161* EvilDoppelganger: An evil version of a character.
162* EvilEvolves: Villains will learn new tricks.
163* EvilEyebrows: Arched eyebrows as a sign of villainy.
164* EvilFeelsGood: The villain is evil because they like being evil.
165* EvilFormerFriend: The villain used to be the hero's friend.
166* EvilGenius: An extremely smart villain whose intelligence is their most important skill.
167* EvilGloating: A villain who wastes their time gloating.
168* EvilHasABadSenseOfHumor: Some villains may have a [[BlackComedy sick and twisted]] [[ComedicSociopath sense of humor]].
169* EvilInc: An evil corporation.
170* EvilIsAngular: How to get across you're evil? Be imposing. How to be imposing? Start by removing every smooth and rounded shape in your design.
171* EvilIsBigger: Evil characters tend to be larger in size than good characters.
172* EvilIsCool: Even villains deserve respect.
173* EvilIsEasy: Doing evil is far more easier and convenient than [[BeingGoodSucks doing good]].
174* EvilIsHammy: The bad guy wouldn't be much of a villain if he didn't [[LargeHam chew the scenery]] at every opportunity.
175* EvilIsNotAToy: Someone plans to free the evil being from their imprisonment in hopes of gaining an ally, but they learn the hard way after releasing the evil being that the evil being has no interest in serving them.
176* EvilIsNotPacifist: Villains are always willing to use violence.
177* EvilIsNotWellLit: Areas where evil lurks have little to no light.
178* EvilIsOneBigHappyFamily: All the villains get along just fine.
179* EvilIsPetty: Villains are willing to commit the most heinous of atrocities just because they're pricks.
180* EvilIsSterile: Evil cannot create, only destroy or corrupt.
181* EvilLaugh: The villain laughs maniacally.
182* EvilLearnsOfOutsideContext: The villain encounters a character from another land, universe, time, society, or genre.
183* EvilMakeover: When a character becomes evil, their appearance changes.
184* EvilMakesYouMonstrous: A villain turns into an inhuman monster.
185* EvilMakesYouUgly: A villain's actions lead them to becoming hideous.
186* EvilMeScaresMe: A character is terrified of an evil version of themselves.
187* EvilMentor: A character who mentors the hero for their own evil purposes or to corrupt them.
188* EvilNerd: A villain with a very [[{{Geek}} geeky]] or nerdy personality.
189* EvilOnlyHasToWinOnce: If [[TheBadGuyWins the bad guy wins]], it's over.
190* EvilOrphanageLady: A ChildHater who runs an OrphanageOfFear.
191* EvilOverlord: A [[TheEmperor dictator/monarch]] with absolute authority over [[TheEmpire a fairly large nation]], who rules over their people [[DespotismJustifiesTheMeans through fear and brutality]].
192* EvilOverlordList: A list of things one must consider if they ever decide to become an evil overlord in order to prevent ever being defeated.
193* EvilPaysBetter: A character turns to crime because they find it more profitable than earning money the honest way.
194* EvilPlan: The villain's scheme to do something evil.
195* EvilPowerVacuum: New villains step up when the old villain is taken down.
196* TheEvilPrince: An ambitious prince usurps the throne from his father or brother (the king) by deposing or killing him in a coup.
197* EvilRedeemedInACan: After being SealedEvilInACan, the evil force has reformed and repented.
198* EvilRedhead: A bad guy with red hair.
199* EvilRunningGood: Heroic groups are being used by a villain.
200* EvilSlinks: Seductive villains moving elegantly.
201* EvilSmellsBad: The villain smells horrible.
202* EvilSoundsDeep: The villain has a deep voice.
203* EvilSoundsRaspy: The villain has a raspy voice.
204* EvilTaintedThePlace: A location that has been corrupted forever because it was once home to an evil presence.
205* EvilTastesGood: Villains compare their evil deeds to food and drink.
206* EvilTakesANap: A powerful evil is asleep, and bad things will come if it ever awakens.
207* EvilTwin: The protagonist's evil (twin) sibling, clone, doppelganger, or counterpart from another universe.
208* EvilVersusEvil: A conflict between two people or groups who are both villainous.
209* EvilVersusOblivion: The villain saves the world from an OmnicidalManiac, purely out of PragmaticVillainy.
210* EvilVirtues: Being effectively evil requires strengths of character.
211* EvilWeapon: This weapon has a mind of its own, and wants to use you to work its evil will.
212* EvilWearsBlack: Villains wear black clothing.
213* EvilWelcomesDefectors: Evil factions are very welcoming to traitors and defectors.
214* EvilWillFail: The BigBad loses not just because the heroes were stronger, but because it is inherent to nature that evil will fail.
215* EvilerThanThou: A villain proves themselves to be more evil than the other villain.
216* ExcessiveEvilEyeshadow: Villains or other evil characters wearing excessive, dark-colored makeup on and around their eyes.
217* ExoticEntree: An evil character eats food that's immoral just to prepare.
218* ExploringTheEvilLair: The villain's hideout is investigated by the protagonists.
219* FaceHeelTurn: A good guy becomes evil.
220* FaceOfAnAngelMindOfADemon: Adorable on the outside, evil on the inside.
221* FadeAroundTheEyes: Everything on the screen fades away around a character's eyes or other facial features for dramatic effect.
222* FallenHero: The villain used to be a hero, but their reputation has sunk.
223* FamilyValuesVillain: The villain cares about things being family-friendly.
224* FangsAreEvil: Villains have fangs.
225* FascistButInefficient: TheEmpire is [[StupidEvil both cruel and ineffective]].
226* FauxAffablyEvil: The villain's still a bad person, their politeness is merely an act.
227* FemmeFatalons: A villain has long well-kept fingernails.
228* FillerVillain: A villain created for {{Filler}} material.
229* FinalSolution: A villain devises a plan to drive a group, race or species they have targeted to extinction.
230* FingerLickinEvil: Evil women with claws lick them.
231* FingerTenting: Villains steeple their fingers.
232* FlayingAlive: Skinning someone while they are still alive.
233* FliesEqualsEvil: The arrival of flies, mosquitoes, wasps, or other creepy crawlies to indicate something horrible is about to happen.
234* FlyingCutlerySpaceship: Impractically aggressive-looking spiky, bladed spaceships.
235* ForcedIntoEvil: A character commits evil acts against their will.
236* ForcedToWatch: The villain forces someone to watch someone they love die or go through hell.
237* ForTheEvulz: The villain commits their bad deeds just because.
238* FourIsDeath: Four is considered an extremely unlucky and evil number.
239* FreakyElectronicMusic: ElectronicMusic is the theme of villains.
240* FreudianExcuse: A traumatic incident in someone's childhood or adolescence that drove them towards villainy.
241* FriendshipHatingAntagonist: An antagonist who hates friendship and bonds, serving as an antithesis to the main hero.
242* FromNobodyToNightmare: The most feared villain started out as an insignificant loser.
243* FunHatingVillain: The villain actively goes out of his way to prevent other people from enjoying themselves.
244* GameFace: Revealing the true face of evil.
245* GenocideFromTheInside: The villain has exterminated his own race.
246* GlamourFailure: An evil being is unable to hide aspects of their appearance that give away who they truly are.
247* AGlassOfChianti: Villains love drinking red wine, often while lounging evilly.
248* GlovedFistOfDoom: An evil pose a villain makes by shoving their gloved fist with an upward thrusting motion.
249* GloveSnap: A character puts on latex gloves with a loud snap.
250* GodAndSatanAreBothJerks: God and the devil are both antagonistic towards humanity.
251* GodIsEvil: God is not benevolent in the least.
252* GodOfEvil: A deity of pure evil.
253* GoodColorsEvilColors: CharacterAlignment depends on ColorMotif.
254* GoodGirlGoneBad: A good girl turns evil due to tragedy or trauma.
255* GoodHurtsEvil: Good powers are very painful for evil to handle.
256* GoodPowersBadPeople: The villain has powers more suited for good guys.
257* GoodRunningEvil: Heroes take control of evil organizations.
258* TheGoodTheBadAndTheEvil: Good guys, bad guys, and ''really'' bad guys all fighting each other.
259* GotTheWholeWorldInMyHand: Symbol of a hand grasping at the globe.
260* GrayscaleOfEvil: Someone or something's that devoid of color is depicted as evil.
261* HandRubbing: Evil characters rubbing their hands together.
262* HateCrimesAreASpecialKindOfEvil: The perpetrators of hate crimes are portrayed as irredeemable.
263* HearingVoices: A character hears disembodied voices due to insanity or supernatural forces.
264* TheHeavy: The antagonist that does the most work in driving the plot forward.
265* HeinousnessRetcon: A returning villain's crimes or personality are retconned to make them better/worse than originally established.
266* HighCollarOfDoom: An evil character wears a high collar.
267* HobbesWasRight: Humanity defaults to evil. A very cynical worldview.
268* HopeCrusher: A villain who specializes in taking hope away from other characters.
269* HopeSpot: Things start looking up, only for that hope to be swiftly taken away.
270* HornsOfVillainy: The villain is horned.
271* HumansAreBastards: Humans are depicted as cruel and evil.
272* HumansAreTheRealMonsters: Humans are regarded as worse than the beings considered monsters.
273* HumanSacrifice: Killing someone as part of an evil ritual.
274* HumanShield: Someone grabs a hostage to be placed in front of them in order to dissuade enemies from attacking.
275* HumiliationConga: The villain is subjected to a series of humiliating defeats.
276* HuntingIsEvil: Evil people hunt.
277* ICanRuleAlone: One half of a group decides to backstab the other half in order to take full power for themselves.
278* IControlMyMinionsThrough: A villain uses evil methods to ensure loyalty from their minions.
279* IfYoureSoEvilEatThisKitten: A person is asked to commit an atrocity to prove how evil they are.
280* IgnoredEpiphany: The villain briefly considers renouncing their ways but decides not to.
281* IHaveYouNowMyPretty: The villain has the girl in his grasp and doesn't even try to deny having unsavory intentions with her.
282* ImmortalityImmorality: Immortality causes one to act evil.
283* TheImp: A small, antagonistic creature who's more annoying than outright evil or malicious.
284* InTheirOwnImage: A character tries to destroy the world and remake it on very self-serving terms.
285* InbredAndEvil: A villain who was conceived from an incestuous relationship.
286* IndustrializedEvil: Evil deeds performed in a systematic, automated and impersonal manner, reducing victims to one more cog in the machine or object on the assembly line.
287* TheIrredeemableException: The last villain, in a world where most evil people end up reforming to good, refuses to repent.
288* ItsAllAboutMe: The villain only cares about themselves.
289* IWillPunishYourFriendForYourFailure: A villain motivates their underling by threatening the underling's loved ones.
290* JabbaTableManners: A villainous character has bad table manners to emphasize their badness.
291* {{Jerkass}}: A character who is rude and unfriendly.
292* KarmaHoudini: The villain gets off scot-free for their actions.
293* KarmaHoudiniWarranty: ...but not for much longer.
294* KickTheDog: It's established how rotten the bad guy is by having them do something mean just to prove what a cruel asshole they are.
295* KillThePoor: Attempting to eliminate poverty by killing the destitute.
296* KillingIntent: Sensing when someone wants to inflict pain or death on someone.
297* KingpinInHisGym: The villains trains on his off-time.
298* KinslayingIsASpecialKindOfEvil: Villains who murder their own family are seen as especially vile.
299* KneelBeforeZod: The villain forces or demands a hero to bow/kneel before them.
300* KnightTemplar: A villain convinced of their own righteousness, but whose methods are far too vicious to be truly good.
301* LackOfEmpathy: The villain has no empathy for other people.
302* LaughablyEvil: The villain is humorous.
303* LaughWithMe: A villain performs an EvilLaugh and demands others laugh with him/her.
304* LawfulEvil: A character alignment combining self-interest and order.
305* LegalizedEvil: Evil is acceptable under the law and the acting authority will not punish someone for doing it.
306* LeanAndMean: Skinny characters who are evil.
307* LeonineContract: A one-sided bargain that the victim can't afford to refuse.
308* LightIsNotGood: The villain has a deceptively benign appearance.
309* LikableVillain: Bad guys whom the audience consider to be interesting, entertaining, charming, or even sympathetic.
310* LoveMakesYouEvil: Villainy motivated by love.
311* LoveToHate: The villain is popular among the fandom precisely because of how despicable they are.
312* LovesTheSoundOfScreaming: Someone finds joy in the loud, loud misery of others.
313* MadeOfEvil: An object that is literally composed of malevolence.
314* MageInManhattan: A villain from a MagicalLand comes to our world to cause havoc.
315* MagicIsEvil: Magic is associated with evil.
316* MakeUpIsEvil: Makeup in fiction is a sign of being evil.
317* MakeWrongWhatOnceWentRight: A villainous time traveler tries to change the past as part of their evil scheme, or to rectify it.
318* MalevolentMugshot: A villain uses their face and name as their symbol.
319* MaliciousSlander: Lies and rumors spread to discredit someone.
320* ManOfWealthAndTaste: A villain who is rich and fashionable.
321* ManiacMonkeys: Monkeys and apes are the bad guys.
322* MaritalRapeLicense: The rationalization that marriage makes it okay for one to rape their spouse.
323* MarkOfTheBeast: A physical mark indicating a character is associated with a malevolent being.
324* MayContainEvil: A super-popular new product has ''evil'' side-effects.
325* MeaninglessVillainVictory: The villain wins, but their victory is rendered pointless by something happening or being revealed at the last minute.
326* MemoryGambit: A character sacrifices their own memories for a tactical advantage.
327* MentalHandicapMoralDeficiency: Someone has an intellectual disability and is evil.
328* MentalMonster: Your inner demons made flesh.
329* MillionMookMarch: A large crowd of marching mooks.
330* MissingReflection: Someone has no reflection in a mirror, they're probably a vampire.
331* MistreatmentInducedBetrayal: The villain's minions turn on him in retaliation for his mistreating them.
332* MonsterFangirl: A fangirl of a depraved criminal.
333* MonstrousCannibalism: An inhuman being is so vile that it has no qualms with eating its own kind.
334* MonumentOfHumiliationAndDefeat: After the villain wins, they celebrate their victory by building a monument with the purpose of rubbing it in that the people they've conquered have lost.
335* MoralEventHorizon: The one bad deed so despicable that any ounce of sympathy for a villain is gone, and redemption is out of the question.
336* MoralityGuidedAttack: An attack that draws its power from how good or evil the user's opponent is.
337* TheMoralityMortalityEquation: The more evil a villain is, the greater the odds that their loved ones will not survive. The more moral the hero is, the greater the odds that their own loved ones ''will'' survive.
338* MoralMyopia: The villain considers something an atrocity only if it happens to them.
339* MoralPragmatist: A character ignorantly does evil, until it's pointed out that doing good would help their cause much better.
340* {{Mordor}}: The dark, hellish wasteland of evil.
341* MurderBySuicide: Killing someone indirectly by forcing them to kill themselves.
342* MurderIntoMalevolence: Someone who was murdered becomes an evil ghost.
343* MurderIsTheBestSolution: A character's knee-jerk solution to any problem they may face is to kill the people troubling them.
344* MyopicConqueror: When TheConqueror has no plans or interests for a place he conquers.
345* NearVillainVictory: The villain gets close to succeeding, but is beaten at the last minute.
346* NeutralEvil: A character alignment which is about doing whatever it takes to accomplish an evil goal.
347* NeverHurtAnInnocent: The villain will only harm people who are directly confronting them. Innocents who did nothing to him are to be spared.
348* NoCureForEvil: Evil does not get healing powers, at least not for anyone but the user.
349* NoDelaysForTheWicked: Villains are unhindered by logistical or bureaucratic concerns.
350* NoHonorAmongThieves: Evildoers are prone to betraying each other.
351* NoMrBondIExpectYouToDine: When the hero is captured and, instead of throwing him in the dungeon, the villain treats him as a guest.
352* NoSympathyBetweenMooks: The villain's henchmen don't like each other.
353* NothingButSkulls: In a pile of bones, skulls are the only bone present.
354* NumberOfTheBeast: 666 as a number associated with evil.
355* ObliviouslyEvil: A villain who is completely unaware that their actions are wrong.
356* OffingTheMouth: A character is killed for making snarky comments.
357* OffscreenVillainDarkMatter: Villains never have problems funding all their expensive evil plans.
358* OffstageVillainy: A villain commits some evil act that isn't shown, only referenced.
359* OldManMarryingAChild: A young girl is married off to an older man.
360* OrcusOnHisThrone: The bad guy mostly just sits around and lets his minions do all the work.
361* OrderedToDie: A person in authority commands their underling to kill themselves.
362* OutscareTheEnemy: Yikes! That hero is even scarier than me!
363* OverlordJr: The EvilOverlord's kid is also evil.
364* TheParagonAlwaysRebels: An inspirational and heroic character turns evil, resulting in many others following their example.
365* PassionIsEvil: Heroes are calm and rational whereas villains are passionate and impulsive.
366* PastVictimShowcase: To show just how bad the torture someone is about to endure is, the villain shows them someone who has already been through it.
367* PeerPressureMakesYouEvil: When a character's morally shady friends influence him to lower his own moral standards.
368* PitifulWorms: Insulting someone by comparing them to a bug.
369* PlayingWithPuppets: Controlling someone ForTheEvulz.
370* PoisonIsEvil: Killing someone with the use of a highly toxic chemical substance.
371* PokeThePoodle: The bad guy's attempts at doing an evil deed come off as more like harmless pranks than anything.
372* PoliticallyCorrectVillain: The one area of immorality the bad guy draws the line against is bigotry, so they go out of their way to make sure their crimes aren't misconstrued as persecuting marginalized groups, or may even be a WellIntentionedExtremist with the intent of ending all discrimination.
373* PoliticallyIncorrectVillain: The bad guy happens to be a bigot.
374* PopularIsEvil: The most popular kids in HighSchool are always the meanest.
375* PostRapeTaunt: A rapist taunts their victim's loved ones about the act.
376* PoweringVillainRealization: A protagonist realizes that they supply the villain with power, and cut it off.
377* PragmaticVillainy: The bad guy refuses to do a bad deed for practical reasons rather than finding the misdeed inexcusable.
378* PrimalStance: Feral characters walk like gorillas.
379* PrivilegeMakesYouEvil: Being handed everything in life makes you corrupt.
380* ProtagonistJourneyToVillain: The story is about the main character gradually becoming a villain.
381* PutTheLaughterInSlaughter: Laughing while killing someone.
382* RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil: Rape is regarded as the worst crime possible.
383* RedEyesTakeWarning: The villain has red eyes.
384* RedFlagRecreationMaterial: A character's villainy is highlighted by their choice in reading or viewing material.
385* RedRightHand: The villain is identified by a deformity.
386* RedemptionRejection: A character is offered a chance to turn from villainy, but refuses.
387* RegularlyScheduledEvil: Monster or villain always shows up to kill people at a specific time.
388* ReligionOfEvil: A sinister sect that [[CardCarryingVillain views evil deeds as virtuous]], and worship one (or more) [[GodOfEvil malevolent deity(ies)]].
389* ReminiscingAboutYourVictims: Someone fondly recalls a victim they murdered, raped, etc.
390* ReptilesAreAbhorrent: Evil reptiles.
391* RepressiveButEfficient: The government may be repressive and cruel, but it gets things done well.
392* ResidualEvilEntity: Defeating or destroying something evil results in it creating or possessing a new physical form elsewhere.
393* ReturningBigBad: A previous BigBad returns later in the story after a period of absence.
394* RevengeByProxy: A character's seeks revenge against their enemy by targeting the enemy's loved one.
395* RevengeThroughCorruption: Where a villain gets revenge on a character by making their loved ones evil, insane, and/or under the villain's control.
396* RightHandCat: The bad guy has a cat.
397* RockMeAsmodeus: Rock music in association with demons.
398* RottenRockAndRoll: Evil rock musicians.
399* RoyalBrat: A SpoiledBrat who is royalty.
400* RushmoreRefacement: The villain's scheme is to add their face to Mount Rushmore.
401* SatanicArchetype: A villain is the representation of the Devil in the story's universe.
402* TheSavageSouth: Places in southern regions are barbaric and dangerous.
403* ScarySymbolicShapeshifting: A non-shapeshifter symbolically transforms to illustrate their unpleasant nature.
404* ScaryTeeth: Villains have teeth that look creepy or disgusting.
405* SchmuckBanquet: An abandoned feast is SchmuckBait.
406* SecretCircleOfSecrets: The classic evil {{Cult}}, a secret society with robes and masks that meet in secrecy to do evil things.
407* SecretaryOfEvil: The character who runs logistics for a villainous group.
408* SelectiveSlaughter: A killer refuses to harm certain people or groups, such as [[WouldntHurtAChild children]] or [[NeverHurtAnInnocent innocents]].
409* SelfConstructedBeing: A being has to create their own body.
410* SelfRecoverySurprise: Someone hurts a villain, who reveals that they have healing powers.
411* SensibleHeroesSkimpyVillains: Good guys dress modestly while villains wear revealing clothes.
412* SerialKillerKiller: A serial kill who murders other serial killers.
413* SexIsEvil: Sex is seen as immoral.
414* SexIsEvilAndIAmHorny: A character who thinks sex is a sin but has a sexuality.
415* SexyVillainsChasteHeroes: Villains whose designs are played for fanservice contrast with modest heroes.
416* ShareTheSickness: A sick villain tries to spread their disease to other people.
417* ShinyNewAustralia
418* ShootTheBuilder: When the villain has those who built their lair disposed of to prevent any secrets from getting out.
419* ShootTheMessenger: Villain reacts to bad news by killing the messenger who brought them the bad news.
420* ShouldersOfDoom: The villain wears big shoulder clothing.
421* ShutUpHannibal: The hero gives a counter to the villain's speech on why their heroic efforts are worthless.
422* ShutUpKirk: The villain gives a counter to the hero's speech on why they'll lose in the end.
423* SilenceYouFool: The BigBad yells at their underlings to be quiet.
424* SinEater: A person who literally or metaphorically takes on people's sins to purify them. Or who claims to be doing this by targeting people they believe to be sinners.
425* ASinisterClue: The villain is left-handed.
426* SinisterGeometry: Geometric shapes are associated with evil.
427* SinisterMinister: An evil priest who carries out vile deeds under the guise of religion.
428* SinisterNudity: Nudity is used as a signifier of villainy and horror.
429* SinisterSweetTooth: A taste for sweets is established as a villainous trait.
430* SlaveryIsASpecialKindOfEvil: Slavery and human trafficking are seen as worse than other crimes.
431* SlidingScaleOfVillainThreat: How much of an evil threat does a villain pose?
432* SlouchOfVillainy: A villain slouches in their chair to show their aloofness.
433* SlowlySlippingIntoEvil: Gradually becoming evil without a marked alignment change.
434* SnakesAreSinister: Snakes portrayed as creepy or evil creatures.
435* SortingAlgorithmOfEvil: Each major enemy or group of enemies become more powerful than the first.
436* SovietSuperscience: Soviets with technology noticeably more advanced than their RealLife historical counterparts.
437* SpareAMessenger: An individual or group spared after a battle because it's part of their attacker's plan.
438* SpikesOfVillainy: The villain has spikes.
439* SpoiledBrat: An egocentric child who becomes bratty if not doted on.
440* TheStarscream: An underling who plans to overthrow the main villain.
441* StarterVillainStays: The StarterVillain remains present throughout the series.
442* StartOfDarkness: A prequel story about how a villain became who they are.
443* StockEvilOverlordTactics: The tactics used by an EvilOverlord to accomplish their plan.
444* StraightEdgeEvil: A villain who avoids committing vices like recreational drugs or sexual promiscuity.
445* StupidEvil: The villain commits evil deeds in spite of them being ridiculously impractical.
446* StupidJetpackHitler: Advanced, futuristic technology and super-weapons developed by the Nazis.
447* SugaryMalice: A character who looks and sounds sweet is actually cruel and hurtful.
448* SuicidalCosmicTemperTantrum: A character (usually a villain) wants to kill themselves and take everyone else with them.
449* SuperSupremacist: A superpowered being believes that their abilities automatically make them better than the {{Muggles}} they look down upon and may even use their powers to conquer and enslave those they consider inferior.
450* SuperpoweredEvilSide: Someone with an evil alter-ego that's more powerful than their normal self.
451* SurroundedByIdiots: The villain complains about their minions' incompetence.
452* SympathyForTheDevil: The hero sympathizes with the villain.
453* SympatheticVillainDespicableVillain: A {{Foil}} duo of villains where one is sympathetic and potentially capable of redemption, while the other is irredeemably evil.
454* TakeOverTheCity: The villain plans to take over the town they live in.
455* TakeOverTheWorld: The villain plans to take over the world.
456* TestedOnHumans: A villain tests his weapon on live humans.
457* ThenLetMeBeEvil: A character is treated like a villain long enough that they decide they might as well become one.
458* ThisCannotBe: The villain's plans are foiled; they voice their disbelief that it happened.
459* ThisIsYourBrainOnEvil: A character tries being evil and soon becomes addicted to it.
460* ThrewMyBikeOnTheRoof: A villain decides to vandalize someone else’s property for shits and giggles
461* TinTyrant: A villainous character that wears fully concealing plate armor.
462* ToCreateAPlaygroundForEvil: A villain wants to make the world an evil place.
463* TokenCompetentMinion: The one evil minion who seems to know what they are doing.
464* TokenEvilTeammate: The one member of the hero team who's actually evil in spite of being on their side.
465* TooFunnyToBeEvil
466* TrappedInVillainy
467* TreacheryIsASpecialKindOfEvil
468* TwoFaced: The villain's face is asymmetrical.
469* UnevilLaugh: The villain's laugh is not frightening or unnerving.
470* UnholyGround
471* UnholyMatrimony: Two villains who are married.
472* UnicornsAreSacred
473* UnseenEvil
474* UsedToBeASweetKid: The villain was much nicer when they were younger.
475* UsurpingSanta
476* VaderBreath
477* VilerNewVillain: The villain stands out as eviller than the other villain.
478* VillainBall: The villain loses because of an inability to restrain the urge to keep doing bad deeds.
479* VillainCred
480* VillainHoldsTheLeash: A villain's pet is the main reason why they're threatening.
481* VillainNoLongerIdle: The villain [[OrcusOnHisThrone leaves his throne]] to take matters into his own hands.
482* VillainessesWantHeroes
483* VillainousBreakdown: The bad guy goes berserk and flies into a rage over their plan failing.
484* VillainousBSOD: The villain stops when the gravity of their crimes sinks into their mind.
485* VillainousCheekbones
486* VillainousCrush
487* VillainousDemotivator
488* VillainousFaceHold
489* VillainousGoldTooth: Gold teeth symbolizing villainy and/or amorality.
490* VillainousIncest: The villain has sex with a blood relative just to show how vile and messed up he is.
491* VillainousLineage: Evil is genetic.
492* VillainousMedicalCare: A villain gets medical care for an injured hero.
493* VillainousPlanInertia
494* VillainousValor
495* VillainousWidowsPeak
496* VillainOverride: The villain mind-controls their less-successful subordinates in order to take down the heroes.
497* VillainPedigree
498* VillainProtagonist: The main character of the work is also the bad guy.
499* VillainRespect
500* VillainsBlendInBetter
501* VillainsLearnFaster: The villain has better progress when it comes to learning skills than the hero.
502* VillainsLoveEntertainment: The bad guys enjoy having fun.
503* VillainsNeverLie
504* VillainSong: The villain sings about their villainy.
505* VillainsOutShopping: The villain is currently taking a break from being evil and is just doing the same things normal people do.
506* VillainTakesAnInterest
507* VillainWorld
508* VillainyDiscretionShot
509* VirtueIsWeakness
510* WalkIntoMordor
511* WardensAreEvil
512* WeakenedByTheLight: Evil beings die when exposed to sunlight.
513* WeCanRuleTogether: The villain makes the offer that the hero can join him in their conquest.
514* WelcomeToEvilMart: A store that exclusively caters to villains.
515* WhatIsEvil: The concept of good and evil has no meaning to the villain.
516* WhereIWasBornAndRazed
517* WhiteHairBlackHeart
518* WickedCultured: Villains have a taste for the finer things in life.
519* WickedPretentious
520* WickedWastefulness: Wastefulness is a sign of bad character.
521* WouldHurtAChild: The villain is willing to hurt children.
522* YouCantThwartStageOne
523* YouClonedHitler: Someone makes a clone of UsefulNotes/AdolfHitler.
524* YouCouldHaveUsedYourPowersForEvil: A villain sees the hero using their powers for good as a waste of their true potential for evil.
525* YouHaveFailedMe: The villain kills their minion as punishment for failing too often or too severely.
526* YouHaveNoChanceToSurvive
527* YouHaveOutlivedYourUsefulness: The villain kills a minion after they've completed their task.
528* YourApprovalFillsMeWithShame: A good person feels shame when a less scrupulous person praises them for doing something bad.
