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1Tropes about how mental and physical disabilities are portrayed in fiction.
3!!Media Indexes
5* AutismInMedia: Works of fiction about autistic people and autism spectrum disorders.
6* BlindnessInMedia: Works of fiction about blind or legally blind characters.
7* DeafnessInMedia: Works of fiction about deaf and hard of hearing characters.
8* DwarfismInMedia: Works of fiction that feature people with dwarfism.
9* PhysicalDisabilityInMedia: An index of works about or prominently featuring physically disabled people.
16+ {{Autism}}
17+ DisabilitySuperpower
18+ GlassesTropes
19+ MadnessTropes
21* AbandonTheDisabled: A disabled character's caretaker(s) abandon(s) them.
22* AbledInTheAdaptation: A character who has a disability in the original work does not have the disability in the adaptation.
23* AlbinosAreFreaks: Characters are ostracised for their albinism.
24* AnArmAndALeg: A character gets their limbs cut off.
25* ArmCannon: A prosthetic arm that doubles as a gun.
26* ArtificialLimbs: Robotic prosthetic limbs.
27* AttentionDeficitOohShiny: A character who has trouble paying attention and gets easily distracted by the most trivial of things.
28* BlindAndTheBeast: A blind person befriends an ugly being.
29* BlindBlackGuy: A black man who is blind.
30* BlindMistake: A blind person's inability to see results in them making hilarious mistakes.
31* BlindMusician: A professional musician who is blind.
32* BlindPeopleWearSunglasses: Sunglasses used as visual shorthand for blindness.
33* BlindSeer: A blind person who is able to "see" by supernatural means.
34* BlindWeaponmaster: A blind person who can still do well in a fight.
35* BullyingTheDisabled: A bully picks on people with disabilities.
36* BuryYourDisabled: Disabled characters get killed off.
37* CareerEndingInjury: An injury or illness that causes disability and forces the afflicted to give up their job/ambition.
38* ColorblindConfusion: A character has problems because they're colorblind.
39* CripplingOverspecialization: You're so good at something that it's the only thing you ''can'' do and are unable to do anything else competently.
40* CripplingTheCompetition: Injuring one's opponent to cheat.
41* CuteMute: A character incapable of speech is portrayed as adorable and innocent.
42* DarkLordOnLifeSupport: The villain is being kept alive by a life support system of sorts.
43* TheDarknessBeforeDeath: A character goes blind before dying.
44* DeafComposer: Someone enjoys doing something related to a sense they don't have (e.g. a literal deaf composer, or a blind painter).
45* DepravedDwarf: A villain, usually a guy, with dwarfism.
46* DiagnosedByTheAudience: Viewers think it seems like a character might have a learning disability or neurological disorder which impacts them greatly enough to be considered a disability.
47* DiagnosisOfGod: The creator confirms a character has a disorder (which can include physical disabilities).
48* DisabilityAlibi: Someone is disabled, so they couldn't have committed the crime.
49* DisabilityAsAnExcuseForJerkassery: A disabled person uses the excuse that having a disability means they can get away with being an asshole.
50* DisabilityImmunity: Having a disability makes you immune to something that would affect those who do not have the disability.
51* DisabilityNegatingSuperpower: A disabled person gains superpowers in exchange for losing their disability.
52* DisabilitySuperpower: A person's disability makes them more powerful than a non-disabled person.
53* DisabledCharacterDisabledActor: A disabled character is played by an actor who has the disability for real.
54* DisabledDeity: A divine being with some sort of disability.
55* DisabledInTheAdaptation: The adaptation gives a character a disability that they didn't have in the original story.
56* DisabledMeansHelpless: The belief that a disabled person can't survive without non-disabled people helping them.
57* DisabledSnarker: A disabled character with a [[DeadpanSnarker smart mouth]] that's linked to their disability somehow.
58* DismembermentIsCheap: Characters are able to regrow lost limbs or get prostheses that work perfectly.
59* DramaticSpineInjury: Someone's back/spine injury causes drama in the story, often due to the resulting paralysis.
60* DreamCrushingHandicap: Someone wants to do something, but can't because of a disability they have.
61* EunuchsAreEvil: People who've had their genitals removed are portrayed as evil.
62* EvilCripple: A disabled person who is a villain.
63* EyepatchOfPower: Someone wears an eyepatch.
64* FictionalDisability: A disability that doesn't exist in real life.
65* FlippingHelpless: Someone cannot get up after being flipped on their back.
66* ForgotTheDisability: Someone forgets that their friend is disabled.
67* TheFreakshow: A circus sideshow that involves people with strange disabilities, along with regular circus performers.
68* GeniusCripple: A highly intelligent person who can't walk.
69* GlassEye: A character with a glass or wooden eye.
70* GoodProstheticEvilProsthetic: Heroic amputees have realistic prostheses, but villainous amputees have bulky, showy prostheses.
71* TheGrotesque: A character who means well in spite of their physical deformities.
72* HandicappedBadass: A disabled person who is still capable of incredible feats.
73* HandyHelper: A character helps a disabled person by acting as the body part that is absent or doesn't work.
74* HidingTheHandicap: Someone tries to pretend they're not disabled.
75* HollywoodAutism: Autistic people are all white, male, quiet or talkative, nerdy, stoic, heartless, and severely disabled.
76* HollywoodTourettes: The stereotype that people who have Tourette's Syndrome have a habit of constantly swearing for no reason.
77* HookHand: A character has a missing hand and replaces it with a hook or similar.
78* ICantFeelMyLegs: If someone's legs go numb, they're in serious danger.
79* IgnoreTheDisability: A disabled character is coming, and other characters are told to ignore, and/or avoid mentioning, their disability to avoid offending them.
80* InformedDeformity: A character is said to be ugly in spite of not looking any worse than the other characters.
81* InspirationallyDisadvantaged: A disabled person gets special treatment by everyone else.
82* IronicallyDisabledArtist: An artist whose disability is at odds with their method of creating art.
83* KeepingTheHandicap: A character voluntarily chooses to live with a disability or impediment, even if they could feasibly get rid of it.
84* LIsForDyslexia: Different portrayals of dyslexia.
85* LegCannon: Someone's prosthetic leg is, or contains, a gun.
86* LittlePeopleAreSurreal: A character with dwarfism who appears in a surreal work and/or behaves in a surreal way.
87* LoonWithAHeartOfGold: Someone is kind and also either insane or very eccentric.
88* MadOracle: Someone who can predict the future, but is also insane.
89* MentalHandicapMoralDeficiency: Someone has an intellectual disability and is evil.
90* MentalHealthRecoveryArc: A mentally ill person tries to get better.
91* MentallyUnwellSpecialSenses: People with mental problems can see or sense things that others cannot.
92* MermaidInAWheelchair: Mermaids use wheelchairs on land.
93* NeurodiversityIsSupernatural: Someone is autistic, schizophrenic, etc because of something supernatural.
94* ObfuscatingDisability: A character pretends to be disabled.
95* ObsessivelyOrganized: A character who goes nuts when things are not neat and organized.
96* OneArmedWarrior: A character only needs one hand to fight.
97* OrganDodge: A character survives an injury because the organ that would've been there wasn't.
98* PhysicalTherapyPlot: A character becomes disabled after severe injuries and begins taking physical therapy to become mobile again.
99* PlugNPlayProsthetics: Putting on a prosthetic is effortless.
100* ProphetEyes: Psychics with cataracts.
101* ProstheticLimbReveal: A character reveals that one of their limbs is really a prosthetic.
102* ReflectionlessUselessEyes: Eyes that don't reflect light, and usually mean that the person has limited sight or is even blind.
103* SeadogPegLeg: The tendency for sailors and other sea-fairing folk to have peg legs.
104* SerialProstheses: A character keeps losing limbs and getting more prosthetics.
105* SexyFlaw: Disabilities serving as romantic and/or sexual "turn-on".
106* ShrunkenOrgan: The reason why someone behaves inappropriately is that they have an organ (usually their heart or brain) that is tiny.
107* SingleEpisodeHandicap: A character spends an episode disabled.
108* SpeechImpededLoveInterest: Somebody's love interest can't talk perfectly.
109* SpeechImpediment: A character has difficulty speaking properly because of a mental disorder.
110* SuperWheelchair: Someone needs a wheelchair, but the wheelchair has cool stuff attached (lasers, a rocket pack, etc).
111* SuperpowerDisability: A character's superpower gives them a disability.
112* SwissArmyAppendage: A character has several different prostheses with different uses.
113* SymbolicMutilation: A character is rendered disabled in a symbolic way.
114* TemporaryBlindness: The episode revolves around a character temporarily losing the ability to see.
115* ThrowingOffTheDisability: Somebody suddenly loses their disability.
116* TragicallyDisabledLoveInterest: The (usually [[TemporaryLoveInterest temporary]]) love interest of a main character, who's disabled and usually a woman. It is not enough for the love interest to be disabled; they must be ''tragically'' disabled.
117* WheelchairAntics: Comedy that comes from a character using a wheelchair.
118* WheelchairWoobie: You're [[TheWoobie supposed to pity]] this character because they use a wheelchair, crutches, or similar.
