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1If there is ''anything'' a writer can well expect, it is that no one in their audience will be perfect. Therefore, characters are usually given flaws to make them more realistic and relatable, with doing so being common writers' advice. Flaws are character traits that have a negative impact on the character or on others in the narrative, unless they are simply {{informed|Flaw}}. They can also be [[FlawExploitation exploited]]. See GoodFlawsBadFlaws for a scale of flaw acceptability.
7Indexes of flaws:
8+ AngerTropes
9+ ApathyIndex
10+ ComplainingIndex
11+ CynicismTropes
12+ DoesNotLikeThisIndex
13+ EgoTropes
14+ EntitledToThisIndex
15+ EnvyAndJealousyTropes
16+ EvilTropes
17+ FearTropes
18+ HardDrinkingTropes
19+ HatredTropes
20+ HedonismTropes
21+ {{Hypocrite}}
22+ IceQueen
23+ IdlenessIndex
24+ ImmaturityTropes
25+ IndexButton
26+ IndexMyopia
27+ IndividualityIndex
28+ TheJerkIndex
29+ LogicalFallacies
30+ MadnessTropes
31+ ObsessionTropes
32+ OhGreatASnarkIndex
33+ TheOnlyRighteousIndexOfFanatics
34+ ParentalIssues
35+ PragmatismTropes
36+ PrejudiceTropes
37+ PridefulTropes
38+ SadismIndex
39+ SelfishnessTropes
40+ StupidityTropes
41+ TheWarOnStraw
42+ ThisIndexIsABitch
43+ ThisIndexIsUseless
44+ TropesAboutPerverts
45+ YouHateWhatYouAre
48* AbusiveParents: Habitually violent and cruel to their own children, often because that's how they were raised.
49* AcquaintedWithEmergencyServices: EmergencyServices already knows you from multiple previous incidents you caused.
50* AdultHater: Possesses an inexplicable hatred for, at least, most adults.
51* AesopAmnesia: Doesn't learn lessons.
52* AfraidOfBlood: Extreme fear of blood.
53* AfraidOfDoctors: Extreme fear of doctors.
54* AfraidOfNeedles: Extreme fear of hypodermic needles, receiving an injection, etc.
55* AfraidOfTheirOwnStrength: Fear that their SuperStrength will cause people harm.
56* AgeInsecurity: Insecurities about getting older.
57* AggressiveCategorism: Judges people too quickly and/or by criteria that have no inherent bearing on their personal character, such as gender, ethnic background, or hairstyle.
58* AimlesslySeekingHappiness: Constantly looking for something that will make them happy and never quite contented.
59* TheAlcoholic: Drinks way too much and may not be aware that they're behaving like an addict.
60* AllergicToRoutine: Gets bored easily, needs to be entertained at all times.
61* AllMenArePerverts: Men primarily think with their sexual organs.
62* AllTakeAndNoGive: Someone who either manipulates others into giving them whatever they want or gives to people as a way to put them in their debt.
63* AllWomenAreLustful: Women will do anything for sex and damn the consequences.
64* AmbitiousButLazy: Wanting to be successful without any sort of hard work.
65* TheAntiGrinch: Loves Christmas so much, they end up destroying it trying to contribute to it.
66* AntiHero: A morally ambiguous {{hero|Tropes}} who is flawed.
67* AntiMentor: Terrible at teaching even the simplest of lessons.
68* ApologisesALot: Apologizes all the time, even when not at fault.
69* AthleticallyChallenged: A character is terrible at athletic endeavors, particularly sports.
70* AttackAttackAttack: Incapable of realizing when a fight is unwinnable or when to retreat for a shorter time.
71* AttentionDeficitOohShiny: Has no attention span and is easily distracted.
72* AttentionWhore: Will do anything to be the center of attention, good or bad.
73* AxCrazy: Psychologically unstable and presents a clear danger to others.
74* BadBoss: Treats their employees or underlings extremely badly.
75* BadLiar: Unable to lie in a convincing way and comes up with really silly lies that fool no one.
76* BarredFromEveryBar: Getting kicked out of multiple bars due to drunken misbehavior.
77* BecauseImGoodAtIt: Does a job because they can do it well, regardless of whether the job is ethical.
78* BelievingTheirOwnLies: Self-deluded and blind to the way things really are.
79* BerserkButton: This character will get extremely angry at one particular provocation.
80* TheBerserker: Throws themselves into battle with complete disregard for danger or consequences.
81* BigEater: Habitual excess in eating, a.k.a. gluttony.
82* BitchInSheepsClothing: Pretends to be nice when they're anything but.
83* BlackAndWhiteInsanity: Sees the world in black and white to the point of being not mentally well.
84* BlindedByRage: Is far too easily angered and baited, leading to mistakes that they would not otherwise make.
85* BlindObedience: Blindly follows those in authority without regard to the authority's fallibility or morality.
86* BloodKnight: Loves to fight and by extension, hurt others.
87* BloodLust: Is gratified by the sight of someone else bleeding.
88* BoomerangBigot: Hates members of a group, even though they're a member of the group.
89* TheBore: An incredibly dull person who's almost impossible to get rid of or get away from.
90* BrattyFoodDemand: Someone who rudely demands food.
91* BrattyHalfPint: A youngster who's bratty and self-important.
92* BrattyTeenageDaughter: A whiny, self-involved adolescent girl.
93* {{Bridezilla}}: Wedding planning brings out the worst in a bride-to-be.
94* BrilliantButLazy: Has talent, but no drive to apply themselves.
95* BrutalHonesty: Will tell you the truth even if it hurts your feelings.
96* BoyfriendBlockingDad: A father with a tendency to intervene in his daughter's love life to an excessive extent.
97* TheBully: Does harmful things to those (at least perceived as) weaker than themselves.
98* ButNotTooChallenging: Can't take a loss, but is also too too proud to accept an easy win.
99* BystanderSyndrome: Thinks that any given crisis isn't important and doesn't require their help because they're not personally involved and have no desire to get involved.
100* CannotConveySarcasm: Doesn't understand how to use sarcasm properly.
101* CannotKeepASecret: Will reveal to others what you tell them in confidence.
102* CannotSpitItOut: Unable to voice their true feelings.
103* CannotTalkToWomen: Is there a woman present? This person is now a gibbering wreck.
104* CannotTellALie: Is completely truthful at all times, even when it would be better not to be.
105* CannotTellFictionFromReality: Unable to understand imaginary events and people compared to real-life.
106* CantHoldHisLiquor: Is intoxicated very easily.
107* CantTakeCriticism: Can't stand being criticized for their wrongs.
108* CaptainOblivious: Completely unaware of the outside world in which things to them are different from others.
109* CaptainObvious: Tends to point out the obvious.
110* CatsAreLazy: Cats are depicted as lazy creatures.
111* CatsAreMean: Cats are depicted as animal {{Jerkass}}es.
112* CatsAreSuperior: Cats are depicted as arrogant and believe their species is the best.
113* ChaoticStupid: Deprived of common sense and abidance to any code of conduct.
114* ChildHater: Possesses a more inexplicable hatred for, at least, most children.
115* ChronicBackstabbingDisorder: Constantly betrays others.
116* ChronicHeroSyndrome: Wants to save everyone and right every wrong, even when it's not the wisest course.
117* ChronicSelfDeprecation: Doesn't like themselves, to the point of self-loathing.
118* {{Chuunibyou}}: A teenager ignorant of the real world who acts like a know-it-all adult, or thinks they have special powers no one else has.
119* ClassicalAntiHero: A {{hero|Tropes}} who has multiple flaws and/or major ones to the point where they must overcome them in order to do good.
120* {{Claustrophobia}}: Extreme fear of small enclosed spaces.
121* ClingyJealousGirl: Very possessive of her significant other.
122* TheCobblersChildrenHaveNoShoes: A professional in a certain field can and will find time to help everyone -- except those they love most.
123* CombatSadomasochist: Loves to feel pain and inflict it, too.
124* CommitmentIssues: Doesn't know how to properly settle down if seeking a relationship.
125* CompetitionFreak: Treats every contest as SeriousBusiness.
126* ComplexityAddiction: Never uses a simple plan when a multidimensional one will do.
127* CompressedAbstinence: Making an effort to reduce the use of some indulgence without quitting it entirely.
128* CompressedVice: A flaw developed by a character out of nowhere for the sake of AnAesop.
129* CompulsiveLiar: Lies even when there is no advantage in doing so.
130* CondescendingCompassion: Feels sorry for someone who's not themselves but looks down on them with rudeness over mercy.
131* ConditionedToAcceptHorror: Desensitized to the horrific or traumatic things in their everyday life.
132* ConspiracyTheorist: Sees {{ancient conspirac|y}}ies behind everything.
133* ControlFreak: Obsessed with control over themselves, other people and their environment.
134* ConversationHog: Doesn't allow others to take turns in conversations and think only their word should be heard.
135* CordonBleughChef: Has good cooking skills, but often creates recipes that sound and/or taste disgusting.
136* CorruptCorporateExecutive: Will do terrible things just to make money.
137* TheCorrupter: Enjoys bringing out the worst in everyone around them.
138* TheCorruptible: Prone to being corrupted easily.
139* CrazyCatLady: Possessing an extreme need to collect animals.
140* CrazyJealousGuy: Lets jealousy poison his relationships.
141* CreatureOfHabit: A character that prefers sticking to everyday routine than trying something different.
142* CrimeMagnet: Unusually attractive to wrongdoers.
143* CulturalPosturing: My culture is better than yours!
144* CultureJustifiesAnything: Uses their culture to justify their own vicious deeds.
145* CuteAndPsycho: Hides a scheming and unstable demeanor that can resurface at any time.
146* CuteClumsyGirl: [[TheKlutz Lacks physical coordination,]] but is at least endearing because of this.
147* TheCynic: Believes that people are exclusively motivated by self-interest.
148* {{Dandere}}: Shyness, sometimes to a fault.
149* DeadpanSnarker: Prone to sarcastic and snide remarks.
150* DeafComposer: Inability to enjoy their own creation.
151* DeathlessAndDebauched: An immortal too obsessed with having a good time to do anything productive with their eternal life.
152* DeliberateUnderPerformance: Would rather fly under the radar than be successful.
153* {{Delinquents}}: School kid who breaks rules to the extreme.
154* DesperatelyCravesAffection: Excessive desire to be loved.
155* DesperatelyLookingForAPurposeInLife: Still doesn't know what to do with their life.
156* DesperatelyNeedsOrders: Inability to function without someone to tell them what to do.
157* {{Determinator}}: Excessive persistence in a course of action, even when it would be better to give up.
158* DetrimentalDetermination: Refusal to give up leads people into danger.
159* DidIJustSayThatOutLoud: Prone to be ThinkingOutLoud even though it's something they don't want others to hear.
160* DirtyCoward: Shameless, selfish, and all too willing to put others in danger to save their own skin.
161* DisabilityAsAnExcuseForJerkassery: [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin Uses their disability as an excuse to be a]] {{Jerkass}}.
162* {{Dismotivation}}: Wants to keep things as they are and actively avoids doing anything that might change their life for the better.
163* TheDitherer: Can't make decisions or make up their mind to save their life.
164* TheDitz: The idiot.
165* DitzySecretary: A secretary who is too stupid or at least out of touch to properly have the job.
166* DoesNotKnowHisOwnStrength: Has trouble gauging just how much of their considerable strength to apply to a specific task.
167* DoesNotKnowHowToSayThanks: Doesn't know how to express gratitude.
168* DoesNotLikeMen: Dislikes men as a whole.
169* DoesNotLikeSpam: Possesses an immense dislike for a particular food.
170* DoggedNiceGuy: Doesn't know when to take a hint that their LoveInterest is not interested.
171* DomesticAbuse: Inclined to abuse their partners either mentally, sexually, verbally, physically, or emotionally.
172* DontLookAtMe: Extreme dislike of being looked at.
173* DontYouDarePityMe: Too proud to appreciate sympathy or help.
174* DramaQueen: Responds to situations in a melodramatic way.
175* DreadfulMusician: Displays little talent for music, often to comical extremes.
176%%* Driven By A Love Interest: Places their LoveInterest above pretty much ''everything'' else, to the point that they can't even exist without them.
177* DrivesLikeCrazy: A danger to pretty much everyone on the road when behind the wheel.
178* DrowningMySorrows: Deals with sorrow by getting drunk.
179* DrunkWithPower: When given power, they abuse their underlings.
180* DryCrusader: Goes to extreme lengths to discourage alcohol consumption.
181* DumbassTeenageSon: A teenage boy who's unintelligent in many ways.
182* EasilySwayedPopulation: A large group of people being unable to think for themselves, often because of their own stupidity.
183* EducationMama: A parent (often a mother) only cares about their child passing every education with a perfect score, anything not perfect (including gaining a passable score) will be punished severely.
184* TheEeyore: Perpetually depressed; perpetually depressing.
185* EmbodimentOfVice: Exemplifies a certain moral deficiency to such an extent as to become a symbol of it.
186* EmotionallyTongueTied: Has trouble uttering specific words or phrases, like "I love you" or "I'm sorry."
187* EntitledBastard: Treats people like crap, but still expects them to serve their interests.
188* EntitledToHaveYou: Believes that they are entitled to the affections of their LoveInterest simply for being part of a certain group, doing or not doing something, or simply for existing.
189* EnragedByIdiocy: Can't cope with idiots.
190* EtiquetteNazi: Obsessed with enforcing manners on everyone.
191* EvilCannotComprehendGood: Inability to comprehend good altruistic behavior because of an incredibly selfish and evil nature.
192* ExecutiveExcess: A character with a high-flying corporate job can't seem to focus on anything but partying and avoiding work.
193* ExpelledFromEveryOtherSchool: A character is kicked out of multiple schools, for making trouble.
194* ExperienceEntitlement: Using their age or amount of experience as a reason to put others down.
195* ExtremeDoormat: Unmotivated and has no drive, but freely bends to the will of others.
196* ExtremeLibido: A high libido can't be satisfied easily, mostly called as ''[[AllWomenAreLustful Nymphomania]]'' or ''[[AllMenArePerverts Satyriasis]]''.
197* ExtremeOmnisexual: They'll have sex with anything and everything.
198* ExtremeOmnivore: Tends to eat things that are not supposed to be edible.
199* FairWeatherEx: A character who will shamelessly try to get with their ex if it's convenient.
200* FairWeatherFoe: Will shamelessly act nice to their enemies to get something out of them rather than sticking to their guns.
201* FairWeatherFriend: Has a tendency to flake out when their "friends" need help.
202* TheFatalist: Strongly adheres that YouCantFightFate, even if said fate can be altered for a better outcome.
203* FatalFlaw: A flaw that the character wrestles with on a consistent basis.
204* FearlessFool: Not scared of anything, even if it's dangerous.
205* FearOfThunder: Inordinate fear of thunderstorms.
206* FelonyMisdemeanor: Their reaction to a minor offense is ridiculously excessive.
207* FemaleMisogynist: A woman who hates on other women/buys into sexist attitudes about her gender.
208* TheFinickyOne: An incredibly nitpicky and uptight character.
209* FlawExploitation: Exploiting someone's flaws for profit.
210* FoolForLove: Can't help but to fall in love, even if their lives and past experiences have taught them better.
211* ForgetfulJones: Incredibly forgetful.[[note]].. Or the essential embodiment of short-term memory loss.[[/note]]
212* ForgetsToEat: Notorious for ignoring their body's need for nutrition and has to be reminded to eat.
213* FreudianExcuse: Bad things happened to this character in the past, so they use it as an excuse to do bad things to others.
214* FreudianExcuseIsNoExcuse: No matter how pitiable their sad stories are, they shouldn't be given leniency for their actions.
215* TheFundamentalist: Their beliefs are right and anyone who doesn't believe as they do is stupid, crazy, evil or all three.
216* FuryFueledFoolishness: Lets their anger get the best of them, causing them to make mistakes.
217* TheGamblingAddict: Likes gambling, to the extent where it starts to cause problems.
218* GeneralFailure: An incompetent leader.
219* GettingHighOnTheirOwnSupply: A drug dealer who uses their own product, most often to their detriment.
220* GlassesCuriosity: Stealing or taking someone else's glasses.
221* GlorifiedSpermDonor: Fathers a baby, then leaves the woman he slept with to raise the baby herself, without taking ''any'' responsibility for that child.
222* GloryHound: Desire for glory at any cost.
223* GlorySeeker: Driven by the need for glory.
224* GlurgeAddict: Extreme love for sickeningly sweet things.
225* GodIsFlawed: Not even supreme beings are perfect.
226* GodIsInept: Cases in which [[{{God}} The Lord Almighty]] is -- quite literally -- not suited for his job.
227* GoodCannotComprehendEvil: Inability to comprehend what motivates villains to commit evil deeds.
228* GoodIsDumb: Some good guys are [[TheDitz easily called stupid, or just lacking in intelligence]].
229* GoodIsNotNice: Generally, if not terribly rude even when doing heroic deeds.
230* GracefulInTheirElement: Nimble in their field, awkward outside it.
231* GrammarNazi: An obsessive stickler about proper grammar.
232* GreedMakesYouDumb: {{Greed}} leads to losing profits rather than gain.
233* GreenEyedMonster: Cannot stand others who are happier/more privileged than them.
234* GreyAndGrayInsanity: Thinks everyone is basically just as flawed as each other to the point of absurdity.
235* TheGrinch: Hates Christmas.
236* GuiltComplex: Blames themselves for everything.
237* GuiltyPleasure: Ashamed of what brings them pleasure because they think it's of low quality.
238* HairTriggerTemper: This character will get extremely angry for many particular provocations -- or has never learned how to control their temper.
239* HalfBakedNiceness: Terrible at giving an effective compliment.
240* HatesBaths: ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin.
241* HatesBeingAlone: Possess an extensive fear of being left alone.
242* HatesBeingTouched: Dislikes physical contact.
243* HatesEveryoneEqually: Hates everyone, or just about.
244* HatesReading: Dislikes reading books.
245* HatesSmallTalk: Dislikes making small talk with others.
246* HatesTheirParent: Outright despises at least one of their parents, sometimes for petty and selfish reasons.
247* HeavySleeper: Almost impossible to wake up.
248* TheHedonist: Only lives for pleasure, often at the expense of others.
249* HeManWomanHater: Dislikes women as a whole.
250* HeroicComedicSociopath: Loves to fight evil because it enables them to dispense pain.
251* HeroicSelfDeprecation: No matter how amazing their accomplishments are, the hero thinks they are useless.
252* HeWhoFightsMonsters: Lets their hatred for an evil enemy possess them, to the point of becoming more and more like that enemy over time.
253* HighHopesZeroTalent: They have the ambition, but not the skill.
254* {{Hikikomori}}: Locks themselves away from the outside world as a result of intense social anxiety.
255* HisOwnWorstEnemy: Self-sabotages their own doings.
256* HonorBeforeReason: Does what they feel is the right thing, even though it's not the smart thing.
257* HormoneAddledTeenager: Over-sexualized behavior of adolescents.
258* HorribleJudgeOfCharacter: Trusts people who really shouldn't be trusted.
259* HumansAreBastards: Humanity is, at least demonstrated in such settings, prone to acts of cruelty.
260* HumansAreFlawed: A saying that gets passed down easily: "No one's perfect."
261* HumansAreTheRealMonsters: Humans are among the cruelest of all sapient species.
262* {{Hypocrite}}: Espousing an ideal and/or holding others to a standard that they themselves don't follow. In short, not practicing what they preach.
263* ImAManICantHelpIt: Uses his biological urges as an excuse for his behavior.
264* ImplausibleDeniability: Denies something even in front of unquestionable evidence.
265* InadequateInheritor: When the character is unfit to fulfill heritage expectations.
266* IneffectualLoner: A loner whose capacity is reduced to the point of not being able to fulfill their goal because of their solitary nature.
267* InferioritySuperiorityComplex: Uses arrogance to mask low self-esteem.
268* InformedFlaw: Flaws not really shown or followed up on.
269* InHarmsWay: Thinks life is boring unless they put themselves in danger.
270* InLoveWithLooks: A character chooses their long-term relationships based on looks rather than personality or compatibility.
271* InLoveWithLove: In love with the idea of being in a romantic relationship, which often leads to LookingForLoveInAllTheWrongPlaces.
272* InnocentBigot: Unknowingly offensive to strangers.
273* InnocentlyInsensitive: Unknowingly offensive.
274* InsecureLoveInterest: Firmly believes they're not good enough as a LoveInterest.
275* InspectorJavert: Firmly believes that someone is pure evil and aggressively pursues them in order to punish them.
276* InstantTasteAddiction: A character tries a new food and instantly develops an addiction to it.
277* InsufferableGenius: Arrogant about their own impressive skills.
278* InsufferableImbecile: Mean person with a low I.Q.
279* IntentionalHeartbreaker: Dates people just to break up with them.
280* InternalizedCategorism: Possesses a nondestructive trait that causes self-hatred, which makes it destructive.
281* IRejectYourReality: Insists their beliefs are facts.
282* IrrationalHatred: Hates someone for irrational reasons.
283* ItsAllAboutMe: Cares (at least almost) only about themselves.
284* IWorkAlone: Inclined to do things by themselves and is dismissive of others' assistance.
285* JabbaTableManners: Has no or poor table manners.
286* JadedWashout: A cynical, washed-up type who can at least appear as a loser.
287* {{Jerkass}}: Treats other people like crap.
288* KidsAreCruel: Child or children who are prone to acts of cruelty.
289* TheKilljoy: A grump who wants to spoil everyone's fun.
290* TheKindnapper: Someone who means to display benevolence by kidnapping those they intend to be nice to.
291* TheKlutz: Excessive clumsiness.
292* KnightTemplar: Vicious, but convinced of their own righteousness.
293* KnowNothingKnowItAll: Acts like a genius, but is anything but.
294* LackOfEmpathy: Doesn't have the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
295* LackOfImagination: A character isn't very imaginative.
296* LaboriousLaziness: Working only to be lazy.
297* LastSecondShowoff: Waiting because of skill.
298* LawfulPushover: A person of authority [[ExtremeDoormat lacks the spine]] to [[StandYourGround use it.]]
299* LawfulStupid: Impractically pushes rules at the expense of reason.
300* LazyBum: Profound laziness.
301* LazyHusband: Leeches off their spouse while not pulling any of their own weight.
302* LeeroyJenkins: Rushes into dangerous situations without thinking, often getting themselves or others hurt or worse.
303* LegacySeeker: A character is obsessed with leaving a lasting mark on the world.
304* LethalChef: Has poor cooking skills, often to comical extremes.
305* LethalKlutz: ''Dangerously'' excessive clumsiness.
306* LethallyStupid: Stupid enough to endanger everyone around them.
307* LethalNegligence: A character is negligent to the point where it endangers others.
308* LiteralMinded: Doesn't understand figurative language.
309* TheLoad: Contributes nothing to a group except weighing it down.
310* LoonyFan: Follows someone everywhere out of obsessive admiration, either causing trouble or just creeping them out.
311* LoserProtagonist: Whether it's because of circumstances within their control, or outside of it, they are considered a "loser" ''by the standards of the society and culture wherein they live''.
312* LousyLoversAreLosers: Being bad in bed is portrayed as a major character flaw.
313* LoveHungry: Tries to force others to like or love them, not understanding that it doesn't work that way.
314* LoveMartyr: Willingly endures misery and abuse for love.
315* LovesOnlyGold: Obsessed with a particular form of wealth.
316* LovingAShadow: In love with the ''ideal'' of a person, rather than loving someone's ''true'' self.
317* {{Lust}}: Driven by one's sex drives.
318* MadonnaWhoreComplex: Thinks all women are either promiscuous, immoral seductresses or sweet, naive ingenues. Also, that smart, capable, good women who enjoy sex don't exist.
319* {{Manchild}}: An adult who possesses a very childlike or childish demeanor.
320* ManipulativeBastard: Not above using and toying with others to get what they want.
321* MarriedToTheJob: Is so devoted to their career that it seriously affects their ability to hold any kind of relationship outside of it.
322* MartyrWithoutACause: Will insist on making a HeroicSacrifice even if it's unnecessary.
323* MaternallyChallenged: Not very good with kids.
324* TheMentallyDisturbed: Mental illnesses ''treated'' as mere character flaws.
325* MilesGloriosus: Makes themselves out to be the ultimate badass but proves to be a coward when faced with a real fight.
326* TheMillstone: The cause of most, if not all, of a group's failures.
327* MinorFlawMajorBreakup: Inability to accept partner's minor flaws.
328* MisanthropeSupreme: A human character who hates the human race.
329* MiseryTrigger: This character will fall apart when pressed on a certain matter.
330* MisplacedSorrow: Prone to miss another character for shallow, selfish reasons, such as money.
331* MockingTheMourner: Using a character's loss as a means to antagonize them.
332* MoodSwinger: Has unstable emotions and acts unpredictably.
333* MoralMyopia: Regularly does horrible things to other people, but gets offended when it's them who gets wronged.
334* MoralPragmatist: A character ignorantly does evil, until it's pointed out that doing good would help their cause much better.
335* MotorMouth: Speaks constantly or so quickly that it's hard to make out individual words.
336* MouthyKid: Overly talkative, insolent, and loud child.
337* MrViceGuy: A Hero or morally good character with a character-defining negative trait.
338* MsRedInk: A spendthrift, wasting other people's money on self-satisfactory goods.
339* MuseAbuse: Exploits their real life and the people around them for the sake of their art, with harmful results.
340* MusicAgeDissonance: They listen to music outside their age demographic.
341* MyBelovedSmother: Thinks that she's being a good mom, but is actually holding her children back as people.
342* NaiveAnimalLover: Wants to help animals, not realizing how dangerous some of them are.
343* TheNapoleon: Hot-blooded, aggressive, and extremely sensitive about their height.
344* {{Narcissist}}: Extreme love and admiration for oneself.
345* NeatFreak: Obsessed with cleanliness.
346* NervousWreck: Panics over the slightest thing.
347* NeverLearnedToRead: Being illiterate can severely limit one's understanding of the world.
348* NeverMyFault: Blames others for their own mistakes or misdeeds.
349* NobodyCallsMeChicken: Can't turn down a challenge.
350* NoIndoorVoice: Talks more loudly than is usually considered appropriate.
351* NoListeningSkills: Terrible at listening.
352* NoObjectPermanence: Inability to recognize that an object continues to exist even when you can't see, hear, or touch it.
353* NoPlaceForAWarrior: So used to being part of a military and leading a life of combat that they can't adjust to peacetime.
354* NoSenseOfDirection: Gets lost easily.
355* NoSenseOfHumor: Doesn't get jokes.
356* NoSenseOfPersonalSpace: Gets way too close for comfort around others.
357* NoSocialSkills: Ignorant of and confused by social customs.
358* NostalgiaFilter: Believes that things of the past are most always better than things of the modern equivalents, just because the past was favored.
359* NoSympathy: Doesn't feel pity or sorrow for other people's misfortunes.
360* NotAGame: Doesn't take serious matters seriously.
361* NotAMorningPerson: Is unusually cranky and snippy when just woken up.
362* NotSoWellIntentionedExtremist: Commits horrid acts for supposedly good causes, but actually does them for their own selfish reasons.
363* ObliviouslyEvil: Can't comprehend that they're doing anything wrong.
364* ObliviousToHisOwnDescription: Unable to recognize a perfect definition of themselves.
365* ObliviousToLove: Inability to notice any romantic intentions.
366* ObsessedWithFood: They pay more attention to food than anything else.
367* ObsessivelyOrganized: Obsessed with order, symmetry and following certain patterns of behavior.
368* OldWindbag: Known for being an insufferable bore.
369* OnlyInItForTheMoney: Doesn't care about anything except getting paid.
370* OpenMouthInsertFoot: Prone to vocal stupidity or self-incrimination.
371* OpinionFlipFlop: Always agreeing with a flip-flopper instead of thinking for themselves.
372* OpinionMyopia: Doesn't seem too keen on other peoples' opinions and shoves their own on others' throats.
373* OverlyGenerousFool: A character is generous to the point of suffering financially.
374* PaperTiger: Looks and acts threatening and tough, but is anything but.
375* ParalyzingFearOfSexuality: Desires romance and/or sex, but is too afraid of sexuality.
376* TheParanoiac: Pathological cynicism and mistrust of people and situations.
377* PassiveAggressiveKombat: Uses passive-aggressive tactics to get what they want.
378* PasteEater: Eats things that are not intended to be food, often poisoning themselves in the process.
379* ThePerfectionist: Has to be perfect at what they do or at everything they do.
380* PersonalHateBeforeCommonGoals: They have identical goals that it would be beneficial to work together... if only one of them doesn't prioritize personal grudge too much.
381* PettyChildhoodGrudge: Someone who holds a grudge against another person from long ago.
382* PickyEater: Distaste of a certain type of food.
383* ThePigPen: Someone whose personal hygiene is lacking.
384* PoliticallyIncorrectHero: A good guy who holds racist, sexist and/or controversial views.
385* PoliticallyIncorrectVillain: A villain is a bigot to further showcase their villainy.
386* ThePollyanna: Endlessly optimistic, sometimes [[WideEyedIdealist to the point of insanity]].
387* PostStressOvereating: Excess in eating as a coping mechanism.
388* ThePrankster: Very fond of playing pranks on others.
389* {{Pride}}: Excessive self-regard, to the point that it negatively affects a character's judgement.
390* ThePrimadonna: Vain, self-centered and ''very'' egotistical, always expecting others to bow to her demands.
391* PrinciplesZealot: Blindly clings to principles and refuses to see the big picture.
392* ProneToSunburn: Someone who gets lots of tan for being exposed in the Sun for long enough.
393* ProneToTears: A character who's overly sensitive and cries all the time.
394* ProneToVomiting: This character vomits easily.
395* PsychologicalProjection: Sees their own flaws in other people, often while denying those flaws in themselves.
396* PsychopathicManchild: A lunatic with all the strength/intellect of an adult and maturity of a child.
397* PushoverParents: Parents who are too submissive to their children and refuse to discipline them.
398* TheQuietOne: A person who isn't very talkative, to a point which can limit some possible benefits from social interactions.
399* TheQuisling: They betray their group to the enemy.
400* RebelliousSpirit: Possesses an immense desire to resist authority, control, or convention.
401* RejectionProjection: They tend to push people away, then accuse these same people of abandoning them.
402* TheResenter: Feels bitterness or indignation for a person or group.
403* RevengeBeforeReason: Putting revenge over sensible actions.
404* RichBitch: Rich, snobby, and haughty.
405* RichInDollarsPoorInSense: Has little understanding of things that people without money take for granted.
406* RidiculouslyHighRelationshipStandards: A character has very high standards for who their romantic/sexual partners are.
407* RidiculousProcrastinator: Puts something off until the last minute.
408* RightThroughTheWall: Is very loud about their bedroom business.
409* RightlySelfRighteous: Virtuous and morally upright, but is condescending and arrogant about it.
410* RoyalBrat: Arrogance, power, pettiness, and a huge sense of entitlement.
411* SacrificedBasicSkillForAwesomeTraining: Grown up without learning a very basic skill.
412* {{Sadist}}: A character who enjoys the pain and suffering of other characters, possibly including oneself.
413* SarcasmBlind: Doesn't understand sarcasm.
414* SavedByATerriblePerformance: When a character's flaw ends up saving the day for everybody.
415* SevenDeadlySins: A Christian classic interpretation of sin being composed of seven (sometimes eight) fundamental ones, each of which stands in for a character flaw.
416* {{Schemer}}: Constantly uses {{zany scheme}}s to get what they want.
417* ScheduleFanatic: Has to do everything according to precise schedule, every day of their lives.
418* TheScrooge: Values their wealth more than anything else and will avoid spending it, even if this hurts others.
419* SecretlySelfish: Hides a selfish motive underneath an altruistic exterior.
420* SelectiveEnforcement: Makes only certain people follow the rules.
421* SelectiveObliviousness: Refuses to comprehend a particular fact.
422* SerialRomeo: Keeps insisting their newest LoveInterest is their one true love, completely forgetting about previous {{Love Interest}}s who rejected them.
423* SerialSpouse: Just can't keep a marriage together.
424* SeriousBusiness: Treats an activity as though it had much more importance than most people would give it.
425* SeriouslyScruffy: Can't strike a balance between work and looking after themselves.
426* SexIsEvilAndIAmHorny: Believes that SexIsEvil, but can't escape their own sexuality.
427* ShallowCannotComprehendTrueLove: Can't understand that not everyone is shallow as they are.
428* ShamelessFanserviceGirl: Has no nudity taboo nor idea of modesty.
429* ShippingGoggles: Sees every interaction between certain characters as signs of ShipTease, even when there's no such thing involved.
430* ShrinkingViolet: Painfully shy.
431* TheShutIn: Virtually never leaves their house for any number of reasons, involuntary reasons included.
432* SirSwearsALot: Seriously foul-mouthed in a manner or situations than can attract problems.
433* SilverSpoonTroublemaker: A rich kid who enjoys stirring up trouble and acting in an irresponsible manner.
434* SkilledButNaive: Lacks the experience needed to accomplish their goal.
435* SkewedPriorities: Their order of things by importance defies sensibility.
436* TheSlacker: Just plain lazy.
437* SlaveToPR: Obsessed with upholding one's reputation, no matter what.
438* {{Sleepyhead}}: Chronically drowsy.
439* {{Slimeball}}: Unsophisticated, manipulative, and selfish.
440* SmallNameBigEgo: Thinks they're all that when they aren't.
441* SmugSnake: A sleazy person with delusions of grandeur and inflated sense of pride.
442* SmugSuper: Knows they're powerful and has the ego to show.
443* SmittenTeenageGirl: Gets crushes with serious intensity.
444* SocialClimber: Tries to better themselves in the eyes of society, often at the expense of others.
445* TheSocialDarwinist: Distorts theory of evolution and related theories to justify wanton oppression.
446* SociallyAwkwardHero: Is more afraid of social situations than of actual dangers to life and limb.
447* TheSociopath: Completely self-centered and manipulative with no sense of right or wrong.
448* SociopathicHero: A "hero" who lacks empathy for others and acts in villainous ways when fighting villains.
449* SoreLoser: Can't take a loss, even if it was fair and square.
450* SourOutsideSadInside: Forces people away with their abrasive attitude while really feeling depressed because they can't get close to anybody.
451* SourPrudes: Tries too hard to make themselves look good at the expense of others, claiming superiority on the ground that they doesn't have as much sex as others do, doesn't dress as scandalously as they do, or something like that.
452* SpoiledBrat: Arrogant, selfish and disrespectful kid who demands to be given everything.
453* StalkerWithACrush: Expresses their love for someone by stalking them.
454* StoppedCaring: Believes nothing really matters and only does what has to be done.
455* StrawNihilist: Considers life and existence to be meaningless and [[DogKickingExcuse uses this as a justification]] for [[KickTheDog evil acts]].
456* StupidGood: A character who's too nice for their own good.
457* SugarAndIcePersonality: Acts aloof and apathetic despite really being sweet and kind.
458* SuperGullible: Believes anything you tell them.
459* SympatheticMurderBackstory: Is a nice person, but once killed someone.
460* TakingAdvantageOfGenerosity: Demanding more of others who are being generous.
461* TallPoppySyndrome: Holds contempt (or worse) for peers who are affluent, ambitious, talented or who otherwise stand out.
462* TautologicalTemplar: Convinced that they're good to the point that everything they do is good by default.
463* TheTease: Prone to tempt someone sexually with no intention of satisfying the desire aroused.
464* TeenHater: A character who possesses an inexplicable loathing of teenagers.
465* TeensAreMonsters: Teenagers who act very cruel towards others.
466* TerribleArtist: A character has comically bad artistic skills.
467* TheoryTunnelvision: Holds on to their opinions even when they are contradicted by facts.
468* TooCleverByHalf: Very smart, but is irritatingly aware of it, they go beyond themselves, which often leads them to spectacular failures.
469* TooDumbToLive: Puts own life and limb at risk by doing things that no sane person would do.
470* TooHungryToBePolite: The character has atrocious table manners because they're too hungry or don't know any better.
471* ToxicFriendInfluence: Gets friends into serious trouble or takes leave of their common sense when around a particular friend.
472* TragicBigot: A character hates a group because of a painful/traumatic experience a member of the group inflicted upon them.
473* TrashOfTheTitans: Extremely messy.
474* TrashTalk: Prone to uttering insults intended to demoralize or intimidate someone.
475* TraumaButton: Prone to breaking down when exposed to certain stimuli.
476* TriggerHappy: Too eager to pull the trigger at any slight.
477* {{Troll}}: Acts only to get a rise out of somebody else.
478* TroubledSympatheticBigot: The character is sympathetic, but their views are not.
479* {{Tsundere}}: Can't express their affection without getting angry.
480* TheUnapologetic: A character who doesn't apologize for their misdeeds.
481* UndiscriminatingAddict: An addict who will take anything to get high.
482* TheUnfettered: Will do anything to win.
483* UnfitForGreatness: Wants to do good, but lacks the willpower, insight, and virtue to direct the power they've been given.
484* UnintentionallyKarmic: They mean well, but when it comes to helping bad guys, their efforts never go the way they plan.
485* UngratefulBastard: Doesn't show appropriate gratitude.
486* UnsportsmanlikeGloating: A winner ''really'' loves to mock or insult at the loser.
487* UnstoppableRage: Don't make them angry. You won't like them when they're angry.
488* {{Wangst}}: A character who laments on relatively minor things.
489* WantsAPrizeForBasicDecency: Demands praise for behaving in a situation like a decent human, disregarding that basic humanity is expected of others by default, rather than something above-and-beyond to be rewarded for.
490* WantsToBeHated: A character prefers to be hated rather than liked, and may do things to ensure that it happens.
491* WardrobeFlawOfCharacterization: Tries to dress well, but can't quite pull it off.
492* {{Warhawk}}: Advocates for war over peace.
493* WeakWilled: Easy to convince or brainwash.
494* WeaselCoWorker: Doesn't do their job and palms off the blame on others.
495* WeightWoe: Obsessed with dieting.
496* WellDoneDadGuy: Emotionally distant to someone who desperately wants their approval as a child or student.
497* WellDoneSonGuy: Emotionally distant to someone who desperately wants their approval as a parent or a role model.
498* WellIntentionedExtremist: Someone who uses good ends to justify evil means.
499* WhatYouAreInTheDark: Fails to live up to their principles when no one is watching.
500* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Crippling and extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something, not necessarily snakes.
501* WhyWeCantHaveNiceThings: Can't help but to destroy the greater things in their life.
502* WideEyedIdealist: Has a naive, rose-colored outlook in a world that's [[CrapsackWorld anything but.]]
503* WildCard: Unreliable, untrustworthy, and traitorous.
504* WithUsOrAgainstUs: Views anyone who doesn't support them as an enemy. Often the trait of a fanatic.
505* {{Workaholic}}: Compulsively works hard and long hours.
506* WouldHarmASenior: No qualms about using violence against one or more elderly people.
507* WouldHitAGirl: No qualms about using violence against women.
508* WouldHurtAChild: No qualms about using violence against children.
509* {{Yandere}}: Is obsessed with the one they love (or just have a crush on) to the point of doing horrible things for that love.
510* YouNeedToGetLaid: Too ill-tempered for their own good, to which some would suggest they experience something such as sex in order to calm down.
