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1It's not enough to say someone is a bad actor. Bad acting comes in many forms. Here are a few. Often leads to {{Narm}} and/or SoBadItsGood.
5* BadBadActing: Exaggeratedly bad acting.
6* DullSurprise: A character speaks with dialogue indicating they are surprised by something, but their emotions do not indicate that that is the case.
7* HollywoodToneDeaf: Exaggeratedly bad singing.
8* TheLivingDead: Corpses in movies are actually living people pretending to be dead.
9* MilkingTheGiantCow: The actor relies too much on making wild gestures with their hands.
10* NotEvenBotheringWithTheAccent: An actor plays a character of a specific nationality, but doesn't even try speaking their lines with the proper accent.
11* OneLineAnxiety: Someone with a tiny part gets stage fright.
12* OohMeAccentsSlipping: The actor accidentally slips into speaking with their natural accent when the character they play does not have the accent.
13* PlayingATree: An actor's role is basically a glorified background prop.
14* PerformanceAnxiety: If the actor gets too anxious, the acting quality drops horribly.
15* VoicedDifferentlyInTheDub: A character's voice in a foreign dub sounds completely different from the original voice, which can result in bad acting at times.
