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1!This trope is [[ under discussion]] in the Administrivia/TropeRepairShop.
5->''"I can't tell you just now what the moral of that is, but I shall remember it in a bit."\
6"Perhaps it hasn't one," Alice ventured to remark.\
7"Tut, tut, child!" said the Duchess. "Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it."''
8-->-- '''Creator/LewisCarroll''', ''Literature/AlicesAdventuresInWonderland''
10The episode ends with a moral ''à la'' ''Literature/AesopsFables''. Either the last line of the episode summarizes the whole point of the episode, or it leaves the viewer with the issue that the writers want them to ponder. [[TheFifties 1950s]] {{sitcom}}s often end on the "Gee, I learned my lesson," type of moral, while ''Series/LawAndOrder'' leaves you pondering. Since some shows seem to contractually require one moral per episode, you often end up with a BrokenAesop.
12A lot of kids' shows go out of their way for this, especially Creator/{{Disney}}-animated shows. Writers often call it the "Object Lesson", and write the episode around it. This is particularly noticeable in programs made in UsefulNotes/TheUnitedStates during [[TheSeventies the late 1970s]] through [[TheNineties the early 1990s]], as the FCC at the time[[note]]pushed by a relentless group of MoralGuardians called "Action for Children's Television"[[/note]] required that all networks airing children's television broadcast a certain amount of [[EdutainmentShow "educational" content]], and this was the simplest way to meet its requirements.
14What's more, this trope can also make various media like shows and so on, become an immersive experience in giving helpful advice to the audience, which makes it very popular and very unique in terms of use.
16For times when a lesson is learned through a moral conflict, see MoralDilemma.
18In some quarters An Aesop delivered to another character, often a child, directly is referred to as a "[[LittleJimmy You See, Timmy]]" from the frequent use of that line to deliver the Aesop in the television show ''Series/{{Lassie}}''. This definition was put forth originally in the movie ''Speechless''.
20Ironically, the Greek storyteller [[ Aesop]] probably doesn't deserve the dubious honor of having this trope named after him. In their original forms these stories likely did ''not'' end with heavy-hitting moral {{anvil|icious}}s. The listeners (for Aesop would have been an oral storyteller) were probably left to sort out the meaning for themselves; the one-liner morals (such as "slow and steady wins the race") were likely tacked on by modern compilers, and were often used as rhetorical devices by later orators to make a point. Highlighting a moral truth is indeed, however, one of the main characteristics of the {{Fable}}, which for centuries have taught lessons to live by through allegories, often using animals and other non-human characters. These short tales can teach how to see through deceit, lead with difficult situations, not be overtaken by arrogance etc., but they almost always promote a moral message of some sort.
22An Aesop is among the JustForFun/TropesOfLegend. Almost every work can be considered to have an Aesop, so only put examples in one of the sub-tropes here.
27'''Main sub-index:'''
28* StockAesops
30[[AC:Aesops in General]]
31* AlternateAesopInterpretation: A {{meta}}-{{trope}} where the viewer finds a different moral to be more apparent than the one the story actually states.
32* AndKnowingIsHalfTheBattle: TheTag devoted to some sort of moral.
33* {{Anvilicious}}: The moral is obvious and not at all subtle.
34* AuthorFilibuster: The plot comes to a screeching halt while Aesop is delivering his moral.
35** AuthorTract: The story is only there to be a framing device for the Aesop.
36* CentralTheme: The underlying (moral and/or philosophical) theme of the story.
37* LessonOfTheDaySpeech: Having a character come right out and say "The lesson to be learned here is..."
38* MonikerAsEnticement: Do what the work says and you'll earn a special title!
40[[AC:Characters and Devices]]
41* AesopAmnesia: When characters learn an Aesop in one episode and have apparently forgotten it by the next one.
42* AesopCollateralDamage: When other characters have to suffer to teach Bob his Aesop.
43* AesopEnforcer: When a character takes (sometimes drastic) action to ensure that another character learns their Aesop.
44* {{Aesoptinum}}: AppliedPhlebotinum that exists solely for the moral.
45* CompressedVice: A character gains a flaw they never had before simply to learn the Aesop dealing with it.
46* ALessonLearnedTooWell: The character learns an Aesop early but doesn't learn when ''not'' to apply it.
47* LongLostUncleAesop: A disposable character introduced for the sake of the Aesop.
48* MonsterOfTheAesop: When the MonsterOfTheWeek eerily coincides with the Aesop.
49* SpecialAesopVictim: A character who ends up dying or severely injured to reinforce an Aesop for a VerySpecialEpisode.
51[[AC:Types of Aesops]]
52* AccidentalAesop: The audience reads an Aesop when one wasn't intended (or a different one was intended).
53* BrokenAesop: In-story factors undermine or flat-out contradict the moral (e.g. "Violence is not the answer" in a show where all conflicts are resolved through fighting).
54* CaptainObviousAesop: An Aesop that should be obvious to everyone (e.g. "mass murder is bad") is treated as revolutionary and insightful by other characters.
55* CluelessAesop: Out-of-story factors make the moral ineffective, like intrusive MoralGuardians or attempting to address adult topics within the bounds of a show for children (e.g. a NoHuggingNoKissing cartoon tries to discuss sexual assault).
56** DoNotDoThisCoolThing: A story meant to demonstrate that X is bad unintentionally [[MisaimedFandom makes X look really, really cool]].
57** LostAesop: You get the sense you were supposed to learn ''something'', but you're not sure what.
58* DoubleAesop: When Alice ''and'' Bob learn their lesson in one story.
59* FantasticAesop: An Aesop which is not applicable in the real world.
60* HardTruthAesop: A moral that is unexpected and defies conventional wisdom, but may be good advice nevertheless.
61* IgnoredAesop: When characters discuss the Aesop in a metacontextual way, usually sabotaging whatever flimsy moral may have existed in the first place.
62* KarmicTwistEnding: A TwistEnding designed to force a moral.
63* MoralityBallad: A moral in song form.
64* PhilosophicalParable: An ideology or philosophy is illustrated via a fictional work.
65* ScareEmStraight: Making sure the lesson sticks by showing the [[NightmareFuel nightmarish]] consequences of not obeying it.
66* SpaceWhaleAesop: Failing to follow the moral leads to bizarre, illogical, or downright impossible consequences.
67* SpoofAesop: The moral is clearly not meant to be taken seriously.
68* VerySpecialEpisode: A light-hearted show takes on a more serious tone for this episode, in order to tackle a more serious issue.
70[[AC:[[StockAesops Specific Aesops]]]]
71* AngerIsHealthyAesop: Being angry is a justified response to a bad situation, however, you must still control yourself before you do something you regret.
72* AntiAlcoholAesop: Alcohol is not good for you.
73* AntiEscapismAesop: Reality is better than fiction, so don't get too invested in an imaginary world (including this story).
74* BeYourself: An Aesop about not trying to be someone you are not.
75* DiseasePreventionAesop: An Aesop about avoiding getting sick or passing your illness to others.
76* FearIsNormal: Everyone is afraid sometimes.
77* FightingBackIsWrong: An Aesop about bullying isn't about "fighting fire with fire" and should be solved in a better way.
78* GreenAesop: Mother Earth needs our help to protect the natural environment from man-made destruction.
79* HonestyAesop: Always tell the truth.
80* InternetSafetyAesop: Think before you post and never give away personal information.
81* ItsOkayToCry: An Aesop about how crying or expressing sadness is okay.
82* LifeAffirmingAesop: An Aesop about accepting life especially the hard parts of it.
83* MissedMealAesop: Don't skip meals.
84* PrejudiceAesop: Don't be a prejudiced bigot, you should be tolerant of other people.
85** GayAesop: A lesson about acceptance and tolerance for the UsefulNotes/LGBTCommunity.
86* ReadingIsCoolAesop: Go pick up a book, because reading literature is fun.
87* RepressionNeverEndsWell: Masking how you truly feel instead of expressing them will hurt in the long run.
88* RevengeIsNotJustice: Getting revenge on someone is not justice and you're no better when people get hurt.
89* SafeDrivingAesop: A lesson presented, usually through dictation or fear, about why we should all drive like our grandma's in the passenger seat.
90* SleepAesop: Remember to get enough sleep!
91* SubvertedSuspicionAesop: A subversion of the StockAesop [[SuspicionAesop "don't judge a book by its cover"]]; where Alice instinctively dislikes the newcomer Bob, is told to calm down and "give him a chance", but ultimately is vindicated when Bob proves to be a scumbag. This happens often enough that it gets its own trope.
92* SuspicionAesop: A message about not jumping to conclusions about people.
93* TeamSpirit: To accomplish your goals, you must work together as a team.
94* TrendAesop: Please don't give into peer pressure and join in on some dumb fad like the rest of the crowd.
95* WantsVersusNeeds: The thing that you "want" and the thing that you "need" are very different from one another.
96* AWeightyAesop: Junk food is bad for you, so eat something that's more healthy. Also, get lots of physical exercise!
98!!No examples, please. [[Administrivia/DefinitionOnlyPages This only defines the term.]]
