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1->''"He was a candidate for a Midwestern congressional seat, and he hired me to manage his campaign advertising. Unfortunately, his opponent turned up something in his past with which we could not cope."\
2"Let me guess: he was secretly a liberal."\
3"Worse. An alien."\
4"You're kidding?! An undocumented alien running for--"\
5"No. A space alien, Ms. Walters."''
6-->-- ''ComicBook/TheSensationalSheHulk'' #11, Jan. 1990
8A character of extraterrestrial origins. For tropes about what ''makes'' them alien, at least from a biological standpoint, see BizarreAlienBiology.
10[[JustForFun/IThoughtItMeant If you thought it meant "illegal aliens" and signed up]], click RaceTropes. For interspecies romantic or sexual interactions, see the InterracialAndInterspeciesLoveIndex.
12If there are no aliens at all, see AbsentAliens.
14Compare FantasticSapientSpeciesTropes. Not to be confused with OthernessTropes, though there may be some overlap.
21'''Related indexes:'''
22* AlienWorks: An index of fiction works starring/revolving around aliens.
23* SlidingScaleOfAnthropomorphism
27[[folder:Levels of the ladder of alien strangeness]]
28* TheAgeless: Aliens who can't succumb to old age but can still die with other methods.
29* AlienAnimals: Aliens that look ''exactly'' like Earth animals or aliens who are actual Earth animals not from Earth.
30* AlienBlood: An alien bleeds a strangely-colored substance that isn't the red blood of humans.
31* AlienCatnip: A substance that's fine for humans but affects aliens sort of like a drug.
32* AlienFairFolk: Aliens that look like fantasy creatures from Earth's folklore (fairies, gnomes, trolls, goblins) or fantasy creatures who pretend to be aliens.
33* AlienHair: List of hairstyles fictional aliens often have.
34* AlienKudzu: A plantlike alien arrives on Earth and starts "seeding".
35* AliensNeverInventedDemocracy: When humans are the only culture with a democratic political system.
36* AliensNeverInventedTheWheel: Aliens never invented a specific technology (such as the wheel) but are otherwise normal.
37* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation: Humanlike alien species with skin colors vividly outside the human range.
38* AngelicAliens: Graceful aliens that look sort of like humans and are seen as extremely beautiful.
39* BeePeople: A race of aliens that have workers, drones and queens like bees.
40* BizarreAlienBiology: Aliens have biology and physiology ''vastly'' different from that of humans.
41* BizarreAlienPsychology: Aliens think a lot differently than humans.
42* BlobMonster: Aliens that resemble shapeless blobs.
43* BlueAndOrangeMorality: A set of morals that are completely bonkers to most humans.
44* BrainInAJar: A disembodied brain kept alive in a jar.
45* CatFolk: Humanoid aliens based on cats.
46* CuteLittleFangs: Aliens with small fangs to make them look cute.
47* ConqueringAlienPrince: An Alien Prince with the intent of conquering a planet and enslaving it's people.
48* DittoAliens: A species of aliens where all the individuals look the same.
49* EldritchAbomination: An alien that just makes no sense.
50* EnclosedExtraterrestrials: Aliens that wander around all covered.
51* EnergyBeings: Non-corporeal aliens.
52* ExposedExtraterrestrials: Aliens that wander around naked.
53* ExtremophileLifeforms: Aliens and other beings evolved to live in conditions seemingly hostile to life.
54* FangsAreEvil: Fanged aliens portrayed as bad or malicious.
55* FishPeople: Aquatic, humanoid aliens who look sort of like fish.
56* TheFlatwoodsMonster: Red-faced, spade-hooded humanoid aliens that are also lumped with [[OurCryptidsAreMoreMysterious cryptid lore]].
57* FrogMen: Humanoid aliens who look and act rather like frogs.
58* GeniusLoci: A sapient place.
59* GreenSkinnedSpaceBabe: An alien woman who looks like a human except for one or two obvious differences, and who at least one person in the main cast is attracted to if she's not just MsFanservice.
60* TheGreys: Grey, usually naked, short, humanoid aliens with large heads.
61* HumanAliens: An alien which looks, sounds, and to some extent, acts human.
62* HumanityCameFromSpace: Aliens who are actual humans not from planet Earth.
63* HumanoidAliens: Aliens who are humanoid, but don't look human.
64* HumanOutsideAlienInside: An alien that looks like a human on the surface but has some wacky parts and whatnot inside their body.
65* HumanSubspecies: 'Aliens' who are related to humans.
66* IndoEuropeanAlienLanguage: Non-human languages are based on the languages of their creators.
67* InhumanlyBeautifulRace: Similar to the above, aliens being beautiful far beyond normal human standards.
68* InsectoidAliens: Aliens based on Earth bugs.
69* IntelligentGerbil: An alien that's basically like a sapient, bipedal version of an Earth animal.
70* KillerSpaceMonkey: Aliens that look like monkeys or non-human apes and are evil.
71* LawOfAlienNames: Common formulas writers use for making names for aliens.
72* LifeInZeroG: Aliens that have evolved in a zero gravity environment, such as deep space.
73* LittleGreenManInACan: Aliens that you can't tell what they look like as they all wear strange outfits.
74* LittleGreenMen: Short, green aliens who drive flying saucers, and usually have antennae.
75* LivingGasbag: Floating aliens that are literally full of gas.
76* LivingProgram: Aliens made of code and data.
77* LivingShip: A ship that's alive.
78* LizardFolk: Aliens that look like humanoid reptiles.
79* LongLived: It's quite common for alien races to have much longer lifespans than humans.
80* {{Lunarians}}: Aliens from the Earth's Moon.
81* {{Martians}}: Aliens from the planet Mars.
82* MechanicalLifeforms: A race of robots or cyborgs that are treated as a real species.
83* MechanisticAlienCulture: Aliens that are organic, but act like robots and have very tight schedules.
84* MirrorChemistry: References to chirality in aliens.
85* MonstrousMandibles: Aliens with mandibles in addition to or instead of a more human-like mouth.
86* MoreTeethThanTheOsmondFamily: Aliens with a lot of teeth.
87* MushroomMan: Aliens that look like a cross between a human and a mushroom.
88* MyBrainIsBig: An alien with a huge brain.
89* NoSuchThingAsAlienPopCulture: Aliens that have no popular culture.
90* NotQuiteHuman: An alien that is practically the same as a human except for one difference.
91* OctopoidAliens: Aliens that look like squids, octopi or jellyfish.
92* OtherworldlyTechnicolourHair: Aliens have hair of unusual color.
93* PaletteSwappedAlienFood: Alien food looks like human food but colored differently.
94* PlantAliens: Aliens that look like or are partly made of plants.
95* PointyEars: Aliens with pointed ears or ear-like appendages.
96* PredatorPastiche: Humanoid aliens based on the stealthy alien hunter of ''Franchise/{{Predator}}''.
97* PupatingPeril: Very nasty aliens emerging from cocoons.
98* PuppeteerParasite: Alien parasites that take over their hosts' personalities.
99* ReallySevenHundredYearsOld: Older, or downright ancient, aliens appearing much younger than they actually are.
100* RubberForeheadAliens: An alien whose face is significantly different from a human's, but only in their face.
101* SandWorm: Giant alien worms that live in the desert.
102* SiliconBasedLife: Aliens that are made of mostly silicon.
103* SolarSystemNeighbors: Aliens who come from other bodies in the Solar System near Earth.
104* SpaceElves: Aliens who think they're superior (or might even ''be'' superior in some cases) to us, and act like [[OurElvesAreDifferent a certain fantasy race]].
105* SpaceOrcs: Aliens who are brutish, violent and primitive, often very apelike.
106* SpaceWhale: Aliens which look like whales and can "swim" though space.
107* StarfishAliens: Aliens that are radically different from humans.
108* StarfishLanguage: Aliens speaking a bizarre language.
109* StarfishRobots: Robotic beings of alien origin, shape and functionality.
110* StrongerWithAge: A species that gets stronger as they age.
111* SufficientlyAdvancedAlien: Aliens that are so advanced that their technology seems like magic to humans.
112* TelepathicSpacemen: Aliens with telepathy.
113* TentacledTerror: Tentacles are a common feature of aliens, octopoid or otherwise.
114* TranshumanAliens: A group of 'aliens' are revealed to have evolved from humans.
115* TransplantedHumans: Human populations originally from Earth who were brought to other worlds.
116* {{Ultraterrestrials}}: A species originating from Earth that left and now wants to return.
117* UnusualEars: A humanoid with non-human ears.
118* UrsineAliens: Humanoid aliens similar to bears.
119* XenomorphXerox: Extraterrestrials with the appearance and/or reproductive cycle of the eponymous creatures of the ''Franchise/{{Alien}}'' franchise.
123* {{Muppet}}: A type of puppet like in ''Series/TheMuppetShow''.
124* PeopleInRubberSuits: Aliens (usually evil) that wear skin-tight suits.
125* SerkisFolk: Characters created by dubbing an actor with CGI.
128[[folder:Interspecies relations]]
129* AlienAbducteesFightBack: Humans abducted by aliens rebel against their captors.
130* AlienAbduction: One or more aliens kidnap/s one or more humans.
131* AlienAmongUs: An alien living with a bunch of humans and trying to keep their alienness secret.
132* AlienArtsAreAppreciated: Art made by one species is appreciated by aliens.
133* AlienAutopsy: Humans study dead aliens.
134* AlienInvasion: Aliens try to conquer Earth.
135* AlienNonInterferenceClause: Humans don't interfere with the development of alien culture because they have a law against it.
136* AliensAreBastards: All aliens in a work are evil.
137* AliensLoveHumanFood: Despite being more technologically advanced than Earth, Aliens appreciate the humans' "primitive" food.
138* AliensOfLondon: Aliens who speak human languages in a particular accent.
139* AliensSpeakingEnglish: Aliens can speak human languages for no reason.
140* AliensStealCable: Aliens learn about Earth from radio and TV.
141* AliensStealCattle: Aliens abduct cows and bulls, not people.
142* AnalProbing: Aliens studying humans by [[AssShove sticking things up their butts]].
143* AnatomicallyIgnorantHealing: An alien tries to heal a human but have no idea how.
144* AncientAstronauts: Aliens visited Earth sometime in the distant past and apparently did things like build pyramids or were mistaken for gods in old times.
145* Area51: Aliens being hidden in Area 51, a US Air Force base (which is a real place, but no aliens are being hidden there in real life that we know of).
146* AutomobilesAreAlien: Aliens don't understand cars and other automobiles.
147* BenevolentAlienInvasion: Aliens invade but they do the humans well.
148* BrownNoteBeing: Just sensing the alien makes humans sick.
149* CropCircles: Large geometric patterns in fields of crops, thought to be (and in some cases, actually) done by aliens.
150* DescriptivelyNamedSpecies: A species that has a name based on their appearance/behavior.
151* TheDogIsAnAlien: An alien disguises itself as a pet.
152* EasilyThwartedAlienInvasion: Humans can easily defeat invading aliens.
153* ETGaveUsWiFi: The idea that aliens invented or helped invent some modern technology.
154* FantasticallyChallengingPatient: A human doctor must perform a medical procedure on an alien.
155* FarOutForeignersFavoriteFood: An alien's favorite human food.
156* FirstContact: Humans meet an alien species for the first time.
157* FirstContactFarmer: When aliens first arrive on Earth, chances are that the first human to observe or interact with them will be a farmer.
158* FirstContactFauxPas: A misunderstanding happens during first contact that usually leads to war.
159* FirstContactMath: Trying to make first contact by doing math.
160* FirstContactTeam: People suspect aliens are around and make a plan with dealing with first contact.
161* HigherTechSpecies: One alien race is more technologically advanced than the others.
162* HostileTerraforming: Altering a place, often a whole planet, to be less suitable for native life and more suitable for alien life.
163* JustForFun/HowToInvadeAnAlienPlanet: A joke guide for aliens on how to invade Earth or some other planet.
164* HughMann: An alien impostor who does a terrible job at appearing human.
165* HumanAlienDiscovery: A human discovers that they're actually an alien RaisedByHumans.
166* HumanityOnTrial: Aliens put humanity on trial for their supposed misdeeds.
167* HumansAreSmelly: Aliens that hate the smell of humans, even if said humans are clean.
168* HumansNeedAliens: Aliens which protect humans from different aliens.
169* HumansThroughAlienEyes: Aliens who think humans are bizarre.
170* HumorlessAliens: Aliens that don't understand humor.
171* IComeInPeace: During first contact, one species lets the other know they don't intend to harm them.
172* JustForFun/IfIAmEverHeadOfAnAlienMonitoringAgency: A joke page for how to be the Men in Black's leader.
173* ImportedAlienPhlebotinum: Humans using alien technology.
174* InnocentAliens: Aliens that are well-meaning and clueless.
175* InscrutableAliens: Aliens that we have no idea how to communicate with and don't know much about.
176* InsufficientlyAdvancedAlien: Aliens that don't make sense because they managed to travel to Earth but otherwise seem to have no idea what technology is or how it works.
177* KlingonsLoveShakespeare: An alien likes a piece of human culture.
178* MarsNeedsWater: Aliens trying to steal water from Earth.
179* MarsWantsChocolate: Aliens trying to steal Earth snacks.
180* TheMenInBlack: Generic agents often involved with investigating or denying aliens' existence.
181* MistookTheDominantLifeform: Aliens want to talk to our pets instead of us.
182* {{Panspermia}}: Creatures on Earth evolved from alien microbes/simple alien animals, or vice versa.
183* PlanetLooters: Aliens robbing us.
184* {{Precursors}}: A mysterious alien culture that precedes all others.
185* ProtocolPeril: A race of aliens with strict rules that have severe punishments for breaking them, which is bad news if humans are visiting.
186* PunyEarthlings: All the aliens have cool powers that we don't.
187* ReptilianConspiracy: Alien LizardFolk control human society in secret.
188* TheRightOfASuperiorSpecies: Aliens that think they are superior to humans and therefore allowed to do bad things to them.
189* RoswellThatEndsWell: Aliens associated with the alleged UFO crash-landing in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
190* ScaryDogmaticAliens: An evil group of aliens with a strict ideology.
191* ServantRace: A race made to serve another.
192* SidekickCreatureNuisance: A small alien sidekick who annoys everyone.
193* SlaveRace: A race of aliens that were enslaved by another.
194* SmorgasbordTest: Someone discovers a new creature and tries to find out what it eats by offering it many different foods.
195* SolidGoldPoop: One species' waste (poop, urine, tears, etc.) is valuable to another species.
196* SoYouWantTo.WriteAnAlienInvasionStory: A guide for writing stories about alien invasions.
197* StayWithTheAliens: Aliens want to take a human with them.
198* SuperiorSpecies: A race of aliens that are somehow superior to humanity.
199* TakeMeToYourLeader: Aliens want to be taken to humans' leader.
200* TechnologyUplift: Aliens who feel they're responsible for sharing technology with other species.
201* TheyLookLikeUsNow: Evil shapeshifting aliens learn to look like humans.
202* ToServeMan: Aliens eat humans.
203* TouchedByVorlons: A character gains powers or their powers get enhanced due to interaction with aliens.
204* TwoOfYourEarthMinutes: Aliens mention that they are using human time, not their time.
205* VichyEarth: Aliens invade and become humanity's new rulers.
206* WeComeInPeaceShootToKill: First contact with aliens ends badly with one side attacking the other.
207* WhatMeasureIsAHumanoid: A romance between a human and a non-human humanoid is not seen as {{Squick}}y as a romance between a human and a non-humanoid.
208* WhatMeasureIsANonHuman: Humans are seen as the only relevant species.
209* TheXenophile: A human who likes aliens.
213* BizarreAlienReproduction: Aliens have sex in a weird way.
214* BizarreAlienSexes: An alien species with a weird set of sexes.
215* BoldlyComing: Sex with aliens.
216* ChestBurster: An alien parasite leaves its host's (usually a human) body by bursting through their chest.
217* DesignerBabies: A human is genetically modified in utero to make them "better" somehow.
218* DominantSpeciesGenes: Two creatures of different species have a kid that has the traits of the most "dominant" parent.
219* DyingRace: A race of sentient beings who are dying out.
220* ExoticEquipment: Aliens with unusual privates.
221* FaceFullOfAlienWingWong: A creature reproduces by impregnating another species (often a human).
222* HotSkittyOnWailordAction: Two aliens/monsters of different species have sex, but it begs the question just ''how'' they did it.
223* ImmortalProcreationClause: Immortals who can't have babies.
224* InterspeciesRomance: A human and a non-human who end up in a romantic relationship.
225* MatingSeasonMayhem: An alien character goes through animal-like mating seasons.
226* MarsNeedsWomen: A male alien/robot/monster/whatever attracted to human women.
227* OnlyYouCanRepopulateMyRace: An alien woman whose species is in danger of extinction has to mate with a human male.
228* PlanetaryParasite: Parasites that use a whole planet as their host.
229* UterineReplicator: Babies are made in a machine instead of a woman's womb.
230* XenoNucleicAcid: Alien DNA has a different structure than terrestrial DNA.
234* AlienGenderConfusion: The difficulty of members of one species to judge the genders of another.
235* BizarreSexualDimorphism: An alien race where the males and the females look ''way'' different from one another.
236* GenderEqualsBreed: Somebody's species depends on their gender.
237* NonHumanNonBinary: A character is not a human and does not exclusively identify as male or female.
238* OneGenderRace: A species that's all male or all female.
241[[folder:General tropes and other features]]
242* AbusiveAlienParents: Aliens are bad parents.
243* AlienEpisode: Aliens visit Earth for one episode.
244* AnAlienNamedBob: Aliens with mundane names.
245* AlienPrincess
246* AlternativeNumberSystem: Aliens with a different way of counting than humans.
247* AmusingAlien: A funny otherworldly character.
248* BarFullOfAliens: A bar full of many different aliens.
249* CameFromTheSky: An alien falls from the sky and is initially thought to be a meteorite.
250* DramaticAlienVTOL: Dramatic music plays when an alien spaceship takes off or lands.
251* EldritchStarship: An incomprehensible starship.
252* FantasyAliens: Aliens in a traditionally fantasy setting.
253* FlyingSaucer: A disc-shaped starship.
254* GreatGazoo: An eccentric, possibly immature alien with incredible powers.
255* InWorkingOrder: Alien technology can instantly and easily be used by humans.
256* KlaatuBaradaNikto: {{Shout Out}}s to the famous phrase from ''Film/TheDayTheEarthStoodStill1951''.
257* MistakenForAliens: One or more people mistake someone or something or a group of people for aliens.
258* MulticulturalAlienPlanet: An alien planet with several cultures.
259* NamedAfterTheirPlanet: The name of an alien race is derived from the name of their home planet.
260* NoBiochemicalBarriers: Aliens can live on Earth (and humans can live on alien planets) perfectly fine.
261* NotOfThisEarth: An unknown object or substance is found, analyzed, and revealed to be not from Earth.
262* OminousFloatingSpaceship: An enormous alien starship floating above a city without doing much looks foreboding.
263* OperatorIncompatibility: Devices designed for aliens unable to be operated by humans, or vice versa.
264* PeopleJars: People in jars.
265* APlanetNamedZok: Planets with rare letters from the Latin alphabet.
266* ProudWarriorRaceGuy: It's common for aliens to fall into this.
267* RobotOrSpacemanAlterEgo: A musician has a fake alien persona.
268* SoYouWantTo.CreateBelievableAliens: A guide for creating/writing realistic aliens.
269* SoYouWantTo.DesignAnAlienMind: A guide for crafting the inner workings of an alien's mind.
270* SpacePirates: {{Pirates}} [[JustForFun/RecycledInSpace in space]]! Many examples of space pirates are extraterrestrial criminals, though they can also be humans or robots instead.
271* StandardAlienSpaceship: Alien ships that are smooth and colorful.
272* TransplantedAliens: An alien population is relocated to another world.
273* TripodTerror: Three-legged alien land vehicles.
