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Context Literature / TheBoleynInheritance

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2A novel by the well-known HistoricalFiction writer Creator/PhilippaGregory. Published in 2006, it is a sequel to ''Literature/TheOtherBoleynGirl'' and a prequel to ''Literature/TheQueensFool'', and is narrated by Queen Anne of Cleves, Queen Katherine Howard, and Jane Boleyn, Anne Boleyn's widowed sister-in-law. While not as explosively popular as its prequel, the novel has still enjoyed great success, and according to Website/TheOtherWiki, is less historically controversial.
4!!This book has examples of:
5* BerserkButton: What happens in Cleves when Anne bares so much as an inch more skin than she should.
6* BrotherSisterIncest: Implied with Anne's brother William; he certainly has a complex about her sexuality. Averted to some degree in that Anne is revolted by his obsession and wants nothing more than to escape.
7** Also with Anne and George Boleyn, though Jane admits [[IfICantHaveYou this was a lie she made up to slander them]] [[GreenEyedMonster out of jealousy]].
8* BrutalHonesty:
9** The Duke of Norfolk delivers one to Jane after Katherine is arrested and [[YouHaveOutlivedYourUsefulness he no longer has use for her]]. He tells her how evil she is and that nobody would take her as a wife.
10** Also The Duke of Norfolk to Katherine when she is about to be taken to the Tower. The reason here is that she doesn't seem to realize that she will be executed for real.
11* TheCaligula: Henry VIII. And ''how''.
12* CatchPhrase:
13** For Katherine: "Now let me see, what do I have now?" Becomes a MadnessMantra as the story progresses.
14** Katherine also likes to say ''voila''.
15* DeadpanSnarker: All of the main narrators have their moments, but the Duke of Norfolk probably gets the crown.
16* TheDitz: Katherine. She is smarter than other people think she is, but not by much.
17* GenreSavvy: Anne, after it's clear Henry will ''not'' remarry her after Katherine dies, keeps out of the way and ends up being very wealthy and well off...
18* GreenEyedMonster: Jane Boleyn. Dear ''God'', Jane Boleyn. To the point of having her husband and his sister beheaded on false evidence because he loved Anne more than her. And Jane's marriage with George was ''arranged''.
19* HypocriticalHumour: Katherine, taking it upon herself to do a bit of SlutShaming despite the fact that she's been smuggling her lover into her dormitory too.
20--> '''Katherine''' ([[TheImmodestOrgasm on hearing somebody in her dormitory having sex]]): Can't you be quiet? It's really shocking! It is offensive to a young maid such as me! It's shocking! It really shouldn't be allowed!
21* InsaneTrollLogic: The king's reasoning behind the accusation of several people once he decides to get rid of Anne. At once she conspires with the papists, then next time with the reformers. He can't keep a consistent story, but apparently he doesn't need to, as he can simply execute anyone for treason who disagrees with him in anything.
22* InsanityDefense: Jane tries this to save her from the execution. It doesn't work because the king just changed the law so anyone can be executed even if they are mad.
23* LetsGetDangerous: Anne's ambassador, Dr Harst, is dismissed by Jane Boleyn early in the novel as utterly useless, and powerless to protect her from Henry when she is first questioned. Later chapters reveal that he's not anywhere near as incompetent as he looks, and is willing to go to heroic lengths to protect his mistress. His quick thinking and courage save her life when Henry's men interrogate her the second time around.
24* MadLibThrillerTitle: While not a thriller, the title fits the pattern, and the numerous [[TitleDrop title drops]] make the phrase just as ominous as it would be in a real thriller.
25* MadonnaWhoreComplex: Anne's older brother, so very, very much. Katherine also hints at one on King Henry's part; he is rather shocked by the idea that his [[TheIngenue sweet youthful wife]] is happy to go on top when they have sex, [[DisposableSexWorker "like a Smithfield harlot"]].
26* MyGirlIsNotASlut: Henry VIII. And ''how''. Also Anne's mother and brother, and Katherine's grandmother.
27** Subverted when Katherine, having been told that meek virtue will please her uncle, decides to act suggestively in front of him anyway. [[{{Squick}} He likes it]] and decides she'll fit in at court just fine.
28* NoblewomansLaugh: Katherine uses this at one point to show that she is really fit to be at court.
29* ObfuscatingStupidity: After her divorce, Anne decides to pretend that she doesn't understand/care about the king's politics so that she can be clear of any accusations of treason.
30* OneSteveLimit: Averted. At one point a [[LampshadeHanging a lampshade is hung]] on it when Anne comes to court.
31--> "She introduces my maids by name and I smile at the unending line of Katherines and Marys and Elizabeths and Annes and Bessies and Madges."
32* OnlySaneMan: Arguably, Anne of Cleves. Everyone else at court is either playing the game, or just crazy.
33* SwitchingPOV: The story is narrated by 3 characters: Jane Boleyn, Anne of Cleves and Katherine Howard.
34* TitleDrop: Done several times in different contexts.
35* TooDumbToLive: That's right, Jane, just encourage Henry VIII's wife to have an affair. [[SarcasmMode What a fantastic idea!]]
36* WhatDoesSheSeeInHim: A rather dark example concerning Katherine's attraction to Thomas Culpepper. [[JerkAss Aside from being a conceited, arrogant prick,]] he's also a rapist who murdered his victim's husband when he tried to stop him. The Duke of Norfolk and Jane Boleyn ponder this, and conclude that Katherine is a HormoneAddledTeenager who will screw anyone provided [[AllGirlsWantBadBoys he's hot enough]].
37* YouHaveOutlivedYourUsefulness: The Duke of Norfolk used Jane to be close to the Queen (either one) and help him in his plan. When things start to go wrong, he completely abandons her and leaves all blame on her. He even tells her that the promise of a French Count as a husband was just a lie to keep her working for him.
38* WhatsHeGotThatIAintGot: Revoltingly deconstructed when it comes to Henry VIII. Despite being fat, ugly and old enough to be the father if not grandfather of the women he marries, his vanity is so extreme he genuinely believes they adore him. This ends badly for both Anne and Katherine when he finds out they don't.
