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Context JustForFun / Troperithmetic

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1When two or more existing tropes are combined (via [[AppliedMathematics addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.]]) to make a different but somehow related trope.
3Compare RebusBubble, JustForFun/XMeetsY, or the "Just for Fun" JustForFun/FusionDance page.
5''Some of the basic building blocks for trope equations:''
6* + = "and", "with"
7* | = "or"
8* - = "not", "without"
9* x = "crossed with"
10* ^ = "to the power of"
12Also, if you're featuring multiple operations in a single equation, use parentheses to separate them. There is no order of operations by default.
14'''This list is alphabetized by the end result. Please put new tropes in the appropriate spot.'''
18[[folder:End Result Tropes, #-A]]
19* AntiHero x DarkerAndEdgier = NinetiesAntiHero
20* CharacterCatchphrase + RunningGagged = AbandonedCatchphrase
21* DamageControl + KnowWhenToFoldEm = AbandonShip
22* ShippingGoggles x AttackAttackRetreatRetreat = AbandonShipping
23* ItsAllUpstairsFromHere ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = AbsurdlyLongStairway
24* AbusiveParents + AliensAreBastards = AbusiveAlienParents
25* AccidentalMurder + DeathOfAChild = AccidentalChildKillerBackstory
26* DrivenToSuicide x AccidentalMurder = AccidentalSuicide
27* ActionMom x GenderInverted = ActionDad
28* ActionGirl + LoveTropes = ActionGirlfriend
29* ActionGirl + BabiesEverAfter - GiveHimANormalLife = ActionMom
30* NonActionGuy + (TookALevelInBadass x BadassUnintentional) = ActionSurvivor
31* AdaptationDeviation + EldritchAbomination = AdaptationalAbomination
32* BossBattle x AdvancingWallOfDoom = AdvancingBossOfDoom
33* {{Parody}} + LampshadeHanging + PostModernism = AffectionateParody
34* RealMenHateAffection - AlwaysMale + {{Youngsters}} = AffectionHatingKid
35* AfterActionPatchup x PlayedForDrama = AfterActionHealingDrama
36* BirthdayEpisode x VagueAge = AgelessBirthdayEpisode
37* ActionFashionista x InTouchWithHisFeminineSide = AgentPeacock
38* (AgitatedItemStomping | DropWhatYouAreDoing) + FinaglesLaw = AgonyOfTheFeet
39* FunWithAcronyms + MeaningfulName + (NamesGivenToComputers | RobotNames) = AICronym
40* AlwaysChaoticEvil x AlienTropes = AliensAreBastards
41* {{Balloonacy}} + ArtisticLicensePhysics = AllBalloonsHaveHelium
42* DreamEpisode + TheReveal = AllJustADream
43* TheReveal + (AndYouThoughtItWasReal x PracticalJoke) = AllJustAPrank
44* ReallyGetsAround x (QueerAsTropes - TransgenderTropes - BisexualityTropes) = AllGaysArePromiscuous
45* ThisIndexIsFullOfPerverts x AlwaysMale = AllMenArePerverts
46* VideoGameSettings x BackForTheFinale = AllTheWorldsAreAStage
47* (NonHumanSidekick x ThisIndexMeows) + WitchClassic = AllWitchesHaveCats
48* ThisIndexIsFullOfPerverts x AlwaysFemale = AllWomenAreLustful
49* AllWomenAreLustful x InvertedTrope = AllWomenArePrudes
50* {{Workaholic}} + (LazyBum | TheSlacker) = AllWorkVSAllPlay
51* AlwaysSomeoneBetter + {{Bishonen}} + TheStoic = AloofBigBrother
52* TransgenderTropes x AmbiguousSituation = AmbiguousGenderIdentity
53* AmbiguousSituation x ANiceJewishIndex = AmbiguouslyJewish
54* AlienTropes x PlayedForLaughs = AmusingAlien
55* InjuryTropes x PlayedForLaughs = AmusingInjuries
56* AlienAbduction + (AssShove x ForScience) = AnalProbing
57* UsefulNotes/AncientGreece x AncientRome = AncientGrome
58* AstralProjection + MistakenForUndead = AnAstralProjectionNotAGhost
59* AnatomyTropes x InjuryTropes = AnatomyAgony
60* (AnAesop x {{Anvilicious}}) - ShowDontTell + NoFourthWall = AndKnowingIsHalfTheBattle
61** Or, using an equation below, AnAesop ^ [[superscript:12]] - ShowDontTell + NoFourthWall = AndKnowingIsHalfTheBattle
62* HeWhoFightsMonsters + KarmicTransformation = AndThenJohnWasAZombie
63* InformedObscenity x ClusterFBomb = {{Angrish}}
64* ThisIndexBarks x YouShallNotPass x {{Jerkass}} = AngryGuardDog
65* CrowdSong + TorchesAndPitchforks = AngryMobSong
66* StrawNihilist + TheIdealist - TheCynic = TheAntiNihilist
67* TheAntichrist x DarkIsNotEvil = AntiAntichrist
68* IHateSong + ChristmasSongs = AntiChristmasSong
69* {{God}} x {{Foil}} = TheAntiGod
70* {{Nepotism}} + DefiedTrope = AntiNepotism
71* BladderOfSteel x DefiedTrope = AntiPoopSocking
72* (ScrewThisImOuttaHere x DefiedTrope) + VideoGameTropes = AntiRageQuitting
73* PitTrap + SandWorm = AntlionMonster
74* AnAesop ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = {{Anvilicious}}
75* {{Jerkass}} + TransparentCloset = ArmouredClosetGay
76* FridgeHorror + AscendedFanon = AscendedFridgeHorror
77* HouseRules + AscendedFanon = AscendedHouseRules
78* MemeticMutation + AscendedFanon = AscendedMeme
79* TheDitz + (AsianAndNerdy x InvertedTrope) = AsianAirhead
80* PrecisionFStrike x (BigWordShout | ChewingTheScenery | NoIndoorVoice) = AtomicFBomb
81* ({{Superhero}} | {{Supervillain}}) + UnfortunateNames = AtrociousAlias
82* AttackAttackAttack + OhCrap + ScrewThisImOuttaHere = AttackAttackRetreatRetreat
83* MoreDakka + ImperialStormtrooperMarksmanshipAcademy = ATeamFiring
86[[folder:End Result Tropes, B]]
87* SuddenlySpeaking + BabiesBabiesEverywhere = BabysFirstWords
88* TheBusCameBack + GrandFinale = BackForTheFinale
89* {{Moe}} + {{Badass}} = BadassAdorable
90* TheSmartGuy + TookALevelInBadass = BadassBookworm
91** TheSmartGuy x (CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass - ObfuscatingStupidity) = BadassBookworm
92* (BadassInDistress | BreakTheBadass | TheWorfEffect ) + {{Flanderization}} = BadassDecay
93* SantaClaus x BewareTheNiceOnes = BadassSanta
94* TheFuture x {{Dystopia}} = BadFuture
95* (ReallyGetsAround x AlwaysFemale) + (BawdySong x IAmSong) = BadGirlSong
96* SantaClaus x {{Villains}} = BadSanta
97* EstablishingCharacterMoment + BaitAndSwitch = BaitAndSwitchCharacterIntro
98* {{Villains}} - PermaStubble = BaldOfEvil
99* ThreeApproachSystem + JackOfAllStats = BalancePowerSkillGimmick
100** BalanceSpeedStrengthTrio x FighterMageThief = BalancePowerSkillGimmick
101* BadGirlSong x JobSong = BalladOfASexWorker
102* AbnormalAmmo x BadWithTheBone = BallisticBone
103* GroinAttack + NoSell = BallsOfSteel
104* DubNameChange + DownplayedTrope = BarelyChangedDubName
105* {{Narm}} + IntendedAudienceReaction = {{Bathos}}
106* TheJeeves x MinoredInAsskicking = BattleButler
107* OfficialCouple + FireForgedFriends = BattleCouple
108* (BrainwashedAndCrazy | DemonicPossession) + GetAHoldOfYourselfMan ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = BeatTheCurseOutOfHim
109* HistoricalDomainCharacter x ArtisticLicenseHistory x RuleOfCool = BeethovenWasAnAlienSpy
110* {{Tsundere}} + ({{Jerkass}} | JerkWithAHeartOfGold) + SlapSlapKiss = BelligerentSexualTension
111* SignatureLine + CommonKnowledge = BeamMeUpScotty
112* MakeAWish + (FinaglesLaw x GoneHorriblyRight) = BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor
113* DeflectorShields + HighTechHexagons = BeehiveBarrier
114* DisneyAcidSequence + {{Filler}} = BigLippedAlligatorMoment
115** Alternatively, (DisneyAcidSequence - MusicalNumberIndex) + {{Filler}} + FridgeLogic = BigLippedAlligatorMoment
116* ChewingTheScenery + OhCrap = BigNo
117* GagPenis + ButtMonkey = BigPrickBigProblems
118* NoisyShutUp x BigWordShout = BigShutUp
119* (CanisLatinicus | GratuitousLatin) x WildlifeCommentarySpoof = BinomiumRidiculus
120* AvianTropes + ToiletHumour = BirdPoopGag
121* BirthdayEpisode + ShoddyShindig = BirthdayPartyGoesWrong
122* SurpriseParty + NakedPeopleAreFunny = BirthdaySuitSurpriseParty
123* HappyEnding x DarkerAndEdgier = BittersweetEnding
124* (WhamEpisode - NothingIsTheSameAnymore) x BigLippedAlligatorMoment = BizarroEpisode
125* BlackMage + WhiteMage = BlackAndWhiteMagic
126* MindRape | JourneyToTheCenterOfTheMind + {{Room101}} = BlackBugRoom
127* BlackComedy x SurprisinglyCreepyMoment = BlackComedyBurst
128* BlackComedy x (PetAndAnimalCompanionTropes x DeathTropes) = BlackComedyPetDeath
129* SexualAssaultAndRapeTropes x PlayedForLaughs = BlackComedyRape
130* {{Blackmail}} + (MuggingTheMonster | NoSuchThingAsBadPublicity | OutGambitted | TakingYouWithMe | ThreatBackfire) = BlackmailBackfire
131* LessEmbarrassingTerm + AffablyEvil = BlackmailIsSuchAnUglyWord
132* (EyelessFace + TheNoseless + NoMouth) | (TheFaceless + LiteralMetaphor) = TheBlank
133* IncurableCoughOfDeath x RuleOfDrama = BloodFromTheMouth
134* MistakenForIndex x BloodyTropes = ABloodyMess
135* BlueTropes + TheseTropesWereFrozenToday = BlueMeansCold
136* TheKirk + GreenSkinnedSpaceBabe = BoldlyComing
137* SmiteMeOMightySmiter + BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor = BoltOfDivineRetribution
138* (BuxomBeautyStandard - {{Fanservice}}) x PlayedForLaughs = BoobBasedGag
139* OrderIsNotGood + ChaosIsEvil = BothOrderAndChaosAreDangerous
140* BringMyBrownPants x StockVisualMetaphor = BowelBreakingBricks
141* ((ScreamingAtSquick | TooMuchInformation) + LaserGuidedAmnesia) x (DiscussedTrope | InvokedTrope) x WorthIt = BrainBleach
142* {{Brainwashed}} + FaceHeelTurn = BrainwashedAndCrazy
143* ChildProdigy ^11 = BrainyBaby
144* AndOnThatIndexHeHadSomePigs x IntelligenceTropes = BrainyPig
145* TheseTropesWereFrozenToday x PlayedForDrama = BravingTheBlizzard
146* EnterStageWindow + (KissOfTheVampire | VampireBitesSuck) = BreakingAndBloodsucking
147* PluckyComicRelief + OOCIsSeriousBusiness = BreakTheComedian
148* TheCutie + HeroicBSOD = BreakTheCutie
149* UrbanLegendOfZelda + time + AscendedMeme = BrickJoke
150** WhatHappenedToTheMouse + ChekhovsGun = BrickJoke
151* OhCrap ^ [[superscript:PottyFailure]] = BringMyBrownPants
152* AnAesop x {{Hypocrite}} = BrokenAesop
153* TroubledButCute + DarkAndTroubledPast = BrokenBird
154* DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu x PyrrhicVictory = BrokeYourArmPunchingOutCthulhu
155* BroughtDownToNormal + BadassNormal = BroughtDownToBadass
156* BonusStage x ThatOneLevel = BrutalBonusLevel
157* BunnyTropes x {{Moe}} = BunniesForCuteness
158* {{Cloudcuckoolander}} x UltimateJobSecurity = BunnyEarsLawyer
159* PutOnABus + KilledOffForReal = BusCrash
162[[folder:End Result Tropes, C]]
163* AnnoyingYoungerSibling + BigBrotherBully = CainAndAbel
164** SiblingRivalry[[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = CainAndAbel
165* IWasToldThereWouldBeCake + ILied = TheCakeIsALie
166* PottyEmergency + TooMuchInformation = CallingYourBathroomBreaks
167* {{Jerkass}} x BystanderSyndrome = CallousnessTowardsEmergency
168* ThisIndexBarks + ArtisticLicenseBiology = CanineConfusion
169* AsLongAsItSoundsForeign x GratuitousLatin = CanisLatinicus
170* {{Canon}} x (PutOnABus | ChuckCunninghamSyndrome) x (LetUsNeverSpeakOfThisAgain | OldShame) = CanonDiscontinuity
171* StaircaseTumble x (OhNoNotAgain | HereWeGoAgain) - MindYourStep = CantUseStairs
172* HumongousMecha + BadassCape = CapedMecha
173* DoomsdayDevice + SelfDestructMechanism + InventionalWisdom (+ BillionsOfButtons) = CapsLockNumLockMissilesLock
174* AbandonShip x RunningGag = CaptainCrash
175* BrainwashedAndCrazy + ThisIsUnforgivable = CartesianKarma
176* (HoYay | QueerAsTropes) ^ [[superscript:11]] = CastFullOfGay
177* TheSmurfettePrinciple + {{Bishonen}} = CastFullOfPrettyBoys
178* AnthropomorphicPersonification ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = CastOfPersonifications
179* ArchetypalCharacter x OneSteveLimit = CastSpeciation
180* CharacterCatchphrase x InsultTropes = CatchphraseInsult
181* ArtisticLicenseMedicine + (ExposedToTheElements | BravingTheBlizzard | (CaughtInTheRain - KissingTropes - SexTropes)) + SickEpisode = CatchYourDeathOfCold
182* ThisIndexMeows + TreeTropes + HelpImStuck = CatUpATree
183** cat + AngryGuardDog + tree + TheSiege = CatUpATree
184* (LazyBum + ThisIndexMeows) x AnimalStereotype = CatsAreLazy
185* {{Jerkass}} + ThisIndexMeows = CatsAreMean
186* DeadpanSnarker + (ThisIndexMeows x AnimalStereotype) = CatsAreSnarkers
187* ThisIndexMeows + HatesBaths = CatsHateWater
188** Alternatively, ThisIndexMeows + RainRainGoAway = CatsHateWater
189* (RainRainGoAway x TookALevelInCheerfulness) + LoveTropes = CaughtInTheRain
190* ThisIndexTouchesItself + {{Entrance}} = CaughtWithYourPantsDown
191* CelebritySong + BreakupSong = CelebrityBreakUpSong
192** RomanceOnTheSet + DownerEnding + BreakUpSong = CelebrityBreakUpSong
193* ScienceHero x CelibateHero = CelibateEccentricGenius
194* TheHero + (UsefulNotes/{{Aromanticism}} | UsefulNotes/{{Asexuality}}) = CelibateHero
195* KlingonPromotion x CombatByChampion = ChallengingTheChief
196* (WrittenInInfirmity ^ [[superscript:LogicalExtreme]]) x KilledOffForReal = TheCharacterDiedWithHim
197* {{Flanderization}} x AdaptationDeviation = CharacterExaggeration
198* CharacterDeath^[[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = CharactersDroppingLikeFlies
199* ChaseScene ^ [[superscript:{{Plot}}]] = TheChase
200* GenkiGirl x TokenMiniMoe = CheerfulChild
201** Alternatively, ThePollyanna x {{Youngsters}} = CheerfulChild
202* (TeamChef | SupremeChef) x MinoredInAsskicking = ChefOfIron
203* MuseumOfBoredom + ChekhovsGun = ChekhovsExhibit
204* MaternallyChallenged x {{Flanderization}} = ChildHater
205* PutOnABus x WhatHappenedToTheMouse = ChuckCunninghamSyndrome
206* (JokerImmunity - ResurrectionDeathLoop) x DarkerAndEdgier = ChronicVillainy
207* OneWingedAngel + OneHitPointWonder + WeaksauceWeakness = ClippedWingAngel
208* LosingAShoeInTheStruggle x {{Fanservice}} = ClothingDamage
209* TheDitz x ({{Flanderization}} | CharacterExaggeration) = {{Cloudcuckoolander}}
210* ChickMagnet + FailedASpotCheck = CluelessChickMagnet
211* BerserkButton + SirSwearsALot = ClusterFBomb
212** GuideDangIt + {{Unwinnable}} = ClusterFBomb
213** MotorMouth + TheseTropesShouldWatchTheirLanguage = ClusterFBomb
214* HereWeGoAgain x CharactersAsDevice = CoincidenceMagnet
215* InterruptedIntimacy + ExcuseMeWhileIMultitask = CoitusUninterruptus
216* LargeHam + TheStoic = ColdHam
217* LameComeback + OrphanedPunchline + BrickJoke = ComebackTomorrow
218* DontMakeMeTakeMyBeltOff x PlayedForLaughs = ComedicSpanking
219* {{Unmentionables}} x PlayedForLaughs = ComedicUnderwearExposure
220* InvincibleHero x PlayedForLaughs = ComicallyInvincibleHero
221* (MistakenForGay x ExaggeratedTrope) + (ComingOutStory x InvertedTrope) = ComingStraightStory
222* ({{Villains}} + MoralEventHorizon + LackOfEmpathy) - FreudianExcuse - EvenEvilHasStandards - EvenEvilHasLovedOnes = CompleteMonster
223* KnightTemplar + AIIsACrapshoot = TheComputerIsYourFriend
224* {{Conflict}} x OutOfCharacterMoment = ConflictBall
225* LavaAddsAwesome + ArtisticLicensePhysics = ConvectionSchmonvection
226* LetsGetDangerous x DesperationAttack = CorneredRattlesnake
227* SugarBowl + CrapsackWorld = CrapsaccharineWorld
228* ChaseScene + ContrivedCoincidence + AccidentalPervert + (12 x MsFanservice) = CrashingThroughTheHarem
229* WatchWhereYoureGoing + RomanceEnsues = CrashIntoHello
230* CreatorsFavourite x InvertedTrope = CreatorsPest
231* TheScrappy + ((CharacterFocus - CharacterDevelopment) | SpotlightStealingSquad) = CreatorsPet
232* SkeletonCrew - LiteralMetaphor = CriticalStaffingShortage
233* (HolyBurnsEvil + NoSell) x ScissorsCutsRock = CrossMeltingAura
234* RefugeInAudacity x PlayedForLaughs = CrossesTheLineTwice
235* (SoLongSuckers | TakeThisJobAndShoveIt) + PrideBeforeAFall + WeMeetAgain = CrossingTheBurntBridge
236* {{Crossover}} + LoveAtFirstSight = CrossoverCouple
237* SympathyForTheDevil - InUniverse = CryForTheDevil
238* OcularGushers ^[[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = CryingARiver
239* ArtisticLicenseBiology + TearTropes = CryingCritters
240* {{Cloudcuckoolander}} + TalkativeLoon + DumbassHasAPoint = TheCuckoolanderWasRight
241* {{Yandere}} - LoveMakesYouCrazy = CuteAndPsycho
242* ThisIndexMeows + BabiesEverAfter + {{Moe}} = CuteKitten
243* JustForFun/CandleJack + PrecisionFStrike = {{Curse Cut Sh|ort}}[=-I've=] always ''hated'' arithmetic. The teacher would always say, 'Candle Jack, you have no talent fo'. Then I kidnapped her.
244** Alternatively WeInterruptThisIndex | LastSecondWordSwap | SoundEffectBleep | SmashCut | KilledMidSentence | InjuryTropes + TheseTropesShouldWatchTheirLanguage = CurseCutShort
245* {{Elders}} + TheseTropesShouldWatchTheirLanguage | GoshDangItToHeck = CurseOfTheAncients
248[[folder:End Result Tropes, D]]
249* TheUnfavorite + DarkHorseVictory|UnderdogsNeverLose = DarkHorseSibling
250* MessianicArchetype + WellIntentionedExtremist = DarkMessiah
251* CerebusSyndrome + SpinOff = DarkerAndEdgier
252* CerebusSyndrome + FanFic = DarkFic
253* BlackoutBasement + GlowingEyesOfDoom = TheDarknessGazesBack
254* TheParody x (DarkFic - FanFic) = DarkParody
255* (Website/ThisVeryWiki + DarkerAndEdgier) x CrapsackWorld = DarthWiki/DarthWiki
256* TheReveal x FantasySequence = DaydreamSurprise
257* LoveLetter – LoveTropes + ThisIndexBrokeUp = DearJohnLetter
258* HonorBeforeReason ^ [[superscript:LogicalExtreme]] = DeathBeforeDishonor
259* TheGrimReaper x LoserDeity = DeathIsALoser
260* GoodParents + CharacterDeath = DeceasedParentsAreTheBest
261* {{Deconstruction}} + {{Parody}} = DeconstructiveParody
262* (TheNudifier x CombatPragmatist) + (NakedFreakOut x InvokedTrope) = DefeatByModesty
263* HeelFaceTurn + JoinedYourParty = DefeatMeansFriendship
264* GreatDetective + NoSocialSkills = DefectiveDetective
265* SickEpisode + ItsProbablyNothing = DefinitelyJustACold
266* WheresTheKaboom + SubvertedTrope = DelayedExplosion
267* MrExposition + (OhCrap x DelayedReaction) = DelayedOhCrap
268* FantasySequence + FoodTropes = DeliciousDaydream
269* TheCutie x ManipulativeBastard = DeliberatelyCuteChild
270* ValuesDissonance + IntendedAudienceReaction = DeliberateValuesDissonance
271* SatanicArchetype + GodIsEvil + NotQuiteTheAlmighty = DemiurgeArchetype
272* UsefulNotes/OdaNobunaga + HistoricalVillainUpgrade + MaouTheDemonKing = DemonKingNobunaga
273* OurDemonsAreDifferent + WasOnceAMan = DemonOfHumanOrigin
274* MainCharacters + FallingInLoveMontage + TimeMarchesOn + ((TheNewAdventures x AlwaysMale) x (DemotedToExtra x AlwaysFemale)) = DemotedToSatelliteLoveInterest
275* AntiHero - WhatTheHellHero = DesignatedHero
276* ButtMonkey + UnintentionallySympathetic = DesignatedMonkey
277* DistressBall x RunningGag = DesignatedVictim
278* AntiVillain x InformedFlaw = DesignatedVillain
279* ProductPlacement + HeroInsurance|MadeOfExplodium = DestroyTheProductPlacement
280* GodCouple + (DoesNotKnowHisOwnStrength | PowerIncontinence) = DestructoNookie
281* HappyEnding + AssPull = DeusExMachina
282* DownerEnding + AssPull = DiabolusExMachina
283* BabiesBabiesEverywhere + ToiletHumour = TheDiaperChange
284* ThinkingOutLoud + OpenMouthInsertFoot + OhCrap = DidIJustSayThatOutLoud
285* EldritchAbomination + LordBritishPostulate = DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu
286* DidWeJustHaveTeaWithCthulhu + (LoveTropes | SexTropes) = DidYouJustRomanceCthulhu
287* AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs + RightManInTheWrongPlace + MacGyvering = DieHardOnAnX
288* BigSleep x AvertedTrope = DiesWideOpen
289* (VerbalBackspace | VerbalBackpedaling) x (FromBadToWorse | GoneHorriblyWrong) = DiggingYourselfDeeper
290* CowardlyLion + EntitledBastard = DirtyCoward
291* TropesAboutPerverts x {{Youngsters}} = DirtyKid
292* FreudWasRight + AMindIsATerribleThingToRead = DirtyMindReading
293* (FanonDiscontinuity x TakeThat) + LampshadeHanging = DiscontinuityNod
294* SickEpisode + DefiedTrope + AnAesop = DiseasePreventionAesop
295* InsultTropes x MusicalNumberIndex = TheDissTrack
296* OurGodsAreDifferent + (BadassNormal | {{Muggles}}) + DatingTropes = DivineDate
297* DoesNotLikeThisIndex x FoodTropes = DoesNotLikeSpam
298* (TheDitz x LazyBum) + ThisIndexBarks = DogsAreDumb
299* DidYouJustFlipOffCthulhu + CurbStompBattle - DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu = DoNotTauntCthulhu
300* (InsaneTrollLogic x {{Anvilicious}} x TheComplainerIsAlwaysWrong) + JerkassHasAPoint = DontShootTheMessage
301* JumpScare + SelfOffense = DontSneakUpOnMeLikeThat
302* SchmuckBait + (CuriousAsAMonkey | LeeroyJenkins) + OnlySaneMan = DontTouchItYouIdiot
303* WhatWereYouThinking x BitchSlap = DopeSlap
304* SiblingTriangle + (PairTheSpares x SettleForSibling) = DoubleInLawMarriage
305* OurDragonsAreDifferent + RaisingTheSteaks = {{Dracolich}}
306* AllJustADream - TheReveal = DreamEpisode
307* PsychicPowers + DreamTropes = DreamingOfThingsToCome
308* SnowMeansCold + ChristmasTropes = DreamingOfAWhiteChristmas
309* DoctorIndex + StockCostumeTraits = DressedToHeal
310* ThisIsADrill + TankGoodness = DrillTank
311* AwesomePersonnelCarrier + SpaceMarine = DropShip
312* GainaxEnding + RuleOfFunny = DropTheCow
313* TheWoobie + INeedAFreakingDrink ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = DrowningMySorrows
314* ThisIsYourIndexOnDrugs x DontTryThisAtHome = DrugsAreBad
315* FrothyMugsOfWater + GRatedDrug = DrunkOnMilk
316* (TheHero + RageBreakingPoint + FaceHeelTurn + MotiveRant) x JerkassHasAPoint = DudeWheresMyRespect
317* TheCasanova + FemmeFatale + GoSeduceMyArchNemesis = DuelOfSeduction
318* BookDumb + (AllWorkVsAllPlay – BrilliantButLazy) = DumbButDiligent
319* LoveTriangle + ThisIndexBrokeUp^[[superscript:2]] = DumpThemAll
320** MarryThemAll + ThisIndexBrokeUp^[[superscript:N]] = DumpThemAll
321* PunkPunk + {{Magitek}} + HeroicFantasy = DungeonPunk
322* SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome x HeroicSacrifice = DyingMomentOfAwesome
323* Dystopia x (''Literature/TheWonderfulWizardOfOz'' | ''Literature/LandOfOz'' | ''Film/TheWizardOfOz'') = DystopianOz
326[[folder:End Result Tropes, E to F]]
327* TheEndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt x StuffBlowingUp = EarthShatteringKaboom
328* GreenAesop x MusicalNumberIndex = EarthSong
329* HeManWomanHater + InTouchWithHisFeminineSide = EffeminateMisogynisticGuy
330* Administrivia/TropesAreNotGood x ExaggeratedTrope = JustForFun/{{Egregious}}
331* TranslationTrainWreck x LopsidedDichotomy = EitherWorldDominationOrSomethingAboutBananas
332* DeadlyBath x HighVoltageDeath = ElectrifiedBathtub
333* OurGhostsAreDifferent x WalkingTechbane = ElectromagneticGhosts
334* FunWithAcronyms x IndexOfShame = EmbarrassingInitials
335* IndexOfShame + AffectionateNickname = EmbarrassingNickname
336* IndexOfShame x {{Plots}} = EmbarrassmentPlot
337* TheStoic + AlwaysFemale = EmotionlessGirl
338* TheEmperor + MadScientist = EmperorScientist
339* InvokedTrope - InUniverse = EnforcedTrope
340* ActivationSequence + {{Filler}} = EngagingChevrons
341* DarthWiki/WhatAnIdiot x SingleIssueWonk = EnragedByIdiocy
342* DoubleEntendre + LiteralMinded = EntendreFailure
343* (CriticalFailure | GameOver) ^ [[superscript:RefugeInAudacity]] = EpicFail
344* SexTropes x DreamTropes = EroticDream
345* EvilChancellor + SissyVillain = EunuchsAreEvil
346* TearTropes^11 = EverybodyCries
347* DeathTropes ^ [[superscript:11]] + DownerEnding = EverybodyDiesEnding
348* AllWomenAreLustful + AllMenArePerverts = EverybodyHasLotsOfSex
349* CharacterDeath x AvertedTrope = EverybodyLives
350* ProductPlacement + EnforcedTrope + ExaggeratedTrope = EverybodyOwnsAFord
351* MotorVehicleTropes + MadeOfExplodium = EveryCarIsAPinto
352* BisexualityTropes ^[[superscript:11]] = EveryoneIsBi
353* EpilepticTrees x {{Symbolism}} = EveryoneIsJesusInPurgatory
354* UnfortunateImplications x AssPull = EveryoneIsSatanInHell
355** EveryoneIsJesusInPurgatory x EvilCounterpart = EveryoneIsSatanInHell
356* HairTriggerTemper + PoliticalOvercorrectness = EverythingIsRacist
357* (FreudianTrio x EvilCounterpart) - TheKirk = EvilDuo
358* (SlippySlideyIceWorld - VideoGameTropes) x {{Villains}} = EvilIsDeathlyCold
359* (AristocratsAreEvil + AmbitionIsEvil) x (AnnoyingYoungerSibling + AlwaysMale) = TheEvilPrince
360* {{Villains}} + SignatureScent = EvilSmellsBad
361* PsychologicalProjection x RightForTheWrongReasons = EvilVersusEvil
362* SleepDeprivation + IdiotBall = ExhaustionInducedIdiocy
363* CloneArmy x WhatMeasureIsANonHuman = ExpendableClone
364* BizarreAlienBiology + RuleThirtyFour = ExoticEquipment
365* MrExposition + (OhCrap x DoubleTake) = ExplainExplainOhCrap
366* EnhancedPunch + StuffBlowingUp = ExplosivePunch
367* TheManTheyCouldntHang + ArtisticLicenseLaw = FailedExecutionNoSentence
368* OurElvesAreDifferent x NightmareFuel x {{Deconstruction}} = TheFairFolk
369* RipVanWinkle x SubvertedTrope = FakedRipVanWinkle
370* KnightOfCerebus + IneffectualSympatheticVillain = TheFamilyForTheWholeFamily
371* NakedPeopleAreFunny - {{Fanservice}} + {{Squick}} = FanDisservice
372* {{Fandom}} + IdiotBall = FanDumb
373* StockEpilepticTrees x FandomSpecificPlot = {{Fanon}}
374* {{Canon}} + IRejectYourReality = FanonDiscontinuity
375* (HalfHumanHybrid | CuteMonsterGirl | RubberForeheadAlien) + IDidntMeanToTurnYouOn = FantasticArousal
376* ActionGirl x PiratesWhoDontDoAnything = FauxActionGirl
377* HoYay + (MistakenForGay | NotWhatItLooksLike) = FauxYay
378* WingedHumanoid + FlechetteStorm = FeatherFlechettes
379* SpeciesEqualsGender + (ThisIndexMeows x AlwaysFemale) + (ThisIndexBarks x AlwaysMale) = FemaleFelineMaleMutt
380* BallsOfSteel + AlwaysFemale = FemaleGroinInvincibility
381* StayInTheKitchen + BoomerangBigot = FemaleMisogynist
382* {{Fetish}} + {{Narm}} = FetishRetardant
383** Alternatively, {{Fanservice}} + EpicFail + {{Squick}} = FetishRetardant.
384* DreamEpisode + SickEpisode = FeverDreamEpisode
385* AuthorFilibuster + ProtectionFromEditors + {{Flanderization}} = FilibusterFreefall
386* PlayingWithFire + AnIcePerson + ShockAndAwe = FireIceLightning
387* StockObjectColors + (PaintTheIndexRed x ThisIndexIsOnFire) = FireIsRed
388* HumongousMecha + MachineWorship = FirstChurchOfMecha
389* TheHero + TheLancer + TheSmartGuy + TheBigGuy + (TheHeart) = FiveManBand
390* ExplainExplainOhCrap + {{Beat}} + (FromBadToWorse | GoneHorriblyWrong) = FiveSecondForeshadowing
391* ValuesDissonance x 2 = FlameBait
392* CoolSword ^ [[superscript:IncendiaryExponent]] = FlamingSword
393* PsychoKnifeNut x MoreDakka = FlechetteStorm
394* CasualDangerDialogue x HotterAndSexier = FlirtingUnderFire
395* OdeToFood x PlayedForLaughs = FoodSongsAreFunny
396* DidIJustSayThatOutLoud x AMindIsATerribleThingToRead = ForgotAboutTheMindReader
397* {{Flanderization}} + CharacterRerailment = ForgotFlandersCouldDoThat
398* ThreeFacesOfEve + {{Tomboy}} = FourGirlEnsemble
399* ComicTrio + TheSmartGuy = FourManBand
400* KnightKnaveAndSquire + TheKirk = FourPhilosophyEnsemble
401** NiceMeanAndInBetween + TheDitherer = FourPhilosophyEnsemble
402* FreudianTrio x NiceMeanAndInBetween = FourTemperamentEnsemble (with the "Nice" [[TheMcCoy McCoy]] being the Sanguine and the "Mean" [=McCoy=] being the Choleric, while TheKirk (Phlegmatic) and TheSpock (Melancholic) are both In-Between)
403** RedOniBlueOni + GoodCopBadCop = FourTemperamentEnsemble
404* SirSwearsALot + NotInFrontOfTheParrot = FowlMouthedParrot
405* JustForFun/IThoughtItMeant x DoubleEntendre = FreudWasRight
406* FreudianExcuse + NoSell = FreudianExcuseIsNoExcuse
407* (FreudianSlip | ThatCameOutWrong) + DiggingYourselfDeeper = FreudianSlipperySlope
408* ToThePain x GroinAttack = FreudianThreat
409* SelfOffense + NoSell = FriendlyFireproof
410* (MindScrew + MindScrewdriver) | (FridgeLogic + EurekaMoment) = FridgeBrilliance
411* PlotHole + (AudienceReaction x DelayedReaction) = FridgeLogic
412* DelayedOhCrap x AudienceReaction = FridgeHorror
413* FridgeHorror x TearJerker = FridgeSadness
414* LaResistance + UnderdogsNeverLose + AesopAmnesia|FaceHeelTurn|HereWeGoAgain|MotiveDecay = FullCircleRevolution
415* (MyHovercraftIsFullOfEels | FeeFiFauxPas) x ThrowingDownTheGauntlet = FumblingTheGauntlet
416* {{Robot}} + PlayedForLaughs = FunnyRobot
419[[folder:End Result Tropes, G]]
420* NoseTropes x PlayedForLaughs = GagNose
421* BigLippedAlligatorMoment x BittersweetEnding x MindScrew = GainaxEnding
422* SuperDrowningSkills + DownTheDrain - OneUp = GameOver
423* DemBones + BodyOfBodies + AttackOfThe50FootWhatever = {{Gashadokuro}}
424* FauxYay + RefugeInAudacity = GayBravado
425* (TheBigGuy | BrawnHilda) + (TheSmartGuy | SmarterThanYouLook) = GeniusBruiser
426* TheSmartGuy + SweetTooth = GeniusSweetTooth
427* NiceJobBreakingItHerod + (LastOfHisKind x RoaringRampageOfRevenge) = GenocideBackfire
428* ((HeroicBSOD | HystericalWoman | NotHimself | SanitySlippage) + PercussiveMaintenance) x BitchSlap = GetAHoldOfYourselfMan
429* DefiantToTheEnd + (LastRequest x KillHimAlready) = GetItOverWith
430* EasilyForgiven + HandWave = GetOutOfJailFreeCard
431* (DoubleEntendre | FreudWasRight | HehHehYouSaidX | ThatsWhatSheSaid) + (DisapprovingLook | DopeSlap) = GetYourMindOutOfTheGutter
432* HumongousMecha + CatchAFallingStar + NotTheFallThatKillsYou = GiantRobotHandsSaveLives
433* BossBattle + (AssPull | BigLippedAlligatorMoment) = GiantSpaceFleaFromNowhere
434* {{Glamour}} + WeaksauceWeakness = GlamourFailure
435* (VineSwing | SkydivingTropes | AcrophobicBird | BlownAcrossTheRoom) + ((window x ThisIndexIsInTheWay) - SoftGlass) = GlassSmackAndSlide
436* LotusEaterMachine + GlamourFailure = AGlitchInTheMatrix
437* GlowingEyes ^ [[superscript:OhCrap]] = GlowingEyesOfDoom
438* SickeninglySweet + UnfortunateImplications + AnAesop = {{Glurge}}
439* AttackItsWeakPoint + EyeScream = GoForTheEye
440* AGodAmI + DefiedTrope = AGodIAmNot
441* ({{God}} x {{Jerkass}}) + {{Satan}} = GodAndSatanAreBothJerks
442* {{God}} + {{Satan}} + GoKartingWithBowser = GodKartingWithBeelzebub
443* ReasoningWithGod + RiddleForTheAges = GodlySidestep
444* TakeThisJobAndShoveIt x (AxCrazy | TriggerHappy) = GoingPostal
445* NearDeathExperience + LightIsNotGood ^ [[superscript:11]] = GoIntoTheLight
446* TheHero + ArchEnemy + FriendlyEnemy = GoKartingWithBowser
447* RecurringBoss + PluckyComicRelief = GoldfishPoopGang
448* BlindIdiotTranslation + MemeticMutation = GoodBadTranslation
449* (SelflessnessTropes + MysteriousStranger) x CharactersAsDevice = GoodSamaritan
450* BathroomTropes + UnusualEuphemism = GoToTheEuphemism
451* WildMassGuessing + MassiveMultiplayerCrossover = WMG/GrandUnifyingGuesses
452* (CyberGreen x UsefulNotes/GameBoy) + NostalgiaFilter = GreenBoyColor
453* GreenEyedMonster + LoveEpiphany = GreenEyedEpiphany
454* SoMuchForStealth + ItsProbablyNothing = TheGuardsMustBeCrazy
455* (AlwaysMale + CloseRangeCombatant) + (AlwaysFemale + LongRangeFighter) = GuysSmashGirlsShoot
458[[folder:End Result Tropes, H]]
459* SingleIssueWonk + {{Flanderization}} = HairTriggerTemper
460* LargeHam + ({{Narm}} | NarmCharm) = HamAndCheese
461* LargeHam + TheStoic + ThoseTwoGuys = HamAndDeadpanDuo
462* LargeHam ^ [[superscript:2]] = HamToHamCombat
463* MyNewGiftIsLame x InvokedTrope = HandingOverTheCrapSack
464* StupidQuestionBait + PreemptiveShutUp = HandsGoDown
465* HilariousInHindsight x (InvertedTrope | DarkerAndEdgier) = HarsherInHindsight
466* DamselInDistress + (ChronicHeroSyndrome x UnwantedRescue) + (NotWhatItLooksLike x TheReveal x FluffyTamer) = HandsOffMyFluffy
467* (SecretHandshake – SecretRelationship) + LeaveMeAlone|HatesBeingTouched = HandshakeRefusal
468* BornIntoSlavery + StockholmSyndrome = HappinessInSlavery
469* DancingTropes + HappinessTropes = HappyDance
470* (RainRainGoAway | GrayRainOfDepression) x InvertedTrope = HappyRain
471* {{Hatedom}} + IdiotBall = HateDumb
472* EpicFail + BondOneLiner = HaveANiceDeath
473** Alternatively, GameOver + BondOneLiner = HaveANiceDeath.
474* {{Superhero}} + StuffBlowingUp + HavingABlast
475* HumiliationConga x DiscussedTrope = HaveYouComeToGloat
476* Website/ThisVeryWiki + (FridgeLogic | PlotHole) = {{Headscratchers/Headscratchers}}
477* ThatCameOutWrong + LampshadedDoubleEntendre = HehHehYouSaidX
478* AngryGuardDog + {{Satan}} = {{Hellhound}}
479* {{Heaven}} x YouWouldNotWantToLiveInDex = HellOfAHeaven
480* TheHero + IdiotBall = HeroBall
481* TheHero + BarefistedMonk = HeroesFightBarehanded
482* TheHero + CoolSword = HeroesPreferSwords
483* ActionPet x TheProtagonist = HeroicPetStory
484* HeyYou + TalkToTheFist = HeyYouHaymaker
485* {{Ninja}} + (RuleOfPerception x LargeHam | TechnicolorNinjas) = HighlyVisibleNinja
486** {{Ninja}} + (SoMuchForStealth | WithCatlikeTread) = HighlyVisibleNinja
487* ManBehindTheMan + ArchEnemy = HijackedByGanon
488* BrainlessBeauty + KindheartedSimpleton + AlwaysMale = Himbo
489* {{Schoolteachers}} x NewAgeRetroHippie = HippieTeacher
490* AlmostDeadGuy + KilledMidSentence = HisNameIs
491* PreAssKickingOneLiner ^ [[superscript:ThatsGottaHurt x InvokedTrope]] = HitYouSoHardYourXWillFeelIt
492* BigDamnHeroes + ApatheticCitizens|BystanderSyndrome + WhoWillBellTheCat = HoldingOutForAHero
493* SheCleansUpNicely – TheMakeover = HollywoodHomely
494* HighFatIndex x InformedAttribute = HollywoodPudgy
495* GoodHurtsEvil ^ LogicalExtreme + (HumansAreFlawed | HumansAreBastards) = HolyIsNotSafe
496* GoodHurtsEvil + StuffBlowingUp = HolyHandGrenade
497* KillItWithWater + HolyBurnsEvil = HolyWater
498* TheMedic x (DudeMagnet | ChickMagnet) = HospitalHottie
499* 1/TheStoic = HotBlooded
500* HeterosexualLifePartners + TheNotLoveInterest + FreudWasRight = HoYay
501* (BossBattle x CurbStompBattle) - HopeSpot = HopelessBossFight
502* (ImAHumanitarian | BrainFood) x DeliciousDistraction x MyGodWhatHaveIDone = HorrorHunger
503* SantaClaus x FridgeLogic = HowCanSantaDeliverAllThoseToys
504* (EmbarrassingSlide | PornStash | EmbarrassingBrowserHistory) + BlatantLies = HowDidThatGetInThere
505* ThisLoserIsYou ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] + (AlwaysChaoticEvil x DownplayedTrope) = HumansAreBastards
506* HumansThroughAlienEyes ^ [[superscript:LogicalExtreme]] = HumansAreCthulhu
509[[folder:End Result Tropes, I]]
510* AccidentalTickleTorture x HotterAndSexier = IDidntMeanToTurnYouOn
511** (ImaginedInnuendo | InnocentInnuendo | HandsOnApproach) + (AccidentalPervert | CluelessChickMagnet) = IDidntMeanToTurnYouOn
512* (RecklessGunUsage | ReliablyUnreliableGuns) + FinaglesLaw - FriendlyFireproof - PlayedForLaughs = IJustShotMarvinInTheFace
513* KingIncognito + SoMuchForStealth + BlatantLies + GroupieBrigade = IdentityDenial
514* StupidityTropes x OutOfCharacter = IdiotBall
515* TheHero x TheFool = IdiotHero
516* TheFool x BornLucky = IdiotHoudini
517* PlanetOfHats x IdiotBall = IdiotPlot
518* HeWhoFightsMonsters x DiscussedTrope = IfYouKillHimYouWillBeJustLikeHim
519* TooDumbToLive | BookDumb | TheKlutz + ThisIndexIsOnFire = IgnorantAboutFire
520* ReadyForLovemaking + NoSell = IgnoreTheFanservice
521* IAmSong x DoesNotLikeThisIndex = IHateSong
522* (BeigeProse | PurpleProse) x PornWithoutPlot = IKEAErotica
523* TheseTropesWereFrozenToday x StockOminousSigns = ImColdSoCold
524* (SpottingTheThread + OhCrap) x FiveSecondForeshadowing = ImminentDangerClue
525* JoustingLance + ArmorIsUseless = ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice
526* BlatantLies + BadLiar = ImplausibleDeniability
527* (SpotTheImposter + GlamourFailure) x InvokedTrope = ImpostorExposingTest
528* ManOnFire ^ [[superscript:RuleOfCool]] = IncendiaryExponent
529* LargeHam + {{Entrance}} = IncomingHam
530* InertiaIsACruelMistress + ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice = InertialImpalement
531* EpicFail + TheInternet = InstantHumiliationJustAddYouTube
532* TreeTropes + (GeniusLoci | HiveMind) = IntelligentForest
533* WritingPitfallIndex x InvokedTrope = IntendedAudienceReaction
534* MusicalNumberIndex x SexTropes = IntercourseWithYou
535* AnimalLover + TheInternet = TheInternetIsForCats
536* BathtubScene + {{Entrance}} = InterruptedBath
537* PowerIncontinence + ShapeShifting = InvoluntaryShapeshifter
538* BestKnownForTheFanservice x SuspiciouslySpecificDenial = IReadItForTheArticles
539* {{Trope}} + MondegreenGag = JustForFun/IReadThatAs
540* ButtMonkey + {{Slapstick}} + MadeOfIron = IronButtmonkey
541* TheWoobie + Badass + HeroicSpirit = IronWoobie
542* NoisyNature + OutOfCharacterAlert = ItsQuietTooQuiet
543* {{Trope}} + NonindicativeName = JustForFun/IThoughtItMeant
544* LateArrivalSpoiler + PopCulturalOsmosis = ItWasHisSled
545* (TheCassandra | IgnoredExpert) + NiceJobBreakingItHero - NowYouTellMe = IWarnedYou
546** MrExposition ^ [[superscript:MindYourStep]] + StaircaseTumble = IWarnedYou
547** WhatDoesThisButtonDo + DontTouchItYouIdiot + HoistByHisOwnPetard = IWarnedYou
550[[folder:End Result Tropes, J to K]]
551* PokeThePoodle + CantGetAwayWithNuthin + DisproportionateRetribution = JaywalkingWillRuinYourLife
552* {{Jerkass}} + TheWoobie = JerkassWoobie
553* JerkAss + PetTheDog + HiddenDepths + CharacterDevelopment = JerkWithAHeartOfGold
554* (JerkWithAHeartOfGold x SubvertedTrope) + BaitAndSwitchSentiment = JerkWithAHeartOfJerk
555* HistoricalDomainCharacter x (TheAgeless + MultipleIdentityIDs) x ArtisticLicenseHistory = JuliusBeethovenDaVinci
556* ParentalIssues + ThisIsYourIndexOnDrugs = JunkieParent
557* CelebritiesHangOutInHeaven – {{Heaven}} + {{Hell}} + CourtroomEpisode = JuryOfTheDamned
558* PlatformHell + YetAnotherStupidDeath + TrialAndErrorGameplay = KaizoTrap
559* KarmaHoudini + LaserGuidedKarma = KarmaHoudiniWarranty
560* ((MoralEventHorizon x LighterAndSofter) | (PokeThePoodle x DarkerAndEdgier)) = KickTheDog
561* ChessWithDeath + TheGMIsACheatingBastard = KilledOffForReal
562** ProudWarriorRace + FumblingTheGauntlet = KilledOffForReal
563** CharacterDeath - (DisneyDeath + BackFromTheDead) = KilledOffForReal
564* SerialKiller + TomatoInTheMirror = TheKillerInMe
565* RidiculouslyCuteCritter x BadassAdorable = KillerRabbit
566* TheCutie + CharacterDeath = KillTheCutie
567* TheWonka x {{God}} = KingOfAllCosmos
568* DontMakeMeTakeMyBeltOff x RuleThirtyFour = KinkySpanking
569* WeHelpTheHelpless + WalkingTheEarth = KnightErrant
570* KnightInShiningArmor + JadeColoredGlasses = KnightInSourArmor
571* (CoolSword + LuckilyMyShieldWillProtectMe) x KnightInShiningArmor = KnightlySwordAndShield
572* AntiHero + (HeWhoFightsMonsters x JumpingOffTheSlipperySlope x (LawfulNeutral | LawfulEvil)) = KnightTemplar
573* BigBrotherInstinct ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = KnightTemplarBigBrother
574* HeroWorshipper x TheHero = TheKnightsWhoSaySquee
575* TentacleRope x HoistByHisOwnPetard = KnottyTentacles
578[[folder:End Result Tropes, L to M]]
579* Website/ThisVeryWiki x BeigeProse = LaconicWiki
580* ActionGirl + (YamatoNadeshiko | ProperLady | TheHighQueen | {{Ojou}}) = LadyOfWar
581* (DidIJustSayThatOutLoud + VerbalBackspace) x RhymesOnADime x BlatantLies = LameRhymeDodge
582* BoisterousBruiser + NoIndoorVoice = LargeHam
583* CoolSword + PowerGlows = LaserBlade
584* TheHyena + AxCrazy = LaughingMad
585* JokeCharacter x CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass = LethalJokeCharacter
586* TheKlutz ^ [[superscript: (AccidentalMurder(s) | NecroNonSequitur)]] = LethalKlutz
587* TheFool x (TheMillstone ^ [[superscript:AccidentalMurder]]) = LethallyStupid
588* LotusPosition + PowerFloats + MeditationPowerup = LevitatingLotusPosition
589* (FightScene + (WorthyOpponent | DefeatEqualsFriendship) + CallBack) x LighterAndSofter = LightheartedRematch
590* GenerationXerox x AlwaysMale = LikeFatherLikeSon
591* GenerationXerox x AlwaysFemale = LikeMotherLikeDaughter
592* {{God}} x (LittleMissBadass | SamusIsAGirl) = LittleMissAlmighty
593* BigNo - BigWordShout = LittleNo
594* ItsRainingMen + WatchWhereYoureGoing = LivingCrashpad
595* MeaningfulLook + ThisIndexHasLeftTheBuilding = LongLastLook
596* LongRunners x TechnologyMarchesOn = LongRunnerTechMarchesOn
597* ChaoticNeutral + {{Cloudcuckoolander}} = TheLoonie
598* InfinityPlusOneSword + RandomlyDrops + GoldFever + ({{Griefer}} | NinjaLooting) = LootDrama
599* GodIsFlawed^[[superscript: [[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = LoserDeity
600* UnderdogsNeverLose x RuleOfRomantic = LoserGetsTheGirl
601* ClothingDamage - {{Fanservice}} = LosingAShoeInTheStruggle
602* OffWithHisHead - CharacterDeath = LosingYourHead
603* StevenUlyssesPerhero x SatanicArchetype = LouisCypher
604* LoveInterest + EvilAllAlong = LoveInterestTraitor
605* ({{Mooks}} x MadeOfPlasticine) + {{BFG}} = LudicrousGibs
606* AxCrazy + StuffBlowingUp = MadBomber
607* MagicalGirl x GenreDeconstruction = MagicalGirlGenreDeconstruction
608* EliteTweak + JokeCharacter = MagikarpPower
609* FunctionalMagic + FantasticScience = {{Magitek}}
610* ManipulativeBastard + (ThePlan | TheChessmaster) = MagnificentBastard
611* WhyWeAreBummedCommunismFell + BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor = MakeTheBearAngryAgain
612* 1 / (ItMakesSenseInContext) = MakesJustAsMuchSenseInContext
613* PowerIncontinence + SickEpisode | PlotAllergy = MalfunctionMalady
614* SlapSlapKiss + ({{Tsundere}} - {{Moe}}) - AwLookTheyReallyDoLoveEachOther = TheMasochismTango
615* (MeaningfulBackgroundEvent x RuleOfDrama) + MetaOrigin = MassSuperEmpoweringEvent
616* (ImperiledInPregnancy + InstantBirthJustAddLabor) x FinaglesLaw = MaternityCrisis
617* {{Ninja}} + BunnyEarsLawyer = McNinja
618* VideoGameTropes x HealingAndCuringTropes = MedicalGame
619* (ISeeDeadPeople | PsychicChildren) + AllTherapistsAreMuggles = MedicateTheMedium
620* TransferableMemory + LaserGuidedAmnesia + TheChessmaster = MemoryGambit
621* PurpleProse x IkeaErotica = MillsAndBoonProse
622* {{Unobtanium}} + MagicAIsMagicA = MinovskyPhysics
623* AlternateSelf x (EvilTwin | MirrorUniverse) = MirrorSelf
624* InfidelityIndex x MistakenForIndex = MistakenForCheating
625* PlagueEpisode + SubvertedTrope = MistakenForDisease
626* MistakenForIndex x MadnessTropes = MistakenForInsane
627* ThisIndexTouchesItself x GrossoutFakeout = MistakenForMasturbating
628* PhoneTropes + CassandraTruth = MistakenForPrankCall
629* PregnancyTropes x MistakenForIndex = MistakenForPregnant
630* {{Moe}} + AnthropomorphicPersonification = MoeAnthropomorphism
631* BoomHeadshot + EyeScream = MoeGreeneSpecial
632* CarFu + ExternalCombustion = MolotovTruck
633* (TerrorHero x VillainProtagonist) + {{Mooks}} = MookHorrorShow
634* KickTheDog x DarkerAndEdgier = MoralEventHorizon
635* FanserviceFauxFight + CoveredInMud = MudWrestling
636* MundaneUtility + RuleOfCool = MundaneMadeAwesome
637* LoveTriangle + {{Yandere}} = MurderTheHypotenuse (usually)
638* DistractedByTheSexy + LampshadeHanging = MyEyesAreUpHere
639* {{Omniglot}} + ({{Malaproper}} | MondegreenGag | TheProblemWithPenIsland) = MyHovercraftIsFullOfEels
640* FurryReminder x ReflexiveResponse = MyInstinctsAreShowing
641* TheConqueror + AndThenWhat = MyopicConqueror
642* RobotBuddy + SuperSenses + UnresolvedSexualTension = MySensorsIndicateYouWantToTapThat
645[[folder:End Result Tropes, N to O]]
646* (WardrobeMalfunction | TheNudifier) + DeerInTheHeadlights + HandOrObjectUnderwear = NakedFreakOut
647* NudityTropes x PlayedForLaughs = NakedPeopleAreFunny
648* {{Narm}} + SoBadItsGood = NarmCharm
649* (NothingIsTheSameAnymore | PlotTwist | WhamEpisode) + (NegativeContinuity | UnreliableNarrator) = NarrativeBackpedaling
650* DisasterDominoes + AccidentalMurder = NecroNonSequitur
651* InsufferableGenius x TheBully = NerdyBully
652* (TheCaptain x LockedOutOfTheLoop) + RoomShuffle = NeverGiveTheCaptainAStraightAnswer
653* MamaBear ^ [[superscript:2]] = NeverMessWithGranny
654* TheGambler + RagsToRiches + HappyEndingOverride|AFoolAndHisNewMoneyAreSoonParted = NeverWinTheLottery
655* {{Superhero}} + GreenRocks = NewPowersAsThePlotDemands[[note]]where Superhero =/= Franchise/{{Superman}}[[/note]]
656* HairTropes + BerserkButton = NobodyTouchesTheHair
657* MediumAwareness ^[[superscript:11]] = NoFourthWall
658* ShowWithinAShow + NoFourthWall = NoInnerFourthWall
659* WindmillPolitical + (ThenLetMeBeEvil x {{Irony}}) = NoMereWindmill
660* AfraidOfTheirOwnStrength + (TheGlovesComeOff x GodzillaThreshold) + SpeechesAndMonologues = NoMoreHoldingBackSpeech
661* PartingFromConsciousnessWords x NonSequitur = NonSequiturThud
662* FriendToAllLivingThings | AnimalLover + (ShrinkingViolet | BoomerangBigot) = BetterWithNonHumanCompany
663* IResembleThatRemark + DiggingYourselfDeeper = NotHelpingYourCase
664* (KidHero x MrExposition) + (AdultsAreUseless x PreemptiveShutUp) = NotNowKiddo
665* SurpriseParty + TheReveal + BirthdayEpisode = NotSoForgottenBirthday
666* TheStoic + (HiddenDepths | (OutOfCharacterMoment | OOCIsSeriousBusiness)) = NotSoStoic
667* HeroicSecondWind - YouCanBarelyStand = NowItsMyTurn
668* MrExposition x (ImpededMessenger | RememberedTooLate) = NowYouTellMe
669** DynamicEntry + StuffBlowingUp + MrExposition ^ [[superscript:{{Incoming}}]] = NowYouTellMe
670** PottyEmergency + NotNowKiddo + PottyFailure = NowYouTellMe
671** StaircaseTumble + MrExposition ^ [[superscript:MindYourStep]] = NowYouTellMe
672** WhatDoesThisButtonDo + HoistByHisOwnPetard + DontTouchItYouIdiot = NowYouTellMe
673* ShutUpHannibal + LameComeback = NoYou
674* TheOtherDarrin + JustifiedTrope = TheNthDoctor
675* ClothingDamage ^ [[superscript:LogicalExtreme]] = TheNudifier
676* HintDropping + (FailedASpotCheck | IDoNotSpeakNonverbal) = ObliviousToHints
677* ExcuseMeWhileIMultitask ^ [[superscript:LogicalExtreme]] = OffhandBackhand
678* CliffHanger + RuleOfPerception + FridgeHorror = OffscreenInertia
679* EvilPlan x NoodleIncident = OffstageVillainy
680* ThisIsGonnaSuck x HereWeGoAgain = OhNoNotAgain
681* StrawNihilist + PersonOfMassDestruction = OmnicidalManiac
682* TheSmurfettePrinciple + GenderInvertedTrope = TheOneGuy
683* HulkingOut + VoluntaryShapeshifting = OneWingedAngel
684* VoluntaryShapeshifting + LargeHam = OneWingedAngel
685* NotHimself + PlayedForDrama = OOCIsSeriousBusiness
686* TheOtherDarrin + RoleReprise = TheOriginalDarrin
687* AllJustADream + AmbiguousSituation = OrWasItADream
688* ThePlan + PrideBeforeAFall = OutGambitted
691[[folder:End Result Tropes, P]]
692* RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil + WouldHurtAChild = PaedoHunt
693* SkydivingTropes + WatchOutForThatTree + HelpImStuck = ParachuteInATree
694* ClusterFBomb + {{Omniglot}} = PardonMyKlingon
695* RebelliousSpirit + HeWhoFightsMonsters = ParentalHypocrisy
696* (TheParentTrope x SexTropes) + {{Squick}} = ParentalSexualitySquick
697* SleepTropes + DeathTropes = PassedInTheirSleep
698* ComeToGawk + TheSnackIsMoreInteresting = PassThePopcorn
699* ReligionOfEvil + VillainWithGoodPublicity = PathOfInspiration
700* TheHero + PowerLevels OverNineThousand = PhysicalGod
701* SickEpisode ^11 = PlagueEpisode
702* PlayingWithATrope x TheCatalogue = PlayingWithWiki
703* (WatchWhereYoureGoing | CrashIntoHello | SuggestiveCollision | LivingCrashpad) + SurprisinglyRealisticOutcome = PleaseGetOffMe
704* (ConflictBall + ScrewThisImOuttaHere) x TheoryOfNarrativeCausality = PlotMandatedFriendshipFailure
705* KickTheDog x LighterAndSofter = PokeThePoodle
706* CodeEmergency x (CrazyPrepared | DevelopersForesight) = PoliceCodeForEverything
707* GoodIsNotNice + AffablyEvil = PoliteVillainsRudeHeroes
708* PottyEmergency + BodyLanguage = PottyDance
709* PottyEmergency + FinaglesLaw = PottyFailure
710* PersonalityPowers + InvertedTrope = PowerStereotypeFlip
711* {{Cloudcuckoolander}} + ChaoticNeutral = ThePrankster
712* ThisIndexBarks + BabiesEverAfter + {{Moe}} = PreciousPuppy
713* ClusterFBomb - DarkerAndEdgier - OverlyLongGag = PrecisionFStrike
714** Alternatively, TheseTropesShouldWatchTheirLanguage x OOCIsSeriousBusiness = PrecisionFStrike
715* ImperiledInPregnancy + DamselOutOfDistress = PregnantBadass
716* (FormerBigot x InvokedTrope) + AnAesop = PrejudiceAesop
717* JustForFun/{{Hello}} + MyNameIsInigoMontoya + YouKilledMyFather = PrepareToDie[[note]]Oh, come on. Like you didn't see that one coming.[[/note]]
718* HaHaHaNo x (TalkToTheFist | ShutUpGunshot | OffingTheMouth) = PreViolenceLaughter
719* BreakTheHaughty x BeginningTropes = PrideBeforeAFall
720* (RedIsHeroic | TheYellowIndex | BlueIsHeroic) = PrimaryColorChampion
721* (IdenticalStranger | TwinSwitch) x (KingIncognito + PrincessForADay) = PrinceAndPauper
722* ShowWithinAShow x TheReveal = ProsceniumReveal
723* EscortMission x HoldTheLine = ProtectionMission
724* DreamingOfThingsToCome - PsychicPowers = PsychicDreamsForEveryone
725* ShockAndAwe + AxCrazy = PsychoElectro
726* Room101 x EldritchLocation = PsychologicalTormentZone
727* {{Manchild}} x AxCrazy = PsychopathicManchild
728* (UnluckyEverydude x ChickMagnet) + (2 x {{Yandere}}) = PsychoticLoveTriangle
729* (AttackAttackAttack | AgitatedItemStomping) x DesecratingTheDead = PummelingTheCorpse
730* AttackAttackAttack + NoSell + OhCrap = PunchPunchPunchUhOh
731* MegatonPunch x BlownAcrossTheRoom = PunchedAcrossTheRoom
732* ActualPacifist + BerserkButton = PunctuatedForEmphasis
733* DramaticChaseOpening + DecoyProtagonist = PursuedProtagonist
734* PlayingWithFire + AxCrazy = PyroManiac
737[[folder:End Result Tropes, Q to R]]
738* MinMaxing + RummageSaleReject - InformedEquipment = RainbowPimpGear
739* (PinballScoring - ScoringPoints) x GameplayGrading = RankInflation
740* BerserkButton x ScrewThisImOuttaHere = RageQuit
741** InterfaceScrew x (CycleOfHurting | UnstableEquilibrium) + RageBreakingPoint = RageQuit
742** LootDrama + RageBreakingPoint = RageQuit
743** {{Scrub}} + AlwaysSomeoneBetter = RageQuit
744** TutorialFailure + HintsAreForLosers + ReadTheFreakingManual + GuideDangIt + ManualMisprint = RageQuit
745* BookWorm + InvokedTrope + AnAesop = ReadingIsCoolAesop
746* ReadingsAreOffTheScale + ExplosiveInstrumentation = ReadingsBlewUpTheScale
747* KilledOffForReal + {{Montages}} + FlashBack = ReallyDeadMontage
748* BlownAcrossTheRoom + SurprisinglyRealisticOutcome = RecoiledAcrossTheRoom
749* Badass + CodeName = RedBaron
750* HeelFaceTurn + BadassDecay = RedemptionDemotion
751* (WhiteMagic + BlackMagic + MagicKnight) x MasterOfNone = TheRedMage
752* RayGun x PinballProjectile = ReflectingLaser
753* BetrayalTropes + MyGodWhatHaveIDone = RegretfulTraitor
754* TheArtifact x ReconstructedTrope = ReimaginingTheArtifact
755* TheApocalypseBringsOutTheBestInPeople + (RomanceArc x RelationshipUpgrade) = RelationshipSalvagingDisaster
756* TheScrappy + CharacterDevelopment = RescuedFromTheScrappyHeap
757* LaResistance + AntiHero + DarkerAndEdgier = TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilised
758* LaResistance x HeWhoFightsMonsters = TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilized
759* (EverythingIsBetterWithExplosions + ExaggeratedTrope) ^ [[superscript:{{spectacle}}]] = RidiculouslyPotentExplosive
760* NotAMorningPerson + DarthWiki/MostAnnoyingSound + DisproportionateRetribution = RingRingCRUNCH
761* RipVanWinkle + PottyEmergency = RipVanTinkle
762* AsleepForDays ^ 11 = RipVanWinkle
763* {{Robot}} x ThisIndexBarks = RobotDog
764* AxCrazy + AIIsACrapshoot = RoboticPsychopath
765* LoveInterests + FusionDance = RomanticFusion
766* WorldOfTechnicolorHair + (CheeryPink | PinkIsFeminine) = RoseHairedSweetie
767* {{Fanbase}} + BlackShirt = RootingForTheEmpire
768* DeathTrap x RubeGoldbergDevice = RubeGoldbergHatesYourGuts
769* PromotedFanboy ^ [[superscript:2]] = RunningTheAsylum
772[[folder:End Result Tropes, S]]
773* UnskilledButStrong x CripplingOverspecialization = SacrificedBasicSkillForAwesomeTraining
774* (TheHero + MortonsFork) x EvilPlan = SadisticChoice
775* (HeroicDog x BigFriendlyDog x DogStereotype) + HardDrinkingTropes + BravingTheBlizzard = SaintBernardRescue
776* (AmbiguousGender | ViewerGenderConfusion) + TheReveal = SamusIsAGirl
777* (SantaClaus + MaybeMagicMaybeMundane) x AmbiguousSituation = SantaAmbiguity
778* SantaClaus x EldritchAbomination = {{Santabomination}}
779* CoolStarship x GeniusLoci = SapientShip
780* DamselInDistress x {{Plot}} = SaveThePrincess
781* (SantaClaus x DistressedDude) | (ChristmasElves x StrikeEpisode) = SavingChristmas
782* OneWingedAngel x SnakesAreSinister = ScaledUp
783* (UnluckyEverydude x LivingMacGuffin) + FemmeFatale = TheSchlubPubSeductionDeduction
784* CantArgueWithElves - SuperiorSpecies = ScrewYouElves
785* SingleIssueWonk x IRejectYourReality = SelectiveObliviousness
786* AuthorAvatar x TheProtagonist = SelfInsertFic
787* TriggerHappy + FriendOrFoe + FinaglesLaw = SelfOffense
788* TheJeeves x DeadpanSnarker = ServileSnarker
789* GroinAttack + ThatsGottaHurt = ShareTheMalePain
790* {{Shipping}} + InsaneTrollLogic = ShippingGoggles
791* (AbandonShipping x InvokedTrope) | (ShippingGoggles x {{Jossed}}) = ShipSinking
792* ShippingGoggles + NonSequitur = ShipsThatPassInTheNight
793* (DarkerAndEdgier | CerebusSyndrome) + PluckyComicRelief + ChuckCunninghamSyndrome = ShooOutTheClowns
794* (TheScrappy | CreatorsPet) + ChuckCunninghamSyndrome = ShooOutTheNewGuy
795* DungeonShop x HairTriggerTemper = ShopliftAndDie
796* (SiblingTeam | BrotherSisterTeam) + RedOniBlueOni = SiblingYinYang
797* OminousLatinChanting x AsLongAsItSoundsForeign = SingingSimlish
798* ScaryShinyGlasses x CoolShades = SinisterShades
799* FourManBand + {{Jerkass}} = SitcomCharacterArchetypes
800* CriticalStaffingShortage ^ [[superscript:LogicalExtreme]] + (StrippedToTheBone x VisualPun) = SkeletonCrew
801* ThanksForTheMammaries + LesYay + FuroScene = SkinshipGrope
802* (TheKirk + TheSpock) x HoYay + {{Fandom}} = SlashFic
803* {{Slimeball}} + CorruptPolitician = SleazyPolitician
804* (SleepDeprivation + DefiedTrope) | GettingReadyForBedPlot + AnAesop = SleepAesop
805* SleepAndWakefulnessTropes x IndexFailure = SleepDeprivation
806* TimeTravel + LongLived - TimeMachine = TheSlowPath
807* TheDitz + OutOfCharacterMoment = SmartBall
808* {{Mook|s}} + UnskilledButStrong + AttackAttackAttack = SmashMook
809* BadassInANiceSuit + TheBlank + BrownNote + CombatTentacles + LeanAndMean + OffscreenTeleportation + StalkerWithoutACrush + WalkingTechbane = [[Franchise/TheSlendermanMythos Slenderman]]
810* {{Superhero}} + (InsufferableGenius | TooCleverByHalf) = SmugSuper
811* CallousnessTowardsEmergency + DeliciousDistraction = TheSnackIsMoreInteresting
812* DeadpanSnarker + SelfDeprecation = TheSnarkKnight
813* YourPrincessIsInAnotherCastle + FromBadToWorse = SnicketWarningLabel
814* {{Trope}} + NonIndicativeName + {{Pun}} = {{Snowclone}}
815* AboveGoodAndEvil + ConsummateLiar + TheHedonist + ItsAllAboutMe + LackOfEmpathy + ManipulativeBastard + NeverMyFault + {{Pride}} + StrawNihilist + TheUnfettered = TheSociopath
816* TheSneakyGuy + IllTimedSneeze = SoMuchForStealth
817* SugarWiki/FunnyMoments[[superscript:3]] + SugarWiki/AwesomeMusic[[superscript:3]] = SoundtrackDissonance[[superscript:3]] [[note]]This is true despite the clear violation of UsefulNotes/FermatsLastTheorem.[[/note]]
818* SpaceIsAnOcean + WaterIsAir = SpaceIsNoisy
819* (SequelHook + BabiesEverAfter) x AndTheAdventureContinues = SpinOffspring
820* TheSmartGuy x EmotionlessGirl = TheSpock
821* FailureGambit + PlagueOfGoodFortune = SpringtimeForHitler
822* ThemeNaming + FauxSymbolism = SquatsInAName
823* WizardClassic x GlassCannon = SquishyWizard
824* MindYourStep + LeeroyJenkins = StaircaseTumble
825* {{Yandere}} - {{Moe}} = StalkerWithACrush
826* (StealthBasedMission + (StuffBlowingUp | SoMuchForStealth)) x TimeForPlanB = StartsStealthilyEndsLoudly
827* EnemyMine + UngratefulBastard = StatusQuoIsGod
828* EscortMission + StalkingMission = StealthEscortMission
829* StickySituation + StuffBlowingUp = StickyBomb
830* TrademarkFavouriteFood + AnimalStereotype = StockAnimalDiet
831* DoesNotLikeSpam + {{Stereotype}} = StockYuck
832* TheWoobie x TheStoic = StoicWoobie
833* HeroicSacrifice + IdiotBall = StupidSacrifice
834* LethalChef + OvenLogic = StuffBlowingUp
835* LogicBomb + ExplosiveInstrumentation = StuffBlowingUp
836* CharacterCatchphrase + SubvertedTrope | RunningGagStumbles = SubvertedCatchphrase
837* {{Trope}} x BaitAndSwitch = SubvertedTrope
838* (CerebusSyndrome + MoodWhiplash) x DownerEnding = SuddenDownerEnding
839* (Website/ThisVeryWiki + LighterAndSofter) x SugarBowl = SugarWiki/SugarWiki
840* (WatchWhereYoureGoing | LivingCrashpad) + AccidentalPervert + NotWhatItLooksLike = SuggestiveCollision
841* DrivenToSuicide + PlayedForLaughs = SuicideAsComedy
842* CharacterDerailment + (CoversAlwaysLie | NeverTrustATrailer) = {{Superdickery}}
843* JokerImmunity + DeathByAdaptation = SuperheroMovieVillainsDie
844* UnderTheSea x BatmanCanBreatheInSpace = SuperNotDrowningSkills
845* DisabilitySuperpower + CoolChair = SuperWheelChair
846* MindScrew x PlayedForHorror = SurrealHorror
847* BlatantLies + BadLiar = SuspiciouslySpecificDenial
848* UsefulNotes/{{Sweeps}} + RatingsStunt ^ [[superscript:TonightSomeoneKisses x GirlOnGirlIsHot]] = SweepsWeekLesbianKiss
849* WholesomeCrossdresser + IfItsYouItsOkay = SweetOnPollyOliver
850* TheGuardsMustBeCrazy + IncompetentGuardAnimal + InsecurityCamera = SwissCheeseSecurity
851* (DualWielding x ILikeSwords) + GunsAkimbo = SwordAndGun
852* PictorialSpeechBubble x (ClusterFBomb | NarrativeProfanityFilter) = SymbolSwearing
855[[folder:End Result Tropes, T]]
856* ShoutOut + InsultTropes = TakeThat
857* TheScrappy + TakeThat = TakeThatScrappy
858* (Boss | Workplace | Insult) + TheResenter + (RageBreakingPoint x RageQuit) = TakeThisJobAndShoveIt, where:
859** Boss = (BadBoss | CluelessBoss | CorruptCorporateExecutive | MeanBoss | ObstructiveBureaucrat | PointyHairedBoss)
860** Workplace = (DangerousWorkplace | EvilInc | IncompetenceInc | InhumanResources | NoSuchThingAsHR)
861** Insult = (DelegationRelay | FirstDayFromHell | GeorgeJetsonJobSecurity | IDontPayYouToThink | NonPromotion | PassedOverPromotion | PromotedToScapegoat | PulledFromYourDayOff)
862** TheResenter = (BeleagueredAssistant | HyperCompetentSidekick | OnlySaneEmployee | ServileSnarker)
863* ShutUpHannibal + CombatPragmatist = TalkToTheFist
864* ShamelessFanserviceGirl ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = TheTease
865* (NiceGuy x {{Tomboy}}) + ({{Jerkass}} x GirlyGirl) = TenderTomboyishnessFoulFemininity
866* (GoodIsNotNice + GoodIsNotSoft + DarkIsNotEvil) x TheDreaded = TerrorHero
867* MarathonLevel + CheckpointStarvation = ThatOneLevel
868* BlindShoulderToss + OffscreenCrash + KickTheDog = ThatPoorCat
869** Alternatively, StockSoundEffect + OffscreenCrash + ThisIndexMeows = ThatPoorCat
870* (AmusingInjuries | CurbStompBattle | ThisIndexIsARealPain) + (BystanderSyndrome x ReactionShot) = ThatsGottaHurt
871* InnocentInnuendo + LampshadedDoubleEntendre = ThatsWhatSheSaid
872* AbominationAccusationAttack + IWillShowYouX = ThenLetMeBeEvil
873* HeroWithBadPublicity + RageQuit + FaceHeelTurn = ThenLetMeBeEvil
874* {{Plot}} + BecauseISaidSo = TheoryOfNarrativeCausality
875** PowersThatBe x GenreSavvy = TheoryOfNarrativeCausality
876* LastOfHisKind + SubvertedTrope = ThereIsAnother
877* MoreDakka + ImprobableAimingSkills = ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill
878* ComedicSociopathy + NegativeContinuity = TheyKilledKennyAgain
879* ImminentDangerClue + DeadpanSnarker = ThisIsGonnaSuck
880** SirSwearsALot + (SwearJar | SoapPunishment) = ThisIsGonnaSuck
881* SkewedPriorities x (SubvertedTrope ^ [[superscript:NotWhatItLooksLike]]) + PoorCommunicationKills = ThisIsNoTimeForKnitting
882* AudienceSurrogate + ViewersAreMorons = ThisLoserIsYou
883* CuckoosNest x MindScrew = ThroughTheEyesOfMadness
884* TreeTropes x {{Incoming}} = {{Timber}}
885* TimeTravelTropes + MistakenForSpies = TimeTravelersAreSpies
886* TheNapoleon + BrattyHalfPint + AlwaysFemale = TinyTyrannicalGirl
887* BoomHeadshot - ChunkySalsaRule = TisOnlyABulletInTheBrain
888* ToBeContinued + SubvertedTrope = ToBeContinuedRightNow
889* ColdBloodedTorture x DiscussedTrope x PerpSweating = ToThePain
890* SaidBookism + {{Pun}} = TomSwifty
891* ColdBloodedTorture + NoSell = TooKinkyToTorture
892* StrawmanProduct + TooDumbToLive + ViewersAreMorons = TooIncompetentToOperateABlanket
893* BabiesEverAfter ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] x TheLastStraw = TooManyBabies
894* LostMyAppetite - DisgustTropes + AngerTropes | SadnessTropes | FearTropes = TooUnhappyToBeHungry
895* WritersBlock x SadnessTropes = TooUpsetToCreate
896* PowderKegCrowd + RabbleRouser + GardeningVarietyWeapon + HollywoodTorches = TorchesAndPitchforks
897* SupervillainLair + MostDefinitelyNotAVillain = TotallyNotACriminalFront
898* HoYay + HaveIMentionedIAmHeterosexualToday + EveryoneCanSeeIt = TransparentCloset
899* (BodyHorror + TransformationSequence + PsychologicalHorror) ^ [[superscript:TransformationAtTheSpeedOfPlot]] - ObscuredSpecialEffects = TransformationHorror
900* WasOnceAMan + EldritchTransformation = TranshumanAbomination
901* BlindIdiotTranslation ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = TranslationTrainwreck
902* AxCrazy + MoreDakka = TriggerHappy
903* DressingAsTheEnemy + PlayAlongPrisoner + RightUnderTheirNoses = TrojanPrisoner
904* PetPeeveTrope - BerserkButton = TropeEnjoymentLoophole
905* Website/TVTropes x MoeAnthropomorphism = JustForFun/TropeTan
906** [[DarthWiki/ThisExists Darth Wiki]] x MoeAnthropomorphism = Darth-tan
907** [[SugarWiki/SweetExists Sugar Wiki]] x MoeAnthropomorphism = Sugar-tan
908** WildMassGuessing x MoeAnthropomorphism = WMG-tan
909* {{Trope}} + RebusBubble = JustForFun/{{Troperithmetic}}
910* Website/TVTropes x GratuitousAnimalSidekick = TropeyTheWonderDog
911* TrueArt x TheOldestOnesInTheBook = TrueArtIsAncient
912* TrueArt + {{Angst}} = TrueArtIsAngsty
913* TrueArt + MindScrew = TrueArtIsIncomprehensible
914* Website/TVTropes x KitschyThemedRestaurant = JustForFun/TVTropesCafe
917[[folder:End Result Tropes, U to V]]
918* {{Gonk}} + {{Moe}} = UglyCute
919* TechnicolorEyes ^ [[superscript:OhCrap]] = UhOhEyes
920* IntercontinuityCrossover + ThereCanBeOnlyOne = UltimateShowdownOfUltimateDestiny
921* {{Villains}} x ThePigPen = UncleanlinessIsNextToUngodliness
922* DoubleEntendre x JustForFun/{{Egregious}} = ImaginedInnuendo
923* EvilLaugh x {{Narm}} = UnEvilLaugh
924* CerebusSyndrome - NothingIsTheSameAnymore = UnexpectedlyDarkEpisode
925* TheEveryman x OnlySaneMan = UnfazedEveryman
926* LiteralCliffhanger + (IdiotBall x ThatCameOutWrong) + (VillainBall x LiteralistSnarking x ExactWords) = UnhandThemVillain
927* TheyChangedItNowItSucks x ItsTheSameNowItSucks = UnpleasableFanbase
928* TheReveal + SubvertedTrope = TheUnReveal
929* TheGhost + SubvertedTrope = UnseenNoMore
930* DudeLooksLikeALady + SweetOnPollyOliver + TheReveal = UnsettlingGenderReveal
931* {{Courier}} x ({{Determinator}} | ImplacableMan | TheJuggernaut) = UnstoppableMailman
932* (RedHerring ^ [[superscript:5]] + CaptainObviousReveal) + SubvertedTrope = TheUntwist
933* CatUpATree + TreeBuchet = UrbanLegend
934* MissingSecret + ShrugOfGod = UrbanLegendOfZelda
935* FunctionalMagic + MundaneUtility = UtilityMagic
936* TheRenfield x WorkingForABodyUpgrade = VampireVannabe
937* OurVampiresAreDifferent x InUniverse = VampireVarietyPack
938* YouSexyBeast x OurVampiresAreDifferent = VampiresAreSexGods
939* VampireTropes + (GarlicIsAbhorrent x WeaksauceWeakness) = VampiresHateGarlic
940* (FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire x DarkIsNotEvil) + (VampireHunter x KnightTemplar) = VanHelsingHateCrimes
941* CharacterCatchphrase x CharacterTics = VerbalTic
942* (VerbalTic x SubvertedTrope) + OOCIsSeriousBusiness = VerbalTicked
943* AnAesop + UnexpectedlyDarkEpisode = VerySpecialEpisode
944* (DelicateAndSickly + IncurableCoughOfDeath + UsefulNotes/VictorianBritain) x ValuesDissonance = VictorianNovelDisease
945* ViewersAreMorons + WhatWereTheySellingAgain = ViewersAreGoldfish
946* {{Villains}} + IdiotBall = VillainBall
947* {{Villains}} + ({{Flanderization}} | CharacterDerailment | TheWorfEffect) = VillainDecay
948* ({{Villains}} - AllAccordingToPlan) x (FreakOut | NotSoStoic | SanitySlippage) = VillainousBreakdown
949* SociopathicHero - MisaimedFandom = VillainProtagonist
952[[folder:End Result Tropes, W]]
953* LittleMissBadass + SheFu = WaifFu
954* InstantWakingSkills + DontSneakUpOnMeLikeThat = WakeUpFighting
955* HorrorHunger x ColdTurkeysAreEverywhere = WarmBloodbagsAreEverywhere
956* AnAesop + DeadpanSnarker = DarthWiki/WarpThatAesop
957* (VineSwing | SkydivingTropes | AcrophobicBird | ChaseScene) + (TreeTropes x ThisIndexIsInTheWay) = WatchOutForThatTree
958* EnergyWeapon ^ [[superscript:[[ExaggeratedTrope 11]]]] = WaveMotionGun
959* LightIsGood + GoodHurtsEvil = WeakenedByTheLight
960* WideEyedIdealist + JumpingOffTheSlipperySlope = WellIntentionedExtremist
961* ((MeaningfulName | ThemeNaming) x TemptingFate) + LaserGuidedKarma = WhatDidYouExpectWhenYouNamedIt
962* BigRedButton + CuriousAsAMonkey = WhatDoesThisButtonDo
963* (TheHero + IdiotBall) + (WhatTheHellHero x DarthWiki/WhatAnIdiot) = WhatWereYouThinking
964* SpecialEffectFailure + FightSceneFailure = WhenPropsAttack
965* StuffBlowingUp x SubvertedTrope = WheresTheKaboom
966* (AssholeVictim x KilledOffForReal) + AndThereWasMuchRejoicing + EveryoneIsASuspect = WhoMurderedTheAsshole
967* GameShow + FollowTheLeader = WhoWantsToBeWhoWantsToBeAMillionaire
968* ButtMonkey + RageBreakingPoint + FaceHeelTurn = WhosLaughingNow
969* (LikeASonToMe + TheUnfavorite) x ParentalFavoritism = WhyAreYouNotMySon
970* HowMuchMoreCanHeTake + LampshadeHanging = WhyWontYouDie
971* Website/ThisVeryWiki + EpilepticTrees = WildMassGuessing
972* TheSneakyGuy x InformedAbility = WithCatlikeTread
973* (PutOnABus | MovingAwayEnding) + SubvertedTrope = WithAFootOnTheBus
974* FlunkyBoss + (GoddamnedBats | DemonicSpiders) = WolfpackBoss
975* PopularityPower + BaitAndSwitch = WolverinePublicity
976* BunnyEarsLawyer x TheLeader = TheWonka
977* TheDitz + JackassGenie = TheWoobie
978* TheWoobie x OmnicidalManiac = WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds
979** CosmicPlaything + SanitySlippage = WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds
980* TheWoobie + InTheBlood = WoobieFamily
981* KatanasAreJustBetter + NerfArm = WoodenKatanasAreEvenBetter
982* SickEpisode + {{Determinator}} = WorkingThroughTheCold
983* LargeHam x PlanetOfHats = WorldOfHam
984* GenreBlindness x DoubleSubversion = WrongGenreSavvy
987[[folder:End Result Tropes, X to Z]]
988* ThePlan + MortonsFork = XanatosGambit
989* (MagnificentBastard + DidntSeeThatComing) | (ThePlan x IndyPloy) = XanatosSpeedChess
990* (MusicalTrigger x BoobyTrap) + (BlunderCorrectingImpulse x HoistByHisOwnPetard) = XylophoneGag
991* LoveMakesYouCrazy + AxCrazy = {{Yandere}}
992* GameOver x EpicFail = YetAnotherStupidDeath
993* (RuleThirtyFour | TheInternetIsForPorn) + UsefulNotes/FurryFandom = {{Yiff}}
994* AskAStupidQuestion x NarratingTheObvious = YouAnsweredYourOwnQuestion
995* (NoodleIncident + BrainBleach) x DiscussedTrope = YouDoNotWantToKnow
996* ChronicHeroSyndrome x (UnwantedAssistance + NiceJobBreakingItHero) x ProsceniumReveal = YouJustRuinedTheShot
997* OurVampiresAreDifferent x TakeThat = YourVampiresSuck
998* {{Fingore}} x {{Yakuza}} = {{Yubitsume}}
999* (ZanyScheme + CounterZany) x GambitPileup = ZanySchemeChicken
1000* AttackAttackAttack + WeHaveReserves + DeathOfAThousandCuts = ZergRush
1001* MiniDressOfPower + ProperTightsWithASkirt + StockingFiller = ZettaiRyouiki
1004[[folder:End Result in Numbers]]
1005* Administrivia/ComplainingAboutShowsYouDontLike + SugarWiki/GushingAboutShowsYouLike = 0
1006* SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome x DarthWiki/DethroningMomentOfSuck = 1
