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Context JustForFun / Tropemanteau

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1A {{portmanteau}} is a new word formed by creatively joining two others and combining their meanings. So, naturally, a Tropemanteau is a trope with a name that contains a portmanteau.
3They generally make up in fun what they lack in Administrivia/{{Wiki Word}}iness. Compare JustForFun/PunnyTropeNames.
8* AbsenceMakesTheHeartGoYonder = Absence makes the heart grow fonder + go yonder.
9* {{Acrofatic}} = Acrobatic + fat
10* AddictionDisplacement = AdaptationDisplacement + addiction
11* {{Adorkable}} = Adorable + dork
12* AdiposeRex = Adipose + Oedipus Rex
13* {{Administrivia}} = Administration + Trivia
14* AerithAndBob = [[VideoGame/FinalFantasyVII Aerith]] + AliceAndBob
15* {{Aesoptinum}} = {{Aesop}} + [[AppliedPhlebotinum Phlebotinum]]
16* AffirmativeActionGirl = affirmative action + ActionGirl
17* TheAllSeeingAI = the all-seeing eye + AI
18* {{Ambadassador}} = Ambassador + Badass
19* {{Americasia}} = America + Asia
20* AncientGrome = Ancient Greece + Rome
21* {{Angrish}} = Anger + Gibberish or Anger + {{Engrish}}
22* {{Anvilicious}} = Anvil + Delicious (or Malicious, depending on who you ask)
23* {{Arrowgram}} = Arrow + Telegram
24* {{Bifauxnen}} = {{Bishonen}} + Faux
25* {{Bizarrchitecture}} = Bizarre + Architecture
26* {{Blaxploitation}} = Black + Exploitation
27* {{Blipvert}} = Blip + Advert
28* BritCom = British + Comedy
29* {{Boundareefs}} = Boundaries + Reefs
30* {{Cthulhumanoid}} = Cthulhu + Humanoid
31* CrapsaccharineWorld = CrapsackWorld + Saccharine
32* CriticalStatusBuff = Critical status + StatusBuff
33* {{Cosplay}} = Costume + Play
34* {{Crunchtastic}} = Crunch + Fantastic
35* {{Cumulonemesis}} = Cumulonimbus + Nemesis
36* DashedPlotLine = Dashed line + Plotline
37* {{Determinator}} = Determined + Terminator
38* {{Dissimile}} = Dissimilar + Simile
39* DoctorWhomage = Series/DoctorWho + Homage
40* DomCom = Domestic + Comedy
41* {{Dramedy}} = Drama + Comedy
42* {{Dubtitle}} = Dub + Subtitle
43* {{Dubtext}} = Dub + Subtext
44* EdutainmentShow: Education + Entertainment Show
45* {{Elfeminate}}: Elf + Effeminate
46* {{Expospeak}} = Exposition + Speak
47* {{Eyedscreen}} = Eye + Widescreen
48* {{Fanfic}} = Fan + Fiction
49* {{Fanime}} = Fan + Anime
50* {{Fanon}} = Fan + Canon
51* {{Fartillery}} = Fart + Artillery
52* FauxlosophicNarration = Faux + Philosophic Narration
53* FauxtasticVoyage = Faux + Fantastic Voyage
54* FauxtivationalPoster = Faux + Motivational Poster
55* FemmeFatalons = FemmeFatale + Talons
56* FengSchwing = Feng Shui + [[Film/WaynesWorld Schwing]]
57* {{Fictionary}} = Fiction + Dictionary
58* ForTheEvulz = ForTheLulz[[note]]Now redirected to ItAmusedMe[[/note]] + Evil
59* {{Frankenslation}} = Literature/{{Frankenstein}} + Translation
60* {{Freemium}} = Free + Premium
61* {{Gayngst}} = Gay + Angst
62* {{Gasshole}} = Gas + Asshole
63* {{Gorn}} = Gore + Porn
64* TheGreatWhodini = The Great Houdini + Who
65* HeavyMithril = HeavyMetal + {{Mithril}}
66* {{Hellevator}} = Hell + Elevator
67* {{Horrorscope}} = Horror + Horoscope
68* [[ForumSpeak Implonkus]] = Impetus + Plonk
69* {{Idiosyncrazy}} = Idiosyncrasy + Crazy
70* KamehameHadoken = [[Franchise/DragonBall Kamehameha]] + [[Franchise/StreetFighter Hadoken]]
71* {{Kevlard}} = Kevlar + Lard
72* {{Kidanova}} = Kid + Casanova
73* KidCom = Kid + Comedy
74* TheKnightsWhoSaySquee = [[Film/MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail The Knights Who Say Ni]] + {{Squee}}
75* {{Machinima}} = Machine + Cinema (or Animation)
76* {{Machinomics}} = {{Machinima}} + Comics
77* {{Mayincatec}} = Maya + Inca + Aztec
78* {{Metaphorgotten}} = Metaphor + Forgotten
79* {{Metroidvania}} = Franchise/{{Metroid}} + Franchise/{{Castlevania}}
80* MisfortuneCookie = Misfortune + Fortune Cookie
81* MocksteryTale = Mock(ery) + Mystery Tale
82* {{Mockumentary}} = Mock(ery) + {{Documentary}}
83* {{Mundanger}} = Mundane + Danger
84* {{Namedar}} = Name + Radar
85* {{Narm}} = Numb + Arm
86* {{Naytheist}} = Nay + Atheist
87* {{Necromantic}} = Necromancer + Romantic
88* Es/NintenDuro = Nintendo + Duro (hard)
89* NoYay = HoYay + no way
90* UsefulNotes/{{Oxbridge}} = University of Oxford + University of Cambridge
91* {{Permafusion}} = Permanent + Fusion
92* [[PlacebotinumEffect Placebotinum]] = Placebo + Phlebotinum
93* PrettyInMink = Film/PrettyInPink + Mink
94* PsychoElectricEel = PsychoElectro + Electric Eels
95* {{Portmantitle}} = Portmanteau + Title
96* {{Retirony}} = Retirement + Irony
97* {{Retraux}} = Retro + Faux
98* RockMeAsmodeus = [[{{Music/Falco}} Rock Me, Amadeus]] + [[{{Satan}} Asmodeus]]
99* {{Robeast}} = Robot + Beast
100* {{Sabotutor}} = Saboteur + Tutor
101* {{Santabomination}} = {{Santa|Claus}} + Abomination
102* {{Scanlation}} = Scan + Translation
103* SceneryGorn = Scenery Porn + Gorn
104* {{Scotireland}} = Scotland + Ireland
105* SeaHurtchin = Urchin + Hurt
106* {{Sexiled}} = Sex + Exiled
107* {{Sitcom}} = Situational + Comedy
108* SitComic = Sitcom+Comic
109* {{Snowlems}} = Snow + Golems
110* {{Spexico}} = Spain + Mexico
111* SpinOffspring = Spin Off + Offspring
112* {{Squick}} = Squeamish + Ick
113* {{Suedonym}} = Sue + Pseudonym
114* StopFauxtion = Faux + StopMotion.
115* {{Stripperiffic}} = Stripper + Terrific
116* TaeKwonDoor = Tae Kwon Do + Door
117* {{Transflormation}} = Transformation + Flora
118* Tropemanteau = Trope + Portmanteau
119* {{Trumplica}} = [[UsefulNotes/DonaldTrump Trump]] + Replica
120* {{Twincest}} = Twin + Incest
121* UrbanLegendOfZelda = UrbanLegend + Franchise/TheLegendOfZelda
122* {{Wangst}} = Wank (or Whiny or Wang) + Angst
