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Context Heartwarming / TheThirteenthWarrior

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1* When Buliwyf realizes that he is going to die from poison, the following exchange occurs:
2-->'''Buliwyf:''' I have only these hands. I shall die a pauper.
3-->'''King Hrothgar:''' You will be buried as a king.
4-->'''Buliwyf:''' A man might be thought wealthy if someone were to draw the story of his deeds, that they may be remembered.
5-->'''Ahmad Ibn Fadlan:''' Such a man might be thought wealthy indeed.
6* From the same scene, Ahmad is unable to remain stoic in the face of Buliwyf's impending death:
7-->'''Buliwyf:''' Are you wearing that long face for me?
8-->'''Ahmad:''' I cannot help it.
10** The movie takes place before Norse was developed as a written language. As a result, they have no word for "write" or "read" and simply call it "drawing sounds".
11* At the end of the film, Herger and Ahmad (who have become good friends) say their final goodbyes to each other as Ahmad sails back to his homeland.
12-->'''Herger:''' We shall make prayers for your safe return!
13-->'''Ahmad:''' Prayers to whom?
14-->'''Herger:''' In your land one god may be enough, but we have need of many. I shall pray to all of them for you! Do not be offended!
15-->'''Ahmad:''' I shall be in your debt!
16-->'''Herger:''' Goodbye, Arab!
17-->'''Ahmad:''' Goodbye, Northman.
