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Context Heartwarming / Looper

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1!!Administrivia/SpoilersOff applies to all Heartwarming pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. Administrivia/YouHaveBeenWarned!
3* Every time Sarah does something to protect Cid.
4** Especially at the climax, where she finally gets him calmed down enough that he doesn't go overboard and even calls her Mom (he remembers Sarah ''is'' his mom).
5* The Ending: Joe seeing the extremes that Sarah and Old Joe were willing to go to for their loved ones inspires his HeroicSacrifice.
6* The scenes showing Old Joe and his wife HappilyMarried together. No wonder the guy was willing to go to such extremes.
7* At the very end of the film, Sarah running her hand through Joe's hair after his HeroicSacrifice. The gentle way she does it makes it seem like a silent thank you to him.
