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Context Heartwarming / ArkhamHorror

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1* In an encounter at the Artist's Colony, you can prevent a young girl, whose boyfriend has died, from committing suicide. It raises your Sanity.
2* You can protect Velma from some hooligans. In gratitude, she lets all investigators eat at her diner for free for the rest of the game. [[note]]Mechanically, any encounter at Velma's Diner in which she offers food that restored Health and/or Sanity may be taken without paying, and can restore as much as the card allows.[[/note]]
3* You can watch a man paint his girlfriend. Watching it restores Sanity.
4* You can side with Father Michael in an argument he has with the [[ChurchOfEvil Esoteric Order of Dagon]]. It restores Sanity.
5* Many of the Another Time encounters. You might visit a childhood playground, see your mother and father as a young courting couple, or even see a statue of yourself in the far future and know that you made a difference to someone. These all restore Sanity.
6* Completing Personal Stories in a successful way will often make the player feel good. For instance;
7** Jenny Barnes finding her sister Isabelle alive and well.
8** Wendy Adams finding her long-lost father.
9** Rex overcoming his curse and finally getting the proof he needs.
10** Darrell finally getting respect from his editor.
