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Context Funny / YoshikiHayashi

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1* There have been a couple of hilarious Website/MySpace anecdotes. They explain themselves -- Rice Monster (at the end) is by miles the best, and Fake Blood (also at the end) comes up second.
2* There is also a variety of Website/YouTube clips. Some of the funniest are Yoshiki @ Bull Run 2004 (the GPS EpicFail incident), the "Yoshiki swear at employee" clip (in which Yoshiki drops a ClusterFBomb at an employee who may or may not be acceptable to mock), the "Yoshiki and Creator/{{Gackt}} drink wine" clip (where both get very, very drunk), the "Yoshiki Toshi Pata Beer" clip (more fun with booze from [[Music/XJapan X's]] early days as a band), the "Yoshiki apologizes to Freaks" clip from the early days of the band, and the clip where Yoshiki gives the tour of his mansion, and the running around with a traffic cone on his head clip from the 2010 Yokohama concert performance of "X."
