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Context Funny / WaveRace

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1* ''Wave Race Blue Storm'': The colossal JerkAss that is the [[ hidden announcer]]
2--> "You have chosen poorly." \
3"''If you are any good,'' you can get a turbo by hitting the gas when the light goes green." \
4"Weak." "That's pathetic." "Waste of time." "No mercy." \
5[[SarcasmMode "OOOH, A TURBO."]] \
6[[WhatTheHellPlayer "Pass the yellow buoys ON THE LEFT."]] \
7"You've betrayed what little trust I've put in you." \
8"Last lap. Soon, the agony will end." \
9"Were you born a loser, or did it just take practice?" \
10[[HaveANiceDeath "You don't have an inferiority complex; you're just inferior."]]
11** And when you actually ''do'' win a race...
12---> [[UngratefulBastard "Your wins are like diamonds, kid: Very rare."]]
