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Context Funny / KidIcarus

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1Funny moments from ''VideoGame/KidIcarusUprising'' go [[Funny/KidIcarusUprising here]].
2* The Eggplant Wizard!
3* Pit, [[spoiler:when he's turned into a walking eggplant]].
4** For ones who have played the game... [[DemonicSpider getting eggplanted is just something very far away from funny.]] That being said, the fact that Medusa has legions of demons, including snakes, spiders, reapers, an orthros, a hydra, the goddess of calamity, and the god of death at her disposal, yet the eggplant-headed man wearing a toga is the most annoying enemy in the game is worth a laugh by itself.
5* The music that plays when a reaper spots Pit. It's so...bouncy.
6** At least until you hear the screeching in the Famicom and 3D Classics versions.
