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Context Funny / Hanna

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1!!2011 Film
3* All of Hanna and Erik's awkward, sweet interactions in the beginning part of the film.
4** The haircut Hanna gives Erik as he prepares to go out into the world.
5* Hanna sobbing into the shoulder of Marissa's BodyDouble - then abruptly killing everyone in the interrogation room and running out the door in less than a minute. Marissa's stunned reaction is priceless.
6* When Hanna escapes from the facility at the beginning, she runs into a scientist in the locker room. When he sees her and her gun, he casually opens his locker and sits inside.
7* When Hanna sits down for dinner with Sophie's family, she tells them her mother is dead.
8-->'''Sebastian:''' What did your mother die of, Hanna?\
9'''Hanna:''' ''(deadpan)'' Three bullets.\
10'''Sebastian:''' ''(SpitTake)''
11* Lots of moments with Sophie.
12** When she first meets Hanna:
13-->'''Sophie:''' (to her brother) I found her, she can't speak English, she's from Sri Lanka.\
14'''Hanna:''' I'm from Germany.\
16'''Sophie:''' ...oh.
17** Sophie really needs to brush up on her definition of lesbians.
18-->'''Sophie:''' Is "kraut" an ethnic slur? Like "queer" or "lesbo"? I think I'd quite like to be a lesbian, but not one of those fat ones, one of those supermodel-looking ones, but I think we'd only hold hands, and I'd probably marry a man.\
20'''Hanna:''' [[FlatWhat What]]?
21** When Sophie convinces Hanna to go with the Spanish boys.
22-->'''Sophie:''' Wow, you're not hard to convince. Hoe.\
23'''Hanna:''' Hoe?
24** There's a moment where Hanna and Sophie walk past Sophie's parents having loud, moaning, trailer-shaking sex. Sophie scoffs, commenting that they're "like rabbits", but Hanna, of course, [[NaiveNewcomer doesn't get it]].
25* Hanna tries kissing boys. [[AmbiguouslyGay She doesn't like]] [[HatesBeingTouched it very much]].
26--> "Please! Tell your friend! I just wanted a keeess!"
27** Hanna asks Sophie if she should let him go, and she says, "as opposed to ''what?'' Yes, you should let him go!"
28* During Sophie and her family's breakfast in the camping, Hanna arrives and puts a pair of freshly skinned rabbits on the table.
29-->'''Hanna:''' (proudly) I found breakfast.\
30'''Sophie:''' That's gross.
33!!2019 Series
35* Hanna discovering her favorite food on the ferry from Morocco.
36-->'''Hanna:''' Look how many Snickers bars. It's duty free!\
37'''Sophie:''' I don't... you still have to pay for those.
38* Her first awkward attempt at kissing.
39* "I'm showing my figure."
40* The scene in the camper van with Sophie, Dan, and Anton singing along to "Shock Out" by Miss Red.
41* Hanna trying to get Cocoa Puffs out of the cereal dispenser in the London hotel.
42* Hanna asks Marissa if she can change the radio station[[note]] from a "classic rock" station playing Souxsie & the Banshees to one playing hip hop[[/note]].
43-->'''Marissa:''' Oh. You don't like it?
44-->'''Hanna:''' Do you?
45-->'''Marissa:''' Maybe it's not meant for you.
46-->'''Hanna:''' Who is it meant for?
47-->'''Marissa:''' Older people.
48-->'''Hanna:''' Like you?
49-->'''Marissa:''' Like me.
50-->'''Hanna:''' I think you look good for your age.
51-->'''Marissa:''' Depends on how old you think I am.
52-->'''Hanna:''' Old enough to look good for your age.
53* Leo "catches" the girls having an illicit after-curfew drinking party and congratulates Sandy and Jules on their ingenuity in obtaining the booze.
54* Hanna being handed a laser-tag weapon at the tactical training area:
55-->'''Instructor:''' First time on maneuvers? Pull to reload, hold to fire.
56-->'''Hanna:''' I know.
57-->'''Instructor:''' You've used one of these before?
58-->'''Hanna:''' I've used a ''real'' one.
59* Sandy running into one of the gaps in her socialization in Barcelona:
60-->'''Ray:''' Did your parents really like ''Film/{{Grease}}'' or something?
61-->'''Sandy:''' Uh, no. Th-they holiday in Cali every year.
62-->'''Kat:''' Oh, no, no, no, no... he meant the film.
63-->'''Sandy:''' Oh... why?
64-->'''Kat:''' Your name, blonde hair, high pony?
