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5[[folder:Fridge Brilliance]]
6[[FridgeBrilliance/{{Naruto}} Has its own page.]]
9[[folder:Fridge Horror]]
10* Obito and Madara crippled the Village Hidden in the Mist by killing most of their kekkai genkai bloodlines in a fake civil war. Haku's life is ruined by two ninjas he never met.
11* After all that he’s done and all of the people that have been killed as a result of his actions even if by some miracle the Konoha forgives Sasuke, it is highly unlikely that the other villages will; meaning that even if the heroes do defeat Madara, another ninja war is right round the corner.
12** Then, there is the fact that they still have the Land of Iron to deal with.
13** Jossed, he is basically WalkingTheEarth without any repercussions, as Kakashi pulled some strings to in effect pardon Sasuke using his and Sasuke's war hero status and assurances that he would take responsibility if Sasuke ever went rogue again. Also, it is highly unlikely that the Five Nations will war again on the regards of a single war criminal, after everything is said and done.
14** Zabuza Momochi mentions that he earned the moniker "Demon of the Hidden Mist" as a child after he killed over one hundred students, which caused the village's practice of students fighting to the death as a final exam to be discontinued. Since the "Village of the Bloody Mist" saw no issue with losing thousands of students over the years that this practice would have been in place, but there was trouble when suddenly a mass of students died at one time, it seems there was more worry over the loss of a large group of potential ninja than the loss of people's children.
15* This is a bit of fridge horror: Orochimaru is sealed away by the Totsuka Sword, which is wielded by Itachi's Susanoo, and it is said to trap souls into a ''eternity of drunken-dreams''. So far as we know he cannot escape. But when Itachi dies, Susanoo subsequently disappates away, presumably with the sword. Because Susanoo possesses the Totsuki Sword, and assuming it disappeared as well, does Orochimaru die as well? Or remained sealed for eternity with no hopes of escape? Or is he simply just wiped from existance?
16* This entire show is an example of FridgeHorror. It's a story about a group of secretive military villages that indoctrinate and train children to kill each other in a ForeverWar. For FridgeBrilliance, Naruto's quest for peace will involve ending this cycle by teaching the villages and nations that hate and war doesn't work. For that reason, not only will [[BigBadDuumvirate Kabuchimaru and Madara]] both lose out in the end as {{Big Bad}}s typically do, but, here's the part that isn't already guaranteed canon -- Naruto will inevitably save Sasuke and prove the second son of the sage right as part of the GrandFinale of the Fourth Shinobi World War. The WhereAreTheyNowEpilogue will for this reason see a much more stable relationship between the nations, and ninja traditions will keep strong initially but end up phasing out over time as a period of harmony envelops the world.
17* ''Naruto'' can go into this occasionally, but one of the best examples happened when Danzo loses control of the 1st Hokage's cells in his arm that were letting him use wood releases, his arm grows into a tree and nearly absorbs him into it before he rips it off to get away. Now consider how the fifty infants Orochimaru did the same thing to probably died. It'd only be worse if there was a small grove of little trees somewhere in Orochimaru's lab.
18* Akatsuki wants to [[GottaCatchEmAll get]] the [[EnergyBeings Tailed Beasts]], [[SealedInsideAPersonShapedCan most of which are sealed in human hosts]]. They need to be sealed in order (or at least have the Nine-Tails sealed last), but they may still end up capturing a host/beast long before they're supposed to be sealed. When Kisame and Itachi nearly captured Naruto, Kisame mentions cutting off Naruto's limbs so he can't get away and they hadn't sealed any of the beasts by then, which implies that if Jiraiya hadn't saved him, Naruto would have spent ''years'' suffering in holding before being killed.
19* Sasori is a MarionetteMaster whose puppets are made out of people, and Sasori describes in graphic detail to Sakura and Chiyo how he goes about making his puppets. Continued thought on the subject of Sasori leads to even more horror when one considers the types of procedures that must have been involved when he turned ''himself'' into a puppet.
20* Both fridge horror and kind of sad: the Greatest Puppeteer's life ended. And he became a puppet himself, controlled by another puppeteer. He started out a great puppeteer, and ended up another's puppet (literally).
21* More puppet fridge horror: Just imagine what Kankuro has to clean out of Kuroari every time he uses that Iron Maiden technique.
22** Though judging by his reaction to that revelation, that seems to have appealed to his sense of artistry. Unlike Deidara, he prefers to create art that lasts forever.deri
23* Shino and the other members of his clan are human insect hives. If you think about it that, with the expendable manner the insects are in use and their short lifespan, they have to be ''continuously mating inside his body'' (this is actually made explicit in the anime and he even has a technique which ''makes them mate faster'').
24* Pain's plan to build a [[FantasticNuke nation-killing superweapon.]] It's not the weapon itself that causes the fridge horror, but what he intends to do with it. He plans to nuke hidden villages to scare everybody into laying down their arms -- fine so far, albeit a bit on the [[UtopiaJustifiesTheMeans crazy side]]. What makes it horrifying is the next aspect -- he expects that this is not a permanent solution to war, but only one that will last until people forget how horrible this weapon is, at which point nations will once again wage war and use this weapon on each other. [[DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything Hey Kishimoto, how long has it been since the Nagasaki bombing?]]
25* The Sharingan itself. The idea is that when using it, you can instantly memorize pretty much anything, such as jutsus in the middle of a fight. Most likely, you'd only use the Sharingan in battle. It stands to reason that at some point, a veteran Uchiha would have seen a friend or close relative die in combat. That Uchiha would remember how that person died, in perfect detail, [[PhotographicMemory for the rest of his or her life]]. As you age, some memories start to fade. Instead of remembering when let's say, Cousin Ichijou managed to paint the cat pink, you'd recall the moment a kunai split her head in two. At some point in old age, all you would remember is violence and the deaths of your loved ones. Now consider just how many battles Madara fought. That's why Itachi never turns off the Sharingan after the Uchiha massacre. That way, all memories are once again equal. Not that he has many nice ones after that point...
26* As of Chapter 619. According to the revived Tobirama, the moment an Uchiha begins to know friendship and positive emotions, they also begin to suffer from hatred so powerful that it drives them to literal insanity. It is so severe that he likens it to a genetic disease, and the first symptom of it is the basic Sharingan. All those Uchiha who were so excited about awakening their Sharingan were simply in the grip of the disease's first stage.
27* Itachi and Madara given the revelation about the Sharingan in Chapter 619, both had only two major differences. First is that Madara was born before villages existed and could only give his undying love towards his clan whereas Itachi's undying love was directed to all of Konoha. The second difference is that Izuna died whereas Sasuke survived during their elder brother's lifetime, had Sasuke died at the hands of Konoha, Itachi could have [[{{JumpedOffTheSlipperySlope}} jumped off the slippery slope]] and become a villain as bad as or worse than Madara.
28** Becomes a total [[{{TearJerker}} tear jerker]] once you realize Itachi knew about the curse of hatred and that he was fully aware he would become a monster if anything happened to his brother, not only he loved Sasuke above all else but he was also fully aware of his role in keeping his own sanity in place.
29* When Rock Lee gets intoxicated he proceeds to lay the smackdown on everyone around him. Let's hope that if he gets married and has children he doesn't go anywhere ''near'' alcohol.
30** To be fair, Lee was a 14 year old when drinking. It would make sense that his tolerance would be much lower considering his size and age. By adulthood, he's much better with alcohol than Naruto is going from what we see in Boruto.
31* Kabuto has brought about a low level ZombieApocalypse by using a technique that allows him to sacrifice a living person to revive a dead one. Recent chapters reveal that he has done this dozens, if not ''hundreds'' of times...
32* Jinchūriki are usually related to the reigning Kage of the village. Extracting their bijuu kills a jinchūriki. To prevent the bijuu from escaping, the Kages must periodically transfer them to new hosts. Which means that on multiple occasions, the ruler of a village has likely ordered the death of their own blood to reseal a demon into another member of their family who will suffer the same fate.
33** On a related note, that makes Minato and Kushina sealing the Kyuubi into Naruto both Fridge Horror and Fridge Tearjerker and explains another part of why she was so upset. Not only would Naruto suffer the [[AllTheOtherReindeer hatred and mistreatment of the rest of the village]], he is also ensured to never die a natural death.
34* Orochimaru's curse seal has a 9 in 10 mortality rate. Sasuke is lucky because of "PlotArmor", but when he defected from Orochimaru and went to free the originator of the seal, he finds hundreds of people who also have the seal. Considering 90 percent of people die from the procedure, the people we see is only a fraction of the people Orochimaru experimented on, the rest being dead. Admittedly, all those shown seem to be violent criminals.
35* When Konoha is destroyed by Pain's Almighty Push, he later [[BackFromTheDead revives everyone who died]], but Konoha is still destroyed. This means thousands of people are living in a crater with a population density of a city, but with no running water, electricity or any other kind of infrastructure. However, it was shown that Yamato can quickly build a house using Mokuton (although it does exhaust him). Add to that all other things ninja can do with ninjutsu (for example, providing said water/electricity), and while Konoha still needs reconstruction, at least it is possible to live here.
36* If you think carefully, the Sharingan might have been born from The Ten-Tails, a demon monster. That means Uchiha might have inherited demon blood and are more sensitive to negative feelings.
37* Kishimoto's favorite female characters are Tenten and Anko. Plot importance, well Anko's curse seal was used to bring back Orochimaru. Manga panels, Anko disappeared for nearly six years and Tenten has never had an onscreen battle.
38* When you see Tobi has all those Sharingan in his possession, you wonder if he somehow managed to make genetic clones of the eyes and [[{{Squick}} grow them from scratch...]] or did he pilfer them in the aftermath of the Uchiha Massacre, given he participated in said massacre?
39* Way back in Episode 3, Sakura telling Sasuke that Naruto is a jerk because he never had [[KickTheDog parents]] to teach him how to behave. Bad enough that Sasuke heard this, but if Naruto, who was impersonating him at the time, heard this, [[FridgeHorror who knows what that would do to him?]]
40* The Allied Shinobi Forces could not possibly have been recruited just from the regular ninja of the five main villages plus some samurai and minor villages. There are just too many people to all be regulars. That means a majority of them are either reservists or conscripts. Half of them die in the first day of combat. [[CannonFodder They were expected to take massive casualties and serve as a meat shield against the Akatsuki's numerically superior force.]] Worse: Tsunade and Garra clearly are not callous enough to send tens of thousands of reservists and draftees to their deaths if there were a viable alternative. They simply had no choice but to recruit tens of thousands of rookies for pitched combat and hope that they could each take a Zetsu clone or two down before dying.
41** The Major Ninja villages have to have ''at least'' 10,000 shinobi per village to maintain the status quo. Kumo and Iwa have the largest military's, somewhere around 18,000-20,000 active shinobi. Konoha has the largest population, and an above average military force: so 14,000-16,000 active shinobi just from Konoha alone. Suna and Kiri have the smallest military force, between 10,000-12,000 standing shinobi. So its quite easy for them to get 80,000 shinobi without dipping into their child genin reserves or retired shinobi.
42* Remember Pain stabbing Hinata? It was bad enough that it was completely unnecessary and only done to inflict psychological trauma to Naruto by making him watch. Then you realize that Nagato knows nothing about Naruto except what he's learned from Naruto's battles with the Akatsuki. Based on that, he probably assumed Hinata was Naruto's girlfriend.
43* Road to Ninja Premise: if Sakura's counterpart from the Road to Ninja world was brought over to the canon world, one would expect that Naruto's was as well (perhaps at a different time). Now consider that it wouldn't be immediately obvious to him that something weird is going on, until he did something that could cause a lot of trouble (going to the wrong house, sexually aggressive behavior toward Hinata, messing with Shino's bugs, etc.). If that happened, Naruto would be stuck dealing with the aftermath later for something he didn't do.
44* The reason some of the leaders of the villages allowed the cruelty to the jinchūriki when they should have been trying to ensure their loyalty? They might have decided that the Tailed Beasts were more trouble than they were worth given most jinchūriki were considered failures, and tried to goad the jinchūriki into suicide, also killing the Beast, at least for a time.
45* [[BrokenPedestal The fact that Tobi is Obito in the first place:]] Minato's own student attempted to kill him, his wife, and ruined his child's life. What's more, everything bad that Tobi caused was all rooted from Obito saving Kakashi from that boulder. Later, Kakashi killed Rin. It's safe to say that this is all Kakashi's fault.
46* Naruto's childhood. For as long as he can remember, he's been not only alone, but actively isolated and ostracized by the people of Konoha, and never being told why. Imagine being ostracized and isolated by everyone around you for as long as you can remember, and worse never knowing WHY you're treated this way. It's made even more horrifying in ''Road To Ninja''. When Sakura was in the same situation and is regarded as the child of a hero. This leads you to question, Was it because of Naruto status as a jinchūriki kept his parents' name, a secret.
47* In the latest chapter, we learn Madara implanted his real eyes into Nagato without him knowing, confirming what Tobi told Konan.
48* It's fairly obvious that Itachi set everything up so Sasuke would get the Mangekyo, then kill him and take his eyes to get the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan so that he could kill Tobi. When that failed due to Sasuke not having the Mangekyo and being on the verge of passing out, Itachi sealed an Amaterasu into Sasuke that would be activated upon seeing Tobi's Sharingan in the hopes of killing him. Knowing what we now know about Tobi, it raises concerns about what would have happened if the Konoha ninja (namely Kakashi) had found Sasuke and seen his sharingan before Tobi did.
49* About midway through Part I, we're told that the [[SealedEvilInACan Seal]] that keeps [[EldritchAbomination the Kyuubi/Kurama]] contained inside Naruto is constantly siphoning off a small amount of it's chakra and is mixing it with Naruto's all the time, granting him accelerated healing and larger chakra reserves. Flash forward to Part II, look at what [[HeroicRROD using too much]] does [[ to him.]] Yamato specifically notes its amazing that Naruto's body is able to handle it so well.
50* Chapter 622 shows that both Madara and Hashirama had more siblings than any of the "modern" age characters do. The apparently higher birthrates of the Warring Clans era seems to be largely a consequence of the large number of children that died during that time.
51* Kakuzu uses Earth Grudge Fear to rip out peoples hearts, which in addition to granting lifespan and elemental affinities is stated to increase his chakra. Chakra is made up of physical and spiritual energy. He's quite possibly trapping people's souls in their own hearts!
52** Which might explain how he could make those puppets with the hearts, in which case he was also enslaving their souls.
53* Road to Ninja: Jiraya is killed by the masked man at the beggining of the movie after retrieving the Red Moon Scroll. We later find out said masked man is actually Menma, who is Naruto's AU counterpart, which means that even in the world of dreams Jiraya still ends up [[MentorOccupationalHazard killed by one of his own students]].
54* Kabuto stating that even if he died, the zombies wouldn't vanish, meaning that there are possibly immortal ninjas still running around because some summoner didn't banish them before dying.
55* In the ''Road to Ninja'' movie, one had to wonder why Sakura's parents were dead. Sure, you could say that Obito caught onto her childish wish and decided to throw in that detail, but if the episode building up to this it is anything to go off of, it was also a desire of Naruto's. Although Naruto did not want to admit it, deep down he wanted Sakura to learn just how painful being alone like he was truly was. As much as he cares about Sakura, he wanted her to suffer.
56* Minato, as a teacher, lost two of his students because he was busy with other missions and on the day his son is born his wife is kidnapped and put on a timed death sentence because a masked lunatic ripped a spiritual behemoth out of her and used it to try and destroy his son, his wife and his village forcing him to sacrifice himself and his dying wife so that their son could use the half of that behemoth placed on him to stop the masked man and bring peace, that sucks right? Cue 17 years later when he is revived on his son's birthday only to discover the masked lunatic was one of the students he failed to save who went evil because of the other one who died, then the son he and his wife sacrificed themselves to protect and empower is brought to him on a timed death sentence because said half of the spiritual behemoth he had sealed in him got ripped off by the [[ManBehindTheMan man behind]] his student turned masked lunatic and when he tries to save him the way he couldn't with his wife his only chance is stolen by an evil minion who had previously hijacked the body of his student turned evil for the sake of forcing him to fight and keep Minato busy while his loved ones again died away, [[ShootTheShaggyDogStory shoot the shaggy dog much?]] How much more Minato can take before snapping into a HeroicBSOD?
57* Doubles as FridgeBrilliance. Why does Gaara turn into a sociopath when his uncle tries to kill him? Sure, you could say it was due to traumatization but when you really think about it, it becomes even more depressing and horrifying because the real reason that Gaara turned into a sociopath instead of just a loner was because throughout his ''entire life'' he's known ''nothing but killing people!'' Whenever he would try to be friendly to someone, he'd end up losing control of his emotions and his sand would hurt them. He thought his uncle loved him but then his uncle betrays him at the orders of his father but back then Gaara didn't know that. He's accidentally and purposefully killed people before and almost killed his uncle who then ''died right in front of him!'' So the real reason that Gaara turned into a sociopathic murderer was because the only thing he's really known is killing people... That and the Shukaku's influence.
58* [[BeneathTheMask Dark Naruto]]. The cheerful, ditzy persona Naruto affects [[StepfordSmiler covers up]] 16 years worth of suppressed rage and hatred towards the people of Konoha, which he only acknowledged when comparing himself to [[AxCrazy Part I Gaara]] and [[RoaringRampageOfRevenge Part II Sasuke]]. Now, imagine [[VillainProtagonist how different the series would have been]] if Iruka had sided with Mizuki at the beginning...
59* Kaguya and Black Zetsu's foreboding remarks regarding the purpose of the White Zetsu. Kaguya states Earth is her "precious nursery," where she grows her army, Black Zetsu stating the Infinite Tsukyomi transformed people because regular people can't be used as soldiers the way Kaguya wants them to be. Which of course leads to Sasuke deciding to devote himself to finding out just what is out there that's so threatening that Kaguya would want to create an army. Turns out, it's the rest of her parasitic alien clan that she feared.
60* Kaguya's Zetsu Army was meant to fight Momoshiki and Kinshiki, and any other clan members who sought to come after her, which sounds like a bad idea at first due to how most of the army fared against the Shinobi Alliance. However, the Zetsu that possessed Yamato was insanely strong and managed to hold the Alliance at bay by itself, which implies the Zetsus actually have a lot more potential than most would expect. If Kaguya had more time, she could have researched more and built an army of Kage level or higher Zetsus, giving her enough military power to not only push back Momoshiki, but to conquer the rest of the universe as well.
61* Consider the fact that Orochimaru is allowed to continue operating, doing whatever he likes, with Naruto's full knowledge, under the implicit agreement that he only restricts himself from targeting people from Konoha. It wasn't until Shin attacked Salad that Naruto actually went to check up on Orochimaru and after he learned that Shin was acting on his own, pretty much let the matter drop. Not very leaderly of you, Uzumaki-sama.
62** Albeit the situation is much less extreme than implied above. The nations in general seem to have agreed to pardon Orochimaru, who considerably mellowed after resurrection and did help save the world, nor is there any sign he is allowed to continue capturing people for experiments (he does create a couple people, but he seems to treat them well). Further he now must use his abilities in the service of others when required (and indeed this was another motivation for sparing him).
63* The "change" Sasuke undergoes back during the 5 Kage Summit arc in retrospect becomes more meaningful and nightmarish once all is revealed toward the end of the series. Rather than just the usual Uchiha curse, it is heavily implied that this is where Indra's malevolence took Sasuke over fully for the first time. Karin (usually enamored by the feel of Sasuke's chakra) notably becomes fearful and recognizes that Sasuke's chakra has suddenly changed into something terrible that she doesn't recognize, and for the first time we see the chakra that Kurama noted had malevolence that exceeded his own, as Sasuke proceeds to abandon the principles he had until then adhered fairly strongly to. It is in the aftermath of this arc that Naruto encounters Sasuke and we eventually find out that in this encounter Naruto realized that Sasuke also had "something" using him as a host just as Naruto realized he had a different chakra soul (Ashura) clinging to him within him (Naruto later comparing it to having a ghost possessing you).
64* Karin's flashback in the Land of Iron/Five Kage summit arc supposedly takes place in the Forest of Death during the chunin exams in part 1. at the time, Karin would have been living in Kusagakure. which was the village that the ninjas that Orochimaru killed and stole the faces of, belonged to. If one factors in the timeline, it's highly likely that Sasuke was not Orochimaru's only target in the exam.[[/folder]]
66[[folder:Fridge Logic]]
67* For the vast majority of the series it was assumed that if Naruto dies while the Kyuubi is inside him, the Kyuubi will die too. Eventually it's revealed that this is not the case, and the Kyuubi would simply be revived, presumably without a host. And the Kyuubi knew this. This raises a lot of questions as to why the Kyuubi, who despised Naruto for a very long time, would make any attempt at saving his life by giving him his chakra so many times rather than just let him die. The only plausible explanation is that the Kyuubi probably just figured he'd end up getting sealed again anyway, except that creates another plot hole as to why the Kyuubi has tried so many times to escape his seal and take over Naruto's body.
68** [[FridgeBrilliance Exactly.]] If the Kyuubi were to escape, it would just be sealed again, but if it can take control of its host's body, what are they going to do? Seal it? It's already sealed in its new puppet. Its best chance at getting free was to take over Naruto's body.
69*** Except that is completely false. Gyuuki took over the bodies of his host and was just sealed into another host. When the Three-Tails' host died (Rin) it roamed free for over a decade.
70*** Gyuuki maintained a cycle of breaking free off his host, being subdued and sealed in a pot, and planted into a new host that lasted until Bee came along. The Sanbi was sealed into Yagura in between Rin dying and it being captured by Akatsuki, presumably it was freed from him when he died.
71** I think there's a way out of this so called plothole... We don't know if the current Kyuubi and the "revived" biju would have the same personality. If Kyuubi dies, his personality and his memories could be lost. If that's the case, he could be an easy victim to shinobi (especially those with the sharingan), who would seal him again or enslave his mind. The shinobi of Sunagakure wanted to kill Gaara (maybe for this reason?), but soon realized that Shukaku had too much control over Gaara's body and wouldn't let his host die so easily. Kyuubi trying to escape his seal is only natural, since escaping the seal with your memories is a better choice than escaping without them.
72*** The problem with that theory is that Three-Tailed died and was revived. He remembers the Sage of Six Path very well.
73** The process is described as the Tailed Beast reforming after a time. It's probably just that the process is painful enough that Kyuubi would rather give Naruto some chakra than go through it.
74* There's one thing in Part I that always bothered me. Namely, the fact that, canonically speaking, Lee was ''never'' able to beat Neji. Watch Neji's fights with Hinata and Naruto, and then watch Lee's fight with Gaara. While ''yes'', [[ArrogantKungFuGuy Neji]] is skilled, but [[CharlesAtlasSuperpower Lee]] was moving fast enough to run circles around him WITHOUT releasing his weights. So given how many orders of magnitude of superior strength and speed Lee has... how is it that Neji beat him EVERY SINGLE TIME?! Sounds like InformedAbility to me!
75** Lee trained to that level specifically he could beat Neji, and even said he'd been saving it for a rematch but had to use it against Gaara to win without dying.
76** Some techniques Hyuuga are capable of wrecking havoc on people specializing in melee combat. And even if Lee was that fast, all Neji needed was 1 lucky hit; combine that with just his Heavenly Spin, which would damage Lee more the stronger he tried to attack, and the only ways for Lee to defeat Neji are to either play the endurance card with weak, quick attacks (it's not his style, it's risky since 1 hit from Neji would still be enough, and Lee wouldn't want to defeat his rival without getting serious), or to train until he would be capable of breaking through Neji's defences without getting killed from the backslash and able to evade all of his attacks with sheer speed. So, rather than an example of InformedAbility, it is one of rivals making us stronger.
77** Lee was also forbidden by Gai from releasing his weights or using the Five Gates that he could open unless it was a situation where he absolutely had to protect people important to him. Considering how Lee is and how important Gai's respect is for him, he would not use those abilities in a simple Grudge Match unless he got a permission. Also look at Neji's reaction to both Lee's true speed and the Gates. It's clear that Neji didn't actually have a clue as to Lee's true skill level. Also since Lee never fought Neji going all out, he didn't know that he had actually surpassed his rival a long time ago. That is why it is so ironic though, that Neji made Jounin during the TimeSkip because he is more well rounded than Lee can ever be. Half of Neji's moves are considered to be Ninjutsu rather than Taijutsu and he is also very efficient at breaking Genjutsu due to his Byakugan. Full Jounin need to be versatile in all aspects of the ninja arts. Lee on the other hand can only use Taijutsu, meaning that other than being made a Hokage for some reason, the highest rank Lee can ever gain is that of a Tokubetsu-Jounin, a ninja who has jonin-level skills on one area and lower or even poor skills on the rest. Tenten too seems to be destined for the rank of Tokubetsu-Jonin because all she ever uses are weapons, weapons and more weapons. She hasn't even been shown using Henge, Bunshin, or Kawarimi.
78*** Lee is a full Jonin.
79*** Neji was probably surprised at Lee's speed because before that fight he had assumed that Lee was worse than Naruto. To be able to perform 8 Trigrams 64 Palms (instead of the default 32 Palms) Neji would have to be faster than Lee. Also, in the same arc, Might Guy actually said (paraphrased) "The Gentle Fist, while not as spectacular as other variations of Taijutsu, is much more deadly." A picture of Rock Lee is actually shown on screen, implying that Neji is still better.
80*** That's not the implication at all. In fact, Guy out right says that the Gates made Lee better than Neji. There's no evidence that Neji or anyone else considered Lee inferior to Naruto. Firstly, because everyone in the exam knows Lee smacked Sasuke and Naruto around before they started. Neji even says that Lee should have beaten him more when Naruto arrogantly boasted that hed beat everyone in the exam. Secondly, because Lee was considered one of the elite at the exam and Natuto was considered an underdog loser.
81*** Besides that, Lee would not be able to even hit Neji once Neji perfected the Byakugan, giving him better defensive abilities than Gaara.
82* By that logic, Guy wouldn't be able to hit him, either.
83* If Lee has a problem with his chakra, how come he's able to do that "water might as well be ground" thing like everyone else?
84** I would presume that he's just moving so damn fast it doesn't matter. [[SarcasmMode That, or he's]] [[CrystalDragonJesus Christ]].
85*** Actually, no. It's not that Lee can't use chakra at all, it's that he can't mold it. Hand seals mean little or nothing to him. Lee is incapable of shape recomposition or nature recomposition. No elements and no forms. Even something like Rasengan which requires no hand seals also requires the absolute highest level of shape manipulation so it's out of his grasp. But the tree climbing technique and water walking technique both only require simple manipulation of chakra in its basic state. Holding chakra to his feet and releasing it steadily respectively. I wouldn't be surprised if Lee could also use the body flicker technique as it's just chakra control to the muscles boosting speed. Although in Lee's case that's redundant. It's a fact however that Lee can use chakra, as the Eight Gates are specifically stated when they are first described to use chakra to forcefully override the body's restrictions. But Lee can not alter his chakra into anything other than chakra in its most raw state. But that doesn't preclude him from doing simple things like canceling genjutsu, either. And don't underestimate Lee becoming a full Jonin. Though Guy can use ninjutsu, he isn't special at it. He is a Jonin because of his superlative taijutsu and his goal is to make Lee even stronger than him.
86* There is a moment of in-universe fridge horror where the horror is realized by a character in the show. These are hardly ever talked about. When Sasuke defected, he had to perform missions for Orochimaru. One such mission was he had to help Karin stop a prison riot. He ended up saving her and he called her "niisan". That is when she fell in love with him. Much later, Sasuke recruited her much to her happiness, but, if the above theory is incorrect, then he really didn't mind killing her if it meant killing Danzo. When she survived, Sakura showed up and promised to join him, so Sasuke asked Sakura to kill Karin to prove her loyalty. This could be explained by Sasuke's possible motive to call Sakura's bluff, but just before Sakura showed up he was about to finish her off. And what did he say to her right before that? He called her "niisan" and he even had the same look on his face from the time he saved her (doubles for IronicEcho). From her monologue and her distress -- you can see the horror in her eyes --, she realized that Sasuke had changed. However, she could also have considered that maybe Sasuke never gave a damn about her any ways and that he only cared about her abilities. Need I remind that she loved this man?
87** He actually said "see ya" in both instances, nii-san means brother. Even if he was saying nee-san the Japanese equivalent of sister (which is just as valid for some random lady just like gramps works for any old person). Second the first time they met wasn't during a mission for Orochimaru it was way back in the Forest of Death in the Chunin Exam, Karin was a Grass Genin. The cruelty comes from the first time she saw him stand over her and say "see ya" he'd just saved her life. The next time she saw him stand over her and say "see ya" he was seconds away from taking it.
88* When Tobi suppresses the Gobi, and when we later see the Yonbi imprisoned, Tobi uses the '''same chains''' that Kushina uses to supress the Kyuubi. Kushina didn't tell us the back-story about the Uzumaki Clan's destruction for nothing; Tobi '''is an Uzumaki'''.
89** Actually, Kushina stated her chakra was special and unique, with the chains being the manifestation of that. Which is both why she was chosen as a jinchūriki and why she was targeted by Kumogakure. Which means that Tobi most likely incorporated her abilities the same way he did to the Senju and Uchiha in order to use Izanagi... which, when you think about it, is a ''lot worse'' than Tobi being an Uzumaki.
90*** Actually the Gobi said the chains were part of the Rinnegan's Outer Path techniques.
91*** Well, the Uzumaki are descended from the Sage of Six Paths right?
92* Sasukes hatred towards Konoha as a whole often seems unreasonable. But if you think of it: The Elders of Konoha wanted the entire Uchiha Clan to be extincted, also innocent children who probably didn't know about a rebellion. In Sasuke's mind, it's the best to punish the entire village, regardless if they were involved in the massacre or not. Note that Sasuke's jutsu "Kirin" is named after a mythical creature that punishes evil "an eye for an eye".
93* Neji claimed that fate was unalterable, and that Naruto was a failure, and that he was a genius. In effect, Neji was saying that Naruto was fated to never amount to anything because of what he knew of Naruto. However, we now know that Naruto was born the son of Ninja Jesus, and by the time of the WarArc, everyone has accepted him as a hero, and have effectively deferred to him to end the conflict by himself. Neji's spiel about fate was true, it's just that Neji was wrong about Naruto's fate.
94** Neji also points out that it's possible that your efforts may not get you anywhere, but that those who pursue their dreams (like Naruto does) are strong. It's not a 180 degree turn, but Neji has admitted that some of his previous beliefs are wrong.
95** The main point of the scene is that Naruto refuses to give up just because someone is trying to talk down to him. With the later revelations about his life, the aesop shifts from "You can defy your destiny" to "Don't let other people try to tell you what you can or can't do."
96* Learning the full extent of Nagato's abilities causes a massive case of FridgeLogic. Namely, why couldn't he have simply brought Yahiko back to life? When Yahiko died, Nagato barely had any knowledge or control of his powers, certainly not to the extent of raising the dead. Remember, Nagato said that he could bring the people who died in Konoha back to life because he acted fast enough. He couldn't bring back Jiraiya, however, because he'd been dead for too long (and it had only been a few weeks or so) So it's believable that by the time Nagato had mastered his powers to the extent of being able to raise the dead, Yahiko had already crossed the point of no return.
97* Why the hell didn't Tobi [[OrcusOnHisThrone just grab Naruto himself]] years ago, before he became powerful enough to challenge his plans? Even if he had to seal the Kyuubi last for his plan to work, he could have just kept Naruto imprisoned until he had the other Tailed Beasts.
98** Madara mocks how long it took Tobi to gather the tailed beasts, and it's repeatedly implied his own subconscious doubts held Tobi back.
99* The first chapter states that Naruto has failed the graduation exam at least twice. Shouldn't that mean he's actually older than Rock Lee, Tenten, and Neji? Or did he join the academy earlier? If so, then why don't those three recognize him from their time together in class? Or was he allowed to try the graduation exam earlier? If that's possible, then why didn't Sasuke do the same, so he could start actual ninja training earlier?
100** Naruto is the same age as the other students he graduated with. And yes, he probably did enter the academy early. The most likely explanation is that there's more than one class for each year, owing to another piece of fridge logic. Given the size of the Allied Shinobi forces, there would have to be ''way'' more than one class. The army assembled by the Allied Shinobi forces is stated to have eighty thousand people; some of those are samurai from the Land of Iron, but that still leaves a lot of ninja. Call it ten thousand for each of the great hidden villages, which is probably a conservative estimate, since it's unlikely they committed their ''entire'' strength; they probably left at least some ninja to defend their villages, and it's mentioned that the younger genin like Konohamaru aren't part of the army. Even assuming that the students in Naruto's class who weren't part of the Rookie Nine eventually became genin, thirty new ninja a year doesn't give anywhere near that kind of numbers. You'd need ''at least'' seven classes, and that's assuming none of them die or retire before the age of sixty, which is... unlikely. The actual number is probably much higher. This is most likely a case of WritersCannotDoMath, but multiple classes per year is still the only possible explanation.
101*** The more problematic fact is that all the Academy flashbacks indicate Naruto has always been in that class, or else all the flashbacks are to his last year in the Academy.
102** Couldn't it be that there is more than one pre-Genin academy in Konoha? This explains why the 'Rookie Nine' seem unfamiliar with other Konoha Genin during the Chunnin Exams, and why you have all of the high profile targets in one class -- children form the main branches of all the major clans, and Naruto, the jinchūriki of the Kyuubi. It also is an extension of the fact that Genin teams, even after being promoted to Chunnin often continue to work together. Unfortunately, this doesn't explain people like Sakura, Tenten, or Lee, unless you consider (based on how perfectly well rounded most teams are, and how Naruto's class split evenly into three teams) that perhaps Genin teams were being considered years before Academy graduation.
103** You can probably choose to take the final exam early.
104** Actually, there is no specific age limit.
105** When we see Sasuke's report card during his first flashback about Itachi, we see that there are 30 kids in his class and 90 in his school.
106** It was my interpretation that Academy students, outside of war time, are able to graduate at age 9, except if there are extenuating circumstances, like Naruto and Lee failing due to being the dead lasts, or Sasuke and Neji being held back because they weren't stable enough to become Ninjas at those times. As for the others, well lets have a look at who else is in the Konoha 12 for a moment, shall we. First, there is Sakura and Ino, both of whom are apart of a large number of girls in the Sasuke Fan-Club, you honestly don't think that they'd pass on graduating in some way or another for a chance to be on Sasuke's team. Then you have Hinata, who is pretty much the same way for Naruto as the others are for Sasuke, plus she may have failed one of the exams, due to her clan's specialisation. Next up you have Kiba, Choji, and Shikamaru, both of whom were apart of the slacker quartet, a group that had the lowest grades in the class, to varying degrees, so it's no stretch to assume that they would have failed their exams as well, coupled with the fact that as the children of the heads of their clans, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji would only have graduated together, so if one of them was held back, then all three of them would be held back. Now, while this theory doesn't explain Tenten or Shino, let me ask, has there been any mention of any other kind of school in the Naruto world? This would mean that civilian children would've also gone to the academy as well, and, unless Lee's condition is a pseudo-Kekkei Genkai as it was shown that both Guy and his dad also have this condition then it could be that civilians have poor chakra control/etc just like Lee, and is why they don't become ninja. But then you get those stubborn few that still try even when they, realistically, shouldn't. However, instead of focusing on Taijutsu like Lee, Guy, and Dai, Tenten honed her weapons skills and had better control than Lee. Now if this is the case, then she may not have been dead last, ie her grades were spectacular, it was just that final exam that kept her from progressing until she did. Ignoring the filler arc that showed Shino and Torune friends when they were growing up, BEFORE he worked for ROOT, Torune is still one of the most prized members of the Aburame clan, and yet none of the clan members wondered where the hell he had gone during his ROOT training? The Aburame clan not only knows of, but is a big supporter of ROOT, because think about it... who, outside an Aburame, nor someone whom has a specific Aburame on their team, would notice the disappearance of an Aburame? Which would mean that Shino was placed in that class by Danzo, so as to not only keep an eye on Naruto, but also an eye on each of the clan children there as well, because that boy is a genius, and if it merely required a clone technique, and not necessarily THE clone technique to pass, then Shino could've just used a bug clone and be done with it, but no he was held back, until all but Naruto would've most likely passed, and then Danzo could've either took Naruto as a new operative, or just planted another ROOT member to keep an eye on the jinchūriki, which is why Shino wasn't on Naruto's team, because neither he nor Danzo predicted that the jinchūriki would pass that year. (either that or Shino was a selective genius, and had piss poor grades/couldn't get the necessary passing grade to advance)
107** I just want to point out that Neji, Tenten and Lee are all one year older than the Rookie 9 and that they had passed their tests to become Genin and decided to wait a year to take the Chunin Exam. Also, Academy Students have two tests that they have to take to become Genin, the first is a graduation test to see if they are ready to try and become genin and the second is a test given to them by their jonin instructor. Failing either of these tests sends them back to the Academy to try again.
108* Itachi's desire to "protect" Sasuke falls short when you realize that he did the most damage with his shoving hatred and revenge down Sasuke's throat...
109** At the same time one must realize that he was absolutely out of options at that point. He already asked the Hokage (and Danzo too, through blackmail) to protect Sasuke. That would've been a reasonable maneuver, but he could probably see how well the Hokage's protection went for Naruto, so he needed something else. He couldn't ask anyone else to do anything for him because after the massacre he would be seen as an S-ranked traitorous criminal so his word would be suspect. Thus, he had to rely on more heavy-duty tactics. Itachi already knew that Sasuke was very emotional and prone to jealousy and anger, so he resorted to using that to his advantage. Itachi made Sasuke hate him as much as he could because that was the only way he knew how to make him strong enough to survive on his own.
110** Itachi was also only thirteen the first time and under serious emotional pressure himself, after being horribly traumatized as a child. It's probable that due to the trauma he endured, it never occurred to him that it would be difficult for ''other'' people to go through horrors with their sanity intact. Also, it seems likely that Itachi himself never fully understood hatred and the terrible effects it can have on someone.
111*** It was necessary but he went '''[[ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill OVERBOARD]]''' not once but Twice!
112** The idea was pretty straightforward. Give Sasuke a heaping helping of ThePowerOfHate, hate aimed solely at Itachi so Sasuke will keep coming after him. When he does, introduce the idea of transplanting your sibling's eyes to Sasuke while framing that in a way that A. makes him look even worse to Sasuke and B. paints Madara as the same kind of scumbag. Then you just have to take care of the bit of Orochimaru lurking in the curse seal, implant the Amaterasu in case Madara shows up, and die. Sasuke is left with a spare set of eyes so he won't go blind, an S rank criminal dead at his hands that he can show the village as a peace offering, and good reason to not listen to a word Madara says. It's just that Itachi didn't consider how integral hatred would become for Sasuke, Madara had a trick up his sleeve to survive, and Itachi's own acting fell through in a few places.
113* A double dose for Tobi/Obito. First, he managed to go head to head against Minato when he was only 14 or 15 and had been a chunin that had half his body crushed only a year or two prior. Second, he's been spamming Kamui for his characters entire existence, how is he not blind yet?
114** Presumably he has having about half his body consist of Hashirama cells to thank for that. It's noted the Hashirama cells and the vitality they grant was why Danzo was able to use Shisui's special abilities with only a few hours of cooldown instead of the 10 years it took Shisui. Basically the Hashirama cells kept Obito's eye healthy.
115* It comes as an even bigger TearJerker when you consider that, through all of his years as Tobi and his grudge towards Kakashi, he never managed to bring himself to take revenge and kill the latter until being forced to do so for the sake of the Moon Eye Plan. Deep inside, Obito still cares for his former comrades and does everything he can to avoid facing his true feelings.
116* How long were the Senju and Uchiha fighting? One problem with using child soldiers is that they're not easily replaced, since they don't get the chance to have children of their own. A ForeverWar fought by adults is one thing, because the men have a reasonable chance of begetting sons to replace them before they die, but if you kill off the children, you kill off the ability of the army to replenish itself.
117** On this note, it's noteworthy how ''small'' the population of the Naruto world stayed. For the entire thousand plus after Kaguya restarted the world, human civilization seems to have been restricted to a fairly small portion of one continent and surrounding islands, and their united army was a mere 80,000 (plus an unknown number of reserves), which is tiny even for small nations by the standards of modern armies. Given that human life expectancy regardless of your profession was only 30 for much of that time, it seems the ForeverWar really did keep humanity's population relatively small.
118* After Kakashi used Kamui on Deidara's arm, Tobi/Obito was the one to find it again. Seemed odd at the time, but now it makes sense given how their Mangekyous are connected.
119* Why would Rin think it was a better idea to kill herself and get rid of the Sanbi so as to not risk it being unleashed on Konoha when Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya, and the Third Hokage are all still alive and among the best seal masters around? The Kyuubi is far stronger than the Three-Tails, so suppressing or resealing it would be incredibly easy for Minato, and they would gain another bijuu in the middle of a war giving them a boost in power. Instead it ends up going right back to the people who sealed it in her after her death. Even worse ''Minato'' was on his way to back her and Kakashi up so it wouldn't have even made it into the village in the first place. Rin didn't want to take any chances, as Kushina had not displayed the ability to summon/unleash Kurama and use him against Isobu. She may be the medic of the team, but she is not omniscient. For all we know -- she had no way of knowing ''any'' of the stuff you brought up. Besides, if Isobu went to the Hidden Leaf, it would disrupt the balance of power and the Hidden Cloud would wage war with Gyuki and Matatabi at their disposal -- which would be even worse than letting the mist get back their bijuu.
120* Why does Naruto's bijuu transformations comprise of pure energy rather than a flesh-and-blood form like the rest? It seems to be due to his soul being host to the soul of Ashura, and thus the power of the Sage of Six Paths, foreshadowed from Kurama's words the first time he takes the form and states it is the Six Paths.
121* This troper here always wondered why Danzo's summon was the Baku, a being infamous for consuming nightmares and bad dreams for the benefit of the human sleeping. Then this troper realized that Danzo's role as Head of Root Anbu made him constantly deal with the worst or most morally depraved of missions for the sake of Konoha as well as the brutal process of shaping ninja into emotionless tools, and everything he has done must make it virtually impossible for him to sleep peacefully at night. As such, he needs the Baku to be able to sleep and function properly, a sign of just how much Danzo sacrifices for the village, even if he is still inexcusably wrong to do the things he does.
122* My question is this -- why hasn't anybody gone 'HOLY CRAP' or something along those lines when they find out that Minato is Naruto's father. Naruto has outright called him 'Dad' infront of everyone, why doesn't anyone (Most of which who don't even know that fact within the leaf village) show any sort of shock/envy?
123** Because they are in the middle of fighting Madara/Obito and the Ten-Tails, they would be focused on watching the battle and trying to stay alive/fight, not worrying about something unimportant like Naruto being the Hokage's son.
124** But still, you'd think at least some people would be surprised despite the ongoing battle. I mean, at least have Sakura -- who knows Naruto the most and was right there -- having time to actually comment -- to say something. She didn't have to prioritize defending or fleeing, she was healing Naruto and had time to bash him over the head when he made the girlfriend comment. Personally, I believe that it was Kishimoto desperately trying to have Naruto cling to the whole 'hard work is the only way' theme [which he has turned on its head anyway, but that's besides the point].
125** Maybe they figured it out a long time ago.
126** Doubt it, because at least one of the ones who wasn't known (at least, by the audience) to be in the know would have done the 'I knew it all along' thing.
127*** Sakura ''did'' know, at the very least. Remember, at the beginning of the Rescue Gaara arc, Sakura flat-out stated that she researched as much as she could, and she knew Naruto was the host of the Kyuubi. It's not a stretch to believe she had all the relevant details.
128** This kind of goes back to the 'We're in the middle of a war and we don't have time to make a note about that,' argument. Also, it's not a stretch to think that the Leaf Village adults around Kakashi's age or older all knew already by this point, considering they were all old enough to remember the Kyuubi's attack on the village and that Naruto essentially grew into a miniature version of the Fourth Hokage.
129** It may have been hard for Naruto to keep his conversation with Minato during the Pain battle a secret. Naruto spent most of his life yearning to be acknowledged and to be put in the history books as a ninja legend; you bet he'd be spouting off about how his dad is one of the most legendary shinobi in recent history.
130* I had always wondered why Orochimaru had to go from body to body, and it was never explained how the host body rejects Orochimaru. With the revelation of the fact that his arms were still sealed within the Reaper (Yes, I use the english dub name, big whoop >.>) and he had to free them in order to use reanimation, it occurred to me. Orochimaru could not completely take over bodies with an incomplete soul -- a portion of the victim's soul was still within the body, and it would fight back over time. --- Dephlogisticate
131* I found it interesting that 4 and 9 are considered unlucky numbers in Japanese. When 4 is pronounced as "shi", it sounds like the word for death. In the beginning of Naruto, when Iruka asked Naruto if he knew who the Hokages were, for the Fourth his answer was that he had died for the village. If you add the fact that 9 pronounced "ku" sounds like suffering, both Minato and Naruto's fates were outlined according to this superstition about numbers, maybe done on purpose.
132** And if what Obito says is true, if Kakashi becomes the 6th Hokage, that would leave Naruto to be the 7th Hokage, and 7 is a lucky number in western cultures, at least.
133* Just how powerful is the eighth gate if [[GodModeSue Madara]] got worried about Gai unleashing it.
134** It's been mentioned that the techniques used by Guy and Lee, while powered by chakra, are in practice still physical attacks. Presumably Madara's defences are only resistant to chakra-based attacks but have relatively weak defense when it comes to pure adrenaline.
135*** It was meant to be a rhetorical question, but yeah -- I understand that. But given the new chapter, it's enough to actually keep Madara on his toes, or 'excited' as the Kishimoto SelfInsert claims acts.
136** Powerful enough to blow apart his torso and dwarf the explosive power of a ''[[FantasticNuke Tailed Beast Bomb]]''. Keep in mind that Madara, in his Ten-Tails form, is [[GodModeSue the most resilient and durable shinobi of all time]], and even before his jinchūriki-hood, he withstood a physical and ninjutsu assault from ''all nine Tailed Beasts'', so of course he had good reason to be worried.
137* More Fridge Sadness than anything, but Obito's vision of a life he could have had is basically his subconscious lying to himself. He imagines himself as Hokage, ignoring the fact that if he didn't side with Madara, Minato would still be alive and would reign for many years to come. Also take into consideration that Obito would still be missing an eye and have tissue-damage on the right side of his face. His chances of becoming Hokage wouldn't be particularly high considering that visible injuries could be seen as a sign of weakness to foreign nations (do you know many real-life political leaders with facial scars as bad as Obito's?).
138** Danzo may have gotten by despite this, but remember that he was also Konoha's highest-ranking military leader, which shows strength of character. He also hadn't fully earned the title as the other Kage were skeptical of his methods.
139* Did anyone ever noticed that Sasori seemed to be the Evil Counterpart to Kakashi? Or at least he was planned as such. First thing we learn about Kakashi: he is always late. Sasori: he hates being late. Kakashi emphasizes on Teamfights. Sasori makes his own team. Mostly: Kakashi specializes in copying Jutsus, with the exception of Kekkei Genkai. Sasori steals other peoples techniques, too -- but only the Kekkei Genkai. I think he was an attempt to show that Sakura did finally catch up. [[FauxActionGirl It just]] [[TheLoad didn't stick]].
140* The 6 genin go after Sasuke because supposedly all the high level ninja are away on missions yet somehow Gai is there to discuss Lee's alcohol intolerance with Tsunade. Forget the chunin and anbu in the village, they sent Rock Lee, who is still recovery from major surgery to risk his life to bring back Sasuke. Considering Gai swore to commit suicide if Lee died from the surgery, its extremely weird he's okay with letting Lee back onto the battlefield while he's still in recovery.
141** Gai ''was'' sent on a mission, completed it, and ran back to learn the result of Lee's surgery. Lee, for his part, was not sent to help bring back Sasuke, he basically woke up from Surgery, presumably got some kind of update on the Sasuke situation, and actually ''escaped the hospital'' to go after the Genin. Part of the drama about Lee going to help Naruto was precisely the fact that he was supposed to be recovering from surgery and resume training the next day. But, like basically every male pre-teen in that village, he has more determination to be the strongest ninja ever than sense and decided that the moment he got out of surgery was the perfect time to go off and join an insanely perilous mission.
142* Black Zetsu explains how everything that has happened in the franchise is his fault, all makes plausible sense until you get to the Fourth Shinobi War, if we recall, Madara's original plan was to collect the ten Tailed Beasts use the Rinnegan from Nagato to revive and bring down the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Obito's plan was to use Sasuke after Nagato got defeated and he was two Tailed Beasts shy from getting it, either way Infinite Tsukuyomi=Kaguya, Black Zetsu never planned on the complete wild card that Kabuto was nor the Fourth Shinobi World War, not to mention all the dangling threads in the war itself, like the fact that while reversing the Edo Tensei takes time enough to sign off the contract taking the resurrected free will is immediate. BZ was lucky Kabuto was busy fighting the Uchiha brothers, was lucky that Itachi placed a Genjutsu on himself that ORIGINALLY was meant to Sasuke.
143** Then again, if he failed he could just try again next time.
144** He also led Kabuto to Madara's corpse. He may well have done something else if Kabuto hadn't become involved. Besides, it didn't matter to Black Zetsu if it was Madara or Obito who cast the Infinite Tsukyomi, just so long as it happened.
145* The Akimichi clan jutsu are known things ("secret" seems to mean "they don't teach it" not "no one knows about it"), and Choza Akimichi was part of a well-known team, who would likely have quite a few victories to his name. Even the kids of Naruto's generation should know that the Akimichi clan jutsus are incredibly powerful, that one of said jutsus is the ability to convert calories to chakra (presumably at a much higher rate than usual), and that they ''have'' to eat a lot ''because'' of their jutsu. So why in the hell do all of Choji's peers give him so much crap for being a ''kind of chubby'' kid? I know full well that kids can be little punks, and don't necessarily have the best reasoning capabilities, but even then, these kids should be fully aware of the reason Choji is always eating, and ''what he can do'' because he's always eating.
146* During the Fourth Great Ninja War, Madara claims that the one great weakness of the Edo Tensei Reanimation Jutsu is that if you bring back a ninja who knows the jutsu, they can break the contract on their end. However, in the Invasion of Konoha arc, Orochimaru revives Tobirama Senju (the second Hokage) and forces him to attack his own home village, despite his obvious reluctance. Since Tobirama invented the Reanimation jutsu, he must know the seals; why doesn't he just break the contract?
147''Because orochimaru used a defective version (or at least the original one that kabuto later improved) and moments after summoning tobirama (together with his brother) he put kunai with seals (this was presumably to control them to erase their personality since the edo hokages did not seem to have emotions at that moment).
