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Context Fridge / MightyMorphinPowerRangers

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1[[AC: FridgeBrilliance]]
2* To some, having "Tom Oliver" make an appearance won't make sense. Until people looked up the Aramaic origin of the name "Tommy" which means "Twin". Made even funnier when David who showed up in ''Zeo'' also resembles Tommy a lot.
3* Angel Grove developing a rapid evacuation protocol in order to cut the body count wasn't done because the writers believed kids can't handle death. Rather, it is a justification for how Angel Grove still has a population in spite of all the destruction.
4* People have pointed out two supposed plotholes in "Missing Green." 1. Zedd's candles don't make sense because the Rangers would need to have touched the magic wax the candles were made from. 2. If Zedd could do this, why didn't he create a candle for Jason? What they overlooked was that Zedd captured the other four, meaning he could have forced them to touch the wax. He didn't make a candle for Jason because he didn't have Jason prisoner and thus couldn't force him to touch the wax. Also, he wanted to make Jason [[KickTheDog feel even worse by having the Rangers lose their powers]] like Tommy.
5* If you watch the season 3 morphin sequence, when they morph from their ninja suits into their ranger suits, everyone's morpher is open apart from Rocky's. People often fault this as a production error, but it made me think. They were in their ninja modes, harnessing their ninja animal. What if Rocky was the only one in this ninja state that was sufficiently tuned into his spirit animal the most to not NEED to use his morpher to morph? What if it was just present (but closed) so he wouldn't stand out for the wrong reasons? Granted him being the most tuned into his spirit animal isn't a massive compliment as his is the ape, which humans are descended from anyway, but still.
6* Why did Tommy made such a good "White" Ranger for most American audiences? White stands for "purity" and "goodness", which would make it far too easy for someone to go the fanatic route and take on a "kill them all" persona in regards to the people of Angel Grove for not being perfect, but in a sense, Tommy's already been down that route with Rita and the "Green with Evil" arc when he was her fanatical Ranger. So he KNOWS the danger, and knows to stay away from it.
7* In Season 1, all of the Zords are based off of real dinosaurs or prehistoric beasts... except for the Dragonzord. This doesn't seem to make sense... until you realize that, up until the past couple centuries, dinosaur fossils were believed to be the bones of dragons!
8* If the backstory of the movie is the same as the first two seasons of the show, there's a plothole in the opening narration to the movie, as it's stated that Zordon recruited six teenagers, when SixthRanger Tommy was actually recruited by Rita to be her Green Ranger before he underwent a HeelFaceTurn & joined the team. But Tommy's not the Green Ranger anymore by the time of the movie, he's the White Ranger. Which Zordon ''did'' recruit him for.
9* The Rangers from Aquitar received their powers from Ninjor and used the footage from Series/NinjaSentaiKakuranger. That means they were [[NinjaPirateZombieRobot Alien Ninjas!]]. No. Alien Ninja Power Rangers!!!!
10* Ivan Ooze's reign of terror was put to an end, ushering in a new ear of (relative) peace, 6000 years ago; Zedd started looking for him 2000 years ago. In the Bible, the universe/Earth was said to have been created 6000 years ago, and Jesus lived and died ~2000 years ago. Make of that what you will.
11* Lord Zedd's name makes sense when you realize, the letter Z is pronounced 'zed' in just about every country ''but'' the US.
12* On the subject of Lord Zedd, there's the question of why nobody else attacked Earth while he was away. The answer is simple: Serpentera. No one before or since in Power Ranger history has had a Zord able to blow up a planet. There were the torpedoes in the Space season, but they weren't Zords nor were mass produced before the Z-Wave hit. Regardless of how powerful Zedd actually was, Serpentera placed him squarely on nearly everybody's "Do not screw with" list. Until he tried to stop the Rangers from getting the Sword of Light, where he blew up the Deserted Planet in an attempt to stop the Rangers. Knowledge of the planet's destruction drew the Machine Empire's attention, and once they realized what had happened, they realized that with Serpentera drained, Zedd's territory was up for grabs.
13* Season 3's Pink Ranger power transfer is interesting; Kimberly is able to pass her powers to Katherine in "A Different Shade of Pink" simply by giving her the Crane Power Coin, which as pointed out in ''WebVideo/HistoryOfPowerRangers'' is odd because to do the same in the previous season required the Sword of Light. Why it's possible here and not there could be because a few episodes back in "A Ranger Catastrophe", Kimberly's direct connection to the Coin was severed and rerouted through the other five Rangers to keep Rita and Zedd from gaining it. At this point, it ''would'' be as simple as handing the Coin over to her successor, because there's no direct connection to be transferred with it.
14* The Hydro Hog is apparently the Alien Rangers' BigBad back home, but is destroyed by the Shogun Mega Falconzord. Remember that the Shogun Mega Falconzord ''isn't'' part of the Alien Rangers' natural arsenal, it was on loan from the Earth Rangers and was in fact their MidseasonUpgrade, so it being too powerful for him to handle makes sense.
15* Trini's fear of heights in "High Five" may seem unreasonable, given in "Day of the Dumpster" she jumps high off the ground into her zord but she was morphed when she did that and is unmorphed when she has to face her fear. It seems that morphing not only builds confidence but takes away fears and doubts in general. This makes sense with an unmorphed Kimberly panicking when she has to fly a plane in the episode "Foul Play in the Sky" despite flying a pteradactyl on a regular basis. (Plus it's also explained in "Day of the Dumpster" that pilot knowledge comes with morphing) And As seen with Billy, despite having no fighting skills, becomes more skilled and confident when morphed. Also in the episode "Something Fishy," Rita had to enhance a morphed Billy's fear of fish with magic to make him fear the Goo Fish despite establishing he had a fear of fish already.
16* In "Return of the Green Ranger", the Clone!Tommy boasts that he's even stronger than White Ranger Tommy. Remember that the Green Ranger powers were recharged three times before being completely drained. Of course they'd be stronger with all that accumulated energy. It also helps explains why Tommy would use his Green Ranger powers again in ''Series/PowerRangersSuperMegaForce''.
17** Or Tommy could have looked for Ninjor offscreen to have the Power Coins made again.
18* "May the Power protect you". Some strange form of salute from Zordon? No, a sincere wishing of victory and good luck: righteousness isn't guarantee or even any help in a battle against evil, but having the power to fight is.
19* Serpentera is absolutely massive and more powerful than any Zord in the series, which begs the question. Why even have something like that in the first place? Then you realize Serpentera is a ''war'' Zord. It wasn't built for the comparatively small-scale one-on-one battles but for large scale combat. In other words, Serpentera is designed to take on entire armies (and even whole planets if necessary).
20* The issue of Serpentera needing a massive amount of energy to function seems like an oversight on Zedd's part. But, when you think about it, it's brilliance on Zordon's part. It's implied that Zedd obtained Serpentera as a "trophy" of sorts for defeating Zordon in a battle. Zordon, of course, knew of Serpentera's destructive capabilities and conveniently neglected to tell Zedd to equip it with a long-lasting power source. Because of this, Zedd ends up with something that could wipe out his adversaries with ease but doesn't due to it wearing out so quickly.
21* Why doesn't Serpentera just have a long-lasting power source in the first place? Well, remember how it was mentioned above that it's a war Zord? It makes sense that Serpentera simply wasn't used that often to begin with and nobody ever bothered to upgrade it with better batteries. Also Serpentera is a stolen zord, meaning it was likely originally connected to the Morphing Grid until Zedd got it, and thus it's possible a power supply sufficient to power it without that connection isn't easy to come by.
22* Ninjor's Ninja Coins and Zords trump the originals. This makes sense when you realize he made the originals thousands of years ago. The Ninja Coins and Zords are stronger because Ninjor is thousands of years more experienced than he was when he made the originals.
23* In "Calamity Kimberly", after the Rangers are curbstomped by the Samurai Fan Man, Zordon tells them to use their zords to crush the Fan Man while he was still small. You'd think it'd go against his "never escalate a fight" rule but 'escalating' doesn't only refer to making a monster giant, it can also refer to a monster being too powerful for any of their ground weapons to handle. When they finally fought him in their zords when he was giant, they didn't stand a chance, not only were the individual zords overpowered but so was the Dragonzord Battle Mode, which had to use its finisher to cut the monster's jug loose. The Megazord and Dragonzord also fared poorly, with the Ultrazord needed to win the day.
24* It's puzzling to this day on why would Zordon and Alpha based Dinosaurs onto the Zords and Megazord's design. That is until Series/PowerRangersDinoCharge reveal that the Dinosaurs aided the forces of Good in saving the Universe, at the cost of their own extinction. So, the two built them to honor the species' sacrifice.
25* Dragonzord is generally acknowledged to be almost as powerful as the Megazord, and much more powerful than Jason's Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, so why did Jason win the zord battle in Green With Evil 5? It's because Jason has plenty of experience piloting a zord and using it in combat, including finishing off a monster. Remember, they had a tough time in their first few episodes, they were a bit scared in Day Of The Dumpster (Billy even got freaked out when a huge haymaker to Goldar merely made him tumble back), Jason struggled a bit at first against the giant, and they had a hard time with King Sphinx. By this point, piloting the Tyrannosaurus zord was second nature to Jason. Also, there's the fact that the Dragonzord had been dormant for over 10,000 years. Over time, as a good Power Ranger, we would find out just how powerful the Dragonzord really is.
26* Goldar ending his loyalty to Rita Repulsa when Lord Zedd arrives makes him come off as a jerk, but once you read the [[ComicBook/MightyMorphinPowerRangersBoomStudios 2016 Comics]] it becomes more understandable. In the comics [[spoiler:Zedd forced Goldar to kill his own brother, Silverback, after the latter refuses Zedd's request to serve Rita Repulsa.]] Goldar doesn't become loyal to Zedd because he favors him more than Rita, it's because he's afraid of him.
28[[AC: FridgeHorror]]
29* The realization that ''not'' all the buildings that get wrecked are empty or abandoned. Which means a lot of people are killed or injured over the course of the show, particularly in the first two seasons.
30* Its canonicity is questionable, but Alpha's Magical Christmas has him bringing children all around the world to the Command Center to celebrate Christmas with him. Alpha 5 and Zordon are kidnapping your children. And some of the songs are specifically Christian. Alpha is forcing a religion some of these children probably don't even celebrate.
31* "No one calls Ninjor dim and survives to converse about it!" Straight from the man himself: Call Ninjor stupid ''and he will murder you'' (and, as Lanterra discovers, he follows through on this).
32* The moment in "Missing Green" when Jason has to choose between grabbing the green candle and going to rescue Tommy. Though [[NeverSayDie "die"]] wasn't said, Zack made it clear that if they didn't go at that moment, Tommy's life would be over. It's also clear in that episode that both Jason and Tommy are under the impression that Tommy's life isn't truly worth living without Ranger powers, making it pretty clear that Tommy's [[TheAtoner atoning attempts]] are a potential risk of causing himself permanent harm and Jason is well-aware of that fact which scares him to death, both as a leader and as Tommy's friend.
33* As stated above, Serpentera is a War Zord and is basically built for large scale combat. The horror comes in when you realize that it's implied Zedd obtained Serpentera from Zordon as a trophy of sorts in battle. Exactly what did Zedd do to be able to win a prize like that?
34* The very thought that Serpentera once belonged to Zordon. Exactly why would he need something of that much destructive power? What evil could've been so dangerous that it required the creation of a robot capable of destroying entire planets?
35** [[Series/PowerRangersInSpace Dark Specter]], the size is that and when he was eventually killed it took planet-destroying weapons.
36* One of the rules of being a Ranger is that you can't reveal your identity to anyone, not even loved ones. So everytime the Rangers are battling monsters, especially big monsters, their families have no idea where they are amid the chaos.
37* In the second episode, Rita sends a naturally Megazord-sized giant monster to fight the Rangers, despite it being weaker than later post-size enhancement monsters, its default size was giant, meaning had Rita made him grow, the Power Rangers wouldn't have stood a chance, even if they had the Dragonzord and Titanus to form the Ultrazord, but even with the Megazord they would have been sitting ducks for a monster as much taller than the Megazord as a giant monster normally is compared to the Power Rangers.
39[[AC: Fridge Heartwarming]]
40* One of Zordon's rules for being a Ranger is not to escalate a fight (i.e., summon a Zord) unless Rita forces them to (i.e., making a monster gigantic). An early episode, "Big Sisters,' has the Rangers form the Megazord in order to save a little girl from Rita before she even considers making her monster grow. [[FriendToAllChildren So, don't kidnap kids in Angel Grove.]] This also happened in the ''Series/GoseiSentaiDairanger'' movie when the Mythical Chi Beast RyuseiOh showed up to prevent the Duke of Trumps from burning the cards he turned kids into and he didn't even turn giant yet.
41** It's also why he didn't smack down the flying Chunky Chicken and crush him by stepping on him, although he could have easily done that, as the Megazord being called early was to save the child.
42* The season 3 Christmas episode "I'm Dreaming Of A White Ranger" might seem like a total standalone holiday episode, but it's actually the first sign of the humanity we see from the Evil Space Aliens and actually aids in Rita and Zedd becoming purified in Countdown to Destruction. Santa's elf that convinced Rito he has some good inside of him may be what spared him, as he gave a gift to Goldar, and also the love Rita and Zedd have for each other. Although it's borderline FridgeHorror to think that despite gaining humanity, Goldar was reduced to a pile of dust.
43** In a comic it’s shown Goldar was purified like Rita and Zedd but kept his monster form. So if he gets to live in the comic universe maybe he lives in main universe as well (he’s just seen). It also helps that they apparently wanted to revive him in the canon episode but his costume was unusable.
