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Context Film / TheThreeMusketeers1993

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2[[caption-width-right:300:''[[AwardBaitSong "Let's make it all for one and all for love..."]]'']]
4''The Three Musketeers'' is a 1993 film produced by [[Creator/{{Disney}} Walt Disney Pictures]] and very loosely based on the novel ''Literature/TheThreeMusketeers'' by Creator/AlexandreDumas. It stars Creator/ChrisODonnell as d'Artagnan, Creator/KieferSutherland, Creator/CharlieSheen and Creator/OliverPlatt as the three Musketeers, Creator/MichaelWincott as Rochefort, Creator/TimCurry as the UsefulNotes/CardinalRichelieu, and Creator/RebeccaDeMornay as Milady de Winter.
6D'Artagnan is on his quest to becoming a Musketeer. During his quest he joins the three titular Musketeers in their own quest to stop a plot against the young King.
8!!This film provides examples of:
10* ActionFilmQuietDramaScene: Does it have Athos in it? Are [[ShooOutTheClowns Aramis and Porthos absent]]? Then this is probably happening.
11* ActuallyPrettyFunny: Despite how broody he is, even Athos isn't immune to Porthos's quips. During the carriage chase in particular, his quips about the choice of drinks even manages to squeeze a laugh out of Athos despite the tense situation.
12* AdaptationDeviation: This adaptation greatly simplifies and alters the story. For instance, the relationship between Athos and AntiVillain Milady de Winter is altered to make the two characters more sympathetic.
13* AdaptationNameChange: Milady's real name is changed from Anne to Sabine. Though in the book "Anne" was probably also an alias. Also, the Queen of France [[OneSteveLimit is named Anne in the movie, so it saves on confusion]].
14* AdaptationalHeroism: The musketeers are more straightforwardly heroic than their book counterparts, their casually hedonistic antics being downplayed.
15* AdaptationalJobChange: In the novel, Constance was a dressmaker for the Queen. In the film, she's a handmaiden.
16* AdaptationalSympathy: Milady is made to be far more sympathetic than her book counterpart. Her dialogue with Athos[[note]]"I have become the monster you once believed me to be."[[/note]] implies that she was driven to villainy out of desperation to survive after Athos abandoned her, and one of her last deeds is to tell Athos of the Cardinal's plan to assassinate the king.
17* AdaptationalVillainy:
18** The Duke of Buckingham, while still technically an enemy of France, is an honorable man in the original book.
19** Richelieu is far more villainous than the WellIntentionedExtremist AntiVillain he was in the book, [[HistoricalVillainUpgrade not to mention history.]]
20** Rochefort, TheDragon, gets no major development, and is killed off at the end of the film. This is despite his starting off as a WorthyOpponent who experiences DefeatMeansFriendship. He is killed in the second novel by d'Artagnan, but on accident, with some mourning afterwards.
21* AdaptedOut:
22** Unlike the book, the Duke of Buckingham is mentioned, but doesn't appear in the film.
23** Monsieur de Tréville, the captain of the musketeers, was a major character in the book. No such equivalent appears in the film.
24** The musketeers don't have servants in the film, including d'Artagnan's trusty friend Planchet.
25** Constance isn't married in this version, so there's no issue of her committing adultery with d'Artagnan.
26* AdaptationalWimp: d'Artagnan is considerably less capable than his book counterpart, often getting beaten up and captured, requiring the Musketeers (and Constance in the climax) to bail him out.
27* AlasPoorVillain: The death of [[spoiler: Milady De Winter]] is presented rather tragically, as the character throws herself down a cliff rather than face an executioner.
28* AncestralWeapon: d'Artagnan's sword belonged to his father. Part of his quest is getting it back from [[TheDragon Rochefort]].
29* ArtisticLicenseHistory: The film is set long before any sort of wide-reaching means of communication. Information was conveyed by word of mouth, rider, or carrier pigeon, like we see Richelieu use. The logic Richelieu uses that the King's birthday party must be held to show England how powerful the King is makes no sense in a time when you didn't hear a lot of news from the outside world.
30* AttackOnOneIsAnAttackOnAll: Girard ends up being chased by the entire musketeer force at the end of the film when he threatens d'Artagnan.
31* AwardBaitSong: "[[ All For Love]]", sung by Music/RodStewart, Music/{{Sting}} and Music/BryanAdams, who co-wrote it.
32* BadassCreed: "All for one and one for all!"
33** Rochefort repeats it sarcastically when announcing the corp is being dissolved. The Cardinal accuses him later of trying to start a riot.
34* BandOfBrothers: Their BadassCreed is more than just a creed. It's their very lives.
35* BenevolentBoss: King Louis. "These men are not just my personal guards, they are my ''friends!''"
36* BerserkButton: Most of the characters have one:
37** d'Artagnan -- His late father. Even Gerard, a HarmlessVillain, nearly got himself killed when he called d'Artagnan's father a "disgrace." [[HairTriggerTemper He also handles not getting his way pretty poorly and even something as simple as someone accidentally falling on him is enough to set him off.]]
38** Athos -- If you value your life, do not question the Musketeers' loyalty to the King in front of him.
39** Aramis -- Do not make light of a man's duty to God, or abuse your station as a Man of the Cloth.
40** Porthos -- He really doesn't like it when you make light of his fame. Granted, we only get the slightest hint that he actually is as famous as he claims, but he nonetheless becomes very dangerous the second you accuse him of lying about any of it.
41** Richelieu doesn't take kindly to people or events that go against his plans, or even ''say'' that they will -- witness his enraged reaction when the Queen defies him in the last act.
42* BetaCouple: In an odd way, the king and queen act as this when compared to her lady-in-waiting Constance and d'Artagnan.
43* BetterToDieThanBeKilled: [[spoiler:Milady throws herself off a cliff after giving the Musketeers the info they need to save the king.]] Had the character stayed around, she was about to get her head cut off.
44* BifurcatedWeapon: Porthos encounters a Ninja, who pulls out his katana, then pulls it apart into two swords, and proceeds to show off his sword shuffling skills before attacking. Porthos, of course, mocks his show and cuts a rope holding a grille in place, sending the Ninja below deck.
45* BigDamnKiss: Two cases.
46** After punching Richelieu off the boat, King Louis, usually rather shy with his wife, plants one on Queen Anne, to her obvious approval.
47** d'Artagnan to Constance, just after he's been made a Musketeer. The other Musketeers applaud, and the King and Queen obviously approve. So does Constance.
48* BigFun: Porthos is the life of any party and (he claims) quite successful with the ladies.
49* BlatantLies: Porthos likes to claim that he's on "quite intimate terms" with such luminaries as the Queen of America and the Czarina of Tokyo. d'Artagnan calls him out on it, which is part of what results in the two agreeing to duel.
50* BloodlessCarnage: Despite countless sword slashes, stab wounds, and even a character kicked into the spikes of an iron maiden, there's not a single drop of blood.
51* BondOneLiner: Villain example at the start of the movie: After Rochefort executes a thief under Cardinal Richelieu's orders (after promising forgiveness to him "[[FalseReassurance in the name of God]]"), Richelieu chillingly says "One less mouth to feed."
52* BookSafe: Aramis (who trained to be a priest) at one point pulls a pistol out of a hollowed-out Bible and shoots one of the Cardinal's guards with it.
53* BoisterousBruiser: Porthos, "the Pirate" -- dancing, fighting, partying, he gives it all he's got.
54* BrickJoke:
55** "The axe was a gift to me from the Czarina of Tokyo."
56** Also from Porthos: "Told you I was famous."
57* BurningTheFlag: As the Musketeer corps is disbanded and the Cardinal's guards ask what to do with the Musketeer flag, Rochefort tells his men to burn it.
58* CampGay: Girard, who even ScreamsLikeALittleGirl.
59* CasualDangerDialogue: Cardinal Richelieu's men give chase after the Musketeers hijack the Cardinal's coach:
60-->'''Porthos''' ''(discovering a chest containing wine and gold coins in the back seat)'': Ah ha! The Cardinal's sacred snack chamber.\
61'''Aramis''': And what have we here? Is he a man of God or a man of gold?\
62'''Porthos''': Champagne?\
63'''Athos''': We're in the middle of a chase, Porthos.\
64'''Porthos''': You're right. [[ComicallyMissingThePoint Something red]].\
65'''Athos''': [[ActuallyPrettyFunny (chuckles)]]\
66'''Porthos''': For a chase, the Cardinal recommends his excellent '24 Cabernet. ''(to d'Artagnan)'' You can't have any, you're too young.\
67''(after escaping the Cardinal's men)''\
68'''Porthos''': The picnic was delicious, the champagne was excellent, remind me to send the Cardinal a note.
69-->''(to Aramis after a particularly hard turn, spilling wine on his tunic)''\
70'''Porthos''': That's it. Next time, you drive.
71* TheCavalry: The other Musketeers in the final act.
72* ChasedOffIntoTheSunset: The film ends with d'Artagnan and all the Musketeers chasing off Girard and his men. This is also a BookEnds as d'Artagnan's introduction showed him being chased by Girard and his men.
73* ChastityDagger: This is a favorite tactic of Milady de Winter.
74* [[ChekhovsGun Chekhov's Crucifix:]] Aramis wears a large, probably pewter, crucifix beneath his tunic. He first pulls it out when he and his theology pupil start to pray for their sins. He uses it again to give one of the Cardinal's guards the Last Rites. Both of these uses are in the first act of the film, and it's not mentioned or shown again... until the climax, when [[spoiler: it saves Aramis' life by stopping the bullet when he's shot by Richelieu.]]
75* TheChessmaster: Cardinal Richelieu, of course.
76* AChildShallLeadThem: The king is portrayed this way (as well as something of a WideEyedIdealist), easily manipulated by Richelieu because of his piety and having to turn to his equally young though much more savvy queen for assistance in navigating the murky political waters of the court. There are indications he isn't quite as naive as he seems and is aware of the manipulations going on, but he still seems fairly helpless and uncertain how to escape them and become an assertive king until he is bolstered by the queen's advice (and inspired by the examples of the Musketeers and d'Artagnan).
77* CleanCut: When Richelieu dispatches Rochefort to take care of the Three Musketeers, Rochefort slashes his sword across the top of a candelabra. The candles are undisturbed until, one by one, Rochefort nudges the cleanly-severed tops of the candles off, each accompanied by the names of his enemies.
78* CombatPragmatist: Porthos has learned to make gravity his fighting ally. At various points he drops his opponents through floors, drops things onto his opponents, or even drops things ''into'' his opponents. He's also shown as skilled with a very unconventional (for a 1600's era French Musketeer) weapons set.
79* CrashIntoHello: This is how d'Artagnan first meets Porthos and Aramis, resulting in him being challenged to two duels.
80* CriminallyAttractive: The (double) crux of the backstory -- Athos married the former Lady de Winter, only to turn her over to the authorities when realizing she'd been condemned for murder -- then realizing she probably HAD been innocent -- but was, by the time he met her again, guilty of far worse things. [[spoiler:And right after they sorted things out, she DIED. On purpose. To avoid being executed.]]
81* DeadpanSnarker: Everyone has their snarky moments, but Creator/CharlieSheen is the most deadpan of them all. When d'Artagnan notices Athos getting into some serious drinking:
82--> '''Aramis''': Don't worry, he'll be his usual charming self in the morning.
83* DeathByAdaptation:
84** Rochefort is killed in a climatic duel with d'Artagnan. In the original book he survives to be fought and killed in one of the sequels.
85** d'Artagnan's father is alive in the book.
86** [[spoiler: Cardinal Richelieu]], unlike both the book and RealLife, (apparently) drowns at the end.
87* DeathbedConfession: Milady tells Athos what she knows about the assassination plot against the King moments before her execution. While the information she shared was not about herself, it was symbolic in her bringing her soul clean and becoming the woman she was when married to Athos.
88* DelayedCausality: A form happens at the beginning when Rochefort slices through three candles with one stroke, and then calmly pushes the top halves off naming the Musketeers in turn.
89* DemotedToExtra: Constance has hardly any screentime, and basically only exists to [[spoiler:throw d'Artagnan his sword at the end.]] [[SparedByTheAdaptation
90* DiesDifferentlyInAdaptation: In the novel, Milady is beheaded. In the film, she hurls herself off a cliff.
91* DisneyVillainDeath:
92** d'Artagnan fights one of the Cardinal's men on top of some ruins, and knocks him off to his death.
93** Lady De Winter, the femme fatale, chooses to fling herself off a cliff rather than suffer a beheading.
94** Later in the film d'Artagnan surprises the King's assassin on the palace roof, and the fight ends with the assassin getting a crossbow bolt to the heart and falling to the ground below.
95** Averted with Rochefort's death; he is clearly stabbed and dies in full view of the audience.
96* TheDragon: Rochefort to Richelieu.
97* DramaticIrony:
98** d'Artagnan comes to Paris to join the Musketeers...right as they are being disbanded by order of Richelieu.
99** d'Artagnan, after overhearing of the assassination plot with the Duke of Buckingham, rushes off to warn the other Musketeers and the King, only to collapse from exhaustion on the road and is rescued by Milady de Winter. He then tells her everything he overheard to obtain her help in stopping the horrible scheme...completely unaware, thanks to the hooded cloak the courier had worn when meeting with Richelieu, that she ''was'' the courier.
100* TheDreaded: Played for laughs when some Mooks run into Porthos.
101-->'''Mook''': Porthos the Pirate!\
102''(A few Mooks scream and run for it)''\
103'''d'Artagnan''': Pirate?\
104'''Porthos''': I told you I was famous.
105* DressingAsTheEnemy: The Musketeers do this several times: as the executioners at d'Artagnan's execution, as the sailors planning to take Milady from Calais, and as the hooded guard on Richelieu's raft when kidnapping the king.
106* DrowningMySorrows: Athos does this.
107* DrunkDriver: Defied (it is a Disney movie). When Athos takes a bottle of '24 Cabernet, he makes a point to hand the reins to d'Artagnan before he starts drinking.
108* DuelToTheDeath: Between d'Artagnan and Rochefort.
109* EstablishingCharacterMoment: For each of the Musketeers.
110** d'Artagnan is introduced [[RunningGag dueling]] the brother of one of his, er, "romantic conquests" and [[BerserkButton loses his temper]] when the man insults his father.
111** Athos is introduced in the former Musketeer headquarters, showing that he's both [[KnightInSourArmor cynical and broody]] and affected by his past.
112** Porthos is introduced surrounded by adoring fans, partying and being a clown.
113** Aramis is introduced [[SexyPriest in a mutual seduction with his gorgeous theology student]].
114* ExcuseMeComingThrough: {{Subverted}} when d'Artagnan throws the Cardinal's gold off his coach to the crowd so the crowd blocks the Cardinal's men that are chasing them.
115* EyepatchOfPower: Rochefort wears one, because he lost an eye [[spoiler:fighting d'Artagnan's father]].
116* FaceDeathWithDignity:
117** Milady De Winter chose to plunge herself over a cliff to her death, but not before she informs Athos about the Cardinal's plot.
118** Rochefort getting fatally stabbed by d'Artagnan, and with his last words, he admits that d'Artagnan may have some potential of being a Musketeer like his father.
119* FacialHorror: One of the mooks in the dungeon has a face so disfigured that he almost doesn't look human.
120--> '''Porthos''': Whoa, Ugly!
121* FallingChandelierOfDoom: Done with [[BoisterousBruiser Porthos]] riding the chandelier down:
122-->''[after dropping a group of the Cardinal's guards with a chandelier]''
123-->'''Porthos:''' Did I miss anyone?
124-->'''Aramis:''' Congratulations, Porthos. You brought down the house.
125-->'''Porthos:''' Oh, drat. I was trying to hit Rochefort.
126* FamilyUnfriendlyDeath: The huge, ugly guard in the dungeons. [[spoiler:Porthos manages to simultaneously impale and crush the guy using some kind of twisted execution device similar to an iron maiden. This is a Disney film, right? We even see BloodFromTheMouth dribble down his lips, for extra confirmation that he's ''finally'' dead.]]
127* {{Fanservice}}: The d'Artagnan/de Winter scene is shot with the emphasis on Chris O'Donnell's shirtless chest and Rebecca [=DeMornay=]'s cleavage. To provide something for everyone in the audience.
128* FemmeFataleSpy: Milady, of course, made explicit (for a Disney film, that is) in her scene with d'Artagnan.
129* {{Flynning}}: Pretty much every fight, but Platt and Wincott above all others.
130* FollowingInRelativesFootsteps: In this adaptation, d'Artagnan states early on that he specifically wants to become a Musketeer because his late father was one.
131* FreudianThreat: When Cardinal Richelieu starts making advances on Milady de Winter she pulls a knife and holds it to his crotch. Richelieu warns that he can have her executed with "a snap of [his] fingers" to which she replies, "And with a flick of my wrist I could change your religion"; he laughs and backs off.
132* GadgeteerGenius: Portos uses a variety of tools in combat, which he implies he made by himself.
133--> '''Porthos:''' ''(after defeating his opponent with a triple-dagger and bolas)'' God I love my work!
134* GallowsHumor: In the dungeons of the Bastille, a chained and defenseless d'Artagnan is facing interrogation from Rochefort and eventually the Cardinal. Rochefort accuses him, accurately, of killing the Cardinal's guards.
135-->'''d'Artagnan''': They interrupted a duel we were fighting.
136-->'''Rochefort''': An offense also punishable by death.
137-->'''d'Artagnan''': It's been a busy day.
138** This is followed on the actual gallows by a moment of BlackHumor, as d'Artagnan faces the headsman:
139-->'''Gerard''': d'Artagnan! [[{{Pun}} Don't lose your head!]]
140* GiantMook: The disfigured guard whom Porthos fights in the dungeons when pursuing the fleeing Richelieu.
141* GiveMeASword: How d'Artagnan wins his fight against Rochefort, when Constance slides it to him.
142* GlobalIgnorance: Porthos claims certain items were gifts from non-existent royalty (sash from the ''"Queen of America"'', an axe from the ''"Czarina of Tokyo"''....). It's implied that he knows they don't exist, but is just having fun b.s.-ing his (usually) credulous audiences.
143* GracefulLoser: Oddly enough, [[spoiler:Rochefort accepts his death, admitting that he was wrong about d'Artagnan not being musketeer material.]]
144* {{Greed}}: Cardinal Richelieu.
145-->All for one... and more for me!
146* HistoricalHeroUpgrade: Louis [=XIII=] and Anne of Austria famously [[AwfulWeddedLife detested one another]] in real life, largely due to having stillborn children for ''twenty years'' before finally siring [[UsefulNotes/LouisXIV an heir]] and a spare. In fairness, their marriage did not turn ugly right away, so maybe the film takes place during the brief time their relationship was relatively stable.
147* HistoricalRelationshipOverhaul: This version of the story is set in 1625, and portrays Louis XIII and Queen Anne like two awkward teenagers with a mutual crush. In real life, Louis and Anne were both 24 years old in 1625; Anne had already suffered two miscarriages by then and their marriage, which was mostly unhappy from the start, permanently soured following the second one in 1622.
148* HistoricalVillainUpgrade: Cardinal Richelieu, even more so than his [[AntiVillain book counterpart]]; while the historical one would be certainly viewed as someone authoritarian and cutthroat for his actions, he most certainly never plotted to usurp the king (but then again, he probably didn't need to since the king was a figurehead anyways) and would have never worked against him. If anything, he is famous for having ''strengthened'' the monarchy instead.
149* {{Homage}}: d'Artagnan spotting the sniper about to assassinate the king and rushing to stop him was possibly inspired by ''Film/TheManchurianCandidate''.
150* ILikeThoseOdds: The Musketeers comment amongst themselves that five soldiers against the three of them is hardly fair. d'Artagnan, ComicallyMissingThePoint, tries to point out that there's four of them.
151--> '''Porthos:''' Five of them, three of us. Hardly seems fair.
152--> '''Aramis:''' Maybe we should give them a chance to surrender.
153* InNameOnly: Aside from the character names, the film has virtually nothing in common with the book, going so far as to have an entirely different plot.
154* IntimidationDemonstration: Porthos runs into a Japanese MasterSwordsman who twirls his dual swords around while shouting a {{Kiai}}. Unimpressed, Porthos mockingly imitates him and then drops him down a TrapDoor.
155* IronicEcho: Richelieu, during one of his more smarmy scenes, echoes (but twists) the Musketeers' BadassCreed: "All for one...[[{{Greed}} and more for me]]!" Used in many a trailer.
156* ItsPersonalWithTheDragon: d'Artagnan has a personal vendetta against Rochefort, who killed d'Artagnan's father.
157* IWantThemAlive: Averted with Cardinal Richelieu declaring a bounty on the titular Musketeers: "One thousand gold pieces on each of their heads, dead or alive!" (''Steps away, then returns'') "...I prefer dead!"
158* {{Jerkass}}: d'Artagnan to begin with is very short-tempered, arrogant and entitled, which is what gets him in trouble most of the time.
159* KatanasAreJustBetter: Averted as noted above, when Porthos confronts the above-noted {{UsefulNotes/Kenjutsu}} master who has, somehow, made his way to France ten years after the Sakoku policy closed Japan to the outside world.
160* KickTheDog: The Cardinal, in the introduction, has a man arrested and tortured for theft (he was trying to feed his family), and after [[YouSaidYouWouldLetThemGo promising to let him go]], he walks away while his men kill the prisoner anyway.
161-->'''Cardinal Richelieu:''' One less mouth to feed.
162* LadyInWaiting: Constance specifically refers to herself as a Lady in Waiting to the Queen of France.
163* LandInTheSaddle: Done early in the film, as part of a chase scene. It also included the stock parody of one of the characters missing the horse.
164* LargeHam:
165** The Cardinal, but since Creator/TimCurry plays him, it's to be expected.
166** Creator/OliverPlatt as Porthos. Like Tim Curry, he seems to be there just for the fun of ChewingTheScenery.
167* LeaveHimToMe: d'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis kill several members of the Cardinal's Guard. After Athos, Porthos and Aramis leave, d'Artagnan is left behind. Rochefort and more Cardinal's Guard members arrive and d'Artagnan challenges them. Rochefort tells his troops "He's mine!" and the two charge toward each other.
168* LetMeTellYouAStory: "Love? Let me tell you about love."
169* LetsSplitUpGang: During the climax the three Musketeers are forced to take one of three passageways through the dungeon to find the Cardinal.
170* LostInImitation: Several plot points, including the secret treaty with England and the manner of Milady De Winter's death, come from earlier film versions rather than from the novel.
171* LoveMakesYouEvil: Athos has a bit of a story about love. It doesn't end well.
172* MisplacedNamesPoster: Charlie Sheen over Tim Curry; Kiefer Sutherland over Chris [=O'Donnell=]; Chris [=O'Donnell=] over Kiefer Sutherland; Oliver Platt over Charlie Sheen; Tim Curry over Oliver Platt. (Rebecca [=DeMornay over Rebecca DeMornay=])
173* MoneyToThrowAway: The heroes use this ploy to block pursuers, after discovering a great deal of money in the Cardinal's carriage (which they appropriated).
174* MultiRangedMaster: Porthos, of all people, shows himself to be expert with the bolas and the pistol crossbow. Presumably he is also [[ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin competent with the musket]], as well, though this is never shown.
175* TheMunchausen: Porthos does this constantly, his claims to fame including such arrant nonsense as his romance with "the Queen of America". However, during a battle on a ship, two of the Bad Guy's Goons recognize him as "Porthos the Pirate!", scream in terror, and jump into the ocean. Porthos's response: "I told you I was famous."
176* NotEvenBotheringWithTheAccent: With the exception of Oliver Platt as Porthos, nobody bothers to pronounce "d'Artagnan" the French way. As a result, it ends up sounding like an insouciant affectation on Porthos' part.
177** Despite being set in France, there are a lot of American and British accents, but no French ones.
178* ObviouslyEvil: The Cardinal is played by Creator/TimCurry. Enough said really.
179* OffWithHerHead: What almost happened to Milady before Athos stopped it.
180* OhCrap:
181** At the very end of the "theology tutoring" scene:
182---> '''Aramis''': YOU'RE MARRIED?!?
183** Two mooks realize they're facing Porthos the legendary pirate and instantly jump off the ship the fight is taking place on.
184** In the final scene, Girard again tries to demand satisfaction from d'Artagnan, only to realize he's made a de facto challenge to ''the entire musketeer corps''. He promptly legs it.
185* PlayingCyrano: d'Artagnan tries to woo a bar wench using words Aramis had previous used. When he messes up twice in the first few lines, he abandons further attempts and favors Porthos's approach.
186* PocketProtector: Aramis is shot, but his crucifix stops the bullet. From this he quips, "See? There is a God!"
187* PostClimaxConfrontation: After the heroes defeat Cardinal Richelieu and Rochefort and save the King and Queen, they're confronted by a group of thugs who started pursuing d'Artagnan at the beginning of the movie. It's been so long since the audience saw them that their appearance is a surprise.
188* PriceOnTheirHead: The Cardinal offers a bounty for the each of the Musketeers after they free d'Artagnan.
189-->'''Cardinal Richelieu:''' One thousand gold pieces on each of their heads, dead or alive!\
191'''Cardinal Richelieu:''' I prefer dead!
192* PuppetKing: King Louis seems easily manipulated by Richelieu -- as indeed he was in life -- but in this adaptation, it is almost entirely because of Louis' youth and inexperience.
193* QuotingMyself: Aramis recites poetry to a tavern wench. d'Artagnan asks if it's Shakespeare and Aramis replies that it's Aramis.
194* RedemptionEqualsDeath: Milady gives the Musketeers the information they need... and then [[spoiler: throws herself off a cliff]].
195* RedHerringShirt: When d'Artagnan is led to the chopping block, two of the execution personnel turn out to be Porthos and Aramis in disguise, and they're there to rescue him with help from Athos (who takes care of the escape transportation by appropriating the Cardinal's carriage).
196* RedShirtArmy: One of the most literal examples of this trope with the Cardinal's guards.
197* RefugeInAudacity: Cardinal Richelieu tells his EvilPlan to usurp the throne [[SarcasticConfession directly to the king]], then throws in a few more ludicrous (some of which are ''also'' true, or he wishes they were) claims:
198-->''Ah, yes. That is usually the first. Let me see if I remember it correctly. While the English attack from without, the wicked Cardinal undermines from within, forging a secret alliance with Buckingham and placing himself on the throne. But really, Your Majesty, why stop there? I have heard much more festive variations. I make oaths with pagan gods, seduce the queen in her own chamber, teach pigs to dance and horses to fly, and keep the moon carefully hidden within the folds of my robe. Have I forgotten anything?''
199** These lines are delivered in Creator/TimCurry's delightful sneer, from which anyone should ''run like the wind''.
200* RegentForLife: Cardinal Richelieu has elements of this. (Not so in the book, where he is an EvilChancellor but Louis XIII is already grown up.)
201* RunningGag: Girard and his men, pursuing d'Artagnan to defend the honor of his sister. Turns into ''literal'' running when he finds out he's just challenged the entire Musketeer corps.
202* SarcasticConfession: The Cardinal, when confronted by the King, proceeds to do this in regards to everything he's been accused of.
203* ScaredOfWhatsBehindYou: When Gerard and his brothers, who have been looking to fight d'Artagnan throughout the movie, finally confront him at the end of the film, they suddenly scream and run away, because the ''entire Musketeer corps'' comes to back d'Artagnan and starts chasing them.
204* ScarilyCompetentTracker: [[spoiler:Milady de Winter's vengeful brother-in-law has been hunting her for years and has a good idea where she is.]]
205* ScrewThisImOuttaHere: Two of Milady de Winter's thugs run for it when they realize they're facing Porthos the Pirate.
206* SecondPersonAttack: After Rochefort knocks d'Artagnan off his horse, the guards surround him and he looks up. Cue a fist flying down at the camera. Pow!
207* SecretSnackStash: "It's the Cardinal's sacred snack chamber", which also carries a large amount of money. The musketeers drink the wine and champagne and scatter the coins to the commoners.
208* SeeYouInHell: A variant appears as the group splits up:
209-->'''Aramis''': See you in Calais!
210-->'''Athos''': Or hell!
211* ShadowDiscretionShot: Used when Rochefort skewers a hapless thief in the Bastille's dungeons.
212* ShirtlessScene: After passing out while trying to reach Calais, d'Artagnan wakes up in Milady's bed in only his trousers.
213* SinisterMinister: The Cardinal, who aside from his nefarious plans against the King, makes a sleazy advance on his wife.
214* TheSnackIsMoreInteresting: During the carriage chase, Porthos digs into a hidden compartment and starts offering drinks to Athos. They decide champagne is inappropriate and settle on a nice red.
215* SnarkToSnarkCombat: Richelieu and d'Artagnan have a brief moment in the scene where Richelieu questions d'Artagnan when d'Artagnan mentions his desire to join the Musketeers.
216-->'''Richelieu''': ''[in a tone that suggests "you haven't read the news much lately, have you?"]'' Bad timing.\
217'''d'Artagnan''': So I've heard.
218* SoftWater: Averted. Milady throws herself off a cliff rather than suffer a beheading. Given the rocks in the water below, the distance, and the obvious reactions of the witnesses, it was a real death.
219* SparedByTheAdaptation: Constance doesn't die.
220* StarterVillain: Girard is the first foe that d'Artagnan faces. He's first introduced losing a duel with the hero at the beginning of the film, then chasing after him with several other mooks on horseback. He returns at the end to clean up loose ends, but he then faces the ''entire'' reunited Musketeers.
221* StealthHiBye: d'Artagnan plays it straight. Complete with open window.
222* SympatheticMurderer: This version of Milady is portrayed this way, as it's implied she was forced to become a murderer for real to survive, and she ends up helping the Musketeers at the end.
223* TakeTheWheel: Athos orders d'Artagnan to take the reins of the carriage they're driving so that he can start drinking.
224* ThereIsAGod: Aramis says "See? There is a God," after TheReveal [[spoiler: that [[PocketProtector his cross stopped the Cardinal's bullet]] and saved his life.]]
225* ThoseTwoGuys: Porthos and Aramis are this to an extent in the movie. While Athos is dark and broody, they're much more snarky, and their roles are more comic-relief than plot-important, until the very climax of the film.
226* TheUnreveal:
227** Athos makes a point of telling d'Artagnan that Aramis was one of the Cardinal's best students before joining the Musketeers and devoting himself to thwarting Richelieu. When Aramis confronts Richelieu (twice) in the climax, therefore, we expect some detail as to why... which is not forthcoming.
228** When the Musketeers are reunited after Aramis, Porthos and (especially) Athos having apparently sacrificed themselves to give d'Artagnan a chance to reach Calais, it's at least one that they never explain ''how'' they escaped, if not a full-blown PlotHole.
229* WalkingArmory: Besides the bolas and pistol crossbow noted above, and of course his sword, Porthos also carries a long dagger that splits into three blades.
230* WarriorPoet: d'Artagnan gets the Musketeers to like him by tossing out a one-liner.
231-->'''d'Artagnan''': I may not wear the tunic, but I believe I have the heart of a Musketeer.
232-->'''Porthos''': Warrior.
233-->'''Aramis''': Poet.
234* WouldRatherSuffer: The queen declares that "I would rather die" than be Richelieu's wife when he takes the throne. He screams, "[[SuddenlyShouting THAT CAN BE ARRANGED!]]"
235* TruthInTelevision: All the dueling. Duels were often planned out in advance and occurred because of very minor slights. It was also common enough that several '''hundred''' French nobles died every year in duels. And the Musketeers were all nobles.
236* YouKilledMyFather: d'Artagnan to Rochefort, after that the later taunts him with
237-->"How pathetic, killed by the same man that killed your father".
238* YouRemindMeOfX: "You, boy, are arrogant, hot-tempered, and entirely too bold. I like that, you remind me of me."
239* YouShallNotPass: PlayedWith. When Athos and d'Artagnan are attacked by mercenaries and bounty hunters, Athos tells d'Artagnan that he will hold them off as long as he can so d'Artagnan can escape and continue their mission. Athos later turns up alive, having somehow survived the deadly attack.
