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Context Film / BloodyBirthday

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3''Bloody Birthday'' is a 1981 [[SlasherMovie slasher]] horror film about three sociopathic children, Debbie, Curtis, and Steven, born under an eclipse as foretold that anyone born under an eclipse of Saturn would have a personality flaw. Joyce Russel and her brother Timmy must work together to stop their murderous rampage.
5!!Tropes featured in this film include:
7* AdultsAreUseless: Apparently, everybody above the age of twelve carries the IdiotBall at all times.
8* AxCrazy: All three children, Curtis in particular.
9* BatterUp: Steven beats Debbie's father Sheriff Brodie to death with a baseball bat.
10* BedsheetGhost: Steven's disguise while trying to run Joyce down in the junkyard combines this with a touch of SackheadSlasher.
11* CassandraTruth: Nobody believes Joyce and Timmy that Debbie, Curtis, and Steven are killers.
12* CreepyChild: The three main children when they're not trying to be cute.
13* [[MonsterClown Creepy Clown]]: The birthday clown wearing an "I Can't Say No" T-shirt. He doesn't do anything other than juggle at the party, though.
14* DirtyKid: Curtis is quite perverted for someone who's only ten years old.
15* DisproportionateRetribution: They murder their teacher Ms. Davis because she won't allow them a day off from homework for their birthday parties.
16* EnfantTerrible: The three children were sociopaths from birth.
17* EyeScream: Beverly gets an arrow through the eye from her psychotic younger sister Debbie.
18* FinalGirl: Joyce, the wholesome teenager who along with her young brother is the last to confront the killers.
19* FlatCharacter: Steven gets the least amount of characterization.
20* KarmaHoudini: [[spoiler:Curtis and Steven are arrested while Debbie escapes with her mother under a new identity so she can continue to murder]].
21* LackOfEmpathy: The three murderous kids were born during an eclipse of Saturn, which removed all of their emotions.
22* MoreDeadlyThanTheMale: [[spoiler: Debbie is the leader and the only one who manages to evade capture in the end]].
23* MsFanservice: MTV's Julie Brown. (No, not Downtown Julie, the other one.)
24* NerdGlasses: Curtis, who is one of the most intelligent children in the film, wears a pair of these.
25* NoHonorAmongThieves: [[spoiler:Debbie betrays her partners in the end]].
26* TamperingWithFoodAndDrink: Curtis may or may not have poisoned cake frosting, but Joyce catches him with poison in hand and makes a scene at the birthday party to stop anyone from consuming possible bad cake... [[BatmanGambit just as Curtis planned.]]
27* TooDumbToLive: Even though she knew about the peephole Debbie set up, Beverly never thinks to cover it up, which results in her death.
28* WoundedGazelleGambit: Curtis abuses this when Joyce tries to uncover their crimes.
