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1Terrible is a Hunger Games/Axis Powers Hetalia crossover written by Sharon Stoppable. It is intended to be a companion piece to the Fanfic/BrutalSeries and follows its style of reimagining the Hetalia characters as district teenagers thrust into the Hunger Games. The fic is currently in-progress and can be found at [[]]
5!!!'''Provides Examples Of:'''
7* ActionFilmQuietDramaScene: Action FanFic Quiet Drama Scene: Chelsea's nostalgic memory of the campfires back home.
8** Reise and Opal talking about why they volunteered, culminating in Reise realizing she thinks of Opal as a friend.
9** Rod remembering his time with Honey and how her death drove him into depression.
10* AdaptationalVillainy: Gerome, Kiku, Katya, and Thuaine.
11* AlternateUniverseFic: Like in the Brutal Series, the Hetalia characters are human teenagers living in Panem, not personifications of countries living in past-to-present-day Earth.
12* AllLoveIsUnrequited: Tino and Susan; Russo and Tasha. Canada also has a slight crush on Katya which she does not reciprocate.
13* AllMenArePerverts: Katya thinks this trope almost word-for-word after she catches Canada ogling her chest.
14* AmbiguouslyJewish: Opal prays occasionally and makes reference to food she is not allowed to eat.
15* AngstySurvivingTwin: Canada to Usa.
16* AnnoyingYoungerSibling: Sealand seems to be this to his older brother (obviously based off England).
17* AntiVillain:
18** Katya, Gerome and Opal are joined the Career program out of pressure, fear or feelings of inadequacy, never seem to enjoy killing, and have many sympathetic traits, like Gerome's relationship with [[spoiler: Talia]] and Opal's with [[spoiler: Reise]].
19** Kiku and Reise are offer no FreudianExcuse for their volunteering (or, in Reise's case, psychotic behavior) but both have humanizing qualities and lines they will not cross.
20%%** Canada simply by virtue of being in the Career pack.
21* AnyoneCanDie: Obviously.
22* AuthorAvatar: Opal manages to be a well-done and non-{{MarySue}}-ish one.
23* AxCrazy: Definitely Addison; Reise to a letter extent. [[spoiler:Russo]] might be headed this way as well.
24* BadBoss: Addison keeps her Career pack (and her gang back home in District 1) in line with threats, violence and punishment.
25** Russo's heading this way with his treatment of Tino, too.
26* BandOfBrothers: The Morningstars, for the most part.
27* BewareTheNiceOnes: Sweet, mild-mannered [[spoiler:Canada]] completely snaps when [[spoiler:his]] allies ignore [[spoiler:him]] one time too many.
28** Opal may seem harmless, but [[spoiler:she's the first to get a kill at the bloodbath]], after [[spoiler:cutting off that tribute's arm]], no less.
29* BigBrotherInstinct: Romano volunteers for the Games to protect his sister, Talia.
30* BitchInSheepsClothing: Bastard In Sheep's Clothing: Thuaine plays the ‘nice guy’ angle during his interview and seems good-natured enough at first, but as the Games progress, becomes increasingly malicious and spiteful.
31* BigDamnHeroes: Reise attacks Addison from behind right when the latter is about to kill Opal.
32* BloodierAndGorier / DarkerAndEdgier: Carries on the Fanfic/BrutalSeries' tradition of putting the Hetalia characters through completely horrible, violent, and depressing situations.
33* BloodKnight: All of the Careers could technically qualify, but Reise and especially Addis take the cake.
34* BrokenBird: Rod is a rare male variation.
35* BrotherSisterIncest: Just like her ''Webcomic/AxisPowersHetalia'' counterpart, Tasha is completely obsessed with her brother, Russo.
36* TheBrute: Addison.
37* TheCameo: All the previous Victors from the Fanfic/BrutalSeries are mentioned.
38* CaptainObvious: Russo in Chapter 21:
39--> *After [[spoiler: his sister has been hit with a knife, her cannon has blown and her body is about to be taken away.]]*
40--> Russo: [[spoiler: "She's dead! My sister is dead!"]]
41* CloudcuckoolandersMinder: Reise to Opal.
42* CorruptTheCutie: It looks like this may be happening to [[spoiler:Canada]], what with [[spoiler:his]] newfound resolve to kill.
43* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass: Opal; see BewareTheNiceOnes above.
44* CruelAndUnusualDeath: None so far, but Addison’s latest goal is to [[spoiler: [[NightmareFuel build a bonfire and burn all of the Morningstars alive.]]]]
45* CurbStompBattle: [[spoiler: Traz vs Opal, Aubrey vs Addis]]
46* DarkActionGirl: All of the females in the Career packs, apart from Talia.
47* DarkFic
48* [[{{DoggedNiceGuy}} Dogged Nice Girl]]: Susan to Tino
49* DontYouDarePityMe: [[spoiler:Russo]] derides [[spoiler:Tino's]] sympathy for [[spoiler:his sister's]] death, because he feels [[spoiler:Tino]] doesn't understand what he's going through.
50* DrivenToSuicide: Rod reveals that he nearly did this when his girlfriend, Honey, was killed in a past Game.
51* DroppedABridgeOnHim: Poor [[spoiler:Ned]]
52* ElegantClassicalMusician: Rod plays the violin, has a large vocabulary, and behaves in a refined manner.
53* ElsewhereFic: This takes place during the 49th Hunger Games.
54* EstablishingCharacterMoment: The opening lines serve as one for Addison, who is first seen beating up a little girl and only goes downhill from there.
55* EtTuBrute: Rod's girlfriend Honey was apparently betrayed and killed by her ally.
56* EvenEvilHasStandards: even [[AxCrazy Reise]] thinks Addison is evil, noting that she enjoys killing for the thrill of battle, while Addison enjoys killing out of hatred for her victims.
57** Kiku and Gerome are horrified by Addison’s suggestion of [[spoiler: burning the Morningstars alive.]]
58* EvilHasABadSenseOfHumor: Addison finds the terrified expression on [[spoiler:Ned's]] dying face to be hilarious.
59* {{Expy}}: Ahiru is Duck from ''Anime/PrincessTutu''. As the author puts it, why not?
60* FaceDeathWithDignity / HoldingHands: The Morningstars do this when confronted with a sandstorm in a deleted scene. Fortunately for them, it dies down before reaching them.
61* FaceOfAThug / PerpetualFrowner: Susan has an “angry-looking face;” one of the reasons why Tino is so scared of her.
62* FireForgedFriends: Gerome and Talia (if they don't become [[{{OfficialCouple}} something more]]) and the Morningstars are headed this way.
63* FiveManBand:
64** Addison's Career pack:
65*** BigBad / TheBrute: Addison
66*** TheLancer: Gerome
67*** TheSmartGuy: Kiku
68*** TheChick: Talia (and arguably Romano)
69** The Morningstars:
70*** BigBad: Katya
71*** TheLancer / TheSmartGuy: Thuaine
72*** TheBrute: Reise
73*** TheChick: Canada and Opal
74* FlashbackNightmare: Talia has one about being assaulted at a party.
75* {{Foil}}: Katya can be seen as one to Addis. While both girls are the leaders of their Career pack and have no qualms with killing, Katya operates by a code of honor and sees her allies as family, while Addison … doesn't.
76* GhostTown: The theme of the arena.
77* HairTriggerTemper: the smallest thing can send Romano over the edge, [[KnightTemplarBigBrother especially if it concerns his beloved younger sister, Talia.]]
78* HeartbrokenBadass: Rod (romantic version) and [[spoiler:Russo]] (platonic version). Interesting in that [[spoiler:Russo's]] heartbreak was caused by Rod.
79* HeroicSacrifice: Romano volunteers to protect Talia, knowing it will most likely mean his death.
80** [[spoiler: Susan]] [[{{TakingTheBullet}} jumps in front of a throwing knife]] meant for [[spoiler: Tino.]]
81* [[{{HerHeartWillGoOn}} His Heart Will Go On]]: Gender-flipped version with Rod and Honey.
82* IGaveMyWord: District partners Katya and Kiku join different alliances, but swear to kill each other quickly if they run into each other. Katya misinterprets this as a non-aggression pact and is furious when [[spoiler: Kiku targets her during a battle,]] claiming he is violating their promise.
83* IgnoredEpiphany:[[spoiler: Reise]] realizes how awful killing is after making friends with [[spoiler: Opal]], but resolves to do so anyway, as it’s the only way to win.
84* ImprobableWeaponUser: Russo with his pipe; Katya with her pitchfork.
85* KickTheDog: It’s hard to find a single action of Addison’s that ''isn’t'' this. From starting a hate-gang against an innocent girl to mocking Aubrey’s gender change before killing her to threatening to kill Talia if she didn’t stop screaming.
86** Thuaine is also quite nasty to Opal much of the time.
87** Russo threatening and mocking Tino, even though the latter’s just trying to help him [[spoiler: get over the death of his sister.]]
88* KillEmAll: All but one.
89* KillTheCutie: [[spoiler: Ahiru, May, Sealand and Chelsea so far.]]
90* KillItWithFire: Addison's plan for [[spoiler: the Morningstars.]]
91* LetThemDieHappy: [[spoiler: Despite not loving her in a romantic way, Russo kisses Tasha as she dies in hope of making her happy in her final moments.]]
92* LikeIsLikeAComma: Felix speaks along these lines.
93* TheLostLenore: Honey to Rod.
94* LoveHurts: Rod finds the memories of his time with Honey to be as painful as her death itself.
95* ManlyTears: When [[spoiler: Russo]] weeps for [[spoiler: his dead sister, Tasha.]]
96* MasculineGirlFeminineBoy: Friends [[ActionGirl Lizzie]] and [[ValleyGirl Felix]] fulfill this trope.
97* MercyKill: Kiku makes an effort to kill as quickly and painlessly as possible.
98* MoralityPet: Opal to Reise, Talia to Gerome.
99* MyEyesAreUpHere: said word-for-word by Katya to Canada.
100* NeckSnap: At the bloodbath, [[spoiler:Gerome]] kills [[spoiler:Aubrey]] this way.
101* NoHoldsBarredBeatdown: At the bloodbath, [[spoiler:Katya]] killes [[spoiler:Ahiru]] this way.
102* ObviouslyEvil: Addison.
103* OddFriendship: Reise, a bloodthirsty sadist from District 12, bonds with Opal, a quirky girl from District 4. It’s genuinely sweet.
104* ParentalAbandonment: Romano’s and Talia’s parents left them with their grandfather to avoid having extra mouths to feed.
105* PlatonicLifePartners: Lizzie and Felix.
106* PolarOppositeTwins: In his introductory chapter, Canada notes how his late twin, Usa, was outgoing, obnoxious, and confident, while he is shy, polite and unsure of himself.
107* ThePollyanna: When the Gamemakers send a storm her way, Lizzie defies them by literally singing and dancing in the rain.
108* PosthumousCharacter: Canada’s twin sister Usa and Rod’s girlfriend Honey.
109* PsychopathicManchild: [[spoiler: After grief over his sister’s death twists his personality, Russo starts to become one of these.]]
110* PuppyLove: Susan has had a crush on Tino since they were small children.
111* RedShirt / SacrificialLamb: the bloodbath victims (minus [[spoiler:Susan]], who serves as [[spoiler: Tino’s Dead Love Interest]]), [[spoiler:Ned]], and arguably [[spoiler:Chelsea]].
112* SacrificialLion: [[spoiler:Tasha]], and inevitably more to come.
113* ScheduleSlip: The author hasn't had time to update in a while.
114* ScrewThisImOuttaHere: [[spoiler: Canada]] eventually gets fed up with being ignored by the rest of the Morningstars and flees the alliance.
115* SesquipedalianLoquaciousness: Rod’s narration is often like this.
116* SirSwearsALot: Romano.
117* SpiritualSuccessor: To the Fanfic/BrutalSeries.
118* StepfordSmiler: [[spoiler:Russo]] is a Type A/Type C following [[spoiler:the death of his sister,]] smiling whilst hiding intense emotional pain and growing insanity.
119* SwitchingPOV
120* TakingTheBullet: [[spoiler:Susan]] jumps in front of a knife intended for [[spoiler:Tino]]
121* TeamMom: Katya and Reise for the Morningstars.
122* TookALevelInBadass: This is what Canada intends to do to get the attention of the sponsors.
123* TheUnintelligible: Susan.
124* UnluckyChildhoodFriend: Susan to Tino.
125* ValleyGirl: Felix is a gender-flipped variety.
126* VillainOpeningScene: The story starts off with Addison and her gang [[{{KicktheDog}} beating up a little girl in District 1.]]
127* VillainProtagonist: Not that the other characters are ignored or portrayed as antagonists, but the Careers get a lot of focus and are portrayed quite sympathetically. In fact, the only ones of them who can be called flat-out villains are Addis and possibly Thuaine.
128* WouldHitAGirl: Traz, Gerome [[spoiler: (although he was intending to kill Tino when Susan jumped in the way)]], Kiku, Russo, Rod [[spoiler:(although, again, he was aiming for Russo)]] and Thuaine.
129* WriteWhoYouKnow: Reise is based off the Fanfic/BrutalSeries' author, Number One Fan of Journey.
130* YouAreBetterThanYouThinkYouAre: Alice, whom Canada’s sister volunteered (and died) for, says this to him after the reaping.
