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Context FanFic / ADifferentLesson

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3Suppose this for a moment: not only did the Wuxi Finger Hold [[NeverFoundTheBody neither kill Tai Lung]] nor [[WesternAnimation/KungFuPanda3 send him]] to [[AscendToAHigherPlaneOfExistence the Spirit Realm]], it purged him of his insanity and brought his rage down to manageable levels. Suppose Shifu was then determined to restore his son to his former heroic self, coming to him afterward and offering him a deal: submit to him, learn to control his anger and atone for his sins, and he will once again have a place at the Jade Palace. Tai Lung refuses initially, but then receives a little encouragement from Po, who believes in the snow leopard and offers him forgiveness and friendship to get back on the right path. And once he begins viewing his actions as a MyGodWhatHaveIDone moment, Tai Lung resolves to begin the long path towards [[RedemptionQuest redemption from the Valley of Peace]], thereby finding a meaning and purpose for his life.
5But then suppose, meanwhile, something else has been awakened in Chorh-Gom. Something far more terrifyingly evil than the snow leopard could ever hope to be, [[SealedEvilInACan previously sealed away]] by Master Oogway himself, now freed by his death; something poised to cast its terrible shadow over the land, seeking to rule and control the lives of everyone in China through [[KungFuWizard possessing and manipulating the chi]] of Tai Lung himself, corrupting him once more into a monster--and something that can only be destroyed by all of them, even Tai Lung, putting aside their differences and banding together to stop it.
7Welcome to [[ A Different Lesson]]. (Also [[ located at]] Archive of Our Own.)
9A novel-length {{Doorstopper}} FixFic that serves as a continuation as well as an AlternateUniverse where things turned out a little differently than they did in the film, and one which at times does border on a little too much PurpleProse and SesquipedalianLoquaciousness as well as being much DarkerAndEdgier than the source material, the story nevertheless addresses many pertinent points raised but never resolved by ''WesternAnimation/KungFuPanda'', or even ignored altogether, all in a very thoughtful, complex, and human way.
11The story is notable for not pulling any punches when it comes to the daunting prospect of actually redeeming Tai Lung. Even he doesn't believe it possible at first. But there are no accidents, and nothing is impossible if you only believe in yourself.
13In the wake of the fic's completion, the author has finished two other stories that fill in certain details and expand the universe, located at ''FanFic/DifferentTalesDifferentLessons''.
15WARNING: Beware of Spoilers ahead!
18!!This work contains examples of:
20* [[ADifferentLesson/TropesAToL Tropes A to L]]
21* [[ADifferentLesson/TropesMToZ Tropes M to Z]]
