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Context DrinkingGame / ThePhantomOfTheOpera

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1Drinking game for ''Theatre/ThePhantomOfTheOpera'':
3* One shot every time The Phantom or Christine's name is spoken/sung.
4* One shot every time there is a PimpedOutDress (ignore ''Masquerade'' or you'll give yourself Alcohol Poisoning)
5* One shot every time The Phantom overhears something.
6** Two shots if it's something very important that they don't want him to know.
7* One shot when a melody is reprised.
8* One shot every time you see The Phantom's mask.
9** Two shots if he changes his mask.
10** Down a whole bottle every time he gets unmasked.
11* One shot every time you wonder why they decided to give Raoul such an ugly haircut.
12* One shot every time Christine hits an impossibly high note (such as the one at the end of 'The Phantom of the Opera' song itself).
13* One shot every time there's a duet. Two if it's Christine and Raoul. Three if it's Christine and the Phantom.
