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Context DrinkingGame / Superman

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3Drinking Game for ''Franchise/{{Superman}}''.
8Most of this game is based off of {{Website/Superdickery}}, so all of the drinks will be referred to as shots. You may substitute drinks for shots.
10* Every time Superman is a dick, take a shot.
11* Every time Superman uses a previously unseen superpower, take a shot.
12** Take another shot if he or the narrator refers to it as "Super-<Insert Power Here>"
13* Every time Superman loses any of his powers, take a shot.
14** Take another shot if the power loss was not caused by Kryptonite.
15* Anytime Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, or anyone that's not normally super gets superpowers or dressed like a superhero, take a shot.
16** Warning: Jimmy Olsen alone will leave you plastered in record time.
17* If Superman is doing something ridiculous on the cover (ex: digging his way to China), take a shot.
18** Take two shots if he's doing something mundane (ex: painting a fence)
19* If Superman appears on a war-based cover (ex: threatening Hitler), take a shot.
20* Every time there's a reference to Krypton or a Kryptonian that's not part of the Superman Family, take a shot.
21* Every time Lois Lane is kidnapped, take a shot.
22** Take two shots every time she's killed or nearly killed.
23*** Add a third shot if Superman was the one who killed or nearly killed her.
24* Take a shot every time Lois Lane gets married to Superman.
25** Take two shots if it's to someone who's not Superman.
26*** Add a third shot if Superman [[MurderTheHypotenuse murders the hypotenuse]] or otherwise causes the wedding to break up.
27* Every time red kryptonite does something weird to Superman, take a shot.
28** Take two shots any time there's a reference to kryptonite that is not red or green.
29* Any time a woman with the initials "L.L." is referred to, and it is not Lois Lane, take a shot.
30** If it is a ComicBook/{{Superboy}} comic, substitute "Lana Lang."
31* Anytime someone's age is changed, take a shot.
32* If Superman makes an appearance in a Superboy comic (or vice versa), take a shot.
33* If two different people with "Super" in their name get in a fight (ex. Superman VS Superboy), take a shot.
34* If Lois Lane or Lana Lang hatches a harebrained scheme to reveal that Clark Kent is Superman/Superboy, take a shot.
35** Take another shot if the scheme involves putting themselves in harm's way.
36** Take another shot if Superman/Superboy comes up with an equally harebrained counter-scheme to protect his secret identity.
37* Every time an arc revolves around disgracing Superman or making his life hell take a shot. Considering it's a single arc, not every individual moment ''in'' the arc, we ''could'' recommend drinking the whole bottle, but [[DarkerAndEdgier in the road to]] (and after) ''ComicBook/TheNew52'', that may be a bad idea.
41!!Other Entries
43* DC Extended Universe:
44** ''DrinkingGame/ManOfSteel''
45** ''DrinkingGame/BatmanVSupermanDawnOfJustice''
46** ''DrinkingGame/{{Justice League|2017}}''
47* ''DrinkingGame/{{Smallville}}''
48* ''DrinkingGame/{{Supergirl}}''
