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Context DrinkingGame / Hamlet

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1The four-hour ''Theatre/{{Hamlet}}'' drinking game . Before thou sayeth goodbye to thine liver; make sure the drink is not poisoned, like at the end of the play.
2* Chug a beer for a soliloquy.
3* Drink whenever a [[CountryMatters vagina joke]] is made.
4* Drink whenever a famous actor is clearly shoehorned into the movie.
5* Drink whenever a flashback or scene clearly not in the original text happens.
6* Do a shot every time Creator/BrianBlessed appears onscreen. Take a sip of beer every time Creator/KennethBranagh is clearly trying to out-ham him.
7* Drink whenever Gérard Depardieu says "My lord".
8* Drink whenever someone enters/exits through a secret door.
9* Do a shot for every major character who dies in the final scene.
12For the play in general:\
13Take ''only a sip'' whenever
14* Someone tells a lie.
15** Two sips if it's Hamlet being lied to.
16*** Toast if Hamlet easily sees through the lie.
17Take a drink whenever
18* A new [[RedShirt expendable character]] appears.
19* Horatio says "my lord."
20* Ophelia says "my lord."
21* Claudius uses the RoyalWe.
22* Polonius is about to stop talking . . . [[OldWindbag and then doesn't]].
23* Hamlet [[ShoutOut compares someone to a mythological figure]].
24Take a chug whenever
25* [[{{Infodump}} Someone reads from a paper]].
26* A messenger is sent.
27* Claudius says something [[SuspiciouslySpecificDenial embarrassingly suspicious]].
28* Ophelia's chastity is mentioned.
29* Hamlet solioquizes.
30* Someone dies.
