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1A fighting original fiction by french troper Tropers/KeitaroHirochi. In a world where magic is at its beginning, year 2436 ends, and with this the fighting category of "2416-2420"-born fighters closes, [[SeriousBusiness getting everyone hyped with the teams' formation]]. But behind the scenes, whispers about the unknown [[TitleDrop A-Ko Project]] start to agitate the fighting scene, getting them worried about the project being bait for bad-intentioned people.
3!!Tropes that apply to several characters or to the series:
4* AlwaysSomeoneBetter: Japan's competitive fighting scene, to every other country. The two other exposed are China's kung-fu dancers and America's BoringButPractical all-brawn style.
5* BadassFamily: The Seihou are the most notable example with 3 elites, all of whom took less than two months to be so. And all of them are team leaders, have {{badass cape}}s and enforce TheCoatsAreOff before fighting.
6%%* BattleAura: [[spoiler:Any person in [[SuperMode A-Ko / A-Shi Mode]].]]
7* BossRush: [[spoiler:The ending is made of about ten fights between the teams and [[SNKBoss superpowered opponents]], a good bunch of which had already been defeated before.]]
8* CharacterRosterGlobalWarming: Inverted. The series starts with no MightyGlacier. Shinichi, the closest this fiction has to one, returns halway through the plot after recovering from an arm injury.
9* DiscretionShot / [[SoundOnlyDeath Sound Only]] NonLethalKO: No death or LudicrousGibs to hide, but the [[LimitBreak Hyper moves]] always are seen from far away when they hit. All of them are still clearly visible from the distance.
10* EnemyMine: Though nobody really is an enemy, but everyone is ally to find about the [[TitleDrop A-Ko Project]], making PolarOppositeTwins Hinata and Ryouma something like this.
11%%* NebulousEvilOrganization: The A-Ko Project staff, at first.
12* ShortTeensTallAdults: Between the fighters themselves, the 20-year-olds are generally taller than the 16-year-olds... by a head at worst.
13* SiblingTeam: Averted with most families since members of a same family all are in different teams.
14* ThemeNaming
15** All the main branch children of the Seihou family have the kanji for gold in their name.
16** The Harada sisters have a seasonal theme naming.
17* TitleDrop: The A-Ko Project is the focus of the plot.
18%%* TournamentArc: Most arcs are this. It's NotJustATournament, pretty much every time.
20! Tropes that apply to the characters:
23[[folder:Team Inabana]]
24-> Captain: Kinga Seihou
25--> Other members: Takehiko Nakamura, Chiaki Harada
26!!Tropes that apply to the team:
27%%* HeroicRematch: The second arc is basically theirs against Team Hijuu.
28%%* WeakButSkilled: Comparatively to their equivalent in other teams, each member starts as this. Even [[TheAce Kinga.]]
29!!!Tropes that apply to Kinga:
30* TheAce: At the beginning, after completing Team Inabana, he still easily beats Takehiko and Chiaki 2-on-1.
31** BrokenAce: But even this is not enough to win Elite-level solo tournaments, and come the first team tournaments, his inability to take losses well (not only but especially his own) starts showing up.
32* LightningBruiser: Being a [[BadassFamily Seihou]] helps. Bonus points for being this literally as well.
33%%* RapidFireFisticuffs: His ''Lion Rafale''.
34%%* ShockAndAwe
35* SpamAttack: His [[SignatureMove Lightning Barrage]] in-story is basically a salvo of dozens electric traits.
36%%* TheUnfavourite: For being supposedly the weakest man of his generation's main line.
37%%* WellDoneSonGuy
38!!!Tropes that apply to Takehiko:
39* {{Deuteragonist}}
40* MeaningfulName: WarriorPrince. He's not of royalty, but is [[KnightInShiningArmor noble enough in attitude.]]
41%%* RightMakesMight
42%%* ShockAndAwe
43* TheWorfEffect: [[spoiler:He's introduced by winning the 2436 B-class Winter Nationals. He is still no match for Elites at that point.]]
44!!!Tropes that apply to Chiaki:
45* BigSisterWorship: She loves her big sister. Her wish to be as strong as Chinatsu got her into fighting.
46%%* BrainwashedAndCrazy: [[spoiler:The first plot point of the last arc, courtesy of Hisoka.]]
47* ClassicalAntiHero: Everything is set like she's not meant to be a fighter.
48%%* PlayingWithFire
49%%* PrehensileHair: Thanks to her PsychicPowers, namely telekinesis.
50* UnknownRival: To Asahi. The latter goes so far as to bid her farewell when the first arc ends.
52[[folder:Team Hijuu]]
53-> Captain: Gonten Seihou
54--> Other members: Takeo Yamamoto, Asahi Mihara
55!!Tropes that apply to the team:
56* ChildProdigy: Somewhat. Gonten is a [[BadassFamily Seihou]], Takeo rocked the fighting scene for the first few months with little competition, and Asahi went Elite in seven weeks, a record beaten only by Seihou girls.
57* TheRival: Gonten is Kinga's, Takeo is Takehiko's, and Asahi is Chiaki's, even if for the latter it's [[UnknownRival rather one-sided.]]
58!!!Tropes that apply to Gonten:
59%%* ArrogantKungFuGuy: Very much so.
60* [[spoiler:GracefulLoser: He doesn't throw a fit when he loses, admitting instead that he underestimated Kinga.]]
61* IcyBlueEyes: Averted. Gonten may have blue eyes, but it's his gaze's sharpness that is commented on, not his eyes themselves.
62* ToThePain: He goes to great lengths to describe the effects of his SignatureMove while his opponent is writhing in pain. [[IShallTauntYou Or rub in their face the futility of attempting a comeback on him.]]
63!!!Tropes that apply to Takeo:
64* BrilliantButLazy: He is considered a rare kind of prodigy in fighting, but he
65* TheDreaded: He is notably feared by the competition that's not in the top 10 or so.
66%%* PlayingWithFire: Yes, he only plays with it.
67* RetiredBadass: Retired after 5 months of fighting with only ONE defeat in his record. Gonten gets him out of this.
68* WillfullyWeak: Subverted. He may not look like he's giving it his all, but that's just how he fights: he can't use fire magic better than he does, and [[UnskilledButStrong he lacks the skill to fight normally.]]
69!!!Tropes that apply to Asahi:
70%%* BlowYouAway
71%%* CastingAShadow
72%%* ElegantGothicLolita: Explained later on.
73* LukeIAmYourFather: [[spoiler: Hisoka is her father.]]
74%%* ShockAndAwe
75* SquishyWizard: She made her way to Elite on the back of her magic power, but it is soon clear than even Chiaki has the upper hand on her in a physical fight.
76* {{Tsundere}}: Her attitude towards Gonten.
78[[folder:Team Ensei]]
79-> Captain: Hinata Fukaya
80--> Other members: Taiki Kaigo, Akane Kirisaki
81!!Tropes that apply to the team:
82* RedOni: To Team Yaryuu's BlueOni. Every member of the team is noticeably louder, more emotional than their Team Yaryuu counterpart.
83!!!Tropes that apply to Hinata:
84* BadassLongcoat: He wears a long, crimson one.
85* HiddenHeartOfGold: He tries really hard to be a massive asshole to hide the fact that he himself is in dire need of affection
86* SleevesAreForWimps: Underneath his coat, his black shirt is sleeveless.
87!!!Tropes that apply to Taiki:
88* BashBrothers: With Daichi. Even if they're not on the same team.
89* ChildProdigy: He was considered as one back in China, until he made fun of those he labeled ''cliché dancers''.
90* PersonaNonGrata: His comments on China's fighting trends have put a target on his back.
91* SpinningPiledriver: One of his Super moves, used with the help of [[BlowYouAway wind powers]].
92!!!Tropes that apply to Akane:
93%%* BraidsOfAction
94* EnergyWeapon: As soon as she gets to Super Moves. Her Hyper move is a WaveMotionGun.
95* {{Meido}}: ZigZagged. She was raised as such, but didn't like it, only keeping the apron because she finds it cool. Nevertheless she used this to her advantage when she was in need of money, but left the job as soon as fighting got her enough. Even then, she still wears her apron.
96* StuffBlowingUp: Her magic bombs are the main reason behind her being repeatedly fired when she worked as a maid.
97* UnskilledButStrong: She's got the firepower, but she doesn't do much with it apart from blowing her opponent's face up.
99[[folder:Team Yaryuu]]
100-> Captain: Ryouma Fukaya
101--> Other members: Daichi Kaigo, Kurenai Misuzu
102!!Tropes that apply to the team:
103* BlueOni: To Team Ensei's RedOni. Ryouma, Daichi, and Kurenai are each more thought-out, calmer and more calculating than their Team Ensei counterpart.
104* EvilIsDeathlyCold: [[spoiler:Pre-HeelFaceTurn.]]
105* HairFlip: First done by Daichi after his introductory victory, it went on to become the team's signature taunt.
106!!!Tropes that apply to Ryouma:
107%%* AnIcePerson
108%%* BadassLongcoat
109* BrokenBird: He got put through so much psychological trauma during his childhood that he refrains himself from feeling anything. ''[[NoSell Anything.]]''
110* SmugSuper: As a villain, he gets to emphasize his ability to NoSell half-hearted blows.
111* TheStoic: Usually.
112** NotSoStoic: When he fights and he loses the upper hand, he relapses into fits of paranoia.
113!!!Tropes that apply to Daichi:
114* BlowYouAway: Literally during his [[LimitBreak Hyper move]].
115%%* FlashStep
116* IzunaDrop: One of his Super moves.
117!!!Tropes that apply to Kurenai:
118%%* BraidsOfAction
119%%* FieryRedhead
120* OneOfTheBoys: She eventually outshone all of her masculine pals, becoming Elite before any of them.
121* YouAreAlreadyDead: Her [[LimitBreak Hyper Move]] takes visible effect a few seconds after she hits. Just enough for her to drop a one-liner.
123[[folder:Team Shinjitsu]]
124-> Captain: Minoru Mame
125--> Other members: Makoto Okanabe, Kimiko Uehara
126!!Tropes that apply to the team:
127* TheWorfEffect: They're introduced as potent threats, but never go far in team tournaments.
128!!!Tropes that apply to Minoru:
129* BrilliantButLazy: The reason behind many of his losses in tournaments is that he couldn't be bothered to train.
130* CounterAttack: He's renowned for his ability to predict attacks, so he uses this more than other Elites.
131* TheOmniscient: Not exactly, but his Eye of Truth makes him able to guess many things easily.
132!!!Tropes that apply to Makoto:
133* LadyAndKnight: He's the Knight, with Kimiko as the Lady. [[MistressAndServantBoy He's also the Servant Boy to her Mistress.]]
134* RidiculouslyAverageGuy: Subverted. He looks average, he's in the High School Crew, and everything is set like he's a MasterOfNone... until he whips out a [[MasterSwordsman sword of]] HardLight, making him one of the best mid-close-range fighters.
135!!!Tropes that apply to Kimiko:
136* RichBitch: She first comes out as this. The MistressAndServantBoy dynamic she has going on with Makoto doesn't help.
137* RoseHairedSweetie: Strawberry blonde, to be more exact.
138* StuffBlowingUp: Her special attacks involve the use of a YinYangBomb.
139* SquishyWizard: Her magic attacks are very strong, but otherwise she lags behind most other fighters.
141[[folder:Team Seibai]]
142-> Captain: Shinichi Wakabayashi
143--> Other members: Ryuuya Tanigawa, Seiko Honzaka
144!!Tropes that apply to the team:
145* TheBigGuy: The least heavy hitter of the team is actually Ryuuya, not Seiko.
146* UnskilledButStrong: Shinichi is much too lazy and Seiko only has a handful of tricks. Even [[ShotoClone Ryuuya]] is comparatively WeakButSkilled.
147!!!Tropes that apply to Shinichi:
148* CharlesAtlasSuperpower: Not the sole example, but the most blatant one, in that he has the best "brute strength/size" rate.
149* ExtremityExtremist: Unless it's for a very basic attack, he ''will'' punch you.
150* GrowingMusclesSequence: When he goes under [[SuperMode A-Shi Mode]].
151* HiddenDepths: He looks like your standard brawler, but he's got much more wits than he lets on.
152* MightyGlacier: The closest this series has to one.
153* RequiredSecondaryPowers: Averted. He has SuperStrength, but he is injured in the beginning because he broke his cubitus.
154* ShockwaveStomp: One of his special moves.
155!!!Tropes that apply to Ryuuya:
156* BewareTheNiceOnes: His true figure. Don't disrespect his friends.
157* FaceOfAThug: Before Team Inabana meets him, Takehiko makes an aside to mention that he looks meaner than he is.
158* TigerVersusDragon: He's the Dragon to Seiko's Tiger. Strangely, he's the one having Tiger as his Chinese zodiac sign, Seiko being the Dragon there.
159* UnstoppableRage: When the kendo club's president at his high school beat up Seiko and {{trashtalk}}ed her on top, Ryuuya knocked two club members out for getting in the way, then beat her up so bad he broke her nose.
160!!!Tropes that apply to Seiko:
161* ACupAngst: It's her BerserkButton. [[spoiler:So much that she's able to mishear Takeo's calling of an attack for him calling her flat and punch him off his feet as he finishes said attack call.]]
162* FragileSpeedster / GlassCannon: She hits hard enough to get guys off their feet, and with magic support, she can go very fast. On the downside, this trick also makes her really, '''''[[OneHitKO really]]''''' vulnerable.
163* PunchedAcrossTheRoom: Her main trick is to just punch the opponent in the face real hard with her foot planted into the ground thanks to ground magic. Only super-heavyweights can resist being sent across the ring by the force of the hit.
165[[folder:Team Chouetsu]]
166-> Captain: Bougane Seihou
167--> Other members: Ban Ishikami, Tsubaki Hokusei
168%%!!Tropes that apply to the team:
169!!!Tropes that apply to Bougane:
170* BarrierWarrior: He can do everything with those: reflecting projectiles, countering attacks...
171* BerserkButton: He doesn't like being mistaken for a girl, especially when it's done on purpose or very indelicately.
172* HairOfGoldHeartOfGold: He's blonde, and noted to be one of the most decent guys in the fighting scene.
173* SensitiveGuyAndManlyMan: He's the sensitive guy to Ban's manly man.
174!!!Tropes that apply to Ban:
175%%* BoisterousBruiser
176%%* BringIt: With LargeHam.
177* ForGreatJustice: [[spoiler:His rant against Ninji.]]
178* McNinja: He was born in America.
179%%* NoIndoorVoice
180%%* TestosteronePoisoning
181!!!Tropes that apply to Tsubaki:
182* CombatMedic:
183* FlowerMotifs: She makes those out of light for her projectile attacks.
184* StatusBuff: Her main card is using this on herself. As a result, she has extreme adaptability, and is probably the best for team battles.
186[[folder:Team Inaga]]
187-> Captain: Hayate Satou
188--> Other members: Kenta Yokozuka, Chinatsu Harada
189!!Tropes that apply to the team:
190* GoodAllAlong[[spoiler:: Most notably the final arc, in which they pull off a BigDamnHeroes moment by saving Team Inabana from Chiaki and teaming up with them for the finale.]]
191* HiddenAgendaVillain
192!!!Tropes that apply to Hayate:
193* ChainPain: But he isn't ChainedByFashion.
194* FragileSpeedster: Somewhat. He has quite a lot of mobility, but not much in regard to power, and his defense game isn't exactly the best either.
195%%* LeanAndMean
196* VariableLengthChain: It's a magic chain, so, yeah.
197!!!Tropes that apply to Kenta:
198* BoisterousBruiser
199* ChainedByFashion: Out of the ring, since steel isn't permitted in-ring.
200%%* MegatonPunch
201* MightyGlacier: Downplayed mostly, but his strikes are kinda slow and powerful.
202* UnskilledButStrong: He has little magic skill due to the lack of practice in America, but he does use his fire to power up his fist attacks.
203!!!Tropes that apply to Chinatsu:
204* AloofBigSister: She got too worked up to keep her place of n°1 woman of her category.
205* EvilCounterpart: If Team Inaga qualifies as evil, she's one to Chiaki.
206* HeroicResolve[[spoiler:: Chiaki gets kidnapped at the very beginning of the final arc. [[RoaringRampageOfRevenge Chinatsu is not pleased.]]]]
207* StrongFamilyResemblance: Kenta confused her with Chiaki. WordOfGod says that it's easy to confuse every single sister with the others.
208* WorldsStrongestWoman: She's ranked n°1 in her age range, and thought to be the best woman fighter of her age in the world.
210[[folder: A-Ko Project Staff '''''SPOILERS!!!''''']]
211-> Ninji Iga, Ritsuka Karanashi, Nanto Fukaya, Shion Takasugi, Jikon Seihou, A-Ko, Hisoka Seiiki.
212!!!Tropes that apply to Ninji:
213* ButForMeItWasTuesday: Delivered to Ban when talking about how he killed his mentor.
214%%* {{Ninja}}
215* SelfMadeOrphan: He kills his father during a tournament.
216!!!Tropes that apply to Ritsuka:
217* BadSamaritan: Her introductory arc.
218* BitchInSheepsClothing: She appears nice and all, being the one to have introduced most of the High School Crew to the fighting scene, but deep inside she's just about as rotten as Ninji, right down to the blood fetish.
219* CombatSadomasochist
220* EvilTeacher: Outside of the fighting scene, she is or has been teacher to Takehiko, Ryuuya, Seiko, Makoto and Kimiko.
221* FaceOfAnAngelMindOfADemon
222* TheFightingNarcissist: She doesn't want to get her hands dirty, as long as it isn't blood.
223%%* GreenEyedRedhead
224* MorallyAmbiguousDoctorate: She has a doctorate in medicine.
225* VillainWithGoodPublicity
226!!!Tropes that apply to Nanto:
227* AllWorkVsAllPlay: He's the All Work to Ninji's All Play.
228* CardCarryingVillain: He's got [[NobleDemon a sense of honor]], but he didn't spend five years in jail for nothing.
229* LamarckWasRight: [[DefiedTrope Brutally defied]]. The man badly abused both his sons from very early so they would become the strong fighters they are now.
230!!!Tropes that apply to Shion:
231* BadassBoast: ''Ryoudou Academy's 4th year student and StudentCouncilPresident, Shion Takasugi, has entered the fight.''
232* DisabilitySuperpower and DramaPreservingHandicap: The nasty blow he received to the heart from Minoru made it go haywire, and while it grants him superhuman abilities, after a while he becomes susceptible to a heart attack.
233* HandicappedBadass: He has a heart condition that prevents him from fighting more than a couple of minutes, but he can make short work of many people in that time. The High School Crew doesn't even attempt to challenge him one-on-one, because they know they'd get trounced.
234* NoSell: His ''Jigen - Kinseki'', a magic-powered sudden muscle contraction.
235!!!Tropes that apply to Jikon:
236* BigBad
237* DarkIsNotEvil: Not exactly, at least.
238* EasilyForgiven: Somewhat, as he goes to jail for what he's done, only seeing people to use his A-Shi-Mode spell on them.
239* GoodAllAlong: When he wakes up from his BrainwashedAndCrazy state, he OneHitKO's A-Ko out of it.
240!!!Tropes that apply to A-Ko:
241%%* AdorableEvilMinions
242%%* ArtificialHuman
243%%* CurtainsMatchTheWindow
244%%* LightIsNotGood
245* ReallyWasBornYesterday: She was actually born days before the final arc.
246* SupernaturalGoldEyes
247!!!Tropes associated with Hisoka:
248* EvilerThanThou: When Jikon snaps A-Ko out of his brainwash, Hisoka immediately disposes of him in one hit.
249* WhiteHairBlackHeart / MysticalWhiteHair: He has white hair, he is evil for sure, he relies heavily on magic, and he maintains mystery around him throughout the plot.
251[[folder:Supporting Protagonists]]
252-> Shiko Kokonogumo, Katashi Moriguchi.
253!!!Tropes that apply to Shiko:
254* DefiantToTheEnd[[spoiler:: Her only reaction to her imminent trouncing by A-Ko is to mock Jikon for not having contacted her for help with the Project.]]
255* ItAmusedMe: She spent years training a handful of girls only so that she can watch interesting matches in the girls' tournaments.
256%%* ParasolOfPrettiness
257%%* RetiredBadass: And she's not even 25.
258!!!Tropes that apply to Katashi:
259%%* MightyGlacier
260* OldMaster: Of the Kaigo Bros. He even helped them come with him from China to Japan.
261* RetiredBadass: He has amassed international fame during his fighting career.
