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Context ComicStrip / MinimumSecurity

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1''Minimum Security'' is a comic strip written and illustrated by Stephanie [=McMillan=]. It often appears in alternative newspapers. The strip follows a main human character, Kranti, and her animal friends as they discuss their politics and take strong (some might say drastic) measures to ensure that the world is a safer place.
3Currently, it is hosted by Andrews [=McMeel=] Universal on its Web site.
5!!This comic strip provides examples of:
7%%* AllNaturalSnakeOil: Brought up often.
8* AnnoyingYoungerSibling: Lampshaded in one strip by Nikko as he annoys Kranti.
9* AristocratsAreEvil: One of the focal points of the strip.
10* ArtShift: The strip eventually gets colorized and has a slightly more realistic tone to it.
11* AuthorAvatar: Kranti, although the author has apparently [[WordOfGod admitted that she would not be able to survive if she lived in the wild]].
12* AuthorTract: It's basically the author's rants in the form of a cute animal strip.
13* BearsAreBadNews: Omnicorp execs begin hanging out with a polar bear in order to improve their public image. He starts eating them.
14* BiggerOnTheInside: Bunnista the rabbit has a warren that looks like a cavernous bomb shelter.
15* CapitalismIsBad: Really bad. And so is technology and humanity in general.
16* CardCarryingVillain: Basically anyone working for the government or a business. Particularly the Omnicorp company. One of the executives gets upset when people don't recognize how evil he is.
17* CarnivoreConfusion: Lampshaded. Bunnista has a pet dog (see Furry Confusion down below) who he introduces to his mother. When the dog mentions that he eats meat, the rabbit's mother gasps and exclaims, "But we're meat!".
18* CrapsackWorld: Everyone is evil, stupid, and weak... except for the main character, of course.
19* DisproportionateRetribution: Kranti attacks a man with a CartoonBugSprayer because he was spraying his garden for bees. This apparently kills him.
20* EmpathicEnvironment: In the Sept. 21st, 2007 strip, Nikko advises the other characters to be more positive while Kranti is more negative about the current global situation. His side of the panel has a sun while Kranti's side of the panel has a big black raincloud.
21* EvilInc: Every corporation.
22* FurryConfusion: Lampshaded when we learn that Bunnista has a pet dog. Nikko's boyfriend brings up the implication of slavery. The dog explains that he's more like a roommate.
23** In another strip, the main characters wonder what fish think. The fish talk to each other, also wondering what humans think. This is odd since every other animal (birds, frogs, raccoons, etc.) can speak to the characters just fine.
24* HumansAreBastards: Animals (and the main character) are the only pure souls.
25* HypocriticalHumor: Not intended by the author, but she seems to think that having no electricity (due to her friends blowing up the plant) is a good thing. This is despite the fact that her comic is run on a website. [[]]
26* InsaneTrollLogic: Many of the strips are filled with this, specially the more famous ones.
27* IRejectYourReality: The priest and the raccoon. [[]]
28* JustBeforeTheEnd: The story takes place in modern times but many strips explain that the economy (and Capitalism in general) will collapse any day now, we have all been poisoned in many different ways, the ecosystem is on the verge of breaking down to the point that all species of animals and plants will be dead soon, global warming and other natural disasters will destroy the Earth in the next few years, and the government is just one step away from locking everyone into gulags ForTheEvulz. In short, we're all screwed and we can't do a thing about it.
29* LogicalFallacies: Kranti thinks that it would be "so simple" for all the people to quit their jobs and start living off the land. [[]]
30** Apparently, pro-life protesters all secretly want to destroy all female rights. [[]]
31** In yet another strip, Kranti argues against science, and says that in its place we should use... [[ science.]]
32* MegaCorp: Omnicorp. It's powerful enough to melt the polar ice caps with no consequences... ForTheEvulz, of course.
33* NatureHero: Kranti talks to animals, sleeps outside, and for a while, refuses to wear clothes aside from a bundle of leaves.
34* NewMediaAreEvil: When the power goes out, the heroes take the time to ridicule video games and the Internet. It should be mentioned once again that you can read these comics online.
35* ObviouslyEvil: Non-environmentalists are drawn ugly. Once the strip goes to color, their skin is depicted green, blue, and other unnatural colors.
36* ReligionOfEvil: Basically any spiritual belief, but mostly Christianity.
37* TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilized: Bunnista and Victoria declare a revolution and gleefully state that it will be bloody. Despite the nature of the strip, we're usually shown BloodlessCarnage, however.
38* ScienceIsBad: Power plants, scientists and technology in general are considered bad. This is one of the reasons why the main character sleeps outside and encourages people to not buy medicine, but use natural resources instead.
39* [[StrawCharacter Strawman Political]]: You either agree with Kranti or you're an idiotic right-wing fascist.
40** On top of that, the way the main characters usually act, one might think that it was being written by someone who wanted to strawman environmentalists. These are the heroes, folks.
41* TalkingAnimal: A one-eyed rabbit named Bunnista and a guinea pig named Victoria. Birds, frogs, and other background animals talk every now and then.
42%%* ThereAreNoGoodExecutives
43%%* ViolenceReallyIsTheAnswer
44* TheWarOnStraw: The author has declared a war on... almost everyone.
45* WellIntentionedExtremist: We get the inversion of this. Nikko and some of his friends are environmentalists but they don't believe in taking extreme measures, so they're often seen as misguided.
46* WhatHappenedToTheMouse: Or better yet, what happened to the raccoon? He shows up early on but disappears after a few months.
47* [[WhatTheHellHero What The Hell, Hero?]]: Nikko and his friends often complain that Bunnista might be going too far when he blows things up. Their criticism is laughed off, usually.
48* WorkingClassPeopleAreMorons: The average joe is depicted as shallow and TooDumbToLive.
