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1This is a list of tropes found in bad fanfiction! Actually, it's the character sheet for ''FanFic/TheGameOfTheGods''. These 33 characters are the pawns of Morgoth, and they will corrupt Middle-earth! Yet they are just pawns, so they are easy to remove from the board. If you have read or discussed bad fanfiction, these characters may seem too familiar.
3'''All spoilers are unmarked.''' This character sheet reveals how everyone died.
7[[folder: Anjara]]
8Anjara is an exile. She must return to Middle-earth, where she is the rightful ruler of both Gondor and Mirkwood. The portal to Middle-earth is a television playing the DVD of ''The Fellowship of the Ring''.
10* BagOfHolding: Anjara has a "extra-light magical backpack". It's big enough to hold a microwave oven and a skateboard.
11* CrazyPrepared: With an emphasis on the "crazy". As noted, she plans to take a microwave oven to Middle-Earth, which is not known for ready access to electricity.
12* HalfHumanHybrid: Anjara is a half-elf, born to Aragorn's father and Legolas's mother.
13* HeadSmashesScreen: Anjara tries to use a television to travel to Middle-Earth. [[SurprisinglyRealisticOutcome The predictable happens]] as she crashes into the TV and suffers a fatal head injury.
14* ParentalAbandonment: Anjara's "evil father", Arathorn, sent Anjara into exile.
15* RightfulKingReturns: Anjara intends to take the thrones of Gondor and Mirkwood from her half-brothers. This is really Morgoth's plan to replace the rulers of Gondor and Mirkwood with a Sueiful girl.
16* TelevisionPortal: Anjara wants to visit Middle-Earth inside her television.
19[[folder: Mirrililli]]
20Mirrililli is an elf from Lothlórien, in yet another Legomance. She wants Legolas, the prince of Mirkwood, and feels certain that she will win his love, because she is "such a beautiful girl". Mirrililli enters Mirkwood to search for Legolas.
22* FriendToAllLivingThings: After Mirrililli has died, Morgoth tries to invoke this trope, insisting that "forest animals" would have aided Mirrilli.
23* LoveAtFirstSight: The one-way version. Mirrililli saw Legolas "one day two centuries ago, and since then she had been unable to forget him."
24* TooDumbToLive: Mirrililli is too stupid to survive in Mirkwood, and becomes a victim of canon from ''Literature/TheHobbit''. First she drinks the enchanted water and falls asleep, and then a GiantSpider kills her.
27[[folder: Sauronia]]
28Sauronia is the daughter of Sauron and an elf. She intends to kill Gandalf, take the [[RingOfPower One Ring]] from Frodo, and rule Middle-earth.
30* BraidsOfAction: Binds her hair in a braid when in battle.
31* ChildByRape: Sauron raped the elf who was Sauronia's mother.
32* EvilGloating: Just enough to doom herself. Sauronia has a chance to kill Gandalf, but decides to "have some fun". She asks Gandalf for AnyLastWords, and then reveals that she is the daughter of Sauron. With that info, Gandalf argues that Sauron is a giant red eye with no body, who has no way to impregnate Sauronia's mother, therefore Sauronia cannot exist. A literal "puff of logic" destroys Sauronia.
33* LivingMoodRing: Sauronia's eyes "altered with her moods."
34* NonHumanHumanoidHybrid: Half Maia, half Elf.
35* PuffOfLogic: This death is a ShoutOut to ''Literature/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy''.
36* {{Seers}}: Sauronia has "clear sight", and can see where to find Gandalf and the One Ring. This is an example of how Morgoth gives out superpowers to make his plot work.
37* TheStarscream: Plans to eventually overthrow her father and take his place.
38* SuperSenses: She also has super-hearing.
39* UnwantedHarem: All nine of the Nazgûl love Sauronia, but Sauronia wants only the Witch-King.
40* VillainSue: Invoked by Morgoth. Sauronia wants to TakeOverTheWorld.
43[[folder: Xacanythia]]
44Xacanythia is the world's last dragon. While DreamingOfThingsToCome, she learns that a hobbit named Bilbo will come to Mirkwood. The dream inspires her to leave her treasure hoard and fly to the assistance of the characters of ''Literature/TheHobbit''.
46* HeelFaceTurn: Xacanythia had attacked dwarves and stolen their treasure. That was evil. Now she wants to do good and help Bilbo.
47* LastOfHerKind: She's the world's last dragon, but that's wrong! Smaug, the dragon from ''The Hobbit'', is still alive.
48* NonhumanHumanoidHybrid: Half dragon, half elf. The dragon parent shapeshifted into a humanoid.
49* OurDragonsAreDifferent: Xacanythia is different, but Smaug is still his same canonical evil self. Xacanythia has "breath of purest light", but Smaug uses his fire breath to roast and eat Xacanythia.
50* TooDumbToLive: One of the worst examples among the many Sues that qualify. Even Morgoth, who usually loudly protests the fate of his Sues and accuses Varda of cheating at the drop of a hat, is reduced to admitting that someone who treated dragons as friendly in a setting where they're violent, greedy AlwaysChaoticEvil monsters couldn't have ended up any other way.
51* VoluntaryShapeshifting: She can take the form of a dragon, or a winged elf. Morgoth justifies this by claiming that long ago, "the dragons had not yielded to evil and could still assume the forms of Elves."
52* WingedHumanoid: One of her two forms is a winged elf.
55[[folder: Arwen]]
56Arwen Undómiel is a character from canon, but now her mind is different. Sue!Arwen feigns love for Aragorn, the King of Gondor, but she secretly hates him. Her father forces the marriage, but Sue!Arwen plots to kill her new husband and steal the throne of Gondor.
58* DemonicPossession: Morgoth forgot that Arwen's grandmother is Galadriel, who can do {{Telepathy}}. Galadriel sees the ghost inside Arwen, and expels it, thus restoring the canon version of Arwen.
59* {{Goth}}: Sue!Arwen is a stereotypical "Gloomy Goth" who wears "thick black makeup" and "bright red lipstick", but only when she is alone and no one else can see her.
60* PossessionSue: Invoked by Morgoth. Arwen is from canon, so Varda can't just kill this character.
61* TilMurderDoUsPart: Arwen, with a knife, in the bedroom, would kill Aragorn. The marriage would have lasted part of a day.
64[[folder: Changeling]]
65Changeling can reshape her body, into a form that might win love. She takes an opportunity to become a female hobbit and charm both Aragorn and Legolas.
67* OurDwarvesAreAllTheSame: All dwarves have beards, but Changeling forgot that fact.
68* ImpostorForgotOneDetail: Morgoth (and hence Changeling) forgot that all hobbits have hair on their feet.
69* SingleSpecimenSpecies: "There was no one else like her, no one else in existence who could flow from form to form as she could."
70* ShapeshiftingSeducer: Her defense against male dwarf Gimli is to become a female dwarf.
71* VoluntaryShapeshifting: With mistakes. Changeling becomes a {{hobbit|s}} with no hair on her feet, and then a dwarf with no beard. Gimli notices these mistakes, and kills Changeling.
74[[folder: Deirdre]]
75Deirdre is the bastard daughter of Lúthien and Mandos. She claims ownership of the Silmarils.
77* DivineParentage: Her father Mandos is the Vala who keeps the souls of dead elves.
78* HeroicBastard: Morgoth presents Deirdre as a heroic bastard. Morgoth wants Deirdre to take the Silmarils and use them to relight [[WorldTree the Two Trees]], thus undoing events of ''Literature/TheSilmarillion''.
79* LivingMoodRing: "She had glinting eyes that shifted colors with her moods, from bright gold when she was amused, to the soft gray that they were now, echoing the color of the sorrowful sky."
80* NonhumanHumanoidHybrid: Deirdre is an Elf, but her ancestry is three-quarters Maia, one-quarter Elf.
81* ObliviouslyBeautiful:
82--> ''She went walking through the camp like a fallen star, and all around her Elves and Men bowed and gave way. Some who had never yet stopped marveling at the risen star of Eärendil turned to her, looked on her beauty, and began to weep, casting themselves to their knees, marveling that Eru himself in female form had descended from the heavens. \
84Deirdre did not notice the adulation; she was too modest for such things.''
85* OnlyThePureOfHeart: By Varda's logic, Deirdre is Sueiful, so she must be evil. Deirdre dies when she touches the Silmarils that burn evil.
88[[folder: Elacathaleeleria]]
89Elacathaleeleria is the queen of an elven kingdom far away. Her fate is to meet Elrond, the reincarnation of her dead lover Sadamir. Together, Elacathaleeleria and Elrond will destroy the One Ring.
91* DeathByDespair: When Elrond invokes canon and explains that he cannot be the reincarnation of Sadamir, Elacathaleeleria dies of her heartbreak.
92* HeadTurningBeauty: Her people "could look on the beauty of their Queen and be more content than they could with food or rest".
93* {{Unicorn}}: She rides one.
96[[folder: Raven]]
97Raven is a modern woman who teleports herself into Middle-earth. She brings her hunting rifle and wants to fall in love with Legolas.
99* BottomlessMagazines: Averted -- she has to reload, and this is what gets her killed.
100* FantasyGunControl: Exploited. Raven now has the only gun in Middle-earth.
101* HalfHumanHybrid: Raven is "part-Elvish".
102* ProtectiveCharm: She made her own "magic amulet" to protect against Orcs.
103* ThinkingUpPortals: Raven uses magic words to open a way to Middle-earth.
106[[folder: Juliardianselaáfalayu / Flower-of-fire]]
107Juliardianselaáfalayu started as a villain under Morgoth and slayer of elves. Then she became Flower-of-fire, opponent of Morgoth and friend of elves. This conflict between two personalities causes her angst. When Morgoth returns to the world, Flower-of-fire withers, as Juliardianselaáfalayu comes to fight for Morgoth.
109* AuraVision: She can see a "darkness" on eight elves; it is the Oath of Fëanor (from ''Literature/TheSilmarillion''), on Fëanor and his seven sons.
110* EnemyWithin: The evil Juliardianselaáfalayu has, within herself, the good Flower-of-fire.
111* JekyllAndHyde: The good Flower-of-fire and the evil Juliardianselaáfalayu are the same person, but the elves never suspect that Flower-of-fire is the villain.
112* OverlyLongName: Her name is so long, Fëanor invents a new script so that Juliardianselaáfalayu is only three letters long.
113* LimaSyndrome: She tries to {{invoke|d trope}} this. Juliardianselaáfalayu would capture Maedhros, then she would fall in love with her prisoner, and her sympathy for him would revive Flower-of-fire. Her attempt at capture fails when Maedhros kills her.
114* LoveAtFirstSight: The one-way version: Juliardianselaáfalayu sees Maedhros and decides to love him.
117[[folder: Kennilista]]
118Kennilista is the daughter of Haldir. Morgoth establishes that Haldir was the last King of Lothlórien, and Kennilista is the rightful heir. Morgoth justifies this claim by declaring that "King Elrond" backed Kennilista. The claim already contradicts canon; Kennilista fails to understand the way of elven royalty.
120* BackFromTheDead: Fëanor snuck into the game and killed Kennilista a few times. Fëanor should not be there, so Varda allows Morgoth to just resurrect Kennilista when this happens.
121* {{Brainwashed}}: When Kennilista finds Haldir, she believes that Galadriel brainwashed Haldir to forget having been king and having a daughter.
122* DyingDeclarationOfLove: As Kennilista dies for real, "F-f-f-f-f-father, I l-l-l-l-love y-y-y-"
123* RightfulKingReturns: Kennilista attempts this, but canon blocks her. Amroth, not Haldir, is the last King of Lothlórien.
124* TooDumbToLive: Dumb enough to ''slap Galadriel''. The response is instant: Haldir kills Kennilista.
127[[folder: Lassellee]]
128Lassellee is a different kind of Ringwraith. Because she is a Fairy, she does not have the same weaknesses as the Nine Ringwraiths of canon.
130* EmotionBomb: Averted. Even though the other Ringwraiths have an aura of terror, Lassellee does not.
131* GodModeSue: Invoked by Morgoth, who intends that Lassellee be impossible to kill. Varda counters with Glorfindel, who powers through Lassellee's defenses and kills her.
132* InvisibilityCloak: Lassellee has this power from her Ring. The other Ringwraiths were permanently invisible, but Lassellee can appear or disappear at will.
133* OurFairiesAreDifferent: Morgoth invents the race of Fairies just for this story. Lassellee is about as large as a human and has "large, delicate butterfly wings".
134* SailorEarth: Lassellee is the 10th Ringwraith and bears the 21st Great Ring. Because the famous poem lists all 20 Rings, Morgoth invents adds two lines allegedly forgotten.
135--> ''"One for a Fairy lass to keep for her own,\
136Until the shadows have swallowed her sigh."''
137* WeakenedByTheLight: Averted. Light bothers the other Ringwraiths, but not Lassellee.
140[[folder: Navaree]]
141Navaree is the last avariel or "winged elf" in Mirkwood. She is the protector of magical creatures, such as unicorns, pixies and werewolves. She wants to save the last dragon, Smaug.
143* OurDragonsAreDifferent: Navaree believes that dragons are peaceful. When Varda recalls how Morgoth designed dragons for war, Morgoth mentions "a secret group of peaceful dragons" as an excuse.
144* OurElvesAreDifferent: Avariels are winged elves, originally from ''TabletopGame/DungeonsAndDragons''.
145* WingedHumanoid: Navaree can fly. When Bard's arrow pierces her wing, she falls and dies.
148[[folder: Amaryllis]]
149Amaryllis Silverhawk is the second daughter of Elrond. (Yes, fanfiction often gives extra daughters to Elrond.) She has followed Frodo and Sam but only meets them after they break from the Fellowship.
151* CantArgueWithElves: She has two problems with Frodo: he is not an elf, and he is not female.
152* IncorruptiblePurePureness: Amaryllis is immune to the One Ring, for no reason. Morgoth makes this excuse so Amaryllis may take the ring from Frodo.
153* {{Pride}}: Amaryllis "wasted too much of her strength in thinking she was better", so when Gollum gets the drop on her she can't fight him off.
154* TheProphecy: Her mother made a prophecy that a female Elf must take the ring.
155* WomenAreWiser: Amaryllis believes that women are better then men, so the men who denied the prophecy must be wrong.
158[[folder: Rose]]
159Rose is "the Princess of the Elves" and a Tenth Walker. When the fellowship breaks, Saruman's orcs capture Rose along with Merry and Pippin.
161* AndNowYouMustMarryMe: Rose fears that Saruman will force her to be his wife. Saruman averts this trope and just kills Rose.
162* DamselInDistress: Orcs captured her.
163* ImmortalityInducer: She has an "immortality necklace". This is redundant, because she is an elf, and elves are already immortal. Rose believes that she has CompleteImmortality, but she is only one of TheAgeless, and therefore, Saruman can still kill her.
164* MasterOfIllusion: Rose creates "an illusion of herself running away". Morgoth uses this to justify why Merry and Pippin escaped, but Rose remained captive.
165* SailorEarth: She is a Tenth Walker. The fandom has many characters of this type, but Rose from chapter 15 is the first one to appear in ''The Game of the Gods''.
166* TranslatorMicrobes: When hearing orcs, "She couldn't understand their language, but a quickly whispered spell of tongues took care of that."
169[[folder: Swan]]
170Swan is a half-human who lives among elves. She believes that she is ugly.
172* BeautifulAllAlong: Her mother insists that Swan is ugly, but Morgoth created her to as beautiful as [[WorldsMostBeautifulWoman Lúthien]].
173--> In truth, Amalinde knew full well that her daughter was beautiful, but she was jealous of her and wanted to keep Swan from seeing it as long as possible.
174* DirtForcefield: Morgoth uses this trope to describe Swan's great beauty. Nothing can subtract from her appearance: at most, she gets "a few scratches that always healed instantly".
175* HalfHumanHybrid: Swan is half-elf, half-human. Morgoth presents this as a reason to claim that Swan is ugly.
176* IAmNotPretty: She believes herself to be ugly.
177* MurderSuicide: Swan is the victim. Morgoth's opponent in this game is Celegorm. Swan's beauty seduces Celegorm. He flees into the game and soon seduces Swan. Celegorm kills Swan, then himself; because Celegorm wants to return to the afterlife, but bring Swan with him.
178* ProphecyTwist: In the prophecy, Swan will "marry a prince", but whom? Morgoth wanted Legolas (prince of Mirkwood), but Morgoth's opponent Celegorm (prince of Nargothrond) inserts himself into the story.
179* WholePlotReference: This story is ''Literature/TheUglyDuckling'' [-[[RecycledInSpace IN MIDDLE-EARTH!]]-] The character named "Swan" is a reference to the swan in ''The Ugly Duckling''.
182[[folder: Gweniwen]]
183Gweniwen is the bodyguard of her uncle Théoden. She fights in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
185* {{Fictionary}}: Morgoth declares that Gweniwen is Elvish for "Maiden of Stone", but Morgoth's opponent disputes this. "Gweni doesn't mean 'stone' in Elvish." To fix this, Morgoth invents a "secret dialect" of Elvish where the translation is correct.
186* HeroSecretService: Gweniwen is a one-woman secret service for King Théoden. The people don't know about her. She is also the heir, which means that if she fails and the king dies, she will become Queen of Rohan! Morgoth's opponent questions how a secret person can become the queen.
187* IncestSubtext: Invoked by Morgoth's opponent, who brings Glaurung the dragon BackFromTheDead, so that Glaurung can bespell Gweniwen and cause BrotherSisterIncest. Suddenly, Gweniwen kisses her brother Éomer. This stops when Éomer kills Gweniwen.
188* TrainingFromHell: The "Elvish ninjas" trained Gweniwen "from birth".
191[[folder: Lily]]
192Lily is the daughter of Lord Foxbright, who orders her to marry Legolas. The arranged marriage with Legolas is a common plot in fan fiction. Lily wants out of the marriage, but immediately changes her mind when she glimpses Legolas.
194* AbusiveParents: Her father [[TilMurderDoUsPart killed her mother]], then forced Lily into marriage.
195* ArrangedMarriage: With Legolas. And then when she meets Legolas, his family explains that they don't do arranged marriages.
196* FreakOut: With deadly results. "She promptly fell into an apoplectic fit, and died a few moments later."
197* LoveAtFirstSight: As soon as Lily sees Legolas, she wants to marry him. This is a one-way love. Morgoth also wants Legolas to love Lily, but that doesn't happen.
200[[folder: Immanuela]]
201Immanuela is a fan of the ''Literature/LeftBehind'' books, and wishes to do a {{crossover}} with ''The Lord of the Rings''. The Lord grants her wish and transports her to Middle-earth. She brings ''Literature/TheBible'' and the ''Left Behind'' books with her, and intends to spread Christianity in Middle-earth.
203* BeliefMakesYouStupid: Immanuela tries to banish a Balrog with a prayer, but the Balrog just ignores her words and slays her.
204* {{Invocation}}: Immaneula uses prayer to invoke the power of the Lord. "In Jesus's name, I bid you begone!"
205* SailorEarth: She's another Tenth Walker.
208[[folder: Bellatrona]]
209Bellatrona is a woman from Amazonia who somehow found out about the One Ring and rushed to join the quest. She must deal with Boromir, who is now a StrawMisogynist. This story parodies how fan authors cause Boromir to insist that women are useless, in order to make their own female characters seem more special.
211* BlingOfWar: When Bellatrona duels Boromir, she wears golden armor. The visual effect is perfect -- "He just gaped at her." -- but the gold is too soft to block Boromir's steel sword.
212* DoesNotLikeMen: Bellatrona hates all men. In her backstory, she crushed a rebellion by men who wanted to enslave all women.
213* FriendToAllLivingThings: Because "animals trusted her so much", Bellatrona can ride a horse bareback.
214* {{Hypocrite}}: Bellatrona tells Boromir that women "don't do stupid things like underestimating our opponents just because of sex", but Bellatrona herself underestimates Boromir because he is male.
215* SailorEarth: She's another Tenth Walker.
216* TooDumbToLive: She challenges Boromir to a duel, insists that they fight to death, then loses the fight.
217* TwentyFourHourArmor: Bellatrona wears armor with no cloth underneath. Even her underwear is metal. Varda hangs a lampshade, explaining how metal next to skin would become too cold.
220[[folder: Floriella]]
221Floriella is a "she-elf" who wants to save the life of Boromir. She repeatedly warns Boromir against taking the One Ring, because his attempt to do so caused his death in canon.
223* FixerSue: Invoked by Morgoth. Floriella has been sent to Middle-Earth by the [[OmniscientCouncilOfVagueness Order of Secret-Keepers]], who are "committed to correcting cosmic mistakes".
224* FixFic: Parodied. There are many fan stories that insert a female character to prevent Boromir's death, and become his LoveInterest.
225* ImaginaryLoveTriangle: Floriella quickly becomes jealous whenever she suspects that Boromir loves someone else, as in the improbable pairings of Boromir and Aragorn, or Boromir and Galadriel.
226* IncorruptiblePurePureness: Floriella claims this trope. "Because the Ring does not affect me." Galadriel doesn't believe her, and assumes that Floriella will bring the One Ring to Sauron.
227* SailorEarth: She's another Tenth Walker. That makes three in a row!
230[[folder: Turingethel]]
231Turingethel is a hybrid [[OurVampiresAreDifferent vampire]] and [[OurWerewolvesAreDifferent werewolf]]. Don't confuse her with her mother Thuringwethil, the canon vampire in ''The Silmarillion''.
233* ForcedTransformation: Turingethel threatens to transform Pippin. "I will turn you into a rabbit and [[StockAnimalDiet put you among foxes]]."
234* NinjaPirateZombieRobot: She's not just a vampire or a werewolf. She's both!
235* NonhumanHumanoidHybrid: Her mother is the vampire Thuringwethil, and her father is the werewolf Draugluin.
236* RedEyesTakeWarning: Her eyes are black but can glow red with anger.
237* SailorEarth: She's another Tenth Walker, though often a flyer rather than a walker.
238* {{Seers}}: Turingethel can "see the future". This is Morgoth's excuse for why Turingethel knows everything about the plot.
239* TooDumbToLive: Turingethel sees a crown in a lake, tries to grab it, and drowns herself. It is doubly dumb because the crown is really a constellation of ''reflected stars''. So Turingethel drowned herself for something that wasn't there!
240* VoluntaryShapeshifting: She can switch between her vampire and werewolf forms.
241* WingedHumanoid: Her wings are bat-style.
244[[folder: Mirandola]]
245Mirandola Potter is the twin sister of Franchise/HarryPotter. After Voldemort kills Harry, Mirandola hides herself in Middle-earth. The ideas that Harry has a twin, and Ron is evil, are both [[FandomSpecificPlot clichés specific to the Potter fandom]].
247* AllJustADream: At the end, Mirandola is just a dream. Harry dreamed the whole story, so Harry is not really dead.
248* DefeatByModesty: Mirandola attempts to defeat a man by casting ''"Alohomora!"'' to unlock his belt and lower his pants.
249* FriendOrFoe: The Rangers of Ithilien decide that Mirandola is a foe, because she speaks no Westron. So they kill her.
250* {{Telepathy}}: She can read minds. She can also read objects like Ron Weasley's wand; this is how she found out about RonTheDeathEater.
251* ThinkingUpPortals: She cast ''"Spatio mundis!"'' and made the portal to Middle-earth.
252* TranslatorMicrobes: {{Averted}}. She speaks only English and Faramir's Rangers speak Westron, which makes them think she's a Haradrim spy and kill her.
253* YourMagicsNoGoodHere: Mirandola's magic stops working, because the canon of Middle-earth imposes a different magic system. {{Magical Incantation}}s are not in Latin. Only wise characters like Galadriel can read minds.
256[[folder: Zneirra]]
257Zneirra Tal'Abluth is a drow (or dark elf) out of ''TabletopGame/ForgottenRealms''. She flees from her homeland and falls into Middle-earth, where she meets Legolas.
259* {{Fainting}}: "Zneirra fainted from sheer shock" when she discovered that Legolas is not her enemy, even though he is a faerie elf.
260* LoveAtFirstSight: This time, it is the canon character who feels love for the Sue. Legolas looks at Zneirra and thinks that she might be "his One, his soulmate".
261* TranslatorMicrobes: Zneirra uses "a quick spell of tongues" to speak with Legolas.
264[[folder: Raistlia]]
265Raistlia is "the most powerful mage ever to live" in the setting of ''Literature/{{Dragonlance}}''. Her mission is to find and arrest the evil wizard Gandalf.
267* AuraVision: Raistlia can see "corruption and evil".
268* ColorCodedWizardry: Raistlia knows the ''Dragonlance'' colors and decides that Saruman the White is good and Gandalf the Grey is evil. The other characters don't believe her.
269* FantasticRacism: Raistlia thinks that Elrond hates half-elves. Morgoth has forgotten that Elrond is a half-elf.
270* HalfHumanHybrid: Raistlia is a half-elf. Her mother was an elf; Raistlia is "the daughter of Raistlin and Princess Laurana of Qualinesti".
271* ImprobableAge: "She had passed the Test of High Sorcery at seven-"
272* {{Unicorn}}: Yes, Raistlia rides a unicorn named Flowervale to Middle-earth.
275[[folder: Kitsune]]
276Kitsune is a loud fangirl who likes both ''The Lord of the Rings'' and Japanese things. She somehow gets into Middle-earth, and tries to befriend everyone with her fangirl Japanese.
278* AsianFoxSpirit: Not an example. Her name is ''kitsune'' "fox" but she is not a fox.
279* CaptainOblivious: Kitsune almost never notices that the other characters can't understand her fangirl Japanese. She supposes that characters cover their ears as a "kawaii" custom, not because she is too loud. She believes that her cat bites and claws her because the cat loves her.
280* EmphasizeEverything: Almost every sentence spoken by Kitsune has an exclamation point.
281* GratuitousJapanese: Kitsune speaks in fangirl Japanese.
282--> '''Kitsune:''' Konnichiwa, Leggy-chan. Watashi wa Kitsune! Oh, you are so ''genki''!
283* NoIndoorVoice: Kitsune screams her words. Other characters frequently cover their ears.
284* PrinceCharmingWannabe: Gender-flipped. Kitsune loves Legolas and ignores the fact that he hates her.
285* TechnicolorEyes: Purple eyes.
286* TooDumbToLive: She's too dumb to run away from danger, because she assumes that Legolas will rescue her.
287* WantonCrueltyToTheCommonComma: ''"KAWAIIIII!!!!!1!"''
289Kitsune also has a cat named Nekonekoneko.
291* AmazingTechnicolorWildlife: Blue fur.
292* ADogNamedDog: ''Nekonekoneko'' is "Catcatcat" in Japanese.
295[[folder: A'mael]]
296A'mael is a servant. Since she was a child, she has felt love for Legolas. Morgoth wrecks her speech by trying to write her lines in Elvish. (Morgoth should already know Sindarin, but he seems to have forgotten it here!) This story parodies how some fan authors use the wrong Elvish language in their stories.
298* GratuitousForeignLanguage: Gratuitous because it isn't Sindarin. A'mael speaks a mixture of Grelvish, misspelled Quenya, Elvish from ''TabletopGame/ForgottenRealms'', and the chemical name ''melamine''. (That's a typo on ''melamin'', Grelvish for "my love".) Legolas also speaks this language.
299* ParentalAbandonment: A'mael never knew her parents.
300* PrecociousCrush: A'mael as a child already loved Legolas. This might have been PuppyLove if Legolas was also a child.
301* RagsToRoyalty: Morgoth intended to reveal that A'mael is a princess. This would show how this Suetiful girl is special, and allow her to marry Legolas.
302* StarCrossedLovers: Morgoth invokes RuleOfDrama and declares that A'mael the servant may not marry Legolas the prince, because Morgoth wants "dramatic tension".
303* TooDumbToLive: Because A'mael is too dumb to learn Sindarin, Morgoth's opponent concludes that A'mael is dumb enough to drown herself.
306[[folder: Vanimelda and Morwen]]
307Vanimelda is the Crown Princess of Gondor. Morwen is her half-sister, a by-blow of Aragorn's, who is secretly plotting to kill her and take over Gondor.
309* CaptainOblivious: Vanimelda thinks that Morwen's life, that of a beggar on the streets, is wonderful.
310* EvilIsPetty: Morgoth's opponent finds this aspect of Morwen's character objectionable; killing her half-sister isn't anything like ambitious enough.
311* FriendToAllLivingThings: Vanimelda thinks she is. She's wrong.
312* PrincessClassic: Vanimelda.
313* RagsToRoyalty: Vanimelda found Morwen living on the streets.
314* TomboyPrincess: Zigzagged. Morwen is streetwise and spunky, but not as athletic as Vanimelda.
315* TooDumbToLive: Vanimelda's plan is to spend the night in a wood where dangerous wild boar live. Morwen seizes the opportunity to set up a fatal [[MakeItLookLikeAnAccident 'accident']], but finds that [[EvilIsNotAToy Wild Boars Are Not Toys]].
316* VillainSue: Invoked by Morgoth; Morwen wants to murder her sister and rule in her stead.
319[[folder: Beauty]]
320Beauty is a Tenth Walker, who accompanied Frodo and Sam from Hobbiton. She intends to rescue Frodo after he's been poisoned by Shelob.
322* TheBait: Used as such by Morgoth. His opponent in this game is Shelob herself, and he uses Beauty merely to distract her while he escapes.
323* CannotTellALie: Believes that if she lies, vaguely-defined "spirits" will punish her.
324* EvenEvilHasStandards: Even Morgoth finds Beauty insipid.
325* GlowingEyes: As part of her PhosphorEssence.
326* IntimateHealing: Her plan for Frodo, once she's saved his life.
327* NonHumanHumanoidHybrid: Beauty is half-elf, half-hobbit.
328* PhosphorEssence: She glows all over.
329* SailorEarth: Another Tenth Walker.
332[[folder: Rapture]]
333Rapture is Legolas' sister, an Elven princess. Her father has told her to StayInTheKitchen; she intends to defy him and set out on her own to save the world.
335* AmuletOfConcentratedAwesome: Manwë doesn't let her keep it.
336* CosmicRetcon: As each of Rapture's Mary Sue traits shows up in the story, Manwë removes it.
337* HeelFaceTurn: Or rather, Sue Face Turn.
338* InternalDeconstruction: Of the premise that Sues should be killed for the readers' entertainment. Manwë uses this chapter to demonstrate how, with a few judicious tweaks, Rapture ceases to be a Sue without ceasing to be.
339* TheMedic: After Manwë is done with her, she's a healer and a pacifist.
342[[folder: Steel]]
343Steel is the only male self-insert character in Morgoth's box. Fëanor releases him into Valinor, where he proceeds to fight the male Valar and charm the female ones.
345* TheAce: He is the ultimate fighter, the ultimate wizard, the ultimate lady's man.
346* TheCasanova: Part of his all-round brilliance. No woman can resist him... or so he thinks.
347* {{Cyborg}}: He has robot arms.
348* GaryStu: Invoked by Morgoth.
349* LadykillerInLove: When he meets Lùthien.
350* NighInvulnerable: Even Morgoth can't think of any way to defeat him.
351* RefugeeFromTVLand: Escapes from the game into the framing story.
352* RuleOfCool: What he believes the Universe runs on.
353* {{Sizeshifter}}: Can change his size at will.
354* YourHeadAsplode: When he tries his powers of seduction on Lùthien and she responds with a flat NoSell, he takes it [[LudicrousGibs badly]].
357[[folder: Isanthétaril]]
358The daughter of Manwë and Varda, she has the power of all the Valar combined and more. Like Steel, she is released into Valinor by Fëanor.
360* BullyingADragon: She's powerful, sure. But she thinks she's powerful enough to pull rank on [[spoiler:[[{{God}} Eru Illuvatar]] Himself.]] This notion is quickly corrected.
361* CoolAndUnusualPunishment: Punishes Finwë for stealing Morgoth's diary by having rabbits hit him with pillows. Later, she becomes this herself for Morgoth.
362* GodModeSue: The ultimate example in the story -- she's a physical goddess.[[invoked]]
363* GodzillaThreshold: Represents this for the Valar.
364* PhysicalGod: As part of her nature as a Vala.
365* RefugeeFromTVLand: As with Steel, gets into the framing story.
366* SpoiledBrat: She has the personality of a spoiled child.
