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3[[folder: Jackie Estacado]]
4!!Jackie Estacado/The Darkness
7->'''Voiced by''': Creator/KirkAcevedo (1st game), Creator/BrianBloom (2nd game).
8A young mafia hitman who on his 21st birthday became the host of the Darkness.
10* AFatherToHisMen: It's hard to deny the respect his men have for him, and he treats them very well in turn.
11* AffablyEvil: He's a killer, but he can show kindness from time to time and he's got a sense of honor.
12* AntiHero: Of the NominalHero and AffablyEvil UnscrupulousHero variety.
13* BadassInANiceSuit: He's always wearing a dress shirt and slacks, even when killing people.
14* BadassLongcoat: Where he keeps a rather impressive array of guns.
15* BenevolentBoss: Besides just respecting his men, he also treats them well, giving them all the liquor they can drink, and the ammo they can burn through. Additionally, when one of their own falls, Jackie makes sure that all of their expenses are paid and that the families are taken care of, completely out of pocket, expecting nothing in return. This has created UndyingLoyalty from his crew, who all say that Jackie is a better mob boss than his uncle Paulie could ever hope to be.
16* BlueAndOrangeMorality: A hyper-exaggerated version of the mafia code. Jackie is okay with murdering anyone involved in organized crime by the hundreds, dealing drugs, prostitution, and collateral damage. However, if he kills a civilian he gets really disturbed by it.
17** In one comic, it's revealed Jackie's Good Side is of the NeighborhoodFriendlyGangsters type of crook while his evil side is a monster.
18* ButForMeItWasTuesday: Deconstructed. Jackie finds out that one of his random hits was the fiancée of an FBI agent and is horrified.
19* CantHaveSexEver: Jackie seems to think this, though this overlooks some obvious possibilities. He's really only forbidden sex which impregnates a woman.
20** [[spoiler: In a bizarre aversion, he ''does'' attempt to solicit a Chinese prostitute to give him oral sex. It's interrupted.]]
21* TheCasanova / ThePornomancer: Before he bonded with the Darkness, Jackie was shown to engage in large amounts of anonymous sex with various beautiful women. He lost his virginity to a female police officer when he was only 14 years old! He still gets asked for various trysts from a variety of women throughout the story.
22* ContractualImmortality: In-universe, the Darkness refuses to let him stay dead until he has produced a male heir.
23* CursedWithAwesome: He views the Darkness as this, even if he takes advantage of the power it gives him.
24* DarkIsNotEvil: Jackie wields the power of The Darkness, but he has a strong sense of honor and goes out of his way to protect those close to him.
25* TheDon: He's the head of his own crime family.
26* DrunkOnTheDarkSide: In the second game Jackie describes using the Darkness as feeling like being the star of an action film, where you kill bad guys and look good while doing it, until you look at the rest of the audiance and realize their terrified because in truth you're the monster in a horror film.
27* FirstPersonSmartass: When Jackie talks to himself, it's often about how dumb anyone would be to try and oppose him.
28* HumanoidAbomination: The end result of what happens when an EldritchAbomination becomes a part of you. Plus [[LovecraftianSuperpower there]] [[BodyHorror are]] [[CombatTentacles his]] [[CastingAShadow powers]]
29* HandsomeLech: Before the comics.
30* HeelFaceDoorSlam: At least on becoming a full-fledged hero. He'll only ever be an AntiHero at best.
31* HeelFaceRevolvingDoor: Sarah Pezzini thinks he's this, when it's more the fact Jackie has a very strange moral code.
32* HitmanWithAHeart: Jackie only ever intentionally goes after other mobsters and crooks. He tries to avoid killing innocent people at all costs, and he's shown to treat his crew with a great deal of respect.
33* HorrifyingHero: His powers connecting to a deranged EldritchAbomination and his tendency to leave villains soiling themselves in fear make him terrifying to even the most hardened of corrupt cops and mobsters.
34* MoralityChain / MoralityPet: Jenny. Deconstructed with the fact Jackie tries to make [[spoiler: Jenny's sister]] and later, [[spoiler: a rebel woman]] into his MoralityPet. He turns decides against it when he realizes it would only expose them to needless danger and/or corrupt them.
35** Sarah Pezzini [[spoiler: and their daughter, Hope,]] in a bizarre way.
36* NecessarilyEvil: In the game, quite a few of the less-than-pleasant things that Jackie does is to ensure the safety of his allies; Johnny Powell certainly concurs with this belief.
37* NeverHurtAnInnocent: Jackie only kills other members of the mob, those who are part of the Conspiracy, and anyone who tries to stand in his way. He intentionally leaves innocent people alone.
38* NobleDemon: The closest thing to an outright hero in the crime world he lives in.
39* PapaWolf: Mess with Hope, and he will hunt you down and kill you. Mess with one of his crew, and he'll kill you even faster.
40* ShroudedInMyth: Other gangsters seem to spread rumors about what Jackie is and how he prefers to work at night. One of common reactions when Jackie unleashes The Darkness on other mafiosos is ''[[OhCrap Oh God, the rumors are true!]]''
41* SuperMobBoss: He's a crime lord with horrifying supernatural powers that make him one of the most dangerous characters in his setting.
42%%* TallDarkAndSnarky
43* UniversallyBelovedLeader: Jackie is greatly respected by the mafia and most of the citizens of New York.
44* VillainProtagonist: Though how much of a "villain" he is can sometimes be debatable, Jackie is ultimately a very dangerous man.
45* YoungerThanTheyLook: Despite being 21, he looks a bit older, appearing to be in his mid to late 20s.
48[[folder: The Darkness]]
50!! The Darkness
53->'''Voiced by:''' Music/MikePatton
55* AxCrazy: Has a rather unhealthy and ''very'' enthusiastic approach to tearing people apart.
56* ArchEnemy: Of the Angelus, which it fought since the creation and of former Darkness bearer Aram.
57* BerserkButton: At least two of them. Jackie attempting to resist it or take control of it enrages it. Mention of 'a light in the darkness' also pisses it off. The 'light' undoubtedly referring to it's nemesis The Angelus.
58* BigBad: Of the Outer Darkness/Inner Darkness arc.
59* BlueAndOrangeMorality: It seems to truly not understand how humans work physically, psychologically, or emotionally. All it sees humans as is fodder for creating suffering.
60* CastingAShadow: It's right there in its name.
61* ChewingTheScenery: In the games, Mike Patton is clearly having fun with the role.
62* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: In the game, its dialogue swings from eccentric to downright weird; at one point, it even lurches into BuffySpeak by informing Jackie that it fixed his "broken head ball." However, it sobers very rapidly when it feels like making a point- or when its existence is threatened.
63* ClingyMacGuffin: The BigBad of the Artifacts crossover said that it's almost impossible to separate The Darkness from it's wielder and The Darkness claims that not even death can take away it's host.
64* CombatTentacles: Particularly nasty ones with MoreTeethThanTheOsmondFamily and GlowingEyesOfDoom on the ends.
65* EldritchAbomination: To the point that in the second game, he is explicitly referred to as the pre-Creation darkness.
66* EntitledBastard: After all the hell it puts Jackie through, the darkness is surprised and enraged when Jackie tries to fight back and disobey it.
67* EvenEvilHasStandards; Finds the Angelus' ways of doing things a bit unnerving.
68* EvilSoundsDeep: [[ Sweet lord...]]
69* GambitRoulette: The reason for the Darkness choosing the Estacado bloodline? They hoped, eventually, they would have sex with Darkness-created concubines enough that a child would be produced.
70** The Darkness may have just been taunting Jackie.
71* GodIsEvil: The Darkness may well be as close to God as anything in the setting, along with The Angelus.
72** Though the second game mentions God as a separate entity on multiple occasions. For instance, the origin of the universe as explained by Johnny:
73-->'''Johnny Powell:''' In the beginning there wasn't shit. Literally! Nothing but void and darkness, and that's how the Darkness liked it. It wasn't until God decreed that: "Turn on the lights!", that things got nasty.
74* GravityMaster: Can create Black Holes.
75%%* JerkassGods: And that's putting it lightly.
76* KillHimAlready: Says this at the end of the first game.
77--> '''The Darkness (in regards to killing [[spoiler: Paulie]]):''' ''Take his life so that I can take yours!''
78* LovecraftianSuperpower: To its host, it gives a massive HealingFactor, [[CastingAShadow darkness-based powers]] and the ability to [[ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice impale people]] with CombatTentacles. It all comes at [[CursedWithAwesome a price]], though.
79* MoreTeethThanTheOsmondFamily: It's snake heads have a LOT of sharp teeth
80* OrderVersusChaos: The chaos to The Angelus' order.
81* OmnicidalManiac: Much like [[Franchise/{{Transformers}} Unicron]], the Darkness is a primordial GodOfChaos who finds the very concept of ordered Creation disgusting.
82* TheSociopath: The Darkness is a monster, but it's [[LaughablyEvil so damn funny]] while being a monster that fans love it anyway.
83* ThisIsMyHuman: The Darkness, to its hosts, in the words of an expert:
84-> '''Johny Powell''': You can't own the Darkness, The Darkness owns you.
87[[folder:Comics and Game]]
89!! Jenny Romano
93* BoomHeadshot: How poor Jenny meets her end at the hands of Frankie Franchetti and Captain Shrote. Jackie is forced to watch and can do nothing.
94* ChildhoodSweetheart: Jenny and Jackie have been together since they grew up in an orphanage together.
95* DemonicPossession: [[spoiler:Inverted, the end of the second game reveals that Jenny has become the new host of the Angelus.]]
96* PerkyGoth: Both in style and personality, Jenny is a ray of sunshine in Jackie's life. Also adores the stuffed teddy bear Jackie won for her in a carnival game.
98!! The Brotherhood
101* AdaptationDistillation: The Brotherhood in the second game is much more menacing and powerful than the one in the comics.
102* CompositeCharacter: There's a similar EvilArmy version of the Brotherhood in the comic, it just worships the Angelus. Becomes FridgeBrilliance when you realize the Brotherhood has tried to use the Angelus in the games as well.
103* DeaderThanDead: The only sane member of the Brotherhood has his soul destroyed by the Angelus for freeing the Darkness after they capture it. Johnny says this is the only time in history it's happened and is a poor reward for saving the world.
104* GoMadFromTheRevelation: In the game it's implied the Darkness slowly drove them mad when they managed to capture it. [[spoiler: The first time.]]
105* OmnicidalManiac: Pretty much the religion's M.O., either with [[CastingAShadow The Darkness]] or, in the game at least, [[LightTheWay The Angelus]].
106* PutOnABus: Sonatine and Wenders were the only really notable members of the cult in the comic and they disappear after volume one.
107* ReligionOfEvil
108* XanatosGambit: The cult in the game attempts to determine whether Jackie is the Darkness' wielder by sending an army of goons to kill him. If he doesn't, he dies, but if he does, they can get it from him.
110!!Paulie Franchetti
113 [[caption-width-right:350:Paulie as he appears in the game continuity.]]
114Voiced by Creator/DwightSchultz
116* ZeroPercentApprovalRating: Pretty much everyone hates Paulie, with other mobsters, and members of his family expressing their disapproval at his antics, and are more than willing to help Jackie get Paulie out of the picture. Even his men can be heard talking about how they despise him and [[spoiler: the survivors of Jackie's final RoaringRampageOfRevenge, will turn against Paulie (of course this is after they are grievously wounded by his powers), and when Jackie finally kills off Paulie at the end, nobody mourns his loss]].
117* AdaptationalJerkass: Downplayed, but noticable. In the video game, he's the one who [[spoiler:murders Jenny]].
118* AllTakeAndNoGive: Jackie describes Paulie as a "Parasite who bleeds others dry", which couldn't be further from the truth.
119* AssholeVictim: [[spoiler:Absolutely ''no one'' sheds any tears for Paulie when Jackie finally kills him]].
120* BadBoss: His EstablishingCharacterMoment is leading Jackie into a suicide mission for questioning how he does his business.
121* BadPeopleAbuseAnimals: In the comics, he enjoys feeding live mice to his pet tarantula.
122* BaldOfEvil: Averted in the comics, since he has a full set of hair. Downplayed in the video game, where he's slightly balding. Played straight on the evil part in both the comics and video game.
123* BigBad: Of the first game.
124** BigBadWannabe: Though he is also very cowardly, frequently runs away from Jackie knowing he wouldn't stand a chance against him, and often relies on his henchmen to kill Jackie. He's also rather incompetent, since a lot of his villainous deeds, more often than not, end up working against him.
125* BullyingADragon: Provoking Jackie Estacado, a trained contract killer who commands an EldritchAbomination, by burning down the orphanage he grew up in and [[spoiler:killing his girlfriend Jenny right in front of him (which only happens in the video game)]] ends up being Paulie’s last two mistakes.
126* CompositeCharacter: In the video game, his character is fused with Frankie Franchetti, where he is now the one who adopted and raised Jackie and [[spoiler: murdered Jenny]].
127* CruelAndUnusualDeath: [[spoiler:Compared to the comics, Paulie's fate in the Game is pretty merciful, where he's just shot by Jackie. In the comics, Paulie is skinned alive, and as disturbing as that sounds, it's a fate he had long coming]].
128* DisproportionateRetribution: Pretty much his MO. He is known for vicious retaliation against the slightest offence against him. The biggest example in the game is him blowing up an orphanage to spite Jackie.
129* TheDon: Of the Franchetti Crime Family. Not that the rest of the mob is happy with him.
130* EntitledBastard: Paulie is someone who has no loyalty but always expects it in return and pretty much thinks everyone should sit back and take his bullshit. When he attempts to kill Jackie, he gets more pissed off that Jackie retaliated. When the two fight, he alternates between trying and threatening to kill Jackie and begging him to let him live.
131* EvilCannotComprehendGood: As he puts it when Jackie climbs the lighthouse he holled up in at thr climax of the game.
132->Who cares about some dead chick when you could have owned the world!
133* EvilIsPetty: Where to begin... First he tries to have Jackie killed all because he questioned the way Paulie does business, then he has the orphanage that Jackie grew up in blown up merely to spite Jackie, and finally... he [[spoiler:kills Jackie's girlfriend, Jenny]] to spite him even more. To further highlight Paulie's pettiness, Jimmy the grape mentions to Jackie that Paulie once had someone's toe chopped all over a disagreement over a ''Baseball Game''...
134* EvilUncle: Is referred to as "Uncle Paulie", although he is actually a cousin to one of Jackie's parents.
135* EvilWearsBlack: He wears a black mobster outfit.
136* FatBastard: Is on the larger side, and among the biggest scumbag in the series.
137* FlayingAlive: How Paulie goes out in the comic.
138* {{Gonk}}: He is just as repulsive on the outside as he is on the inside.
139* {{Greed}}: Nicky Barruci describes Paulie as a "Little doberman who doesn't see anything else besides money", which is more or less an accurate description.
140* HairTriggerTemper: To the point where it's implied he will kill someone just for looking at him the wrong way.
141* HateSink: There is absolutely ''nothing'' even remotely likable or redeemable about Paulie in the slightest, and every aspect of his character and personality is designed to be as loathsome as possible. He is a repulsive, vulgar, spiteful, vindictive, cruel, unrepentant and utterly self-absorbed psychopath who treats his own men like dirt, and murders people over some of the most trivial things imaginable. Everyone in-universe despises him as a result, and he is responsible for most of Jackie's suffering.
142* HotBlooded: Paulie ''never'' stops shouting. He is always angry and it takes very little to get on his bad side.
143* {{Jerkass}}: To call Paulie this is a ''massive'' understatement. Even when he's not killing someone out of spite, he's still verbally abusive and insulting towards everyone around him.
144* JerkWithAHeartOfJerk: Jackie mentions several times that Paulie actually use to treat him very kindly when he was a kid. However given that this is ''Paulie'' we are talking about, he probably only treated young Jackie with kindness as a way of [[BaitTheDog manipulating him]]. Even if Paulie's kindness was genuine back then, it's all undone by him trying to murder Jackie and later [[spoiler:murdering Jenny in cold-blood]].
145* KarmicDeath: [[spoiler:In the video game, he murders Jenny by shooting her in the head, only to be gunned down himself by Jackie at the end of the game]].
146* KickTheDog: A lot of what he does over the course of the game, like [[spoiler:blowing up the orphanage that Jackie grew up in and most notably, killing Jenny in the game]].
147* ItsAllAboutMe: In the game, after he's called a hit on Jackie and tried to kill him with an explosive-rigged closet, he's inexplicably offended when Jackie retaliates by launching attacks on Paulie's various businesses.
148* LackOfEmpathy: Not only does Paulie show no remorse for blowing up the orphanage and [[spoiler:killing Jenny]], but when Jackie finally confronts Paulie near the end, he has the nerve to tell Jackie that [[spoiler:Jenny]] was a weakness and that he shouldn't have cared about her. Even when Paulie is injured, begging Jackie for mercy, he doesn't even have the decency to at-least apologize to Jackie for all the crap he's done.
149* MilesGloriosus: Paulie loves to talk big game and pictures himself as an intimidating crime boss, and while in a way he is, he's also secretly a coward when faced with a threat like Jackie and will often rely on his own men to do the dirty work. He even starts to become paranoid and runs off to a remote island so that Jackie won't find him, [[spoiler:which he does, unfortunately for Paulie]].
150* NeverMyFault: Another defining characteristic of Paulie is how he frequently blames evryone else for his own actions, especially Jackie.
151* NonActionBigBad: Because Paulie is [[FatBastard not physically fit enough]] to fight Jackie himself, he has to rely on his own men to do that for him.
152* OhCrap: Gets a huge one in the comic when he comes face to face with Jackie's demons, and when he realizes that [[spoiler:Jackie timed his revenge attack on his compound to give Paulie only a few minutes of sunlight as a HopeSpot. "Even you can't stop the world from turning."]]
153* PsychopathicManchild: Lets just say that Paulie is NOT a mature person. He will always respond with violence over the slightest offences or things just not going his way, and has no qualms against hurting or killing others over little disagreements, showing what a vindictive, childish scumbag he is.
154* SadBattleMusic: While he's begging for his life in his ZeroEffortBoss. Not necessarily because ''he's'' tragic, but because his death is the last one [[OmnicidalManiac The]] [[EldritchAbomination Darkness]] needs to take him over. Luckily, the sequel shows Jackie retook control before it could go on a genocidal rampage.
155* SirSwearsAlot: He cusses almost as much as he breathes.
156* SmugSnake: By and large, his comics incarnation is this; the game version's too grouchy to be even remotely smug.
157* TheSociopath: Paulie is a walking talking low-functioning textbook example if there ever was one. He is extraordinarily selfish, cruel, narcissistic, completely lacking in empathy, sees people as nothing but objects to be used and disposed of, murders people without a shred of remorse, and has absolutely no human feelings.
158* SpoiledBrat: Yet another defining trait of Paulie is how he expects everything to go his way and will ''not'' take no for an answer.
159* StupidEvil: His own downfall is a result of him [[spoiler:destroying the orphanage Jackie grew up in, murdering Jenny and treating his own men like dirt. What goes around, comes around indeed]].
160** Additionally, near the end of the game where Jackie is chasing Paulie up a lighthouse, Paulie seriously thinks it's a smart move to verbally abuse and even taunt Jackie over [[spoiler:the death of Jenny]], despite knowing full well that Jackie is fully intent on killing Paulie, and needless to say, it goes as well as you'd expect.
161* TheUnapologetic: He never once apologizes any of the evil things he does.
162* UriahGambit: At the beginning of the game, he sends Jackie to kill off a foreman at the construction site. It turns out, however, that Paulie was deliberately sending Jackie into a deathtrap by luring him into a room planted with a bomb, all because Jackie questioned Paulie over the way he does business.
163* UsefulNotes/VictimBlaming: After blowing up the orphanage, he has the nerve to tell Jackie it was all his fault. He does the same thing again after [[spoiler:killing Jenny]].
164* VillainBall: In Johnny's own words from the second game, [[spoiler: killing Jenny was the dumbest thing Franchetti ever did.]]
165* VillainsWantMercy / OhCrapFakeout: [[spoiler: When Jackie has him on the ground near the end of the first game, he starts begging with Jackie to spare him, but it is a way to distract him so that he can grab for the nearest gun and kill Jackie while he is in [[WeakenedByTheLight a lighthouse]].]]
166* VillainousUnderdog: Despite being the Big Bad, he is much weaker than Jackie. While Jackie is possessed by a powerful and demonic entity, Paulie is just a normal human with no supernatural abilities and can easily be torn to shreds by Jackie, if not for the fact that Paulie has an army of fellow mobsters out to kill Jackie.
167* WouldHitAGirl: [[spoiler:Poor Jenny...]].
168* WouldHurtAChild: Blows up and orphanage, killing some of the children and severally burning and injuring the survivors. Judging by his taunting phone call to Jackie, he has a pretty vicious attitude about it. At another point, one of his mooks can be heard telling the story of how he rigged a school bus to crash because one of the children's parents crossed him.
170!!Captain Edward "Eddie" Shrote
173Voiced by James Mathers
175* ZeroPercentApprovalRating: Despite having a good reputation in the news media, everyone who personally knows Shrote have nothing remotely good to say about him, and it's implied his own police fear him rather than respect him.
176* AssholeVictim: [[spoiler:He ends up getting caught in an explosion in the church caused by the bomb in the briefcase Jackie delivered]]. Needless to say, he really had it coming, and ''zero'' people miss him.
177* BadBoss: He doesn't treat his own police very well.
178* BaldOfEvil: In the scene where [[spoiler:Paulie kills Jenny]], Shrote is seen without his police cap and is shown to be balding.
179* BerserkButton: He hates being called Eddie.
180* BondVillainStupidity: After he has Jackie tied to a chair in the church, he decides to slowly torture Jackie with a drill instead of just killing him straight away, [[spoiler:giving Jackie enough time to kill Eddie]].
181* BullyingADragon: He taunts Jackie, a man with supernatural powers, over [[spoiler:the death of his girlfriend]]. Yeah... what a [[SarcasmMode good idea]], Eddie.
182* DirtyCop: He's pretty much a mob boss disguised as a police chief.
183* DirtyCoward: Rather than fighting Jackie himself, he instead runs away, hides and gets his cops to do the dirty work for him. He tries to hide it by talking big, even though anyone can easily see through it.
184* DoNotCallMePaul: He ''hates'' being called Eddie.
185* TheDragon: To Paulie.
186* EntitledBastard: He treats everyone around him like utter crap, yet he complains when someone treats him the same way in return. A good example is when after helping Paulie [[spoiler:destroy an orphanage and murder Jenny]] and then rubbing it all in Jackie's face, he gets super pissed when Jackie steals his briefcase.
187* EvilOldFolks: He appears to be around in his 70s, and is an utterly despicable sack of shit.
188* EvilSmellsBad: Implied. When Jackie is searching for Eddie in his apartment, he receives help from a character called Abe Hunter, who tells Jackie to "Follow the stink. You can't fuckin' miss it".
189* ForTheEvulz: While Paulie does all the bad things he does out of childish petulance, Eddie takes part in doing evil things simply because he enjoys it.
190* HairTriggerTemper: Not as bad as Paulie's, but it's still there.
191* HateSink: Like Paulie, Eddie is a vile, loathsome scumbag with zero redeeming qualities.
192* {{Jerkass}}: He is shown to be nothing more than a heartless and cold-blooded asshole who sees those around him (including his own police force) as tools to be used and disposed of.
193* {{Hypocrite}}: He always refers to Jackie and his friends as "criminals", even though Shrote is virtually one himself.
194** He also complains at Jackie for killing his police force like "they were nothing", and yet Shrote himself could care less about his own police force, and happily helps Paulie with blowing up the orphanage and killing [[spoiler:Jenny]] as though they were nothing.
195* KarmicDeath: He helps Paulie blow up an orphanage full of kids, only to be [[spoiler:caught in an explosion himself]].
196* KickTheDog: After helping Paulie [[spoiler:murder Jenny]], he repeatedly rubs it in Jackie's face. [[spoiler:It eventually bites him in the ass]].
197* LackOfEmpathy: He shows no remorse or guilt for any of his deeds.
198* {{Sadist}}: He gets a kick out of drilling holes in people, taunting others over their deceased loved ones, and overall making other people's lives miserable.
199* LeanAndMean: He is very skinny, and has a repulsive personality to boot.
200* MilesGloriosus: Shrote clearly [[SmugSnake likes to think of himself as a fearsome old man]]. However when he's up against Jackie, he's a dirty little coward who runs away, hides and gets his men to take care of things for him.
201* ObviouslyEvil: It's easy to tell by looking at his face (especially those sinister-looking eyes) that Eddie is not the type of cop who keeps the peace.
202* SirSwearsAlot: He is verbally abuses his own colleagues and often calls them vile insults whenever they even remotely annoy him.
203* SlimeBall: He merely became a police chief for the whole purpose of exploiting people, abusing his authority over others and taking part in committing crimes with other gangsters.
204* SmugSnake: Part of the reason he taunts Jackie about [[spoiler:Jenny's death]], apart from doing it just for the sake of being malicious, is also because he thinks he has the upper hand and can easily defeat Jackie, [[spoiler: but he is dead, ''dead'' wrong..]]
205* TheSociopath: He has a complete lack of regard or empathy for the lives of others, remorseless helps Paulie with blowing up the orphanage and kidnapping [[spoiler:Jenny]], chose to become a police chief solely to exploit other people, and abuses his good publicity to continue committing crimes.
206* StupidEvil / VillainBall: Similar to Paulie, Shrote can't resist the urge to do something cruel or heinous, even if it directly bites him in the ass. For starters, he taunts Jackie over [[spoiler:Jenny's death]], despite knowing full well that Jackie is possessed by a powerful and demonic entity, and rather than simply killing off Jackie when he finally has him tied to a chair, he instead decides to try and slowly torture him with a drill that doesn't even work properly, giving Jackie a chance to outsmart Eddie.
207* SurroundedByIdiots: Most of his fellow officers are just as crooked as he is; as much of his irritable grumbling indicates, they're nowhere near as savvy as him.
208** That's not to say Eddie is as smart as he thinks himself to be, since his own sadism and arrogance really gets the better of him and eventually bites him in the ass.
209* ThisIsADrill: His torture device of choice... which breaks down halfway through the torture session.
210--> Chinese piece of shit!
211* TooDumbToLive: [[spoiler:Taunting someone over the death of their loved one just ''might'' not end well for you, Eddie. Especially if that person has demonic powers.]]
212* ToThePain: In the game, explains how he's going to drill holes into the pain centre's of Jackie's brain, before he gets started.
213* TortureTechnician: In the game, he tortures Jackie for information after capturing him, [[ColdBloodedTorture perforating his face with an electric drill]]. Apparently, he's done this ''many'' times before, and he's had time to make it his specialty. And worst of all, this is his "good" side, according to Jackie.
214* VillainousUnderdog: A lot like Paulie, Shrote is much less powerful than Jackie, for obvious reasons.
215* VillainWithGoodPublicity: He actually manages to keep a good rap with the media, even though everybody knows he's really a rotten scumbag.
216* WouldHitAGirl: After Jenny headbutts Paulie, Eddie punches Jenny in the head.
217* WouldHurtAChild: Implied. He never actually hurts any directly in the game, however he did help Paulie blow up the orphanage, despite knowing full well that it was filled with kids, and then remorselessly covered it up.
219!!The Angelus
222The Angelus entity is the embodiment of light and is the equal and opposite force of the Darkness.
224* AngelicBeauty: Despite the name, she is not an actual angel but her design is evocative of this trope.
225* ArchEnemy: The Darkness which it fought since the creation.
226* BigBad: The most common antagonist faced by Jackie when he is not fighting normal mobsters or people trying to steal or use his powers for their own ends.
227* EldritchAbomination: Literally the Light of Creation.
228** HumanoidAbomination: After taking a human host.
229* AGodAmI: She was worshiped as a sun goddess by the Incans and the Shinto. And she claims God and Jesus are both redundant in her presence.
230* GodIsEvil: The Angelus may well be as close to God as anything in the setting, along with The Darkness. It claims that both God and Jesus Christ are redundant in its presence.
231* GrandTheftMe: The Angelus takes complete control over its host mind and body(e.g. Lauren Franchetti, Celestine Wright, and in game Darkness II [[spoiler:Jenny]]), until its HeelFaceTurn after which its lets its host keep control over their mind and body.
232* HeelFaceTurn: After taking Danielle Baptiste as its host The Angelus as been on the side of good.
233* HornedHumanoid: All its host have horns on their head as the Angelus.
234* JerkassGods: She doesn't care about the humans as much as destroying the Darkness, in the game she is mentioned to have burned a brotherhood member so hard his soul turned to ash because he had to free the Darkness from their makeshift prison as it was causing the Brotherhood to go mad with bloodlust.
235* LightIsGood: After her HeelFaceTurn.
236* LightIsNotGood: Unquestionably a force of light and law. It just so happens that the Angelus is a completely sociopathic entity that believes the world should be run by her light and her laws.
237* LightEmUp: Naturally as the incarnation of light, she has complete control over it.
238* LogicalWeakness: While the Darkness doesn't have power in the presence of light, the inverse is applicable to Angelus. Jackie defeats her for the first time by luring her to a dark cave, deprived of light which weakened her so much that she rapidly aged in matter of moments.
239* MamaBear: While possessing Lauren Franchetti, she retains the love and affection she had for her daughter.
240* MsFanservice: For a primordial force of light that could easily count as an EldritchAbomination in her own right, her female host turns into this trope when taken over by the Angelus. For instance the old and invalid Lauren Franchetti is rejuvenated into a smoking hot bombshell when she becomes the second host. Even when she wears something that covers her completely, it tends to be extremely form-fitting.
241* OrderVersusChaos: The order to The Darkness' chaos.
242* OmnicidalManiac: In at least one alternate future, she managed to destroy Earth. ''Singlehandedly''.
243* PsychoLesbian: It initially seemed to be something within the Angelus itself since the second Angelus hints at creating female sexual partners.
244* {{Stripperific}}: The Angelus before taking Finch as a host.
245* WhatHappenedToTheMouse: Like other recurring villains in the comic she kind of just disappears, with her subplot being carried forward in other Top Cow series.
247!!Butcher Joyce
248Voiced by Mike Starr and Phil Idrissi
250* AdaptationDyeJob: His beard is red in the comics and black in the games.
251* CleanupCrew: He scrubs up blood and chops up bodies to get rid of the evidence of mob hits. Amusingly, his nickname doesn't come from his work, but from when he "butchered" a test in school.
252* InTheBlood: His mother, a slaughterhouse worker, is also handy with a bone saw.
253* ManlyFacialHair: He's a tough and mature man with an imposing (sometimes bloodstained) beard.
254* NeutralNoLonger: He spends thirty years refusing to take a side in mob power struggles, but hates Paulie enough to subtly move against him.
256!!Jimmy the Grape
257Voiced by Alex Moore and Frank Ashmore
258* AdaptationalHeroism: He's a rival gangster in the comics, but a reliable ally in the game.
259* BearerOfBadNews: A lot of his role is telling Jackie about recent moves made against him.
264[[folder: Comics Only]]
265!! Frankie Franchetti
268* AxCrazy: To an extraordinary level. He actually attacks Gotham City Police Department ''in broad daylight.'' Yes, [[Franchise/{{Batman}} that]] [[Franchise/TheDCU Gotham City]].
269* BigBad: Arguably, the one who hurt Jackie the most.
270* DomesticAbuse: While he didn't necessarily hit his wife, when he caught her cheating on him, he tied her up into a chair and slowly murdered her lover with a blow torch in front of her. The trauma rendered Lauren catatonic for many years.
271* EvenEvilHasStandards: Frankie is a vicious and brutal mobster, but even he was disturbed by Jackie's father Danny Estacado, who was a sadistic hitman that also had the power of Darkness, infamous for his degenerate and self-destructive ways. Frankie noted he never hired him and he was relieved to hear his death.
272* FauxAffablyEvil: He is often portrays himself as polite and friendly, but it does nothing to hide what a scumbag he really is.
273* HateSink: He is a despicable mob-boss and an all-around monster with no redeeming traits.
274* KickTheDog: Killed his wife's lover with a blow torch by slow torture. He also [[spoiler:murders Jenny, films her death and sends the tape to Jackie]].
275* OhCrap: [[spoiler: When he realizes Jackie has rigged the warehouse he's in to explode.]]
276* VillainousIncest: At one point, he kisses his daughter in the lips. While she is ''catatonic no less''.
277* WellDoneSonGuy: Gives many of these to Jackie Estacado, thus increasing his loyalty.
278* WouldHitAGirl: Obviously, to be expected from a psychotic mobster like him. Not to mention he is the one to personally gun down [[spoiler:Jenny]].
279* WouldHurtAChild: One of his nicknames which he actually refers to is Frankie "Kill the children too" Franchetti.
281!!Appolonia Franchetti
284* BrattyHalfPint: Jackie most certainly remember her this way.
285* EvenEvilHasLovedOnes: Appolonia is unquestionably a ruthless bitch, but she loved her mother and never forgave her dad for breaking her so badly.
286* FreudianExcuse: She once saw her father torturing her mother's lover to death, causing her to have a nervous breakdown.
287* HarmfulToMinors: No child should ever watch a man being blow-torched to death, much less by her own father - although in all fairness, Frankie never intended for see this.
288* KickTheDog: She snaps her own cat's neck just to prove a point how she will get rid of anyone that gets in her way.
289* MafiaPrincess: Desconstructed. Being the daughter of a particularly vicious mobster like Franchetti is not going to be good for a child's mental health.
290* ObfuscatingDisability: While she does get genuinely catatonic because of Jackie's actions, she is healed thanks to the Madgalena, but spends a couple of time faking it.
291* RightHandCat: Appolonia is introduced carrying a cat of high breed that she raised since she was a kitten. [[KickTheDog Appolonia promptly kills it in front of Jackie to show she means business]].
293!!Capris Castiglione
296Jackie's twin sister.
298* ActionGirl
299* AxCrazy
300* BackForTheDead: Reappears in a later arc as a villain, and is promptly killed off.
301* TheDragon: The Darkness' dragon in the Outer Darkness arc.
302* EvilFeelsGood: How she feels about the Darkness.
303* [[spoiler:FaceHeelTurn]]: [[spoiler:Already beginning towards the first time she and Jackie met. It's completed by the time she next meets him, having become a psychopath in the service of the Darkness.]]
304* MsFanservice: Oddly, without being Stripperiffic.
305* PutOnABus: Disappears completely after volume 1.
306** TheBusCameBack: She returns in a later arc [[spoiler: now the Darkness' puppet.]]
309!!The Magdalena
312Descended from Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ, The Magdalena is an assassin born and bred to serve the Vatican in times of duress. [[ Later got her own series]].
314* ColdBloodedTorture: She and her sisters in arms are nailed to a cross and left in a church in an attempt to scare the Vatican off of hassling him. It apparently worked as the entire Vatican was PutOnABus afterwards.
315* CurbStompBattle: Her and the Sisters Revenant are set up as a decent threat for three issues, and get defeated in ''one page''. In her next appearance the new Magdalena goes up against Angelus and is once again thrashed.
316* EnemyMine: She teams up with Jackie against Angelus in her second arc.
317* EveryoneCallsHimBarkeep: "Magdalena" is actually her job title.
318* TheFundamentalist: Marielle is fanatically devoted to her faith due to being sheltered all her life and constantly spits off HolierThanThou dogma while fighting.
319* HolyHitman: The Vatican's finest.
320* LegacyCharacter: The Magdalenas in Volume I and II are not the same person.
321* MindRape: Has the supernatural power to make her victims feel the suffering of those they killed, in an attempt to do this. Unfortunately the people she tries this on are Jackie and Angelus, both of whom are far too sociopathic to care.
322* MsFanservice: Even by the standards of the series. Her original arc feels like an excuse for the artist to draw scantily-clad fantasy nuns getting restrained in various different ways, including on the cover art.
323* NonProtagonistResolver: Magdelena gets possessed by Angelus but proves to be TooSpicyForYogSothoth and drives her away. Angelus never appears again in the main series, so Magdelena actually wound up resolving that entire plot line.
324* SpinOff: Was kind of a bit character in ''The Darkness'' who was promptly PutOnABus, but she managed to get a couple limited series to herself and [[WhatCouldHaveBeen almost had a movie]].
325* {{Stripperiffic}}: Worth a mention since she's supposed to be a Catholic fundamentalist.
326* UncertainDoom: Marielle's last shown having been crucified with the Sisters Revenant. ''ComicBook/{{Angelus}}'' reveals she survived the ordeal, albeit having been put in a coma for several months.
329!! Sonatine
332* BaldOfEvil: Basically looks like Lex Luthor with a tattoo.
333* BigBad: Of the first volume of the comics.
334* [[spoiler:HeelFaceTurn: The last character in the world you'd expect for one.]]
335* FauxAffablyEvil: Sonatine is hilarious, in a truly sick sick way.
336* GoneHorriblyRight: Tries to put the Darkness in Ian Nottingham, ends up putting the Witchblade on him too.
337* GrandTheftMe: [[spoiler:Wenders.]] However, retconned away.
338* IneffectualSympatheticVillain: Deconstructed. Sonatine has nowhere near Jackie's level of power and often engages in quirky bizarre behavior, then he does something from behind the scenes that ruins people's lives.
339* MindRape: Sonatine's favorite form of humor.
340* PutOnABus: Disappears completely after the first volume.
342!! Nino Wenders
345* DepravedHomosexual: Not so much depraved as kind of pathetic.
346* FateWorseThanDeath: [[spoiler: has his soul bound to Sonatine's body, which has been buried.]]
347** {{Retcon}}ned away with his GrandTheftMe [[spoiler:by Sonatine]], which was itself retconned away.
348* GrandTheftMe: [[spoiler: Happens to him.]] Still, retconned away.
349* IncompatibleOrientation: How he sees his relationship with Jackie. To say Jackie wouldn't like Wenders even if he was gay is understating things.
351!!Angelus Warriors
354* ActionGirl: The female Angelus warriors.
355* CoolMask: Some of the Angelus Warriors wear a mask that covers part of their face.
356* LightEmUp
357* {{Mooks}}: They serve as the Angelus' mooks
358* MsFanservice: The female Angelus Warriors. Justified since they also double as concubines for their mistress when outside of battle.
359* {{Stripperific}}: Most of the Angelus warriors are show a lot of skin.
360* WalkingShirtlessScene: Some of the Male Angelus warriors.
365* ArtificialHuman: A woman of flesh and blood created Jackie using the Darkness power to be his companion.
366* BackFromTheDead: [[spoiler:Despite supposedly dying while giving birth to a pure darkness being, she is revealed to have recovered]].
367* CuteMonsterGirl / HumanoidAbomination: She is the same kind of being as the Darklings, i.e. the shadow beings summoned by Jackie, except she is human looking and more attractive.
368* DeathByChildbirth: [[spoiler:Elle becomes pregnant with Jackie's son, a being of pure, concentrated darkness, whose birth tears her apart. Subverted when its revealed she had survived]].
369* MsFanservice: Justified: Elle serves this role InUniverse because Jackie can't have sex with normal woman without risking impregnating them and himself dying, so he creates a courtesan for himself to curb his flesh desires.
370* PsychopathicManchild: Combine the fact Elle has a consistently childish mindset (an adult-looking ArtificialHuman won't necessarily act mature) and fact she is a humanoid being created out of primordial darkness with murderous impulses and you have this trope).
372!!The Foreigner/Aman The Witch-King
375An ancient wielder of the Darkness that was able to get rid of it through meditation and years of internal struggle.
377* ContractualImmortality: In-universe, the Darkness refuses to let him stay dead
378* DarkIsEvil: Played straight as the wielder of the Darkness. [[spoiler: He's changed after being separated from it and now wants the Darkness destroyed.]]
379* EvilOverlord: Once ruled all of Africa when he was the Darkness wielder.
380* LegacyCharacter: A former Darkness wielder.
381* NoSell: He can negate the Darkness.
382* StealthMentor: Spends more time mentoring Jackie of the full potential of his powers, than actually combating him whenever they meet.
383* TimeAbyss: Has lived for ten thousand of years.
385!!The Sovereign
388A once mighty Roman Emperor who was killed by a wielder of the Darkness alongside his family, The Sovereign is a human-turned-archdemon wishes to exact vengeance over the Darkness both for the fall of his kingdom and the deaths of himself and his family.
390* AManOfWealthAndTaste: He tries to enjoy the fancier things in life despite being an animate statue.
391* {{Archenemy}}: To Jackie
392* DevilsJobOffer: He made a deal with the authorities of Hell in order to obtain a privileged position as a keeper of damned souls and as a lord of a corner of Hell itself
393* {{Narcissist}}: His narcissism was such that he had multitudes of artists craft stone statues in his image. The Fates bound his soul after death to the many idols made in his image as a means of ironic punishment for his vanity.
394* TakenForGranite: He can manifest his soul through many specially carved statues of his himself. Most of them tend to be made of durable stone.
398[[folder: Game Only]]
399!! Brother Victor
402 [[caption-width-right:350:I want the Darkness!]]
403Voiced by Creator/WilliamSalyers
405* AdaptationDistillation: Victor is arguably a much more menacing foe than Sonatine due to the fact he doesn't stop his evil schemes to engage in oddball humor.
406* BigBad: Of ''The Darkness II''.
407* ContrastingSequelAntagonist: To Paulie from the first game. Paulie is a fat Mafia don, who commits needless cruel crimes for pretty much any reason, is cowardly, is pretty down to Earth in a MagicRealism game, his entire personality can be summed up in over the top anger at all times, and ultimately a ZeroEffortBoss. Victor is thin, the leader of a ReligionOfEvil, seeks and relies on magical artifacts with supernatural ambitions, only uses the mob and underworld as a front for his operations, is pragmatic (if only slightly) and alternates between calm and collected and downright vicious. Both however are still sadistic, and both start out their respective games sending their men on a suicide mission.
408* {{Expy}}: Of Sonatine.
409* EvilCripple: He's hunchbacked, wears braces on his legs, and walks with the aid of a cane.
410* EvilSorcerer: His knowledge of magical artefacts and supernatural powers put him squarely in this category; doubly so when [[spoiler: he manages to capture the Darkness.]]
411* FauxAffablyEvil: Brother Victor can swing from insulting to condescendingly polite at the drop of a hat, all the while insisting that he's doing what he does for Jackie's own good; under this exterior, Victor is as sadistic and monstrous as they come.
412* FinalBoss: [[spoiler:He's the final boss character Jackie fights before the endgame]].
413* FlashStep: His powers allow him to move in this manner, handily overcoming his disabilities in the process.
414* GoodScarsEvilScars: Victor is a deformed hunchback covered in scars.
415* HandicappedBadass: Having a leg brace does virtually nothing to stop him from being a competent fighter against Jackie. Could be due to airing Darkness powers.
416* LooksLikeOrlok: To be more specific, he's described as looking like "Nosferatu on crack" by a prostitute.
417* ObviouslyEvil: The hunchback man with a limp and scars on his face.
418* OmnicidalManiac: The implications of his speeches are that he intends to use the Darkness to bring about the end of the world.
419** Hilariously, it's implied by Johnny the Brotherhood's OmnicidalManiac tendancies come from the Darkness.
420* ReligionOfEvil: He and his brotherhood ''worships the Darkness.'' Enough said.
421* SmugSnake: As part of his FauxAffablyEvil demeanour.
422* VillainTeleportation: Aquires this power when he harasses the powers of the Darkness.
424!! Johnny Powell
428Voiced by David Hoffman
430* AdmiringTheAbomination: Johnny Powell can be surprisingly... aroused by many of the artifacts you bring him.
431* CrazyHomelessPeople: According to Vinnie, the "new guys" found him living under a bridge in a cardboard box. They didn't (seeing as finding him is a goal of the first mission of the "Vendettas" campaign), but he does say that he lives in such a situation.
432* CrazySane: Johnny comes off as a complete nut, ''and he is'' but he's arguably the most well-informed man on the planet regarding the supernatural.
433* CunningLinguist: Johnny is implied to speak multiple dead languages.
434* GoMadFromTheRevelation: Implied to be the reason for Johnny's insanity.
435* GibberingGenius: He is a scholar on occult matters. He can also barely keep speak in coherent sentences due to being a neurotic mess whose mind is tainted by exposure to said occult matters.
436* HumansAreMorons: Grumbles that this is pretty much the case while explaining "the Fool's Phylactery."
437* LargeHam: And how!
438* MrExposition: He knows everything there is to know about anything related to The Darkness and is the one to tell Jackie about the Brotherhood and the Angelus. He's also the one to narrate the backstories of the collectible relics.
439* NightmareFetishist: If he's not terrified out of his life by it, chances are that Johnny will be gushing over a lot of the Darkness relics that are brought to him. The multiplayer campaign features him being alternatively fascinated and horrified by the four character's weaponry, noting the history or the magical power behind it- and frequently asking ''why'' anyone would bother using it.
440* OnlySaneMan: As the only character in the entire game with adequate knowledge as to what might be going on, this is a given- even if he spends most of the game talking to himself. The Asylum levels take this even further, in which he's one of the few patients that can help Jackie escape.
441* TheSmartGuy: In the second game to Jackie's FiveManBand.
442* RedRightHand: Johnny's left eye.
445[[folder: Multiplayer Characters]]
446!! J.P. Dummond
450* BadassBookworm: Intelligent, well-spoken and effortlessly keeps pace with a MasterSwordsman, a [[BadassIsraeli trained Mossad agent]] and a drunken homicidal Scotsman.
451* BadassInANiceSuit: While missing a jacket, J.P. is the only one of the crew who wears somewhat formal clothes, consisting of trousers, a shirt and tie and dapper waistcoat.
452* CombatMedic: J.P. used to be a respected doctor before turning to Louisiana Voodoo to heal his patients. In combat, his innate talent is Heart Destroy Healer, allowing him to recover more health when he executes an enemy.
453* DeadlyDoctor: The reason J.P. is a playable character? He attempted to heal patients with Voodoo and it backfired, forcing him to join the Estacado family for protection.
454* MagicStaff: His Midnight Stick, which can levitate enemies or just destroy them outright if enough damage is dealt.
455* NiceGuy: Compared to his colleagues at least and provided you're on his good side. Whenever he talks to Vinnie or Johnny on the radio he is always polite and seems happy to have found a fellow scholar of the Darkness in Johnny.
456* HollywoodVoodoo: Some of his abilities seem to be channelling voodoo imagery. For bonus points, the achivement unlocked after completing a mission with him is called "Voodoo is more than dolls." He is also stated to have turned to a form of Louisiana Voodoo in an attempt to help his patients.
457* WitchDoctor
459!! Inugami
463* AnimalMotifs: Dogs. A lot of his combat chatter has him referring to himself as "The Hound". Taken to extreme however when he actually starts howling like one.
464** His name is based on a Dog {{Yokai}} of the same name that's said to grant its blessing and power to those who seek revenge.
465* TheAtoner: Part of a bloodline of one. His sword [[CoolSword Kusanagi]] was once used in the slaughter of one thousand innocent souls and as such each new bearer of the sword is cursed to feed it one thousand wicked souls to redeem it. The big catch however, is that for each day Kusanagi goes with out feeding, the bearer loses one year of their life.
466* AxeCrazy: A combination of his desire for revenge against the Brotherhood, along with his desire to feed Kusanagi's bloodlust has made him the most unhinged of the multiplayer characters.
467* TheBerserker: His skill set enforces this by giving him short invincibility bursts when Inugami performs melee executions as well as damage reduction when sprinting.
468* NeverBringAKnifeToAGunFight: Some enemies mock him for his sword. [[CurbStompBattle He swiftly proves them wrong.]]
469-->'''Mook:''' What you're gonna do with that? [[TemptingFate Slice me open?!]]
470-->'''Mook:''' Hey numbnuts! People use guns nowadays!
471* {{Ninja}}: [[{{Cloudcuckoolander}} Dolfo]] thinks so at least.
472* SwordAndGun: He uses his sword in tandem with a firearm on his right hand.
473* YouKilledMyFather: And his mother and his two year old little brother while he was ForcedToWatch. As a result he hates the Brotherhood with a passion.
479* BadassIsraeli: She's a former MOSSAD agent, it goes without saying.
480* ChargedAttack: Her Arm of the Night can be charged up to deal extra damage.
481* ConsummateProfessional: By far the most efficient and disciplined of the multiplayer characteres. Hilariously she is so disciplined that she exasperates the more relaxed Mafia MissionControl with Vinnie repeatedly telling her to [[DontCallMeSir stop calling him sir.]] It doesn't take.
482* GlassCannon: With sufficient upgrades to her Gun Channeling power, she has perhaps the best room-clearing capabilities of the multiplayer characters but has very few abilities that increase her survivability compared to other characters.
483* GunsAkimbo: Her specialty, particularly since she's the only character who uses a gun for her unique weapon and thus the only character who can do this.
484* GunKata: Has an ability called exactly this.
485* SawedOffShotgun: Her Arm of the Night.
486* TheUnfettered: Shows shades of this, especially points 3, 4 and 5 on the list.
488!! Jimmy Wilson
492* TheAlcoholic: According to his character bio, Jimmy is perpetually drunk. His picture during conversations is just him taking a drink from a flask.
493* AxeCrazy: Shows shades of this. Still nowhere as bad as Inugami though.
494* TheBigGuy: He's the biggest and most brutish of the multiplayer character, complete with a passive damage resistance bonus.
495* BloodKnight: He loves a good fight.
496* BoomerangComeback: Any enemies hit when he recalls his axe after throwing it will be knocked towards him.
497* TheMinionMaster: His unique power is to summon Darklings that run at enemies and explode.
498* SummonToHand: He can summon his axe back to his hand after throwing it.
499* {{Troll}}: When Johnny asks when he got his Dark Axe Jimmy claims that he received it from the Lady of the Lake in a dream. In truth he apparently found it in the woods and liked the balance
500* ViolentGlaswegian : His character in a nutshell.
