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Context Characters / Subnormality

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1Subnormality begun as a series of one-shots that developed into a large EnsembleCast who often aren't named for many strips. Below is an incomplete list of some of the more noticeable repeating cast members.
3!!The Sphynx (sic)
5The strip's mascot. She's over 3000 years old (with the face of a woman a hundredth her age) but still doesn't completely understand humanity. She's friends with Pink Haired Girl.
7* AffablyEvil: Despite being a human-eating monster, she tries to follow the rules of society and work within it at times, and she certainly understands it a lot better than other monsters.
8* BlueAndOrangeMorality: She tries to be a good citizen, but her primary concern is her appetite, which she appeases by [[ToServeMan eating people]]. She at least doesn't eat kids, but [[PragmaticVillainy only because they don't fill her up]].
9* EvenEvilHasStandards: She was ''disgusted'' to find out Oedipus' mother married her own son.
10* HistoricalInJoke: [[spoiler:She is Art/TheMonaLisa.]]
11* MyNaymeIs: Probably unintentional, but "Sphinx" is properly spelled with an i. Or having something to do with her age and the sheer number of languages she has dealt with. She likely is not using an English pronunciation either.
12* PragmaticVillainy: She avoids eating children... because they are too small for her to consider them a proper meal.
13* ToServeMan: Taken surprisingly frequently in stride by witnesses.
15!!Pink Haired Girl
17A slightly depressed ordinary Jane who drifted from job to job before settling on being an airline stewardess due to a single moment of coincidence. Friends with The Sphynx, as well as Ethel. She spends a lot of time observing and commenting on life around her and has a notably unsuccessful dating life.
19* ExtremeDoormat: Early on, this was one of her defining traits. [[CharacterDevelopment She eventually learns to say no.]]
20* NiceGirl: Always thinking of others when talking to them and quite willing to help.
21* NoNameGiven: And that's the way Rowntree is keeping it. Though according to Ethel, she has a "[[ ridiculous Old Woman Name]]".
22* SexyStewardess: Pretty enough to make it onto the advertisements the airflight company makes.
23* VerbalTic: Tends to add a "hey?" to the end of her sentences at times.
27A super-curvy, smoking hot brunette with a thing for skimpy clothing and an interest in museums, bookstores, and a good number of stereotypical guy traits. She tends to be oblivious to her effect on men and evidently has a wildly overactive imagination.
29* AllWomenAreLustful: Well, she's certainly a porn lover.
30* {{Cloudcuckoolander}}: Has no idea what effect she has on men.
31* MsFanservice: To lethal effect.
32* NoNameGiven: Generally referred to as [[ Justine]] from the title of [[ this strip;]] the title is a Music/TheSmashingPumpkins reference, but Rowntree has not discouraged the use of the name by fans.
33** The name has been confirmed in [[ this comic]].
34* SoBeautifulItsACurse: Bad things happen to men when they see how absurdly hot she is. It makes it hard for her to find company.
35* {{Tomboy}}: Really loves things involving wars, from vehicles to alternate timeline wars.
36* WrenchWench: Runs her own lawncare company and works in the field with the rest of the workers.
38!!Ethel Blackmore
40A frustrated horror writer and, eventually, Pink Haired Girl's second best friend after the Sphynx.
42* ApologisesALot: Apologizes a lot to the people she cares about.
43* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: She's been deeply steeped in cynicism, self-loathing, and uncertainty about the future, and can let slip some harsh stuff without forethought. But [[ deep inside her lies a capacity for unconditional love]]. She herself finds this incongruous with the rest of her.
44* StrawFeminist: Occasionally gives off these vibes, mostly due to her cynical outlook. Does not become flanderized as one though.
46!!Zoe Muggs
48A down-on-her-luck homeless girl. Seems to possess a kind heart and occasionally offers bits of wisdom to the few who would engage her in conversation.
50* HomelessHero: A non-romanticized example. Despite her large heart, it wears down on her both physically and mentally. She's aware that she won't survive for that long.
51* NiceGirl: Displays a lot of empathy for people a lot better off than her.
52* SpeechImpediment/ VerbalTic: Has a tendency to stutter/repeat short words/phrases at the beginning of a sentence. [[spoiler:Her better-off counterpart from the alternate continuity where Ethel is a published nonfiction author seems to have it in control usually, but reverts to it in moments of very intense emotion.]]
54!!General Pete
56The frontman of the novelty rap metal band The Generals.
58* DoingItForTheArt: InUniverse. Barely makes any money, but keeps on playing even if [[ there's only 4 people who came out to watch]].
59* DumpsterDive: States that he occasionally salvages edibles this way.
60* NiceGuy: Looks out for Zoe by inviting her to all of his shows so that she can spend some time indoors away from exposure to the elements.
61* StarvingArtist: Lives in his van and is finally forced to take up a day job to help deal with bills.
