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3[[folder:Earth Federation]]
5!!Seabook Arno
6!!!Voice Actors: Creator/KoujiTsujitani (Japanese), [[Creator/SteveStaley Steve Cannon]] (English)
9The film's protagonist, Seabook Arno is the son of mobile suit and weapons designers Leslie and Monica Arno. Unaware of the full extent of his parents' work, Seabook ends up FallingIntoTheCockpit of their SuperPrototype, the Gundam F91 when the Crossbone Vanguard launches an attack on his home colony.
11* AcePilot: Reaches this status by his second battle.
12* BattleCouple: With Cecily at the end.
13* TheEveryman: In a sharp contrast to previous protagonists, and his own parents, Seabook doesn't really have any distinguishing characteristics prior to his fateful run in with the titular mobile suit.
14* {{Expy}}: Of both [[Anime/MobileSuitGundam Amuro]] and [[Anime/MobileSuitGundamZZ Judau]], taking control of a Gundam designed by a parent like the former, but having to take care of his little sister like the latter.
15* FallingIntoTheCockpit: Downplayed. Seabook discovers the F91 by accident, but volunteers to fly it, since his mother was the one who designed it in the first place.
16* LightningBruiser: The F91, as is typical for the protagonist mobile suits. It's faster, harder hitting, and better armoured than anything the Federation or Cosmo Babylonia has at their disposal.
17* NiceGuy: Seabook is a fairly pleasant, average kid prior to the events of the film.
18* OfficialCouple: With Cecily, who was his girlfriend before the film began.
19* TookALevelInBadass: Takes a massive one over the course of the film going from an average student to a battletested veteran pilot.
21!!Cecily Fairchild/Berah Ronah
22!!!Voice Actors: Creator/YumiTouma (Japanese), Creator/MichelleRuff (English)
25Seabook's girlfriend, Cecily Fairchild is the daughter of Carozzo Ronah and the granddaughter of Metzer Ronah, both of whom want her to act as the figurehead for Cosmo Babylonia's conquest of the Earth Sphere. Kidnapped and forced into the role, Cecily keeps her own council, and eventually turns against them.
27* AristocratsAreEvil: The only member of her family to avert this.
28* BattleCouple: With Seabook at the end.
29* BlueBlood
30* EvilRedhead: Ultimately averted.
31* ExtremeDoormat: Early on, when she just does whatever Meitzer, her father, or any other authority figure tells her to.
32* FauxActionGirl: Is so thoroughly clobbered by Carozzo one wonders what she was even doing at the battle.
33* GrewASpine: Towards the end of the film she starts to make her own decisions and turns on her father.
34* [[spoiler:{{Patricide}}: Helps Seabook kill her father]]
36!!Leahlee Edaberry
37!!!Voice Actors: Mari Yokoo (Japanese), Jane Alan (English)
39A junior Federation Forces officer, who becomes acting captain of the training ship Space Ark once all of the vessel's senior officers leave to fight the Crossbone Vanguard. Her main role in the film is to get the refugees of Frontier I colony to safety before they get embroiled in the war, even if it meant going against the wishes of [[TheNeidermeyer Cosmo Eigesse]].
41* {{Expy}}: A junior officer who was [[YouAreInCommandNow the only senior officer]] left in charge of the ship and eventually having to bear the burden to command the ship along with its crews and refugees, which sounds similar to [[Anime/MobileSuitGundam Bright Noah]].
42* FieryRedHead: Complete with a hair clip to boot.
43* YouAreInCommandNow: With the exception to Cosmo Eigesse, she is commanding the training ship as its previous officers went into fighting against Cosmo Babylonia.
45!!Cosmo Eigesse
46!!!Voice Actors: Takeshi Watanabe (Japanese), John Smallberries (English)
48A former colonel in the Earth Federation Forces, who becomes the leader of the civilian resistance movement after the Crossbone Vanguard attack the Frontier Side. His intention to turn Space Ark into resistance HQ made him an anomisity with the refugees and Leahlee.
50* ButtMonkey: Situations blowing up in his face and Cosmo falling into some kind of slapstick comedy routine are common.
51* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass: He may not be a pleasant fellow but he is actually a capable fighter and a tactician. Even managing to down a mobile suit with the resistance cell through fuel barrels and [[SnipingTheCockpit shooting the evacuating pilot with small arms]].
52* JerkAss[=/=]JerkWithAHeartOfGold
53* LaResistance: Leader of one on Frontier Colony.
54* TheNeidermeyer: His wish to draft the refugees and use a training ship as an asset caused frictions with Leahlee and the refugee.
56!!Birgit Pirjo
57!!!Voice Actors: Yoku Shioya (Japanese), David Umansky (English)
59A Federation Forces pilot onboard the Space Ark.
61* CantCatchUp: A recurring problem with him throughout the movie. Birgit deploys first in a Jegan and then in a Heavygun and while he has a better performance than the other Fed grunts, he's still badly outclassed by the Crossbone Vanguard suits. [[spoiler:His fight against the bugs highlights this, he manages to destroy a bunch before being overwhelmed and killed whilst Seabook and the more powerful F91 fight their way through successfully]].
62* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Birgit is frequently frustrated with the people around him and prone to lashing out but he's a reliable ally when the shooting starts.
65[[folder:Crossbone Vanguard/Cosmo Babylonia]]
67!!Meitzer Ronah
68!!!Voice Actors: Teppei Takasugi (Japanese), Simon Isaacson (English)
71The leader of the aristocratic Cosmo Babylonia, Meitzer is Cecily's grandfather and Carozzo's father-in-law, and the man who is most to blame for the outbreak of conflict between the EF and the Vanguard. Believing the world is going to run itself into the ground, he aims to save it by imposing his own rule on the Earth Sphere.
73* AffablyEvil: Meitzer seems like an okay guy, plans to TakeOverTheWorld aside.
74* AllThereInTheManual: The Japanese-only F91 novelization reveals his past as a SelfMadeMan who started out a humble junk dealer and after a few decades of plugging away was rich enough to buy his only colony and follow Degwin Zabi before him into pretensions of royalty and eugenic supremacy.
75* AristocratsAreEvil: Affable though he may be, he's the one who ordered Karozo to come up with a way to kill 9/10ths of humanity, a feat of evil that not even Gihren Zabi ever went so far as to aspire to.
76* BigBad: He's the one in charge, though Carozzo takes up all the screen time.
77* EvilCounterpart: To none other than ZZ Gundam's Judau Ashta, though you have to go to AllThereInTheManual to even get a glimpse at it.
78* EvilOldFolks: Sixty-nine at the time of the film.
79* {{Expy}}: As the elderly, villainous patriarch of a large aristocratic family who leaves all the fighting to his descendents it's not hard to see him as an expy of [[Anime/MobileSuitGundam Degwin Zabi]].
80** In fact, Simon Issacson later on voices Degwin in the English dub of the 0079 movies.
81* IHaveNoDaughter: He expressed nothing but cold contempt for his daughter Nadia when they meet again, telling her that no woman who puts her emotions over her duties as a member of the Ronah family is any daughter of his.
82* KarmaHoudini: Unlike Degwin, he never faces any consequences at all for his actions.
83* KnightTemplar: While his actions paint him as a WellIntentionedExtremist (wanting to fight against the corrupt decadent Earth government and give the people a better ruler) his ideology is that of a knight templar. Meitzer does not believe in human equality; instead he feels that it is the duty of the elites to rule humanity and the duty of the commoners to be led by their betters.
84* TheManBehindTheMan: If you ever get taken in by Meitzer's charisma, just remember that he's the mastermind behind the creation of Iron Mask and fully supports the latter's insane genocide plans.
85* NonActionBigBad: Meitzer isn't really up to much fighting, leaving that to the likes of Carozzo, Dorel, and Zabine Chereaux.
86* ThePatriarch: Of the Ronah family.
87* TheProudElite: In the proud tradition of previous ''Gundam'' antagonists before him, most notably Char Aznable and Paptimus Scirocco.
88* ReplacementGoldfish: He tries to transform his granddaughter Cecily a.k.a. Berah Ronah into the loyal Ronah loyalist he always wanted Nadia to be.
89* TheStoic: His scene with Nadia makes it clear that he looks down on the emotional and prides himself on his supposedly cool head, another trait he swipes wholesale from a previous ''Gundam'' antagonist.
90* TakeOverTheWorld: His end game.
91* WellIntentionedExtremist: Claims to be trying to save humanity from itself.
93!!Carozzo "Iron Mask" Ronah
94!!!Voice Actors: Masaki Maeda (Japanese), Tom Wyner (English)
97The son-in-law of Meitzer Ronah, Carozzo is the field leader of the Crossbone Vanguard, and a massively augmented Cyber-Newtype as well. Incapable of removing his mask, Carozzo is able to directly interface with machinery at the cost of his interpersonal skills and his basic humanity, with his wife, daughter, and father-in-law all distrusting and fearing him. He pilots the ''Rafflesia'' mobile armour.
99* AllYourPowersCombined: He's got Gihren Zabi's knack for delivering the RousingSpeech, has PsychicPowers on par with those of Paptimus Scirocco, uses AttackDrones like Haman Kahn, and takes advantage of MaskPower like Char Aznable. If all that wasn't enough, his Rafflesia is a HumongousMecha with DeflectorShields, just like Anavel Gato's Neue Ziel. Him and his Mobile Armor are effectively an amalgamation of the UC universe's most dangerous pilots and weapons.
100* ArchnemesisDad: To his daughter, Cecily, whom he eventually tries to kill.
101* AristocratsAreEvil: Played with in that he's not truly of noble blood, having married into the Ronah family, yet is by far the most evil of them.
102* AttackDrones: The Bugs, DeadlyDisc weapons he's had produced en masse to aid him in his genocide plans.
103* AxCrazy: Between his inferiority complex, seething misogyny, utter lack of regard for the lives of anyone his family deems unworthy of life, he's one of the craziest villains in a ''Gundam'' series. Seriously, the dude makes the likes of [[Anime/MobileSuitZetaGundam Paptimus Scirocco]] and [[Anime/MobileSuitGundamCharsCounterattack Char Aznable]] look like pillars of morality and mental health in comparison.
104* BatmanCanBreatheInSpace: Suffers no ill effects when he emerges from the ''Rafflesia'' into hard vacuum. It could be that his mask contains an air supply, or that his Cyber-Newtype modifications included some sort of alternative form of respiration, but since neither is specified, this trope is still very much in effect.
105* BeamSpam: With the heavily armed ''Rafflesia''.
106* BewareTheSuperman: Probably the single strongest Newtype in the Universal Century, and definitely the strongest Cyber-Newtype. Also ''definitely'' the most inhuman and monstrous of either Newtypes or Cyber-Newtypes.
107* CharClone: While he takes after Darth Vader in many ways (especially in looks), he still plays the role of the Char character in the film, with his personal connection to a cast member, CoolMask, and red mobile armor. In particular his genocide plans and aristocratic disdain cast him firmly as an eviler version of the BigBad Char from ''Char's Counterattack''.
108* ColdHam: He delivers bombastic lines in a low and eerily mechanical voice.
109* CombatTentacles: His personal mobile armor, the ''Rafflesia'', features these with [[ChainsawGood chainsaw tip]]. While not as powerful as other weapons, it makes up for it with an overwhelming quantity of them.
110* CoolHelmet[=/=]CoolMask: An elaborate steel mask that completely conceals his head.
111* CyberneticsEatYourSoul: Whatever human qualities Carozzo once had, he's lost them since becoming a Cyber-Newtype.
112* {{Cyborg}}: His feats of strength and surviving the vacuum of space make it clear he wasn't just mentally enhanced.
113* DependingOnTheArtist: While he has grayish purple hair like his son Dorel in a short flashback to before he became a cyborg, as well as a brief cameo in ''Anime/GundamBuildFighters'', a family photo in a different scene depicts him with blond hair, as well as a much thinner mustache.
114* DragonInChief: Meitzer is the actual BigBad of the film, but Iron Mask is the true threat to the main cast, and the movie ends with his defeat.
115* TheDreaded: Within the Crossbone Vanguard.
116* DudeWheresMyRespect: One of the things that drives him up the wall is how neither his wife nor his daughter respect him. The fact that they rightly ''fear him'' for casting aside his humanity never occurs to him.
117* EvilIsPetty: He plans to slaughter hundreds of thousands because his wife left him for another man.
118* EvilLaugh: He gives off a few during his battle with Seabook and Cecily.
119* InferioritySuperiorityComplex: It's hammered in that his lingering issues of inferiority over being cuckolded by Theo and abandoned by his wife are what drove him to become a Cyber-Newtype and embrace Meitzer's genocide plans.
120* TheHeavy: He's the one who drives the plot of the film.
121* ImmuneToBullets: A sniper's attempt to assassinate him fails when the shot bounces off his mask, and later in the film Cecily tries shooting him repeatedly at close range, to no better effect.
122* InsaneAdmiral: He's effectively the field leader of the Crossbone Vanguard's military forces but his goal isn't so much conquest as wholesale slaughter. He's effectively what Gihren would have been if the latter had cared more about killing Earthnoids than about conquering Earth.
123* KnightTemplar: A particularly brutal one, who intends to reduce the population of Earth and the colonies by ninety percent so that the human race as a whole can survive on dwindling resources.
124* LackOfEmpathy: Deliberately abandoned his empathy so that he could do what he thinks he has to do to bring about Meitzer's goals.
125* LargeAndInCharge: Iron Mask's actual height is never stated, but he's clearly a large man, towering over most of the other characters he encounters.
126* MightyGlacier: The ''Rafflesia'' when compared to mobile suits like the F91.
127* MonstrosityEqualsWeakness: For all his powers and abilities that he sacrificed his humanity for, he also goes out more quickly than just about any other Gundam antagonist before him.
128* NephariousPharaoh: Invoked by the lower part of his mask, which resembles an Egyptian-style beard.
129* TheProudElite: Subverted, actually. He might be the enforcer of the Ronah family, but he isn't actually one of them, and he knows it, and ''it completely consumes him every minute of every day''.
130* PsychicPowers: On a level above and beyond even the strongest of Newtypes, despite merely being a Cyber-Newtype himself. His abilities include:
131** MindRape: Whatever he did to his wife's lover Theo, which was either this or PsychicAssistedSuicide. Either way, Theo was stone cold dead without Karozo laying so much as a finger on him.
132** PeoplePuppets: He was able to paralyze Cecily after physically grabbing her.
133** {{Technopath}}: Can directly connect to and control his personal mobile armor.
134* SanityHasAdvantages: The insanity and megalomania that drives him to go off on his own to play out the psychodrama between himself and his daughter ends up getting him killed.
135* SuperStrength: Able to tear open the cockpit of Cecily's mobile suit using only his hands.
137!!Dorel Ronah
138!!!Voice Actors: Creator/TakeshiKusao (Japanese), [[Creator/DaveWittenberg David Lelyveld]] (English)
141Carozzo's son and Cecily's half-brother, Dorel Ronah was adopted into the larger family by Meitzer when Carozzo married Cecily's mother. Arrogant and determined to prove himself, Dorel acts as one of Meitzer and Carozzo's mobile suit pilots, spearheading the initial attack on the colonies. He has a rivalry with Zabine Chereaux.
143* AcePilot: He might take a lot of his character cues from Garma Zabi of the original MSG, but there's no question which of the two is the better pilot.
144* AristocratsAreEvil: Though significantly less so than his father and adoptive grandfather.
145* BadassNormal: Unlike his father, he hasn't had any cyber enhancements, nor is he a natural Newtype.
146* {{Expy}}: Purple-haired, arrogant, determined to prove himself and related to a Degwin clone. Is that you, Garma?
147* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: Played with -- he's a Ronah combat pilot, but he's not actually part of the family by blood. His skills as a pilot and courage under fire are largely why he's acquired the standing that he has with them.
148* TheRival: Sees Zabine Chereaux as his. This never goes anywhere, at least not to any degree that's been explored yet.
149* WhatHappenedToTheMouse: Does not appear in ''[[Manga/MobileSuitCrossboneGundam Crossbone Gundam]]'', nor is he mentioned.[[note]]When Hasegawa, ''Crossbone'''s artist, asked Tomino what became of Dorel, Tomino told him to just "forget about it".[[/note]]
