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3[[folder:Mercy Thompson]]
4!Mercedes "Mercy" Thompson [[spoiler:Hauptman]]
5The protagonist and narrator of the main series. Mercy is a walker - a Native American shapeshifter. She can turn into a coyote at will, and has a few other abilities, such as enhanced senses even in human form.
6* ActionGirl
7* ADegreeInUseless: DoubleSubversion. She has a degree in history...which she doesn't make money with. However, when you hang out with as many long-lived beings as Mercy does, a degree in history is necessary just to keep up.
8* AllGirlsWantBadBoys: Played with. Mercy isn't particularly attracted to dangerous men, but she finds it adds to Adam's appeal.
9* {{Animorphism}}: She can transform into a coyote.
10* BadLiar: But a decent rules lawyer, thanks to growing up around a bunch of werewolves who can smell lies.
11* BerserkButton: Doesn't really have one, but she ''is'' one for a bunch of people - Adam, Samuel, Bran, Zee, and Stefan. Hurt her, and you will soon meet a messy and painful death.
12* BewareTheNiceOnes: The number of people who have underestimated Mercy and lived to tell the tale is a very, very short list.
13* CarFu: Took out an attacking werewolf by tricking them into chasing her across a road... right in front of an oncoming bus.
14* CombatPragmatist: When you fight above your weight class as often as she does…
15* CompanionCube: Acquires a fae-crafted walking stick that follows her around like a puppy and shows up at opportune times. [[spoiler: It was actually made by Lugh himself. In ''River Marked'' Mercy turns it into a spear to kill the [[EldritchAbomination River Devil]] with, which adds a very dangerous and bloodthirsty slant to its powers. She ends up giving it to Coyote, but it comes back to her after a while.]]
16* DeadpanSnarker: Especially to werewolves and people who give her orders.
17* DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu: Has a tendency to dramatically shorten the life expectancies of very powerful, very old monsters.
18* {{Determinator}}
19* DudeMagnet: Certainly has her share of male admirers.
20* FriendToAllChildren: Mercy really has a major soft spot for children. She befriended Jesse way before she became her stepmother, she gave a job to help a very lost Alan Frasier and she befriended a young deaf boy named Chad in Bone Crossed. You can always bet Mercy will always act when a child is involved.
21* GoodStepmother: Jesse ''loves'' Mercy since she was a combination of surrogate mother and big sister to her for years after Adam divorced Jesse's mom.
22* [[spoiler: HappilyMarried]]
23* HealingFactor: She has an extremely weak one. Unlike werewolves, who can bounce back from almost any injury in a matter of minutes or hours, Mercy heals at the same rate as a normal human. However, she heals completely, without accruing any permanent damage (otherwise the amount of times she's been smashed up would have left her crippled).
24* HalfHumanHybrid: [[spoiler: She is an offspring of [[TricksterGod Coyote]], and a human mother.]]
25* IndyPloy: Favors these, though she ''does'' know how to plan.
26* ISeeDeadPeople: One of her abilities is to see the spirits of dead people.
27* MoralityChain / MoralityPet: Mercy straddles the line between the two tropes, and it's said by at least one character to be the most dangerous trait she has. Anyone who attacks her will have to answer to Adam, Bran, Zee, Stefan, and [[spoiler: Coyote]]. Zee points out that it's not in the nature of fae, werewolves, or vampires to help other people but she inspires them to do so anyway. And that if someone ever actually succeeded in killing her, the vengeance that would be brought down on that individual would be literally apocalyptic.
28* MsFanservice: Mercy deserves a record for the number of times she has been naked. There have been many times she had to strip off her clothes, which is usually described in great detail, or spent time wearing only her underwear. Sometimes she will wear nice dresses, usually on dates with Adam. Mercy was even considered the pack’s eye candy by a television crew trying to film her and the pack in Silver Bourne, much to her own surprise. Mercy has also been a DudeMagnet as quite a few male characters have been either romantically or sexually attracted to her and she has been a subject to MaleGaze a few times. While she constantly denies that she's beautiful, it's implied the other characters think the opposite.
29* NeverHeardThatOneBefore: ''Mercedes'' the Volkswagen mechanic.
30* ObfuscatingStupidity: Occasionally plays this card on the villains, doesn't usually bother with people she knows and likes.
31* OddCouple: With Adam. She's the messy, carefree, rules-bending one.
32* OnceDoneNeverForgotten: Her take on the time she peanut-buttered Bran's pants as a teenager. Since the first thing any new werewolf she meets does is bring it up, she's going to be hearing it for a long time.
33* PalsWithJesus: [[spoiler: Coyote]] from Native American myth likes to drop in and see her on a regular basis. [[spoiler: Well, she is his daughter]].
34* {{Psychopomp}}: She can send spirits off to the afterlife and de-animate zombies by telling them to go. She's not very skilled at it because nobody's taught her how to use the power [[spoiler: but apparently it's the original reason for coyote shifters existing, because Coyote himself serves the role of ushering people to the afterlife]].
35* RaisedByWolves: Well. Werewolves, anyway.
36* RebelliousSpirit: Might be a side effect of being the daughter of [[spoiler: Coyote. And yes, we mean ''the'' [[TricksterGod Coyote]].]]
37* ReligiousBruiser: Mercy has taken self-defence classes and can hold her own in a fight, she also attends church every Sunday. [[spoiler: Though she has reservations about crucifixes due to it being how Jesus died.]]
38* RememberWhenYouBlewUpTheSun: As a kid, she tricked Bran into sitting in peanut butter as revenge when he made her stepmother cry. Bran is one of the largest supernatural heavyweights in the series, is considered TheDreaded by pretty much everyone, and actually has killed people for less. The story has spread far and wide and given her quite a rep in the supernatural community.
39* SecretLegacy: [[spoiler: Did we mention her [[RunningGag father is Coyote?]] ]]
40* ShamelessFanserviceGirl: As a shapeshifter who was raised by werewolves, Mercy has basically no nudity taboo. She still tries to avoid stripping in front of people outside the pack just because too many humans confuse casual nudity with casual sexuality.
41* SheCleansUpNicely: This is Mercy's assessment of her looks- if she puts effort into it, she can be pretty but most of the time she's working her job as a mechanic in greasy sweats with her hair pulled back and oil stains up to her elbows. Many of the people who know her think that she's selling herself short.
42%%* SingleWomanSeeksGoodMan
43* ThoseWilyCoyotes: Turns into a coyote, of course. And is quite wily, as many of her foes would tell you. If she didn't leave most of them dead.
44* UnreliableNarrator: Mercy's blind spots and biases are highlighted by both the sister series and the POV occasionally shifting to other characters in her own.
45* UselessSuperpowers: Not exactly, but her magic resistance never seems to kick in on the really dangerous stuff (she even calls it unreliable in-universe), and compared to the werewolves she lives around, shifting into a normal 30-lb. coyote isn't exactly jaw-dropping.
46** Her ability to "break the rules" is starting to become more relevant as of ''Frost Burned,'' when it lets her [[spoiler: prevent Adam's HeroicSacrifice by sucking the silver in him (and the pack) into herself via magic.]]
47** She has a better sense of smell and is able to move slightly faster (when necessary) than normal humans, however.
48* WalkingDisasterArea: Due to being the daughter of [[spoiler: [[OverUsedRunningGag Coyote]] ]], trouble on a ridiculous scale tends to follow her around. Due to who's daughter she is, she's astoundingly good at surviving by the skin of her teeth. Her enemies, not so much.
49%%* WillTheyOrWontThey: With Adam.
50* WrenchWench: Fixes cars for a living.
55[[folder:Adam Hauptman]]
56!Adam Hauptman
57Mercy's neighbor and Alpha of the Columbia Basin werewolf pack. There is romantic tension between the two over the first three books. [[spoiler: They become mated in ''Bone Crossed'', and married in ''River Marked''.]] He became a werewolf during the Vietnam War, and now runs a private security firm.
58* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Successfully defended his position while suffering from unhealed ''third-degree burns'' on his feet and hands.
59* BadassInANiceSuit: Frequently, because of his job.
60* BerserkButton: Has several, specifically Mercy and his daughter Jesse. Do ''not'' punch them.
61* CompellingVoice: Comes with being an Alpha.
62* ControlFreak: Comes part and parcel with being an Alpha werewolf.
63* DotingParent: He really does love his daughter more than life itself.
64* DeathOfPersonality: Subverted but came dangerously close to happening to Adam’s wolf in Smoke Bitten. With Adam’s [[spoiler: curse of becoming an ugly mangled monster, Mercy finds out that it’s slowly trying to replace his wolf and overtake it as Adam’s primary form.]] Thus, nearly erasing his wolf. More tragic was that his wolf was aware of this and was very terrified of fading away. Thankfully, it was prevented thanks to Mercy’s intervention and Adam’s wolf is safe as his primary form. As of Soul Taken, Adam safely transforms to his werewolf without worry [[spoiler: despite the cursed monster remaining present within him.]]
65* GoshDangItToHeck: Grew up in the 50's, and does not appreciate swearing (at least not in front of women). From him, profanity is ''always'' a PrecisionFStrike. Though Mercy finds out that he actually does swear regularly when he's not around her.
66* HairTriggerTemper: Notoriously, especially where his family or pack is concerned. It took half the pack to keep him from killing some kids who bullied Jesse.
67* [[spoiler: HappilyMarried]]
68* IJustWantToBeNormal: Has accepted his werewolf nature…but still considers himself a monster. Mercy disagrees.
69* ImprobableAge: In-universe. Adam is considered the fourth best fighter of all the werewolves in North America, after only Bran, Charles, and Asil (in that order) despite being only in his 60s. By comparison, Charles is well over 200 years old, Asil is somewhere around one thousand, and Bran was born before Christianity had spread to most of Europe.
70* KnightTemplarParent: Takes being a PapaWolf to extremes -- he was ready to hunt down and kill a number of kids who were bullying Jesse. He's working on it. Slowly. Very slowly.
71* ManipulativeBastard: Especially in early books. He's not above punching Mercy's buttons to get the reaction he wants.
72* MrFanservice: Mercy loves to remind the reader of his good looks and is a ChickMagnet. Adam is possibly in 2nd place behind Mercy to appear naked more than once. In fact, during the early books when he and Mercy were still in their BelligerentSexualTension phase, he liked running around in his back yard naked just to bug her. Adam also wears a lot of fancy suits thanks in large part to being a big company owner.
73* NayTheist: He believes in God… and absolutely hates him for some of the things he's been through.
74* NeatFreak: To the point where Mercy used to yank his chain by taking tires off the parts car in ''her'' backyard.
75* OddCouple: With Mercy. He's the control-freak, neat-freak member of the pair.
76* PapaWolf: ''Literally''.
77* SuperpoweredEvilSide: Adam has two.
78 ** In Iron Kissed, Adam transformed into a bipedal form of his werewolf. It’s implied that to get to that form, both the human and the wolf have to be absolutely united in one purpose and one emotion. In this case [[spoiler: it’s Adam enraged over Tim’s brutalization of Mercy.]] Thankfully, this form isn’t evil and Adam had complete control over this form but it’s a form you ''definitely'' don’t want to see.
79** Unfortunately, Adam [[spoiler: becomes cursed with a new monstrous form in Smoke Bitten courtesy of Elizaveta cursing him after he killed her. This form is the physical manifestation of Adam’s self hatred and how he views himself as a hideous monster. It leans into straight up BodyHorror as both the human and wolf features are present but appear mangled with no rhythm or grace. It also came dangerously close to out right erasing Adam’s Wolf from him. Unlike his werewolf or the aforementioned bipedal werewolf, Adam has little to no control over this shape and it will try to kill Mercy on sight.]] Thankfully, Adam managed to contain it with Mercy’s help and it no longer appears to dominate him or his wolf. But it is still present within him and he isn’t sure if it will ever truly fade away despite what both Mercy and Bran say.
80* UnstoppableRage: Did we mention that getting him angry is semi-suicidal?
81* [[LastGirlWins Last Guy Wins]] : He's the second guy for Mercy, Sam is the first.
85[[folder:Jesse Hauptman]]
86!Jessica "Jesse" Hauptman
87Adam's daughter and one of Mercy's best friends. Regularly seen with hair colors that shouldn't occur in real life thanks to her fondness for hair dye.
88* BadassAdorable: Let's just say she's got her father's backbone, to the point where she was willing to walk into a Faery Queen's home to help save her boyfriend.
89%%* DaddysGirl
90%%* LittleMissSnarker: Especially around Mercy.
91%%* PluckyGirl
92%%* ThePollyanna
93* SaveTheJerk: After her dad gets outed as a werewolf, she starts getting bullied at her school. She hides the identities of who's doing it from [[PapaWolf Adam]] because he absolutely would kill the if he knew. Mercy steps in to get the bullying stopped before that happens.
97[[folder:Dr. Samuel Cornick]]
98!Dr. Samuel Cornick
99The Marrok's son and the pack doctor. He and Mercy were once an item, when Mercy was a teenager. He's the other third of the love triangle between her and Adam, and becomes her roommate. He's also much older than he appears.
100* DeadlyDoctor: He prefers saving life to taking it. Doesn't mean he's not ''very'' good at taking it.
101* DrivenToSuicide: Not quite, thanks to Mercy and Adam. But way too close for comfort.
102* IHaveManyNames: Samuel Branson, Samuel Marrokson, Samuel Avenger, Samuel Whitewolf…
103* ManipulativeBastard: Unsurprising, given his age and parentage.
104* OlderThanTheyLook: He's nearly as old as his father…who is [[ReallySevenHundredYearsOld very old indeed,]] and therefore ''centuries'' older than his brother Charles. Despite the age gap, the brothers have a good relationship.
105* WalkTheEarth: Did this for a time, while pining for [[spoiler: Mercy.]]
106* WhoWantsToLiveForever: Suffers from this up until [[spoiler: he's reunited with his long-lost love Ariana in ''Silver Borne.'' They later become mated, and as of ''Fire Touched'' have gotten married.]]
110[[folder:Darryl Zao]]
111!Darryl Zao
112Adam's second, with a day job as a professor at the local college.
113* AmbiguouslyBrown: His parents are African-American and Chinese respectively. Mercy labels him as "exotic."
114* GeniusBruiser: Has a Ph.D in Chemistry, teaches at the local college, and is one of the people in the pack that nobody wants to piss off.
115%%* HappilyMarried
116* NotThatKindOfDoctor
117* RealMenCook: Breakfasts cooked by Darryl are considered a pack treat. He fresh-squeezes his own orange juice, and gets very testy if you say you don't like it.
120[[folder:Ben Shaw]]
121!Ben Shaw
122A refugee from a British pack, who left after being accused of a string of brutal rapes. Initially something of a creepy misogynist, he mellows out a little under Adam and Mercy's care and prodding. Also serves as the pack's tech expert.
123* CountryMatters: One of his favorite profanities, at first, until Adam makes him shut his mouth.
124%%* DeadpanSnarker
125* EvilBrit: Downplayed. He's a rough and sexist Englishman, but gets better over time.
126* HeManWomanHater: Is initially extremely hostile to Mercy, including sexist profanity. Over the course of the books, he's toned it way down, and become one of Mercy's friends...but she still wouldn't trust him alone with her sisters.
127* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Ben may be woman-hating, crude, and snarky...but he's thrown himself in front of bullets for Adam, and risked death and humiliation [[spoiler: to talk sense into Adam after Mercy's rape, by revealing his own history of being molested as a child.]] He's also run into fire—literally—to try and save Mercy.
128* RapeAsBackstory: Was accused of a series of rapes back in England that stopped when he left, but Adam vouches for the fact that he didn't do it. [[spoiler: Also, was molested by his father as a child while his mother did nothing to stop it, which contributes to his misogyny and crudity.]]
129* SirSwearsALot: In contrast to many werewolves (especially the older ones), who generally default to GoshDangItToHeck, Ben is ''incredibly'' foul-mouthed. Mercy eventually gets into the habit of mentally editing cusses out of his dialogue unless he says something particularly noteworthy or egregious.
133[[folder:Warren Smith]]
135Adam's third, one of Mercy's best friends, and former lone wolf until Adam took him under his wing and into his pack. One of the few gay werewolves alive, due to the nasty combination of prejudice with wolf instincts. Currently in a relationship with divorce lawyer Kyle.
136* BewareTheNiceOnes: He may very well be the nicest werewolf in the books outside of Anna. But don't mistake that for weakness...
137* ColdBloodedTorture Suffers this in ''Blood Bound,'' to the point where he looks more like meat than a person. He gets better.
138* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass: Likes to play up the "dumb cowboy" angle…and survived over a hundred years of violent discrimination through sheer toughness and badassery.
139* GayCowboy: Very literally.
140* HeterosexualLifePartners: With Adam, oddly enough.
141* KnightInShiningArmor: Mercy's first interaction with him is watching him help a battered wife escape from her husband…then using his werewolf nature to scare the ever-loving shit out of said abuser.
142* ManlyGay: Gay werewolf and according to Mercy as masculine as they come.
143%%* StraightGay: This too.
144%%* TeamDad
147[[folder:Stefan Uccello]]
148!Stefan Uccello
149Probably the most decent vampire around, and a friend of Mercy's. Has a van painted like Scooby Doo's Mystery Machine. A major character in Blood Bound and one of Mercy's only nearly normal friends.
150* AffectionateNickname: Mercy calls him "Shaggy" on occasion, referring to his Scooby-Doo obsession.
151* ColdBloodedTorture: Suffers this at the hands of his seethe's Mistress, in order to test his loyalty. And again in ''Smoke Bitten'' and ''Soul Taken'' [[spoiler: when the vampires try rather extreme methods to cure him when he's taken over by the smoke monster, and later when Bonarata executes his revenge.]] Poor dude.
152* CoolSword: Can conjure one apparently out of thin air.
153* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass: Played kind of dorky and unthreatening pretty well especially before his HeroicBSOD, keeping most of his powers under lid.
154* EarnYourTitle: He's known among the vampires as "The Soldier", for both his loyalty and military prowess.
155* TheFettered
156* FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire: Tries very hard to be this, complete with a van painted as the Mystery Machine from Scooby-Doo.
157* GratuitousItalian: Sometimes reverts to his native language when he's angry, upset or otherwise emotional.
158* HeroicBSOD: Has an extended one after his torture and exile at Marsilia's hands. Hasn't quite gotten over it.
159* HonorBeforeReason: Unfailingly loyal and tries his damnedest to hold onto his personal code of honor, even when it costs him dearly.
160* KnightInShiningArmor: Is implied to have been a particularly heroic and honorable Milanese ''[[PrivateMilitaryContractors condottiero]]'' when he lived. His armor may have soured and darkened but he clings to his honor as much as his vampire nature allows.
161* LongHairedPrettyBoy: The comic adaptation gives him a rather impressive waist-length mane while in text his hair is approximately shoulder-length.
162* OlderThanTheyLook: Looks about twenty, was born in Renaissance Italy.
163* RealMenWearPink: He's a vampire who's a fan of ''Franchise/ScoobyDoo'' and even tricks out his ride to look like the Mystery Machine.
164* ShipTease: While he's never been presented as a real contender for Mercy's affections, his feelings for her have been made rather clear and there is subtext and hints galore if one chooses to grab a hold of them.
165* TeleportationWithDrawbacks: His main vampiric power. He can also teleport other people with him, but it's [[CastFromStamina very taxing]] on him.
170A Vampire and Mistress of the Tri-Cities Seethe
172* ArchEnemy: She considers herself one to Mercy.
173* ClingyJealousGirl: In some way, she appears to this way to Stefan. She appears to be jealous anytime Stefan makes time for Mercy
174* EnemyMine: Anytime she works with Mercy when dealing with a threat bigger than them. Such as Corey Littleton and William Frost.
175* FireForgedFriends: Her relationship with Mercy is……odd. On one hand, she hates Mercy because of Stefan’s love for her and because Mercy burned Marsilia head with Mercy’s own sheep necklace. But on the other, she usually turns to Mercy for help when she needs. Not to mention, she lets Mercy fix up her car.
176* OlderThanTheyLook: It’s a given since she is a vampire. She has been described as looking like a beautiful college aged girl , but she was turned into a vampire during the Renaissance in Italy.
181Known as The Wizard and a member of Marsila’s seethe.
183* BeingTorturedMakesYouEvil: Being held captive and tortured by his maker, Bonarata, really messed up Wulfe psychologically.
184* CreepyChild: He may look like a 15-year-old boy, but he sure as heck doesn’t act like one.
185* ChronicBackstabbingDisorder: Wulfe has the tendency to switch sides at a whim.
186* DistractedByTheSexy: Wulfe is the only character who showed any reaction to Mercy stripping naked in front of him.
187* ForTheEvulz: Why does Wulfe do the things he does? Well, why not?
188* NightmareFetishist: He really seems to enjoy putting fear into people, especially Mercy. It’s stated he loves the sway of Mercy’s heartbeat when she is near him. He also enjoyed Mercy in pain while she sat in the ancient chair in Bone Crossed.
189* ThePeepingTom: He watched Mercy strip in front of him in Storm Cursed. Judging by his “Ni-ce” comment when she finished, it’s clear he enjoyed every second of it.
190* StalkerWithACrush: He enjoys following Mercy around to the point he claims it’s his new hobby.
191* UsedToBeASweetKid: According to Stefan and Marsilla, Wulfe wasn’t always the way he is. He only became the creepy vampire he is today thanks to Bonarata’s cruelty.
192* WhiteMage: White ''witch'' specifically, rather surprisingly.
196!Siebold "Zee" Adelbertsmiter [[spoiler: aka "The Dark Smith of Drontheim."]]
197Some sort of German fae who has metalworking magic [[spoiler:He's not actually German]]. Calls himself a gremlin, though he is much older than the term. Taught Mercy most of what she knows about cars, then sold her his shop. Comes in and runs it for her when she has other business.
198* AlmightyJanitor: He's one of the strongest fae alive. Even the Grey Lords tread carefully around him. And he works as an auto mechanic in a small shop.
199* TheAtoner: Implied. Something happened to make him stop being the kind of fae that older werewolves fear, and become the grouchy old man Mercy loves.
200* CoolOldGuy: Appears to be an older man when the glamour is on, is very, very old, and has a grown son…and is given a great deal of respect even by the Grey Lords of the fae.
201* CoolSword: Well, cool knife, really. It can change sizes and cut through pretty much anything, at the cost of growing hotter with each cut.
202** As of Frost Burned, it turns out he has a collection, many of which are quite nasty because he made them when he was in a terrible state of mind.
203* TheDreaded: Asil, who qualifies as one himself, is absolutely terrified of Zee. And that's not rare, many beings that are of similar age find Zee terrifying.
204* EarnYourTitle: He's done a lot of bad things in the past that led to him being known as "The Dark Smith of Drontheim."
205* TheFairFolk: He's some nature of fae. He cals himself a gremlin, but as Mercy points out he's far, far older than the term. The one time he actually dropped his glamour when she could see him, he appeared as a tall, powerful warrior of a fae type that Mercy couldn't identify.
206* {{Glamour}}: He normally adopts the form of a wrinkly, slightly hunched elderly human man with a German accent. [[GlamourFailure the one time he drops it]], his true form is shown to be a tall, powerful warrior with facial tattoos.
207* GratuitousGerman: Whenever he gets annoyed he tends to switch to German.
208* GripingAboutGremlins: He calls himself a gremlin most of the time, but Mercy points out that the idea of gremlins only dates back to World War 1 while he's many centuries old.
209* LoopholeAbuse: Is a master, as befitting a member of the fae. The way he calls himself a gremlin is an example: the fae were required to register what type of fae they are with the US government. But "gremlin" isn't a real type of fae so he was able to declare that he was one without revealing what he used to be known as.
210* MeaningfulName: Well, we're pretty sure he ''killed'' Saint Adelbert, so...
211%%* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast
212* RetiredMonster: His past is ''not'' nice. He's killed a lot of people in the past. Some of whom were quite powerful. Mercy isn't sure of all his accomplishments, but she believes that he's probably killed at least one god. He also apparently killed the children of a king who'd angered him and turned their eyes into jewels and crafted their skulls into drinking goblets and forced the king and his wife to drink from them. He doesn't regret doing these things, he just doesn't do stuff like that anymore because nobody's pissed him off that much lately.
213* ShroudedInMyth: Nobody's sure exactly what Zee's done…but it probably involved killing Saint Adelbert, and earning the title "The Dark Smith of Drontheim."
214* UltimateBlacksmith: Retired. At one point in his life, he forged many magical weapons of great power, including possibly Excalibur itself. That was a long time ago, but it's implied that he's still got all the skills should he ever have sufficient motivation again. He doesn't because he not longer has the dark state of mind that led to him forging such terrible weapons and he's trying to hide how much of his power he's retained.
218[[folder:Bran Cornick, aka the Marrok]]
219!Bran Cornick, aka the Marrok
220Leader of all the werewolves in North America. Mercy was raised in his pack. Believed to be slightly psychic. Is something of a father figure to Mercy, including scolding her when she does something stupid. [[spoiler:Has a seriously dangerous side to him called the [[SuperpoweredEvilSide Berserker]] that inspired the Grendel and many other monsters, which he is at pains to keep locked away at all times. It is revealed in Alpha & Omega that he was born a witch with the power of telepathy but after his mother, who controlled him for so long, was killed part of his power was taken away so he can only send messages not receive them.]]
221* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: All of the mighty werewolves in North America, he is both TheLeader and the mightiest.
222* TheBerserker
223* FalseInnocenceTrick: Loves to stuff all his power and dominance away, only to unleash it when he really needs it.
224* ImmortalImmaturity: Averted. While he may look like a twenty-year-old, and pretend to act like one when it suits him, no one would knowingly accuse him of being less than mature.
225* KingIncognito: Very few people outside his pack and his close friends actually know what Bran looks like, something he uses to great advantage on occasions when he wants to deal with something personally rather than have Charles take care of it.
226* LivingLegend: He was the basis for Grendel.
227* ManipulativeBastard: In spades. Often crosses over with TheChessmaster.
228* MysteriousPast: Largely. We do know that he knew the real King Arthur, and inspired the character of Grendel in ''Beowulf.''
229* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast
230* PapaWolf: As much so, if not more than Adam.
231* OlderThanTheyLook: Crossing over with ReallySevenHundredYearsOld. Bran looks like he's a college student. In reality, nobody knows how old he is, even his sons…but they know he's old enough to know King Arthur.
232* {{Omniglot}}: Bran speaks Welsh, Salish, and English. And given [[ReallySevenHundredYearsOld his age]] plus the fact that he's ''[[MysteriousPast Bran]],'' he almost definitely knows more languages.
233* OohMeAccentsSlipping: When he's feeling a particularly intense emotion, his accent tends to slip back to his native Welsh.
234* SleepingSingle: He and his wife Leah have a...difficult relationship and sleep in separate bedrooms, but they don't have a [[SexlessMarriage sexless marriage]].
235** Leah knows she can't measure up to Charles' mother, Bran's mate who was the love of his life, and is (rightfully) bitter about it, but is still a rather unpleasant person. Their situation is made more poignant by Bran's reason for choosing her as his mate - he needs the stabilization of a mate bond because of [[TheBerserker his past]] but is terrified to lose someone he loves again, so he chose someone who is shallow and unkind. [[spoiler: It's eventually revealed that despite his intentions he still has feelings for her, even if he tries not to show them. And ''Wild Sides'' reveals that he actually ''forced'' a mating bond onto Leah, breaking a cardinal rule of his. The self-loathing he feels over this violation combined with her lingering mental instability as a result of having her memories stolen contributes to much of their problems]].
236* UnstoppableRage: To the point where even fae lords are afraid of pissing him off.
239[[folder:Charles Cornick]]
240!Charles Cornick
241Sam's brother and Bran's younger son. Native American, born to a magical mother [[spoiler: and father]] and thus has inherited some of her abilities. He's the also the Marrok’s accountant, second-in-command, and preferred hitman.
242* BeneathTheMask: With the mask on, he's a stone-cold killer who answers to no one but the Marrok. Under it, he's a talented musician and loving husband who deeply regrets the lives he has to take for the good of the packs.
243* BloodKnight: Averted. He may be his father's killer, but it doesn't mean he enjoys fighting. In reality, Charles would love to settle down peacefully in Montana and not kill anyone.
244* CruelToBeKind: Runs into this frequently. He's the one that the Marrok sends to hunt down and kill disobedient or out-of-control wolves…in order to save the packs and the mortal world from the dangers of an unrestrained werewolf.
245* TheDragon: For the Marrok, he is the enforcer.
246* EmbarrassingNickname: Two, from his grandfather: "He Who Must Run Into Trees" and "Running Eagle." [[spoiler: A.K.A. "Too Dumb To Fly."]]
247* GeniusBruiser: When he's not out playing hit man, he's also his father's accountant and computer expert.
248* GoodIsNotNice: Have we mentioned that he's his father's enforcer? But the alternative is almost always much, much worse.
249* HappilyMarried: To Anna. He's a loving family man when he's off the clock.
250* HatesBeingTouched: Unless you're Anna. Then he can't get enough.
251* IAmWhatIAm: Eventually comes to terms with the fact that while he ''is'' a killer, he is also ''justice,'' and necessary for the wolf packs to function.
252* InsecureLoveInterest: Worries constantly about whether or not his job makes him an unsuitable mate for Anna.
253* LightningBruiser: Considered to be the fastest, toughest, and most skilled of all the wolves in combat, save maybe the Marrok. It comes from having a lot of experience.
254* LoveAtFirstSight: With Anna, sort of. His wolf chose her instantly, and it didn't take the man long to follow.
255* OlderThanTheyLook: While his father and brother are both [[ReallySevenHundredYearsOld very, very old]], he was born around 1813 and looks to be in his late twenties to early thirties (as with all werewolves).
256* ScarilyCompetentTracker: It's implied that it's impossible to evade Charles when he's on the hunt.
257* StrongFamilyResemblance: Subverted. While Samuel looks much Welsh like his father, Charles takes after his Native American mother.
258* TheStoic: Averted with Anna, who gets to see the much softer side under the hit-man mask. Played straight with everyone else; it's probably a bad idea for the Marrok's hatchet man to be anything else.
259* ZeroApprovalGambit: Is willing to be near-universally feared and hated by other wolves in order to make his job as his father's hatchet man easier.
263[[folder:Anna Cornick]]
264!Anna Latham Cornick
265Omega wolf who was set up to be turned by the local pack leader after his mate went AxCrazy and killed all his group's female werewolves, needed someone to calm them down. She was abused for three years in the pack and was told very little, until Charles stepped in. Their inner wolves hit it off and they mated, and Anna moved to Montana.
266* ApologisesALot: At first, due to her RapeAsDrama backstory and Omega nature. Slowly gets better over the course of the books.
267* BewareTheNiceOnes: Let's put it this way—just because she's a genuinely good person and an Omega to boot, doesn't mean that she's not dangerous. [[spoiler: Ask Nimue. Oh, wait, you can't. Anna stabbed her to death. Maybe ask the black witch Mariposa? Oops, nope, Anna snapped her neck.]]
268* CuteBruiser: Anna may be lithe and petite, but she's ''still a werewolf'', and is fully capable of ''ripping off a vampire's arm'' with no visible effort. It's given about as much consideration in the narration as someone brushing hair out of their face.
269* CompellingVoice: Borrowed from Charles. Also, a variation where she can use her own Omega influence to calm down werewolves in a blood rage, often by singing. [[spoiler:Though it doesn't always work properly if the werewolf in question [[AxCrazy craves violence]] enough to become angry when Anna tries to calm them]].
270* HeartIsAnAwesomePower: Omegas are peacemakers, which sounds ridiculous in a werewolf…until you realize that she increases life expectancies just by being around, can calm full-on berserker rages, and ''doesn't have to obey orders.''
271* HappilyMarried: To Charles. They are often physically affectionate.
272* TheHeart: This is her job as Omega; keep everyone calm so they don't kill each other. Given how much werewolves ''do'' kill each other, this is vitally important. Especially with the Marrok's pack, as it includes a large number of werewolves too mentally unstable to go anywhere else, but still shy of needing to be put down. Before Anna, even with Bran's hard work to preserve every wolf, there was still those who had to die, but not since her arrival; which incidentally also increases the number of especially dangerous werewolves available to the Marrok.
273* KillerRabbit: Oh yes. Cute, gentle Anna… who is still very much a werewolf.
274* MistakenForBadass: There is a conspiracy within the FBI working to form an alliance between their government and the werewolves to lessen the chance of supernatural war, or at least ensure such a war did not end in a zero-sum game. Due to the interactions of certain agents with Anna, and seeing how other werewolves differ to her, they came to the conclusion she was secretly the Marrok, and everything they had on her pre-werewolf life was a fabrication.
275* MoralityChain: Comes with being an Omega to a degree, but she definitely is one for Charles, Bran, and Asil.
276* SilkHidingSteel: On the surface, she's a slightly-underfed, sweet-natured girl completely overshadowed by her extremely intimidating husband. Dig a little deeper, and you find someone who [[spoiler: put a knife between the ribs of the Lady of the Lake]] and regularly stands up to the Marrok at his angriest.
277* WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway: Anna's Omega influence is helpful for calming angry werewolves, but unfortunately [[spoiler:if ''she'' is the one upset, it has the exact opposite effect, and every dominant in the room starts looking for which one they have to kill in order to protect her]]. It also ''only'' works on werewolves, and she has no dominant influence of her own to impose her will with, unless she borrows some from Charles.
282!Asil, A.K.A "The Moor"
283An extremely old and dominant wolf living in Bran's pack. Originally wanted there because he wanted Bran to kill him for being old and crazy, and stayed around after the events of ''Cry Wolf'' because he likes yanking Charles' chain. Sometimes serves as a mentor to Charles, as his (deceased) mate was also an Omega.
284* TheAtoner: Feels a great deal of guilt for having been traveling when his mate was killed.
285* CynicalMentor: To Charles and Anna, sometimes, combined with TricksterMentor.
286* DeathSeeker: Originally. Anna helps him get better, by [[spoiler: killing the witch who killed and enslaved his mate.]]
287* TheDreaded: Bran and Charles are the only two werewolves whose names inspire more fear than his. Even Jean Chastel, the Beast of Gévaudan, knew better than to mess with him.
288* HeroOfAnotherStory: More like sidekick of another story. When we see him from Anna's perspective, he's something of a mentor, and one of her few guides to being Omega. When we see him from Mercy's perspective in Frost Burned, he's a nearly-crazy, ancient, legendary werewolf who creeps her out more than a bit.
289* IKissYourHand: Does it to Anna, to yank Charles' chain. Gets much, much more than he bargained for.
290* ImmortalImmaturity: Subverted. He acts like a crazy brat at first, but it's just a ploy to get Bran to kill him.
291* LivingLegend: Let's put it this way: When Anna tells other werewolves that she knows Asil, the typical reaction is something along the lines of "The Moor? ''That'' Moor?"
292* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: The way everyone who isn't Anna, Charles, or Bran views him.
293* OlderThanTheyLook: Like most very old werewolves. He's not ''quite'' as old as Bran, though.
294* ReligiousBruiser: He's a practicing Muslim, though by his own admission he's not been particularly good at following all of the Prophet's commands for some time. In particular, he enjoys a good glass of wine now and then.
295* ShroudedInMyth: Before coming to the Marrok's pack, he was the dominate werewolf of the Iberian Peninsula. Neither Mercy nor Anna know how much of what is said about him is actually true (though they both suspect that most of it is).
300!Honey Jorgenson
301An important werewolf among Adam’s pack.
303* BrainlessBeauty: Subverted: She seems like this—blond, busty, and not too bright—right up until the point that she clues Mercy into some important points of werewolf politics that had slipped her notice. To boot, Mercy remarks that if she were allowed to hold her own rank in the pack (rather than inheriting her mate’s, as all female werewolves do), Honey would be in the top tier.
304** It's stated in ''Night Broken'' that Honey is considering going back to school in order to give her something to do with her life, which would imply that she either has previous education or is fully capable of handling it.
305* VitriolicBestBuds: While something of a stretch it's worth noting that Honey is the first of the females in Adam's pack to treat her with respect, the first to acknowledge the trueness & courage of Mercy's character, and the first to verbally stand for her in 'Fire Touched' when everyone had chose to criticize Mercy for an act they themselves later admitted they'd have taken if it was Adam making it. What makes it vitriolic is that initially she thinks Mercy is little more than TheTease and disagrees with how Mercy shakes up the order of things simply because it suits her to do so. But compared to Auriele and Mary Joe, she's practically her BFF.
306* DefrostingIceQueen: She warms up considerably toward Mercy after she realizes that Mercy does not intentionally cause trouble for the pack and that unlike Adam's previous mate, a human woman who was petty and self-centered, Mercy cares deeply for the well being of Adam and all the members of the pack.
307* HappilyMarried: With her husband Peter. [[spoiler: She becomes deeply devastated when he is killed in Frost Burned.]]
308* HeroicBSoD: She has one after [[spoiler: Peter’s death]] in Frost Burned. So much so that she fell into deep depression. In the following book, Night Broken, she lost a lot of weight to the point where she looked nearly boney instead of fit.
309* InconvenientlyVanishingExoneratingEvidence: Honey actually prevented this from happening in “Iron Kissed.” After Mercy was [[spoiler: raped by Tim,]] Gray Lord Nemane was going to take all the fae items [[spoiler: Tim]] stole along with the mind-wrapping goblet that [[spoiler: Tim tricked Mercy to drink from.]] However, Honey stood up to Nemane and argued that they needed at least the goblet as proof of Mercy’s innocence in the matter. Without it, it just appears as if Mercy just decided to [[spoiler: randomly kill Tim after having “sex”]] in the surveillance videos. While it was ultimately Adam and Samuel that convinced Nemane to change her mind, it was Honey that prevented this from happening in the first place.
310* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: While jerk is a stretch, Honey can come off as this. She can be a bit snarky and she doesn’t really consider Mercy her friend, but Honey has a great deal of respect for Mercy. Honey is always a very reliable member of the Pack.
311* OnlyOneName: Despite being married to Peter Jorgenson, Honey is never called by her last name in the books. Just Honey.
312* RapeAsDrama: It's all but stated outright that she's been used in the past as Honey mentions that unmated females belong to their alphas, and many are happy to take advantage of this. This is probably why Honey was very sympathetic and helpful to Mercy [[spoiler: after Mercy was raped by Tim.]]
313* TomboyAndGirlyGirl: Honey is the Girly Girl to Mercy’s tomboy.
316[[folder: Peter Jorgenson]]
317!Peter Jorgenson
318Honey’s husband and the submissive werewolf of Adam’s pack
320* [[spoiler: BackForTheDead:]] Peter had a small but very memorable role in Iron Kissed. He would be around in the following books but was normally in the background. He would get a big role again in Frost Burned [[spoiler: only to be killed off right in front of Adam. But his death is what partly sets the story in motion.]]
321* BigDamnHeroes: Although he needed Mercy’s permission to join the fight against Fideal, he makes a huge difference in the battle. He even saves Adam from drowning during the fight.
322* [[spoiler: ForgottenFallenFriend: Defied. Although his death is abrupt, it is by no means glossed over. His death hits everyone in the pack extremely hard, with his wife Honey taking it the hardest. Adam avenges Peter by killing Peter’s killer.]]
323* HappilyMarried: With his wife Honey. [[spoiler: She is deeply devastated when he is killed in Frost Burned.]]
324* NiceGuy: He is one of the nicer members of the pack and is one of few members that treats Mercy with respect.
325* UglyGuyHotWife: Peter is by no means ugly, but some find it odd that he is married to Honey who is often described as the best-looking member of the pack.
328[[folder:Mary Jo]]
329!Mary Jo
330A prominent member of Adam’s pack and a firefighter.
332* BackFromTheDead: In Bone Crossed, Mary Jo was accidentally killed by a snow elf in a bar brawl at Uncle Mike’s. Mercy pleaded with Baba Yaga of all Fae to revive Mary Jo since Mercy really thought highly of her. After some convincing, Baba Yaga brings Mary Jo back to life thanks to Mercy. With this major action, Mary Jo should be forever grateful to Mercy. Right? [[spoiler: She [[UngratefulBastard isn’t]]….]]
333* BettyAndVeronicaSwitch: A non-romantic variant. Mary Jo is the Betty to Honey’s Veronica. Mary Jo was initially the nicer of the two and appeared to get along well with Mercy, even letting her fix up her car while Honey acted stuck up toward Mercy and saw her as a tease toward Adam. Mary Jo is eventually revealed to be very bitter and jealous toward Mercy while Honey ends up gaining a great deal of respect for her and welcomes her with open arms into the Pack.
334* EasilyForgiven: Despite joining [[spoiler: Henry’s coup to overthrow Adam and trying to personally murder Mercy,]] she’s still welcomed back into the Pack with little to no punishment.
335* EmbarrassingNickname: Mercy nicknamed Mary Jo [[spoiler: “Back Stabby Puppy”]] as a reminder of what she did. Surprisingly, Mary Jo is [[ActuallyPrettyFunny more amused]] by this nickname and seems almost proud of it.
336* GreenEyedMonster: She is revealed to be just this is Silver Borne as she had a crush on Adam and wanted to be his next mate until Mercy showed up. Her jealousy was so great that she was more than willing to [[spoiler: try and murder Mercy over it despite saving Mary Jo’s life previously.]]
337* TookALevelInJerkass: Mary Jo was initially one of the nicer members of Adam’s Pack and Mercy really thought highly of her. Then comes Silver Borne, we find out Mary Jo joined [[spoiler: Henry’s Coup,]] had a crush on Adam and is very resentful toward Mercy becoming his mate instead to the point of wiling to [[spoiler: murder her.]] While she does have a HeelRealization and helps Adam stop Henry’s Coup, she shows no regrets over [[spoiler: her attempt on Mercy’s life.]] Mary Jo is still resentful and always takes side that against Mercy.
338* TheUnapologetic: It’s very clear to Mercy that Mary Jo still has no regrets over her failed attempt at [[spoiler: killing Mercy.]] Though we are told Mary Jo has “apologized” numerous times, Mercy can tell it’s very back handed and it comes off more like Mary Jo is doing it to annoy her.
339* UngratefulBitch: Ho boy. Mary Jo might be the very definition of this trope. She was accidentally killed and brought back to life thanks to Mercy. How does Mary Jo repay Mercy? [[spoiler: Tries to murder Mercy by blowing up her home]] because she was bitter and jealous that Mercy was chosen as Adam’s mate instead of herself. Mercy brings this up as well but Mary Jo completely brushes it off.
340* PetTheDog:
341** She was genuinely worried for Gabriel’s life when he was kidnapped.
342** She was Honey’s moral support after [[spoiler: Peter’s murder.]] Even stayed at her home for a while.
345[[folder: Tim Milanovich]]
346!Tim Milanovich
347A young scholar with a fascination with myths and legends.
349* CoolKidAndLoserFriendship: He has a best friend named Austin Summers who is extremely popular among their group.
350* FantasticRacism: Despite acting nice, he makes it clear that he doesn't like fae. While Mercy doesn't sugarcoat how dangerous they are, even she thinks he's taking it too far.
351* TheFriendNobodyLikes: The most emotion Tim can conjure in others is pity, and his buddies only hang with him on principle.
352* HopelessSuitor: He's this to Mercy, who's already stuck between Adam and Samuel while leaning towards the former.
353* UpperClassTwit: He's a fairly well-off man who comes off as awkward and obtuse to everyone, even with his education and knowledge.
357[[folder: William Frost]]
358!William Frost
359A vampire based in the Pacific Coast, and a recurring villain in the series.
361* AmbitionIsEvil: One of his major goals is to control all Seethe.
362* AndIMustScream: He can inflict this on his victims by keeping their souls completely self-aware.
363* IcyBlueEyes: One of his signature traits is a pair of these.
364* KilledOffForReal: He is finally [[spoiler: caught and killed by Mercy in ''Frost Burned''.]]
365* TheSocialDarwinist: He's a powerful vampire who thinks nothing of killing humans, and wants to become the supreme vampire.
369[[folder: Cory Littleton]]
370!Cory Littleton
371A sorcerous vampire who was transformed by Andre the Courtier, but who is evil of his own accord. He is the main antagonist of ''Blood Born''.
373* AxCrazy: He’s murderous and near-impossible to reason with.
374* BoringInsult: He throws this at Stefan.
375-->'''Littleton:''' I thought you'd be interesting, but you're not.
376* CreateYourOwnVillain: Andre had no idea what he was getting into by choosing Littleton to feed on and convert.
377* DeceptiveDisciple: He hated being under his creator Andre’s thumb and reversed their bond the first chance he got.
378* DidntThinkThisThrough: He jumped at the chance to become a vampire without considering the drawbacks, namely, having to obey someone other than himself.
379* EnfanteTerrible: He was dabbling in evil magic even as a child.
380* ForcefulKiss: He does this to Stefan while forcing him to drink blood.
381* ForTheEvulz: The reason behind his existence. He’s particularly cruel even by the standards of vampires. In his own words, the blood he drinks is “not really filling without death.”
382* FromNobodyToNightmare: Thanks to Andre, he goes from “just” being an evil wizard to becoming one of the most vicious vampires in history.
383* IJustWantToBeFree: A villainous version. Cory lives entirely for himself, casting off the limits of humanity and turning on his creator and master Andre.
384* LastNameBasis: The other characters mostly call him by his surname.
385* ResurrectedMurderer: Cory Littleton started off as wicked killer of innocents even when he was human. Cory was eventually transformed into a vampire and as a member of the undead he now has taken to escalating his killing spree across the city.
386* TheSociopath: A low-functioning example. He’s superficially friendly, but murderous, impulsive, domineering, and totally indifferent to everyone else.
387* TomTheDarkLord: A violent, sorcerous vampire named “Cory.” The other characters calling him “Littleton” edges it into FluffyTheTerrible territory.
388* TranshumanTreachery: Defied. His foes make it clear that he was just as bad a human as he is a vampire.
389* WhiteShirtOfDeath: He shows off his brutality by letting blood stain his white clothes.
392[[folder: O'Donnell's Killer]]
393!Tim Milanovich
394It is revealed in ''Iron Kissed'' that Tim Milanovich is the true killer of O'Donnell who let Zee take the fall.
396* BitchInSheepsClothing: He’s a cruel thief and murderer who plays the part of a hopeless geek very well.
397* CollectorOfTheStrange: He steals magical items with various effects.
398* CompellingVoice: He gives himself one with Orfino’s Bane, allowing him to control anyone who drinks from the goblet.
399* CrazyJealousGuy: He uses magic to force Mercy to love him and calls Samuel, who she claimed she was dating, “that ugly doctor.”
400* DoubleStandardRapeSciFi: Defied. His having sex with Mercy while she was under his control is only ever called rape.
401* EvenEvilHasLovedOnes: While it’s unknown if he loved her back, he has a young cousin named Courtney who absolutely adores him. She is heartbroken over his death and refused to believe he was a rapist. So much so, she vandalizes Mercy’s garage with graffiti with harsh words like “LIAR” and “SLUT.”
402* EvilIsPetty: More or less his signature trait. He’s willing to brutalize and kill people who are better than him at something or he feels are not paying him enough respect, even unintentionally. For example, he murdered his best friend Austin just because people liked him more.
403* AGodAmI: Tim has this mindset when he has all the Fae items he needs.
404* {{Greed}}: What Tim wants, he will do anything to get, whether it’s money, artifacts, or Mercy.
405* InferioritySuperiorityComplex: Ho boy. Let’s just say Tim absolutely hates it when anyone lets him know how much of a loser he is, to the point of showing off his items that give him powers, and then getting angry when someone talks about the details before he can.
406* NoKillLikeOverkill: He is killed by Mercy after she beat his skull with a crowbar, which is brutal enough as it is. But then Adam shows up in his werewolf form and rips apart Tim's corpse to nothing but blood and meat.
407* RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil: His forcing Mercy to sleep with him is considered his worst crime and haunts her several books later.
408* PoliticallyIncorrectVillain: Played with. He belongs to an anti-fae hate group, but that’s just his cover while stealing artifacts. He still doesn’t seem broken up over fae being killed because of him.
409* TheReasonYouSuckSpeech: He was on the receiving end of one by Mercy after he tricked her into drinking Orfino’s Bane. He had the gall to ask her what she honestly thinks of him, thinking she was attracted to him. She does, big time, by letting him know she doesn't think he is attractive and that he has a boring personality.
410* WickedPretentious: He knows a good deal about folklore and magical items, but his immaturity shows through constantly.
411* YourHeadAsplode: His fate at Mercy’s hands.
413!Comic Book Exclusive Characters.
415[[folder:Orson Park]]
416!Orson Park
417From Homecoming. The former Alpha of the Tri-Cities. Unfortunately, he and his pack went rogue and begun attacking innocent people. The Marrock has ordered Adam to eliminate him and replace him as the new Alpha.
419* AffablyEvil: He is surprisingly polite to Mercy and even a bit respectful to her, but doesn’t shy away how evil he is.
420* ArchEnemy: To Adam. Park absolutely hates Adam for becoming the Tri-Cities Alpha on Bran’s orders and his at war with him. Adam in return hates Park for going rogue and killing innocent people.
421* BigBad: Of the graphic novel Homecoming.
422* TheChessmaster: When fighting with brute force didn’t work, Park decides to play the long game to stack the odds against Adam by holding hostages. Originally Mercy was one of the hostages until Adam convinced Park to swap Mercy with Daryl. Park’s plan was seemingly in order, until Mercy saved the hostages.
423* CurbStompBattle: On the receiving end of this. Once Mercy saves the hostages, Adam stopped holding back and killed Park with ease.
424* EvilCounterpart : He is basically if Adam was an insane werewolf who indulges in eating people.
425* EvilIsPetty: Had an entire family massacred for no other reason but to have a single member as a hostage.
426* IGaveMyWord: Downplayed. He appears to honor his agreement with Adam on not hurting the hostages (Darryl and an innocent boy), but this is more out of overconfidence that he will beat Adam in combat and kill the hostages anyway. But Park still released Mercy as a hostage only in exchange for Darryl.
427* RogueSoldier: Was once the Alpha of the Tri-Cities until he along with his Pack gone rouge and began attacking people and eating them. Because of this, Bran ordered Adam to eliminate them.
428* ToServeMan: Did we mentioned he and his pack eats people?
433One of Park werewolves and his most deadliest member of his pack.
434* AlwaysABiggerFish: Mixed with DirtyCoward. Hope enjoys terrorizing those smaller than her, Mercy included. But is absolutely no match against a higher ranked werewolf like Darryl who curb stomps her.
435* ArchEnemy: To Mercy in Homecoming as Hope seems to have a particular hate aimed at Mercy. In return, Mercy hates Hope for massacring an innocent family and continues to terrorize the surviving member.
436* AxCrazy: One of the more unhinged violent werewolves in the series.
437* BloodKnight: Hope enjoys the violence and loves to strike terror among the innocent.
438* TheBrute: Seemingly Park’s strongest wolf of his pack and definitely the most unhinged.
439* DesignatedGirlFight: Mercy and Hope have a one on one “fight” in the climax of Homecoming, but it’s a very one-sided fight that nearly ends badly for Mercy. Hope is in wolf form and pins down Mercy who is in human form and naked. Even Mercy’s coyote form would have still been a mismatch. Thankfully Darryl intervenes and kills Hope before she could even scratch Mercy.
440* ForTheEvulz: In the climax, Hope is the only member of Park’s pack that was in her wolf form. Not because she was being prepared, but to further terrorize the young boy they were holding hostage.
441* IronicName: Her name is Hope, yet she enjoys killing and terrorizing innocent victims.
442* OnlyOneName: Just simply known as Hope.
443* SlasherSmile: She sports one when Park tells her she’s free to kill their young hostage once Adam is dealt with.
444* TheVoiceless: Never says a word in the comic. Doesn’t need to since her actions speak loud.
445* WouldHurtAChild: She seriously can’t wait to kill and eat the young boy her and Park are holding hostage.
448[[folder:Hopcross Jilly]]
449!Hopcross Jilly
450A centuries old Fae who was famous for hunting down and murdering naughty children. She takes the form of a teenager named “Jill” and attends the same high school at Jesse Hauptman.
452* ArchEnemy: To Jesse of all people. After Jesse ended their friendship, Jilly tried to find any reason to kill Jesse.
453* AssholeVictim:
454** Technically, Hopcross Jilly goes after naughty children and it’s been implied that there have been some awful kids over the centuries. Unfortunately, she also targets children for any minor offenses.
455** Played straight with her first victim who was an AlphaBitch bully who continually harassed Jesse at school.
456* BecauseYouWereNiceToMe: Defied horribly. The main reason Jilly makes Jesse her next target is because she thought Jesse was her friend and ended it because she was creeped out by Jilly’s behavior near children. In other words, Jilly wants Jesse dead because she WAS nice to her.
457* BigBad: Of her own titular “Hopcross Jilly” comic series.
458* ChildEater: Jilly bites off the fingers and toes of her young victims.
459* DisproportionateRetribution: No matter how small the “crime” these children commit, she attacks and devours their fingers & toes. If that isn't bad enough, she then buries the wounded kids alive and dances over their burial ground.
460* EvilIsPetty: Her M.O. Jilly enjoys hunting kids for any minor transgression.
461* HoistByHerOwnPetard: A very glorious example as her pettiness catches up to her in the last issue of the comic. After seemingly finding a small reason to attack Jesse, in this case Jesse admitting she loves Mercy over her own mother, [[spoiler: Jilly starts to burn since it’s nowhere near a good reason and Jesse is still a good girl.]]
462* KarmicDeath: After all the years Hopcross Jilly got away with murder of hundreds of children for pettiest reasons, [[spoiler: she burns to death at the touch when she attacks Jesse who is good [[BlueAndOrangeMorality even by Jilly's ridiculous standards]]. Jesse realizes this and grabs her to further burn her like a torch.]]
463* KillItWithFire: [[spoiler: She burns to death after trying to attack Jesse who is a good kid. Jesse grabs Jilly so she can burn faster.]]
464* LoopholeAbuse: Hopcross Jilly can only devour naughty children. So she works around this by finding any petty examples of “bad behavior,” from liars, disobeying their parents, skipping school, smoking or in a tragic case a two girl scouts who simply didn't ask for permission before going to her house to offer her cookies.
465* UnknownRival: Interestingly, Mercy is one to Hopcross Jilly. Mercy and the Pack discovered one of Jilly’s burial grounds and worked with the local Sheriffs Department in the investigation. Since then, Mercy is trying to find Jilly’s whereabouts to stop her. Jilly on the other hand as no idea she’s being investigated and she doesn’t even know who Mercy is. The only reason Jilly is even aware of Mercy is through Jesse. Past that, she doesn’t even bat an eye.
466* WeUsedToBeFriends: Hopcross Jilly, in her human form Jill, befriended Jesse at her high school. Jesse liked Jill initially until she was creeped out by Jill’s strange and predatory behavior.
467* WouldHurtAChild: If you’ve haven’t by now, she hunts down “naughty” children.
