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Context Characters / MegaManStarForce

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1This is a CharacterSheet for the ''VideoGame/MegaManStarForce'' trilogy. After three games and an anime series, there are plenty of tropes to go around -- too much, in fact, for one page to handle, so it's been broken down and given three additional pages:
3* ''Characters/MegaManStarForcePegasusLeoAndDragon'' and the ''Ryuusei no Rock Man'' anime.
4* ''Characters/MegaManStarForce2ZerkerNinjaAndSaurian'' and ''Ryuusei no Rock Man Tribe''.
5* ''Characters/MegaManStarForce3BlackAceAndRedJoker ''
7These are character notes on Geo and his Inner Circle: these characters form the central cast, who are present in every game. Included here are Geo Stelar, Omega-Xis, (Mega Man), Luna Platz, Bud Bison, Zack Temple, Sonia Strumm, and Lyra.
11[[folder:The Group as a Whole]]
14[[caption-width-right:350:''From top left, counterclockwise: Bud, Luna, Geo, Sonia, Zack.'']]
16* BettyAndVeronica: Zigzagged with Luna and Sonia (against Geo as the Archie). At first blush, Sonia and Luna figure as the GirlNextDoor and the UptownGirl, but Sonia is also a world-famous traveling IdolSinger while Luna is both Geo's classmate and lives literally down the lane from him.
17* BigThinShortTrio: Bud, Luna, and Zack, in that order; Bud and Zack on their own make BigGuyLittleGuy.
18* BokeAndTsukkomiRoutine: Zack is usually the one to correct Bud when he gets something wrong.
19* BrainsAndBrawn: Zack and Bud, respectively. Bud is huge and strong while Zack has been consistently made a number of intelligent suggestions, such as Mega Man's secret identity being someone who they all knew.
20* ColorCodedForYourConvenience:
21** In the first game's early promotional materials, each of them has a uniquely colored Transer: Geo's is blue, Luna's green, Bud's red, Zack's yellow, and Sonia's pink.
22** The anime relies on the predominant {{Color Motif|s}} in their clothing: Geo is red, Luna blue, Bud yellow, Zack green, and Sonia pink.
23* InvisibleParents: Bud's and Zack's parents are all but complete non-factors in the plot, to the point that nobody even questions their absence when Solo's PartyScattering efforts hurl the boys to the far corners of the globe. (Sonia's mother passed away before the series begins, and her father goes unmentioned).
24* {{Leitmotif}}: Luna, Bud, and Zack had one in the first game, ''Happy Company'', that was later adapted into the "goofy event" score.
25* OutOfFocus: In the latter half of the anime's first season, once Mega Man unlocks the [[StoryBreakerPower Star Force]], the heroes all become secondary characters while the anime focuses on what HilarityEnsues between the FM-ians until Mega Man comes to clean things up.
26* TerribleTrio: Luna, Bud, and Zack have almost all the ingredients of one (goofy theme music included), [[DownplayedTrope if not the actual villainy]]. They grow out of it as the series progresses.
27* ThreePlusTwo: The BigThinShortTrio of Bud, Luna, and Zack plus PinkGirlBlueBoy pair Sonia and Geo.
28* TrueCompanions: An inseperable bond of friends by the end of the first game. Even Sonia is included, even though she doesn't go to the same school.
29* TwoGuysAndAGirl: Luna, Bud, and Zack; the former is established to be female while the latter two are boys.
32[[folder:Geo Stelar]]
33!!Geo Stelar ''(Subaru Hoshikawa)''
34!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/FuyukaOura (JP), Creator/JasonSpisak (EN)
36[[caption-width-right:250:''"Great. Someone else to complicate my life."'']]
37-->Transer: Pegasus (Anime)
38-->Wizard: Omega-Xis ''(Warrock)''
39-->EM Human: Mega Man
40-->Trans-Code: 003
42The main character of the series. Technically a fifth grader at Echo Ridge Elementary, Geo hasn't actually attended school in three years, ever since he first received news of his father's space station accident. Instead, Geo spends his days at home, messing with gadgets and using a distance-study program through a Navi provided by the school. In private, he dreams of one day becoming an astronaut, so he can travel after his father and hopefully find him.
44This lifestyle is abruptly shattered one day by two sudden introductions: the first is Luna Platz, a fellow student and Class Representative of Geo's class, who has taken it upon herself to drag Geo out of his shell and back into class, come Hell or high water; the second is Omega-Xis, a creature from another world who pushes Geo to live a little. Of the two, Geo is more interested in Omega-Xis, and specifically the news he brings with him, both about his father and of the alien monsters trying to hunt him down.
46See ''Mega Man'' for tropes pertaining to Geo and Omega in superhero form.
48* TenMinuteRetirement: Played straight in the first game after his fight with Gemini Spark. Subverted in the anime, where he only tells Mega to take a hike, but still runs around trying to help.
49* AccidentalPervert: When rummaging through Luna's dresser in the third game, he encounters something that is only described as "a little girl's secret" and panics. Nobody catches him at it, though, except for Mega (who is partially to blame).
50* AchillesInHisTent: In the first game, he quits superheroics after the Gemini chapter, forcing Omega to abandon him in contempt and Geo severs his Brotherbands with Sonia and Luna. He snaps out of it thanks to the [[SpiritAdvisor Satellite Admins]], just in time to rescue Omega and Harp Note from their resurrected enemies.
51* ActionHero: Most of his problems can be solved by defeating the monster in charge.
52* AdaptationPersonalityChange: Geo spends months grieving over his father's disappearance in the anime instead of years like in the game. He is also much more spunky in the anime and casually accepts his role a superhero whereas in the game he spends a long time being moody and is reluctant to become a hero.
53* AncestralWeapon: The Kaiser Knuckle in the first game, which he receives along with [[TragicKeepsake his father's Transer]].
54* AnimeHair: Geo's comet tail quasi-mohawk would be a nightmare to style in real life. But it seems to be his natural haircut.
55* AscendedFanboy: Geo has always loved stargazing and anything to do with astronomy. His adventures as Mega Man take him into low orbit by the end of the first game and deep space by the end of the third, something he comments on while taking in the view.
56* TheAtoner: He remains mindful of his screw-up during the final chapter of the first game.
57* BadassBoast: Geo gets a few epic ones in the third installment that seem a bit [[OutOfCharacterMoment out of place]] for someone so mild.
58-->'''Mega Man''' ''(to Jack Corvus)'': "Your wish will remain only a pathetic pipe dream!!"
59-->'''Mega Man''': "Crimson Dragon!! For the people that I love...I will defeat you! You won't see the light of tomorrow!"
60* BadassBookworm: In the anime; he's less than pleased about having to do the same homework as the rest of his class because he's already way ahead of them on it.
61* BagOfSpilling: Geo not only loses all of his old Battle Cards, he apparently loses his battle-competence every time the ForcedTutorial comes up; in the second game, he even spills his ''willingness to fight at all''. Hesitating against Metennas is not exactly the most inspiring idea, friend.
62* BashBrothers:
63** He shares this with Ace in the third game, as Mega Man and Acid Ace.
64** He also [[RivalsTeamUp teams up with Solo]] during the Jack Corvus chapter, which doubles as a Call Back to [=MegaMan.EXE=]'s and [=ProtoMan=]'s ''Double Hero''. This is taken further in ''Operation Shooting Star'', as a Star Force version of the Double Hero Program Advance is actually possible.
65* BerserkButton: Triggered late in the Tribe anime, when Dr. Orihime reveals her intentions for the [=OOParts=]. It's perhaps the angriest he gets at a villain in the anime. In general, harming his friends and family is a death wish.
66* BewareTheNiceOnes: He's a nice kid who would really prefer not to pick a fight, though Mega Man can - and will - kick your ass if he deems it necessary.
67* BigBrotherMentor: [[WordOfGod Designer notes]] mention how Geo was originally meant to have a big brother element in his character. His heart-to-hearts with the FM-ians' hosts certainly edge him towards this, as does his TeamDad status.
68* BondingOverMissingParents:
69** Geo hasn't had a dad for a few years, Sonia recently lost her mom. This happens.
70** Same thing happens with Pat. At least until he reveals that he's Gemini Spark.
71* BroughtDownToBadass: In the anime, Geo doesn't actually have a TenMinuteRetirement after he splits with Omega-Xis. He still runs around being heroic.
72* BystanderSyndrome: Averted in the anime, where Geo's natural sense of heroism suffers less from the prolonged depression of the games. The kid will often run ''into'' manifestly dangerous situations in the hope that he can do something, even if Mega isn't around to help. To date, these situations have included: Luna almost falling from a damaged skytram, Gemini Spark causing trouble, and a mass virus outbreak.
73* TheCallKnowsWhereYouLive: In the first game. Omega-Xis first hones in on Geo, and the FM-ians followed Mega. The third game plays this straight as well, when Eos shows up ''at school'' and starts making offhand comments about the Wave Road to Geo.
74* CharacterDevelopment: Geo stands out among ''Mega Man'' protagonists for having an honest-to-God ''character arc'' in his debut game, something attempted by only a [[VideoGame/MegaManX couple of]] [[VideoGame/MegaManZX other protagonists]], and not to the same extent. Omega-Xis' crash into his life forces Geo to change from a somber {{Hikikomori}} to a ReluctantHero to an ''interplanetary peace-broker''.
75* CharacterizationMarchesOn: Geo initially tends to be serious but later games tends to make him more [[VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork Lan-like]] such as dreaming about food in the middle of class.
76* CheerfulChild: In the backstory and post-Character Development.
77* ChickMagnet: Once he actually starts making friends, it's quite easy for him to attract those of the opposite sex. Luna and Sonia can attest to that.
78* TheChosenOne: The Satellite Admins imply his role has to do with being Kelvin's son, but little else is made of this.
79* ChronicHeroSyndrome: Why he just can't sit back and let the FM-ians have their way early in the first game. He also has this in the anime.
80* ClarkKenting: By all rights, Geo and Mega Man having the exact same style of AnimeHair should be a blatant tipoff, but not one person makes that connection. Bob Copper initially suspects Geo, but mainly because he always finds Geo in the midst of suspicious circumstances.
81* ClassicalAntiHero: In the games, Geo starts off as resentful and lonesome and only gets into fights with FM-ians despite himself, but he [[TookALevelInBadass grows out of this]].
82* CluelessChickMagnet: Luna (in the games) and Sonia (in the anime & games) each have an opportunity to be upset with Geo for getting friendly with another female. Geo actually has no such intentions, but that won't stop them.
83* ConscienceMakesYouGoBack: What brings Geo back into the fight in the first game.
84* ContemplateOurNavels: He depressingly waxes philosophic a bit in the first game, but drops it as he gets a boost in cheer.
85* CodeName: Geo unintentionally but inadvertently registers his EM-Wave Human identity Mega Man with the government the first time he tries to Wave Change [[SuperRegistrationAct with the Hunter-VG]], making his alter ego an official code name.
86* ContrastingSequelMainCharacter: His brown hair resembles [[VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork Lan]] greatly, and he even lives in a neighborhood that's a lot like ACDC. At first, his depression and his [[{{Hikikomori}} shut-in lifestyle]] contrast the normally upbeat and social Lan. He [[TookALevelInCheerfulness becomes much more upbeat and positive]] as the games go on, but he remains more of a DeadpanSnarker and less reckless than Lan ever was.
87* CooldownHug: Luna gives one to Mega Man in the second game while he was being driven berserk the [=OOPart=], which helps him gain control over it and [[CallBack echoes]] the way his DeclarationOfProtection for her in the first game enabled him to manifest the original Star Force.
88* CrossdressingVoices: In Japanese, his voice is provided by Fuyuka Ono. In English, his voice is provided by the male Creator/JasonSpisak.
89* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: He has brown hair and brown eyes.
90* CutenessProximity: In the anime, he tries to get out of deleting a virus (it ''is'' a [[RidiculouslyCuteCritter rabbit on skis]], after all).
91* CutsceneIncompetence: In the second game, Geo's somewhat helpless without the [=OOPart=].
92* CynicismCatalyst: Spent three years as a recluse after the disappearance of his father, afraid of engaging in any relationships.
93* [[DarkMagicalGirl Dark Magical Boy]]: Non-canonically, Geo can choose to eschew the Link Force for the various Rogue Super Modes if he chooses. Rogue Noise is quite popular.
94* DeadpanSnarker:
95** Here and there. His quote above comes after meeting Bob Copper.
96** Another example, from the third game: Geo and Mega wonder if they've found Dealer's Base. They then see the giant King Card Matter Wave.
97-->'''Geo:''' Yeah...I think we found it.
98* DeathGlare: As he faces down the Crimson Dragon. Asskicking ensues.
99* DeclarationOfProtection: In the original Japanese of the first game, when the EM Ghosts are running around the school. It's the serious form, and it's a very personal moment between Geo and Luna.
100* DefrostingIceQueen: Antisocial and bitter to those around him in the beginning; [[CharacterDevelopment genuinely friendly]] to them later on. No specific romantic applications, however. [[ShipTease Of course, for the girls...]]
101* DependingOnTheWriter: Geo is a noticeably different person in the games and the anime. In the first game, he's a ReluctantHero and a recluse who is repeatedly forced into situations that require him to act. In the anime, he's blatantly heroic and is willing to go charging off into dangerous situations to help with or without Omega-Xis' resources, even before the alien literally annoys him into going to school.
102* DestructiveSavior: In neither the games nor the anime, but rather the short-run ''gag manga''[[note]]to give you an idea for the feel of said manga, Omega-Xis is introduced as chowing down on snacks, farting, and picking his nose at the same time[[/note]]. At one point the townsfolk accost him about how he just punched holes through a series of skyscrapers; he gives a quick bow of apology and flies off, stunning the populace and snapping another row of skyscrapers ''in half''.
103* {{Determinator}}: Especially in the third game and the anime. As he himself says, as long as there's hope, there's always a chance.
104* DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu: He's so far destroyed a living planet-desrroying weapon, a monster that destroyed an ancient civilization, a meteor that would have wiped out most life on Earth along with all of its technology, a general from an alternate dimension, AND A LIVING BLACK HOLE. He's TEN.
105* DisappearedDad: Hasn't seen his dad in ''at least'' three years; that was when he first got the news that Kelvin had gone missing. How long it had been since he'd left is never explained.
106* EarnYourHappyEnding: Boy does he ever. After spending three games longing to see his father again, the ending of the third game has him finally reunited with his dad.
107* EnemyMine: With Solo, who has -- to date -- not once agreed to a full alliance.
108* EtTuBrute: Pat's betrayal prompts Geo's AchillesInHisTent moment in the first game.
109* ExcaliburInTheStone: In the anime, he must draw the Sword of Berserk from the ground before it yields. This occurs entirely [[BattleInTheCenterOfTheMind in Geo's head]].
110* FaceFault: When Crown Thunder reveals his Ship-bound Ghost plan in the anime, complete with small eye twitch.
111* FamedInStory: Mr. Shepar kept calling him during roll call in class, and the students kept speculating on who the mysterious no-show was.
112* FamousAncestor: Inverted. If the Humor Program is used in ''Operate Shooting Star'', Lan Hikari mentions that he has a schoolmate with the name Stelar who may be an ancestor of Geo. While the boy is also a loner like Geo who spends most of his time seeing the stars, his grades are terrible and does not excel in any sports at all.
113* FightingYourFriend: This happens whenever he is forced to fight against Luna, Sonia, Bud, or [[PlayedForDrama Pat]], which tends to happen [[OnceAnEpisode once per game]], but mostly with Bud; by the third game neither Queen Ophiuchus nor Gemini Spark are present and Harp Note is never fought.
114* {{Foil}}: To several characters, including Mega and Sonia. Also of note is how radically different he is from Lan, [[VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork his predecessor]].
115* {{Forgiveness}}: Offers it to Cepheus. Forges an interplanetary peace treaty. No problem.
116* ForWantOfANail: In the anime, Geo's father has only been missing for three months, so his grief hasn't had much chance to settle. Hence, it's much easier for him to interact with others; Mega even gets him to school within the first few episodes just by ''annoying him''.
117* FreeRangeChildren: Geo manages to almost circumnavigate the globe in the second game and the anime; mind you, his mother doesn't particularly ''know'' where he goes when he's out of her sight and would almost certainly disapprove if she knew.
118* FriendlessBackground: Losing your dad and being a hermit for three years can do that to you.
119* FutureBadass: In ''Operate Shooting Star''.
120* GeekPhysique: Is quite physically unimposing, even as Mega Man, and especially when compared to bruisers like Taurus Fire and Yeti Blizzard.
121* GenerationXerox:
122** Implied with him and his father. In the anime, they even have the same Transer: Pegasus.
123** According to a Humor gag in ''Operate Shooting Star'', the UpdatedRerelease of ''VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork1'', there's a kid named Stelar at Lan's school who is just as gloomy and lonesome as Geo was at the start of the ''Star Force'' series.
124* GetAHoldOfYourselfMan: Geo seems to need at least two of these per game whenever he slips back into angst mode. Ironically he's doing these for everyone else in 3. Go go Character Development!
125* GogglesDoSomethingUnusual: Geo's Visualizer allows him to see electromagnetism, and more importantly the Wave World and all the beings within it, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial.
126* GoodIsNotSoft: Geo prefers to solve his problems without violence if possible, but if all options are exhausted or if he's angered enough, all bets are off.
127* HelloInsertNameHere: In the first game, with the default name (see above) becoming the CanonName.
128* HenshinHero: His powers only activate when he Wave Changes with Mega.
129* TheHero: Of the series.
130* HeroAntagonist: Briefly in ''Operate Shooting Star'' due to a misunderstanding with the Mega Man of ''Battle Network''.
131* HeroicBSOD: At least once per game, most noticeable in the third after [[spoiler:Ace's HeroicSacrifice]].
132* HeroicHost: Serves as this for Omega-Xis.
133* HeroicWillpower: [[AllThereInTheManual The official website notes]] that whenever Mega Man Finalizes, the appearance of the Shooting Star Pendant on his chest signifies that Geo is in control of the form...which suggests that he runs the risk, either at times or constantly, of ''losing'' that control. Hence this trope.
134* TheHerosJourney: In the first game.
135* HesBack: During the final chapter of the first game.
136* {{Hikikomori}}: Geo's been living as a recluse for ''three years'' in the game, emerging from his home only to stargaze. This is a major part of his initial character, and it particularly sets off his relationship with [[ClassRepresentative Luna]] in that she has absolutely no intention of letting him remain one. Possibly because this wasn't played for laughs, the anime rezoned the time since Kelvin disappeared down to only three months and had Geo going to school within the first few episodes.
137* HostageForMcGuffin: Cygnus Wing briefly takes an unconscious Geo hostage during his return arc to get Omega-Xis to relinquish the Andromeda Key. Dark Phantom tries to use this against Geo late in the Tribe in anime with Hope, but [[SubvertedTrope gets too distracted]] by the pretense he was keeping her around with.
138* HumbleHero: He downplays his accomplishments constantly.
139* HypercompetentSidekick: Mixed with MundaneUtility, Geo's attempts to boost Luna's chances at winning the student body elections in the third game by pulling off huge favors for kids through the tactical use of his Mega Man abilities.
140* IJustWantToBeNormal:
141** Geo really has very little desire to run around and do battle all the time, but he feels he ought to, partially because of Mega's urgings and partially because he tries to follow in his father's footsteps. He eventually accepts his role as Mega Man.
142** This jumps up a notch in the sidequests: Most of the Accept/Deny choices are grounded in Geo wondering if he really wants to bother. Except in [[ShipTease certain cases]].
143* IKnowYoureInThereSomewhereFight: Many of the boss fights in the first game are these, so by the time he gets to the Gemini chapter, he assumes it's going to turn out to be another happy ending to one of these, too. It doesn't. Not remotely.
144* ImprobableAge: His age isn't explicitly stated in the games. In the anime, he's 11. Either way, he saves the world at least three times
145* IncorruptiblePurePureness: Played straight for a few moments in the anime when he [[ScrewTheMoneyIHaveRules turns down Richie's ludicrous offers of cash]] to keep the Spirit safe.
146* InstantCosplaySurprise: He gets forced into an awful Mega Man costume in the first game.
147* IntergenerationalFriendship: With Aaron, Tom, Damian, and Dr. Goodall.
148* InterspeciesFriendship: With Mega.
149%%* DeclarationOfProtection
150* ItGetsEasier: [[DownplayedTrope Not killing people, mind you]], but the more time Geo spends with Omega, the less reticent he is to go [[AlwaysCheckBehindTheChair digging through]] [[NoSenseOfPersonalSpace another person's stuff]]. It bites him [[KleptomaniacHeroFoundUnderwear in the third game]].
151* ItsPersonal: He clearly feels betrayed by Dr. Orihime in the Tribe anime.
152* ItWasAGift: Both Geo's pendant and [[GogglesDoSomethingUnusual the Visualizer]] were inherited from his father, though he doesn't receive the latter until Aaron presents him with it during a visit.
153* KidHero: He's 11 according to the anime. He's saved the world three times from every manner of EldritchAbomination.
154* KidWithTheLeash: He's this to Omega-Xis whenever he can muster the necessary assertion. Which is rare.
155* KleptomaniacHero: When finding power-ups and Battle Cards in places he doesn't live in, yeah.
156* LikeFatherLikeSon: He shares most of his father's traits, such as his love for astrology and his sense of justice.
157* LonersAreFreaks: In the early first game.
158* LoverTugOfWar: As Mega Man, between Luna and Harp Note late in the anime. He manages to get out of it with nothing damaged and an uneasy peace between the girls.
159* LuminescentBlush:
160** In the anime, Geo's face glows red when his mother starts prodding him about the kind of women he's interested in.
161** Should he choose to save Sonia's bag (over Bud's or Luna's belongings), the tender scene between the two results in both of them glowing red in the cheeks. In sprite form, too!
162* MadeOfIron: Geo and Omega meet with a CrashIntoHello. Thing is, as an {{Energy Being|s}}, Omega fries the boy on contact.
163* MakingASpectacleOfYourself: The Visualizer is bright green.
164* MeaningfulName: Both the Japanese and English have deep meanings for the main character. Both were chosen by his dad because of how important these things were to him.
165** In English he has Geo, meaning Earth, and [[PunnyName Stelar]], which describes things related to stars. The DubNameChange for his first name actually reinforces a shot he takes at Luna about her being his satellite in the first game. The prefix "Geo" is also used to describe things related to rocks, so his name can be interpreted as [[StealthPun "Rock Star"]], continuing with the franchise's musical ThemeNaming.
166** His Japanese name, Subaru, has ''all sorts'' of this. First, Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster, while Hoshikawa (lit. "star-river") refers to the Milky Way (and also echoes his full hero name: Shooting Star Rockman). Subaru is also a somewhat obscure verb meaning "to unite" (cf. his signature Fusion Dance with Warrock, the Brother Band in general, and most of his power-ups).[[hottip:*:It also means "to govern", cf. the [=OOParts=].]]
167* MildlyMilitary: After upgrading to a Hunter-VG, he accidentally becomes a member of Satella Police's [[SuperRegistrationAct Project Transcode]] as Transcode 003: Mega Man.
168* MommasBoy: He does '''not''' take it well when Hyde takes his mother hostage in ''Tribe''. He literally ''drags Yeti Blizzard across town'' to get to her without even realizing it. It's also the first step he takes to come out of his TenMinuteRetirement in the first game when he realizes his mother is in trouble and he can't save her.
169* MoralityChain: For Omega-Xis, when he can muster the necessary assertion.
170* MoreThanMeetsTheEye: He seems like an antisocial kid at first glance, but as the series progresses, he displays lots of HiddenDepths.
171* MysteriousProtector: For Luna, though this plot thread is dropped in later games. It is what activates the Star Force powers in the first game; Luna reciprocates in the second by giving him a CooldownHug that enables him to control the [=OOPart=].
172* NerdActionHero: He's a kid with a thing for astronomy, and he's Mega Man.
173* NoSocialSkills: He's been a social recluse for years at the start of the first game and struggles to connect with others at first. Part of his CharacterDevelopment is coming out of his shell and becoming more outgoing.
174* ObliviousToLove: Geo occasionally misunderstands obvious hints from Luna and Sonia and likewise doesn't recognize their jealousy if he should happen to be friendly with girls that aren't them, like Amy or Lana.
175* OnlySaneMan:
176** Once they become friends, Geo tends to be the only one who doesn't get caught up in Luna's (and Bud and Zack) more energetic ideas, though he still often goes along with them.
177** Also, he's this in the Tribe anime whenever he works with Sonia. [[LampshadeHanging Even Harp agrees]].
178* OnlyTheWorthyMayPass: In the Tribe anime, Mega Man is [[PowerIncontinence unable to properly wield]] the Sword of Zerker until he undergoes [[BattleInTheCenterOfTheMind its trial]], drawing it from the ground.
179* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: See ItsPersonal and TranquilFury.
180* PantyThief: Poor boy has trouble wrenching himself away from the "[[UnusualEuphemism little girl's secret]]" he finds in Luna's wardrobe in ''Star Force 3''. This is [[LetUsNeverSpeakOfThisAgain much less a problem]] when he happens upon Zack's "little boy's secret".
181* PensieveFlashback: In the early episodes of the anime, reflecting on either the news of the space station accident or the people urging him to go to school.
182* PerpetualFrowner: For most of the first game, Geo rarely smiles, he didn't really start smiling as until his first few days of going to school.
183* PlayerCharacter: In the real world.
184* PoseOfSupplication: In ''Star Force 3'', he drops to this posture in horrified silence upon witnessing [[spoiler:Luna getting turn into data]] in front of him.
185* ThePowerOfFriendship: Geo stands by the whole working together thing, and has a reason for doing so that isn't just a gratuitous Aesop: the Brother Band system is basically just a communications network at first, but Mega Man is able to actually derive physical power from it.
186* PsychoticSmirk: In the anime, when he gets an idea as to ''how'', exactly, Omega-Xis is going to pay for wrecking his telescope earlier in the episode.
187* PunnyName: The deliberate mispelling of his last name.
188* RedOniBlueOni: The calm, rational Blue Oni to Omega-Xis.
189* ReluctantWarrior: VERY much so in the first game. Less, but still there, in the second.
190* ResignedToTheCall: The latter half of the first game has him accept that he has no choice but to protect the planet.
191* SafetyInIndifference: Several characters assume Geo denies wanting to attend school as he's still in shock over the loss of his father. Geo reveals to Mega that he does not want to form bonds with anyone as he fears something would happen that will make him experience the same pain he felt when he lost his dad. After [[spoiler:Pat, who reluctantly but willingly, betrayed Geo in an attempt gain the Andromeda Key]], it sends him into a HeroicBSOD.
192%%* SavvyGuyEnergeticGirl: He's the Savvy Guy to Sonia's Energetic Girl.
193* SchoolPlay: How Luna gets him to school. PlayingATree: The important, absolutely necessary part she needed him for is...PlayingATree. Later, when Pat is unable to perform, Geo inherits the CheapCostume for [[HilarityEnsues major irony points]] as Luna shoves him into the lead role of...[[LovesMyAlterEgo himself]].
194* SecretIdentity: Mega Man's.
195* SecretKeeper: As Sonia's Brother, he's this. All of his Brothers appear to be this for him, too.
196* SeeThruSpecs: His dad's Visualizer can see some electromagnetic waves; it's not until Omega-Xis accidentally crashes into his face and activates it that Geo can fully see the Wave World. It turns into the Visualize Visor when Geo becomes Mega Man.
197* ShirtlessScene: During the BeachEpisode in the third game.
198* SkySurfing: On the [=SkyBoard=] Matter Wave, Ollie, which gets devastatingly little use.
199* TheSlacker: Subverted. Luna may very well see him this way, considering she knows he's been hiding away from the world for three years and he certainly doesn't want to put any more effort into anything than he has to. In truth he home-studied of his own volition all that time for the sake of his dream of going to space, his antisocial tendencies being the only reason he didn't go back to school. He even makes extra sure to do his homework before going on any big adventures once he gets back into school. According to the anime, he's so far ahead of everyone on the homework he resents having to do it all over again to pace with the class.
200* TheSmartGuy: Of the S.P. Commandos.
201* StellarName: Literally in this case, "Stelar" being one letter away from "stellar".
202* SupportingLeader: In the Commandos.
203* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: As Lan Hikari's ContrastingSequelMainCharacter, Geo's calm demeanor more closely resembles [=MegaMan.EXE=]. He even has his [[WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes fear of ghosts]] in the anime.
204* SweetTooth: He unsuccessfully tries to "taste test" one of Luna's sweet potato muffins in Tribe.
205* TakeUpMySword: In the first game he receives his father's Transer and the Kaiser Knuckle in the first postgame, which is the [[InfinityPlusOneSword strongest weapon in the game]] outside of [[InfinityMinusOneSword bonus or secret weapons]].
206* TeamDad: Keeps the gang from breaking down during the third game after Luna is taken from them.
207* ThinkNothingOfIt: Plenty of it in the third game.
208* ThisIsUnforgivable: Geo never threatens to kill someone, save for special occasions.
209-->"You used her and hurt her. You toyed with our Link Power. Hollow...there will be no tomorrow for you!"
210* TookALevelInCheerfulness: From the second game onwards, Geo became a lot more happier after finally breaking out of his reclusive shell.
211* TouchedByVorlons: Geo was touched rather violently, bombarded by a mass of electromagnetic radiation one night that at the very least knocked him out. It's remarkable how little [[AllJustADream anyone has a]] [[DyingDream problem with this]].
212* TroubledButCute: Has daddy issues, an antisocial streak, and two major love interests. Fortunately, thanks to his friends, he endures and gets through most of them.
213* TurnOutLikeHisFather: A recurring theme throughout the whole series is where exactly Geo stands in relation to his father. As he emerges from his shell, he's flattered by the comparisons; [[CharacterDevelopment by the third game]], however, he starts lightly brushing them aside, insisting he be considered as his own person.
214* UsedToBeASweetKid: By implication. Compare him at the beginning of the first game to his childhood flashbacks in the third.
215* WackyParentSeriousChild: Even as Mega Man, he can't get a handle on his mother's quirks.
216* WellDoneSonGuy: To a father he hasn't seen in years.
217* WhatTheHellHero: In the first game, his HeroicBSOD has him deciding to forcibly cut off his [=BrotherBand=] links, prompting Luna to furiously berate him for even doing such a thing.
218* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Just like...well, [[VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork MegaMan]], he's really scared of ghosts.
219* WillNotTellALie: He struggles to evade his mother's questions rather than lie to her outright, and feels very bad about it when he fails in the third game.
220* WouldHitAGirl: There are at least four female enemies he takes down across the series, not counting the rematches.
221* YouAreInCommandNow: When Luna is taken from the group and he steps up to plate. Temporarily.
222* YouKilledMyFather: In the anime, Geo is infuriated to hearing Mega had a hand in the space station accident. It is a bit of a subversion in that Mega ''didn't'' kill Kelvin and is actually the one who ''saved'' him.
227!!Omega-Xis ''(Warrock)''
228!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/KentaroIto (JP), Creator/KyleHebert (EN)
230[[caption-width-right:250:''"Hey kid, stop screaming like a girl and hear me!"'']]
231-->Partner: Geo Stelar
233An alien that fell from the sky and landed on Geo. This rowdy, loud-mouthed FM-ian knows what happened to Geo's father but insists on keeping mum, not in small part to keep Geo doing as he says. It is with Omega-Xis' power that Geo becomes the new Mega Man; unlike the other FM-ians, Omega-Xis cannot control Geo's mind while they are fused, and so he has to depend on the kid's ability to fight, which is...lacking.\
235It is later revealed that 1) he was one of the aliens who attacked Kelvin's space station, and 2) turned him into an EM-being in order to save his life. 3) Omega-Xis is also ''not an FM-ian'', but an AM-ian, a survivor of FM's destroyed sister planet, and finally 4) he is also carrying the Andromeda Key, which activates Planet FM's PlanetEater superweapon. While the going is rough, eventually he and Geo form a strong alliance and become lasting friends.
239* ActionHero: Mega starts pushing Geo in this direction.
240* AliensSpeakingEnglish: Not only is he totally understandable, he even affects particular mannerisms. Fluent ''and'' macho, that's how we like ''our'' aliens.
241* AntiHero: Pragmatic to Unscrupulous Type. In the first game alone, he yanks Geo around by his Transer, hacks and erases information that could get either of them in trouble, makes really dick moves (like knocking people out with a pitching machine) in the name of getting his goals accomplished, and shares in his species' disregard for humankind, but at heart he genuinely wants his human partner to live a little.
242* ArtifactOfDoom:
243** The [=OOPart(s)=] from the second game (which varies depending on the [[OneGameForThePriceOfTwo version]]), whose power Mega Man imbibes sometime after Omega-Xis ''swallows it''.
244** He also is secretly carrying the Andromeda Key in the first game. Well, secretly as far as Geo's concerned. The FM-ians know it already.
245* BigWhat: Lets out one in the anime when Geo asks him to enter as a D-pet in a contest to win a new EM-telescope after some reckless riding in a lawnmower totaled his last one.
246* BoisterousBruiser: Loud, proud, and never misses a chance to go "[[CatchPhrase buck wild]]".
247* BreathWeapon: In buster form, he can launch blasts of energy from his mouth. This is exaggerated with the Atomic, Genocide, and Vanishing [[KillItWithFire Blazer]] [[FinishingMove Big Bangs]], which launch torrents of ''thermonuclear death'' that would do Godzilla proud. Averted in the third game when the Mega Buster gains a traditional cannon barrel, in exchange giving Mega the ability to manifest alongside both Geo and Mega Man. That said, his clones barf lightning as one of their attacks.
248* CatchPhrase: In the second game, he tends to say "crikey" quite a bit, while the third game has him relish every chance to go "buck wild"[[hottip:*:a phrase that was first used as early as the Plesio Surf chapter in the second game]]. He's also been known to use "Stay frosty."
249* CharacterExaggeration:
250** His HotBlooded nature. In the first game, he loved a good brawl but was mostly levelheaded. Come the third game, he's a borderline BloodKnight who Geo has to constantly calm down.
251** Even more so in the manga tie-in, where his and Geo's [[RedOniBlueOni contrasting personalities]] are [[DenserAndWackier exaggerated for the sake of comedy]]. With Omega-Xis however, it crosses the line towards AlternativeCharacterInterpretation, not only is he characterized as overly HotBlooded, he's also a gross slob who picks his nose, eats and farts...[[ at the same time]].
252* CombatPragmatist:
253** Mega will be quite happy to share on the principles of fighting ''smart'', very few of which have any relationship with the concept of honor.
254** In the anime, Mega also makes a point of not getting into fights he can't win. [[spoiler:This includes foes like Gemini Spark, whom he refuses to fight, at least until Geo charging off on his own makes him change his mind]].
255* ConscienceMakesYouGoBack: In the anime, he refuses to go into battle against Gemini Spark, since he and Geo are totally outmatched. Geo [[ChronicHeroSyndrome goes charging off anyway]] without him and he is suddenly unable to abandon the boy.
256* CorruptionOfAMinor: The whole PantyThief misadventure in Luna's dresser can largely be chalked to fallout from Mega's less-than-wonderful influence.
257* CrashIntoHello: Clump of electromagnetic radiation smashes into Geo's head one night. Hi, there.
258* CursedWithAwesome: In the second game, Mega ponders the significance of the [=OOPart=] in his belly and concludes that he's cool with any "curse" that makes him stronger.
259* DoomedHometown: His home world, Planet AM, was destroyed by the FM-ians' Planet Eater.
260* EarthShatteringKaboom: In the first episode of the anime, Omega-Xis is caught on an asteroid by Cepheus' minions. He uses the Andromeda Key to distract them and skedaddle.
261* EnemyWithin: The [=OOPart=] (and the Tribesmen within) have a bad habit of acting up when they're not wanted.
262* EnergyBeings: His species are sentient lumps of electromagnetic radiation.
263* EverythingsWorseWithBears: Omega-Xis has some minor ursine features (insofar as an armored fireball actually could). In the anime, Bud accuses his D-Pet disguise of being a snot-ugly bear. He may possibly have a connection to the Ursa constellations.[[hottip:*:In theosophy, the Ursa Major constellation is linked to the Pleiades constellation; both a part of a series including the planet Earth, the sun, and the star Sirius. Yeah, have fun with that.]]
264* EvilKnockoff: In the third game, Dealer uses data acquired by Jack and Tia to create an army of Omega-Xis clones. An entire horde of them are sent to attack WAZA HQ, and they later appear in random encounters at the group's base.
265* FaceOfAThug: It's a scary one, alright. Post-CharacterDevelopment he's an okay guy. Almost.
266* {{Foil}}: To Acid, who acts very professionally and unemotionally (though the latter's not averse to a little snark at Mega's expense). Mega gets downright pissed off whenever Acid's around.
267* ForcedTutorial: If it's about battle, Omega-Xis is teaching class.
268* {{Foreshadowing}}: When the Satellite Admins tell him that his frequency is very similar to their own, he asks them immediately if they're survivors of Planet [=AM=]. Omega-Xis is a survivor of [=AM=] himself.
269* GeoEffects: In the third game, he can eat up an area of the field for you.
270* GetAHoldOfYourselfMan: A minor example in the first game, where he snaps Geo out of his Study Wave-induced trance by slugging him in the cheek.
271* GratuitousEnglish: His original name.
272* GratuitousGreek: His dub name.
273* HarbingerOfImpendingDoom: And bringing the FM-ian weapon Andromeda.
274* HeelFaceTurn: In the anime, trying to possess Daigo's mind while under the effects of the Brother Band led to this in the backstory. Didn't really save him from being a Jerkass, though. Largely Averted in the first game, where his motivation has always been to extract his revenge on the FM-ians.
275* {{Herald}}: Omega-Xis crashes into Geo's life at the start of the series, bringing the FM-ians on his tail.
276* HeroInsurance: He equates being popular with getting a little more leeway in this regard.
277* InterspeciesFriendship: With Geo and his father Kelvin.
278* {{Irony}}: In the first game, Omega-Xis pokes Geo several times about possibly crushing on Sonia, but it turns out Mega's no good at dealing with women like Lyra, as he himself admits.
279* ItsPersonal: In the games, Mega nurses a personal vendetta against King Cepheus, who sicced Andromeda on his home planet of AM. He gets over it at the end.
280* {{Jerkass}}: He began as this, even going so far as telling Geo he thinks all humans are completely useless; except for ''him'', of course, because Geo's useful.
281%%zce* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Naturally, he settles into this kind of role over time.
282* TheKirk: Of the third game's Wizard trio, against Acid's Spock and Taurus' [=McCoy=].
283* LaserGuidedAmnesia: He had no idea he was from Planet AM in the anime.
284* LivingWeapon: Mega Man's Mega Buster is literally his head.
285* MeaningfulName: ''Warrock'' is the most belligerent of the franchise's heroes to date? Say it ain't so!
286* MorphicResonance: Largely averted in the first two games with the Transformation system: Mega gets a pretty dramatic makeover depending on which Super Mode used.
287* NoSenseOfPersonalSpace: And ''definitely'' no respect for your privacy. His influence on Geo in this regard has been...[[PantyThief not perhaps the most ideal]].
288* NoSocialSkills: He comes at the problem via the opposite tack from Geo. Where Geo's social sins are due to defect, Omega's are due to excess.
289* PowerFloats: Justified in that he has no legs. Though all EM beings can do this.
290* PursuedProtagonist: In the first game.
291* RedEyesTakeWarning: Subverted: Mega's just a jerk. Unless you're an enemy of his, in which case you should play this very straight.
292* RedOniBlueOni: He's the loud, brash, BloodKnight Red Oni to Blue Onis Geo and Acid.
293* TheRival: To Acid, due to him landing the [[FinishingMove last blow]] on a {{Brainwashed}} wizard.
294* ShipperOnDeck: Literally the first thing he does after Geo meets Sonia in the first game is to suggest Geo suffers from puppy love. He makes more comments about Geo treating Sonia well as the scenario goes on, and in the second game quickly takes note of how Geo becomes less of a ReluctantHero around her. In general, as much as he claims to dislike Lyra (who he'd have to deal with a lot more often if Geo and Sonia do get together), Mega seems to support the idea of Geo and Sonia getting together, though it's likely that this is in part because he finds Luna somewhat annoying or at the very least more annoying than Lyra.
295* StayFrosty: He drops this line a lot in the third game.
296* SummonMagic: With the upgrades in the third game, he can temporarily materialize to swipe enemies or the field to Geo's advantage.
297* TellMeAboutMyFather: Omega was the last person to speak to Kelvin. Geo ''really'' wants to know what happened, but Omega's keeping mum.
298* TookALevelInBadass: Prolonged exposure to Noise in the third game renders him resistant enough to whale on the walls of Jamming until they break open.
299* {{Transhuman}}: Technically he's a trans-alien. In the third game, Omega-Xis is caught in Geo's terminal when he downloads the Hunter-VG upgrade, part of which involves ''forcefully transforming'' him into a Wizard program. While he clearly finds this unpleasant, in the long-run it provides a lot of benefits, including allowing Omega-Xis to pass himself off as a Wizard and not an alien freeloader, change up Megaman's appearance, and allow him to materialize during battle since the new Wizard system changes up the FusionDance mechanics of Wave Change.
300* WeWantOurJerkBack: During the final Filler arc of the anime, the comet Rajione VI enters Earth's atmosphere and produces major changes in the FM-ians. In Omega-Xis's case, it replaces his rough personality with one that might be accurately described as Dandyism. This drives Geo (and, as we learn later, Omega-Xis himself) mad. The first thing he does is compare the comet [[HoYay to Geo's "lovely eyes"]], though whether he actually finds them lovely or simply was led to use it as a complimentary adjective is up for debate.
301* WolverineClaws: His Beast Slap attack.
302* YouCantGoHomeAgain: His return trip to FM has more or less been nixed. Not to mention his true home.
305[[folder:Mega Man (Rockman)]]
306!!Mega Man ''(Rockman)''
308[[caption-width-right:350:''"Let's rock, Mega!"'']]
310The eponymous hero of the series, Geo's and Omega-Xis' FusionDance. Unlike many of their opponents, Geo and Mega both retain their distinct personalities as Mega Man, with Geo as the main figure (and the one most people speak to) and Mega as the Buster.
312* AdaptiveArmor: His armor changes shape, color and (in the first two games) buster design to fit the transformation he's undergone. Sometimes his hairstyle changes, too.
313* AllYourPowersCombined:
314** Mega Man Tribe King is a mix-and-match assembly of parts of his various Tribe forms and boasts all of their abilities at once.
315** Averted with the Noise forms of the third game can also stack two Noises together in a similar fashion, but that does little more than recoloring his armor and so is not quite this trope.
316* ArmCannon: An interesting variant; instead of the straight-up cannon-style buster, the original Mega-Buster had Geo's arm swallowed by [[ Omega-Xis' head]]. Takes on a more traditional form in the third game.
317* AscendedExtra: An in-universe example happens in the third game. Sonia offered her friends a role as extras in her show, but when Geo had to transform in order to stop a rampaging Taurus Fire, the director immediately decided to give Mega Man the main role alongside Sonia, [[DemotedToExtra sidelining]] her original co-actress, Belle. Belle was a huge fan of both Mega Man and Sonia so she wasn't actually bothered by it, but her manager Ice had other ideas.
318* BadassAdorable: He's only ten years old, is generally flustered by praise and is always willing to help people. He has also beaten a WeaponOfMassDestruction, dozens of powerful EM beings, ''three'' PhysicalGods (one of whom controlled a ''black hole''), and a corruptive meteor.
319* BagOfSpilling: He's always reduced to 100 HP and a smattering of weak Battle Cards for each new installment.
320* BarrierWarrior: If he uses any Aura or Barrier cards or abilities. See also Luckily My Shield Will Protect Me.
321* CardsOfPower: He's one of the only EM Wave Humans to supplement his arsenal with Battle Cards, the setting's equivalent of Battle Chips from ''VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork'', giving him a leg up over the comparatively limited movesets of his opponents.
322* CatchPhrase: His PreAsskickingOneLiner in the third game, a ShoutOut to his original Japanese name of Rockman.
323--> '''Mega Man''': Let's rock, Mega!
324* CharacterTitle: Played straight in the Japanese, but downplayed in the English ("Star Force" is the name of the AppliedPhlebotinum that powers his SuperMode in the first game).
325* ChestInsignia:
326** Geo's [[ItWasAGift Shooting Star Pendant]] is embedded in Mega Man's chest. The [[AllThereInTheManual official website notes]] that it symbolizes Geo's bond with his father, as well as showing that Geo is still in control of himself in his Finalized Noise Form.
327** Not specifically ''chest'' insignias, but Black Ace and Red Joker each have triangular marks that are displayed on each helmet. They represent the special symbols of the characters he's copying (Upside down A for Black Ace and Triangular J for Red Joker).
328* ClarkKenting: Geo and Mega Man have the exact same AnimeHair in subtly different shades, which is a connection that ''not one character'' makes; in the anime, Geo doesn't even bother to adjust his voice. To his credit, Bob Copper is actually quite suspicious of Geo, but only because the kid keeps showing up in suspicious circumstances.
329* CuttingOffTheBranches: Averted in the anime's first season, in which Geo and Omega-Xis gain access to all three Star Force forms, but played straight in Tribe, where they only achieve Thunder Zerker. Also played straight in each game where he only gets one SuperMode depending on the version of the game played.
330* DiscardAndDraw: He has a new "Force" (Star, Tribe, Noise) in each game. Justified, as the tools he uses to perform these changes are gone with each game. The Satellite Admins leave at the end of the first game, and the OOPART he used in the second game is lost to the bottom of the sea.
331* DualWielding: It's possible in the anime.
332* DudeWheresMyRespect: Present but justified in the first game, [[InvisibleToNormals since no one except the gang and the FM-ians are really aware of Mega Man's existence]]. Heavily averted by the third game, since Mega Man is a worldwide celebrity and hero for his actions in the previous two games. This actually becomes a plot point when his fame causes Ice's jealousy when Geo inadvertently stole the show from Belle, causing Jack and Tia to transform the Wizard into Diamond Ice.
333* ElementalRockPaperScissors: While almost every fighter taps into the cycle, he's one of the few who can take advantage of the whole thing.
334* EnergyAbsorption: According to the game's official website, Mega Man's shoulder gear doubles as a "wave-toss device", which draws in extra EM energy from Mega Man's surroundings.
335* ExplosiveOverclocking: Thunder Zerker's ''Warrior Soul'' card, which grants a [[PowerUp maxed-out buster]] and [[ImmuneToFlinching Super Armor]] in exchange for [[HeroicRROD constant loss of HP]]. The card art depicts Thunder Zerker as a ScreamingWarrior.
336* EvilCostumeSwitch: The Rogue Tribes all employ a [[PaletteSwap color palette]] of Black, Red, and Purple compared to their originals.
337* FamedInStory: The sequels have people easily recognize who the savior of the planet is ([[ClarkKenting except when he's not on the job]]), and treat him with the respect that deserves. By the third game, he gets his own candies in his image.
338* FlashStep: The ''Mega Attack'', which allows Mega Man to home in on enemies and strike from close-range. Great with melee weapons, not so great with ranged ones.
339* FusionDance: Between Geo and Mega.
340* FutureSpandex: Carries on the tradition from the Battle Network series.
341* GeometricMagic: Wave Commands, from the second game.
342* {{Hammerspace}}: From whence Mega Man pulls his Battle Cards in the anime.
343* HenshinHero: When Geo combines with Mega to become Mega Man, Mega's armor refits itself into a bodysuit of sorts for Geo.
344* HopeBringer:
345** In the second and third game, Mega Man actually becomes recognized as a symbol of hope for people in their DarkestHour.
346** A special instance of this is the OneManArmy mini-game during the invasion of WAZA in the third game, in which Mega Man holds off an entire army of Omega-Xis clones summoned by Dealer that were mauling the Satella Police Wizards that originally served as defense. [[HeadsIWinTailsYouLose They get in anyway]], but he still costs them plenty.
347* HowDoIShotWeb: Early in the anime. Geo's first fight sees him manage to take out a few viruses by flailing around in a panic and accidentally walloping one in the head.
348* InASingleBound: In the anime, Mega Man is able to leap over buildings in a single bound.
349* InstantExpert: Tutorials notwithstanding, Mega Man has really very little problem operating anything in his arsenal that might give him trouble. Mega himself says Geo has a natural knack for battling. [[DeadpanSnarker He replies that he doesn't want to have a knack for it]]. Even more pronounced in the anime, wherein Geo easily adapts to his powers and by episode 26 is suddenly doing martial arts tactics.
350* {{Invocation}}: For transforming and battling.
351--> '''Transforming in 1 and 2''': EM Wave Change! Geo Stelar, On The Air!\
352'''Transforming in 3''': [[ByThePowerOfGrayskull Transcode]]! Mega Man!\
353''' Before plot-important battles''': Wave Battle! Ride On!\
354'''Before the FinalBoss''': Last Battle! Ride On!
355* JapaneseBeetleBrothers: The Black Ace and Red Joker forms have the kabutomushi's single horn and kuwagatamushi's dual horn, respectively.
356* LightningBruiser: Mega Man is [[FlashStep incredibly fast]], has SuperStrength and can easily adapt to any situation, and making him give up and back down is [[{{Determinator}} almost impossible]]. Whether he embodies "Lightning" or "Bruiser" more depends on the player's Battle Card deck and the Super Modes set up to use it.
357* LimitBreak: The ''Big Bang'' attacks are special techniques [[SignatureMove unique to]] each of Mega Man's {{Super Mode}}s; accessed by successfully countering his opponents. These powerful attacks generally [[DiscOneNuke do massive damage to the whole field]], and can be generally expected [[FinishingMove to wipe out most viruses in one stroke]]. There are three ''Star Force'' Big Bangs in the first game, seven ''Link Force'' Big Bangs[[note]]Three for the main Tribes, another three for the Double Tribes, and one for the Tribe King[[/note]] and another three for the Rogue Tribes[[note]]They're basically just recolors of the main Tribe Big Bangs, though[[/note]], and a final seven ''Noise Force'' Big Bangs[[note]]One for each element (including neutral), each shared by two different Noises (e.g. Dyna Wave is shared by the Cancer and Virgo Noises), and two unique ones for the Finalized Noises. Nothing for Rogue Noise, though[[/note]] for a total of 20. Tropes Included:
358** AllYourColorsCombined: The Czar Delta Breaker (Tribe King).
359** AllYourPowersCombined: The [=LFBs=] that belong to either the Double Tribes or the Tribe King.
360** {{BFS}}: The Thunderbolt Blade (Lightning Zerker, Rogue Zerker, Elec Noises) and the Elemental Blade ([=ZerkerXNinja/NinjaXZerker=]).
361** BreathWeapon: Atomic Blazer (Fire Leo, Fire Noises), Genocide Blazer (Fire Saurian, Rogue Saurian), and Vanishing Blazer ([=ZerkerXSaurian/SaurianXZerker=]).
362** DeathFromAbove: Meteor Light Barage (NonElemental Noises).
363** DoppelgangerAttack: Demon Flurry (Green Ninja, Rogue Ninja) and Enma Gale Garrison ([=SaurianXNinja/NinjaXSaurian=]).
364** FlechetteStorm: See DoppelgangerAttack.
365** GravityMaster: Black End Galaxy (Black Ace).
366** HandBlast: Red Gaia Eraser (Red Joker), Meteor Light Barrage.
367** InstantRunes: Magician's Freeze (Ice Pegasus).
368** KamehameHadoken: The Atomic Blazer is styled like this.
369** KillItWithFire: See BreathWeapon.
370** KillItWithIce: See InstantRunes. In the anime, this is HarmlessFreezing.
371** KillItWithWater: Dyna Wave (Aqua Noises).
372** NukeEm: See BreathWeapon, Red Gaia Eraser.
373** SingleStrokeBattle: Black End Galaxy.
374** SpectacularSpinning: Elemental Cyclone (Green Dragon, Wood Noises).
375** SpinAttack: Elemental Cyclone (Green Dragon, Wood Noises).
376** SuckingInLines: The Big Bang attacks with ''Blazer'' in the name may use this.
377** WaveMotionGun: Red Gaia Eraser concentrates ''three'' of these on the enemy territory.
378** ''Black Ace'' and ''Red Joker'' also saw the re-introduction of Program Advances, here named "[[InSpace Galaxy Advances]]". Many of them can also be obtained as standalone cards through Illegal Data.
379* LineOfSightName:
380** In the games, Geo comes up with it after a quick look at his left arm. Averted in the anime, where (in the dub) Omega-Xis suggests it directly, and Luna and Copper pick up on it before Geo has an opportunity to even wrap his head around it.
381** In the original anime, the aversion becomes much funnier, as the name gets made up entirely by accident:
382--->'''Luna:''' You are?
383--->'''Subaru:''' I'm... Hoshi--
384--->'''Warrock:''' *Ahem*
385--->'''Subaru:''' Huh? Rock?
386--->'''Luna:''' Rock? (Goyouda shoves her aside) Maa![[note]]Rock? Whoa![[/note]]
387--->'''Goyouda:''' Rock-''Man'', you say? I have business with you, Rockman!
388* LuckilyMyShieldWillProtectMe: Mega Man has a built-in EM Shield that he can summon in the games; in the anime he mostly uses barrier cards.
389* MagicKnight: Mostly during the second game, considering the Magic From Technology undertones peculiar to anything Mu influences.
390* MaskPower: Mega Man's headgear is precluded from being a helmet by virtue of the massive hole through which his hairstyle emerges.
391* MidSeasonUpgrade: In the anime, the Star Force counts as this. It was, unfortunately, so powerful that it [[StoryBreakerPower snapped the plot in half]]. Instead of Geo and Omega-Xis working to get the FM-ians off of Earth, the show shifted focus to the wacky lives of the FM-ians and what kind of zany schemes they could get away with before Mega Man showed up to mop them up.
392* MorphWeapon: The Mega Buster morphs into the various weapons Geo uses to perform the Battle Card attacks. The third game changes this into the Mega ''Arm'', which is [[YouHaveResearchedBreathing Geo's normal arm]] that isn't covered by Omega-Xis, which again morphs into the other weapons.
393** ArmCannon: Aside from being the normal form of the Mega Buster, it can also morph into Cannon form.
394** CombatHandFan: With Windy Attack.
395** CoolSword: All the Sword cards, Bushido, Brave Sword...
396** FireBreathingWeapon: The Tail Burner (which are a CaptainErsatz set for the Hell Burner chips in Battle Network 6, down to the weapon design), Mech Flame, Mad Flame and Dance Flame cards. The [=MegaBuster=] becomes this with all the fire forms.
397** GatlingGood: With Gatling and Mad Vulcan.
398** ImprobableWeaponUser: A LOT of the weapons. He's used everything from Leaf Blowers to Coins to summoning actual viruses.
399** PowerFist: The Knuckle and Uppercut class weapons.
400** TheStraightAndArrowPath: Using Skull Arrows.
401* MorphicResonance: Mega Man could easily be described as Geo wearing Omega-Xis as armor.
402* MusclesAreMeaningless: Can transform his arm into massive hammers and lift bombs and large as he is without breaking a sweat despite having the physique of the average ten-year old who engages in light exercise. Taken even further in the anime, where he catches a falling monorail with ease and is able to swat viruses around with his bare hands.
403* MultiformBalance:
404** Each of Mega Man's forms have specific abilities and elements; in the early games the forms generally fit into a Power (Fire Leo and Fire Dinosaur) vs. Mobility (Ice Pegasus and Wood Ninja) vs. Technique (Green Dragon and Thunder Zerker) scheme.
405** In the third game, the Super Modes are available and achieved at random, though the specific chances depend on the version. The bonuses and abilities are much more varied.
406** In the anime, Mega Man will pull out a Star Force form more or less at random (save against Gemini Spark in the final arc), but in Tribe, Geo gets stuck with Thunder Zerker.
407* MundaneUtility: The vast majority of the sidequests will have him need to use his powers to achieve tasks that could be done with mundane means. Fetch a paper airlane from a rooftop? Done. Spend a day becoming a one-man postal service? No problem.
408* NonElemental: Normal, Tribe King, Black Ace, and Red Joker have no elemental affiliation.
409* NotQuiteFlight: Riding the Wave Roads is the fastest form of Mega Man's travel. He isn't flying, he transforms himself into a signal that just happens to be transmitted somewhere else.
410* OlderAlterEgo: Promotional art from ''Star Force 3'' suggests Mega Man is more physically mature than Geo.
411* OneManArmy: He and Onega-Xis hold off an entire army of Omega-Xis clones by himself in the third game while the entirety of WAZA could barely keep them at bay. Not to mention the innumerable number of viruses he deletes and the Solar System's strongest EM Warriors.
412* OneWayVisor: The "[[AllThereInTheManual Visualize Visor]]", [[AvertedTrope which mostly allows you to see Geo's eyes underneath]], [[DoubleSubversion save in]] [[ the boxart]] for ''Operate Shooting Star'', in which Mega Man is a Hero Antagonist. This visor is likely the only thing keeping Geo's identity safe.
413* OneWingedAngel: Inverted. Mega Man Finalizes for the final confrontation with the Crimson Dragon. One asskicking, served fresh.
414* PaperThinDisguise: For Geo. That ''hair'', man.
415* PersonOfMassDestruction: Some art from calenders released with the second game portrays Mega Man as one through using Tribe On.
416* PinkGirlBlueBoy: He's wears a blue outfit in conrast to Harp Note's pink one.
417* PlayerCharacter: For the Wave World and in combat.
418* PowerCopying: [[TropeNamer Obviously.]] As with Battle Network, most Battle Cards will be [[PowersAsPrograms usable instances]] of enemy attacks. When Mega Man starts using Noise Change, he gains access to powers based on the original invading FM-ians.
419* PowerDyesYourHair: A subtle example (in contrast to Harp Note), comparing Geo and Mega Man in the official art will show that Mega Man's hair is darker than Geo's brunet locks, with an element of purple.
420* PowerIncontinence: The [=OOParts=] in the second game frequently cause Mega Man problems in cutscenes in their attempts to seize control of his body. Geo needs a CooldownHug and a RelationshipUpgrade with Luna to control them.
421* PowerMakesYourHairGrow:
422** Mitigating the ClarkKenting to a degree, Mega Man's hair changes both in volume and style depending on his given SuperMode.
423** Exaggerated in an unused concept art design for Fire Leo, which swapped out Geo's normal hairdo for [[Manga/DragonBallZ Raditz's]].
424* PowerUpFullColorChange: When using a second Tribe or Noise form on top of another, Mega Man will keep the shape of his first chosen form but gets a PaletteSwap and a new element from the second.
425* PowersAsPrograms:
426** As with ''Battle Network'', Mega Man can gain discrete "[[PowerUp abilities]]" from his Brother Bands; in the second and third games allows him to pick and choose which abilities he gains from so long as the level of Link Power provides the space the programs need.
427** Mega Man can collect and use Battle Cards to load various weapons and techniques for battle; unlike ''Battle Network'', he's almost alone in using these in combat -- Solo and Harp Note use them in the anime, and Acid Ace and Dread Joker can use them in the third game.
428* PrimaryColorChampion: A special "[[PaletteSwap Subaru Color ver.]]" figurine was released by [[ 4Inch-Nel]] that features Mega Man with Geo's typical red coloring; the visualize visor from Mega Man's helmet even comes with the standard visualizer color of green and yellow.
429* RedBaron:
430** Mega Man is called the "[[AscendedMeme Blue Bomber]]" during his rise to fame in the second game.
431** Some will refer to him as the fallen star warrior ([=SF2=]) or the Blue Shooting Star ([=SF3=]).
432* RedEyesTakeWarning: Thunder Zerker Mega Man on the ''Warrior Soul''[[hottip:*:In the original, "Warrior Blood"]] Battle Card.
433* TheRedMage: He can use Battle Cards, which means he can use all elements and attributes as he sees fit. Following the original archetype, he is completely capable of using both attack cards as well as buffs, traps and healing cards.
434* RescueRomance: Luna first develops feelings for Mega Man when her life is saved, from Taurus Fire in the games, and from falling to her death in the anime.
435* SuperMode: Mega Man has a [[DiscardAndDraw different powerup]] system each game.
436* SuperpoweredEvilSide: If Mega Man is currently using an uncontrolled [=OOPArt=] he runs the risk of running wild. The manual notes that the Shooting Star pendant symbolizes that Geo's in control of his Finalized form, which raises the possibility that there ''might'' be circumstances in which he's ''not'' in control, but this is never addressed in the game.
437* SuperSpeed: The Mega Attack is a FlashStep. Given that he's an EM Wave, he should technically be able to travel at near light speed. In the third game, he ''walks'' to Sagittarius A*, the black hole the Milky Way Galaxy revolves around in about 5-10 minutes in order to confront Sirius. This means he moves at a speed of 2.6 ''billion'' times faster than light!
438* SuperStrength: The anime shows that Geo gets a massive power up when transformed; he's strong enough to catch and carry a crashing sky-tram with little effort and grapple with large foes much larger and bulkier than him, such as Taurus Fire and Yeti Blizzard. Hell, one episode had him literally ''dragging'' an unconscious Yeti Blizzard (who had grabbed on to his leg) all the way across the city to the park. Of course, since the show focused on the usage of Battle Cards, this wasn't really shown much.
439* SwissArmyAppendage: The Mega Arm, which transforms Omega-Xis' head (or his own arm in the third game) into every weapon in the game.
440* SwissArmyHero: Mega Man can adopt all sorts of strategies depending on his Battle Card selection and given Super Mode.
441* {{Synchronization}}: Using the Ace and Joker programs allows him to do this with Noise.
442* TransformationIsAFreeAction: Justified in the games, most of the time, as Geo transforms before he meets the baddies by necessity due to the Wave World being different from the Real World. The anime and the SuperMode transformations play this straight.
443* TransformationSequence: To replace the Jack In sequences from ''Battle Network''. The Star Breaks, Tribe Ons, and Finalizations have their own sequences, too.
444* UnusuallyUninterestingSight: It's rather surprising how many people miss seeing Mega's head sitting there on Geo's arm.
445* VictorGainsLosersPowers: As with VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork, most [[PowersAsPrograms Battle Cards]] will be usable instances of enemy attacks. When Mega Man starts using the Noise Forms, he gains access to powers based on the FM-ians (save Harp Note, who would apparently be redundant after Cygnus and Libra). The Star Force also imbues Mega Man with powers based on the Satellite Admins; fighting is involved, though it's established as a test for Geo and Mega.
446* WeakButSkilled: Mega Man on his own doesn't have any of the other FM-ian's natural powers or their ability to jump up in power, so he uses Battle Card strategy and self-customization through Abilities. This is even more seen in the anime, as Mega Man's small form can easily stand toe-to-toe with the other wave aliens due to the use of battle cards and cunning strategies.
449[[folder:Luna Platz]]
450!!Luna Platz ''(Luna Shirogane)''
451!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/KanaUeda (JP), Creator/MelissaFahn (EN)
453[[caption-width-right:250:''"Consider it an honor that you were able to become my Brother!"'']]
454-->Transer: Leo (Anime)
455-->Wizard: Vogue ''(Mode)''
456-->EM Human: Queen Ophiuca
4585-A's one-and-only ClassRepresentative, Luna practically radiates ambition, and, more importantly, knows how to achieve hers. In the long term, she seeks to become the next StudentCouncilPresident, but to do that, she's going to need a fair bit of the public eye; and what better way to do that than to associate with the talk of the school, [[FamedInStory the mysterious phantom student]], Geo Stelar? And so, of course, she decides to get Geo back to school, much to his chagrin. Note the {{Irony}} with the [[LoveAtFirstSight instant crush]] she gets on Mega Man when he first saves her life early in the story.\
460Eventually, she succeeds, at which point we find out that there's a lot more to her than meets the eye. While fairly abrasive towards Geo[[hottip:*:Who probably needs more of a kick in the pants than most]], she's actually very concerned with the well-being of her classmates and is even prone to the odd act of kindness. However, she's also burdened by the heavy expectations of her rich and industrial parents, which reaches a breaking point late in the first game when she overhears them planning to transfer her to an out-of-town school (they've been hearing rumors of her involvement in the strange incidents around Echo Ridge).
462* TheAce: Her closet is filled with shelf upon shelf of trophies, including some for piano competitions. There's a second cabinet full of trophies in the hallway near her door and the largest is displayed in the family room.
463* AdventurerArchaeologist: The anime features her in safari gear a couple of times.
464** She drags the boys along to go "research" a haunted amusement park, though Geo [[NotSoAboveItAll suggests she's more interested in the rumors of abandoned treasure]].
465** She recycles her safari outfit for a trip to Nansca, though she loses her opportunity to explore the local ruins when Terra Condor kidnaps her and tries to make her a VirginSacrifice [[AGodAmI to himself]].
466* AlphaBitch: Luna is an elite, blonde SchoolIdol with an obnoxious pushy streak, and Geo suffers the full force of her harassment during her attempts to get him to school. She becomes a LovableAlphaBitch during and after her focus chapter in the first game.
467* AngerBornOfWorry: A lot of her outbursts of anger, are really this.
468* AnimalMotifs:
469** Luna has a subtle rabbit motif. Her twintails are allegedly meant to evoke rabbit ears, she wears a rabbit ruff in promotional New Year's art released after the first game, her wizard Vogue is a JadeRabbit piloting [[PullARabbitOutOfMyHat a magician's top hat]], one of her favorite cards in the second game is Jet Ski 1 (which features an artificial rabbit on skis), and her IdolSinger costume from the AprilFoolsDay 2012 event has a rabbit's cotton-tail.
470** In the first game she has a serpentine motif, turning into the {{Lamia}} Queen Ophiuca, using the Dragon Sky transer, and providing the cards for both through her brother band. (This is diminished in the anime, where Luna has a Leo-model transer).
471* AnimeHair: Luna exaggerates what would be OjouRinglets by wearing them as huge twintails.
472* ApocalypseMaiden: Played with in the anime. Cancer Bubble mistakenly comes to think she's one after overhearing Kizamaro complain about her world-shattering anger and spends an mini-arc [[HilarityEnsues doing everything he can to piss her off]].
473* AscendedExtra: Luna has a more central role in ''Star Force 3'' than she did in the first two games, becoming the centerpiece of a central story quest after Joker appears in Alohaha and taking measures on her own to handle Jack Corvus. During the AprilFoolsDay 2012 promotion, she shares spotlight with other headlining ''Franchise/MegaMan'' girls [[VideoGame/MegaManClassic Roll]] and [[VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork Mayl]][[note]]This isn't the first time Luna's been associated with Mayl, either--Mayl appears in Luna's expression concept art for ''Star Force 3''[[/note]].
474* BadassNormal: Downplayed. Luna was willing to approach a crazed Jack Corvus on the roof and attempting [[KirkSummation to talk him down]], which for context is basically trying to talk down a school-shooter with superpowers.
475* TheBeautifulElite: Is the richest and most fashionable out of all of Geo's associates. Examining the things in her condominium will usually result in Geo noting how much more expensive and higher-quality everything is.
476* BeneathTheMask: In the first game, Luna's ambition in public is revealed to mask a fairly miserable existence at home.
477* BettyAndVeronica: Zigzagged between Luna and Sonia, who at first blush are the UptownGirl and GirlNextDoor respectively, and yet Sonia is a world-famous TeenIdol while Luna literally lives down the street from Geo.
478* BigEater: Not as often as Bud or Sonia, but she insists on being allowed to pig-out until she feels better if neglected during the BeachEpisode in ''Star Force 3''.
479* BigFancyHouse: Averted in the games, where she and her parents live in a condominium, but she has one in the anime (complete with [[MaidCorps Butler Corps]]).
480* BitchInSheepsClothing: Luna is willing to back off on her harassment of Geo under the watchful eye of the teachers.
481* BitingTheHandkerchief: In the anime, Luna actually manages to tear one apart with her teeth after she sees Harp Note being friendly with Mega Man.
482%%* BrokenBird: She hides it well beneath all that ambition, but it's there.
483* BulletSeed: When it's not providing [[NinjaLog Fokx-Fu cards]], Luna's brotherband in the first game will provide the Vulcan Seed series.
484* CallingTheOldManOut: Deconstructed. Luna's decision to finally say "no" to her parents happens when she's hopped up on Ophiuca's power and mortally threatens their lives.
485* CameraFiend: In the anime, Luna can use her Transer as a camera. Later, we see she has a host of pictures of Mega Man, that she seems to have taken with it.
486* CantCatchUp: Luna sometimes regrets her inability to fight alongside Mega Man like Harp Note can.
487* CharacterDevelopment:
488** In the Tribe anime, she has more obvious ''dere'' moments.
489** In the third game, Joker attacks her because he takes offense about her deferring her judgment to Mega Man during a crisis, seeing it as a sign that she lacks will of her own. Afterwards, during Jack Corvus' rampage at the school, Luna approaches Jack on her own and tries to talk him down without consulting Mega Man at all.
490* ClassRepresentative: And she's absolutely hell-bent on being elected StudentCouncilPresident. Winning the election is her primary motivation for doing anything for the first half of both the first and third games, and is the reason she goes after Geo at the start of the series (it would look very good for her she could demonstrate she was responsible for making sure all of her class was present, including a certain [[TheHero bad egg]]). So important is this to her character that [=TvTropes=] recognizes her as the Goddess of Class Representatives.
491* ClingyJealousGirl: In the anime whenever Harp Note's around, she gets possessive and jealous, often demanding to know why she's there. She gets over it. Mostly.
492* CoolBigSis: To most of the students in her class; in the anime, she goes out of her way to integrate and secure Geo into school life, like introducing him to the planetarium. She does it again in the Tribe anime for the other students in her art class.
493* ContrastingSequelMainCharacter: Whereas Mayl was an average middle class citizen, Luna is an upper class student with high privilege. Mayl has a Navi to start with with, Luna was manipulated by an extraterrestrial being.
494* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: If hazel eyes and blonde hair counts.
495* DamselInDistress: Luna has been kidnapped or otherwise imperiled by many of Mega Man's foes. In fact, Mega Man's desire to rescue her in the first game is what allows him to harness the Star Force.
496* DefrostingIceQueen: Tsundere variant: over the course of the series and anime, she transitions from being generally tsun to being generally dere (especially in the Tribe anime).
497* DesignatedVictim: You'll be surprised how many times she gets in danger in all three games...And how many times she gets kidnapped in the second. Luna's significance is played up in the promotional art for the third game, and, well, see below.
498* DisneyDeath: [[spoiler: She gets vaporized in the third game, traumatizing Geo, who is ForcedToWatch. Luckily, it turns out she was just turned into an EM Being, and can be reconstructed from the fragments of data scattered around Alohaha.]]
499* DontSaySuchStupidThings: She tells Geo off for saying its a shame that Mega Man's really just a kid like him in the third game.
500* EducationMama: After being involved in several FM-ian incidents, her parents believe that her friends are only dragging her down and wanted to transfer her to another school. The stress of this combines with her jealousy of Geo and Sonia's relationship allow Ophiuchus to control her.
501* EgocentricTeamNaming: Her team's purpose name in the third game; Luna 4 Prez!! (Luna-Luna Dan!!)
502* TheEmpath: A little. Luna has a strong intuition about her close friends, though she writes it off as something all Brothers can do.
503* EstablishingCharacterMoment: Luna spends her entire opening scene establishing that she is haughty, pushy, and controlling, and gets many followup scenes reinforcing these traits. She has redeeming HiddenDepths, but they don't get as much attention.
504* EverythingsBetterWithBunnies: She was clearly thinking this when she got Vogue.
505* ExiledToTheCouch: After seeing the boys getting to know Amy (and assuming Geo has romantic interests in her), she orders Geo to sleep on the couch in the suite. Now, there are only ''three'' beds in the suite for the four guests, so one wonders what the arrangement would've been if Geo hadn't been exiled.
506* {{Fangirl}}: For Mega Man, especially in the anime, where she's such a LoonyFan she occasionally turns out to be TooDumbToLive. The anime also makes her (like Gonta and Kizamaro) and devoted fan of Sonia's.
507* FeminineWomenCanCook: In the anime, Luna spends an episode working her way up from LethalChef to get to [=Rock Man=] ThroughHisStomach after being inspired by a daily televised poll for "Most Desirable Women". The next poll is won by a "Woman Who Can Clean House", so Luna ends up ''kicking Geo out of his own room'' so she can clean it. [[{{Troll}} Akane]] likes it when there's more noise in the house.
508* FirstNameBasis: With Gonta and Kizamaro in the Japanese.
509* {{Flanderization}}: Inverted. Luna was originally designed to be a silly and annoying character with occasional HiddenDepths but was rounded out with more sympathetic traits later on.
510** Luna's original design in the games was [[PlayedForLaughs intentionally silly]] and haughty, with the occasional hint of HiddenDepths BeneathTheMask. The second game keeps her silliness while also letting her be more emotionally concerned with her friends. The third game introduced her with the same silly behaviors but also gave her a number of more overtly sympathetic qualities, like advocating for Geo to be let on the [="SoniaBackers"=] team and giving [[CreepyChild Jack]] a KirkSummation.
511** The anime leaned into her [[LoonyFan joke of a crush]] on [[LovesMyAlterEgo Mega Man]] while ignoring her ambitions and parental issues, but the later anime painted her in a cuter and more sympathetic light, such as giving her a DayInTheLimelight where she learns how to cook for Rock Man.
512* FlowersOfFemininity: A battle-card from the flowery Puff Blast series is included in her favorite cards from the second game.
513* FreeRangeChildren: Like Yai before her, Luna taps into her family's wealth every now and again to fund the group's more faraway adventures. In ''Star Force 2'', she travels freely around the world by plane while Geo uses the Wave Road.
514* FunWithHomophones: In the anime's dub, when she takes Geo on a tour of the school's new facilities. It's not even remotely a good try.
515-->"First the new Observatory and the Planetarium. It's Planeterrific!"
516* GenreBlind: While the game makes blatant use of ClarkKenting for Geo, Luna has the least excuse when it comes to her failure to make the connection since she's the one who's spent the most time with both identities. The anime's final episode makes it a matter of her being blatantly in denial.
517* GiftedlyBad: Luna is apparently [[InformedAttribute an award-winning pianist]], but she fails at every other creative or artistic endeavor, down to being a GiverOfLameNames. The school play she's directing is a complete mess, "Luna 4 Prez" is the best team name she could come up with after staying up all night, and she named Zack's pet "Catnip". His pet ''dog''.
518* GirlInTheTower: ''Twice'', both when Dark Phantom takes her to play the DamselInDistress. First he holds her atop the IFL Tower, and second he holds her atop the scenic mansions in the movie theater.
519* GirlsLoveStuffedAnimals: Has a frog "stuffie" in the games, and an assorted collection of large plush in the anime.
520* GivingSomeoneThePointerFinger: In the anime when she's really frustrated, she goes all over the school calling out troublemakers.
521* TheGlomp: She gets in a flying tackle on Mega Man in the anime. In the game, this is how she discovers Geo and Mega Man are one and the same, not letting go of Mega Man until they pulse back out to the real world.
522* GracefulLadiesLikePurple: As Queen Ophiuca, to contrast with Harp Note.
523* GratuitousEnglish: Her rules rampage in the original Japanese (Ophiuca's debut arc) has her slinging English referee calls around, like "Offsides!" and "Out of bounds!"
524* GuileHero: Luna is the most politically minded of her trio, and does successfully trick one or two people over the course of the series...including the protagonist.
525%%* HairOfGoldHeartOfGold: After she and Geo start getting along.
526* HotBlooded: In one of the earliest episodes of the anime, Luna gets herself psyched up to get Geo to school. Of course, it doesn't help her in the slightest, as Omega-Xis spent the entire night previous demanding to go to Geo's school, and so a sleep-deprived Geo ended up going to school regardless of her efforts and intention.
527-->'''Luna:''' ''[on his doorstop]'' Prepare yourself, Geo Stelar! Today is the day you ''will'' go to school; I'm gonna make sure of it! ''[as he walks by, exhausted and oblivious]'' Uh... Uh... AH?!
528* GirlyGirl: In the second game Luna's brotherband includes a random selection of cute or feminine cards, including the cute Jet Ski, the flowery Puff Blast, and Queen Ophiuca.
529* GreenThumb: The cards in Luna's brotherband in the first game tend strongly to be of the Wood element, including the Jumbo Hammer, Fokx-Fu, Vulcan Seed, and Queen Ophiuca series; at her max level, the last of the elemental Edges she provides is the Arbo Edge, and she also throws in Dragon Sky SP.
530* HeroesPreferSwords: Luna's brotherband in the first game provides Mega Man with access to all four cards in the elemental Edge series and alternates between offering Brave Swords or Berserk Swords depending on your level.
531* HumbleHero: During the brewing crisis at WBG Studios in the third game, rather than insert herself and give orders, Luna gracefully removes herself from the scene to let the staff and the heroes get to work and quietly acknowledges she's the least useful individual at the moment.
532* IJustWantToHaveFriends: Not that she'll ever admit it.
533* IdolSinger: Not part of the series proper, but Luna, [[VideoGame/MegaManClassic Roll]], and [[VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork Mayl]] were collected into an Idol group as part of Capcom's 2012 AprilFoolsDay promotion.
534* ImprobableHairstyle: Luna's perfectly set "supercurls". Lifetime Achievement Award for this girl, right here.
535* ItsAllAboutMe: Her wanting Geo to go back to school may look like it seems she cares about the welfare of her classmates, its more about improving her imagea and for him to play the role of a tree in her upcoming play.
536* ItWasAGift: Luna's handkerchief was a gift from her mother after their reconciliation, so she's naturally freaked when someone steals it at Alohaha.
537* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Obnoxious, bossy, and bratty, but ultimately a kind soul once you get to know her.
538* KirkSummation: Tries this on [[AxCrazy Jack Corvus]] in the third game. It doesn't work -- Corvus tells her that [[ShutUpKirk Jack just wants to destroy stuff]]. [[DoubleSubversion And then Jack snaps at Corvus, yelling about how he hates being ordered around]].
539* LastNameBasis: With Subaru, er, "Hoshikawa-kun" in the Japanese.
540* TheLeader: Make no mistake, Geo's a part of ''Luna's'' posse, not the other way around.
541* LethalChef: In the anime, Luna's attempts to learn how to cook are plagued with failures. Her cooking compromises the head butler and then her own stomach, and even after she's convinced Hope to teach her, Geo gets to experience the rocky road to Mega Man.
542* LettingHerHairDown: The anime indicates she lets it down when she sleeps.
543* LonelyDollGirl: Luna cuddles up to her plush animals in the anime when she comes home to a [[ParentalNeglect parentless]] house during the Ophiuca arc; in the first game, she has a frog stuffie in her dresser.
544* LongHairIsFeminine: Luna wears her hair as {{Ojou Ringlet|s}}, but the anime shows her with her hair down when she's sleeping--character design reference sheets indicate that it billows down to her knees.
545* LovesMyAlterEgo:
546** Much {{Irony}} in the first game and anime occurs (some HilarityEnsues, even) because Luna develops a crush on Mega Man despite [[HatesMySecretIdentity her disdain]] for his SecretIdentity Geo. Inevitably, Luna discovers that they are both one and the same, which causes her tremendous frustration.
547** Ryo Takamisaki's promotional manga for ''Star Force 3'' plays with this by having Luna suggest to Subaru that, if their team involved itself with an ongoing crisis, Mega Man could rescue her, suggesting Luna has come to the point of liking both but finding Mega Man especially attractive.
548* LikesClarkKentHatesSuperman:
549** In the games, Luna becomes enamored with Mega Man for saving her from Taurus Fire. But she learns Geo's secret after they're warped out of Robo Snake Computer together. She insists that she has absolutely not feelings for Geo and that all of her affection in reserved for Mega Man.
550** In the anime, Luna is just as big a fan of Sonia as Bud and Zack are, but is deeply jealous of Lyra Note for being BashBrothers with Mega Man and sees her as a romantic rival.
551* LoveTriangle: Luna and Sonia are competing {{Love Interest}}s for Geo.
552* LovingAShadow: Luna's idea of Mega Man is so overblown that she outright refuses to consider Geo his SecretIdentity even after she's learned the truth. In the anime, she doesn't get around to admitting they're the same until the last episode of the Tribe anime.
553* LuminescentBlush: In the late anime, she gets this a couple of times when dealing with the Geo-Mega Man connection.
554* MaleMightFemaleFinesse: In the first game, the cards in Luna's brotherband tend to be more elegant swords and tactical cards like Fokx-Fu and Vulcan Seed, while Bud's tend be to flashier shows of force like the Knuckle series and his various bomb cards. That said, [[DownplayedTrope Luna's capable of big show of force herself, and Bud's cards have tactical applications]].
555* ManicPixieDreamGirl: Zigzagged. She's confident, expressive, energetic, and insists on dragging Geo out of his shell... but only because she's ThePerfectionist and strong-arming the [[{{Hikikomori}} class recluse]] into actually attending school is a stepping stone to greater ambitions. If anything, it's Geo who gets ''Luna'' to open up, after Geo has already been nudged from his shell by Omega-Xis.
556* MugglePower: During the attack at [[BeachEpisode Alohaha]], things get bad enough that Luna comes to find Mega Man for advice on what to do. The act of deferring her judgment to another ''sets Joker off''.
557* NinjaLog: When it's not providing [[BulletSeed Vulcan Seed cards]], Luna's brotherband in the first game will provide the Fokx-Fu series.
558* NoblewomansLaugh: She lets one out when she's given the designation of honor at the village of Nansca's ceremony.
559* NotQuiteDead: Luna is Joker's second victim, but after the latter obliterates her, Geo insists on considering her still alive somewhere. He ultimately proves correct, and has to collect her fragmented data.
560* {{Ojou}}: Rich, proper, born into wealth? Yup.
561* ProgressivelyPrettier: Series artist Ryuji Higurashi gave Luna a subtle redesign in ''Star Force 3'', with rounder eyes, thinner eyebrows, and fuller, more expressive twintails--there's a world of difference between his original [[ concept art]] and Luna's [[ SF3 expression sketches]]. In a 25th Anniversary FAQ, Higurashi chalked it up to a mix of his coming to see Luna as a main character after actually playing the games (which he couldn't do when [=SF1=] was still in development) and being better in general at drawing prettier characters.
562* ProperTightsWithASkirt: In the anime her stockings are straight up baby blue. In the games, they're a darker blue with a light yellow spiral pattern.
563* {{Protectorate}}: Despite their relationship, Geo cares enough about Luna that his DeclarationOfProtection is what allows him to tap into the Star Force in the first game. She reciprocates in the sequel by giving him a CooldownHug during his PowerIncontinence, and [[LevelUpAtIntimacy5 the resulting jump in their Link Power]] allows him to conquer the [=OOPart=].
564* PullARabbitOutOfMyHat: Luna's Wizard [[ Vogue]] is a green floppy-eared critter piloting an upside-down top hat.
565* RedOniBlueOni:
566** The haughty Tsundere to Sonia's sweetheart GenkiGirl. Luna has associations with the colors blue and purple to Sonia's pink.
567** Luna also has some notable contrast with Sherrice of Battle Network's ''Legend of Network'' mobile game, which [[ProductionLeadTime released the same year]] as ''Star Force''; both are blondes for whom SchoolUniformsAreTheNewBlack, but Luna wears blue to Sherrice's red, Luna's hair and stockings use curl patterns while Sherrice's are straight, and Luna is much more expressive than the EmotionlessGirl Sherrice.
568* RichBitch: Luna enters the series rich, pushy, hostile, and she refuses to leave Geo alone. There's more to her than that, but in the games, she maintains her snippy ''tsun'' aspects more than her anime incarnation. The ''dere'' doesn't come out until the situation is serious.
569%%* TheRival: To Sonia.
570* SchoolIdol: The class holds her in relatively high esteem (Bud and Zack most of all), and a Hertz in the third game explicitly identifies her as an idol along with Sonia.
571* SchoolUniformsAreTheNewBlack: Her outfit has all the trappings of a school uniform (suit-like skirt, padded shoulders, stiff collar, badge), but she's the only one who wears anything of the like.
572* SmittenTeenageGirl: Preteen, actually, but her infatuation with the local superhero is second to none.
573* {{Socialite}}: Invoked. Her wizard Vogue is meant to help her excel socially.
574* SourOutsideSadInside: In the first game, Luna's cynical and manipulative traits are the front she presents to the world, and it's not until the Ophiuchus chapter that Geo is able to visit her at home and first glimpse hints of her hidden misery and suboptimal home life.
575* StudentCouncilPresident:
576** {{Invoked}} in the first game; Luna's Transer can be read during the initial tour of the AMAKEN facilities, and Luna's personal message reveals her master plan in bringing Geo to school is ultimately to become student council president.
577** Invoked once again in the third game, where Luna ropes the whole posse into her election campaign--ultimately, she succeeds and is elected.
578* SupportPartyMember: Luna's brotherband in the first two games will furnish Mega Man with a selection of extra cards to help out in battle.
579* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: Luna starts as a modified clone of ''VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork'''s Yai[[note]]As the haughty, aggressive, dramatically-coiffed blonde {{Ojou}} who funds the group's more outlandish adventures[[/note]] with some elements of Mayl thrown in for flavor[[note]]Luna practices the piano and has parent-driven angst (which was implied for Mayl in [=BN1=] by an NPC claiming she was really close to her grandmother because her parents weren't often home)[[/note]]. She gains more traits from Mayl in the second and third games, becoming the TeamMom and emotional support for Geo in his darker moments.
580* TeamChef: After her ADayInTheLimelight in the anime. She graduates from LethalChef to swatting Geo's hands away when he tries to steal the muffins she bakes in his kitchen.
581* TeamMom: The end of her introductory scene in the second game sees her fussing over Geo's, Bud's, and Zack's health and welfare. Judging from their tolerant responses, it would seem this is pretty routine.
582* ThroughHisStomach:
583** Late in the anime's first season, she spends an episode learning how to cook -- for [[LovesMyAlterEgo Mega Man]], from [[CoolBigSis Akane]], and [[HilarityEnsues using Subaru]]. By the time of the final arc of the Tribe anime, she's become so proficient that Subaru actually tries stealing one of the cupcakes she bakes at his house.
584** Her job in the post-game of ''Star Force 2'' is an attempt to try and cooking a pastry. Geo, [[OutOfCharacterMoment for once actually eager]] [[ShipTease to assist someone]], cheerfully gathers ingredients from ''around the world'' for her -- actually going so far as to invert their usual dynamic and making her demand he [[UnwantedAssistance Stop Helping Her]].
585* TooDumbToLive: Generally averted in the games, where as the DamselInDistress she lacks much choice in the matter, but the anime occasionally highlights her fangirl status by having her stick around in active battle zones to watch Mega Man go. During her DayInTheLimelight episode, once she's prepared a quality lunch to give to Rock Man, she actually goes to the highest point of the city to look around for signs of FM-ians causing trouble so she can get there faster.
586* TomboyAndGirlyGirl: Downplayed with Sonia and Luna; Luna's mostly just the skirt-wearing DamselInDistress to Sonia's ActionGirl in shorts. Otherwise both are quite feminine.
587* TouchedByVorlons: Ophiuchus makes and offer to Luna (giving her the power to avoid being transferred in the games, and being able to see Mega Man in the anime) if she Wave Changed with her. She accepts in both cases and is turned into Queen Ophiuca for it. In the second game, she is forcibly turned back into Queen Ophiuca because she was host to an FM-ian.
588* TrueBlueFemininity: To contrast Sonia's PinkMeansFeminine, she almost always wears a blue uniform while remaining into stereotypically girly things like plushies.
589* {{Tsundere}}:
590** Type A, though Geo (and the audience) don't get to see her sweet side until he really gets to know her. It exists, mind you; that sweet side is why Bud is so loyal to her. In the anime, she eventually transitions into Type B (sweet for everyone except Geo).
591** In fact, in the first game, she outright states that she may act stuck up most of the time, but only because she's lonely and she really wants true friends.
592* UnclePennybags: She will often take advantage of her wealth for her friends' benefit. In the third game, she's willing to help the Science Club by buying a Giga Energy Card for their rocket, but Geo and Zack immediately talk her down by pointing out it would look like a huge bribe, not something she wants on the record of her rise to power.
593%%* VitriolicBestBuds: With Sonia in the anime.
594* WellDoneSonGuy: In the first game, she tries meet her parents' standards.
595%%* WithFriendsLikeThese: Again, Sonia in the anime.
598[[folder:Bud Bison]]
599!!Bud Bison ''(Gonta Ushijima)''
600!!!'''Voiced by:''' Shintaro Oohata (JP), Michael Greco (EN)
602[[caption-width-right:250:''"The Class President gave an order, so just come along quietly!"'']]
603-->Transer: Dragon (Anime)
605-->EM Human: Taurus Fire
606-->Trans-Code: 005
608The first of Luna's two main subordinates, and, eventually, one of Geo's friends. While Luna's extra muscle comes across like a tough guy (which, to be fair, he is), he also nurtures a hidden, softer side and enjoys being with his friends almost as much as a good meal. After getting scolded harshly by Luna for messing up her efforts to get Geo to come to school, his loneliness reveals him to the invading FM-ian Taurus in the first game. Taurus' influence remains with Bud the whole series become a team in the third game. To avoid immediate spoilers, Taurus is listed under the [=FM-ians=] section on the Pegasus, Leo, Dragon sheet.
610* ActionHero: In the third game, he's able to perform a wave change with Taurus to assist Geo and Sonia.
611* AlliterativeName: Bud Bison.
612* AllOfTheOtherReindeer: His hugeness set him apart as a child. Luna was the first to reach out to him, which is what set his loyalty to her in stone.
613* AnimalLover:
614** A piece of concept art depicts Bud taking a moment to tend to a bird...[[TheKlutz while sitting down and knocking over a flowerpot]].
615** In the manga, Bud protects a puppy from abuse by some neighborhood brats.
616* AnimalMotifs: Cattle.
617* AscendedExtra: He has a much more prominent role in the third game.
618* BeastAndBeauty: This kid has been known to spontaneously transform into a raging, fire-breathing minotaur. He has a love interest.
619* BewareTheNiceOnes: You better make ''darn'' sure you be respectful around Luna, or Bud will be very, ''very'' upset with you.
620* BigDumbBody: As Taurus' host, his chief merit is size and availability.
621* BigEater: This boy loves himself some food. In fact, this is one of his chief distinguishing characteristics when compared to Dex, whose niche he otherwise fulfills. In case you don't do subtlety, his ''family crest'' is a crossed fork and knife. This is [[JustifiedTrope reinforced]] in the third game, when he starts fueling his Taurus Fire form with the food he eats.
622* TheBigGuy: To Zack's TheSmartGuy.
623* BoisterousBruiser: Bud likes being loud.
624* BookDumb: [[SarcasmMode Just a little]]. During Libra's chapter, the Study Wave pushes everyone through some aspect of education; Geo and Bud work on their multiplication tables; by the time Geo gets to his threes, Bud's looping through his ones at lightspeed. Repeatedly.
625* BruiserWithASoftCenter: Looks like a big thug, but he's really a big teddy bear.
626* BullfightBoss: First boss of the series is Bud as Taurus Fire.
627* BullSeeingRed: After Bud meets Taurus, objects around town that are colored red are often found destroyed the following morning.
628* ChainOfPeople: In the anime, Bud and Zack try to rescue Luna from a dangling out of a damaged sky-tram during Mega Man's premiere arc; it's this when Bud seizes Zack by the back of his shirt and almosts throws him forward to reach Luna.
629* CharlesAtlasSuperpower: Averted in the anime. He's strong enough to carry Luna around on his back, but even then that's a bit of a stretch for him. (And commenting on it will earn him a slap).
630* DarkAndTroubledPast: When Bud was younger, he scared all the kids around him for being big, which left him absolutely miserable - and then Luna found him and took him under her wing, earning her his loyalty. When his unthinking overenthusiasm leads Luna to threathen to cut ties with him, the results aren't pretty.
631* DeathFromAbove: In the first two games, Bud's brotherband will always feature one of the cards from the Moai Fall series.
632* DeclarationOfProtection: In the second game, when Yeti Blizzard tampers with the weather control system and injures Amy Gelande, he rushes to her rescue. Doesn't work, but he gets an A for effort. In the third game, he quits the Satella Police so he could protect Luna and Zack.
633* DidNotGetTheGirl: Bud fears this outcome in the second game when he takes a particular liking to the starlet of Grizzly Peaks hotel, Amy Gelande, and then realizes he had just been very rude to her father, who also happens to own the hotel. Don't worry, it turned out fine.
634* DisappearedDad: He refers to his mother at least once, but never his father.
635* DistressedDude: If he's a victim alongside Luna.
636* DumbMuscle: Not...not a bright kid. Strong as an ox, though, if you haven't gathered as much so far.
637* EnhancedPunch: Bud's brotherband from the first game will always offer something from the Knuckle series, a series of {{Status Infliction|Attack}} {{Elemental Punch}}es. The ultimate card in this set is the Aqua-type Freeze Knuckle ([[{{Irony}} despite]] [[FireWaterJuxtaposition Bud's association with Fire]]).
638* FanBoy: To several of the game-significant women. He is ''intensely'' loyal to Luna (see Hidden Depths below), but Zack once convinces him to ditch one of her meetings (which promises to go an extra-long due to her being in a particularly foul mood) so they can go get psyched up for a local Sonia Strumm concert. He also develops a fondness for Amy Gelande in the second game.
639* GentleGiant: Bud's a nice kid, honest he is. Unless, of course, [[BerserkButton you show disrespect to Luna]], who was one of the best things to ever happen to him.
640* AGodAmI: The Shaman of Whazzap exploits Bud's [[EasyAmnesia amnesia]] and declares him the prophet of Mu to unify his people, which will allow him to further direct them into prosperity. This backfires rather fiercely when 1) Geo and the gang show up, trying to claim him, and 2) Solo appears soon after, trying to kill him.
641-->'''Solo:''' [[BerserkButton Who is this fraud who speaks of Mu?]]
642* HavingABlast: Bud's brotherband in the first game features the Count Bomb and Power Bomb battle-card series in its selection.
643* HenshinHero: In the third game. Before then, it was really rather unintentional.
644* HeroicBSOD: After the BeachEpisode in the third game.
645* HiddenDepths: Bud's surprisingly emotional at times. Incredible social talent and skill at cooking being just two of them.
646* InterspeciesFriendship: With Taurus in the third game.
647* InvisibleParents: He mentions his mother once in the first game, explaining they have a pre-scheduled outing and so he can't hang out with Luna.
648* JumpedAtTheCall: In the third game, when Taurus becomes his Wizard, he joins the Satella police. He eventually quits so he could protect Luna and Zack.
649* MadeOfIron: Subverted in the manga. When trying to keep some bullies from attacking a puppy, he takes a baseball bat ''to the skull'', keeps standing despite all the blood, and grins. Later in the day the bullies' big brother shows up and drops him with a hit from three bats at once, using him as a chair while his little brothers go back to their animal abusing pastime. In his desperation for more power, [[FromBadToWorse Taurus appears before him]].
650* MaleMightFemaleFinesse: In the first game, the cards in Bud's brotherband tend to be flashier shows of force like the Knuckle series and his various bomb cards, while Luna's tend to be more elegant swords and tactical cards like Fokx-Fu and Vulcan Seed. That said, [[DownplayedTrope Bud's cards have tactical applications, and Luna's capable of big show of force herself]].
651* NeverBareheaded: Always wears that strange cap.
652* PlayingWithFire: The cards in Bud's brotherband are almost all of the Fire element.
653* SecretKeeper: As one of Geo's Brothers.
654* ShirtlessScene: During the BeachEpisode in the third game, he apparently decides to go native and strips all the way down to a {{Fundoshi}}. He even carries around a harpoon.
655* SidekickGlassCeiling: In the third game, for the same reasons as Sonia.
656* SleevesAreForWimps: His outfit doesn't have sleeves.
657* StoutStrength: Quite strong for his age.
658* SupportPartyMember: Bud's brotherband in the first two games will furnish Mega Man with a selection of extra cards to help out in battle.
659* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute:
660** Of Dex from ''Battle Network'', but, unlike him, Bud wasn't DemotedToExtra in later games. Also, Bud is much nicer when compared to the SmallNameBigEgo Dex.
661** He is one to Mic; they both get involved in the first incident that allowed their alliance with the fire-themed boss.
662* TastesLikeFriendship: Gonta's love of food translates directly into his optimal form of bonding with other people.
663* TookALevelInBadass: He secretly trains with Ace, primarily so he could pull off a Big Damn Heroes at some point and blow everyone away.
664* TouchedByVorlons: The very first, after Geo. Even afterwards, there's a substantial deposit of Taurus' remains inhabiting his body, which causes problems every now and then. Comes to a head in the third game, where Taurus does a HeelFaceTurn and becomes Bud's Wizard.
665* {{Youkai}}: He has a Daruma doll in his room in the first game.
668[[folder:Zack Temple]]
669!!Zack Temple ''(Kizamaro Saishouin)''
670!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/YukoGibu (JP), Creator/YuriLowenthal (EN)
672[[caption-width-right:232:''"I must tell this to the Prez!"'']]
673-->Transer: Pegasus (Anime)
674-->Wizard: Pedia
676The second of Luna's two main subordinates, and, eventually, one of Geo's friends. Zack is Luna's extra brain, helping to organize her schedule and to develop her plans; in fact, it was on Zack's suggestion that Luna began hunting Geo down. Small and eager, Zack is usually the first of the group to seize onto a new idea and goes to great lengths to convince Luna the idea is worthwhile, though this is often Hit-Or-Miss for him. In keeping with his status, Zack also owns a miniature database called the Zackpedia, which is adminstered by his Wizard Pedia.\
678Behind closed doors, he laments his inability to be of any particular use to Mega Man after they become friends, since he can't offer emotional support like Luna or supply physical muscle like Bud. To his credit, however, his capacity for research is second to none; Geo's taken care of several serious threats based on information he's received from Zack.
680* AerithAndBob: How many ''Kizamaro''es do we have running around in anime- and video game-dom, anyway?
681* AgentScully: Briefly seen doubting about Mega Man in the early first game, as his memories of the incidents are always sketchy. This is dropped later on.
682* BlindWithoutEm: Suggested during the BeachEpisode in the third game with the way his eyes pinch up.
683* BrainySpecs: Wears glasses and is the brains of the group.
684* CantCatchUp: Zack was never anointed by any of the FM-ians, which means he's been locked out of the EM Human loop; he hides problems about being out of his depth. Heck, even Bud leaves him behind for a time.
685* ChainOfPeople: In the anime, Bud and Zack try to rescue Luna from a dangling out of a damaged sky-tram; it's this when Bud seizes Zack by the back of his shirt and hoists him forward to reach Luna.
686* DistressedDude: If he's a victim alongside Luna and Bud.
687* EleventhHourRanger: In the first game, Zack's brotherband doesn't become available until after the credits roll for the first time.
688* FanBoy: Both he and Bud are extremely loyal to Luna. And Sonia. (This causes them some trouble every once in a while)
689* FreeRangeChildren: In the second game, Luna manages to take him with her to Whazzap. (Bud doesn't count since he doesn't leave the country of his own volition)
690* GreenThumb: In the second game, Zack takes over the association with the Wood element from Luna; his brotherband includes Wood Grenade, Squall 1, and Mop Lance 1.
691* HeroicBSOD: After the BeachEpisode in the third game.
692* HiddenDepths: See CantCatchUp above. Also, he laments his inability to do anything useful for Mega Man at the end of the first game.
693* {{Hypocrite}}: In the first game, Zack accuses Geo of being a KnowNothingKnowItAll for talking about Sonia's motives as though he knew her, when the only reason Geo lashed out at all was because Zack was speculating on Sonia's motives.
694* IJustWantToBeSpecial:
695** Especially in the second game. After being sent to Netopia and finding the possible existence of the Loch Mess, Zack refuses to go back with his friends as he wanted to have something he can brag about when compared to his friends (two of them are superheroes, one of them a student class president and another a big, tough guy).
696** A Hertz in his room reveals that he and Pedia practice EM Wave Change poses in the mirror, though he never makes a huge issue of it.
697* InsufferableGenius: Early on he could be infuriatingly this, when it overlaps with a certain lack of social skills. He gets better.
698* InvisibleParents: His parents are never mentioned.
699* LackOfEmpathy: Hints of it in the anime; when he first meets Geo, he [[NoSocialSkills immediately starts discussing]] how Kelvin was lost in the space station accident, which [[SarcasmMode greatly endeared him to Geo]].
700* MagicalComputer: Pedia, Zack's Wizard, and by extension, the Zackpedia.
701* MeaningfulName: Zack is a common shortened form of the Hebrew language (Southwest Asia) name Zechariah, which means "God has remembered". Temple may refer to the part of the head directly in front of the temporal cortex.
702* NerdGlasses: He has a collection of them on his shelf.
703* NonActionGuy: Due to being unable to Wave Change and having no physical skills otherwise. He's really bummed about this.
704* {{Otaku}}: Especially in the anime.
705* ScaryShinyGlasses: In the anime.
706* SecretKeeper: As one of Geo's Brothers.
707* ShipperOnDeck: In the anime, he happens across what he believes to be Luna and Gonta on a date, which, after Luna's and Gonta's loud argument in the classroom that morning, fills his head with thoughts of BelligerentSexualTension. He spends the next episode trying to get Geo to help him set their ship's sail, only to discover he'd encountered [[OhCrap Taurus and Ophiuca in disguise]].
708* ShirtlessScene: During the BeachEpisode.
709* TheShortGuyWithGlasses: Wears glasses, is the shortest member of the main cast, and is the brains of the group.
710* ShorterMeansSmarter: The shortest one in the group and the smartest one.
711* TheSmartGuy: To Bud's TheBigGuy. His Wizard, Pedia (as in Encyclopedia) is either the admin, holder, or the embodiment of the Zackpedia, which is Zack's information database, [[OmniscientDatabase that has entries on nearly everything]].
712* SmartPeopleWearGlasses: To go with his stereotypical nerd image.
713* TheSneakyGuy: In the first game, he overhears some information on Geo's plans that he immediately feeds to Luna.[[note]]He's not exactly stalking Geo, as the conversation he eavesdrops on happens to be around the corner from his own home.[[/note]]
714* SnoopingLittleKid: Acts as Luna's spy in the first game.
715* SpockSpeak: Well-spoken at all times.
716* SummonMagic: Zack's brotherband in the first game provides access to the EX and SP cards of all three {{Optional Boss}}es.
717* SupportPartyMember: Zack's brotherband in the first two games will furnish Mega Man with a selection of extra cards to help out in battle. In his first game brotherband, Zack's cards are almost all tactical support, including the Song series, the Magic Crystal series, and a couple of Stages.
718* TagalongKid: Zack is the shortest, youngest, and cockiest member of the group. Up until he got a compatible wizard, he's also passed off as the [[TheLoad least useful member]] due to never having used EM Wave Change.
719* TheTeamNormal: He and Luna are the only one with no powers.
720* ThemeNaming: His last name (Temple) may refer to the temple, the portion of the head's anatomy directly before the temporal cortex.
721* TouchedByVorlons: Subverted, as he is the only one of the kids that doesn't interact with any FM-ian. He does get a wizard like the other four, though.
722* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute:
723** Zack could easily be mistaken for a prepubescent Higsby.
724** As the smallest of the trio can be traced back to Yai and have more in common with Tab.
725* UnwittingInstigatorOfDoom: In the first game, Zack tells the manager that Sonia took the bus to AMAKEN, which precipitates the confrontation on the roof in which the manager assaults Geo, which itself leads to the manager getting into another fight with Sonia, which then leads Sonia to escape into Lyra's grasp.
728[[folder:Sonia Strumm/Sky]]
729!!Sonia Strumm/Sky ''(Misora Hibiki)''
730!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/MisatoFukuen (JP), Creator/WendeeLee (EN)
732[[caption-width-right:190:''"The manager is a butthead! The music producer is a fried octopus ball! '''''Songs come from the heart!'''''"'']]
733-->Wave Scanner: Leo (Anime)
734-->Wizard: Lyra
735-->EM Human: Harp/Lyra Note
736-->Trans-Code: 004
738This young lady is something of a celebrity, an IdolSinger, in fact. Introduced in the first game, Sonia became a singer in order to make her mother happy, but after her mother died, her manager began using her success for his own financial gain. Her depression is what called Lyra to her, and after being defeated they both become allies. Like Geo, Sonia can't have her mind controlled by Lyra and so relies in her own fighting strength during battles. Together they become Harp Note. She is the first person Geo forms a brotherband with.\
740Note: Tropes specifically about Lyra, or about Harp Note's ''form and abilities'' are under Lyra's section below.
742* TenMinuteRetirement: She retires from her job as an IdolSinger shortly after her introduction in the first game. By the start of the second game (two months later in game time) she has not only returned to singing, she's also doing advertising. By the third game she's also gone into acting and doing photo shoots. Despite the escalating work load, her new (unnamed) manager presumably treats her like a person instead of a cash cow.
743* ActionGirl: Mega Man's chief ally.
744* ActionHero: Once Lyra performs a HeelFaceTurn.
745* AdaptationPersonalityChange: While it is unknown whether or not Sonia lost her mother in the anime, she is much more hot-blooded than in the game and tends to get angry at even the most minute things. Furthermore, while she wanted to quit her idol career in the first game after being exploited by her manager, she has no problem working with him in the anime, though she doesn't like the way he does things.
746* AlliterativeName: Sonia Strumm; Sonia Sky in the English anime.
747* AnimalMotifs: Downplayed. Concept art reveals that she used to have a light bear motif; an older design of her hoodie, back when her character was more tomboyish and aggressive, had an cute angry bear face on the back of it. The final version of the hoodie lost the face, but did keep the round "ears" on top.
748* BadassBoast: To Gemini Spark in the anime.
749-->'''Gemini Spark (White)''': We'll kill you too if you try to get in our way.
750-->'''Harp Note''': I'd like to see you try.
751* BadassInDistress: While she is capable of handle herself in battles as well as [[BigDamnHeroes saving Mega Man]] on many occassions, Sonia herself needs to be saved from several times as well.
752* BarrierWarrior: Sonia's brotherband in the first game provides Mega Man with the First Barrier ability and almost always offers cards from the Barrier series or an Aura. Half the cards in her second game brotherband are also barriers.
753* BattleCouple: Not as much in the games (though she and Geo do go on a date or two), but the anime provides a few moments here and there, highlighting them by having Luna assume this trope.
754* BettyAndVeronica: Zigzagged between Luna and Sonia, who at first blush are the UptownGirl and GirlNextDoor respectively, and yet Luna is Geo's ever-present classmate while Sonia is a world-famous TeenIdol.
755* BewareTheNiceOnes: Sonia is one of the friendliest members of the cast. In the first game, her manager pushed her too far after he punched Geo in front of her and tried to force her into more work at which point she willingly let Harp grant her power to retaliate.
756-->'''Sonia:''' ''Revenge!''
757* BirdsOfAFeather: She and Geo bonded over the loss of their parent and the loneliness that they face after that.
758* BigDamnHeroes: As Harp Note, and especially in the anime.
759-->''"Harp Note, dropping in!"''
760* BigEater: Sonia can pack it away on the same level as Bud when she wants to. This does absolutely nothing to her figure. You can see it during her date with Geo in the second game and if you neglect to take her path in the DatingSim BeachEpisode in the third game.
761* BondingOverMissingParents: Geo hasn't had a dad for a few years, Sonia recently lost her mom. This happens.
762* CardsOfPower: She uses Battle Cards in the anime.
763* CatchPhrase: In the anime, she announces her appearances as Harp Note with a cry of, "Harp Note, dropping in!"
764* ClarkKenting: A smidgeon in the anime; Cancer Bubble tricks Harp Note into reciting a line from Misora's TV drama, and he totally fails to make the connection from the same girl saying the same line in the same way. Directly in front of him.
765* ClingyJealousGirl: Not as bad about it as anime!Luna, but Sonia's been known to be less than thrilled when Geo is either interacting with a girl that's not her or appears to forget about her.
766* CombatMedic: While this tendency isn't nearly as strong as it was in [[VideoGame/MegaManBattleNetwork her predecessor Roll.EXE]], Sonia's brotherband in the first game offers defensive barriers and recovery cards.
767* ContrastingSequelMainCharacter: Where Mayl was DemotedToExtra in ''5'' and ''6'', Sonia was more prominent in her roles. Unlike Roll, Lyra exploited Sonia for her own purposes before eventually coming to terms with Geo. It is likely that Sonia has most of Mayl's role in the anime.
768* ConvenientlyAnOrphan: Even noting Sonia's mother-grief, it sure is convenient that Sonia has no one to answer to when she runs off.
769* DeathByOriginStory: Sonia's mother died roughly a month or two before the first game. Her mother is never seen in the game.
770* DeathGlare: At Cancer Bubble during the ninja episodes in Tribe, complete with death threat, in order to force him to do her wishes.
771-->'''Sonia:''' I'll '''''decapitate''''' you.
772* DefeatMeansFriendship:
773** Downplayed. She already kinda-sorta liked Geo to the point of not doing her best during their first battle, but she REALLY started to be his friend after their fight, wherein she learns of Geo's own problems that surprisingly mirror her own.
774** The anime has a variant on this -- in her original antagonist role, Lyra was actually possessing Sonia, but after she loses, the prospect of going back and reporting her failures is so unappealing, Lyra tries to make nice with Sonia instead. Sonia decides to profit from this by going on adventures around the world and becoming a Henshin Hero, disappearing for half-a-dozen episodes before bailing Mega Man out of his fight with Gemini Spark on her own initiative. Sonia and Geo have no particular relationship until the end of the first anime season, only knowing each other as Mega Man and Harp Note (though Geo discerns her quite public Secret Identity).
775* DisappearedDad: While her mother is stated to be deceased, there's no mention of her father in any capacity in any continuity.
776* DoItYourselfThemeTune: In the third game, Sonia hosts a concert in which she sings a rendition of "Shooting Star", the game's title theme music. The lyrics she writes clearly reference her first meeting with Geo and how he saved her from the loneliness she felt.
777* DynamicEntry: Usually as Harp Note.
778* ElegantGothicLolita: One of her concert outfits in the anime has this look, but in bright white and pink.
779* EstablishingCharacterMoment: Her cathartic tantrum in the anime.
780* FamedInStory: As an IdolSinger, she's world-renowned.
781* FakeDefector: In the second game. She starts working with the Neo Mu Empire to keep them from attacking Mega Man...and even goes so far as to sever her Brother Band with Geo, luckily she switches back to Geo's side when she realizes that her deal with them was always an empty promise.
782* {{Foil}}: Sonia's perky and active, Geo's sullen and needs motivation. even with his CharacterDevelopment, Sonia's still far more outgoing than Geo is.
783* FreeRangeChildren: Invoked in the anime; Sonia embraces her new superhero status because it will let her have adventures.
784* GenkiGirl: She starts off as a deconstruction — her genki personality is partially a coping mechanism until she finally addresses the reality of her situation. After that, she's pretty much non-stop buoyant and perky.
785* GetBackHereBoss: In the first game, she leads you on a chase from Echo Ridge to Amaken, pausing to attack you from afar.
786* HenshinHero: Like Geo who can turn into Mega Man, Sonia can perform a wave change to transform into Harp Note.
787* HeroicBSOD: After the BeachEpisode in the third game.
788* HeroicHost: For Lyra.
789* HeroicSacrifice: Non-fatal, but she deliberately puts herself between Mega Man and Rogue EX. She gets brutally beaten as a result.
790* IdolSinger: Although she quits after meeting Geo; she begins singing again in the second game. She never retires from the role in the anime, but gives herself plenty of vacation time.
791* ImprobableAge: Sonia is a nationally renowned idol, accomplished songwriter, and actress all at the age of 11.
792* IncomingHam: Usually as Harp Note, sometimes even with Dynamic Entry, BigDamnHeroes, or both.
793* InconsistentDub: The anime's dub changed her surname to "Skye" for some reason. On the other hand, it also corrected Harp Note's name to Lyra Note to match Lyra's changed name.
794* IncurableCoughOfDeath: Sonia's mother, in concept art.
795* ItWasAGift: Sonia's bag that was stolen at the beach. She got it from a fan, and she says it's special to her.
796* JackOfAllStats: Sonia's brotherband in the first game offers both pure offense and tactical attacks, balanced with some defensive support that she alone provides.
797* JumpedAtTheCall: Another way she differs from Geo.
798* KimonoFanservice: A couple of times, including one of her promotional calendar pictures dresses her up in a blue kimono.
799* TheLancer: As Harp Note. Some fans like to call BattleCouple.
800* LittleMissBadass: A cute girl and famous idol singer who becomes a MusicalAssassin as Harp Note.
801* LoveTriangle: During the Beach Episode, you choose whether she or Luna can have an intimate moment with Geo by choosing to save either of their stuff...or if you're feeling up for a good laugh, get ''Bud's'' stuff.
802* MegatonPunch: In the anime, at one point she *kicks* a Mett away in frustration.
803* MesACrowd: At one point in the Tribe anime, she decides to ditch a television program she was a part of to go adventuring with Geo, and has Cancer cover for her. The crab alien gets his claws on Cygnus' old materializing device[[hottip:*:Used to simulate each FM-ian's original host's material so they could use EM Wave Change without a host proper]] to create a Remote-Control Sonia Puppet. Cancer does [[{{Flanderization}} a poor job of imitating Sonia's personality]], however, so when the idol comes back, she finds the puppet behaving embarassingly on stage.
804* MissingMom: Mother died of illness.
805* MotorMouth: The opening lines of "''Kizuna'' Wave", the opening song of the TRIBE anime (and one of hers in-universe), are positively ''stuffed'' with syllables.
806* MundaneUtility: Uses her powers to get away from rabid fanboys in the third game.
807* MusicalAssassin: Harp Note is able to weaponize sound and her guitar to attack her foes. Her Shock Note attack has her summon speakers to shoot out paralyzing music notes. She can also bind foes with her guitar strings before assailing her helpless target with additional music notes.
808* MusicalThemeNaming: Her last name in the Japanese version (Hibiki) means echo and you first witness her form in Echo Ridge. Her first name (Misora) references the three notes from the solfege; also, her last name in the English version falls under this as well.
809* NiceGirl: She is very likely the nicest person in the series, and is one of the nicest in the franchise.
810* NoblewomansLaugh: A character she plays on TV lets one out in the anime.
811* NoodleIncident: In the anime, Misora's manager tries to rope her into performing live [[{{Fanservice}} while wearing a swimsuit]]; she adamantly refuses and vaguely mentions an incident she swore to pretend never happened.
812* OutdoorsyGal: In the anime. She does it for the inspiration.
813* OddFriendship: With Luna, mixed with UnknownRival and VitriolicBestBuds (especially in the anime); they're both schoolgirl age, but Sonia doesn't attend the same school as Geo and company.
814* PerkyFemaleMinion: Zig Zagged. She's usually perky, and she's been a female minion, but never both at once.
815* PinkMeansFeminine: Her default outfit is yellow short shorts and a pink hoodie.
816* PluckyGirl: Again Deconstructed. She seems happy and cheerful, but it's quickly revealed that it's merely a coping mechanism for her depression. Once she overcomes her issues, she is this permanently.
817%%* TheRival: To Luna.
818* TheRockstar: She's a famous IdolSinger.
819* SailorFuku: Wears one while filming her TV show in ''3''.
820* SavvyGuyEnergeticGirl: In the anime, Sonia overflows with energy and exuberance and leaves Geo struggling to catch up.
821* SecretIdentity: The human identity of Harp Note.
822* SecretKeeper: As one of Geo's Brothers and fellow EM Wave Human, she's this.
823* {{Shorttank}}: To an extent. She rolls in a hoodie and short-shorts.
824* ShoutOutThemeNaming: To Hibari Misora, a famous Japanese singer.
825* SidekickGlassCeiling: She's powerful, but has no Noise capabilities.
826* TheSmurfettePrinciple: She and Lyra are the only females in the SP Commandos. (By extension, Harp Note's also the only heroic female EM Human in general)
827* StepfordSmiler: In the eyes of the public, she is an energetic idol who is never without a smile on her face. To Geo, she is trouble soul like him who is grieving over the lost of a parent.
828* SupportPartyMember: Sonia's brotherband in the first two games will furnish Mega Man with a selection of extra cards to help out in battle.
829* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: She takes the roles of both Mayl and Roll from ''Battle Network'', and resembles both of them in her normal form and as Harp Note, respectively.
830* TheSvengali: Her manager (and possible guardian), Chrys Golds, has remarkably little regard for her as a person. She ditches him in the first game, but sticks around with him in the anime, where he's not quite as odious.
831* TeenIdol: Star Force 3 describes her as a teen idol.
832* TomboyAndGirlyGirl: Downplayed with Sonia and Luna; Luna's mostly just the skirt-wearing DamselInDistress to Sonia's ActionGirl in shorts. Otherwise both are quite feminine.
833* TooManyBelts: One of her concert outfits in the anime.
834* TouchedByVorlons: Lyra gives her the power to Wave Change.
835* UnlimitedWardrobe: She has the most costumes and outfits available to her when considering both the games themselves and all the official art.
836* UselessAccessory: She uses a Leo-aligned [[MerchandiseDriven Wave Scanner]] in the anime, which is odd considering that her guitar is already wave-enabled.
837* VSign: In the anime. In order to enable her to waltz off the set, Cancer ends up using Cygnus' materialization device to make a remote control copy of Misora, which he strives to make resemble the real thing to increasingly little avail. In the end, he settles for having it simply aim V-Signs at everything around it.
838* WildChild: More in the anime, where she takes to adventuring with Lyra whenever an opportunity presents itself.
839%%* YamatoNadeshiko: Sonia's mother appears to be this, also in concept art.
840* YouGoGirl: In the anime, especially with Lyra's encouragement.
844!!Lyra/Harp (Note)
845!!!'''Voiced by:''' Creator/KyokoHikami (JP), Creator/JessicaStraus (EN)
847[[caption-width-right:350:[[labelnote:Click here to see Harp Note.]][[/labelnote]]]]
849-->Partner: Sonia Strumm
851An FM-ian that came to Earth to retrieve the Andromeda Key, with her choosing Sonia as her host. After her defeat, she decides to remain on Earth after Sonia forgave her and stays as her partner.
853* BarrierWarrior: The Harp Singer summons a Barrier in her opening appearance in the anime, but doesn't use one later.
854* BrownNote: Harp Note's initial rampage in the games has her knocking people out with blasts of music. Whether it's this, a high-frequency shockwave, or a combination of both is up in the air, which in turn suggests the damage probably should have been more extensive. Say, hospital-flooding extensive.
855* CoolBigSis: She serves as an older sister figure for Sonia after her HeelFaceTurn.
856* CuteBruiser: Harp Note.
857* DealWithTheDevil: A small one; Lyra appeared to Sonia in the anime and lured her away from her managers with the promise of relaxation. While Misora did indeed receive this, she never knew Lyra was intending to use her sleeping form to lay waste to the human world.
858* GetBackHereBoss: Harp Note refuses to stick around to have some sense talked into her in the first game.
859* HeelFaceTurn: After Harp Note is defeated, Lyra realizes she can't return to Planet FM a failure, so she stays on Earth with Sonia.
860* InASingleBound: With Mega Man in the anime.
861* InconsistentDub: The games changed Harp's name to Lyra, but still referred to the EM Human form as Harp Note. The anime fixed this by standardizing Lyra Note, but the damage was already done by that point, and later games continued to call her Harp Note.
862* KnowWhenToFoldEm: While she does turn out to be a genuine good guy in the end her initial side switching was basically because of this. She can't forcibly control Sonia so once Geo talked sense into her, any chance of winning was gone. So her options were report failure and be punished, or stick with Sonia and let her play hero.
863* LivingWeapon: Much like how Mega Man's Buster is Omega-Xis's head, Lyra becomes Harp Note's guitar.
864* MagicalGirlWarrior: Harp Note is an [[VisualPun EM-powered Girl]], one supposes.
865* MagicMusic: In the anime, Harp sings a lullaby that puts an entire city to sleep.
866* MusicalAssassin: Harp Note can fire musical notes, use her strings to ensnare opponents, and can fire soundwaves.
867* NonElemental: Harp Note is this.
868* OneHitPointWonder: In the anime, enemy Harp Note was this, since getting hit even once will wake up Sonia, and Lyra can't control her if she's awake. Which leads to her giving up since she'll never beat Megaman like that.
869* OneWayVisor: This applies to Harp Note in the anime while she's under Lyra's control. Otherwise, you can see her eyes just fine.
870%%zce* PinkGirlBlueBoy: Harp Note is this to Mega Man's Blue Boy.
871* PinkMeansFeminine: As Harp Note, to contrast with Queen Ophiuca.
872* PlatonicLifePartners: By virtue of their partners being close friends, Omega and Lyra have to spend time together a few times. Lyra would occasionally flirt with Omega, but nothing ever actually comes out of it, especially from ''his'' side.
873* PowerDyesYourHair: Into HairOfGold. This continues the trend of the main heroine of Mega Man having blond hair.
874* ThePowerOfRock: Sonia, when fused with Lyra, uses a guitar as an offensive weapon.
875* PunchClockVillain: Lyra was never really on board with the whole Earth invasion thing (too much work), and strikes a bargain after her incident that allows her to stay by Sonia's side and thus avoid punishment at the hands of her superiors.
876* RedBaron: In the anime, Harp originally called her EM-Wave Human form the Harp Singer.
877%%* ScarfOfAsskicking: As Harp Note.
878* ScrewThisImOuttaHere: When the option presents itself, Lyra ditches the FM-ians.
879%%* ShipperOnDeck: For Sonia and Geo.
880* StatusEffects: Harp Note specializes in these. Her Shock Note projectiles cause paralysis, while Pulse Song can inflict various different ailments depending on the waves' color.
881* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: Harp Note is a blonde in pink, yellow, and black, just like Roll.EXE before her.
882* SymbolMotifClothing: Just like [=Roll.EXE=] heart patterns are prominent on her suit and attacks.
883* TheTease: Whether it is because she likes him or just playing with him, Lyra often makes flirtatious jokes to Omega-Xis.
