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1A list of characters in Webcomic/KidRadd and the tropes associated with them.
7The hero of Webcomic/KidRadd (the game and the comic), he's a hero sprite who initially fights to rescue his girlfriend Sheena. Forced from his world when the Moderators arrive to free him, he must adapt to life outside.
10* ArmoredButFrail: Radd has a measly 4 points of health, but he can't take more than 1 damage per hit, and his MercyInvincibility prevents foes from chaining together hits on him.
11* CaptainErsatz:
12** Of the hero of a lesser-known NES game, Totally Rad.
13** His franchise follows the same arc as the ''Super Mario Bros.'' series, starting with a beloved platformer and its immediate sequel is [[InNameOnly a reskin of a totally unrelated game]].
14* ChekhovsGun: His ability to charge the Mega Radd up to 255. [[spoiler: It's because 255 is the processing limit on an 8-bit system. Radd doesn't understand the meaning of it, but it's a hint from the very beginning that 255 isn't his limit.]]
15* ClassicCheatCode: Radd can unlock the Hoverboard with Right, Up, Right, A, Down, Down. (R U RADD?)
16* GlassCannon: Can unleash incredible firepower, but can only take four hits of any strength.
17** Played with in that any strength means ''any'' strength. You could drop a nuclear bomb on him and it would do the same amount of damage as a Bogey walking into him.
18* GroinAttack: On Kobayashi.
19* TheHero: He starts out as a parody of this trope; he is the hero of his game and in the early parts of the comic he thinks this is enough to make him TheHero outside the game too, though everyone else just sees him as a bit of a doofus. As the story goes on, though, Radd goes through a lot of CharacterDevelopment until he does end up as the paragon of goodness he always aspired to be, and the one all the other heroes rally around.
20* HeroicBSOD: Has a bit of a breakdown and isn't firing on all cylinders for a while after [[spoiler: [[TheseHandsHaveKilled killing someone outside a game for the first time]]]].
21* IdiotHero: Especially early in the plot, where he has a tendency to be gullible and not think through his actions. He gets better later on, but these tendencies still remain.
22* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: He's often insensitive, callous, arrogant and rude, he has a pretty big ego, and he sometimes feels entitled to everything because he's the hero, but he's still basically a good guy who cares very deeply about doing the right thing.
23* MagneticHero: With the exception of the [[ShopliftAndDie shopkeepers]] from the ''[[Franchise/TheLegendOfZelda Island of Melba]]'' games, the allies Radd comes up with are the ones who either randomly decide to tag along with Radd, or who are actively seeking him and his allies out.
24* MyGodWhatHaveIDone: After destroying a Moderator ship pursuing him, the first time he ''actually'' killed someone.
25* [[OneHitPointWonder Four Hit Point Wonder]]: Radd can only take four hits before dying, but that's four hits regardless of how powerful the attack in question is.
26* PersonOfMassDestruction: Due to [[GoodBadBugs lazy programming]], the upper limit of the power of Radd's [[ChargeAttack Mega Radd]] attack is dependent on the "bits" of the game he's in. When he's not in a game, it's based on the system's processor, which in any modern system is high enough to be functionally limitless. He could keep charging and charging and charging until the ensuing blast is powerful enough to destroy the internet itself. [[spoiler: And he comes ''very'' close to doing so at one point.]]
27* TheSlacker: For a while after leaving his game, he had no ambition, and didn't do anything on his own, because he was still adhering to his programming of having no desires of his own, and being entirely at the whim of the player to do anything. He eventually gets better, though.
28* TookALevelInBadass: Gets more competent at fighting as time goes along, especially as he learns to be able to function on his own without needing a human to take control.
29* UnwittingPawn: [[spoiler:Plays right into G.I. Guy's plan to destroy the Internet. Generally averted with the Seer, though he admits that Radd did a better job than Crystal at gathering unique, powerful sprites for him to cannibalize, and setting Gnarl and Kobayashi off on their journey of self-realization leads to the rediscovery of Chimera.]]
34Radd's girlfriend. At least according to the game. Her original role was to serve as a DamselInDistress for Radd to rescue. On being freed from the game, she joins the Moderators and assists them in freeing other sprites in games.
37* ActionGirl: She develops into one after [[spoiler:merging with the version of her from Kid Radd 2 and gaining her attack abilities.]]
38* BulletproofHumanShield: Radd takes advantage of her NPC invulnerability to use her as a shield when going up against Kobayashi's stolen gun.
39* CatapultNightmare: Of accidentally leaving behind some silent and immobile sprites, dooming them to death. It may have been AllJustADream, but it's the product of some deep-seated doubts.
40* CompositeCharacter: [[spoiler: Once she merges with the "sequel" version of herself after ''Kid Radd 2'' is irreversibly corrupted.]]
41* FirstInjuryReaction: Sheena, formerly a NighInvulnerable NPC, [[spoiler:is combined with her PromotedToPlayable sequel iteration]] and thus gains a lifebar and damage animation. When hurt for the first time, she screams her head off about it. This prompts her boyfriend to comment "What, did you never get hurt before-oh right..." Luckily, she learns [[spoiler:she can swap between her MagicalGirlWarrior player-character version and invincible NPC version at will.]]
42* HeartIsAnAwesomePower: She can't attack or be attacked, enabling her to enter dangerous games and liberate their sprites.
43* HyperspaceMallet: [[spoiler:After she gains the ability to become a PC, she [[AmusingInjuries uses it on Radd]] the same way others would use a DopeSlap.]]
44* LimitBreak: "Pretty Armageddon!" She can use this attack every 500 shots, and it [[SmartBomb destroys all enemies in a wide range.]]
45* MiniDressOfPower: Sheena, even when in the MagicalGirlWarrior mode she later acquires.
46%%** {{Meido}}: A PowerUp no less.
47* NeutralFemale: Thanks to her initial programming. [[spoiler:She later gains the ability to fight, and when she learns about it, she averts the trope for the rest of the comic.]]
48* NighInvulnerable: Being an NPC, she has no health bar and isn't programmed to receive damage, and is thus unkillable. [[spoiler: Until she gains the ability to turn into a PC, which gives her the ability to attack, but also means she can take damage. She ''can'' freely change between the two forms, however, which she uses to her advantage.]]
49* SmartBomb: [[spoiler: The "Pretty Armageddon" attack from her PC form, charged up by launching normal attacks. After hitting with an arbitrary number, she can clear the "screen," an area which is acknowledged to be nebulous outside of a "game," but always very large.]]
50* StoneWall: As an NPC, Sheena is invincible but is utterly incapable of combat herself. [[spoiler: Once she gains the ability to switch back and fourth between her PC and NPC forms, she's still got relatively low attack power... save for the SmartBomb.]]
51* WhatTheHellHero: Calls out Bogey for his callous remarks on Radd's arrest, but learns that it was a form of ToughLove.
56A minor enemy from Radd's game [[spoiler:who is carrying a power-up]]. He winds up becoming reluctant friends with Radd after they're freed.
59* AmazonChaser: He already thought Sheena was attractive, but it's when he finds out that as an NPC she's impervious to harm, that he ''really'' begins crushing on her. Justified, since as an enemy sprite he has what he calls the "Touch of Death", i.e. hero sprites like Radd can't even touch him without taking damage.
60* BackFromTheDead: [[spoiler:Revived with the help of Radd's player, through [[RespawningEnemies being scrolled back on screen]].]]
61* BeneathNotice: He'd hoped that his elite mastery of the TouchOfDeath would contribute to the final battle, but instead everyone [[spoiler: including the Seer]] just ignored him until he walked into Radd's big duel and saved the day.
62* BigDamnHeroes: Appears just in the nick of time to save Radd from [[TheAggressiveDrugDealer an aggressive code dealer.]] [[spoiler:And again at the very end, to drop a power-up on death and heal Radd to full health.]]
63* DeadpanSnarker: The snarkiest character in the comic, bar none.
64* ADogNamedDog: "Bogey" is both his name and the name of his species.
65* TheGoomba: In the Kid Radd game.
66* HamsterWheelPower: When he says the Bogeys run the power plant, he means in the same way water runs a hydroelectric dam.
67* HeroicSacrifice: [[spoiler:Forces Radd to kill him to collect his power-up and survive the Seer's ultimate attack.]]
68* IWantMyBelovedToBeHappy: Bogey is attracted to Sheena the moment he meets her, and later in the story, genuinely falls for her. Even so, he doesn't act on his feelings, and instead encourages her feelings for Radd.
69* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: He's snarky and less than patient with Radd than Sheena, but he ''does'' care: right before [[spoiler:sacrificing himself to give Radd his powerup]], he admits to Radd that he was the best friend Bogey ever had.
70* TheLancer: To Radd. Where Radd is TotallyRadical and often oblivious, Bogey is far more down to earth and snarky. Where Radd was TheHero in the games but struggled to adapt to life outside it, Bogey was a random {{Mook}} in the game but easily made a life for himself outside it. As the comic goes on and Radd becomes more and more TheHero and discovers his potential as a true powerhouse, Bogey (who was never very powerful to begin with) struggles with the fact that he CantCatchUp. [[spoiler:And in the end, it's Bogey's HeroicSacrifice that allows Radd to save the day.]]
71* TheLoad: Due to being a OneHitPointWonder and only being capable of inflicting 1 damage at a time, he tends to be in a lot of danger when he accompanies Radd and Sheena into games, and eventually stops doing so because of this, which leads him to angst over feeling useless.
72* MascotMook: However, there are so many of them in the game, they're used to, ahem, run the local power plant when they're released.
73* NonhumanSidekick: To Radd, more or less. Even though this was in no way their relationship in the original game.
74* OneHitPointWonder: One attack does him in; in the fighting game, his health bar is represented by a single health icon.
75* PlantMooks: He sleeps inside a plant pot.
76* TouchOfDeath: A bit of an unusual version. As an enemy sprite, [[CollisionDamage his touch is harmful to all hero sprites.]] If they make physical contact with him, they take damage. This is how he manages to effortlessly win in a fighting tournament game; all he had to do was latch on to his opponent, and watch said opponent's health bar quickly dwindle down to nothing. [=NPC=]s and fellow enemy sprites are generally not affected, though.
77* ToughLove: After Sheena accuses him of being callous over Radd being arrested, he responds that Radd has to learn how things work in the world outside the game.
78* WaddlingHead: Like many other minor enemies, he's essentially a head with feet.
83The main villain of Radd's game, and his "older brother".
86* CainAndAbel: The Cain to Radd's Abel. Played with in that, in the same way that Julie isn't really Dr. Amp's "daughter", Radd and Gnarl aren't really brothers.
87* FinalBoss: Of the Kid Radd game.
88* FusionDance: With [[spoiler:Kobayashi]], after their encounter at Chimera Point. At first it's involuntary, but after they're separated, they find they can re-combine voluntarily.
89* JediMindTrick: Gnarl starts off his boss encounter by trying to "trick" Radd into becoming an accountant. Radd can shake it off via ButtonMashing.
90* MirrorBoss: In the first form. Unfortunately, Radd's ''strongest'' attack is roughly equivalent to Gnarl's ''weakest'' attack.
91* OneWingedAngel: The Gnarlborg, his final form in the game. He still has access to this transformation after leaving the game behind.
92* UnwittingInstigatorOfDoom: [[spoiler:Finds Chimera Point by accident and leads Crystal there.]]
93* VillainForgotToLevelGrind: More in a personal development sense. While Radd has undergone CharacterDevelopment, Gnarl is essentially still the same as when he left the game when they rematch. It's this realization that kickstarts Gnarl's own CharacterDevelopment, forcing him to realize that he has to change and grow if he ever wants to defeat Radd.
96[[folder:Captain QB]]
98An officer for the Moderators, formerly from a fighting game.
101* AnIcePerson: Super Freezeplay DX.
102* AntiVillain: [[spoiler:Type III; he's willing to sacrifice Radd to ensure the future of all sprites.]]
103* BareFistedMonk: Aside from his Freezeplay moves, QB's main fighting method is hand-to-hand. Justified in that he's originally from a fighting game.
104* DesperationAttack: Ultimate Freezeplay TD, which can only be used after taking a beating.
105* TheDitz: Despite his leadership position, QB isn't terribly bright: when Sheena overhears one of his secret conversations with Crystal, she assures QB she didn't hear anything by pointing out that Crystal said the room was soundproof. He buys it.
106* FaceHeelTurn: [[spoiler:Joins Crystal for a while.]]
107* HeelFaceTurn: [[spoiler:After Crystal double crosses him, he decides to use his knowledge of Crystal's plan to save the world.]]
108* PintsizedPowerhouse: While he's roughly the same size as the other main characters, he's revealed to have been this in his original game, as the other characters there tower over him.
109* PuppetKing: [[spoiler:Crystal beats up and imprisons G.I. Guy, leaving the higher ranking Captain QB in charge as her accomplice, but with herself pulling the strings. After he fails to kill Radd, however, she decides she would rather rule directly and gets rid of him too.]]
112[[folder:Itty Bitty]]
114A shopkeeper in Hopetown.
117* DareToBeBadass: Unlike most of the heroes, Itty Bitty was neither an action character in his game of origin nor anything more than a reasonably successful business owner in Hopetown, rather than a dissident former member of the Moderators. Even after Crystal tries to have him imprisoned, he ''seems'' to have gone along with it until the revelation that he can't be meaningfully handcuffed as long as his hands aren't held above mid-chest drives them to try to suspend his hands ''above'' his chest, at which point he snaps, starts breaking out wrestling moves on the soldiers around him, and ultimately becomes one of the most powerful and endlessly useful members of the hero team.
118* GoodBadBugs: In-universe. Thanks to "lazy programming" (his lower half isn't rendered), when he crouches down, he becomes invisible. He's ''very'' good at using this to his advantage.
119* GrievousHarmWithABody: In the "grey areas" of the Internet, he sometimes "attacks" by throwing mooks at other mooks.
120* HammerSpace: Can store an unlimited number of items, including entire ships, not to mention InterchangeableAntimatterKeys.
121* HeartIsAnAwesomePower: His merchant-based abilities don't sound impressive, but they are incredibly useful with incredible frequency. [[spoiler: Eventually, since he ''can'' still "use items," he starts being handed weapons like guns to "use."]] Also, see GoodBadBugs above.
122* {{Irony}}: Despite his name, Itty Bitty is a pretty husky-looking guy.
123* NighInvulnerable: Being an NPC who was never coded to take damage, anything that doesn't erase his code can't affect him. During the ''Mofo'' segment he regularly shrugs off deadly multi-target attacks.
124* StoutStrength: Itty Bitty's designed to look fairly chubby, but he's strong enough to [[GrievousHarmWithABody wield men as clubs and bowling balls to beat other men]].
125* WhereDaWhiteWomenAt: Hooks up with the Nurse, though as sprites they don't technically have race.
126* WhiteMage: Despite the fact that being called one is his BerserkButton, he functions well as one, as being a merchant NPC means he essentially has a limitless supply of healing items, and since he has no ability to take damage he's NighInvulnerable to anything that doesn't damage his code directly.
127* WrestlerInAllOfUs: He is technically an NPC and can't directly hurt anyone, just use items, [[spoiler: although he gets a pile of guns during the final battle]]. Inside games, this leads to him being a pure SupportPartyMember. Outside, in the "grey areas" of the Internet, he is not averse to pumping out throws and bodyslams that aren't ''technically'' attacks.
130[[folder:Dr. Amp]]
131A MadScientist in a hoover chair, who originated from a puzzle game.
133* CoolOldGuy: In appearance.
134* MadScientist: He's a good guy, but his inventions tend to be a bit overkill for their purpose. For example, he builds a flamethrower to toast waffles with and a LaserBlade as a letter opener.
135* PerpetualSmiler: It's the only expression his sprite is capable of. This is PlayedForLaughs, and the reason why flashbacks to his DarkAndTroubledPast only ever show him from behind.
136--> '''Radd''': You know, it's hard to take your moody recollections seriously when that goofy smile never leaves your face.\
137'''Amp''': I'm scowling at you on the inside.
138* TheSmartGuy: Provides tech and equipment for the heroes.
143Amp's "daughter" and assistant, a bee girl.
146* ActionGirl: She doesn't get the chance to showcase it much, but in the final battle, she vents her frustration over [[spoiler: Radd and Sheena's LoveConfession]] by mowing down rows of soldiers.
147* BeePeople: Appears to be one, even though her "father" looks completely human. The oddness of it is lampshaded by Amp himself when Joule first appears.
148* ClingyJealousGirl: Develops a crush on Radd, resulting in her being mega jealous of Sheena. [[spoiler:When Radd and Sheena hook up, she takes out her frustrations on several rows of enemies.]]
149* DamselInDistress: Taken hostage by Kobayashi.
150* PairTheSpares: Hooks up with [[spoiler:fellow victim of UnrequitedLove Bogey in the end credits.]]
151* RescueRomance: Her crush on Radd starts when he rescues her from Kobayashi.
152* TookALevelInCheerfulness: When first introduced, Joule had a slightly {{Goth}} personality, rarely changing her expression from a bored one and asking Sheena if she listened to Music/{{The Cure|Band}}. After being rescued by Radd (and consequently developing a crush on him), she becomes more energetic and upbeat and begins emoting more.
155[[folder:G.I. Guy]]
157The founder and leader of the Moderators. [[spoiler:He grows disillusioned with the violence inherent in sprites and wants to destroy both the internet and the real world]].
160* AllForNothing: The Seer confirms that [[spoiler: his plan wouldn't have worked anyway; if the Internet and the outside universe ''were'' somehow physically linked the Seer would've found it and destroying the Internet would only cause mass chaos and civilizational damage, but humanity would survive.]]
161* BrokenAce: [[spoiler:Despite his impressive power and leadership skills, the failure of Protos and Crystal's betrayal have embittered him and turned him into a StawNihilist who believes the only way to save the Net is to destroy it.]]
162* BloodKnight: He enjoys fighting. The bigger the challenge, the more pleasurable. [[spoiler:He is simultaneously disgusted by the fact that he enjoys it, seeing it as proof that he too is infected by humanity's vicious nature. He blames that same nature for overcoming both of his attempts to build something better.]]
163* CombatPragmatist: When he fights, he fights to ''win'', always using the most effective attack possible. [[spoiler:He gets his first hit on Radd with a sneak attack, his second by sacrificing some of his large HP pool to ram Radd, then lands the third hit he needs by using a "low power, high accuracy" attack, since all attacks damage Radd equally.]]
164* TheComicallySerious: He often has deadpan reactions to Radd's antics.
165* DarkIsNotEvil: A skull-faced undead soldier in camouflage combat gear who uses [[TechnicolorFire unearthly purple fire]] as a weapon and has MindControl as a power, but he's on the team's side, even as the most messed-up of them. [[spoiler: Even after he turns out to be a DevilInPlainSight, he's still easily the most sympathetic of the comic's three major antagonists by virtue of having a halfway decent FreudianExcuse, having actually tried to be a better person at some point in the past, and not ''just'' pursuing his EvilPlan out of naked selfishness.]]
166* HumansAreTheRealMonsters: [[spoiler:Had the misfortune of originating from a game owned by a completionist, who forced him to combat countless enemies and search every inch of the gameworld, just to uncover every upgrade and secret. This led to him believing that all humans are cruel sadists, something his experiences outside the game only enforced.]]
167* KillItWithFire: He has control over fire, and uses it for some attacks. He can alao fly on [[HotWings wings of fire.]]
168* MacrossMissileMassacre: While he's [[spoiler:fighting Radd]], he fires a barrage of missiles.
169* MindControl: Can do this to his enemies once they're at low health, though it really functions more like PeoplePuppets. It also enables PsychicAssistedSuicide.
170* NoNonsenseNemesis: In battle, he always uses the most effective tactics available, such as using an attack that deals damage based on MP to take out the final boss of Mofo in one shot. [[spoiler:He's equally ruthless when he faces Radd — getting a cheap shot in at the start of the battle, [[VirtueIsWeakness taking advantage of Radd's desire to not kill him,]] and using weak-but-accurate attacks to exploit Radd's ArmoredButFrail nature.]]
171* OmnicidalManiac: [[spoiler:His ultimate goal was to use the power of Radd's Mega Radd to destroy the internet, annihilating every sprite and throwing humanity into chaos. He saw this as a MercyKill, but also wanted to take revenge on humanity. Ultimately, though, the only ones he succeeded in killing with his plans were [[LaserGuidedKarma himself]] and a bunch of barely-sapient puzzle sprites who [[GoOutWithASmile went out overjoyed, convinced they were achieving the highest score of their lives]].]]
172* RammingAlwaysWorks: [[spoiler:He does this to Radd, resulting in him losing some of his health, but weakening Radd to the point at which he can mind control him.]]
173* SpannerInTheWorks: The Seer calculated that the chances of [[spoiler: Radd charging up enough to destroy the Internet]] were near-zero. He ruefully comments that "that damn G.I. Guy almost had to prove me wrong."
174* StrawNihilist: He has come to the conclusion that humanity and spritekinds' darker natures cannot be overcome and there is no point in trying.
175* SuperpowerLottery: He has a number of powerful attacks, the ability to make PeoplePuppets, the ability to fly, and possibly more. Lampshaded by Radd [[spoiler:during their fight.]]
176--> '''Radd''': No fair! How many powers do you ''have'', anyway?!
177--> '''G.I Guy''': My player spent a ''lot'' of time levelling me up. Let's leave it at that.
178* WellIntentionedExtremist: [[spoiler: Lampshaded when Radd says he had a somewhat accurate view of the problem but a "really insane view of the solution".]]
179* WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds: [[spoiler:He was forced to kill other sprites over and over again in his original game, and no matter how much he enjoys fighting, existing only to fight was a living hell for him. When a glitch allowed him to escape, he tried to build something better, only for it to fall into ruin due to the intrinsically violent nature of many sprites. After trying and failing a second time, he concluded that that their vicious nature could not be overcome. He isn't clear on how much humanity needs the internet, but knows that destroying it will at minimum cause global chaos, and believes it will cause them to destroy themselves in its absence. He decides to take {{Revenge}} against humanity and MercyKill the universe by blowing it up. If anything survives, he hopes it will be something better than what they have now.]]
184A Moderator who originated as a RandomEncounter monster sprite from an RPG.
187* AmbitionIsEvil: After spending her life as a RandomEncounter, Crystal wanted power and independence, and was ruthless enough to rise to the top by any means necessary.
188* BadBoss: She tends to abuse her minions whenever she's in a bad mood, or doesn't like the news.
189* BigBad: She takes over the Moderators in TheCoup and launches a campaign to takeover the sprite world with the ultimate goal of becoming a PhysicalGod.
190* BlackMagicianGirl: Almost all of her attacks are magical in nature, such as the ShockAndAwe she uses on her subordinates and the ForcedSleep she used to subdue G.I Guy when she overthrew him.
191* TheCorrupter: Acts as one to QB when trying to recruit him as her accomplice.
192--> '''QB''': My conscience is getting all prickly.
193--> '''Crystal''': A bit of absolute power can remedy that.
194* DeathByIrony: [[spoiler: As a random encounter, her purpose in life was to be fought and defeated as fuel to empower the hero of her game. This is also how she dies: by merging with all of the boss monsters (and the Seer) at Chimera Point, she ultimately only served as fuel to empower the Seer for his final form.]]
195* DeathOfPersonality: [[spoiler:Her final fate: after (unknowingly) merging herself with the Seer, his consciousness becomes dominant, and Crystal's personality appears to have been overwritten completely.]]
196* FairySexy: Downplayed since she's a sprite and there's therefore not much detail, but she ''is'' a fairy-type enemy wearing a leotard.
197* FromNobodyToNightmare: She started out as a mere RandomEncounter (albeit from her game's FinalDungeon).
198* GenreSavvy: Most of the time, with a few minor hiccups regarding [[spoiler: evil oracles]], she displays an awareness of mistakes other evil overlords make and acts to avoid them. For instance, she mentions that [[ShootTheMessenger it's common for the boss to murder underlings bringing bad news]] and assures her staff that she won't do that... then tortures him with magic instead.
199* IJustWantToBeFree: Her main motivation, as she lived as a RandomEncounter before being freed by the Moderators. The problem, of course, is that she equates "freedom" with having the power to ensure no one can ever hurt her again, and she's ruthless enough to pursue that power at ''any'' cost.
200* TheStarscream: [[spoiler:Overthrows G.I. Guy and later, betrays her own accomplice and immediate superior, QB.]]
201* ShootTheMessenger: Enjoys this quite a bit, but typically doesn't ''kill'' the messengers.
202* TragicVillain: Ultimately, Crystal can be seen as one: everything she did, no matter how terrible, was ultimately born out of a desire for freedom, independence, and power on her own terms. She spent her whole life chasing it, and yet [[spoiler: was ultimately just an UnwittingPawn for the Seer, and only serves as a sacrifice for his own power. Even at the end and after everything she'd done to try to make her own destiny, Crystal was never truly in control of anything, and thus her villainy was AllForNothing. ''Damn.'']]
203* TyrantTakesTheHelm: When she fully takes over the Moderators, she suspends the constitution and starts installing evil decor while militarizing the organization, [[ThePurge imprisoning dissidants]], and trying to TakeOverTheWorld.
204* TwitchyEye: Particularly seen in her close-up shots. Goes with her increasingly unstable personality.
205* UngratefulBastard: She hated and resented [[spoiler: G.I. Guy for having to save her when her game was breached]]. That her "sisters" thought they were going out may have played a part.
206* UnwittingPawn: For [[spoiler:The Seer: he told Crystal to gather a large selection of sprites to Chimerize herself with, but tricked her into merging with ''him'' as well.]]
207* WorthyOpponent: Despite despising him for "saving" her from her game, Crystal begrudgingly saw G.I Guy as her equal. She even admits to herself [[spoiler:before being Chimerized]] that she imprisoned him instead of killing him because she ''wanted'' him to come back and challenge her so she could continue to prove her superiority.
208* WrongGenreSavvy: The Seer notes that [[spoiler: her selection of chimerized sprites were selected more for their individual raw power than for clever exploits like Radd's (save for the admittedly-smart idea of giving it "hits" instead of "health"). While that makes the FinalBoss body she designed ridiculously powerful and durable, it also means that it isn't ''invincible''.]]
211[[folder:The Seer]]
212A virus that gained sentience after expanding to every corner of the Internet, and decided that instead of blowing it up it was fun to watch things happen and record information. Is essentially omniscient and tells people how to accomplish their goals when asked. People usually die after visiting him. [[spoiler: He's not killing them, most are just trying to do hard and often unethical things. Plus, he frequently feeds them lies and half-truths to suit his own agenda. It turns out he's still interested in killing the internet, but needs a body so that he can enjoy killing the layer the sprites live on in person.]]
215* AlmightyIdiot: The Seer is, at its core, a character that knows almost every piece of information there is to know, but isn't very good at stringing them together to form conclusions.
216* BitchInSheepsClothing: He initially comes off as a morally-neutral but friendly being who gives the heroes the information they need to fight back against Crystal. Turns out [[spoiler:he's a ManipulativeBastard, an OmnicidalManiac, and the GreaterScopeVillain of the series.]]
217* BishonenLine: Zig-zagged. The first few "stages" of his [[spoiler: FinalBoss body]] much resemble [[spoiler: Crystal, since after all, he stole it from her]], and grow increasingly humanoid as he cycles through them. But his ''final'' final form is a giant grey-back-and-purple mass of geometric shapes with a single cyclopean eye and tentacles that resembles his usual manifestation much more than [[spoiler: Crystal's]].
218* ClippedWingAngel: [[spoiler:Fusing to other sprites enabled him to be killed, which resulted in him crashing because of conflicting death parameters. On top of that, being fused damaged his ability to process incoming information, considerably slowing the pace of his omniscience.]]
219* DidntThinkThisThrough: His FatalFlaw, ultimately: despite his omniscience and [[TheChessmaster manipulative skill]], he tends to not consider the consequences of his actions. [[spoiler: After merging with Crystal and the other bosses, his omniscience is damaged, which he didn't consider (and which causes him to not notice Bogey entering Chimera Point, which is one of the main factors in his defeat), and he fails to take into account the fact that all the sprites he merged with have conflicting death programs, which is the cause of his final defeat.]]
220--> '''Dr. Amp''': Yeah, for an omniscient being, the Seer wasn't too bright.
221* FacelessEye: The Seer's physical manifestations are usually hovering cyclopean eyes with a simple purple iris on otherwise featureless grey spheres. [[spoiler: During his villainous monologue in the finale, the sphere grows a huge mouth with a long, creepy tongue so it can laugh about killing everything.]]
222* FauxAffablyEvil: Despite being a computer virus, he tries to present himself as pleasant, if smug and aloof, figure. During [[spoiler: the final battle, he's quite complementary towards Radd up until [[SpannerInTheWorks a few things he didn't foresee start happening]], driving him to frenzied anger and near-madness.]]
223* GameBreakingBug: [[invoked]] [[spoiler:When The Seer is "killed", he counts on the fact that it's "only a video game death" in order to find his way back. Unfortunately, the sprites he fused to all had conflicting parameters that activated on death, and crashed him to the point where he ''couldn't'' come back.]]
224* GenreBlindness: [[spoiler:The Seer did not tell Crystal what sort of sprites to fuse with, being gnomic and vague with its suggestions. Despite being omniscient, he didn't expect Crystal's picks to not include commonplace invulnerability or other powers beyond "really hard bosses," though she ''did'' think to give it "platform hero hit-detection," which he acknowledges was clever.]]
225* GrandTheftMe: [[spoiler:Once Crystal uses Chimera Point, he takes over the fused sprite.]]
226* GreaterScopeVillain: [[spoiler:He manipulated Crystal into doing his own bidding in order to take a powerful sprite body for himself]].
227* HiveMind: He is basically a gestalt intelligence, formed from the cumulative communication of countless individual computer viruses.
228* HoistByHisOwnPetard: [[spoiler:Fusing into a sprite with conflicting death programs crashes the Seer]].
229* InstantAIJustAddWater: A sentient computer virus, that became self-aware after networking too much processing power.
230* TheManBehindTheMan: [[spoiler:Manipulated Crystal to obtain a powerful body. Helped Radd in order to have him gather yet more "useful" sprites to improve the body Crystal was building.]]
231* NotSoOmniscientAfterAll: Played with, actually. [[spoiler: What he sees coming just takes longer to process in sprite form. Though he didn't expect G.I. Guy's attempt to use Radd to blow up the Internet.]]
232* OmnicidalManiac: [[spoiler:He is a computer virus that his creator intended to destroy the internet with, and as such, his nature causes him to [[{{Sadist}} feel pleasure in causing fear and destruction]]. When he learned that destroying the internet would cause global chaos, but not destroy humanity, he refrained until he was in a position to do so. He ultimately wishes to spread parasitically from world to world, destroying everything that exists.]]
233-->[[spoiler: '''Seer''': Blame my creator. I think I'll thank him personally, before I kill him.]]
234* TheOmniscient: The reason for his prophetic powers. He has eyes all over the Net and massive amounts of processing power to assemble his observations. [[spoiler: Though his advice is all-too-frequently composed of lies meant to manipulate others to get what he wants.]]
235* PunnyName: The creator of his original virus form named it Cool Ragnarok, or CR. "See-Ar" -> Seer.
236* TalkingInYourDreams: He is implied to have sent messages to both Sheena and Radd while they were dreaming.
237* UriahGambit: He admits during the final battle that he [[spoiler: was mostly hoping/expecting that Radd and his friends would just get themselves in over their heads and get themselves killed, and is mildly impressed they instead bring him much closer to realizing his goals than Crystal, with all her resources and ruthlessness, ever did.]]
238* VisionaryVillain: He turned from his original purpose of destroying the Internet to passive observation [[spoiler: because he realized that humanity would be decimated, not destroyed, by its loss, [[AmbitionIsEvil and after becoming self-aware, decided that mass-destruction wasn't enough for him]]. Ultimately, after killing everyone in the "sprite layer" and finding some way to give himself a physical body on Earth, he hopes to [[OmnicidalManiac spread parasitically across the cosmos, finding and obliterating all life everywhere in the universe]].]]
239* WombLevel: His base has a creepy organic theme.
244The Discount Ninja, hired to assassinate Radd for $20 by some Moderators who wanted to pocket the rest of the money allocated.
247* ButtMonkey: Hard-coded to lose and die.
248* CoolButInefficient: Most of his attacks are just for the show and never hit ...
249** BoringButPractical: But he also has a couple of real attacks that never miss.
250* FlashStep: As a ninja, he's capable of evading attacks with this. Unfortunately, due to his inability to hit anything, he usually can't make good use of it.
251* FusionDance: With [[spoiler:Gnarl]], after their encounter at Chimera Point. At first it's involuntary, but after they're separated, they find they can re-combine voluntarily.
252* IHaveYourWife: Takes Joule hostage.
253* HeelFaceTurn: About the same time as Gnarl's.
254* LethalJokeCharacter: Most of his attacks are flashy and never hit, but some never miss.
255** Despite his terrible aim most of the time, Kobayashi is still a ninja, making him very hard to hit in a fight. When combined with one of Amp's guns, which has an auto-target system, he becomes a rather formidable opponent.
256* TheManyDeathsOfYou: His original program put him at the players' mercy, where he would be subject to whatever manner of death the player chose. [[spoiler:He would only win if the player took too long to decide.]]
257* NotSoHarmlessVillain: After stowing away aboard QB's ship, he steals a gun and reduces Radd to 1 HP, only being stopped from killing him by Sheena's intervention.
258* TookALevelInBadass: Once he gets past the mental block where he's supposed to do the "[[CoolButInefficient cool, useless stuff]]" first.
259* UnwittingInstigatorOfDoom: [[spoiler:Finds Chimera Point by accident and leads Crystal there.]]
262[[folder:Radd's Player]]
264Just some random schmuck living in the real world, who spent far too much time playing the obscure NES game ''Kid Radd'' in his youth, never knowing just how much impact his gaming obsession had.
266* AuthorAvatar
267* AuthorFilibuster / CharacterFilibuster: Believes that humans are, by nature, deeply flawed but can and must try to rise above their natures to do good.
268* LockedOutOfTheLoop: Had no idea that the characters in his favorite video game were actually sentient the whole time, though to be fair, it's doubtful any human on Earth did.
269* NoNameGiven: He's never named in the comic, and is only refered to as Radd's Player.
270* ThisLoserIsYou: Laments that he spent too much time playing games when he was younger and is now stuck in a job washing dishes.
271* TookALevelInBadass: Gets considerably better at the game as he goes along, eventually becoming able to win regularly.
