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Context Characters / FaeriesOfDreamdark

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1!Magpie Windwitch
2* ActionGirl
3* AdventurerArchaeologist: When she's not too busy fighting demons, she also explores temples, collects rare spells, studies other faerie cultures...
4* BookDumb: Subverted. Despite Magpie never having attended an actual school, the "archaeologist" in AdventurerArchaeologist ensures that she has more general knowledge than most of the other characters.
5* BraidsOfAction: Although they come undone in the style of SlipKnotPonytail.
6* DualWielding
7* TheHerald: For Talon.
8* TheHeroine
9* LittleMissBadass: She's a "slip of a girl" and kicks butt after butt after butt...
10* SmittenTeenageGirl: She positively adores Dusk.
11* WaifFu: Magic helps, but she can hold her own in a physical fight, too.
12* WhatBeautifulEyes
14!Talon Rathersting
15* GoodScarsEvilScars: Talon's hands end up scarred from being badly cut while holding onto the tether around Magpie's waist.
16* HandicappedBadass: Talon can't fly, which is more or less like not being able to walk. That being said, even Magpie is impressed with [[DisabilitySuperpower his acrobatics]].
17* IJustWantToBeNormal: Talon's lack of functional wings gives him a lot of angst at times.
