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4!! Exiles
6[[folder:In General]]
9 [[caption-width-right:827:]]
11A bunch of heroes from from different universes who have been unstuck in time to fix issues in various universes with the threat of horrible things happening to their lives if they fail. Turns out they were recruited to fix the screw ups of interdemensional beings known as the Time breakers.
12After the Crystal Palace absorbed the New Exiles, a new recruitment process was established. These Exiles were pulled from their timelines a fraction of a second before they were killed. Morph plays the role of their Timebroker and Blink rounds out the team as their sixth member and teleporter.
13[[spoiler: As revealed in the last issue, they are just one team out of many who are being recruited to fix the multiverse, with each new team having their own Timebroker and a veteran Exile to lead them]]
15* TrueCompanions: Clarice, Calvin, Morph, T.J. Mariko, John, and Heather (with the exception of the latter two who didn’t know eachother) spent the most time together and became as close as family.
16* YouCantGoHomeAgain: Unlike the veteran Exiles, who are able to return to their home timelines now that they have control over the Panoptichron, later Exiles couldn’t return without risking destabilizing their timelines. Also, the fact that they're supposed to be dead prevents them from returning without potentially causing great distress to their friends and family.
20!!Blink (Clarice Fergusson)
22Leader of the Exiles, hailing from the original ComicBook/AgeOfApocalypse. She is an acrobatic teleporter, capable of going as far as the Moon if she pushes herself.
24* AdaptationalSkimpiness: Wears a far more revealing outfit than her rather modest original counterpart has ever had.
25* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation: Has purple/lavender skin.
26* BadPresent: Where she's from, Charles Xavier was murdered long before he could ever form the X-Men, and Apocalypse woke up early. He then proceeded to take over North America. Blink's family was killed in front of her.
27* BrainwashedAndCrazy: Briefly, during Chris Claremont's run on ''Exiles'' (man likes his brainwashing).
28* BreakoutCharacter: Easily one of, if not ''the'', most popular character produced by the AOA timeline. Not only did she [[AdaptationDisplacement completely displace]] the obscure main universe Blink, she was also given a 4 issue solo series and made one of the six main characters of ''ComicBook/{{Exiles}}''. She also made an appearance in ''Film/XMenDaysOfFuturePast''.
29* BreakTheBadass: After getting unceremoniously dumped from the Exiles, she wound up back in Franklin Grey's reality, where he eventually used her to kill the last remaining humans. It did a serious number on her for a time.
30* BreakTheCutie: Story of her life.
31* DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu: Blink is a master of humbling cosmic beings. She was the one who defeated the reality-devouring Time Eater and later on she and Nocturne managed to overcome three renegade Watchers.
32* FacialMarkings: Sports them.
33* FishOutOfWater: She's from one of the most dystopian realities out there, so she's not used to the conventions of Marvel universes. It's also the reason she's put in charge, after the team's disastrous first mission - her ''lack'' of familiarity with the usual major players of the Marvel U also means she has no opinions on them that might cloud her judgement.
34-->'''Blink:''' I haven't had real toilet paper since I was in prison.\
35'''Nocturne:''' You're going to be a bundle of laughs.
36* HeroicRROD: Can teleport as far as the Moon, but it'd take a hell of a lot out of her.
37* LikeParentLikeSpouse: Was raised by blonde, muscular, clawed, bearded badass Sabretooth. Fell in love with blonde, muscular, clawed, bearded badass Mimic.
38* LukeIAmYourFather: Though she doesn't know that, she is a descendant of none other than [[spoiler: [[ArchnemesisDad Apocalypse]].]]
39* MonochromaticEyes: Hers are green. It's a family trait, going back to Victorian times.
40* MostCommonSuperpower: Well-endowed.
41* NoSell: Blink's portals cannot teleport a Hulk. Blink only learns this after she tries 'porting him away and it hilariously has no effect.
42* NonIndicativeName: Her name comes from the sound made when she teleports.
43* ParentalSubstitute: Sabretooth, of all people.
44* PlanarChampion: The Unseen has given her title of Champion (the rest of the Exiles are just her minions in his eyes) as it's her duty as the champion of the multiverses to guard existence from cosmic-level threats.
45* ProgressivelyPrettier: In a roundabout way. In the ''Phalanx Covenant'' X-Over that leads to the creation of ''Generation X'', her colors were a bit dingier and her haircut... interesting. Then we meet the cute ''AOA'' Blink. When that version moves to ''Exiles'', she basically becomes a pink supermodel with only the facial markings to remind you of ''Gen-X'' Blink. When ''Gen-X'' Blink returns in ''Regenesis'', she is ''Exiles'' Blink with short hair in terms of both design and powers.
46* PutOnABus: Exiles Blink was first unceremoniously removed from the team early on, then took a leave of absence to recuperate from [[spoiler:Mimic's death]], among other unpleasant things. At the end of vol. 1, she apparently leaves for good, and doesn't return for all of ''New Exiles''.
47* {{Retcon}}: On her reappearance in Ahmed's ''Exiles'' run, she suddenly looks ''very'' different from how she did before, notably more like a person with actual Bahamian descent.
48* StrappedToAnOperatingTable: Spent a lot of her childhood being experimented on by [[EvilutionaryBiologist Mr Sinister]].
49* TeleportGun: The energy bolts/crystals (DependingOnTheArtist) she can fire function this way.
50* TeleFrag: Used to defeat Holocaust.
51* {{Teleportation}}: Her mutant power.
52* TeleportSpam: Can rapidly use her ThinkingUpPortals power.
53* ThinkingUpPortals: It was ''really'' hard to tell at first what she was doing that made a "bliiiink!" sound effect and resulted in shredded enemies (or non-enemies when it first activated, hence her reluctance to use it.) However, it turns out that this is her true power. In its unrefined state, it's bad news - imagine if, from your waist and above, every molecule in your body was transported a fraction of a centimeter to the left. Now imagine a ''dozen'' cuts like that through your body ''everywhere.'' [[LudicrousGibs Ouch]]. But ''Exiles'' Blink can create portals to any place she can think of, and with external help, even cross dimensions. She can also fling energy bolts that teleport the target where she wishes. ''Gen-X'' Blink can now use her powers in this way since her return.
54* TrainingFromHell: Being an X-Man under Magneto's roof is far harsher than it would've been under Charles Xavier, but given the circumstances...
55* WeaponizedTeleportation: PortalCut style ThinkingUpPortals use.
59!!Mimic (Calvin Rankin)
61Originally a bitter teenager from a financially destitute family, Calvin Rankin was arrested on his first mission with the Brotherhood of Mutants, where he was approached by Professor X with the offer of joining the X-Men is lieu of prison-time. Eventually he began to lead the team, in a world where Mutants and superheroes in general are treated like royalty. He is nearly his own reality's Captain America, possessing the powers of five different mutants.
63* AlternateUniverseReedRichardsIsAwesome: His reality is one of the best seen by far. He himself is the this as he’s called the Captain America of his universe which is a high status for anyone but especially Calvin Rankin who is not as glamorous in most universes.
64* BrokenAce: Subtly goes through this over the course of the series. Because he came from a near-perfect universe, he was the most idealistic member of the team except for Morph, and had faith in the inherent goodness of the people they met and the possibility for peaceful resolutions. After many trips to universes of a more typical [[CrapsackWorld Marvel status quo]], and seeing so many alternate versions of people he loved and respected twisted into bad guys, his attitude gradually shifts from "How can we make this right?" to "Just point me at whoever needs to get beat up today".
65* DrowningMySorrows: It's mentioned that he and his reality's Wolverine did this at one point when someone they cared about died.
66* FormerTeenRebel: Calvin was an angry, angry young man. It took time with the X-Men to get him to soften up.
67* HairOfGoldHeartOfGold: Has blonde hair, and is one of the most successful heroes of his reality.
68* KilledOffForReal: As per the AnyoneCanDie rule. He's [[spoiler: possessed by Proteus]] at the start of the World Tour arc.
69* MistakenForGay: While trying to copy Northstar's powers, he thought Cal was hitting on him.
70* NeverGetsDrunk: When he has Wolverine's healing factor, it takes a lot to get him drunk.
71* OfficialCouple: With Blink.
72* OldShame: In-universe. He's not too proud of his time with the Champions, and especially his costume at the time.
73* OnlyInItForTheMoney: Why he joined the Brotherhood in the first place.
74* PowerParasite: A heroic version of this.
75* RedemptionPromotion: Started out as supervillain, just like in the main MU. Accepting the Xavier's offer to join X-Men eventually led him to become his world's greatest hero.
76* SuperpowerLottery: Can use pretty much any power he wants, including that of the Phoenix, but can only use five at a time, with the requirement that he spend an hour near whoever it is he wishes to copy if he wants them to be permanent, and at the cost of half the potency of the original.
77** AnIcePerson: From Iceman.
78** ChromeChampion: When using Colossus's power.
79** EyeBeams: From Cyclops.
80** {{Flight}}: Started off with Angel's wings, then he copied Northstar's power.
81** FlyingBrick: His most consistent powerset, combining Beast, Colossus and Angel/Northstar.
82** HealingFactor: From Wolverine, and later on from Deadpool.
83** PlayingWithFire: Courtesy of the Phoenix.
84** PsychicPowers: From Jean Grey. Apparently he's still got some telepathy left.
85** WingedHumanoid: Started the series with Angel's wings, but gave them up to fight Phoenix.
86** WolverineClaws: The bone claw version, naturally.
87* TookALevelInJerkass: For a while, he becomes moody and reclusive, due to seeing so many [[CrapsackWorld Crapsack Universes]]. It takes Clarice nearly getting turned into a Vi-Lock to snap him out of it... [[YankTheDogsChain and then she gets sent away]].
90!!Morph (Kevin Sidney)
92The shapeshifting comic relief of the team.
94* AbhorrentAdmirer: At first, Sunfire can't stand him and his antics. After a day spent together, they develop a friendship.
95* AlternateUniverseReedRichardsIsAwesome: His equivalent in the 'main' universe died decades ago and hasn't returned. This guy has served in the New Mutants, the Avengers and the X-Men, and is one of the few members of the team to stay alive for the whole series.
96* BewareTheSillyOnes: Despite being a cheeky, childish, and compulsively ridiculous goofball, he can be quite a powerhouse in combat, especially when he stops joking around and goes on the offensive. [[spoiler: For good measure, the fact that Proteus is so devastating while in control of Morph's body indicates that, if anything, Morph spends a good chunk of his usual battles holding back.]]
97* BlobMonster: He was born as "an eight-pound lump of white goo that cried like a baby and flowed like mercury." As an adult, he's essentially a friendly T-1000.
98* BreakTheComedian: During a harrowing two-part issue, Mojo captures Morph in order to use him as his next big star, holding Nocturne hostage so he'll cooperate. After a whole issue of being a slave to the network, Morph loses his temper and attacks Mojo in a frenzy of deadly-serious shapes; if the Timebroker hadn't intervened, he'd have ended up killing the supervillain in cold blood. The end of this two-parter reveals that Morph has been left traumatized by the ordeal, blaming himself for getting Nocturne tortured. Suffice to say he requires a massive CooldownHug from Nocturne before they can leave, and even after that, he can't bring himself to be funny until the next issue.
99* DemonicPossession: [[spoiler:At the hands of Proteus, though he survives because of his unique body-structure]].
100* DidNotGetTheGirl: Was very much interested in Mariko, who did not (and could not) reciprocate.
101* HiddenDepths:
102** Sure, he's a clown, but he's a smart clown. He has a degree in computer sciences, for one thing.
103** He ''really'' hates cigarette ads, thanks to his mom's death by cancer.
104* IChooseToStay: Was offered the chance to go home, but he turned it down.
105* IShallTauntYou: Prone to firing smartass remarks at his opponents in battle - and out of it, too. After being captured by Mojo, he spent most of the initial interrogation taking potshots at Mojo's weight.
106* KnownOnlyByTheirNickname: Is only ever referred to as Morph.
107* ManChild: Horny, immature, and prone to cheesy jokes, he behaves more like an excitable teenager than anything else, hence why the team decides not to invite him to a nude beach. However, it's indicated that this is actually his means of numbing his anxieties, as he can be ''deadly'' serious when the occasional calls for it.
108* ObfuscatingStupidity: Early on, the team try to ditch him while they have a day on the beach by having Sunfire ask him to tag along on lingerie shopping. Eventually, Morph reveals he figured out what they wanted pretty quickly.
109* {{Objectshifting}}: Possesses near-limitless shapeshifting powers that not only allow him to transform into animals, humans and fellow superheroes, but also into objects with complex moving parts. At one point, he even turns himself into a catapult to drop water balloons on the rest of the team.
110* PerpetuallyProtean: In the habit of changing shape and/or costume very frequently, sometimes from frame to frame - especially if he's in a playful mood, which is a lot.
111* PlatonicLifePartners: Played with. Morph was very close to fellow Exile Sunfire and actually fell in love with her but knew that a RelationshipUpgrade was impossible due to Sunfire being a lesbian. As such, he was content with their status as best friends.
112* PluckyComicRelief: The team jokester and all-around cheerful customer. In the team's second adventure, Sunfire (a new team-member at the time) can't help but comment on just how upbeat Morph is about being so far away from home and facing down apocalyptic odds.
113* RetCanon: He takes after his ''WesternAnimation/XMenTheAnimatedSeries'' and ''ComicBook/AgeOfApocalypse'' counterparts in being called "Morph" instead of "Changeling", as well as the latter's bald and noseless head, off-white skin, and caped look -- with the popularity of his and the ''[=AoA=]'' Morph leading to the cartoon Morph adopting the same bald, noseless, and off-white skin look in ''WesternAnimation/XMen97''.
114* SadClown: His mother died when he was thirteen. The constant jokes came after, as an attempt to lighten his father's mood; consequently, he's not above joking to cope with the darker moments of the journey.
115* ShapeshiftingTrickster: Loves using his powers to play tricks on people: he turns into a catapult so he can dump a load of water balloons on sunbathers, he shapeshifts into a pretty woman so he can beguile a hotel desk clerk into giving him a free suite for his fellow team members, and he even transforms into John Travolta while out clubbing so he can drive the tabloids crazy.
116* TechnicallyNakedShapeshifter: Really likes talking about how he's technically naked all the time, since his clothes are made out of himself.
117* VoluntaryShapeshifting: Can transform into pretty much anything. Man, woman, animal, vegetable or mineral.
118* WellDoneSonGuy: Morph and his dad didn't get on very well due to all those jokes. However, once Morph joined the Avengers, his father's attitude lightened up.
122!!Nocturne (Talia Josephine "T.J." Wagner)
124 The daughter of Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch, she is able to fire hex bolts and also "possess" people for short periods of time. In her reality, Wolverine has led the X-Men since the death of Professor X, and Cyclops is a supervillain.
127* ComboPlatterPowers: Being the daughter of two mutants, she naturally inherited a nice plate of these.
128* DaddysGirl: Spends much more time with her father than her mother, to the extent that in a flashback we never see her mother even ''once''.
129* DarkIsNotEvil: Has dark fur and the same vaguely demonic appearance her father has, but is firmly on the side of the angels.
130* DeadpanSnarker: She has her father's wit.
131* DependingOnTheArtist: Whether she even had a tail or not. Eventually, it's stated she does have a tail, but it can retract.
132* FourFingeredHand: Has two fingers and two toes, again like Nightcrawler.
133* GrandTheftMe: Her unique power is the ability to possess other beings, though it has its limits. She can't possess the psychically-shielded Exodus, for example.
134* HeelFaceTurn: She jumps ship in the third issue after realizing nothing the Brotherhood is doing is making any sense.
135* HellBentForLeather: Her default outfit tends to be a ''very'' skimpy leather sports bra and shorts, and little else.
136* HorribleJudgeOfCharacter: She joins the Brotherhood believing them to be another superhero team. Somewhat justified by Exodus being a [[MagneticHero magnetic]] AntiVillain with a history of recruiting idealistic types to his cause.
137* HugeGuyTinyGirl: Often shown beside Juggernaut in group shots, foreshadowing their dual HeelFaceTurn. After the Brotherhood disbanded she became something of a replacement MoralityPet to Cain for a while, picking up where Sammy the Squid Boy left off.
138* HypocriticalHumor: Grumbles about possessing a version of Storm because she "dressed like a tart". Never mind that T.J. tends to wear ''far less'' than that Storm did.
139* MeaningfulName: She can possess a person for an entire ''lunar'' cycle with her powers, hence her codename.
140* MinionWithAnFInEvil: Not even remotely evil, just swept up in Exodus's charisma.
141* NonIndicativeName: Her powers don't have anything to do with the moon, or night. She got the name because the after-effect of her possessing folk is they get knocked out for around twelve hours.
142* NoSell: In the second reality the team visits, she chose to knock out that reality's Nightcrawler. He tried bamf-spamming to knock her out, but a childhood of playing piggyback on her dad means T.J. is immune.
143* PutOnABus: She got left behind on the regular Marvel universe.
144* ReplacementGoldfish: Dated Warpath back in her own reality, starts dating his 'brother' Thunderbird after she joins the Exiles.
145* TangledFamilyTree: A given, with her parents. One half is the Darkholme tree, the other the horrific snarl that is the Maximoff-Lensherr line.
146* TokenGoodTeammate: Seems to be the reason why Exodus recruited her into his Brotherhood. Even after she saves civilians from Black Tom he refuses to hear any notion of her being a traitor, though he still shrugs off Juggernaut "killing" her a few pages later because consistency isn't Chuck Austen's strong suit.
147* TraumaticHaircut: While a prisoner of Mojo, her hair's shorn very close to the scalp during her initial torture and remains that way for the rest of the arc.
148* WallCrawling: Like her father.
149* YiddishAsASecondLanguage: Uses tuchus to describe Mimic's tush at one point. But then, her grandfather on her mother's side is Jewish, and one of her mentors is Kitty Pryde.
153!!Magnus Lensherr
155The son of ComicBook/{{Magneto}} and Rogue, he was cursed with a combination of his parents' powers. He had his fathers magnetic abilities, but turned whoever he touched into metal. [[spoiler:He died at the end of the team's first mission while containing the blast from an atomic bomb.]]
157* BarrierWarrior: uses electromagnetic barriers in fights
158** [[spoiler: He used this to contain the atomic bomb that killed him]]
159* ClingyCostume: Not by choice, though. It's what keeps him from killing everything he touches.
160* SacrificialLamb: The first member of the team to die.
161* TouchOfDeath: Anyone who touches his skin turns to metal
164!!Thunderbird (John Proudstar)
166An alternate reality version of the John Proudstar who was kidnapped by Apocalypse during his time with the X-Men and unwillingly transformed into one of his Four Horsemen, War.
168* AbusiveParents: Papa Proudstar wasn't exactly a loving father beforehand, but he ''really'' wasn't happy about the fact that his son could wrestle buffalo to the ground.
169* TheBerserker: Apocalypse made him War for a reason. It takes a lot for him to reach his RageBreakingPoint though.
170* TheBusCameBack: He eventually came out of his coma toward the end of the first volume... then he and Talia went right back on the bus.
171* {{Cyborg}}: What Apocalypse turned him into, though he's still got some fleshy parts. He's got a lot of issues about it.
172* GentleGiant: Would love to be this, but he's still got anger issues.
173* OfficialCouple: With Nocturne, though it takes time for them to get there.
174* PlainPalate: He eventually reveals that he's got next to no sense of taste, due to Apocalypse deciding that it wasn't necessary for a weapon and [[KickTheDog it being a way to deny him something he could feel pleasure and enjoyment from]].
175* PutOnABus: He was put into a coma when one mission required them to stop Galactus. The team were abruptly sent away before he recovered.
176* ReforgedIntoAMinion: Courtesy of Apocalypse.
177* SuperStrength: Started off at this, and after Apocalypse was done with him, he could match blows with the Hulk.
183!!Sunfire (Mariko Yashida)
185Hailing from an alternate universe in which she became Sunfire instead of Shiro Yoshida. She was a member of her reality's X-Men. [[spoiler:She died fighting a brood controlled Mimic.]]
187* AbusiveParents: Her parents were incredibly insistent she get married and [[AsianBabyMama have kids]], and aren't exactly happy about her being a Mutant either. She eventually ran away from home because of their controlling attitude, but she still has nightmares about them coming after her.
188* CharacterizationMarchesOn: In issue 3, she mentions Wolverine is kind of attractive. Later issues show she has absolutely no interest in men at all.
189* TheConscious: Plays this role in the "global heroes for hire" arc. She refuses to allow her home country to be destroyed, and inspires Mimic to stop thinking so cynically about their mission. That they can be more than just Weapon X and continue to be heroes no matter the world they're on.
190* GoGoEnslavement: One reality had her magically zapped by an evil Callisto, winding up in a skimpy bikini and sandals.
191* JumpedAtTheCall: If her dreams are any indication, she leapt at the chance to become an X-Man and get as far away as possible from her parents.
192* SacrificialLamb: Killed by [[spoiler: a brood infested mimic]] on accident, driving drama between him and Morph for several issues.
193* LikeBrotherAndSister: With Morph. [[spoiler: This is why her death hits Morph so insanely hard.]]
194* LipstickLesbian: She's gay, but has no stereotypical Lesbian traits whatsoever.
195* TheLostLenore: [[spoiler: She fell in love with an alternate reality Mary Jane Watson and after her death Mary Jane called Mariko the love of her life.]]
196* PlayingWithFire: Her superpower
198[[folder: Sasquatch]]
199!!Sasquatch (Dr. Heather Macdaniel)
201Field leader, chief medical officer, and monstrous brute of the Canadian super team, Alpha Flight. [[spoiler:Her power comes from [[EldritchAbomination Tanaraq, one of the Great Beasts]], rather than from gamma radiation as she thought.]]
203* DePower: Once [[spoiler:Tanaraq is removed from her.]] She's not exactly sad to see her powers go.
204* DrowningMySorrows: When she thought the entire team died, her response was to get ludicrously drunk. The Timebreakers refused to intervene because they figured she'd either sober up or die, and didn't care which way.
205* GeniusBruiser: The smartest member of the team, but she's usually only used for her muscle. She grumbles about it at one point.
206-->"I know I'm the powerhouse, but let's divide up the chores, okay?"
207* HappilyMarried: To her reality's version of Wolverine, for a time. Then afterward to James Hudson.
208* MagicPants: Very pointedly averted in her case. Every time she transforms, it leaves her without a shred of clothing (except, you know, bras).
209* MissionControl: After the Exiles find the Panoptichron.
210* RaceLift: Unlike her mainstream equivalent, she's black.
211* ScrewThisImOutOfHere: Quit when she thought her friends died and returned to her own reality.
212** TheBusCameBack: Returns to her Mission Control job to oversee the new Exile squads when Morph contacts her for help.
213* ShootTheDog: Had to kill her first husband, ComicBook/{{Wolverine}}, when he went mad.
216!!Magik (Illyana Rasputin)
218An aggressive Russian sorceress with a short temper, who replaced Blink as the team teleporter.
220* CoolSword: Her soul-sword.
221* EvenEvilHasLovedOnes: Couldn't bring herself to kill a version of Colossus, so this definitely applies.
222* HeroKiller: Tried to kill one world's version of the Avengers. Which was the team's mission, but she had no scruples about doing it... until she realised one of them was a version of her big brother.
223* JerkWithAHeartOfJerk: She's not remotely pleasant toward anyone. She also shows hints of some HiddenDepths towards Morph only to betray the team shortly afterwards.
224* RewardedAsATraitorDeserves: Sided with King Hyperion, who promptly killed her.
225* TheSoulless: There's only one way you get a Soul-sword, after all...
226* TokenEvilTeammate: Had no reserves about killing to accomplish the mission.
227* TheUnfettered: Just wants to go home, but she has no reservations about what she has to do to get there.
230!!Beak (Barnell Bohusk)
232Replaced Nocturne when she was left in the 616 universe
233See Characters/XMen2000sMembers
235* GondorCallsForAid: While Hyperion rampaged through the Crystal Palace, Beak called on two alternate good Hyperions to take him down.
241The queen of Atlantis, who conquered most of her world. Incredibly haughty and bad-tempered.
243* AmazingTechnicolorPopulation: She's a deep blue.
244* BewareTheSuperman: Took over most of her world's surface when they turned on their superpowered beings.
245* ChainmailBikini
246* HiddenDepths: Despite her hot headed and arrogant demeanor, she is still a queen, and knows how to approach duplicity and diplomacy in a smart way.
247* KilledOffForReal: Murdered by [[spoiler: king hyperion]] when they first reached the panopticron.
248* NonIndicativeName: Isn't actually related to Namor at all.
249* SmugSuper: And she isn't afraid to show it.
250* {{Stripperiffic}}: She only wears a bikini and panties combo.
251* SuperStrength: She can lift the [[ComicBook/TheIncredibleHulk Hulk]] over her head.
255!!Sabretooth (Victor Creed)
257Third leader of the Exiles, and an adoptive parent for Blink. Comes from Age of Apocalypse, where he was an X-Man.
262The son of Apocalypse, and another survivor from the ComicBook/AgeOfApocalypse, having fled into the 'main' Marvel universe, placed onto the team by [[spoiler:King Hyperion, in the hope that he'd kill them.]]
264* ArmCannon: Has this kind of weapon.
265* ClingyCostume: The armor he wears is all that's keeping him alive.
266* TheDreaded: Blink is ''terrified'' of him.
267* KilledOffForReal: Hyperion absorbs him.
268* PoliticallyIncorrectVillain: He calls himself ''Holocaust'', and routinely tries to live up to the name.
269* TokenEvilTeammate: Not actually a team-member, more an EnemyMine.
274A rebel warrior from Mojoworld, who has a history with the X-Men. Given to the team by Mojo in order for them to fight [[RealityWarper Proteus]], and stayed on afterward.
276See Characters/XMen80sMembers
279[[folder: Spider-Man 2099]]
280!!Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara)
282A version of Miguel O'Hara who joined the team after Proteus unmasked him.
284* BackForTheDead: The original Miguel O'Hara finds him dead at the hands of the Inheritors during the beginning of the ''ComicBook/SpiderVerse'' event.
285* LegacyCharacter: Like his mainstream counterpart
286* PutOnABus: At the end of vol 1, the team gets scattered across multiple realities. Miguel winds up at a beachside town where that reality's version of MJ Watson lives, and by the time the team finds him, he's settled down, so they decide to leave him there.
287* SirSwearsALot: Uses "[[FutureSlang shock]]" a shocking (har-har) amount.
288* WallCrawl: He's a Spider-Man, after all.
289* YouCantGoHomeAgain: With him being unmasked, he wasn't safe in his world, so he hung out with the Exiles.
292!!Power Princess (Zarda)
294A member of the Squadron Supreme. Joined the team to help them pursue and take down Proteus. Stayed for a while to keep an eye on the team and left to rejoin the Squadron Supreme when she was satisfied they could handle fixing realities without her.
297See Characters/SquadronSupreme
300!!Proteus (Kevin [=MacTaggert=]
302Vicious reality-warping mutant from the ''House of M'' reality, who escaped his world thanks to the team's visit. After running amock through several worlds, he was brainwashing into thinking he was Morph... for a time.
304* AccentRelapse: As a sign of Proteus's real personality reasserting itself, his Scottish accent starts coming back.
305* ArcVillain: Of the "World Tour" arc, as the team pursue him in an attempt to stop him.
306* BodySurf: As a result of his powers, his body burns out, forcing him to transfer his mind to another body, and another. [[spoiler:Until he gets to Morph, whose physiology prevents him from burning out.]]
307* HeelFaceBrainwashing: The team borrows one of the Squadron Supreme's brainwashing devices and tricks him into wearing it, making him think he's Morph, as it's the only way to contain him.
308* HeroKiller: He takes over Mimic's body and burns it out. Then he grabs an alternate version of Justice from ''New Universe'', and Hulk 2099.
309* KickTheSonOfABitch: Killing Counter-Earth's Dorma wasn't because of any good will on his part, but she had been about to nuke the remaining humans out of sheer spite.
310* KryptoniteFactor: Metal, which blocks his powers and any attempt to possess people. [[spoiler:Except in Morph's body, as everyone only realizes ''after'' they've brainwashed him.]]
311* RealityWarper: His powers. Fortunately, they're at least localised to where he is at that moment.
312* ViolentGlaswegian: Has the accent, and the nasty attitude.
315!!Psylocke (Betsy Braddock)
317The Psylocke of Earth-616, brought onto the team by Roma hacking the Crystal Palace systems.
319See Characters/XMen
323!!Sage (Tessa)
325The Sage from our 616 timeline.
327See Characters/XMen
331!!Mystiq (Raphael-Raven Darkholme)
333An alternate version of Mystique
335* AndIMustScream: Last seen trapped in the Panoptichron
336* GreenSkinnedSpaceBabe: Noticeably averted, as this version of Mystique is male and is unable to change genders when shapeshifting.
337* NiceGuy: He's incredibly good-natured and cordial.
338* SpearCounterpart: While Mystique is capable of transforming into other genders, she identifies as female. Mystiq identifies as male.
342!!Rogue (Anna Raven)
345* PowerParasite
346* LadyInRed: Tends to favour a red bodysuit
350!!Cat (Katherine Pryde)
353* KilledOffForReal: She dies toward the end of ''New Exiles''.
354* MySkullRunnethOver: Starts seeing various other versions of herself as ''New Exiles'' goes on.
358!!Gambit (Remy Lebeau)
360* AndIMustScream: Last seen trapped in the Panoptichron
361* InNameOnly: Unique in that he is the only Exile who shares nothing in common with his 616 counterpart beyond his name. His powers, appearance, race, and parents are completely different from the 616 Gambit.
367* HappilyMarried: To his reality's Storm.
371!!Beast (Henry [=McCoy=])
372* StraightGay: In a relationship with his reality's Wonder Man.
374[[folder:Scarlet Witch]]
375!!Witch (Wanda Maximoff)
376* DeadPersonImpersonation: [[spoiler:The last issue reveals she is secretly the alternate Wanda from the team's first mission, having replaced the team's original Wanda after the latter was killed.]]
380!!Khan (Kamala Carelli)
382A much older Kamala Khan from a post-apocalyptic future.
384* AntiHero: The most ruthless and cynical member of the team, having come from a world ravaged by mutant vs. Inhuman civil war. However, she softens up to her teammates, particularly Wolvie, and agrees to helping save the consumed universes.
385* AntiVillain: In the final arc, [[spoiler:Khan agrees to capture her former team on behalf of the rogue Watchers, in exchange for being sent to a universe where her family isn't dead. She tries to avoid dealing her ex-teammates serious harm, but her new team of {{Evil Counterpart}}s won't obey, and Wolvie eventually fills her with enough guilt to call off the operation.]]
386* {{Archenemy}}: Hates Sabretooth as it was her world's Sabretooth, under orders from Emma Frost, who killed many Inhumans, including Khan's daughter. Sabretooth also killed her husband, Bruno. After that, she's hostile to any Sabretooth she sees.
387* {{BFG}}: She uses an absolutely massive plasma cannon.
388* FightsLikeANormal: Khan rarely uses her powers anymore and relies on her gun in combat.
389* {{Foil}}: To Blink; an Inhuman to her mutant, both are from apocalyptic worlds but hers is a peaceful one that became apocalyptic while Clarice already grew up in a a post-apocalypse on the verge of rebuilding. She was very idealistic and had the trauma beat most of that out of her, while Clarice grew up under traumatic conditions but grew to become unwaveringly upbeat in spite of it.
390* HeroicSacrifice: Against a Time Sphere full of Kangs, she rushes in and turns on the self-destruct to take them all out. [[spoiler:The rogue Watchers took her from the timestream before she was killed, then commission her to capture her former team.]]
391* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Despite her steely exterior, Khan's still the good person she's always been.
392* RubberMan: She still has her stretchy powers.
393* TookALevelInJerkass: She went from the kind and idealistic Ms. Marvel to the mean-spirited and cynical Khan.
394* TheLancer: To Blink, as a more experienced leader figure in her own right. She eventually defers to her authority, but freely voices her disagreements.
395* VitriolicBestBuds: Khan doesn't get along with Blink due to their [[SlidingScaleOfIdealismVsCynicism conflicting personalities]].
397[[folder:Iron Lad]]
398!!Iron Lad (Nate Richards)
400The teenage past-self of time traveling dictator, Kang the Conqueror.
402* AlternateSelf: It's almost immediately established that this Iron Lad is an alternate version of the [[ComicBooK/YoungAvengers original]].
403* FutureMeScaresMe: Nate is terrified of becoming Kang and desperately wants to change his future.
404* HeroicSacrifice: In the end, [[spoiler:Nate sacrifices himself by remaining in a BadFuture where he has become Kang, in exchange for ensuring his teammates can escape from their own darkest timelines.]]
405* KnightInSourArmor: Iron Lad doesn't really like his world because of its people being cruel to him but knows that saving it along with the rest of the multiverse is the right thing to do.
406* NiceGuy: He is very kind and polite to everyone around him.
407* PoweredArmor: He built his own variation of the Iron Man armor.
408* TeenGenius: Only 16 years-old and already has a super-genius level IQ.
409* YouCantFightFate: [[spoiler:This Nate doesn't escape his future as Kang, no matter his guilt before and after of his future villainy.]]
414The lone defender of her Asgard.
416* AdaptationalPersonalityChange: Unlike her [[Film/ThorRagnarok cinematic counterpart]] who is bitter and sarcastic, this Valkyrie is optimistic and friendly. Also, while that Valkyrie spoke normally, this one speaks in a level of FloweryElizabethanEnglish not even the other Asgardians have been speaking in for a long time.
417* AdaptationalSexuality: Valkyrie in the MCU is bisexual, while this one is only shown in a lesbian romance with the {{Gender Flip}}ped Bucky.
418* BoisterousBruiser: Never a dull moment for her as she likes drinking, feasting and wenching as much as she likes smiting the forces of evil.
419* CanonImmigrant: While Valkyrie [[ComicBook/ValkyrieMarvelComics was already a character in the comics]], this version is explicitly based on the one in the Franchise/MarvelCinematicUniverse.
420* CoolBigSis: Acts this way to her younger peers, including giving Iron Lad some useful advice on how to meet girls when he asked her how she's able to get hook-ups so easily.
421* DualWielding: She wields a sword and a spear in each hand.
422* FloweryElizabethanEnglish: As an Asgardian, she naturally speaks this way.
423* OfficialCouple: With Becky Barnes.
424* {{Pegasus}}: Elendil, Valkyrie's trusty steed.
425* PhysicalGod: She is Asgardian and said to be as strong as Thor himself.
426* RaceLift: While Earth-616 Valkyrie is white, this version is black like her [[Film/ThorRagnarok film counterpart]].
427* SlaveryIsASpecialKindOfEvil: Valkyrie absolutely loathes slavers.
434A SuperDeformed ComicBook/{{Wolverine}} from the Mojoverse.
436* BerserkButton: The only thing that really riles him up is meeting a bully and even then he's harmless, as all he does is raise his voice.
437* CheerfulChild: Is an extremely happy kid who wins over many of the people he encounters, even Khan finds his good mood infectious.
438* CompleteImmortality: One of the few useful things about him, he can't be killed. Even the Time-Eater, who has the power of many Galactuses, can't keep Wolvie disintegrated for more than a few seconds.
439* IJustWantToHaveFriends: Downplayed. He has plenty of friends but is always eager to make more.
440* InnocenceLost: The poor little guy is traumatized by the ugliness that comes with being an Exile.
441* LeaningOnTheFourthWall: Can understand African slaves speaking another language because he can read the translated words in brackets in their speech bubbles.
442* NaiveNewcomer: Wolvie is completely unaware of the harsh realities outside his world. Even the concept of death is completely alien to him.
443* NiceGuy: He's a sweet little kid who seldom gets angry. Even when the Time-Eater (Kang) was disintegrating him, he thought that [[EasilyForgiven Kang is just grouchy and needed a friend, so he tried to give him a hug]].
444* NonActionGuy: Ironically, Wolvie is ''not'' a fighter. Not surprising, considering his world is basically a cartoon show meant for very young children.
445* SpinOffBabies: He's a cartoon-ish and childish version of Wolverine.
446* SweetTooth: He ''loves'' pie.
447* SuperSenses: Can smell the Tallus underwater from above the surface.
448* TagalongKid: By far the youngest of the group, at least going by appearance - he was never a baby and his first memory is of eating jam while looking exactly like he does as of becoming an Exile, so his age in years is probably irrelevant.
449* TearsOfFear: Being a little kid, Wolvie naturally cries whenever he's scared.
450* ThePollyanna: Despite some of the terrible things that happen to the Exiles, so far nothing keeps him upset for long, after a good cry he's back to his plucky self.
451* {{Utopia}}: Wolvie comes from one of the nicest worlds in the Marvel Multiverse, the worst things that happen there are being fed broccoli and the more selfish friends like L'il Magneto stealing treats.
453[[folder:Captain America]]
454!!Captain America (Peggy Carter)
456A version of Peggy Carter who participated in Project: Rebirth and became Captain America when her universe's Steve Rogers was assassinated before he could undergo the process himself.
458* BackFromTheDead: [[spoiler:She and Becky Barnes are seemingly killed in ''Exiles #3'' when the Red Skull's nuke detonates in New York City. However, the rogue Watchers pull the two from the timestream to stand trial.]]
459* CanonImmigrant: This Peggy Carter was created in the video game ''Videogame/MarvelPuzzleQuest'', borrowing heavily from the Franchise/MarvelCinematicUniverse counterpart (she looks like Creator/HayleyAtwell and is British, while 616-Peggy was an American who fought with the French Resistance.)
460* ForWantOfANail: In her timeline, Peggy became Captain America because the spy who shot Doctor Erskine killed Steve as well.
461* {{Irony}}: She's her universe's Captain America despite being British.
462* LuckilyMyShieldWillProtectMe: Has the signature shield.
463* SuperSoldier: Has military training as well as the powers granted to her by the Super-Soldier serum.
464* TheLostLenore: Peggy had romantic feelings for Steve Rogers. [[spoiler:This makes it difficult for her to battle her EvilCounterpart, a Steve Rogers who was enhanced with gamma radiation and became the Hulk.]]
466[[folder: Becky Barnes]]
467!!Becky Barnes
468A {{Gender Flip}}ped ComicBook/BuckyBarnes from Peggy Carter's universe.
470* BackFromTheDead: [[spoiler:In ''Exiles #8'', her and Peggy turn out to have survived the nuking of NYC by the intervention of the rogue Watchers.]]
471* BrooklynRage: Becky's from Brooklyn and her mannerisms indicate she has the accent. Ever since she was a little girl she's had a penchant for beating up bullies.
472* BusCrash: [[spoiler:''ComicBook/FutureFoundation'' reveals that she was one of the incarnations of Rikki Barnes, who obviously has to die to be placed in another body, her current one distinctly looking nothing like Becky. The narration even says Rikki's time as Becky ended with "blackness".]]
473* ButchLesbian: She’s gay and her short hair and sidekick outfit give her a boy-ish appearance.
474* CanonCharacterAllAlong: [[spoiler: ComicBook/FutureFoundation reveals she is one of many incarnations of preexisting heroine Rikki Barnes]]
475* ShipTease: With Valkyrie.
476* StayInTheKitchen: When the rogue Watchers trap her in a BadFuture, it has her trapped in a loveless marriage as a housewife to an abusive man.
479!!King (T'Challa)
481A CowBoy version of ComicBook/BlackPanther from an Earth resembling TheWildWest.
483* EvilCounterpart: His villainous twin in ''Exiles #11'' is [[spoiler:a version of his sister Shuri who became the tyrannical Killmonger]].
484* MyGreatestFailure: The BadFuture the Watchers send him to is one where Wakanda is defeated by Ulysses Klaw, with Shuri and the Dora Milaje all killed.
485* MySuitIsAlsoSuper: As with his mainstream counterpart, King's clothes are laced with vibranium.
486* RevolversAreJustBetter: His signature weapon.
487* TheGunSlinger: King is an experienced marksman.
488* SilverBullet: King uses vibranium bullets, which [[ComicBook/{{Magneto}} Magnus]] discovers to his detriment that he cannot control like other metals.
489* SuperSoldier: His senses and physical prowess were enhanced by ingesting the Heart-Shaped Herb.
490* YouKilledMyFather: King's initial goal was to kill Magnus for the murder of his father.
491* YouCantGoHomeAgain: He's been exiled from Wakanda ever since leaving it to pursue revenge.
494!! Weapon X
495[[folder:In General ]]
496The other reality-hopping team, sent to do the tasks the Exiles can't or won't do. As a result of their missions and their darker nature, they go through members at an astounding rate, to the extent we never seem them with the same line-up twice. When an alternate version of [[ComicBook/SquadronSupreme Hyperion]] was recruited, he quickly seized control and tried to turn the group into his own personal private army. After a massive battle which killed most of what was left of the group, they disbanded.
499!!Sabretooth (Victor Creed)
500The same Sabretooth who raised Blink, and the team leader. One of the original line-up, and one of few members who actually survived.
502* AdaptationalHeroism: Much, much nicer than his mainstream counterpart.
503* HealingFactor
504* ParentalSubstitute: For Blink.
505* TokenGoodTeammate: Often refused to perform some of the missions, which didn't make him very popular. He, and they, were glad when he left.
508!!Deadpool (Wade Wilson)
509The Merc with the Mouth, sans the mouth. This version of Deadpool is a stone-cold killer without the usual humor Deadpool is known for.
511* DeadpanSnarker: As opposed to regular Deadpool's normal method of humor.
512* GoodThingYouCanHeal: He's still got cancer, and his healing factor still means his face is scarred.
513* NotQuiteDead: Sabretooth snapped his neck, but thanks to his HealingFactor he got better.
516!!Kane (Garrison Kane)
517Another team founder, and... that's about it for him.
519* {{Cyborg}}
520* NoodleIncident: The only thing we know about his death is that Namor was involved.
521* TheQuietOne: Doesn't say a word in his only appearance.
524!!Maverick (Christopher Nord)
525One of the team founders, the only thing we know about Maverick is that he was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. back home, and that he died at the hands (well, shield) of an alternate ComicBook/CaptainAmerica.
527* ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice: On Captain America's shield. Notably, one that looks like a freaking buzzsaw. It's still there when his body's sent home.
528* OvertOperative: An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. wearing a bright yellow outfit. And yet he's apparently Nick Fury's best operative.
532Another team founder, who was also a member of Weapon X in his home reality. He died very early on.
534* PosthumousCharacter: We don't learn he existed until after he died.
537!!Spider (Peter Parker)
538A version of Peter Parker who was on death-row for multiple murder when he was found by the Carnage Symbiote.
540* AxCrazy: He gladly sided with Hyperion's coup as long as it meant he got to kill lots of people.
541* EvenEvilHasStandards: Grumbles about murdering Morlocks in their sleep, on the grounds that they deserved better.
542* {{Expy}}: His twisted sense of humor is akin to that of Deadpool.
543* TheFriendNobodyLikes: Weapon X don't really get along in general, but ''everybody'' hates Spider.
544* JerkassHasAPoint: Refuses to give Hulk a lifeline as she's sucked into the Negative Zone, but afterwards explains that among other things, she'd have been too heavy for him to carry, especially when he was trying not to get sucked in himself.
545* KillItWithFire: How he dies.
546* OlderThanTheyLook: He has the appearance of a teenager, but judging from the dates [[spoiler:on his tombstone]], he's in his forties. Possibly the symbiote keeps him young.
547* PsychopathicManchild: To drive the point him, when his real face is shown underneath the symbiote, he's got zits, greasy hair, and bad teeth, looking like a standard BasementDweller or greasy nerd.
548* SerialKiller
549* TheSociopath: Explicitly states he just wants to kill people for the hell of it.
552!!Storm (Ororo Munroe)
553A much younger version of Storm, who hasn't yet come into her Mutant powers, and instead relies on magic.
555* DeadpanSnarker: Her first words.
556-->'''Spider:''' ''(on murdering Morlocks)'' They may have been ugly, but they deserved better.\
557'''Storm:''' That is debatable, Spider. Not their lack of beauty, that is.
558* DroppedABridgeOnHim: After being part of the team in two stories, the third time she appears, she's died.
559* ReplacementGoldfish: Gambit bonds with her as a proxy for his wife.
562!!Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
563* AmoralAttorney: She's a mob legbreaker back home.
564* {{Jerkass}}: Generally rude to everyone. She also apparently tried to kill the Spider for whatever reason.
565* PutOnABusToHell: While in the President Stark reality, she tackles a Hulked-out Wonder Man into a Negative Zone portal, only to get dragged in herself.
569A much less empathetic version of ComicBook/TheAvengers' resident synthezoid, replaced Kaine.
571* AnArmAndALeg: Loses his left arm to the President Stark reality's Karnak, who turns his density control against him and manages to sever Vision's arm.
572* TheFriendNobodyLikes: Not that most of Weapon X like each other most of the time anyway, but pretty much everyone hates Vision. Spider, at least, finds his scanning abilities far more useful than Kane.
573* LiteralMinded: Feels the need to correct one of Spider's quips.
574-->'''Spider:''' ''(on a Doctor Octopus the team ran into)'' All that was left of him was calamari.\
575'''Vision:''' Incorrect. Calamari refers to squid. It is an incorrect reference to Doctor Octopus.\
576'''Spider:''' Check it out, Spock's critiquing humor.
577* NighInvulnerability: Much to his co-workers' irritation. It took a ColonyDrop to finish him off for good.
578* TheSpock: A decidedly dark version. He's coldly logical and efficient, and has little regard or care for others.
579* WeCanRebuildHim: Thanks to wear and tear, this Vis is made up of all kinds of tech. There's bits of the original Human Torch, Ultron's stuff, some Stark tech and even Kree technology in there, which might explain the durability.
580* WouldHurtAChild: When he learns a mission directive is to kill a child, he has no hesitation trying to fulfil it.
582[[folder:Iron Man]]
583!!Iron Man (Tony Stark)
584Deadpool's replacement. Has a much bulkier armor than usual.
586* EyeScream: Longshot inflicts this on him.
587* LaserGuidedKarma: He gets blinded, then sent back to his homeworld sans armor, where the people he victimised are waiting for him. The last he's seen, he's surrendering at gunpoint.
588* WarForFunAndProfit: What he did to his world, but he got found out. He's not exactly happy about going home.
589* WeHardlyKnewYe: Appears as Deadpool's replacement, and is gone without explanation when the team next shows up.
592!!Gambit (Remy Lebau)
593The replacement for Sabretooth, both as a member and as team-leader.
595* AnArmAndALeg: Courtesy of Hyperion, in an attempt to get rid of the Tallus. It just moved to Gambit's other arm.
596* ApologeticAttacker: Apologises to a version of Gorgon as he kills him, saying he just wants to go home.
597* BladeEnthusiast: Uses throwing knives in contrast to mainstream Gambit's playing cards to highlight his more ruthless nature.
598* GratuitousFrench: Not to the same extent as some Gambits
599* HappilyMarried: With his reality's Storm.
600* HeroicSacrifice: In an attempt to kill Hyperion. It didn't work. Due to sunlight powered ResurrectiveImmortality.
601* TokenGoodTeammate: Still willing to kill, but he's much nicer than his associates, and refused to go along with Hyperion's madness.
605!!Angel (Warren Worthington III)
607* MoreDakka
610!!Colossus (Piotr Rasputin)
612* TokenGoodTeammate: To the extent his teammates even wonder why he was put on their team in the first place.
614[[folder:Ms. Marvel]]
615!!Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers)
616* InLoveWithYourCarnage: She seems to get turned on by Hyperion's destructive tendencies and is more than happy to help him kill people, most likely because she wants to be the queen to his king.
617* MsFanservice: Buxom DarkActionGirl who wears skimpy or low cut outfits, regularly suffers ClothingDamage or otherwise ends up in a state of undress, and is usually drawn in provocative poses.
618* NightmareFetishist: Hasn't got a problem sleeping with Hyperion among the many freshly dead bodies of the Xavier Institute.
621[[folder:King Hyperion]]
622!!King Hyperion (aka Mark Milton)
624* AintTooProudToBeg: He pleads with the other ComicBook/{{Thunderbolts}} when they turn the nanochain on him. Since he's dealing with Moonstone and Ghost, they're not at all sympathetic to his cries.
625* ArcVillain: For being a series without recurring foes, Hyperion is a serious threat to the exiles and Weapon X for a good 16 or so issues, both directly and indirectly thanks to his manipulations.
626* AxCrazy: Murdered ''every being in his universe''. Can't have a better example than that. What was Timebroker and his creators thinking when they recruited him?
627* BaldOfEvil: His hair is slightly burnt off at the end of "King Hyperion." When he returns in "A Blink in Time", he's completely bald.
628* BitchInSheepsClothing: While a member of the ComicBook/{{Thunderbolts}}, he pretends to be helpful and friendly. The minute things go wrong, he turns on the team.
629* BrokeYourArmPunchingOutCthulhu: Literally, he broke the leg of his teammate, the greatly weakened Juggernaut and he was going to finish off the Avatar of Cyttorak. Unfortunately he punched Cain Marko directly on the NighInvulnerable Juggernaut helmet and this broke King Hyperion's hand. The rest of the Thunderbolts show up and dealt with the traitor accordingly.
630* BewareTheSuperman: Almost single-handedly brought about the destruction of his universe's humanity.
631* CombatPragmatist: Very sneaky in combat.
632* DarkIsEvil: His chest symbol contains a small black circle in the middle, something the regular Hyperion lacks. Given its location, it serves to illustrate his heart is black. In his later appearances his costume becomes blacker.
633* {{Expy}}: While Hyperion is normally one for ComicBook/{{Superman}}, this one feels like a version of Ultraman, Superman's EvilCounterpart in the Crime Syndicate of Amerika. Specifically the Antimatter Universe version, who was much crueler and vindictive than the Pre-Crisis Ultraman.
634* FauxAffablyEvil: Puts on mocking airs in ''ComicBook/{{Thunderbolts}}'' after he gets ahold of the nanochain device.
635* FlyingBrick: He's a ComicBook/{{Superman}} {{Expy}}. It comes with the territory.
636* KilledOffForReal: Possibly. His final appearance is in ''ComicBook/{{Thunderbolts}}'' #153, which has him poisoned with Argonite and burned by Man-Thing for joining and then betraying the team.
637* HateSink: He is a loathsome, remorseless sociopath and there is absolutely nothing good or redeemable about him.
638* LaserGuidedKarma: After betraying the ComicBook/{{Thunderbolts}}, he's zapped with argonite, and left to the mercies of Man-Thing's touch.
639* ManipulativeBastard: His time in the Crystal Palace had him playing the part of manipulator, trying to get the exiles in trouble, or out of the way.
640* PoliticallyIncorrectVillain: In ''ComicBook/{{Thunderbolts}}'', he calls Juggernaut a "mongoloid" (retarded) as he beats him up.
641* PragmaticVillainy: In his first story arc, he stopped Colossus from killing an alternate version of Shadowcat. This is only because the Tallus's mission was for them to kill the rest of the mutants in this universe, and since Hyperion planned on taking over, it meant they had to keep the other mutants alive to so Weapon X wouldn't be sent away. Once he stopped giving a shit, he let Shadowcat get sucked into outer space alongside Colossus.
642* TheSociopath: He killed all superpowered beings in his universe, saw humanity wipe itself out trying to kill him, and the only thing he really felt was bored by the experience.
643* SupermanSubstitute: As with all Hyperions -- although since he's an evil Hyperion, he's more of an {{Expy}} of Superman's EvilCounterpart Ultraman.
644* TyrantTakesTheHelm: The second he joined the team, he insisted that everyone do things his way. And his way was taking over the world.
