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1Characters in ''Roleplay/DinoAttackRPG'' who are either too difficult to classify as a "hero" or "villain"; civilians who do not take part in the action; or characters simply unaffiliated with Dino Attack Team in any way.
3Return to the character index [[Characters/DinoAttackRPG here]].
15A former small-time criminal, Montoya is a fairly morally-grounded individual who has since reformed himself and tried to make a better life with his girlfriend.
17* BadassDriver: Unlike Trigger we actually get to see Montoya behind the wheel, seeing as he took on the job of the getaway driver during the Dacta Corp. This was especially evident when it came time for him and Trigger to make their escape, and he had to navigate a busy intersection while Silencia Venomosa was climbing all over the car trying to kill them both.
18* DisposablePilot: Averted. During the flashback Montoya was in a very good position to become this considering his being alone and vulnerable during the heist[[note]]Ironically this fact is actually what saved him. While he would have been an easy target for Silencia Venemosa she was busy trying to stop the crooks actually stealing the blueprints ''inside'' the building; since Montoya was alone and possibly unarmed outside, he posed no immediate threat. In fact given her status as a PunchClockVillain, it could be inferred that had Silencia Venemosa successfully killed Schiess/Trigger alongside the other mercenaries she may have just sneaked out a back door and left him waiting, unaware of the massacre, a fact further supported when she confesses to Montoya years later that she actually noticed him to be comparatively nicer than the other crooks, possibly suggesting she would be reluctant to kill him unless it was necessary.[[/note]] and later getting into a nasty car accident, but he was ultimately one of the only two survivors of the heist and eventually [[spoiler: the last surviving participant]].
19* TheDriver: [[OverlyLongGag Did I mention that he's a good driver?]]
20* {{Foil}}: In the flashback, Montoya serves as a {{foil}} to the other crooks, being the one man grounded by a sense of morality in contrast to the more professional attitude of the others. Schiess and the other crooks are depicted as cold-blooded killers simply in it for the money, while we get a glimpse into Montoya's personal life and see that he is merely trying to provide for his girlfriend and in fact wants to go clean after this one last job. This was alluded to in his interactions with the other crooks- while the other men are seen committing murder the most illegal things Montoya ever does is drive a stolen truck and stage an accident to cover for a murder, and possibly drive a stolen car in which he assists the escape of fugitives. (Yes, technically those are illegal but seem pretty small in comparison, especially given that, as the getaway driver, he waited outside while the actual heist was committed). [[ShoutOut He also called out his partner]] [[Film/ReservoirDogs for refusing to pay a waitress's tip.]]
21** This carries forward into the present, where Trigger becomes determined to kill Amanda out of a moral code that involves killing those who double-cross him, refusing to accept the fact that she has changed in the years since. Montoya is no less keen to see Silencia brought to justice, but on a personal level ''because'' of the people she killed. Unlike Trigger, however, Montoya is unable to shoot her in cold blood, and eventually comes to accept the fact that she has reformed and manages to forgive her.
22** It's commonly accepted that this was the reason Montoya received a much warmer reception than Trigger. Whereas Trigger was spending most of his time being a {{Jerkass}} we actually got a glimpse into Montoya's personal life, revealing his motivations to be more than OnlyInItForTheMoney [[note]]technically, he ''was''... but he only needed it so that he could go clean and settle down with his girlfriend[[/note]].
23* GoodSmokingEvilSmoking: Possibly provides a middle ground between the two areas, since despite being a reasonably nice guy the smoking habit helps establish that he is a crook and fits in with many of the other (comparatively) worse criminals seen in the RPG.
24* JustifiedCriminal: Montoya is just trying to provide for his girlfriend. He doesn't even do much that could be considered illegal aside from driving stolen vehicles (which he himself didn't steal), aiding the escape of a fellow convict, and covering for his partners. Seems pretty small given his partners are guilty of cold-blooded murder and property theft.
25* KillItWithFire: The original concept for his first present-day meeting with Amanda was for him to go all ''Film/ReservoirDogs'' on her- duct tape her to a chair, torture her, deliver a short speech about all the people she killed, douse her in gasoline, and then drop a cigarette. This idea was later retconed into discontinuity when [=PeabodySam=] admitted to not finding this scenario believable based on Montoya's previously established character and the fact that Amanda would most likely not be placed into such as situation easily.
26* MeaningfulName: A few different meanings, not all of which intentional:
27** Trigger was a loose expy of Jack Crow from ''Film/JohnCarpentersVampires''. While not based as much on the original character, Montoya's name was a reference to the former's inspiration, also keeping to the fact that they were both former partners and the lone survivors of a horrific massacre.
28** Out of the seven crooks hired by Mindstorms Inc., three (Orange, Keaton, and Verbal) were named after characters from famous crime films, two (Scorsese, Deniro) were named after people associated with crime films and one (Schiess, AKA Trigger) was named after a real-life mercenary. It's worth noting that Montoya was named after a character from a gritty vampire action movie, thus making him the odd man out. This is also fitting with his personality- unlike the cold-blooded crooks just in it for the money Montoya has no real desire to be involved with crime and is only doing so out of desperation to provide for his girlfriend.
29** Montoya shares his surname with [[Film/ThePrincessBride Inigo Montoya]]. When he is introduced in the present and heard about Silencia guess what he tried to do...
30* MoralityPet: Toward Trigger, though he is unable to keep him morally grounded. During the heist, he was the first to call one of his partners out for refusing to pay a waitress's tip.
31* NiceGuy: This fact alone helped him become more sympathetic than his partner.
32* NiceToTheWaiter: His EstablishingCharacterMoment, as a ShoutOut to ''Film/ReservoirDogs'', when he called out one of his partners for refusing to tip a waitress. This most likely has to do with his relationship with Debbie and his knowledge of how hard it can be to get by and make a living in that occupation.
33* NoFullNameGiven: Montoya's first name was never stated. Fittingly, his girlfriend Debbie's ''last'' name was never mentioned either.
34* OneLastJob: Montoya intended the Dacta Corp. heist to be his last job before he'd go straight. Sure enough, he did manage to start a new life with his girlfriend.
35* OneTrueLove: Unusually for Atton Rand (a player who very rarely touched on romantic sub-plots), this is hinted to be his relationship with Debbie- especially given they manage to stay together ten years after the botched heist that forced them to run away in the first place.
36* PetTheDog: He openly called his own partner out for not paying a waitress's tip. It's implied that this is because his girlfriend is also struggling to get by as a waitress.
37* PokeThePoodle: Montoya's on-screen "crimes" can be summed up as driving a stolen truck (which technically he himself did not steal) and crashing it to cover up a hijacking, driving a possibly stolen car, ''not'' ratting out his partners, and helping a criminal get away from the scene of a crime. Yes, technically these are all illegal, but this helps establish his character, since these actions seem rather small compared to said partners.
38* PrecisionFStrike: Usually how his curse words come out.
39* PunchClockVillain: Even more so than his partners, as Montoya is simply trying to make a living for him and his waitress girlfriend. He also got very defensive when one of his partners refused to pay for a waitress's tip.
40* ReformedCriminal: Although he committed crimes including the Dacta heist, he went straight afterward and left that life behind.
41* {{Retirony}}: Inverted. Out of all the criminals in Trigger's flashback, Montoya is clearly the most morally sound, and is the one man out of the lot who was planning to go straight and settle down with his girlfriend. As it happened, not only was he one of the only survivors of the heist, but, as of the final battle, he's now [[spoiler:the last surviving participant]].
42* ShotgunsAreJustBetter: Possibly the ''only'' person in the entire RPG to invoke this, as it was his weapon of choice in the (canon) scene where he attempts to take revenge on Amanda.
43* SirSwearsALot: Not quite as much as Trigger, but he does frequently curse a lot more than some of the other characters. This is in part due to his background as a small-time criminal.
44* ShoutOut: Due to his being Trigger's old partner, [[Film/JohnCarpentersVampires he was rather fittingly named in reference to his inspiration]]. He also [[Film/ReservoirDogs got angry at one of his partners for not wanting to pay a waitress's tip]].
45* SidekickGraduationsStick: Montoya became a much more independent character after [[spoiler: Trigger died]].
46* SoleSurvivor: [[spoiler:Both Trigger and Amanda died in the final battle; that, with the deaths of the [=CEOs=], made Montoya the last surviving participant of the Dacta Corp. heist.]] This particular one is rather ironic when you consider in ''Film/JohnCarpentersVampires'', [[spoiler: it's the other way round: Jack Crow survives while Montoya is presumably doomed to become a vampire and meet his end by Crow's hand]].
50Dude's personal bowling buddy, a hot-tempered middle-aged man who spends most of his time either telling Donnie to shut up or going bowling when there's more important things going on.
52* BerserkButton: Any time Donnie opens his mouth, Walter immediately shouts at him to shut up. And if anything interrupts his bowling game (or someone does something as mundane as stepping over the line), he's been knowing to threaten people with a gun.
53* DisproportionateRetribution: If Sarah's anything to go by, then apparently Walter ''pulled a gun'' on someone for stepping over the line during a bowling match. He later did exactly that to Nubby Stevens at the LEGO Island party after the Dino Attack ended.
54* {{Expy}}: Walter is heavily inspired by [[Film/TheBigLebowski Walter Sobchak]].
55* FailedASpotCheck: Walter decided that it was a good idea to go bowling during the final battle, simply because the lanes were not being used. Later on he (rather foolishly) tried to threaten Pharisee when he interrupted the bowling match.
56* NoFullNameGiven: Walter is strictly on FirstNameBasis and doesn't have a surname revealed.
57* TeamMemberInTheAdaptation: In the Director's Cut, Walter was conscripted into Dino Attack Team to explain his presence in LEGO City during the final battle.
58* TooDumbToLive: Yes, bowling in an abandoned alley with the entire city being rampaged by mutant dinosaurs is [[SarcasmMode a great idea]]. That's not getting into the fact that after Pharisee broke into the alley, Walter actually tried to stand up to him and even pulled his gun on him. Let's just say that confrontation didn't end well.
59* YourAnswerToEverything: "Oh [[PardonMyKlingon znap]] it, let's go bowling" or "SHUT THE ZNAP UP DONNIE!"
63A bowling partner to Dude and Walter. Often getting yelled at and told to shut up.
65* ButtMonkey: Not quite as bad as his namesake, but Walter does have a tendency to yell at him every time he speaks.
66* {{Expy}}: Donnie is heavily inspired by [[Film/TheBigLebowski Donny]].
67* TeamMemberInTheAdaptation: In the Director's Cut, Donnie was conscripted into Dino Attack Team to explain his presence in LEGO City during the final battle.
69!!Athena Fabello
71Minerva Fabello's mother, who is mentally unbalanced after the death of her husband.
73* AlcoholicParent: Athena Fabello was this at one point before losing her mind.
74* CloudCuckooLander: She comes across as rather loony, primarily when meeting Oswald and Blaire in Napoleon XIV and as a nineteen-year-old.
75* DrowningMySorrows: She became an AlcoholicParent as a result of trying to deal with her husband's death.
76* DeathEqualsRedemption: [[spoiler:Minerva finally forgave Athena in the latter's dying moments.]]
77* KilledOffForReal: [[spoiler:She is shot and killed by Oswald during the final battle.]]
78* MamaBear: Athena Fabello tackled, fought, and strangled to death a Mutant Lizard for attacking her son.
79* SanitySlippage: Athena Fabello's sanity began slipping after the death of her husband and her alcoholism to cope. Her son Oswald's sanity started slipping after the Dino Attack began. He finally went off the slippery slope when learned the Darkitect was real and murdered his mother.
80* SoProudOfYou: Athena Fabello tells her daughter Minerva how proud she is of her.
81* StrongFamilyResemblance: Zach believed Athena to be attractive based on Athena looking extremely similar to Minerva.
82* TraumaInducedAmnesia: Trying to erase the memory of her husband's death helped Athena complete her SanitySlippage.
83* {{Tsundere}}: Athena appears to have been a Type A as a young adult.
85!!Mary Rose
87A young girl who was orphaned when her parents were killed by Mutant Raptors, Mary Rose took to surviving on the streets by herself. Believing Greybeard to be her grandfather, she quickly melted [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold his heart]], causing the old pirate to swear to no end to protect the little girl. [[WhereAreTheyNowEpilogue Ten years later]], she's grown up to become a PirateGirl known as "Bloody Mary".
89* ActionGirl: As a PirateGirl in ''The Passage of Time'', Mary Rose is now a skilled swordfighter and can cleanly shoot a man's hat off his head.
90* AdoptionAngst: At first, she appears to be HappilyAdopted by Greybeard, but only because she doesn't know that Greybeard isn't really her grandfather. [[spoiler:She finally realizes the truth in ''Pirates of the Tropical Sea'', thanks to a FlashSideways. She doesn't take it well and demands to know why he lied to her.]]
91* AlternateSelf: ''Pirates of the Tropical Sea'' introduces Mary Rose's counterparts in {{Alternate Timeline}}s via FlashSideways:
92** In Timeline 2004-A, in which Ogel successfully took over the world during Mission Deep Freeze, Mary Rose is part of LaResistance fighting against the Evil OGEL Empire.
93** In Timeline 2010-A, in which Dino Attack Team ended the war much earlier and with far fewer casualties, Mary Rose is living an ordinary life as a teenage girl, still living with her actual family and hanging out with high school friends.
94* BadassAndChildDuo: Mary Rose is the Child to Greybeard's Badass.
95* CasualDangerDialogue: Exploited in ''Pirates of the Tropical Sea'', where Mary converses casually with One-Eyed Pete in order to keep herself calm during an intense brawl against mutinous pirates.
96* DamselInDistress: As a young child, Mary could not defend herself and needed to be rescued by Greybeard when a Mutant Raptor went after her during the final battle in LEGO City.
97* DamselOutOfDistress: During the mutiny in the galley, Bob and Bill Barnacle grab hold of Mary Rose and it looks like she needs One-Eyed Pete to rescue her. However, as soon as Pete distracts the Barnacle brothers, Mary breaks free on her own, steals Bob's cutlass, and joins the fight. It shows how she's [[TookALevelInBadass taken a level in badass]] since her younger days as a DamselInDistress.
98-->'''Vile Villano''': Ye be all alone, an' there be no one 'elpin' ye!\
99'''One-Eyed Pete''': Who says she's alone?\
100'''Mary Rose''': Who says I need helping?
101* ADayInTheLimelight: Mary Rose is the main protagonist of the WhereAreTheyNowEpilogue story ''Pirates of the Tropical Sea: The Passage of Time''.
102* {{Expy}}: As a child, Mary Rose draws elements from [[Film/{{Aliens}} Newt]] and young [[Literature/PercyJacksonAndTheOlympians Annabeth Chase]].
103* FriendlyPirate: As Bloody Mary, she is definitely a swashbuckling pirate seeking glory and treasure, but she is not shown to have any interest in the RapePillageAndBurn activities of real-world pirates and is far nicer than her adoptive grandfather Greybeard. This serves to contrast with other pirates such as Vile Villano. Greybeard and One-Eyed Pete both point out that Mary is more of a romanticized pirate, rather than a real historical pirate.
104* HeartwarmingOrphan: Mary, as a young orphan girl, was able to melt the cold heart of Greybeard.
105* LikeASonToMe: Although they are not biologically related, Greybeard sees Mary Rose as if she really were his granddaughter.
106* APirate400YearsTooLate: Although Mary spent the first six years of her life in modern LEGO City, she grew up like a [=1700s=] pirate after moving to Forbidden Island.
107* PirateGirl: As seen in ''The Passage of Time'', Mary Rose has grown up to become an ActionGirl pirate known as Bloody Mary.
108* RaisedByGrandparents: Subverted. Mary believes that this trope is played straight, unaware that her "grandfather" Greybeard is not actually her real grandparent.
109* TheSmurfettePrinciple: Mary Rose is the only PirateGirl aboard the ''Beatrice'' and the only female character for much of ''The Passage of Time'', due to the story's WoodenShipsAndIronMen setting not allowing for many female characters.
110* SoleSurvivor:
111** Mary Rose is the only survivor of the Rose family, with her parents and grandfather killed by Mutant Raptors.
112** Her AlternateSelf in Timeline 2004-A is the only survivor of her Resistance squad, since she was the only one small enough to use the AirVentPassageway and escape the apartment in time. Everyone else was either killed or assimilated by the Evil OGEL Empire.
113* TookALevelInBadass: In ''Pirates of the Tropical Sea'', Mary is no longer the frightened young girl from ''At War's End'', now engaging in swordfights and brawls with pirates.
114* TraumaInducedAmnesia: As seen in ''The Passage of Time'', Mary Rose coped with witnessing the horrors of the Dino Attack by suppressing her memory of it. She doesn't remember One-Eyed Pete (AKA Frozeen) at all and becomes agitated when he tries reminding her of her childhood. However, despite blocking out the memories, she still feels their unconscious impact on her mind (for example, she hates birds and suffers from herpetophobia).
115* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Thanks to her traumatic childhood, Mary is terrified of reptiles and birds, which remind her of her repressed memories of the Mutant Raptors.
117!! Bartholomew Enderson
119A humble man who tended to a bar in LEGO City, Bartholomew Enderson unwittingly found himself thrust into the role of Silencia Venomosa's SecretKeeper when she came into his bar one day. During the Dino Attack, he moved his business to the Antarctic refugee facilities.
121* TheBartender: His profession is bartending, running a bar called Enderson's in LEGO City.
122* EarlyInstallmentCharacterDesignDifference: The scene where Bartholomew Enderson is interviewed by Frozeen refers to him as stroking his beard as one point. When the character's design was later canonically established on the wiki, he was depicted as clean-shaven.
123* {{Expy}}: Bartholomew Enderson takes some loose inspiration from [[WebVideo/VideoGameConfessions Dominic]], another fictional [[TheBartender bartender]] who is known for being TheConfidant to his customers.
124* IHaveAFamily: Bartholomew Enderson used this line when he was confronted by Silencia Venomosa. He later confessed that it was the greatest mistake he ever made, since she decided to use it as leverage against him.
125* MoralityPet: Acted as one to Silencia Venomosa, since he was one of the very few people she genuinely cared about.
126* ObsessiveCompulsiveBarkeeping: Bartholomew Enderson has a tendency to be found cleaning a glass that was already sparkling clean. This is even [[EstablishingCharacterMoment how he is introduced]] during the Dacta heist flashback. This trope is even {{justified|Trope}}, since the action of cleaning a glass helps him feel more comfortable... and he certainly needed all the comfort he could get while working for Silencia Venomosa.
127* ParentalSubstitute: Over the years, Bartholomew Enderson became a father figure to Silencia Venomosa, or at least the closest she had to a father since the murder of her parents.
128* PunnyName: "Bart Enderson" is a play on "bartender".
129* SaloonOwner: Being a bartender and secret-keeper of a notorious mercenary, Enderson has some traits of this trope.
130* SecretKeeper: Enderson was one of the few people who personally knew Silencia Venomosa, and she entrusted him with the secretive nature of her business.
132!!Carrie Enderson
134A somewhat reckless woman who has worked in a number of bars over the years. She also became the personal secret keeper of Trigger following the Dacta Corp. heist.
136* TheBartender: Much like her brother Bartholomew, Carrie's profession is bartending. She's introduced working in a bar in space, and later keeps Enderson's bar in LEGO City running during the late months of the Dino Attack.
137* DistaffCounterpart: To Bartholomew Enderson, her brother. Not only is she a successful [[TheBartender bartender]], but she also happens to be the SecretKeeper to another mercenary.
138* {{Foil}}: Carrie is a bit more headstrong than her brother, and actually found a small amount of excitement in her role as a SecretKeeper. There was even a small amount of flirtation and possible romance between them.
139* SaloonOwner: Being a bartender and secret-keeper of a notorious mercenary, Enderson has some traits of this trope.
140%%* SecretKeeper: To Trigger.
144Montoya's girlfriend, later common-law wife.
146* OneTrueLove: Implied to be her relationship with Montoya. We only get a couple faint glimpses of their interactions.
147* NoFullNameGiven: Debbie's last name is never stated. In that guy from that show's "Casting" for the show, Debbie (played by Jennifer Connelly) is labeled as "Debbie Montoya", though the RPG mentioned them to be common-law meaning no name change was necessary.
149!! Wallace Bishop
151The brother of Sarah Bishop, Wallace Bishop was a once-brilliant scientist who went mad after a lab accident killed his assistant. He was locked up in Napoleon XIV Mental Institution, which only deteriorated his mental health until the point where he [[spoiler:cut out pieces of his own brain]], leaving him only a mere shadow of the man he once was. [[spoiler:Frank Einstein posed as Wallace Bishop during his [[TheMole undercover work]] in XERRD.]]
153* AlternateSelf:
154** Anti-Wallace Bishop was nearly identical to his primary universe counterpart. In fact, they were both doing experiments with alternate universes so that they could meet one another. However, he died in a laboratory explosion, while the primary universe Wallace Bishop survived his own horrible lab accident.
155** Wallace Bishop's Dimension 418 counterpart, who is a recurring character in the Mustache Maniacs Film Co. canon, is essentially identical to his primary universe self, except he never had a tragic lab accident that drove him mad.
156* CloudCuckooLander: Wallace Bishop doesn't have the best grasp on his sanity, leading him to say some ridiculous-sounding things.
157* CreepyShadowedUndereyes: The dark shadows around his eyes make it clear that he is a man who has fallen into madness.
158* TheCuckoolanderWasRight: At one point, he mentioned having worked with Einstein in the past. Bartholomew Enderson thought he was talking about UsefulNotes/AlbertEinstein and dismissed it as Bishop just being a CloudCuckooLander. [[spoiler:Turns out that Bishop was actually referring to Frank Einstein, to whom he gave his memories and his identity.]]
159* DeadAlternateCounterpart: While Wallace Bishop is still alive today, Silencia Venomosa and Troy [=DeWitt=] discovered that his AlternateSelf, Anti-Wallace Bishop, was killed in a laboratory explosion in 1992.
160* DespairEventHorizon: He crossed this line when he was in so much agony that he was willing to [[spoiler:cut out pieces of his own brain]] in order to escape his despair.
161* {{Expy}}: Wallace Bishop's backstory and characterization are inspired by [[Series/{{Fringe}} Walter Bishop]].
162* GoMadFromTheIsolation: What really made Wallace Bishop [[JumpingOffTheSlipperySlope jump off the slippery slope]] was being locked up in Napoleon XIV Mental Institution and, thus, being forcibly separated from his family.
163* LabcoatOfScienceAndMedicine: Although never seen wearing it in the RPG, Wallace Bishop is depicted in ''Rift'' as wearing a labcoat, showing his status as a scientist even after escaping Napoleon XIV Mental Institution.
164* LawOfInverseFertility: Wallace Bishop was explicitly stated to be an infertile man. It appears that he did wish to be a father, since he thought of his lab assistant as the daughter he never had... which made it all the worse for him to cope when she was killed in a lab accident.
165* LikeASonToMe: Seeing as he was an infertile man, Wallace Bishop viewed his lab assistant as his daughter.
166* SuddenNameChange: When first introduced in ''Dino Attack RPG'', his name was Walter Bishop. It was changed to Wallace Bishop in ''At War's End'' to make it a little different from [[Series/{{Fringe}} his namesake]].
167* TakeCareOfTheKids: While he did not die, Wallace Bishop knew that [[spoiler:his self-induced lobotomy]] would leave him only a shadow of the man he once was, so in his VideoWill addressed to [[spoiler:Frank Einstein]], he made it his LastRequest to take care of the Bishop family, including his young niece Kate.
168* WalkingSpoiler: There's a reason why Wallace Bishop has a short entry on this page instead of a long entry on the [[Characters/DinoAttackVillains Villains]] page, but it deals with some heavy spoilers. [[spoiler:This is the real Wallace Bishop. The Wallace Bishop working for XERRD was actually Frank Einstein in disguise, using Bishop's identity to act as a DeepCover TheMole.]]
170!! J. Theano
172->From Toys/LEGODinoAttack
174J. Theano is a reporter who travels with Dino Attack Team to broadcast news stories for the WDNO station, which he calls Dino Radio, to keep evacuees in Antarctica constantly up-to-date on Dino Attack's progress in the war.
176* ContinuityNod: Theano's appearance at the battle for the power station, as well as his overall role in the RPG, was a nod to Theano's appearance in official Toys/LEGODinoAttack canon.
177%%* DeadpanSnarker
178* IntrepidReporter: Actively follows and travels with the Dino Attack Team, especially the founding members, to provide the latest scoop.
179* NamedAfterSomebodyFamous: Named after Jay Leno.
180* NoCelebritiesWereHarmed: Taken a step further than the original Toys/LEGODinoAttack line; Scott insults J. Theano by calling his chin "oversized", making it even clearer that [[Series/TheTonightShow Theano is modeled after someone famous]].
181* OnlyKnownByInitials: Theano's first name is not revealed, leaving only his first initial.
182* SavedByCanon: Could not be killed for this reason.
183* TagalongReporter: Just like in [[Toys/LEGODinoAttack the original line]].
184* TakeThat: His appearance after the FinalBattle was a playful TakeThat to Atton Rand's tendency to use [[{{Expy}} expies]] of characters from other franchises, even when there's a perfectly able character from official LEGO canon that could be used instead. Even so, Scott fires right back at him and his "oversized chin".
186!! Mr. Bonaparte
188Administrator of Napoleon XIV Mental Institution, Mr. Bonaparte oversees the treatment of patients in the psychiatric hospital.
190* CloudcuckoolandersMinder: Personally oversees patients at Napoleon XIV Mental Institution.
191* CorruptCorporateExecutive: Implied to be the case with Mr. Bonaparte. He prescribes his patients with "classified" medications, but we have not seen anyone at Napoleon XIV Mental Institution whose mental health has improved under his supervision. Napoleon XIV also has a history of security issues, such as when Wallace Bishop escaped and when Athena Fabello went missing; in the latter case, to avoid bad press and investigations into Napoleon XIV, Mr. Bonaparte wrote a formal letter stating that Athena had passed away. He also did not take responsibility for [[spoiler:Lutsky's]] suicide, which was a clear failure of institution security.
192* NamedAfterSomebodyFamous: Named after UsefulNotes/NapoleonBonaparte.
193* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: Let's see, who else do we know by the name of [[NamesToRunAwayFrom/{{Conquerors}} Bonaparte]]?
194* NoFullNameGiven: He is strictly on LastNameBasis.
196!! Dan, Joe, and Steve
197A group of divers who investigated the disappearance of LEGO Island.
198* CharacterizationMarchesOn: During the expedition, Dan is reasonably level-headed. When Elizabeth confronted him later about the constructopedia, he had inexplicably gone crazy and somehow concluded the entire disappearance of LEGO Island was an elaborate hoax.
199* ClosestThingWeGot: They hired Elizabeth to accompany them simply because they thought her being a pirate was close enough to a diver.
200* NoFullNameGiven: All the characters are strictly on FirstNameBasis without any surnames.
202!! Burns
203A rude and probably incompetent doctor who worked with Pierce during the idealist-realist feud.
205* DisproportionateRetribution: Tried Pierce arrested simply for ''helping a wounded agent''... ''after'' the Agents Defense Organization has finally reconciled with Alpha Team.
206* ChuckCunninghamSyndrome: Was never mentioned after the LEGO Island Arc, probably for the better.
207* {{Expy}}: Of Frank Burns from ''M*A*S*H''.
208* {{Jerkass}}: Making him a somewhat unfortunate exception to Atton Rand's reputation for writing likable doctors.
209* TheMedic: Although probably not a very good one.
211!! Honeycut
212An old friend and colleague of Pierce.
214* {{Expy}}: Of B.J. Hunnicut from ''M*A*S*H''.
215* ChuckCunninghamSyndrome: First appeared as a minor NPC to look after Zenna's wounds (while his buddy Pierce became an AscendedExtra) and later reappeared to help the wounded from LEGO Island, but never appeared again.
216%%* NiceGuy
217* TheMedic: Much like Pierce, Honeycut's role amounts to using his medical skills to tend to the wounded.
219!!Andrew Yellowstone
220A government agent who has a shared history with Kotua.
222* AlternateSelf: Anti-Andrew still works for the government, but instead of doing deskwork, he operates in the field as a SWAT officer.
223* FirstNameBasis: In ''Dino Attack RPG'', as a result of having OnlyOneName at the time.
224* MeaningfulName: When writing ''Antithesis'', [=PeabodySam=] chose the surname "Yellowstone" because Andrew's only major role in ''Dino Attack RPG'' was keeping the yellow Chaos Emerald away from Kotua.
225* OneSteveLimit: In ''Dino Attack RPG'' itself, he is only known as Andrew, which makes it confusing given that there is a later character who is also only referred to as Andrew. This is why Expanded Universe and supplementary materials later revealed their surnames, making it easier to distinguish them.
231!!The Voice
232A mysterious voice that is heard upon death, declaring that it is time. If the voice can be convinced otherwise, it can bring someone back to life. [[TheSpook And that's all we know about it.]]
234* AfterlifeAntechamber: When someone hears the voice, all they can see is a bright white void. It's implied that this void isn't actually the afterlife, and the actual OffscreenAfterlife comes afterward.
235* AmbiguousGender: Although it [[PowerMakesYourVoiceDeep sounds deep]], the voice's gender is never canonically specified.
236* BackFromTheDead: The voice has the power to bring people back from the dead, restoring their original bodies to peak physical condition in the process.
237* {{Catchphrase}}: "It is time..."
238* CompositeCharacter: In a non-canonical scene in ''At War's End'', the voice's identity is revealed to be the owner of the Intergalactic Hotel from Atton Rand's brickfilm ''2001: A Space Oddity'', effectively combining his own character with the voice originally created by Kotua in Space.
239* DecompositeCharacter: In the Director's Cut, the hotel owner's scene is adapted and instead given to Sullivan, a separate character from the voice. A couple of the voice's lines from that scene are also given to Trigger.
240* FirstLawOfResurrection: The voice was originally introduced in ''Roleplay/AlphaTeamMissionDeepFreezeRPG'' as a DeusExMachina for this purpose, giving Kotua and Databoard a way to come BackFromTheDead in their original bodies once Kotua in Space and Chronicler of Ko-Koro wished it to be done. [=PeabodySam=] later brought the voice back in ''Dino Attack RPG'' for the same purpose; however, in a defiance of this trope, [=PeabodySam=] made it clear that he did not want anyone (including himself) to continue using the voice after Frozeen's resurrection, in order to avoid DeathIsCheap.
241* HangingUpOnTheGrimReaper: Kotua, Databoard, and Frozeen all argue against the voice and refuse to accept that it is their time. In Frozeen's case, he manages to convince the voice by threatening to be annoying for all eternity if he isn't brought back to life.
242* JerkassGods: Downplayed, but the voice seems to have a begrudging attitude towards anyone who refuses to accept that it is their time, even calling Kotua "stubborn" and Databoard "whiny", and its patience and sympathy had waned by the time Frozeen died. When [[spoiler:Trigger]] died in ''At War's End'', the voice wouldn't even give him a chance to speak because it was so frustrated with having to deal with reviving people.
243* NoNameGiven: It is only ever referred to as a voice.
244* PowerMakesYourVoiceDeep: When Frozeen and Zero hear the voice, it is described as sounding deep, appropriate for being a powerful... err, whatever it is.
245* {{Psychopomp}}: In the Director's Cut, Frozeen considers the possibility of the voice being a psychopomp whose role is to escort the deceased to their afterlife.
246* TheSpook: Since the only way to hear the voice is to die (or, in rare instances, a NearDeathExperience), very little is actually known about the voice and what it is. No one knows who or what is speaking, and what happens afterward. [=PeabodySam=] is adamant on leaving it as a RiddleForTheAges without any official answer, which is why he was quick to declare that Atton Rand's hotel owner scene was CanonDiscontinuity.
247* SubvertedCatchPhrase: In ''The Madness of Agent Zero'', the voice begins to speak to Zero, only to apparently change its mind halfway through its sentence.[[note]]The Director's Cut changes "It's" to "It is" to be more consistent with its CatchPhrase.[[/note]] This is presumably due to Zero having a NearDeathExperience instead of actually dying.
248-->'''Voice''': It's... wait, no, not quite...
249* TheVoice: We only ever hear the voice. Everything else remains unseen.
251!!Guiding Hands
252Enigmatic figures who have created this entire world and can reshape it at will. [[spoiler:Or a bunch of preteens, teens, and young adults who are writing a collaborative story on their computers.]] Who knows for certain if they're even real? It's best not to answer that question, since those who do tend to GoMadFromTheRevelation.
254* CerebusRetcon: It was PlayedForLaughs when Aster Oid had his fourth wall-breaking rant in ''Dino Attack RPG'' and Noomi Shaw mentioned [=PeabodySam=] as a deity in ''At War's End''. But in light of ''The Madness of Agent Zero'', in which [[spoiler:Zero is driven mad by the revelation that [=PeabodySam=], [=Andrewnuva199=], and other authors are writing his story]], it is PlayedForDrama and becomes a lot less funny.
255* GodsHandsAreTied: [[spoiler:According to "Rex" apologizing on their behalf, Zero's tragic fate is the result of unfortunate circumstances beyond their control, since Zero's author is gone and his story no longer makes sense with current canon.]]
256* HaveYouSeenMyGod: [[spoiler:Zero's guiding hand has mysteriously vanished, forcing the others to resign Zero to his fate since his story could not continue.]]
257* HumansAreCthulhu: [[spoiler:From the perspective of human minifigures within this story, "real" humans are viewed as the godlike creators of their entire world and can reshape it at will. Seeing one is enough to make Zero GoMadFromTheRevelation.]]
258* KnightOfCerebus: ''The Madness of Agent Zero'' is a fun, light-hearted romp until [[spoiler:an author's appearance causes Zero to GoMadFromTheRevelation]], suddenly shifting the story's tone and ending on a very dark and somber note.
259* MouthOfSauron: [[spoiler:A vision of Rex speaks to Zero on behalf of the authors, explaining their reasoning for retconning Zero's original storyline.]]
260* NoNameGiven: Aside from the PlayedForLaughs moment where [[ThankTheMaker PeabodySam is named as a deity]] in ''At War's End'', they are never referred to by name. [[spoiler:Even when one appears in ''The Madness of Agent Zero'', he is simply referred to as a "figure" by the prose, and "Rex" refers to Zero's author as a "guiding hand". They aren't even explicitly referred to as authors, writers, players, etc.]]
261* SmallRoleBigImpact: [[spoiler:An author appears for only two sentences of ''The Madness of Agent Zero'', but is directly responsible for Zero's entire character arc within that story. In fact, they're responsible for pretty much everything in the RPG.]]
262* ThroughTheEyesOfMadness: [[spoiler:Their existence is only acknowledged by insane characters and malfunctioning robots, so it's not clear whether they're even real.]]
263* WalkingSpoiler: Their very existence is a major twist at the end of ''The Madness of Agent Zero'', making it impossible to discuss them without spoiling that story.
267[[folder:Flashback characters]]
269!! Dr. Charles "Lightning" Kilroy
271->From Toys/LEGOAdventurers
273Administrator of a museum in Cairo, when he was not going on adventures with his nephew Johnny Thunder, Dr. Kilroy acted as the [[{{Mentors}} mentor]] of Gahiji Thutmose.
275* BewareTheNiceOnes: He was a very kind mentor who took in Gahiji Thutmose, but when he caught Thutmose stealing from the museum, he was furious.
276* {{Mentors}}: Dr. Kilroy was a mentor to Gahiji Thutmose, having taken him in and taught him much about egyptology.
277* NerdGlasses: Dr. Kilroy wears large, round glasses, befitting his status as an AbsentMindedProfessor.
278* SavedByCanon: Could not be killed for this reason.
280!! Claudia
282The scheming and absentee mother of Gahiji Thutmose.
284* MissingMom: Claudia was missing for much of Gahiji's life, and only came back during his adulthood to extort him.
285* NoFullNameGiven: She is strictly on FirstNameBasis and her surname is never revealed.
286* UncertainDoom: Since Claudia is never seen in any scene set after 2008, it's not known if she survived the Dino Attack.
288!! Edward Korrupte
290CEO of Dacta Corporation in 2002, Edward Korrupte hired Silencia Venomosa to do undercover work in Mindstorms, Inc.
292* AffablyEvil: Edward Korrupte may have been a ruthless businessman who was willing to hire a renowned criminal and permitted her to commit murder for a profit, but he sure did know how to make himself sound like the good guy when it came to his rivalry with Mindstorms, Inc.
293* CorruptCorporateExecutive: Edward Korrupte seems to be an example of such, given that he's willing to hire a known criminal and he essentially gave Silencia Venomosa permission to kill everyone involved with the Dacta heist. The reason for all this violence? [[EvilIsPetty He's trying to steal Sindstorme's products for money.]] If it wasn't obvious enough, [[NamesToRunAwayFrom/ForeignLanguageNames his surname is Danish for "corrupt", and sounds very much like the English version.]] Rather fittingly, in a discussion regarding hypothetical actor picks, [[Film/WallStreet Michael Douglas]] was chosen to play Korrupte.
294* DeathByIrony: Korrupte hired Silencia Venomosa to assassinate Sindstorme to boost Dacta's profits. Breen hired Silencia Venomosa to assassinate Korrupte to boost Brick League United's profits.
295* DeathByOriginStory: He is killed in Trigger's flashback, which is as close as we get to the latter's origin story.
296* DisproportionateRetribution: Edward Korrupte's response to Uærlig Sindstorme sending a team of mercenaries to steal some blueprints? Giving Venomosa permission to kill everyone.
297* EvilIsPetty: All the murders that he is responsible for were done so that his company could profit from it.
298* HoistByHisOwnPetard: Edward Korrupte hired Silencia Venomosa as an assassin. He was later assassinated by Silencia Venomosa, hired by another client.
299* IWasNeverHere: Korrupte made it quite clear to Silencia Venomosa that neither of them were in his office at that time on that day, and they were most certainly not having a conversation about infiltrating Mindstorms, Inc.
300* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: You'd be a fool to trust anyone named [[NamesToRunAwayFrom/ForeignLanguageNames Korrupte]], which is Danish for "corrupt".
301* PosthumousCharacter: By the time Korrupte is first mentioned, he's been dead for eight years.
302* VillainousBreakdown: Edward Korrupte had a very minor one. Although he hired Silencia Venomosa to do undercover work at Mindstorms, Inc., learning that Sindstorme had sent a team of mercenaries to steal blueprints from Dacta Corporation caused Korrupte to give Venomosa permission to kill everyone. [[FauxAffablyEvil Despite his professional-sounding letter, Venomosa could tell that it was masking a barely-controlled fury.]]
304!! Uærlig Sindstorme
306President of Mindstorms, Inc. in 2002, Uærlig Sindstorme hired Schiess, Montoya, and others to perform a heist on Dacta Corporation.
308* CorruptCorporateExecutive: Uærlig Sindstorme seems to be an example of such, given that he's willing to hire bounty hunters, criminals, mercenaries, and any other form of hired gun to perform armed robberies against Korrupte (which has gotten a few innocent people killed), not to mention the fact that Sindstorme seemed genuinely pleased when his hired guns set up the murder of an innocent bystander as a tragic accident (though it might have been more because he expected to avoid the potential consequences than it was the murder itself). The reason for all this violence? [[EvilIsPetty He's trying to steal Korrupte's products for money.]] If it wasn't obvious enough, [[NamesToRunAwayFrom/ForeignLanguageNames his given name is Danish for "dishonest".]]
309* DeathByOriginStory: He is killed in Trigger's flashback, which is as close as we get to the latter's origin story.
310* EvilIsPetty: Sindstorme is willing to hire mercenaries to commit corporate espionage and murder... just to outcompete another business.
311* LargeHam: Even [[LampshadeHanging lampshaded]] by the prose.
312* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: You'd be a fool to trust anyone named [[NamesToRunAwayFrom/ForeignLanguageNames Uærlig Sindstorme]], since "uærlig" is Danish for "dishonest" and "sind storme" is Danish for "mind storms".
313* PosthumousCharacter: By the time Sindstorme is first mentioned, he's been dead for eight years.
315!! Ursula Bennet
316Edward Korrupte's secretary at Dacta Corp.
318* AdaptationalJerkass: While she was mildly annoying at worst in ''At War's End'', the Director's Cut plays up her condescending attitude to make her seem more like a jerk.
319* AssholeVictim: She was intentionally built up to seem obnoxious and irritating so readers wouldn't feel bad about her dying.
320* KilledOffForReal: Silencia Venomosa planned to kill her, but she was shot and fatally wounded by Sindstorme's crooks during the Dacta Corp. Heist.
321* SassySecretary: She was a secretary at Dacta Corporation who had no issue showing some lip to someone as clearly dangerous as Silencia Venomosa.
323!! Keaton, Deniro, Orange, Scorsese, and Verbal
325Small time crooks hired alongside Trigger and Montoya by Mindstorms, Inc., all of whom met their ends at the hands of Silencia Venomosa.
327* AssholeVictim: None of the crooks really did anything that warranted sympathy from readers (though some may feel bad as a result of how shocking and horrific their deaths were). Scorsese in particular was the one who refused to pay a waitress's tip, triggering Montoya's PetTheDog moment against him.
328* DeathByOriginStory: They are all killed in Trigger's flashback, which is as close as we get to the latter's origin story.
329* {{Expy}}: There's a bit of ''Film/ReservoirDogs'' in them.
330* HiredGuns: They were thugs and crooks who were hired by Mindstorms, Inc. to do dirty work.
331* IronicName: An unintentional example in the case of Verbal. First, the guy didn't talk much. Second, it's funny when you consider his name was meant as a shout-out to Verbal Kint, Kevin Spacey's character in the 1995 film ''Film/TheUsualSuspects''. In that film, Verbal Kint was the SoleSurvivor of a job organized by a shady criminal mastermind, with most of the plot centered around him telling the story of how it all happened. Here, Verbal is the RedShirt.
332* MeaningfulName: Given all of them are in some way named in reference to the crime films which inspired the flashback.
333* NamedAfterSomebodyFamous: Deniro and Scorsese are named after Creator/RobertDeNiro and Creator/MartinScorsese, respectively.
334* NoFullNameGiven: Each character is only referred to by a single name (presumably LastNameBasis).
335* PosthumousCharacter: By the time any of them are mentioned, they've been dead for eight years.
336* PunchClockVillain: None of them had any malice towards Dacta Corporation; they were just doing what they were hired for.
337* RedShirt: Their only significant role was to be killed by Silencia Venomosa.
338* ShoutOut: All the names are references to or derived from famous crime films from which Atton Rand drew inspiration:
339** Keaton and Verbal: [[Film/TheUsualSuspects Dean Keaton and Verbal Kint]]
340** Orange: [[Film/ReservoirDogs Mr. Orange]] (a sub-plot involving him being an undercover cop was considered but dropped as it only complicated the story)
341** Deniro: Creator/RobertDeNiro, who starred in several famous crime films including ''Film/TaxiDriver'', ''Film/{{Goodfellas}}'', ''Film/OnceUponATimeInAmerica'', ''[[Film/TheGodfather The Godfather Part II]]'', and ''Film/{{Casino}}''.
342** Scorsese: Creator/MartinScorsese, director of numerous crime films including ''Film/TaxiDriver'', ''Film/{{Goodfellas}}'', ''Film/GangsOfNewYork'', ''Film/{{Casino}}'', and ''Film/TheDeparted''.
343* SirSwearsALot: All of them swear much more than the average ''Dino Attack RPG'' character.
344* SlashedThroat: Orange and implicitly Verbal were killed when Silencia Venomosa slit their throats.
346!! Don Bricassius
348A notorious crime boss who murdered Amadeus and Rosaria Remous. He was later murdered by their daughter, Amanda Remous (also known as Silencia Venomosa).
350* AndIMustScream: Silencia Venomosa drugged Don Bricassius so that he would remain completely-paralyzed but fully-conscious while she murdered him, aiming to directly invoke this effect on him in his final moments of life.
351* BigOlEyebrows: He is described as having thick eyebrows.
352* CharacterizationMarchesOn: When Amanda's backstory was first revealed, [[OnlyOneName Bricassius]] was simply described as a crook obsessed with money. As the lore was built upon and expanded, he was gradually reworked into TheDon whose greed was only a secondary motivation to his power and corruption.
353* CigarChomper: Not only does he smoke them, but he also is known to use them to burn incriminating evidence against him.
354* TheCorrupter: He became a KarmaHoudini by filling the city's police department and judicial system with corrupt individuals who are in his pocket. Honest cops, lawyers, and judges who could not be turned, such as the lawyer Amadeus Remous, were killed.
355* DeathByOriginStory: In the post where Amanda's backstory is revealed, the last thing she reveals about herself is that she tracked down and murdered Don Bricassius.
356* TheDon: Don Bricassius is the head of a mafia-like organized crime family.
357* {{Expy}}: Don Bricassius's character, particularly in the way that he relates to Amanda's backstory, was loosely inspired by Boss Matsumoto, the {{Yakuza}} boss who murdered O-Ren Ishii's family in ''Film/KillBill''.
358* FauxAffablyEvil: When he speaks, he comes across as a polite businessman rather than a ruthless killer. This only heightens just how evil and despicable he really is, as he speaks casually of murder and corruption.
359* {{Greed}}: He knew that the Remous family was wealthy, so he decided to steal their fortune before killing them and burning down their mansion.
360* IOwnThisTown: Don Bricassius proudly boasts about this, given the power he and his family hold over the city.
361* KarmaHoudini: For many years, Don Bricassius was able to get away scot-free with whatever he wanted because of the corrupted judicial system. For example, he was never convicted of murdering Amadeus and Rosaria Remous; despite his (literal and metaphorical) fingerprints being all over the scene, the police declared it to be an unsolvable case. Fortunately, this trope was ultimately subverted when karma caught up to him and Silencia Venomosa murdered him as revenge.
362* KarmicDeath: He murdered Amaedus and Rosaria Remous, got away with it, and then was murdered by their daughter.
363* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: Named after [[NamesToRunAwayFrom/NotoriousKillers Gaius Cassius Longinus]].
364* PosthumousCharacter: By the time his name is first mentioned in the RPG, he's been dead for over two and a half years in-universe.
365* RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil: He made an unwanted sexual advance on Silencia Venomosa, and it's implied that she was not the first woman that he did this to. Venomosa, a notorious ProfessionalKiller with very few standards, was thoroughly disgusted by this. Keep in mind that Don Bricassius is the only character in the RPG who has committed, implied or otherwise, sexual assault; this was something that, for obvious reasons, could not be mentioned on Platform/{{BZPower}}.
366* VillainWithGoodPublicity: In public, Don Bricassius was known as a kind, charitable man who made many generous donations and contributed to society. This all obfuscated his true nature as a ruthless crime lord.
367* WouldHurtAChild: According to Amanda, he beat her and Roger when they were kids until she gave up the code to the Remous family vault.
369!!Howard Simmons
370The CEO of Lens Pioneers, Howard Simmons once hired Silencia Venomosa to perform a mission in the Antiverse.
372* AlternateSelf:
373** Anti-Howard Simmons is an employee at Parker Pictures, which Silencia Venomosa suspected of being a front like Lens Pioneers. He ended up being assassinated by Silencia Venomosa.
374** Howard Simmons also has a counterpart in Dimension 418. In this universe, he's still CEO of Lens Pioneers and is concerned with maintaining the secrecy of the multiverse. Unlike his primary universe self, he has a much more reserved personality, and he also makes himself look YoungerAndHipper to appeal to young photographers as part of the company's front.
375* BaldOfEvil: While he's not flat-out evil, he doesn't have the best moral compass and is fine with hiring Silencia Venomosa to [[ExpendableAlternateUniverse murder people in the Antiverse]].
376* BothSidesHaveAPoint: Deliberately invoked. Howard Simmons is correct that Troy [=DeWitt's=] attempt at helping the Antiverse would only make things worse. However, he did not make any effort to improve the situation, and [[OutOfTheFryingPan his attempt to solve the Anti-Kotua problem]] was trying to hire Silencia Venomosa to take out the Antiverse's entire Alpha Team.
377* EveryoneIsRelated: In a throwaway line, he reveals that he is a cousin of Michelle Glados. [=PeabodySam=] confirms that he's related through her father (David Johnson Glados)'s side.
378* {{Expy}}: He has some elements of [[VideoGame/Portal2 Cave Johnson]] and [[Film/{{Whiplash}} Terence Fletcher]]. The former is clear from being the CEO of a company that works with portals. The latter is obvious from his interrogation of Troy [=DeWitt=]. He also has some shades of [[WesternAnimation/{{Zootopia}} Mayor Leodore Lionheart]], as a WellIntentionedExtremist going to great lengths to keep a major problem a secret to the public to avoid panic. Basically, if it's a role played by Creator/JKSimmons, there's likely a piece of it here.
379* LargeHam: He sounds like he's shouting even when he's speaking normally.
380* LastNameBasis: He is almost always referred to as Simmons in ''Antithesis'', emphasising the strictly-professional relationship between him and Silencia Venomosa.
381* MrExposition: In the first part of ''Antithesis'', Simmons's main role is providing a ton of exposition to Silencia Venomosa (and the reader) in order to introduce the ANTI project.
382* NamedAfterSomebodyFamous: Partially named after Creator/JKSimmons.
383* NiceJobBreakingItHero: His attempt at covering up his tracks (hiring Silencia Venomosa to assassinate everyone involved with the ANTI project in the Antiverse) after Troy [=DeWitt's=] unauthorized use of the ANTI only further cemented the primary universe as a threat in Anti-Kotua's eyes.
384* NoIndoorVoice: Downplayed. He rarely raises his voice, but his manner of speaking normally sounds like he's always shouting.
385* ShoutOut:
386** Partially named after [[Series/Counterpart2018 Howard Silk]].
387** Anti-Howard Simmons works for Parker Pictures. As in, "[[Film/SpiderManTrilogy Parker, get me pictures of Spider-Man!]]"
388* SophisticatedAsHell: Howard Simmons acts professional and isn't afraid to use complex terminology, but he'll also pepper his speech with informal phrases like "all that jazz" and "lab boys".
389* UncertainDoom: Since Howard Simmons is never seen during the RPG, it's not known if he survived the Dino Attack.
391!!Troy [=DeWitt=]
392A lab tech working at Lens Pioneers, Troy [=DeWitt=] crossed over into the Antiverse, promting Simmons to send Silencia Venomosa after him.
394* AlternateSelf: Anti-Troy [=DeWitt=] is one of Silencia Venomosa's targets in ''Antithesis''.
395* BothSidesHaveAPoint: Deliberately invoked. Troy [=DeWitt=] is correct that, if the primary universe and Antiverse were allowed to work with one another, they could help solve each other's problems. However, he only succeeded in unintentionally convincing Anti-Kotua that the primary universe was a threat, proving Simmons' point about the dangers of interfering in the multiverse.
396* LastNameBasis: He is typically called [=DeWitt=] in ''Antithesis''.
397* NamedAfterSomebodyFamous: Partially named after Creator/TroyBaker. His alias, Kiff Comstock, also references Kiff [=VandenHeuvel=].
398* NiceJobBreakingItHero: If he had never informed Anti-Kotua about the primary universe, then we would have never had to deal with Anti-Kotua as a villain during the Dino Attack.
399* RedRightHand: Unlike Anti-Troy [=DeWitt=], the primary universe Troy [=DeWitt=] can be identified by a scar on his right hand. This marks him as the one who is partially responsible for Anti-Kotua becoming a villain.
400* ShoutOut: Partially named after [[VideoGame/BioShockInfinite Booker DeWitt]]. His alias in the Antiverse is Kiff Comstock, which also references Father Comstock from the same game [[spoiler:who is actually an alternate version of Booker]].
401* ThousandYardStare: He is described as having the look of a man who served in the military and has seen things he wishes he could forget.
402* UncertainDoom: Since Troy [=DeWitt=] is never seen during the RPG, it's not known if he survived the Dino Attack.
404!!Anti-Amanda Remous
405The Antiverse counterpart of Amanda "Claw" Alexander (then known as Silencia Venomosa), Anti-Amanda Remous is an outspoken advocate and hard-working volunteer who uses her wealth to improve the lives of the poor and homeless.
407* AlternativeSelfNameChange: Although it's PlayedStraight on the wiki and here on TV Tropes (where she's called "Anti-Amanda Remous" to distinguish her from the primary universe's Amanda), it's actually {{inverted|Trope}} in ''Antithesis'', which only refers to her by her real name while the primary universe's Amanda is distinguished due to going by the codename Silencia Venomosa.
408* AmbiguouslyBi: Silencia Venomosa wondered if Anti-Amanda had a significant other, with the gender left unspecified. [=PeabodySam=] deliberately left this open to interpretation, with this trope being one possible explanation.
409* BrainyBrunette: She has brown hair and is an Ivy League student.
410* DarkAndTroubledPast: While she never had the terrible childhood that Silencia Venomosa had, [[spoiler:Anti-Roger Remous was killed by Don Bricassius instead]]. This influenced her to lead the life she has now.
411* FirstNameBasis: Unlike the majority of characters in ''Antithesis'', she is mostly referred to by her given name. This was done to give her a strong sense of familiarity, and also because Amanda Claw had a First-Name Basis in the RPG (unlike Roger Remous, who had the LastNameBasis).
412* FriendOrFoe: [[spoiler:Anti-Amanda was killed by a SWAT officer who, in the dark and rainy night, mistook her for Silencia Venomosa.]]
413* InnocentGrayEyes: Just like her primary universe counterpart, she has gray eyes. For her, they represent her innocense.
414* IvyLeagueForEveryone: She is attending Harvard University during the events of ''Antithesis''.
415* KillTheCutie: Anti-Amanda Remous is undoubtedly the nicest, kindest, sweetest character in ''Antithesis''... and she is the first person Silencia Venomosa targets for assassination.
416* KindheartedCatLover: Not only does she volunteer to help the poor, but she even leaves out a bowl of catfood for a local stray cat. Rather tellingly, [[EvilDetectingDog the cat hisses at Silencia Venomosa]], who shoos it away.
417* MirrorCharacter: Despite [[MirrorSelf their differences]], it turns out that Anti-Amanda and Silencia Venomosa had more in common than they realized. They both think alike, they both have the same body language, and they both [[spoiler:lost at least one family member to Don Bricassius]]. Anti-Amanda [[NotSoDifferentRemark points this out]] when Silencia believes that they are too different to understand one another.
418-->'''Anti-Amanda''': Yes, you ''are'' me. I see it in your eyes. Your pain... is my pain.
419* MirrorSelf: Anti-Amanda Remous never became Silencia Venomosa, making her very different from her primary universe counterpart. This quote from ''Antithesis'' concisely sums it up:
420-->This was her name and her face, but not her life. Amanda was class president and now an Ivy League student; Venomosa dropped out of middle school and never looked back. Amanda volunteered to save lives; Venomosa profited by killing. Amanda was famous; Venomosa was anonymous. Amanda spoke; Venomosa remained silent.
421* MoralityPet: [[spoiler:To Silencia Venomosa, who couldn't bring herself to kill her. She even convinced Venomosa to non-lethally take down a SWAT officer.]]
422* RichKidTurnedSocialActivist: Anti-Amanda comes from the wealthy Remous family. After her childhood was affected by [[spoiler:the death of her brother Anti-Roger]], she now spends most of her time as a young adult doing volunteer work for community projects, organizing charities, and advocating for taking action against climate change.
423* SmallRoleBigImpact: According to [=PeabodySam=], despite only appearing in an ExpandedUniverse short story, Anti-Amanda was one of the driving factors that helped convince Silencia Venomosa to redeem herself, leading to the Amanda Claw we know in ''Dino Attack RPG''.
424* TooGoodForThisSinfulEarth: [[spoiler:She was only 19 years old when she was accidentally killed by a SWAT officer.]]
425* WaifFu: Very downplayed example. While she has a small frame and isn't physically impressive, her volunteer work building shelters made her stronger than she appears.
426* {{Workaholic}}: At the soup kitchen, she was working from opening until closing, with only a mandatory five minute coffee break.
428!!The Codebreakers
429Millennia, [=BlueDaisy=], and [=DoctorChuckles=] are a small circle of expert hackers and programmers who have helped Silencia Venomosa in her assignments. In the Antiverse, [=BlueDaisy=]'s username is [=BlueSky=], and Scorpion is a member of the group in place of [=DoctorChuckles=].
431* AlternateSelf: Anti-Millennia and [=BlueSky=] ([=BlueDaisy's=] counterpart) are members of the Antiverse Codebreakers. They're pretty much the same as their primary universe counterparts.
432* BrilliantButLazy: Silencia Venomosa noted that they were more than capable of starting World War III for their own amusement, but likely did not care enough to do so.
433* DeadpanSnarker: [=BlueDaisy=] is described as such.
434* EmbarrassingNickname: "Pippi" is one for Millennia.
435* {{Expy}}: The Codebreakers as a whole are an expy of the Hacker Republic from ''Literature/TheMillenniumTrilogy''. Millennia specifically is an expy of Lisbeth Salander.
436* HackerCollective: The Codebreakers are a group of hackers who communicate with each other through an obscure online chatroom.
437* TheLeader: The other members of the group regard Millennia as though she's an admin.
438* MultinationalTeam: According to the wiki, each member of the Codebreakers is from a different country.
439* MyFriendsAndZoidberg: Silencia Venomosa tells Anti-Millennia and [=BlueSky=] that they came highly recommended... and she'll just have to settle for Scorpion, too.
440* PlayfulHacker: The group is content with hacking just to prove that they can, rather than seeking any agenda.
441* PunnyName: [=DoctorChuckles=] is a pun on [[Literature/TheStrangeCaseOfDrJekyllAndMrHyde Doctor Jekyll]].
442* SecretKeeper: It's almost a given that Millennia, [=BlueDaisy=], and [=DoctorChuckles=] already know that "Claw" is Silencia Venomosa. However, out of courtesy, they [[SecretSecretKeeper refrain from ever pointing it out]] and don't use this information against her.
443* ShoutOut: [=BlueDaisy=], [=DoctorChuckles=], and Scorpion are named after ''Series/AgentsOfSHIELD'', ''WebAnimation/TheGmodIdiotBox'', and ''Series/{{Scorpion}}'', respectively.
444* SixthRanger: From Silencia Venomosa's point of view, Scorpion is this to the Antiverse Codebreakers, since he is the only member of the group that she does not recognize from the primary universe.
445* SuckSessor: Silencia Venomosa does not like Scorpion as much as the member of the Codebreakers he replaced, [=DoctorChuckles=].
446* TakeThat: Silencia Venomosa holds a low opinion of Scorpion, reflecting [=PeabodySam's=] views on [[Series/{{Scorpion}} his namesake]].
447* UncertainDoom: Since none of the Codebreakers are ever seen during the RPG, it's not known if they survived the Dino Attack.
449!!Lisa, Tyler, Sarah, and Theresa Remous
450Lisa Remous was Roger's wife, and they had three children together: Tyler, Sarah, and Theresa. They were all killed in the initial Dino Attack and were never seen in the RPG, but were prominently featured in ''Dear Sister''.
452* ActionGirl: Downplayed by Lisa, who punches out one of Sam Sinister's henchmen and is implied to have plenty of experience doing so.
453* AdaptationNameChange: Downplayed example in the Director's Cut. As of version 1.0, Lisa is referred to as "Elisabeth" in the prologue in order to [[OneSteveLimit clearly distinguish her from Dino Attack agent Lisa]], who is also featured heavily in the prologue. Otherwise, the Director's Cut version of ''Dear Sister'' introduces her as Elisabeth but continues to refer to her as Lisa as a nickname.
454* AllThereInTheManual: Prior to ''Dear Sister'', they were only mentioned by the wiki.
455* ChildrenAreInnocent: Tyler, Sarah, and Theresa remain blind to the knowledge that their aunt Amanda was once the notorious Silencia Venomosa, while their mother Lisa is informed.
456* DeathByOriginStory: They were killed in ''Dear Sister'', which is a prequel story starring Roger Remous and showing how he and Amanda became involved in the Dino Attack.
457* DeathOfAChild: Tyler, Sarah, and Theresa were killed during the initial Dino Attack.
458* DevelopingDoomedCharacters: They're given a significant amount of screentime in ''Dear Sister'', but any development they receive just ultimately leads up to their deaths by sudden Mutant Dino invasion at the end of the story.
459* DoomedByCanon: While they were never mentioned in the RPG itself, [[AllThereInTheManual the wiki]] had already declared that they all died in the initial Dino Attack. Therefore, they were doomed not to survive ''Dear Sister'', a prequel short story leading up to the Dino Attack.
460* GirlsHaveCooties: Tyler is still young enough to refer to romance as "yucky mushy stuff".
461* LickedByTheDog: Sarah, the most [[ChildrenAreInnocent innocent]] member of the family, is the first to open up to her recently-reformed aunt Amanda.
462* OneSteveLimit: Averted. Lisa and Sarah Remous share their given names with other characters in the RPG, differentiated only by their surname.
463* PartingWordsRegret: Lisa reveals that she suffers from this due to an argument she had with her brother just before he died. It makes her more sympathetic to Roger's situation with Amanda.
464* SecretKeeper: Roger tells Lisa the truth about Amanda, making her one of the few people to know Silencia Venomosa's true identity.
465* WeHardlyKnewYe: Being only a newborn baby, Theresa receives the least amount of characterization before she dies.
467!!Keyser Soze
468A notorious crime boss with connections to Snake, Plastic Serpent, and Silencia Venomosa. In ''Dear Sister'', it is revealed that [[CollectiveIdentity the "Keyser Soze" identity is used by multiple people]], with this particular story featuring [[SamusIsAGirl a young woman]] in the role.
470* ActuallyThatsMyAssistant: When Roger Remous meets a "biker girl" and a "large man" who looks like a cross between ComicBook/ThePenguin and ComicBook/TheKingpin, he naturally assumes that the "large man" is Keyser Soze. It turns out that [[SamusIsAGirl Keyser Soze is the "biker girl"]], and the "large man" is just her assistant Mr. Puffin.
471* CharacterNameAlias: In ''Dear Sister'', Keyser Soze reveals that her name is just an alias, and it's taken from [[Film/TheUsualSuspects an old film]] she enjoys.
472* CollectiveIdentity: ''Dear Sister'' reveals that "Keyser Soze" is only an alias used by multiple crime bosses, as a means of keeping the authorities on a wild goose chase.
473* TheDon: Along with Don Bricassius and the Brickfather, Keyser Soze is one of several crime bosses mentioned in the RPG.
474* TheGhost: In the RPG itself, Keyser Soze is name-dropped a few times, but isn't seen at all until ''Dear Sister''. It even applies in-universe, with some characters believing that Keyser Soze doesn't actually exist.
475* HellBentForLeather: The Keyser Soze seen in ''Dear Sister'' wears a leather jacket, making her look like a "biker girl" and cementing her appearance as someone you don't want to mess with.
476* OnlyKnownByTheirNickname: ''Dear Sister'' confirms that "Keyser Soze" is only an alias, but the real names of the people who use it are left unknown.
477* TheQueenpin: At least one of the mob bosses going by "Keyser Soze" is a woman.
478* SamusIsAGirl: Long after Keyser Soze's reputation was built up as an almost mythical crime lord, ''Dear Sister'' revealed that (at least one) Soze is a woman.
479* ShoutOut: The "Keyser Soze" name and identity is a reference to ''Film/TheUsualSuspects''. This even applies in-universe; the Keyser Soze seen in ''Dear Sister'' even considers the film to be one of her favorites.
480* UncertainDoom: Since Keyser Soze is never seen during the RPG, it's not known if she survived the Dino Attack.
481* UnseenNoMore: After being TheGhost in the RPG itself, Keyser Soze is finally seen in ''Dear Sister''.
485[[folder:Fifteeniversary characters]]
489An [[Toys/LEGOUltraAgents Ultra Agent]] who was formerly a special ops [[Toys/LEGOAlphaTeam Alpha Team]] agent. In the years after the Dino Attack, Beverly works with Frozeen to track down missing Evil OGEL Empire technology.
491* AscendedExtra: Beverly was first name-dropped when Frozeen joined the Nimbus Station reunion as an agent apparently eavesdropping on the conversation. At this point, she was only a name and nothing more. On a whim, [=PeabodySam=] decided to significantly flesh out her character later during the reunion.
492* DeadpanSnarker: Beverly loves to make cheeky comments with a straight face.
493* DudeNotFunny: Whenever Beverly addresses rumors about her background, she typically does so by telling snarky jokes. One exception to this was when asked if she was UsefulNotes/{{transgender}}; instead of joking about it, she simply replied that it was an inappropriate and invasive question to ask.
494* TheGadfly: Beverly enjoys getting on Frozeen's nerves to provoke a reaction from him. Fortunately, Frozeen has deduced that her teasing is meant to be [[VitriolicBestBuds friendly]], not [[TheBully malicious]].
495* LadyInAPowerSuit: As an Ultra Agent, she wears a formal suit and tie. It helps cement her appearance as an experienced, capable special ops agent.
496* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: Beverly rarely acts like she takes things seriously... so when she starts acting serious, that's never a good sign.
497* TheSpook: Beverly's entire backstory is that she has no backstory (as a meta gag of her entire character being made up entirely on the spot). Instead, we're just presented with [[MultipleChoicePast endless rumors about her past]], most of which she never confirms or denies.
498* VitriolicBestBuds: Beverly and Frozeen are constantly engaging one another in SnarkToSnarkCombat and trading {{insult|OfEndearment}}s, but this just shows how well they get along with each other.
499* WhatTheHellIsThatAccent: Beverly has an unusual accent that nobody can figure out. It could swing between sounding French, Israeli, Greek, and Russian in just a single sentence.
501!!Crew of the ''Beatrice''
503A crew of pirates working under Captain Greybeard during the voyage to find the Hourglass of Atlantis.
505* AlliterativeName: A handful of pirates, including Vile Villano, Bicorne Brian, Bill Barnacle, and Bob Barnacle, have alliterative names.
506* AintTooProudToBeg: James Pegleg is never too dignified to resort to begging for mercy.
507* TheChewToy: Bicorne Brian's role largely amounts to repeatedly getting his favorite hat knocked off his head by Mary. Since he's an {{asshole|Victim}}, you're not supposed to feel bad for him.
508* EasilyForgiven: While Vile Villano is forced to WalkThePlank, the rest of the mutinous pirates are let off the hook by Mary, who counts on Villano's example leaving them both entertained and afraid in order to keep them in line.
509* LongJohnShoutout: One of the pirates is named Short John Copper, as a play on Long John Silver's name.
510* APirate400YearsTooLate: As with the other pirates of Forbidden Island, they act like [=1700s=] pirates despite living in the modern day. This is even exploited by Davy Bootlegger, who pirates movies.
511* PunnyName: Some crewmembers' names are pirate-based puns, such as Tim Shivers ("shiver me timbers"), Scurvy Douglas ("scurvy dog"), and Aye Patrick ("eyepatch"). There's also Davy D. Bootlegger ("DVD bootlegger"), for a more modern pirate pun.
512* ShoutOutThemeNaming: The three pirate musicians Xavier Bruns, Hans Badelt, and Rodrigo Gabriela are collectively [[NamedAfterSomebodyFamous named after real-world composers]] who worked on ''Franchise/PiratesOfTheCaribbean'': George Bruns and Xavier Atencio; Klaus Badelt and Music/HansZimmer; and Rodrigo y Gabriela.
513* StrawMisogynist: Quite a few of the pirates, including Vile Villano and Bicorne Brian, express sexist attitudes towards Mary. She responds by putting them in their place.
514* TalkLikeAPirate: Everyone aboard the ''Beatrice'' (except for Bloody Mary and One-Eyed Pete, who both speak normally) talks with an exaggerated pirate accent.
515* TwoFirstNames: Rodrigo Gabriela, due to his name being derived from the respective first names of Rodrigo Sánchez and Gabriela Quintero.
517!!Golden King
518-->From ''Toys/LEGOAtlantis''
520A Greek demigod who ruled over Atlantis. His mythical hourglass acts as the MacGuffin of ''Pirates of the Tropical Sea: The Passage of Time''.
522* AdaptationalBadass: The full extent of the Golden King's powers and abilities (if he even has any) isn't shown in the canonical ''LEGO Atlantis'' storyline, but he's portrayed as a very powerful LordOfTheOcean with MakingASplash powers in ''Pirates of the Tropical Sea''.
523* AdaptationalJerkass: In canonical ''LEGO Atlantis'' storyline, the Golden King is presented as unambiguously heroic (except when BrainwashedAndCrazy by [[Toys/LEGOAlienConquest a Pluuvian Brain-Beast]]). Here, he ruthlessly attacks the ''Beatrice'' crew and [[spoiler:nearly kills Greybeard]] as punishment for taking the Hourglass of Atlantis. The only reason it's not AdaptationalVillainy is because, from his perspective, he's taking justified actions against thieving pirates (which would therefore make him a HeroAntagonist battling the VillainProtagonist pirates); still, Mary Rose is angry that he is so callous towards mortal lives.
524* BlueAndOrangeMorality: One-Eyed Pete points out that Greek deities, including the Golden King, rarely ascribe to the morals of mortal men. For this reason, [[spoiler:the Golden King is apparently fine with Mary Rose keeping the Hourglass of Atlantis, even though he tries to kill Greybeard over it]].
525* GlowingEyesOfDoom: The Golden King's eyes glow with iridescent white light. [[LightIsNotGood It's a good idea to turn and run when this happens.]]
526* HeroAntagonist: The Golden King is opposing pirates thieving his treasure. With said pirates being the protagonists of ''Pirates of the Tropical Sea'', that makes the Golden King the story's antagonist.
527* LordOfTheOcean: While he's only semi-divine (which would presumably place him below Poseidon/Neptune), the Golden King is described as the embodiment of water. When the Golden King attacks the crew of the ''Beatrice'', Greybeard says that the sea itself is declaring war upon them.
528* MakingASplash: The Golden King conjures up an avatar made of seawater, which he uses to attack the pirates.
529* ProngsOfPoseidon: To fit his Poseidon inspiration, the Golden King brands Greybeard with a trident-shaped mark on his hand, and his watery avatar's arm morphs into a trident when attacking.
531!!Tony Twister
532-->From ''Toys/LEGOTimeCruisers''
534One of the two notorious Twister Twins, Tony Twister has been laying low in Bermuda under the assumed name "Mr. Blomberg". He is then forced out of retirement by Talia Kaahs, who commissions him to build her a time machine.
536* TheBrute: Tony has a physically imposing build and, between the two Twister Twins, is [[BrainsAndBrawn the "brawn" to Millennium's "brains"]]. He threatens to silence Talia to prevent her from turning her in, and [[DeadlyEuphemism it's quite clear what he meant by "silence"]].
537* EvenEvilHasStandards: Tony Twister calls out Talia on playing with time like a toy. When she retorts by calling him a hypocrite, he agrees and says that it's pathetic that [[VillainHasAPoint he, of all people, has to scold her about it]].
538* GeniusBruiser: In addition to being TheBrute, Tony is an EvilGenius intelligent enough to build a working time machine.
539* MythologyGag: His pseudonym, Mr. Blomberg, is a reference to his DubNameChange in the United Kingdom catalogs and magazines, Baron Blomberg.
540* PragmaticVillainy: Tony explains that the Time Twisters tended to avoid changing the past enough to create alternate timelines, mainly because alternate timelines are a royal pain to deal with. This was meant to explain why their crimes usually amounted to mischief and theft, rather than trying to change the past and take over the world like FUTURE.
541* RetiredMonster: Tony Twister is a villain who was forced into retirement when the LEGOLAND government outlawed time travel, confiscated all Hypno Disks, and arrested his brother Professor Millennium. When Talia finds him in ''Because Of You'', he's relaxing in Bermuda and missing the good old days of villainy.
542* SmarterThanYouLook: Tony comes across as TheBrute, especially when compared to his professor brother, so Talia thought he'd be easy to exploit as DumbMuscle. However, he is still brilliant enough to build a working time machine.
544!!Lady Evil
546Talia Ogel (née Kaahs), better known by her title Lady Evil, is a high-ranking commander of the Evil OGEL Empire and wife of General Evil in Timeline 1958-C.
548* AlternateSelf: She is Talia Kaahs's counterpart in Timeline 1958-C. Although Talia would like to believe that they are [[MirrorSelf Mirror Selves]], Lady Evil [[NotSoDifferentRemark points out that they are actually very similar]].
549* AlternativeSelfNameChange: After joining the Evil OGEL Empire, this Talia started going by the title Lady Evil. It makes it easier for the prose to distinguish the two Talias when they meet in ''Because Of You''.
550* AtrociousAlias: The primary timeline Talia Kaahs remarks on the lack of subtlety behind "Lady Evil". The Timeline 1958-D Talia agrees, even saying that it sounds like something an 11-year-old kid would come up with.
551* CardCarryingVillain: As can be deduced from someone with "Evil" in her title, she has no qualms about proudly admitting to being a villain.
552* TheCorrupter: Lady Evil tries to tempt Talia Kaahs into shooting General Evil, mainly ForTheEvulz but also to prove that Talia is the same as her.
553* DistaffCounterpart: In a way, Lady Evil is a female version of Evil Ogel. Much of her dialogue and motives in ''Because Of You'' Chapter 2 intentionally mirror Ogel's monologue in Chapter 1.
554* EvilCannotComprehendGood: When Talia Kaahs refuses to kill Lady Evil and General Evil, Lady Evil calls her weak and pathetic.
555* EvilLaugh: She cackles like a WickedWitch.
556* EvilOldFolks: Lady Evil is 88 years old when Talia Kaahs meets her in 2020.
557* EvilWearsBlack: Lady Evil is seen wearing a black dress.
558* TheEvilsOfFreeWill: Believing that HobbesWasRight, Lady Evil declares that free will is a disease that only tyranny can cure.
559* FauxAffablyEvil: Lady Evil acts cordial and polite towards Talia Kaahs as her "guest", but it really just serves to underscore how vile she is due to her casual attitude towards evil atrocities.
560* FromNobodyToNightmare: She was once Talia Kaahs, a shy girl from the poorer side of Town Plan. Now, she's Lady Evil, a high-ranking commander of the Evil OGEL Empire known to crush resistance.
561* HobbesWasRight: As a young woman, Lady Evil learned that her friend Ronald Alexander was a GreenEyedMonster plotting to kidnap her, and she was assured that there were many other people just like him. As a consequence, she ended up believing that HumansAreBastards, [[TheEvilsOfFreeWill free will is evil]], and only tyranny and control can enforce peace.
562* IHatePastMe: Lady Evil looks back upon her more innocent 1958 self as foolish and naive. Played with in regards to the primary timeline's Talia Kaahs (who isn't Lady Evil's past self, but is a physically-younger version of her), whom Lady Evil calls weak and pathetic.
563* KarmaHoudini: Talia Kaahs keeps her promise and leaves Timeline 1958-C without bringing harm to Lady Evil or General Evil. With it being highly unlikely that anyone will return to Timeline 1958-C, Lady Evil gets away scot-free for her heinous actions.
564* LivingLieDetector: As a skilled liar herself, Lady Evil is quite good at picking up on other people's dishonesty.
565* MirrorCharacter: One of the things that really disturbs Talia Kaahs about Lady Evil is that, despite Talia insisting that they are nothing alike, Lady Evil points out there are many parallels between them.
566* NecessarilyEvil: Lady Evil views herself as being willing to dirty her own hands and committing evil acts for the greater good.
567* SilverFox: Even in her eighties, while her youth had clearly faded, she still retains some of her former beauty.
568* ThenLetMeBeEvil: When asked about her title, Lady Evil points out that the world already calls her "evil" for her ideology, so she might as well embrace it rather than reject it.
570!!Sydney Kaahs and Barbara Kent
572In Timeline 1958-D, Sydney Kaahs is the daughter of George and Talia Kaahs. She currently lives on Kent Ranch in New Zealand with her wife, Barbara Kent.
574* AlternateSelf: Although she does not exist in other timelines, Sydney Kaahs canonically has a younger superpowered counterpart in Dimension 418, featured in works by Mustache Maniacs Film Co. As such, any differences between the two depictions of the character can be chalked up to this Sydney being from an alternate timeline of an alternate universe.
575* AmbiguouslyBrown: Barbara Kent is described as dark-skinned, but any further details about her race are unconfirmed.
576* MeaningfulRename: Like her parents, Sydney's surname was once Ogel, but she later changed it to Kaahs to distance herself from the Evil OGEL Empire.
577* MythologyGag: Sydney's name and physical appearance are direct references to the Mustache Maniacs Film Co. canon, wherein Sydney Kaahs is the name of the superhero student in ''True Identity''. Her [[AgeLift age]], [[AdaptationalBackstoryChange backstory]], and [[AdaptationalWimp abilities (or lack thereof)]] differ from her original incarnation, however.
578* OppositesAttract: Sydney is rather jaded and cynical, while Barbara is perky and optimistic. As a married couple, they balance one another out.
579* TookALevelInCynic: It's implied that the rise of Evil Ogel, the deaths of her parents, and frequent harrassment by the media caused Sydney to adopt a more jaded, cynical outlook in her later years.
580* TwoferTokenMinority: Barbara Kent is an AmbiguouslyBrown lesbian.
582!!Vinnie, Chuck, Trish, Nate, Mark, and Jessie
584A group of teenagers ([[TheBabyOfTheBunch and Jessie]]) who play ''Disasters & Dinosaurs: The Official Dino Attack Role-Playing Game''. [[LeaningOnTheFourthWall Meta hilarity ensues]].
586* ActionGirl: Nate and Jessie's characters, Snake and Wing, are women just as capable of fighting and action as the male members of the party.
587* AffectionateNickname: Chuck was nicknamed "Cookie" by Mary Rose, who became his girlfriend in another timeline.
588* AffirmativeActionGirl: In the initial notes for ''Disasters & Dinosaurs'', [=PeabodySam=] planned on Mark's seven-year-old younger sibling being a boy with the placeholder name "Jimmy". He was changed to a girl named Jessie so that Trish would not be the only girl of the group.
589* AlternateSelf: In Timeline 2010-A, Chuck is Mary Rose's boyfriend. Interestingly, this is a rare instance where the alternate counterpart is introduced before the primary timeline version.
590* AudienceSurrogate: Since Jessie is new to ''Disasters & Dinosaurs'', the other players explain the basic gist of the game and its rules to her. This helps to inform readers who may not be familiar with tabletop RPG.
591* TheBabyOfTheBunch: Jessie is only seven years old in 2020, while the other players are in their mid teens. She's brought in because Mark had to babysit her.
592* TheBeastmaster: Chuck's character, Raptor, has a tamed Mutant Lizard named Mischief that he can command in battle.
593* BrainwashedAndCrazy: After Mark's character, Hunter, fails a wisdom saving throw, he is compelled by Chaos to attack Raptor instead.
594* CompositeCharacter: The Architect, the villain of Vinnie's ''Disasters & Dinosaurs'' campaign, is a composite of various villains from the RPG. His name is derived from the Darkitect; he's a time-traveler from the future, just like FUTURE; he leads a cult of dinosaur-worshippers, similar to the Raptors gang; he summons Chaos, much like Kotua; and he's an EvilBrit, which was intended as a reference to the Englishman but also counts towards the Darkitect and Evil Ogel.
595* CrossPlayer: Trish plays as a man named Alpha, while Nate plays as a woman named Snake.
596* EveryoneIsRelated: Raptor and Hunter turned out to be long-lost half-brothers, and Trish jokes that Vinnie will try roping Alpha and Snake into the family tree as well.
597* EvilBrit: PlayedForLaughs. Vinnie does a British accent "for maximum villainy" while speaking the Architect's dialogue in his ''Diasters & Dinosaurs'' campaign.
598* ExpyCoexistence: Several of the characters in Vinnie's campaign, such as Snake and Mischief, are directly inspired by characters from the "real" Dino Attack, such as Amanda Claw and Trouble.
599* FirstNameBasis: Vinnie Go is always just called "Vinnie", and is never referred to by his full name.
600* IdealistVsPragmatist: Chuck's character, Raptor, is a scientist who tames a Mutant Lizard. Mark's character, Hunter, is a soldier who prefers to exterminate the Mutant Dinos. This apparently led to conflicts and arguments between Raptor and Hunter, to the point where Chaos was able to easily manipulate Hunter into attacking Raptor. History repeats, apparently.
601* NamedAfterSomebodyFamous: Vinnie Go's full name is a subtle reference to Creator/VincentVanGogh.
602* NoFullNameGiven: With the exception of Vinnie (whose surname, Go, was confirmed when his father was revealed to be Dr. Samuel Go), only their given names are known and their surnames are left unrevealed.
603* PrettyPrincessPowerhouse: Jessie's character, Wing, is a magical elf princess who joins the Dino Attack Team on the battlefield.
604* RaisedByWolves: Jessie's character, Wing, is an elf who was raised by dragons.
605* SixthRanger: The RPG campaign was already underway when Jessie joined the group with her character Wing, making Jessie the "real world" Sixth Ranger and Wing the "in-universe" Sixth Ranger.
606* TheSmurfettePrinciple: Until Jessie (and her character Wing) joined the group, Trish was the only female player and Snake was the only female character.
607* SpinOffspring: Rather than focusing on Dr. Samuel Go, this WhereAreTheyNowEpilogue features his son Vinnie.
608* OneSteveLimit: Played straight for the players ([=PeabodySam=] carefully picked names that weren't used elsewhere in the RPG), but intentionally averted for their RPG characters (who each share names with multiple Dino Attack agents) as a meta joke to to demonstrate the lacking originality of teenagers.
609* TheTurretMaster: Trish's character, Alpha, is an engineer who can build turrets on the fly.
610* WorldOfSnark: All of the teens have their moments of snarky commentary over their tabletop RPG as they pick apart the story, its cliches, and its ridiculous complexities. Even Vinnie is prone to SelfDeprecation.
