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1Character Sheet for ''Webcomic/CastlevaniaRPG''.
4!Xavier Darkmoon a.k.a. "Herschel"
5Arguably the "hero" of CVRPG. A vampire whose soul was restored by a gypsy, he used to work for Dracula, but now spends time "heroing", "questing", and trolling for barmaids.
7Tropes associated with Darkmoon:
8* BelligerentSexualTension: With Katrina. Used to be [[UnresolvedSexualTension unresolved]], but they have recently started dating.
9* BlowYouAway
10* CursedWithAwesome: He's a vampire, so he's superhuman, has access to magic, and NighInvulnerable. However, he also got his soul back, which means he is no longer affected by direct sunlight, can cross running water, and stand on holy or sacred ground without bursting into flames (it still tingles, though).
11* DarkIsNotEvil
12* HandsomeLech
13* IHateYouVampireDad: While he initially went against Dracula because of the reward money, he left when [[ItsPersonal it became personal]].
14* ItsPersonal: After Dracula steals all of the barmaids from Jova/Veros/Ondol/that town he's always at.
15* {{Jerkass}}: Definitely toward the beginning, [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold but seems to have changed a bit recently.]]
16* MagicKnight: When he ''does'' fight, he mixes offensive magic with sword techniques.
17* NoSenseOfDirection
18* OurVampiresAreDifferent: Ignoring the whole "Soul, no-soul" thing, all vampires have demon-like creatures that replace their souls when embraced. Needless to say, Darkmoon no longer has his.
19* PlayingWithFire
20* TrademarkFavoriteFood: Barmaids
23!Katrina D'Sorciere
24A wild-type mage trapped in the form of a catgirl due to a curse. Both book- and street-smart, she often serves as the team's voice of reason.
26Tropes associated with Katrina:
27* CatGirl: Duh.
28* CombatPragmatist: Beats Melinda in a "magic duel" by repeatedly hitting her in the face with her staff. To wit:
29-->'''Melinda''': Whoever trained you in magic must be so disappointed. Losing in a sorcery duel. I wonder what sort of advice he'd have for you know...
30-->'''Katrina''': ... ''[Walks forward and hits Melinda]'' He'd probably tell me to cheat.
31* HonorBeforeReason: Is convinced that she has to amass enough good karma for her curse to be removed, despite [[spoiler:Shaft]] having expected her to have it removed by a clergyman. She even forces him to reapply after he simply removes it during her tirade, feeling "cheated".
32* PleasePutSomeClothesOn: Shaft says this when he accidentally destroys her clothes while putting the curse back on her on [[ this page]], which results in HandOrObjectUnderwear.
33* PunnyName[=/=]MeaningfulName: ''Kat''rina the ''cat''girl.
34* {{Tsundere}}: Type A towards Darkmoon. Not that she's necessarily "dere" otherwise...
35* UnskilledButStrong: Compared to [[WeakButSkilled Alec]], Katrina has exponentially more magical power and reserves, but has issues controlling it. As reference, her TurnUndead spell targeted everything when she first used it in the comic, which wound up sending Darkmoon to Hell.
36* WildMagic
38!Alec Prelude
39A somewhat-disenchanted Holy Warrior who befriended Darkmoon shortly after "graduating" from (ie, getting kicked out of) the Holy Warrior Academy. Initially naive and idealist, his time among Darkmoon's company has given him a...safer view on life. Is currently in a relationship with Princess.
41Tropes associated with Alec:
42* DudeLooksLikeALady: Often mistaken for female by those who don't know him, until he tells them his gender. Backfires when it makes Dracula come out of the closet. Turns into the greatest thing ever when it allows him to bed [[LipstickLesbian Princess]].
43* HealingHands
44* HolyHandGrenade
45* KnightInShiningArmor: Ignoring the naivete, his personality at the outset was this. Received some shiny new (green) armor, so he fits the appearance as well.
46* NaiveNewcomer: During Year One, at least.
47* PutOnABus: [[spoiler:He and Princess retire at the end of the honeymoon arc. The author states in the comments it was either retire the characters, both in and out of universe or the only thing left would be to kill one of them for drama and have it stick this time.]]
48* TrademarkFavoriteFood: Jerky
49* WeakButSkilled: Compared to [[UnskilledButStrong Katrina]], Alec has greater control over his magic, but a lot less power.
50* WholesomeCrossdresser
51* WideEyedIdealist: Still showing signs of it.
53!Princess Isabella
54A somewhat ditzy princess who was being "held captive" by a dragon. Rescuing her from said dragon was the "heroes'" first quest in CVRPG. She later joins the party as their resident thief/martial artist/requisite royalty. Is of the Thief class and has the skills (such as lock picking) to go with it, despite fighting more like a monk.
56Tropes associated with "Princess":
57* BareFistedMonk: How she fights.
58* ChangingClothesIsAFreeAction: Whenever she transforms.
59* DumbBlonde: Inverted; she has her ditzy moments, especially at the beginning, but she is one of the more intelligent and rational members of the team.
60* LipstickLesbian: Claims to be such, and makes no attempts to hide it. Her first response to being rescued is to kiss her rescuer--who happened to be [[LesYay Katrina.]]
61* MagicalGirl: Apparently a perk of being a princess is being able to transform by jumping into the air and spinning around.
62* PrincessesPreferPink: Also lampshaded before she learns how to switch costumes on the fly from Zelda/Sheik.
63* PutOnABus: [[spoiler:She and Alec retire at the end of the honeymoon arc. The author states in the comments it was either retire the characters, both in and out of universe or the only thing left would be to kill one of them for drama and have it stick this time]]
64* {{Shotoclone}}: Her "self-defense" moves she uses while in Princess Mode include what are obviously the [[KamehameHadoken Hadoken]] and {{Shoryuken}}.
65* UnstoppableRage: When [[spoiler:Alec is killed by the Elder God.]]
68An archangel sent by God!Mike to aid the "heroes" in their quest. Unfortunately, he's barely any better than them, so that doesn't really help his cause.
70Tropes associated with Angel:
71* AccidentalInnuendo: In his first (well, second) appearance, he realizes he's forgotten "[his] mighty sword", and voices said realization aloud. Cue comment from Darkmoon. After that, it becomes a DoubleEntendre; in one instance, he comments that he'll remember to keep "it" (his "mighty sword") in his robes next time.
72* DistractedByTheSexy: Even more so than Darkmoon.
73* FourthWallAware
74* TheGenieKnowsJackNicholson
75* InterspeciesRomance: If one considers angels and humans different species.
76* MediumAwareness: Directly responsible for the events of the 800, 1000, and 1200 bonus comics.
77* TheUnpronounceable: His real name was apparently the result of Damaris pressing her cat's rear on the keyboard and going with what came out.
78* WalkTheEarth: His punishment for [[spoiler:fathering the Child of Fate]].
79* WingedHumanoid
82A golem built by a clan of dwarves to function as a sentry, guard their mined goods, and clean up after them. However, the dwarves soon massacred themselves in a bloody orgy of drunken violence, and Golem was left to his own for a year, after which he meets Darkmoon and company. Convinced by Darkmoon to go out and live for himself, Golem finds himself unable to enjoy the finer things in life (consisting of booze, women, and not getting rocks and bricks thrown at him); after giving himself a new, more humanoid form, Golem returns to officially join the main party.
84Tropes associated with Golem:
85* BladeBelowTheShoulder: After assimilating a sword.
86%% * MightyGlacier: He's the medieval fantasy equivalent of an assault robot, so he qualifies.
87* MorphWeapon: His "magic" allows him to temporarily alter the composition of his body's shell to another material (such as iron or steel), and can further this by assimilating weapons and altering his body parts to function like that weapon.
88* TheStraightMan: Even more so than Shaft or Katrina; the problem is, no one listens to him.
90!Bunny, Darkie, and Sigurd
91Darkmoon, Katrina, and Alec's respective familiars/animal companions. Bunny is a KillerRabbit, Darkie is a bird forever stuck as a bat due to a polymorph spell gone wrong, and Sigurd is a pig - a pig that can swim, carry a grown man in full combat gear without complaining (leading Alec to refer to him as his "steed"), and bite the ankles of ghouls.
93They are often the most effectual characters in the comic. [[spoiler:Oh yeah, and ''they'' defeat Dracula.]]
95Tropes associated with Bunny, Darkie, and Sigurd:
96* BadassAdorable
97* ForcedTransformation: Darkie.
98* KillerRabbit: Bunny.
99* NonHumanSidekick
100* TeamPet
103The world-renowned [[Franchise/TheLegendOfZelda hero hailing from the land of Hyrule]], Link initially shows up as a cameo character alongside [[VideoGame/ChronoTrigger Lucca]], [[VideoGame/{{Metroid}} Samus]], and [[VideoGame/CastlevaniaCircleOfTheMoon Nathan]], with whom he formed a "party" with for a short while. On his way to defeat Dracula, he gets caught up in fighting Moldorm (a.k.a. "Giant Swirly Boss") after the worm repeatedly knocks him off the stage into the floor below, and Link eventually expires. Shows up later in Hell after Darkmoon is inadvertently [[TurnUndead turned]] by Katrina, and soon gets pulled back to his now-skeletal body when Katrina brings back Darkmoon. Link defeated Sindra and earned his freedom, but Hell can't seem to get enough of him, and Link is often pulled back into the fiery abyss to play part in some scheme by Damaris. Hell has seemed to calm down somewhat, so Link has passed the role of Hero of Time to Bucky, and now owns an armor shop in Jova/Veros/whatever.
105Tropes associated with Link:
106* ArtisticLicenseBiology: His ability to use his bow while in skeletal form is explained as "nocking the string between [his] joints" and "having really good bone density" (in place of having muscles and tendons).
107* HyperspaceArsenal: It's ''Link''; of course he'd have a lot of stuff. Lampshaded when Alec finds his BagOfHolding post-Moldorm.
108* MasterSwordsman: Literally, as he wields the Master Sword.
109* QuickDraw: Pulls a variant of this with a bow.
110* RunningGag: Not knowing Link's name, Satan (as well as all of Hell save Sindra) refers to him by the color of his clothes--first green, then blue. Problem is, right when the devil sends his enforcers to find Link, he's changed to a different color of clothes--from green to blue, then blue to red. As such, they never figure him out unless someone else uses his name.
113A skeletal, undead chicken that Link meets while in Nivelheim, who becomes his close companion and business partner. Bucky aids Link in collecting the Hell's Arms, and later aids Darkmoon in altering the fate of Alt-Alec to prevent the WhamEpisode's events from actually occurring. Bucky receives the Master Sword and Link's Hylian Shield when the latter acquires the Hell Sword and Shield (actually, Link had to convince Bucky to trade him for it, as Bucky wanted the Hell Sword for himself), and takes up Link's mantle as the Hero of Time.
115Bucky's (supposed) Hylian accent, near-impermeability to all forms of damage, and his ability to summon his comrades to constantly swoop at his enemy from all sides suggests that he is the undead form of a Cucco, however the hell that works.
117Tropes associated with Bucky:
118* DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu: To date, Bucky is the only character in the comic to force Death to admit defeat.
119* ExtremeOmnivore: Doesn't go after the living out of respect for the other characters' values, but anything that's severed or postmortem is fair game.
120* GrievousHarmWithABody: Played with: The [[CombinationAttack Dual Attack]] "Poultry Flare" consists of Darkmoon (or whoever) setting Bucky on [[IncendiaryExponent fire]] and [[FastballSpecial hurling him at the target]].
121* IntelligibleUnintelligible: Bucky's "speech" is rendered as clucks and buckaw's, but Link, The Kid, and Death can understand and converse with him no problem. Darkmoon can understand him as well, but had some initial trouble with Bucky's accent.
122* InvincibleMinorMinion: A rare heroic example.
123* KillerRabbit: On par with Bunny.
124* RunningGag: Each time a character sees Bucky for the first time, the response usually includes "What kind of chicken is that!?", to which the answer is always a way to prepare chicken ("Deep fried", "Rotisserie", etc.)
127What would Castlevania be without Dracula? ''[[VideoGame/CastlevaniaCurseOfDarkness Curse of Darkness]]'', that's what. As always, Dracula is an extremely powerful vampire who ushers in darkness, feasts on the blood of virgins, and gets his ass kicked and revives along with his castle once every hundred or so years from 1100-something to 1999. However, ''this'' Dracula is notably more enterprising, fashion-conscious, and gay than in other depictions, and isn't above taking a fall to get some time off from the Belmonts. Dracula turned Darkmoon personally, and as such treats him like a second son (because the first one was too goody-goody).
129Dracula was defeated by Bunny, Darkie, and Pig, and briefly resurrected as a cat until Raye went for a power-play.
131Tropes associated with Dracula:
132* HaveIMentionedIAmHeterosexualToday: Averted; when [[DudeLooksLikeALady Alec]] explicitly informs Dracula that he is, in fact, male, Dracula realizes that he is still attracted to him even with this revelation, and decides he is gay.
138* AnthropomorphicPersonification
140!Frankie & Mummy
141A homage to ''Theatre/RosencrantzAndGuildensternAreDead''.
142* DeadpanSnarker
145* FallenAngel
146* YouKillItYouBoughtIt: How she becomes [[spoiler: The Devil]]. In an amusing twist, her predecessor wasn't the original either.
150!Nathan and Samus
151* HeroicMime: Averted and lampshaded by Samus. After an unfunny comment from her, she remarks this is why she normally doesn't talk.
