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Context Characters / BreathOfDeathVII

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3!Party Members
7A skeleton knight who serves as the main protagonist of the game. He can't speak, but the game provides the player with his thoughts on the many odd situations he finds himself in.
9* AwLookTheyReallyDoLoveEachOther: Even though Sara dragged him into adventure against his own will, he does show concern to her, [[spoiler:and over the time he had grown to reappreciate her feelings.]]
10* BlueIsHeroic: His armor is blue, and he is TheHero of the story.
11* DemBones: He is a walking, living skeleton.
12* TheDragAlong: He doesn't really care much about Sara and Lita's goals, but they're the ones driving the plot.
13* FriendlySkeleton: He is a skeleton, and a noble hero to boot.
14* HeroesPreferSwords: Each weapon he uses is different, but they are all types of swords.
15* HeroicMime: Due to his lack of a tongue, he is unable to voice his thoughts. This leads to his opinions being completely ignored.
16* HeroicSacrifice: [[spoiler:At the end of the game, he gives up Dr. Titas Dark the crystals to let him prevent the apocalypse despite the fact he is aware that it would result in them all being erased from the history.]]
17* KleptomaniacHero: [[DefiedTrope Defied.]] When he sees the chest in one of the town's houses, he refuses to open it and collect the goods inside even despite Lita insisting to open it on beliefs there must be a super-powerful weapon, because "real heroes never steal from townsfolk".
18* LuckilyMyShieldWillProtectMe: He uses shields as armor items.
19* MeaningfulName: He's a living skeleton in an AffectionateParody of [=RPGs=] that deliberately plays around with various tropes, so him being named Dem is very much an intentional reference to the trope DemBones.
20* OnlySaneMan: He's the most rational and level-headed member of the group. When the player gets to see his thoughts, they are shown to be very not unlike that of any normal person being in similar situation.
21* PlayingWithFire: Most of the magical spells he learns are fire based.
22* SilentSnarker: When we see his thoughts, he's shown to have a lot of snark.
23* SurroundedByIdiots: As he himself puts it in:
24-->"..." (Everybody around me is insane.)
25* ThoughtCaption: How the player gets to see his thoughts.
31A cute ghost girl who forcefully joins the hero near the beginning of the game. She is gifted with telepathy and high level magic skills.
33* AdventurerArchaeologist: Her desire to research the mysteries of the old civilization is what brought her and Dem into adventure.
34* CombatMedic: She's the main healer of the group and can still kick ass on her own.
35* CuteGhostGirl: She's a ghost, and she really cute.
36* TheGadfly: Sometimes she messes with Dem just for the heck of it, like translating his thoughts incorrectly for her benefit.
37* AnIcePerson: Many of her spells are ice based.
38* MindReading: Making her the only person that Dem can "talk" to... not that she really listens.
39* OurGhostsAreDifferent: She only features FogFeet, PointyEars, and MindReading, and doesn't seem to show any signs of incorporeality.
40* PointyEars: For some reason, her ears are pointed.
41* RedMage: She knows various offensive, buffing and healing spells.
42* WhiteMagicianGirl: She's gentle, girly and acts like a support to the group.
48A vampire who is skilled at messing with various types of technology. Rather than use normal RPG weapons or magic like the other characters she wields various types of guns in battle.
50* AdventurerArchaeologist: Much like Sara, she is interested in the history of the past world, although she is more interested in the technology instead.
51* CastingAShadow: She can learn Dark Blast ability, which lets her do big damage to one enemy, which gets stronger with higher combo.
52* ComputerVirus: She can learn Comp Virus ability, which lets her do big damage to enemies with extra damage to mechanical ones.
53* DishingOutDirt: Many of the spells she learns are the same except for the element. She can learn earth spells or lightning based spells.
54* FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire: As soon as she makes sure the group isn't there to kill her she gladly joins up with them.
55* LifeDrain: She can use the Drain Life ability to damage enemies and restore the health for entire party.
56* MageMarksman: Both a gun user and the party's dedicated BlackMage.
57* OurVampiresAreDifferent: She isn't weakened by the sunlight at all. Also, she still can use VampiricDraining, but it regenerates health for all characters, and not just her.
58* PointyEars: Just like Sara's, Lita's ears are also pointed.
59* ShockAndAwe: Can learn lightning spells as well as earth spells.
60* ShotgunsAreJustBetter: Her shotgun is one of the very best weapons and can be used throughout the rest of the game after the player gets their hands on it.
61* StatusEffects: Blind, Seal[[note]]Silence by other name[[/note]], Sleep, and Instant Death.
62* SummonMagic: She can summon bats or wolves to constantly attack enemies.
68A french zombie in a suit who is the last member to join the party. Uses axes in combat.
70* AllLoveIsUnrequited: He's hopelessly in love with Lita, who constantly denies his affection.
71* BadassInANiceSuit: His armor types are all various suits. And by the final dungeon he'll likely be wearing a platinum suit and wielding a chainsaw axe. Hell yes.
72* ChainsawGood: His ultimate weapon is a chainsaw axe.
73* EverythingSoundsSexierInFrench: Unfortunately for him, Lita disagrees.
74* FriendlyZombie: Even though he's a zombie, he's still amicable enough to join the heroes in their quest.
75* FunetikAksent: Speaks with the French accent.
76* OurZombiesAreDifferent: He looks pretty much like a human, but with gray skin.
77* PoisonousPerson: He can poison enemies with his Puke ability.
78* PurpleIsPowerful: Wears purple suit, and is physically strongest character in the game.
79* RebelPrince: [[spoiler:Despite being the prince of Motherbound, he doesn't want to rule and lets his uncle (who [[TheUsurper usurped the throne]] and threw him into jail, mind you) continue ruling.]]
80* SummonMagic: He can learn Call Horde, which lets him call a horde to attack enemies.
81* VerbalTic: "LE BRAINS!"
82* ZombiePukeAttack: His Puke ability, which lets him poison enemies.
86[[folder:Chief Troll]]
89The ruler of trolls who terrorized the Palad-Lennus until Dem putted an end to their threat.
91* AllTrollsAreDifferent: In this case, they are small yellow humanoids except their chief, who is very big.
92* InconsistentSpelling: He's referred as Troll Chief in the dialogues, yet in the battle he is named Chief Troll. His cameo appearance in ''Cosmic Star Heroine'' uses the latter writing.
93* LargeAndInCharge: He's the biggest troll around there, and he's their chief.
94* RoguesGalleryTransplant: Appears in ''VideoGame/CosmicStarHeroine'' as an encounter before the fight with Dem, where he is assisted by Ancient Troll and Old Troll (based on normal Troll and Dark Troll, respectively). He doesn't put up much of a fight.
95* ShoutOut: The dialogue between him and Dem are directly based on Dracula's [[MemeticMutation memetic]] line from ''VideoGame/CastlevaniaSymphonyOfTheNight''.
96-->'''Chief Troll:''' What is an undead man! A miserable little pile of secrets! ...and bones!
97-->'''Dem:''' [[HeroicMime …]] (Enough talk! Have at you!)
98* StarterVillain: The first opponent you face in the game.
99* WarmUpBoss: He is extremely weak and serves only to introduce the player to the combo mechanics.
102[[folder:Grim Reaper]]
105One of the many adversaries of Dem, Grim Reaper tries to kill Dem and Sara when they go through Grave Pass.
107* DegradedBoss: An interesting example. Grim Reaper appears in ''VideoGame/CthulhuSavesTheWorld'' in a VeryDefinitelyFinalDungeon, but only as [[BossInMooksClothing a random encounter]]. However, he's much more durable than before, as he has 22400 [=HP=], when compared to this game, where he has 550 [=HP=]. Though by that point when you encounter him, you'd be levelled up enough to [[CurbStompBattle curb-stomp]] him.
108* GiantSpaceFleaFromNowhere: He just appears out of nowhere. The closest he gets to foreshadowing is when you examine the graves that are placed near him which tell the player to "fear the reaper".
109* GrimReaper: Obviously.
110* ManaDrain: He can drain the characters' mana.
111* RoguesGalleryTransplant: He was previously fought in ''VideoGame/CthulhuSavesTheWorld''.
112* ShoutOut: Before the battle, he states "[[VideoGame/ChronoTrigger The black wind howls again...]]".
113* SinisterScythe: As GrimReaper, he naturally wields a scythe as a weapon.
114* WakeUpCallBoss: He's the first boss that provides actual challenge, as he can drain characters' mana and has high physical damage.
117[[folder:Junk Monster]]
120A robot made of junk that attacks the party in the city ruins. After the battle, it's revealed it was sent out to reclaim the eight magical crystals.
122* AIIsACrapshoot: It was supposed to reclaim the eight crystals, but due to something tampering with it, it went against its original goal and attacked the party.
123* FlunkyBoss: Assisted by two Ghost Cars. It constantly rebuilds them when they get destroyed.
124* GiantScrapRobot: It's a perfectly functioning robot made of junk.
125* ShoutOut: After the defeat, it says "[[VideoGame/ZeldaIITheAdventureOfLink I am error.]]" before it stops moving.
126* TVHeadRobot: Its head looks like a [=TV=] with an angry face displayed.
132A trio of blue fishmen who attack the party in the third bonus cave.
134* BadassNormal: They are merely FishPeople without any abilities, but even then they're still capable of putting up brutal fight.
135* FishPeople: They are harder versions of Fishman enemies from earlier.
136* KillItWithFire: They are weak to fire attacks.
137* KingMook: All three of them are harder versions of Fishmen.
138* PreAsskickingOneLiner: "We'll teach you to eat us raw!". Would've been BadassBoast if it were actually badass.
139* ProngsOfPoseidon: They're fish people who wield tridents.
140* SkippableBoss: They appear only in the bonus cave and are not required for progress.
141* WolfpackBoss: You fight three of them at once.
144[[folder:Dead Dragon]]
147An undead three-headed yellow dragon that attacks the party in the Water Cave.
149* BreathWeapon: As a dragon, it possesses breath attacks.
150* DegradedBoss: Another interesting example. Dead Dragon appears in ''VideoGame/CthulhuSavesTheWorld'' in a VeryDefinitelyFinalDungeon, but only as [[BossInMooksClothing a random encounter]]. However, it's much more durable than before, as it has 26600 [=HP=], when compared to this game, where it has 5500 [=HP=]. Though by that point when you encounter it, you'd be levelled up enough to [[CurbStompBattle curb-stomp]] it.
151* {{Dracolich}}: It's an undead dragon.
152* GiantSpaceFleaFromNowhere: It just appears out of nowhere and never gets mentioned again.
153* MultipleHeadCase: It has three heads.
154* OurDragonsAreDifferent: This one is three-headed and lacks wings, making it more reminiscent of Hydra.
155* PlayingWithFire: Naturally, it can breathe fire to damage all party members...
156* PoisonousPerson: ...or breathe gas to poison the entire party.
162A zombie king of Motherbound who is also Erik's uncle. He was the one who locked Erik in the dungeon, and then he locks up Dem's party. Once they escape the prison, he tries to kill them himself.
164* AntiVillain: [[spoiler:He's not genuinely malicious or evil, in fact he's actually a benevolent ruler. His only problem is that he really insists on staying in power.]]
165* TheCameo: Appears in Episode 3 of ''VideoGame/PennyArcadeAdventures'' under the name "Evil King".
166* CouldHaveAvoidedThisPlot: As he himself puts it in:
167-->'''Usurper:''' Really? All I had to do was [[spoiler:ask for the throne and you'd give it to me]]? I feel so foolish.
168* EasilyForgiven: [[spoiler:His nephew Erik quickly forgives him for usurping the throne, throwing him into jail, and trying to kill them. And he even lets him rule the kingdom.]]
169* EveryoneCallsHimBarkeep: He's known just as "Ruler" (or "Usurper" in battle). In his cameo appearance in ''Penny Arcade Adventures'', he goes by "Evil King".
170** HisNameReallyIsBarkeep: [[spoiler:As it's revealed in ''Penny Arcade Adventures'', his name actually is Evil King. Evil Bartholomew King. Not even he knows why his parents named him that, and the name is pretty [[NonIndicativeName non-indicative]].]]
171* EvilUncle: He is Erik's uncle, and he usurped the throne. [[spoiler:Subverted, because he's not really evil in the first place.]]
172* FlunkyBoss: He's assisted by two Knights.
173* TheGoodKing: [[spoiler:Despite the fact that he usurped the throne by force, he's actually a fairly good ruler, as Motherbound townsfolk say.]]
174* HealThyself: During the battle, he can heal all of his health, making him harder than every other boss.
175* MoneyMauling: One of his attacks is throwing coins at all party members.
176* TheUsurper: He was the one who usurped the throne from Prince Erik. It's right there in the name. [[spoiler:However, Erik doesn't mind and lets him rule the kingdom.]]
182Dual turrets guarding eight magical crystals. After the party retrieves them, they activate and attack them.
184* DualBoss: You fight two turrets at once.
185* GatlingGood: One of their attacks is shooting bullets at all party members.
186* TheGuardsMustBeCrazy: They seem to have been left to guard the Crystals, but take no notice of the party until they've already got their hands on them. Justified by the fact that ''removing'' the crystals from their place is what triggers their programs.
187* KillOneOthersGetStronger: If you destroy one turret, the other will take its power and becomes more powerful.
188* SentryGun: Obviously.
191[[folder:Evil Team]]
193[[caption-width-right:200:Clockwise from top left: Evil Dem, Evil Sara, Evil Lita, Evil Erik]]
195The team of evil doppelgangers of the main party, they appear out of nowhere in the lab to attack the heroes.
197* EvilTwin: They all are evil doppelgangers of the main team.
198* GiantSpaceFleaFromNowhere: They are not foreshadowed at all. They just randomly pop out of nowhere, and there's no reason for them to be there.
199* RedEyesTakeWarning: Unlike the main party members, they all possess glowing red eyes to show that they are, well, evil.
202[[folder:Ultimate Evil]]
205The final boss of the game, Ultimate Evil is an unknown undead monstrosity that appears to stop Dem and his party from saving the world.
207* BigBad: Possibly. Lita assumes that he was responsible for corrupting Dr. Dark's robots to stop them from bringing him the crystals.
208* FinalBoss: He's the final boss of the game.
209* FourIsDeath: He's got four arms, and he's the UndeadAbomination.
210* GiantSpaceFleaFromNowhere: Insanely so. There's literally no reason for him to be here, at all. He just... shows up and fights you at the end.
211* HPToOne: His Deathbound ability, which drops the character's health to 1 point.
212* AnIcePerson: Can use Sub-Zero which deals big ice damage to all party members.
213* MultiArmedAndDangerous: He's got four arms, with which he holds a sphere of [[PlayingWithFire fire]] and a chunk of [[AnIcePerson ice]] floating, and wields a sword and a trident.
214* NumberOfTheBeast: He's got 66666 [=HP=].
215* OurDemonsAreDifferent: Before his battle, the narrator refers to him as a terrifying demon.
216* PlayingWithFire: Can use Hellfire attack which deals big fire damage to a single party member.
217* UndeadAbomination: He's a strange and very powerful floating four-armed undead demonic monstrosity that corrupted Dr. Dark's robots to prevent the heroes from saving the world.
220[[folder:Superboss (spoilers)]]
224The duck-like dragon that claims itself to be the most powerful dragon in the world who gets insulted by the fact that everybody thinks he is a duck. He acts as a {{Superboss}} in the game and appears in the Super Secret Cave. Defeating him allows Dem to get [[InfinityPlusOneSword Excalibur]].
226* BreathWeapon: He's got Bread Breath ability which deals damage to all party members.
227* DudeWheresMyRespect: Nobody takes him seriously because of his looks. That's why he wants the heroes dead.
228-->'''Dragonduck:''' Everyone thinks I'm a duck, but I'm actually the most powerful dragon in the world! Graveyard duck? Bah! I'll show them! I'll kill you all!
229* IncreasinglyLethalEnemy: While in this game all enemies get stronger, every 4 turns Dragonduck uses his Quack! ability, causing his stats to increase by 25%, and the buffs stack.
230* OurDragonsAreDifferent: This one looks like a duck.
231* ShoutOut: He's a reference to dragons from ''VideoGame/{{Adventure}}'' on Atari, [[UnfortunateCharacterDesign who also resemble ducks.]] Also, he mentions the fact that he was called the [[VideoGame/CastlevaniaIISimonsQuest graveyard duck]] in his pre-battle rant.
232* {{Superboss}}: He's a boss that's hidden in [[BonusDungeon Super Secret Cave]], possessing tons of health and high attack, and defeating him allows Dem to obtain [[InfinityPlusOneSword Excalibur]], the best sword in the game.
235!Other Characters
236[[folder:The researcher '''(UNMARKED ENDGAME SPOILERS)''']]
237!!Dr. Titas Dark
240A scientist who resides deep in his lab, and the last human alive. [[spoiler:He built the time machine and intends to travel back in time to save the humanity from the apocalypse.]]
242* GadgeteerGenius: He's the one who invented many various robots, including the Junk Monster who went haywire and was defeated by heroes earlier.
243* MrExposition: He's the one explaining what happened to humanity to the heroes.
244* NonActionGuy: Since he's not physically built for combat and adventures, he mostly prefers robots to do a work for him.
245* OffscreenMomentOfAwesome: [[spoiler:He prevented the apocalypse through unspecified means.]]
246* SetRightWhatOnceWentWrong: [[spoiler:His goal is to prevent the apocalypse and save the humanity.]]
247* ShoutOut: Is the spitting image of [[Characters/MegaManClassicHeroes a certain scientist]] with an opposite name, just with less hair.
248* SoleSurvivor[=/=]LastOfHisKind: He's the last human who remained alive in the now dead world.
249** SoleSurvivingScientist: ...and he's the scientist.
