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Context BerserkButton / OnePiece

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1[[WMG:[[center: [- '''Tropes for ''Manga/OnePiece'''''\
2OnePiece/TropesAToB ([[AdaptationInducedPlotHole/OnePiece Adaptation-Induced Plot Hole]], [[ArcVillain/OnePiece Arc Villain]], '''Berserk Button''', [[BewareTheSillyOnes/OnePiece Beware the Silly Ones]], [[BigBrotherInstinct/OnePiece Big Brother Instinct]], [[Bowdlerise/OnePiece Bowdlerise]], [[BreakTheCutie/OnePiece Break the Cutie]]) | OnePiece/TropesCToD ([[CallBack/OnePiece Call-Back]], [[ChekhovsGun/OnePiece Chekhov's Gun]], [[Cliffhanger/OnePiece Cliffhanger]], [[CombatPragmatist/OnePiece Combat Pragmatist]], [[CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass/OnePiece Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]], [[CurbStompBattle/OnePiece Curb-Stomp Battle]], [[DarkAndTroubledPast/OnePiece Dark and Troubled Past]], [[DeconstructedCharacterArchetype/OnePiece Deconstructed Character Archetype]]) | OnePiece/TropesEToF ([[EarlyInstallmentWeirdness/OnePiece Early Installment Weirdness]], [[FamousLastWords/OnePiece Famous Last Words]], [[Foreshadowing/OnePiece Foreshadowing]]) | OnePiece/TropesGToJ ([[HeartIsAnAwesomePower/OnePiece Heart is an Awesome Power]], [[Hypocrite/OnePiece Hypocrite]]) | OnePiece/TropesKToM ([[LaserGuidedKarma/OnePiece Laser-Guided Karma]], [[LogicalWeakness/OnePiece Logical Weakness]], [[MassOhCrap/OnePiece Mass "Oh, Crap!"]], [[MoralMyopia/OnePiece Moral Myopia]], [[MusclesAreMeaningless/OnePiece Muscles Are Meaningless]]) | OnePiece/TropesNToP ([[NiceJobFixingItVillain/OnePiece Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]], [[OhCrap/OnePiece Oh, Crap!]], [[OOCIsSeriousBusiness/OnePiece O.O.C. Is Serious Business]]) | OnePiece/TropesQToS ([[TheReveal/OnePiece The Reveal]], [[ShoutOut/OnePiece Shout-Out]], [[SpannerInTheWorks/OnePiece Spanner in the Works]], [[SuperpowerLottery/OnePiece Superpower Lottery]]) | OnePiece/TropesTToZ ([[WhamEpisode/OnePiece Wham Episode]], [[WhamLine/OnePiece Wham Line]])]]]]-]
4%%BerserkButton is about exaggerated reactions to minor slights. It is not about characters getting angry in general. Examples that don't fit will be removed.
7! PlayedForLaughs
8* Monkey D. Luffy: Don't steal his food, especially when it's meat, his TrademarkFavoriteFood (he's a justifiable BigEater).
9* Nami: Do not steal anything from her, especially if she stole it first. Additionally, don't spend or give away money without consulting her first.
10* Sanji's original wanted poster had an ugly composite sketch. Bringing it up was bound to draw {{Death Glare}}s from him.
11* Franky: Do not take his speedo or do anything to dent his macho image.
12* Brook: In ''Anime/OnePieceFilmStrongWorld'' when man-eating ants ignore Brook because he was considered "leftovers", he angrily states it was "a bit inconsiderate" and proceeds to cut all the ants down. This BerserkButton is pushed again in Chapter 682, when the little dragon from Punk Hazard looked disappointed that Brook didn't have any meat on his bones. This actually serves as a minor plot point, as it reveals that Kinemon also hates dragons, but for a much darker reason. Unsurprisingly, however, when he comes across animals who have a taste for bones, he's not any happier.
13* [[StarterVillain Alvida]] hates being told that she's ugly, and will fly into a rage and murder anyone who tells her that. Of course, since the Slip-Slip Fruit actually made her as beautiful as she believed herself to be, this button will likely never be pushed again.
14* Pica, one of Doflamingo's enforcers, is a giant of a man with a [[VocalDissonance helium voice that doesn't match him in the least]]. Point this out in earshot, and you will be BuriedAlive. You can consider yourself ''lucky'' if one of Doffy's other enforcers [[MercyKill just shoots you dead]] before Pica can get to you.
15* [[FatBastard Urashima,]] Wano's Yokozuna (sumo champion), attempts to hug his LoveInterest Kiku in an embrace... only for her to avoid the hug and cut off his topknot, described to be a Yokozuna's "pride". He becomes completely enraged, and goes from wanting to marry Kiku to wanting to '''''kill her''''' in the blink of an eye.
16! PlayedForDrama
17* While Luffy has multiple of those (anything that violates his [[TrueCompanions code.]]) the one thing that pisses him off the most is damaging his hat, he will [[UnstoppableRage flip out]] to massive levels and kick the ass of the offender. This is due to the fact that the hat is a gift from Shanks and he promised to return it to him after he accomplishes his dreams.
18* Sanji has 3 buttons that are always played for drama. First - [[LostFoodGrievance Wasting food,]] Second - Attacking or Injuring women, and his third and biggest button - [[spoiler: Bringing up his [[BigBrotherBully really messed]] [[AbusiveParents up family]] ''let alone calling him '' '''Vinsmoke Sanji''']] Queen goes ahead and presses all of the above for a good fight. [[ExtremeMeleeRevenge No points for guessing what happens next.]]
19* While Nami has a trigger temper, one button is NEVER played for laughs, and that is attacking children, due to her being all [[CloseToHome too familiar with that subject]], when Ulti slashed Tama, Nami promptly went from running for her life to hellbent on ending the former.
20* Robin:
21** Bringing up the incident of her sinking multiple marine ships (It's false, the goverment needed an excuse to execute her since she knows how to read the poneglyphs.) will most likely end in her breaking multiple bones of the one who said that.
22** She also hates it when people disrespect or demolish ancient sites. Just ask commander Yama how that went for him...
23* Whether he's falsely convicted of a crime he didn't commit, or stabbed by a spear, Tom's a rather jolly fellow. But disowning a ship that you built will enrage him. Despite usually being fairly tolerant of whatever Franky gets up to, Franky disowning the ships he built, which were stolen and used to frame Tom's workers, causes Tom to break out of his shackles and punch Franky for the first and only time.
24* Akainu will try to kill you if you speak against his [[AllCrimesAreEqual Absolute Justice]], even if you are an upstanding Marine like Koby.
25* Kelly Funk from the Dressrosa arc, a boxer short in stature and temper with [[GlassCannon prodigious strength]] but [[FragileSpeedster no endurance at all]]. Call him shrimp or anything of the sort, and he'll pummel you within an inch of your life. As for the "no endurance" part that makes him less than a threat to those who are at least as strong as he, his Devil Fruit powers let him merge with his brother, a GentleGiant with a [[MightyGlacier ridiculously strong]] and [[StoneWall sturdy body]]. When that happens, the threat level [[LightningBruiser skyrockets]].
26* Donquixote Doflamingo has a notable one: People who bear the name of D. While pissed at the Celestial Dragons, he is very familiar with their beliefs [[spoiler:and deep inside, still is one]], and he knows at the very least that D means the person bearing it will inevitably be his enemy. [[spoiler:That, and the tales that painted them as destructive boogeymen still have a hold over him; people bearing the D are his ''antithesis'']]. Later, [[spoiler:When Trafalgar Law reveals he's a D]], Doflamingo ''snaps'', disregarding all his previous ambitions regarding Law in favor of putting bullets into him.
27* Wano's Shogun Kurozumi Orochi hates being laughed at, especially when he talks about the curse of the Kozuki Clan. He's even willing to murder a child that laughs at him.
28* Gild Tesoro, the BigBad from ''Anime/OnePieceFilmGold'', has an obsession with telling people if they can laugh and gets angry if they do so without his permission. One of his minions laughing at the fate of the Straw Hats gets his head sealed in gold to suffocate to death because Tesoro didn't give him permission.
29! Unsorted
30* Buggy's [[GagNose big red nose]] is a bit of a sticking point for him. If it even sounds like you're mocking it, he'll fly into a rage and/or attempt to kill you. Luffy insulted it twice, and one time he had a knife thrown at him and the other time he had a cannonball fired at him. Both attacks failed. Additionally, don't mention Shanks when Buggy is in earshot unless you like knives being thrown at you.
31* Bartolomeo, while normally a laid-back {{Troll}}, absolutely worships Luffy. Say one bad word against him in this fanboy's earshot, and it will be your last: he'll go as far as to [[TongueTrauma cut your tongue out]].
