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Context Awesome / Ulysses

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1* "....but I suspect that Ireland is important because it belongs to me." [[MakesSenseInContext In context,]] one of Stephen's more arrogant, yet weirdly awesome moments. Hell, Stephen's whole drunken rage against the British soldiers is a great RefugeInAudacity moment subverted in that he ends up falling on his face and having to be rescued by Bloom, but still.
2* The scene in the pub in "Cyclopes" where eternal doormat NiceGuy Bloom finally stands up to the anti-semitic Citizen and proudly affirms his own Judaism in front of everybody. The first scene in the whole book where Bloom shows real backbone.
3-->'''Bloom''': Mendelssohn was a jew and Karl Marx and Mercadante and Spinoza. And the Saviour was a jew and his father was a jew. Your God.
4** The last such scene takes place between the second-last and last chapters: Bloom has asked Molly to bring ''him'' BreakfastInBed the next morning, instead of (as is usual) the other way round. Molly's interior monologue starts with her mulling over this request.
5* The whole damn novel is one crowning moment of awesome for Joyce, who utilizes and parodies (sometimes [[AffectionateParody affectionately]] sometimes [[StylisticSuck not]]) so many styles of writing that the novel itself is an Odyssey tracing several hundred years of the literary discourse.
6** Joyce wrote it during a period when his eyesight was failing, so to compensate he wrote in crayon on large sheets of butcher paper.
7* As a testament to the book's influence, there's now a [[ statue]] of Molly Bloom standing in Gibraltar. She was chosen as the subject of the statue because she's--without doubt--the most famous Gibraltarian in the history of fiction.
