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Context Awesome / LegendOfDragoon

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1* Doel's' last words
2* Kongol lifting and tossing aside a gigantic statue with his bare hands
3* Lloyd cutting the Divine Dragoon Spirits out of the Divine Dragon's' eye
4* The various ways you can kill Zachwell, such as one-shotting him with the White Silver Dragon if you decided to keep Shana/Miranda in your party.
5* Lavitz's genre savvy calling out of Rose on knowledge she should not have. If she weren't immortal, that is.
6* Dart's first transformation in the legendary Dragoon. That epic SugarWiki/AwesomeMusic helps a lot.
7* Haschel gets one in the Giant's Lair he utterly destroys the giant stone slab blocking the way with a single punch.
8* Also, the Moon Trials. All our heroes gets one here.
