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1* Crown Prince Janaki has an incredibly badass moment toward the end of ''Hell Hath No Fury'' when he directs the defense of Fort Salby's undermanned garrison by his precognitive Glimpses to repeatedly pound the Arcanan advance forces - first obliterating over a dozen dragons and then pushing back a massive cavalry/infantry assault. In order to do so, however, Janaki has to stand in the "nexus", a point where his Glimpses become most clear and effective. What no one else knows, however, is that the "nexus" is [[spoiler: the point where Janaki knows ''he will be killed''.]] Thus he stood there, rooted to that one spot, fully aware that in doing so, [[spoiler: he would be killed by a gryphon and knew the exact moment it would hit him]]. ''[[HeroicSacrifice "Chunika s'hari, Halian. Sho warak."]]''
2* At the end of ''Hell Hath No Fury'', the speech to the Conclave has three in rapid succession:
3** First, Emperor Zindel chan Calirath's speech to the Conclave, where he ''orders'' the complete mobilization of Sharona's industries and military, and when everyone starts protesting, he literally shouts them into silence and delivers a RousingSpeech calling for the total destruction of Arcana that ends with the entire Conclave delivering a standing ovation.
4** Afterward, Chava Busar attempts to weasel into the throne by demanding that Calirath's daughter marry the son he designates. Zindel's response:
5-->"The son ''you'' designate? Haven't you overstepped your authority by presuming to name which of your lecherous, ill-bred mongrels will have the right to rape my daughter? ''Do not presume to dictate terms to me!''"
6** But the kicker is immediately after ward, when Andrin stands up, shouts them ''both'' down and faces Chava directly, telling him in no uncertain terms that while she will accept marriage to one of Chava's sons in order to ensure Sharona is united, ''she'' will chose who she marries. Thus passes Andrin Calirath, anxious young Ternathian princess, and thus is born Andrin Calirath, future ''Queen'' of Sharona.
7* At the beginning of the third book, ''The Road to Hell'', Andrin states she intends to fulfill her duty. However, after careful reading of the treaty, she reveals that it specifies that Andrin must marry [[ExactWords an Urumathian prince.]] [[LoopholeAbuse Which means any royal son of any Urumathian family, not just Chava Busar's lineage.]] Zindel has to specifically order his ministers to act despondent and grieving to avoid giving the plan away by their wicked, gleeful responses to that bit of legal kung-fu.
8* The Sharonan military managed to successfully ''outmaneuver the Arcanan army'', who have the advantages of air superiority and sheer maneuverability and speed, by psyching out the Arcanan forces. First, by making the Arcanans believe that the Arcanans have an unassailable defensive position and building up a large force to supposedly take it, and then redeploying their armies through a line of undeveloped universes and using herculean engineering efforts to built seventeen thousand miles of rail line and infrastructure through endless wilderness. A combination of engineering know-how, intense effort, and commando raids to destroy the Arcanan rear-guard forts leads to the Sharonans cutting off Aracana's supply lines and forcing a complete retreat.
9* When Shaylar is brought before a panel of senior Arcanan officers for questioning, they expect to see a teriffied, isolated woman. Instead, Shaylar ''cuts loose'' on them with all of her rage and frustration over the deaths of her friends, her and her husband's abduction, and Arcana's aggression in the war. Her scathing condemnation is both so furious and so on point that she very nearly cows the Arcanan Commandery right there. The presiding Arcanan officer concludes that Shaylar in particular and Sharona as a whole are {{Worthy Opponent}}s deserving immense respect.
