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Context Analysis / NoMoreHeroes

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1!No More Heroes is Creator/Suda51's [[ThisLoserIsYou criticism of you, the player]]
3No More Heroes is a brutal satire of geek culture.
5Travis Touchdown is presented as the paragon of a hardcore gamer: aloof, cool, ruthless, and badass. The game's HUD illustrates how he sees the world as a video game. Assassination is used as a metaphor for the violent wish-fulfillment common in many games. And Travis only cares for violence and the means to pursue it, pouring all his resources into weapons and entrance fees for assassination contracts.
7The assassination missions themselves are a symbol for video games, while time spent in the open world is considered the "real world." Travis rarely interacts with anybody in the open world, from the citizens on the street to the shopkeepers. In fact, he only uses the open world as a medium for tedious jobs like pumping gas and mowing lawns, merely as a way to earn enough money to go on the next assassination mission. This reflects how many hardcore gamers work dead-end jobs, just to dump all their money on their favorite hobby.
9Travis is also stuck in this mentality, stating at one point: "I want to bail, but where the hell's the exit? There's no way out, is there?" He must constantly fall back on violence. Travis is the epitome of a self-absorbed, hedonistic gamer who cannot see any further than immediate gratification.
