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Archived Discussion WebAnimation / Haloid

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Kriegsmesser: My thanks to the Unknown Troper who removed his spoilerrific entries. This ending is Serious Business.

That Troper: Why do I get the feeling that Monty Oum wrote this article? It brims and froths with praise like an overflowing mug of beer.

Mediocre Ned: Fanboys tend to do that, generic troper. Anywho, why can't we talk about the 'twist ending' in this article, considering SamusIsAGirl, which spoiled the ending of haliod in its article, is pot holed to this page? Kinda seems asinine to withold the ending to me.

Amitai: C'mon, the ending wasn't that great.

Kill-o-Matic: I wrote that article and the one for Dead Fantasy too. The original description went something like "A Halo/Metroid CGI Fan Fic by a guy named Marty (yes, really) Oum." I just thought the guy deserved more than that. Love or hate Monty's videos, he never does anything half-heartedly. It only seemed fitting to make the article as over-the-top and biased as possible. (The only reason DF doesn't have such a description, is that, alas, I lack the poetic gift to do it justice.) Seriously though, this is a wiki, if you don't like something, feel free to change it. Except for spoiling the ending. If you do that, us Monty fanboys will find you, tear your arms off and beat you to death with them!

Batfan: Should we do something about the Samus Is a Girl page spoiling the ending to Haloid in its description? I hesitate to myself because I'm not sure just how Serious Buisness the Haloid ending is (I mean, if it really is our Mousetrap, then the Samus Is a Girl page pretty much blew it already).

Wulf: Having just watched the video after reading the page, the twist wasn't that twisty. It certainly doesn't seem like the sort of thing anyone should say "Don't ever spoil this ever ever EVER" over. Hell, even without any spoilers about it on the page, by saying "Refer to the Spartan character as MC, and no spoilering the ending," you give away the fact that it's not. The first thing I thought when I read that line was "Oh, so it's that Spartan chick from Dead Or Alive, then?" And I only ever played one game in that series, that the character wasn't in. Even without prior knowledge of that character existing, you give it away by insisting people do something they would do anyway everything were as it seemed. Seems to me like you may as well not worry about the spoiler being on the page, and simply make sure that it's always tagged when it is there.

EDIT: In fact, I'm gonna try and do something about those lines right now. EDIT 2: Yeah. Not gonna happen. The only way to keep it from getting "spoiled" would be to get rid of any references to there being spoilers in the first place. And I'm still not convinced that it's that big a spoiler to say "don't ever spoil this" and remove any reference to it.

Wulf: Think I figured out a solution— the supersecretspoiler markup, which doesn't show up, even to people who have spoilers set to visible— if you don't know it's there, it'll appear to be regular background.

Kill-o-Matic: So it's a spoiler that is only ever likely to be seen by: 1) the person who put it there; 2) the 3 or 4 people, who actually read this discussion; 3) someone who highlights it by accident and gets a spoiler they might have not wanted to see. Seems kind of counterproductive, if you ask me. Now, if there was some kind of spoiler that only shows for people who set spoilers to visible (and therefore obviously don't care about being spoiled), that would be a good solution.

Wulf: Pretty much, although because there are no other tags on the page, I can't see why someone would be highlighting anything. On your second point- that's exactly what regular spoiler tags are for, but every time someone adds it/them, you delete it. Just leave the regular tags alone, and it'll all be fine— Anyone who highlights it doesn't care about being spoiled, but it'll let us list the trope in such a way that someone who does want to see it can if they want. And, as I said earlier, by specifying "call the spartan character MC", you let everyone know it's not Master Chief anyway. Anyone who reads that's first thought'll be either "so it's one of the ones from the Expanded Universe, Nicole, or an Original Character", and if they know about Oum's other popular work, they'll probably assume it's female.

Kill-o-Matic: Don't know about other people (yes there are other people, who deletes examples on this page ;), but for me spoilers are an epic Shmuck Bait and I have an almost compulsive reaction to highlight them without thinking, which is why I always try to phrase plot-sensitive examples is roundabout ways to avoid them. That being said, removing the "Refer to the Spartan character as MC" bit is a good idea. Hopefully the second half of the warning and the rest of the examples will be enough of a clue for most people.

EDIT: It's done. Also noticed the mouse cursor changes and the pothole address appears in the status bar when hovering over the super secret spoiler and it breaks the line at sufficiently low resolutions/large fonts. No, I'm not paranoid, why do you ask?
