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Archived Discussion VideoGame / Spore

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Can there be a bit more elaboration on the "Digital Rights Management" part of the discussion?

Hydro Globus: Added some math to the Space Compression part. I didn't want to outright delete it so that the original poster can see that too and thus I obeyed to the Rule Of Cautious Editing Judgement... sorta. At least I might have prevented a Flame War.
  • That's a good idea and all, except you totally ignored the problem of how to keep a spacecraft in orbit of a body whose escape velocity it's exceeding by a factor of more than a hundred, or for that matter in orbit of a star whose escape velocity it's exceeding by a factor of two. In short, your math is fine; you now need only explain how you prevent your hypothetical spacecraft from zinging off into interstellar space.

Insanity Prelude: Might have, but now I'm wondering what circumnavigating real Earth has to do with it.

Hydro Globus: I only used Earth as a reference. And I was kinda generous since Earth is the largest terrestrial planet in our Solar system.

I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be "jumping between evolutionary levels", as a look at the game timeline will reveal. The representation is supposed to be skipping over several million/billion years when evolving new parts.
